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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1911)
MOttNlNO ENTERPRISE. BATPBPAY. BKITEMIIKR 23. 1911. MORNING ENTERPRISE O&EGOS CITY, OREGON L E. BR004E Editor and PwWIshee. tt4 aa iMoa4-(lui mattar Jaav S. ItlL at the arno at ft City. Oragna, uadaf taa Aet of taarefe . im." Tens f smaarmH. Um Year, by mall M M St H(U by avl .-, I N rour Moatb. br mall t.M r weak, by eaurrler. .. .. J COHTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Mra Paa per men nra lnrto. . . . 1M rtrat Pm. p Inch added laaertloaa. .lea Prafarre: poalrtoa aay aac. par meh - tm tartton lie lafiTad poaltloa aay sag, par mod addoa taaarUoaa Of ftini paper alhrr I baa drat pas, par ate rmft Ineerttnn is In papa athar Jkaa Aral P". par m Saeertlona aa lac ar Itaa; M ranlar eer to Baa. , Waata, For Bala. Ta Rani eta, aw ' at a ward ftrat maartlaa; ewo-aalf aaai arh additional. Rataa for advartlataa m aaa Waakly . ganarprtae will ba lha um aa as tha aally, for advartteemeata art oapamaJly far tha waakly. lha aaaartlaam X m traaafarrad from tha dally ta Uia ! y. without cwaaa-a. tha rata will ba aa aa tack for ran af tha papar. aad lea aa mch for apaelal poaltMw. Caah eheuM aeoompaay ardar abaii la unknowa la baehisa effloe af ' Uia Bnterpnae. v- Local edvarUstag at legal ad artless a ratae. - lreti advertising and apaelal tiaaaUal tdvertlafag at tie to So aa bteh. aaoard a ta apodal coadlttoaa iwaalm taa . aama. . ' "Flra Bate" aad Bankrupt Bala advar teaoiaat He Inch tlrat ItiawHua; addl jottal Ineertloae aaaa mattar ate mea, Now Itama and wall wrtttea aitlala af marlt. with tntereet to local raadara, will ba gladly aoceptwd. Relaetad aan i arrtpta aaaar returned onleaa aerompaa- arrtpta aeaar ma by atunae to prepay piailaaa CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. .' -THE MORNING ENTERPRISE U on sale at tha following tores e every day: d e . Huntley Bros. Drags e Main 8treeL d , , J. W. McAnulty Cigars e ' , 8eventa and Main. -4 Secreat Confectionery 4 ' Main Bear ELxth. . M. E- Dunn Confectionery - , Next door to P. O. , City Drug Stors Electric HoteL Schoent)orn Confectionery ) -, BeTenth and X Q. Adams. e . ,' Sept 23 In American History. 177 Paul Jones In the Bonhomme " Richard won a signal victory over 7: tbe BrttiiiQ. - 1790 Major Andre. British agent In . - Benedict Arnold's treason, arrested ... near Neirjork. 1839 Firs destroyed forty -all commer ' ' rial buildings in New York city; ' loss S4.000.000l 1890 Three-fourths of Colon. Panama. ' destroyed by firs. 1808 Colonel Richard Malcolm John son, tbs southern noreflsL. died tn .' Baltimore: born 1823. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. ' (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Bun sets 6 2. rises 0:45: moon sets . 656 p. m.; moon at greatest llbrttioo west. 11 p. hl. eastern time, aatnmnal qnlnox; days and sights equal the world orer. Mercury and Veans r ibis in aaat at dawa. RETIREMENT. Nobody need be surprised at the report that Senator Joseph W. Bailey Is to step out of office st the end of his term In 1913. For several years past be has been out of harmony with his party on essential Issues. He Was against Bryan and the domlnent ele ment of the Democrats on free silver. On the tariff be has opposed some of the measures of bis party. He is against It on the Initiative, referen, idum and recall. All three of these questions have been of some conse quence ,and the two lastrnamed are still before the country, and will give trouble to the Democratic party in 1912. X generation of Democrats have ap peared upon the scene who know not , Joseph, and Joseph recognizes this fact. Wild men like Winiams of Mississippi are at the front in Demo cratic councils these days. In a con troversy between the Mississippi man and the Texan a few months ago on the question of "What is a Demo crat?" the Mlsslssipplan declared that the Texan's credentials were bogus. American Ear For Music Is the Keenest In the World M J J By OTTO KAHNi New York 'HOUGH we have not as think the Americans are PEOPLE in that they are - Proof of that is everywhere. It