Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1911)
MOUNING ENTERPRISE, 8ATUKDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 191V m It tee waa disposed to leave this matter In the bands of tbe governor for tbe time being. The bills were the result of a care ful research and tbe beat thought of me coniiuiivev ana were aaopiea oy a very large majority. There were not more than four dissenting votes at any one time od any measure. AMONG TflE CHURCHES Foot Ball, Watch, or an Air Gun FREE WITH EVERY BOYS SUIT Yo will H here 1' "otment of Fine Boy'a FII Salts and Orercoati In all the new shades In lf0Wfl ad dark gryi Alio a complete line of Boy ' Hats, Shoes and Furnishings. Price $3.50 to $10 ' J. LEVITT ,U8PeNION SRIDO CORNIR, See Oar Windows. " 1 ss3 10 REWARD r,.r tbe arrest and convtotlon of in person or pereona, who l.Vfully remove copies of The JS hM be P' ' . j carrier. . Another M altar. niriWhv da rou Insist tipoo marrying LtablerT !! Un't to be trust d. The Otbrr Girl-Why. I a trait blra with uiy lire. i -But I nien that be le nut to be . ..A .hi. anvthln valuable that l(UlM T sa r,r"- LOCAL BRICfS Rolwrt Cassaday. of Carus, wn In ihli city Friday. Mr. Musslnaer. of Shubel, was In, ibli city Friday, v irk (iiiiv. of Carus. waa In Oregon City Krlday. J. V Wrldner. of Beaver Creek. was In thla city Friday. William Stubbe. of Eatacada, waa In ihli city on Friday. . . Vr aiM Mri tlanra-e fttevena. of Clark-a. were In Wis cuy rriaay, Ur ami Mra. Charles Howard, of Carus. were In Oregon City fTiaay p i. HrhKtnnl. of Molalla. transact d business In Oregon City on Frl y. ; William Miller, a well known frmr of Carua. waa In thla city Frl my. Fred Kamerath. of Bhubel. waa In Oregon City on a business trip in Mr and Mra . Nalaon. of Liberal, re among tha Oregon City vleltors Friday. Mr. and Mra. Charles Bpangler. of Carui. transacted bualneaa In Oregon City Friday. Ur m.wI U rm William Y Davis, of Cam, .-r among tha Oregon City visitors Friday. Fred I .lira a aftar anendlna Several yara at Lebanon, baa returned to all borne at Park place. Mra. 8. 8. Neeley, of Ooldendale. wain., U visiting her Bister, jura, w I Etchlson. of thla cltr. Mlita Haiel Tomllnaon, of Portland. Ii In tills city visiting bar aunt. Mra. Jot Alldredge, of Seventh atreet. . Kiimirif vuar V. l.a- w w farmr of Clarkea, waa transacting ousmegs in Oregon City fTiaay. Mra. J. Everhart, of Bellwood. waa hi thin dlr Friday on her way to Molalla. where aha will visit her ions. ihl lla.J K (V. l,inllunl farmers of Clackamas county, whose pome is at Carkea, waa in tDia cuy riuny. " T. K. Ketchum. of Vancouver, Wa.h waa In thla city Thuraday and Friday, registering at the Electric Hotel. ,, . Bvry young man ahould study law. It la - . i i j A km lilt UUIIIUIUGII W1BUUIU V It tnnkfs a power In the world. Now l a good time to commence course in Law at the Portland Law School. Mrs. Robert Bchoenbor. of Carua, bo la visiting her alaterln-law, Mra. Blara Bmyth, la 111 with an attack of ftAH .nil f 1 A . tA nf SaII iiiii iami'"H dvuui w " v ood, were in thla city Friday, hav lug come to bare to vlalt their broth er, who hue Intermittent typhoid fever. n ur. nillittt. of wilmore. Kan.. who waa in tbla city laat year, r turning to bla borne laat November, will arrive in tnia cuy nuuuaj u vlalt Mr. and Mra. 3. Qllleit. iiu. ura riaoraa T. Carter lecture at Bhlvely'a. I p. m , Monday, Septem ber 26, on "iteaucing me ioai oi ut- lng.M Admlaalon 25 centa. Free lec ture. Bujuday night, on 'Immonaiity. Uroiberbood and Unlvereal Peace." The Primitive Ilaptlata will bld snrvicna Hattirday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Mountain View church, Hav. Moffatt officiating. The mornr Ing service will be at 10:30 o'clock. I anil fttin Crartaa- of Holae. Idaho, will arrive In this city today, having been summoned here owing to th-deah-of -their-father j-JullHa-Kr-Freytag, who died In Portland at tbe 8t. Vincent Hospital Thursday eve ning. ' V Tha RrlMLle Iluaineaa University of Portland, Oregon. Is a SELECT SCHOOL that la giving tbe very highest