seems to be the art to .' which tbe soul of the American people rerponds most readily. I think also there is much understanding here of music and sincere re- spouse to ita APPEAL, though there is not aa yet in the public at large of tbe United States tbe same degree of scholarly APPRE- CIATION" or f accurate knowledge and widespread musical culture sa is found in Germany. ( . In aoroe respects we ask we even demand HIGHER STAND ARDS than the Germans do. We have set tbe mark which must be reached in opera, for instance, higher than tbe Germans have. We require s considerably higher level of individual and general excel lence than other nations do. " i "( . ' i THINK ALSO I MAY VENTURE THE ASSERTION THAT. THI "oan ear rr ,muic is jam KEENEST. .THE MOST sensi- And he was right It Williams and his Incoming colleague Vardaman ar Democrats, Bailey Is not. For a short time altar going to the Senate Bailey waa looked a po aa sort of a leader. He held that post for a few years tn the House, and there was. a general opinion that he would gain It In the 8enata. But the defects of tempera ment which prevented Mm from be ing a success as a party chieftain tn the popular chamber Impeded him tn his newer field. Democrats 6t much less natural ability exerted far" Speak er Influence than he did. or than he ever could. Nevertheless, Bailey's retirement will help to call attention to the Ir repressible conflict In the Democracy which threatens to render Us life rather troublesome to Itself In the next few years. Speaker Clark, Chairman Underwood and the other men who are In the Inner council of the party in the House say that the tariff will be at .the front In the cam patgn of 1911. They are correct It waa at the front In the extra session, will be prominent In the session which opens tn Dec. and stands a chance to be paramount In the can vass next year. The only doubt as to Its paramountcy lies tn the uncer tainty aa to whether the Democratic platform will give greater or less prominence to the Initiative, referen dum, and recall. -4e- Holes are already being found in the new publicity law which Is sup posed to compel senatorial candidates to file complete, reports of their cam paign expenditures But. It 'Is hard ly likely that the hole is as large as that In the needle's . eye ' through which an animal with a too pre nounced hump could not pass. . ee Three thousand descendants of one male pair of Webbs are .'holding a family reunion In Illinois. This ts an old family. North and South, and older yet. It antedates the Normans in England. And Us fecundity Is at tested 'In the' progeny of these two Illinois Webbs brothers The stoqk Is a Webb-footed bird. Madras MeequKeea. . The- late Henry Ouy . Carieton. the playwright lived at Atlantic City, and when the mosquitoes were bad . he wonld tell his Madras moaqutto story. "There are no moaqultoea," be would begin, "in BrlflanyTand a Breton woman-, about to emigrate to Msdrsw. wss warned by a friend: - ' "'Beware of tbe Madras mosquitoes. Tbey have long suckers hanging from thetr heads, .and tbey will draw tbe very life blood out of you." . The Breton woman arrived In Ma dras duly snd an sbe disembarked she saw three elephants drawn up near tbe "Cleir she cried. "Aras tbVmo quitoesr-St. Paul - Dispatch U BloMee For a Young Girl. Toung girls will wear this fall with their tailored suits on dresxy. occasions charming little half decollete blouses. CIUHMINO WAIST OP VIOLET SATIN, The model pictured ts a charming af fair of this description carried out in violet sutln beavlJy embroidered In roynl purple, and silver The "mod esty." the m-w term for gulrape, aud the gldle nrc of jet passementerie picked '.'.K nlth silver beads. Financier yet been very creative in music, 1 a DISTINCTLY MUSICAL genuinely FON'D OF MUSIC. dfJ New York Police Believe They Have Chief of the Black Hnnd y ,y , ..... .... . j Photos by American Preaa Association " NEW'TORK police are congratulating themselves and tbt public on the fact that tbey have Giuseppe Costablle In custody, beki without ball for trial on tbe charge of carrying a concealed weapon Tbe weaKn tn this rase wss. a bomb Oiled with enough explosive lo shatter a building Costablle's attorney made a strong flgbt for his client st ibe pre liminary, hearing, arguing that tbe bomb was not a "weapon" within flic meaning of tbe law. Costabtle declares tbst be Is ibe victim of a conspiracy and that tbe police placed the bomb under bis coat after bis arrest- The real cause'for the Jubilation over Costsblle's arrest, however. Is found in the fact that tbe police say be Is Ibe besd of 'tbe Black Hand organization that oh been a terror to Italian residents of New York for years. Thousands of dot lira hare been extorted from them by threats snd several score buildings bsve been' blown up when the demanda for money were refused. So grest Is tbe terror Inxplred by tbe Black Hand tbst victims refuse to testify sgslnat Ita memlern anil agetita and stories told lo tbe police are "forgotten" when the wprTiTMrid"Tirreacheir Cosrabtterjwnu Is mltd-TooktnirchaprBod tt bomb be carried wben be waa arrested are shown In the picture. HOP MARKET ACTIVE; PRICE IS ADVANCING ( Hop market Is firmer with-the mar ket showing an advance of 1 14c a pound 'over first quotations. ' A sale of one lot was made at Sll verton at 33 l-4c a pound. Tn lot was purchased by Julius Wolf and Included 84 balea. Several groweV holdings were In the deal, Including the Warnock crop. T. A. Lively ft Company purchased the renters' portion of the Imbree lot at Hlllsboro, tbe deal Including 50 bales, at 32c, while the other portion of the. crop, or about 150 bales, wss purchased by J.-W. Seavey Compapy at the same figure. The purchase of the Hurd lo: of 70 bales was reported from. Harris burg at 33c but the name of the buy er was net given. Many- Inquiries are now coming forward for hops. The messages are from domestic ss well as foreign buyers, but so far as known- no ad ditional orders have been received. Oregon Is the only market along the coast Chat any business Is show ing in the hop trade. At California points the market Is very firm with growers holding for 35c to 40c a pound. No business ' Is shown ft Washington; because growers aro still picking and are not yet ready to let go.- HIDES (Buying Oreen hides, 6c to 6c; saiters, 5 He to 6Vc; dry hides; 12c to 14c. Shtep pelts, 25c to 75c each. DRIED FRUITS Local prices are firm at from c to 10c on apples and prunes. Reaches are 19c. 8ALT Selling 60c to 90c for One. 60 lb. srxk. half ground 40c; 76 for 100 lb. sacks Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, 11 25011.50 per sack; parsnips, $1.25 ft $1.60; turnips. $1.25'3$1.6b: beets, $1.60. ONIONS Jobbing prices ; Oregon $2.75 per 100; Australian, $3.60 per 100; Texas, $2 25 pet crate: Califor nia, $ per crate. Oregon City Stock Quotations. HOGS .ogs are quoted He .jwer From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. 9r, from 150 lbs. to 200 lbs. SHc. BACON. LAKD and HAM. are firm VEAL CALVES Veal calves oring from 8j to loc sccording to grade. BEEF 8TEERS Beet steers, for 'he local markets are fetching KHcto 6He II vo weight. SHEEP r arm at o to 5c live weight. - Ouotarran or Oregon City. POTATOES Best, Buying IH cents pound. FIXHJR AND FEED Flour Is steady; ' soiling from $5 to $ JO; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Bnyng) Cray, $23 to $24, white, from $25 to $26. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts OAKLAND VS. I . PORTLAND September 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. Qames Begin Weekdsya at I p. . ' Sundays, 2:S0 P. M. ' LAOIES' OAV FRIDAY BITTTSR (Buying) Ordinary ntry brings from 16c to 20c, fancy dairy from. ZOc to tie. cream ery 22c to 25c. EGOS Best grade 25 cents. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good hens are bringing lie. Old roosters sre in poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to isc with good demand. WOOL 7,(Buyiiig Tool prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. HAT (Buying.) . Timothy $16 to $17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay, bast, 112; mixed, $10 to $11; alfalfa, $12 to $14. FEED Shorts $29 'to $30; rollei barley, $31.60 to $32.60; process bar ley, $33.00: whole corn, $.19.00; cracked corn, $40.00; wheat $32.00 to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady-Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. EIGHTEEN CANDIDATES Willamette Falls Camp 148, Wood men of the World, initiated eighteen candidates at a meeting Friday night. Three other candidatea who were to have been Initiated could not attend the meeting. Sixteen applications were received. Tbe camp now has 444 members snd It Is expected that the membership will be Increased to 500 by Christmas. The hall was crowded at the meeting Friday eve ning, and several of the members had to stand up. Clam chowder waa served. Just a Faw Donts. Here are n few suggestions In tbe tray of don'ts which will be fouud to "wash well:" Don't put your secrets on paper fhey are safest In your own custody. Don't write anything unkind or con demnatory concerning a third person The Individual may bear of It and trouble follow. Always say lens than you mean In a lfer. f Iion't write affectionate letters to any man except yont father or broth er Don't write to a lover anything you wouldn't tie willing the newspapers should print with roar name attached. Yon can't tell what may happen. Cultivate the art of writlug Jolly, friendly, clever letters, from which personalities are carefully ellmluated. E. W. Mellien Now open for business with a full line of., new, and secondhand furni ture. . PRICES TO SUIT THE CUSTOMER. '. Highest Price Paid for Sscond Hand Furniture. ' In the new Brick Building, Sixth snd Main Streets. .' . For the Children Aa Alligator's Nasi In the Florida Bverfllsdas. Contrary to tbe general belief, the rlM slllsator ta still lo I found In large numbers tn the Everglades of Florida, ludced. the surveying par ties of the Florida East Coast railroad extrusion were wore than ome st tacked by tbeiwr ferocious beasts. II Is seldom, however, lhat one discovers tbe nest of an alligator, but recently a naturalist photographer met with such luck, a Is shown by the accoiu panylug Illustration. There wre twen ty-three eggs In the nest, which Is not m ,vMrtiniMpltf Innra iiiiiiitter. rottaldi'r m mi... - .. . tng that these creature often lay from thirty to sixty egn In a single nei. Tbey are similar In stini to an ordl nary duck egg and about turee incurs tn length. r De It Newl Did you ever know a boy or girl who bad tbe habit' of putting off until lo morrow but which could and should be done today T This same boy or girl wouki be spt to say. ','Wbrn I'm a man I'll show you what work Isr or. "Wben 1 grow to be a woman t il do ibis or that, aud I'll do it welir SupiHwe this boy should say to his hands. "I'm not going to ue you now. yon are too small, but In some year from now. when you are growu up and strong enough. I'll put T"U t 'l use." Wben he grew to be s mnti he would flud hi hands iiulte wenk from lark of proNr use In bis roiiili sml usi)es for work Too need not wait until on sre grown men nnd women ta il lle things worth doing ! whst ll'tle yon can. nnd do ir nnw.-sri't rmi win find your hearts nnd !! iiml grow stronirrr for Hie thin1? ron w ill Oolls in Sism. flave yiu rver m--j Kintnee gin kiss ber' di.1) Ve.i. ou aoiililn't know she wn klsslui.' Ii If yon were not told, for win kl-wes ll In I he Millie fashion l U.i i j.ri:uii. SIuiih-pm k and that I by tombing their now and drawing In a loug breuib. It l really funny, particularly us ibe dolls, eirept tbe father and Mother dolls, wear no more i lollies thun the chil dren themselves. Tbe fathers and mothers wear strla of cloth wound round tbe middle of their ixxlle. ss the real eop!e do. The (loll of I he poor ieople are- mmle of linked mud. but children of rirb ieoile bare wood en dolls, which look niui'li more like real dolls than tbe little mud tlirure. Leapfrog Not Popular Any Mora. It ts not strangt tbiit the old fuh loned game of leapfrog hiia lot mui Ii of Its popularity with city Im. The sport has been sulMlltuteti by more active game. psrtl uiarly imxehiiil. and It Is seldom that boy ore mvd "giving a back." as tbey uWto do In days gone by Occasionally' tlny will be seen leaping over their