training wort. Young peo ple who attend this Duklnees Unl veralty make moat rapid lrogrea, and are always sure of a good posi tion when competent, and are al ways abte to noia u. , Visa Mable Volkmar, a highly ea ter med young woman of this city, and who baa taken part In many mualcal entertalnmenta. left for Cor- vallla Friday, where ane wui laae mnalral rntiraa at the Oregon Agri cultural College. Mlaa Volkmar waa accompanied by her mother, who win ... . .hia itv iruia v IV1UI u . - - norr MrCarver,- or - portmna, nr First Baptist Church Main and Ninth streets, 8. A. Haywortb, pas tor. . preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; the Sunday school meets at 10 a. m., K. E. Cross, auperlntendent; Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p. m.; all are wV ' tome. - " Cathollo Corner Water and Tenth atreets. Rev. A.' Hlllebrand pastor, realdence 11 Water: Iw Muss a. m., with sermon; High Mass! 10: So a. m.; afternoon service at 4: Maaa everr mornlna at I. First Congreestlonal Church. Morn ing aervice ai iu:su ociock; eve ning service at 7:45 o'clock, ' Flrat Church of Chrlstl Scientists Ninth and Center atreeta; Morning aervlne at 11; Wednesday evening meeting at o'clock; reading room open every afternoon except nun- cay rrorn I to t o cioca. German Evangelical Corner Eighth and Madison streets. Rev. F. Wlevealck pastor, realdence 713 Madison: Bundav' school 10 a. m. Herman Bcbrader, Monroe atreet, auperlntendent: morning aervice U; Young People at 7 p. m. and preaching at I p. m.; prayer meet ing wenneaoay a. c.u p. m. Gladstone Christian Rev. A. H. M'lt i L. naalnr raalrfnnca flladstone: Sunday school 10 a. in., N. ('. Hen- drlcka, superintendent. Morning aervice, 11 o'clock. Brotherhood anrvlcea at 7:4S. ' Mountain View Union (Congregav tlonall Bunday acbool 3 p. m., Mra J II Oulnn aunrlntendent: nible Study every Thuraday after- Wfti ' fall &m Wnciter I aV III!. .Willi H " vii Hl.ia fv - a An ,u 'r a i v f L J I - t li visiting relatlvea In the city for a few dava. . p. A. Merrtam, Chief Electrician of the United Btatea Navy, will deliver hla laat lecture this evening at the nrand Theatre. He Will go to aiem to lecture tomorrow. PLANSTO IMPROVE ROADS SUGGESTED (Continued from pm 1) a m m it aa t . r . . s V he SDDortloned among the several counties of the state according to their reapectlve area In square mllea. The bill further provides that before .n. .minrtlnnmanl of the State high fun shall he made to any coun ty, aald county muet first expend an ....I amnnnt r money In the con struction of public highways In said miiiik tha orl to DC aone uuuei k. annarviainn of the State Highway fv.r., aalnnar. The hill runner prw vldea the method by which county Mjiiirli an rl other offlcera ahall avail ..aiuiiai nt tha nrovlalona or tnia act. and further, how aald county ahall be reimbursed from tne ran treasury. The third bill, known aa me aid bill, provides specially bow each county may secure atate aid or Ita apportionment from tbe state high way fund. Electlona May Be Called. The fourth meaaure, known aa the Ilondlng Act, Is very brief and is as follows: . , ;-Tbat any county may, by an elec tion called by the County Court upon petition of ten per cent or tne ieai nnmnntait unon the last reg istration llata compiled In . aald coun- . h a matnrlt nr ttlOSe TOling Oil I ( 11 a --'" . . . j. the question create ana issue wn". other evidences of in debtedness or debts for permanent roads or for the construction, main tenance, imnmvemeiit or repair f . l,hln aalit rountV." The question of counties Donaiug iv...ii for funds was passed at the last election, but the meaaure was not considered sen-acting enu this proposed bonding act Is In the nature nr an enaniiiia t h aHiiinn tn tne meaaur uicu- U KHUtl ..... . tloned in detail a recommenaai on waa alao. made that an Initiative measure be prepared for submission to the people at tne nexi election prqvldlng for an Issue of 30 years 6 per cent bonds to the extent of $20,000,000. It Is suggested that these bonds be issuea at tne i 12 000.000 per