comrade by straddling their let; wide spurt, but whenever there Is a "ensure to get to a baseball ground or to play "oue o' cat" leapfrog Is raleKated. Enjoyment of Kaeping a Diary. No doubt ninny lioys ami girl now keep n dlury. Others who do not will Ond a keen Sonne of pleasure In re cording the events of their dally life In tbl manner. A dlury I renlty n personal history. It enn lie imide both Interesting and useful nnd furnishes splendid practice In writing and com position, ns well ss tnilnliig In tmbits or erHfewy ntul accuracy, ns a di ary. If not faithfully Hint accurately kept. Is useless Celebrating Birthdays. Celebrating Mrtlniiivs i on,. 0f the oldest customs In the world. How many of you know that our timi rec ord of It Is In I'hnhioh s lime? The Pentateuch give graphic ,!, mil 0f birthday celebrations In hotior of the great king The Grast-Qrsat-Graati. Tha portrait of my srMt-icrant-nrasta Hang on lh parlor wnll. And why I am ufrald of ti,,,,, I do not know at all. Thay're n.vor rms.-Tn.yWP ,coa They navtr frown at m They tfo not lift , nnr whan I m nauchty ss cap lis Ana on old grrtt ha lovas to sml I nown on ma whlla I piny AIi!l0lh1.hllcoll"r'' hl' '""'ifh To ehoka tha m away I s'poae tha rrason that I foal So craapy and so fur Must b the way th.y star. It ,a Whanavar I am naar. For I can't ba on the sofa Or tha floor or any place Aran'v away on my fre -Touth's Companion. r u The Happy Number. Company remarks" by hlldren are famous for their Innocent luctlessnes and mistakes. Kui.ili Jennie's mother for Instance, bad Invited a large com' pnny to her house nnd. not hnvuig suf ficient silverware, bad botrow.-u from her sister. At table Jennie silently i islinlily "counted noses." then t.n.k. oui with: "It a g.KKl thing no more people . anie. innnmle. for we've i,t,, i m, enough knives and fork, to go with Aunt Maroh's and BlL"-'hu Rscord-UraltL , -iyf W ,u How to Uve wllhln Twt weans. IJuili your wants while enlarging your resources. Dispense lth lukurlea aa lon aa you can pay only fu, C,t'l'romoe your Independeaoa by Eooomlng a money atvet"' ' well a a money earner. - . You can buy an Interest-bearing Certificate of Deposit or a deposit in our Savings Department avert time you have. , 7? dollar. ' The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK Ilf THE COUNTY a ' XX fi LATOL'SaTTTB Praaldesil THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK oi OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, Tranaaata s 0aral Ssnklng Buelneee, .... ,. ,-.-.-1"- -r, Wants, For Sale, Etc WAKE UP TO OPPORTUNITIES that are all almut you. They are aa thick u can be and you can make them yosta by grasping them. A "Uner" in the Enterprise will help you to bring aithln your reach Ibe opportunity you see Juat ahead. Hundred of people read these little IJuera" dully, you probably do your elf. Why- not use thorn for your own benefit. You can get nothing but beurfU no mattar bow small an ad you run and to run one for a month every Issua will be sure to bring rrlurna ay out of proportion to Ihe expense Involved "Which can ba only a faw cents at the moat. idatJhaaajlaaoifiae a will ba laeaM4 al aaa eaat a ware. fWat laa. half a aSSUal aaaae tlaa a aarS. II oar aiaaU. Hag laak aara. IS issaai at par aaoaila. Caah dim aanamaaar erSar walaas an aaa aa aoaa seeaunt Mk ISa papar. N fiaaarlai riMalbillly far aroi; waae, areara aerar fraa. oarrota4 aMlae WIU a prlaiMl for pairaa Mtaiaiua atiaraa la zzjk.. - 1 1 ii m m i ii I WANTED. WANTED Collectors to see my col lection of all sorts of curios, an tiques, and Indian trinkets; stamps fot stamp collectors; coins for numismatist, arrow heads for arch seologista, etc. I buy and soil all sorts of curios; also all kinds of secondhand furniture and tools. - George- Young, Main, near Fifth street. WANTLi, Mixaii 4rtUrooal this ool-jmn. Prices ary raasus sbla. fiee rata st bead of rtttma Read tbe Morning enterprise. WANTED Vou to anow that tbe En" terprlae Job printing department (a tha most complete la the State, outside Portland. Try It for your nevt printing WANTED Sign work. Everything from a muslin aim to a broute tab let. Smyth. Phone 1034. FOR"jsArer1' FOR SALE Spars la IhU column Hell that old plow or barrow; yon don't use It since you purchased rour new one FOUND. t'OrND-ou SnTrton vJ, sTpTy white sow. Owner call Farmers J4t. OHEOON CITY -WARRANTS In any amount from l.'on to $2,700 agalnat the Sixth Street Improvement Fund. Have been drawing Interest since September 10th. Will run spproslmately six weeks. Wilt sell them at Par. Oregon Engineering and Con struction Company, Room 14. Bea ver lliilldlng t FOR RALE Ona thoroughbred Jer aey bull calf, 9 months old. ready for aervlce. calve's mother gsve 1.200 pounds of milk first 30 days after she was fresh. R. L. Badger. Orenon City, R. F. D. No. 3. The Ten Commandments of Advertising. At the (jrmt convention in Boston a tihorttiiM ti'o of the Xational AnHocintion of Advrrtinng virn, Joseph Appd, Advertising Manager of WamiMukcr'H Philadelphia ntorc, gave to th lletail Advai'mcn' Division these ten command incut of advertising: . Thou fslmlt have no other gods in advertising hut truth. 1 ' . . Thou wluilt not make any graven image of wealth, or power, or station and thou shnlt noj how down thyself to them, nor serve tliein except with honor. ' ' '. , Thou Khalt not use the power of advertising m i unworthy eause ornin behalf of unworthy an (rinulu lienioinher the working day to keep it holy. 1 Honor thy business and thy advertising, that thev may honor thee, and thy days of usefulness be long upon the land. - . .' Thou shalt not kill fair competition from with out nor ambition from within your organization. Thou shalt not lie, misstate, exaggerate, nu' represent nor conceal; thou shalt not lcnr rw witness to the public, but thon shalt be fair t tliy merchandise. r . Thou shalt not. steal by falso pretenses in statements, sjioken, written or printed. ti ! Thou shalt not permit adulteration nor substi tution in advertised goods. ' . . Thou shalt not covet, rior imiUto nor run down , thy neighbor's business ; thou shalt not covet nor run down thy neighbor's name, nor his fame, nor . his wares, nor his trade, nor anything that is w neighbor's. , , Get Rtch ETiK. Cuu lagjoaOU Oven fraen f a,, at. fc FARM LOANS, FARM LOANS-Wuilck a hjT Lawyers. Oregon City, Or. ATTORN SYS. O. D. BUT, AUoraey-al-Ue Maa toaaed, abatracis ftarnlikai. 72 Utlea agaaiiaed. eetaiaa irutZ era! law bualaeea. Over fcl? Oregoa City. "" ' asyaa hi., , s m i ,sBSasa. UFJBN 4 BCItUBaiEU Atlarstn. Law, Deeuoher svekaL wia H Uoe a alt eourta. mm esUsoZ r ( vii mr. BUILDER AND COTaaCToT HARjtr joNsm nufidaf m4 q Oaaitraotor. Bstlmaiss ekaarftk Sivea om all elaaaas of Vateai work, eoaerete watts aa ratifer eataerete. Ree. fkae Mala in INSURANCE. H COO f BR. Fo Firs tsssraw and Real Rotate. Lot m HSt yosir propartiae a bey. sal as eiraasga. umre la Bait "Ids.. Oregon City. Oraeoa mtUMLJU-a " -r -r -rss , MISCEL LAN SOUS Notice of Application he Uasr Lleenae. NOTICE Is hereby given that I H, at tbe next regular meetlBcafSi City Counoll. apply for i nenaik sell liquor at my place of bunaa. corner Main and Fifth straw, kt a period of three months. H. JTSTIX Notice of Application for L ' ' Lkense. " NOTICE Is hereby given thst 1 1 : at th next regular maatttif et lty t Vuncll. apply for I llrtiws sell liquor at my place of W'Ims 405 Msln street, for a perk t three months. t j. a. Bnxa i BAKED FOOD SALE. ! Commencing' at 1 o'clock lis tt temoon, the King Dauttitsri af k Paul's Episcopal church will koUi baked food sale at the eatraar a the Masonic Tempi, on Mais at nesr Seventh. Baked besas, kW ) chicken, crab salad and other aJasTar dainties will be sold by ths kvhMk j charge. i PURSE AND WATCH STOll Mrs. Frsnk Donovsn, of WUUssra stepped out Into br hack fl Thursday to hang np cloth. aha out of the hOSM SOaoM entered and' stole a parse H that had been left hanglni oi n corner of a bed. Engine Crashes Through HJ The threaahlng machine as : glne of V. 8. Dlx crashed thwixi" bridge over a gulch Bear Cossf Thursday morning. The a engine and eepsrstor J"Jl Jumping. The thresher aS " will be tsken out of the $"' w day. . ' ' ; , Read tha Morning Etterprla To r 1$ Free, to El--