year covering a penou of ten years. No- action waa tanen in tbe working of convicts as tbe com- Methodist Eolacooal Church Rev. E. F. Zimmerman, paator. wunaay achoil at :45. Preaching by the paator at 10: a. junior League at n fn. rirat Presbvtarlan Church Rev. J. R. Landaborougn, paator. Morning worship at 11; Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Mrs. W. C. Green, su perintendent: T. P. 8. C. E.. at 7 n'rlnrk. Parkplace Congregational Rer. J. L. jonea pastor, reaiaence laaaniaa, Sunday school 10 a. m., Emery tvanph annerlntendent : oreachlnc services each Sunday, alternating between 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Christian Endeavor Thuraday eve- tilna 7-SO. ' St. Paul's Rer. C. W. Robinson, rec tor. Dally services: Morning pray- er, 7am.; Tlolr EucharlaL-I:3q aL 1 " 0 1 iT m.; evening prayer. 7:30.; Sunday anCl I attemS. aervicea: hoij tucmrni a . morning prayer. 10:30; Holy Eucharist and sermon 11 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon at 7:30: Rundav school 12 m.: Thuraday ...nln. aertnnn at 1 ' SO. United Brhren Corner Eighth and Taylor, Rev. U F. ciarae paawr. realdence. Portland; Sunday echool 10 a. m.. Frank Parker, Maple Lane, auperlntendent; morning aervice 11; Y. P. 8. C. E. p. m evening ajftrvlnai 7. taiuiaaata M T Vr resiilar Drench ing aervicea: Hunoay kuwi a p. n Uaa Dumi annerlntendent. Zlon Lutheran Corner Jefferaon and . n V Eighth atreets. Kev. w. n.. ".ra berger pastor, residence 720 Jeffer son; Sunday school 9:30 a. m.. Rev. Kraxberger, superintendent; . monv Ing service 10:30; evening 7:45; Luther League 7 p. m. Weat Oregon City School Houae J. O. Btaats will preach at 3 o'clock; Sunday scholl conducted after sermon. Ii lllllrl (i if m Not Cheap Goods but Better Goods at best Prices is the aim of This Store. Mother Shipment of New Fall Maiiney Nifty Hats for the Ladies at prices within the reach and -reason of all. See theJatest in Department. - ' Fall Opening of Fine Df ess Goods.. We are pleased to show our New Line of Fall and Winter Dress Goods. . 1 - ' t. . . : Our Mannish Suitings in Mixtures of brown, gray red and blue affords, a good selection. We also show a good line of Broadcloths, Serges, Mohairs and Panama in the latest weaves . . - J. . : -- r '- Our large exclusive departrnent for Furniture. Stove., linoleum. Wall Paper and Bedding, offer. Special Value, to Ca.h buyer.. Let m quote you' our price, in Furniture and Stove.. - v ' . . ' Orogon City's Big Department Dtoro ANOTHER CLOSE GAME IS WON BY BEAVERS MISS DOLLIE PRAn DELIGHTFUL HOSTESS lll.a rtntlv Pratt was a -delightful hostess at a party given at ber home last evening In honor of Mra. E. Ken neth Stanton. Mrs. Stanton, wno. formerly was Miss Anna Shannon, was married about a week ago. Mlsa Pratt was assisted in receiving oj. Mlssea Stella Grace and Mona King, of Portland. A sumptuous luncheon was served and Mrs. M. D. Latour- ette won first prlae at "600. ansa v-m. rafinM .mi aMnnd nrlxe. The entertainment was one of the moat delightful gin in tne city mis fall, and Mlaa Pratt waa congraiuiav ed by all her frlenda. The following were present: -. - Misses Clara Caufleld, Edna Cau field, Nellie Caufleld, Marjorle Cau fleld. Helen Dalton. ' Besa Dalton, Elizabeth Rooa. Annie Dollack. Ruth Brlghtblll. Wynne Haney, Kate 8ln nott, Clara Fields. Catherine Mont gomery, Allan Aaama, Maine ujus, Nleta Harding, CIS Pratt, Alice Shan non and Mesdames M D. Latourette and J. N. Wlsner. . MOUNT PLEASANT THE Milk and Cream in bottles delivered at all hours. , Dairy Duttor Froch EcDO On and after Oct. lit we will be at the oW Grand Union Tea Co. atore on 7th St. FARMERS ATTENTION We ant yor Mtllc and Datry Prodoce. Phone Main 1262. SCHOOL ENLARGED RTLAND. Sept. 21. (8peclal.) With Steen on tbe mound Portland snatched another rlctorr from Oak land today. The score waa 4 to S. Portland winning In tbe ninth. Tbe Beavers got 3 In the sixth. Krueger scored when Sheeban's drive bounced Over Pernoll's head. Sbeeban took second on Pernoll's wild throw to Zacher. Peck singled to center , scoring. Sbeehan. . Kuhn singled to left. Peck scoring. Sten waa sale when Cutsbaw dropped his fly. Oak land made one score in the sixth and two In tbe eighth. Tbe reaulta Friday follow: Pacific Coaat League. Portland 4. Oakland 3. 8acrameto 6. Vernon 3. Los Angeles 6. San Francisco 3. Northwesterln League. Vancouver 3, Seattle 0. Other gamea postponed on account of rain. American League. New York 4. Cleveland 3. Detroit 8, Boston 3. Philadelphia 2, St Louis 1. Chicago 5-1, Washington 0 0. National League.' New York 4, 8t. Louis 3. Chicago 8, pnuaaeipnia a. Cincinnati 6, Brooklyn 3. " Boston 1, Pittsburg . STAN Q I NO. Hotel Arrivals. The following are registered at tbe Electric Hotel: John "Wright, Port land; Mrs. J. C, Seattle; C. H. B. Thomaa and wife, Seattle; Cora Hutson, New York; Ous Green bourn, Floyd Holden, Mrs. Brown. Victor Burnell, Portland; L. J. Kin nawa, Portland; L. J. Fenerborn. L. Hylton. William Stoob, F. K. Ketch em, Vancouver, Wash. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ot R. and Heasie Mack to O. W. Krueger. easterly IS feet of lot 3 of block 4. Canby; $750. , ' Jan.ce A. Bunnell to Rudolph and Agnes Martin, lota 1 to 23, 26 inclu sive and 27, block 5; lots 9 and 13, Inclusive and lots 16 to 22; lots 13, 14, 15, block 4 Oak Grove Park; $100. James BeU to Ella C Durham, land In sections 17 and 18, township 3 , south, range 1 east; $1. ' Ella C Durham to C. W. Bryant, land to section IT, 18. township 2 south, range 1 east; $1. . Samuel F. Owen and Clara U Owen to Clara Owen, 409 acre of Clackamas county; $10. . -n ... lannl. Afreet to Alexander I Bailie. 12 acres of sec tions 9 and 16, townamp a k"h range 2 east; $6,100. . : t Tha. TLf nun t Peasant school. Which w.. t...n enlarareiT will he Opened una uvi. ' . - Monday. Miss Minnie Grace, princi pal, and MISS uesaie iapeu, wkuw .v.. int.rmarilata deoartment have Ul VU . vu . ' arrived In Mount Pleasant and are ready to begin wora. miss itowett, nArilmH la tha teacher of the Drl The school now has three rooms, four cloak rooms and new bans, ah me noora mnA the bulldlna Is considered nn.'nf tha best In the county. The interior finish Is of cream ana crown nia LMt train. . ij.hMn mi tob as a porter on ha F.nirllsh railroads. Shortly after he begso bis duties a woman a tn him ana aain: 1 have jnst lost tbe train. How long .... k..a wait for tbe nextr . annu uu " ----- - Be Jabera. yon bad better go and And the one you iom. ew lu" pany will be after yes." returned Pat London Anaw-re ' The Fleet Taxaa. Abont 2.800 years ago the first taxes were levied on the Athenian people by E. 8. U. Steno raohers Bookkeepers Great Portland .. Vernon . . . . Oakland 4 . . . San Francisco SacramrntD . Loa Angeles Psclfle Coasti W. . . ...... 95 94 82 77 73 L. 67 74 85 95 94 104 P.G .686 .669 '.625 ' .463 .450 .412 Northwestern. W. Vancouver . Spokane ... Seattle . M ' Pnrtland ... Taooma ..... 7 Victoria ' 41 T a 96 ...89 ...83 ... 80 L. 69 70 73 73 76 117 '1- i. P.C. .619 '.661 .632 .623 .610 .259 What Do You Think of This? ... ..ab In alnht at OraQOn City T-II- ..e Una an InaUllmenta! -a inn. vi - , . a ..m. 4.9 aalla from ear line, with 800 corda of wood, $100 pr jcre. For these and others Inquire ot Clyde, 1003 Main atreet, Oregon vy Business firms ore recognizing the superior training of our Business university over the work of the busliess colleges. Our standard is higher; our work Is much more thorough; our work Is more complete; and our students are more proficient In every way. OUR TEACHERS ARE TRUE TEACHERS. Just school for the earnest young man or lady who desires t6 learn ond have the high est and best training at reasonable tuition rates You ore sure ot individual help and Instruction. You know the large schools cannot give It. You should Investigate our work. Do It now; do not wolt. ln session all the year In day and night school. ELECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 630 Worcester illoclt. Phones: Marshnll 27SI; Home A346. PORTLAND, - - OREGON. ava anil , , Demand !"- : ' ! I u s tbe legislator Solon. ' P ':'