V MORNING ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, 8K1TKMHKK 22, 1911. i A- : ' -l : UORHIKG ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON S- C BRODIB, editor eM Pvbller.e. Kater4 as coad-ctaaa saatter Jaav serf , ! at poat aAre at Oraenei CKgr. Or ri. oaSM Uw Act at Mara TOMS IF JDMCtimCH. . Tiw. kr atatl Sli Mo l ha. h mall .. , retir Moatha. by ataU. e k. earrlar.,...,........v I M IN as out of l.usluee ud establishing got, ernmrnt banking, which l th only tro basis that will Insure permanent and lasting prosperity to th people for all time." CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES r I -Mm i r tare first rtit Pan. par Inch aada IhiH poiruai amy ...IS (ret meerrten. erefetre pnettlea any ' d4e Karraona lsa aa papar othrr tbaa drat pam. par hMfe I1n4 ta amnion lsa !U paper athar Jkaa tint pace, per saoa naai total pea. par a 1M I racolar ar- RaaU ate., m 1-eraJa lSc r : awre M da. Waata. Far Sale. To ni a war flrat w-a additional Raiaa for adverte a das Weakly terprtae wiu ba tba auai aa the taiy. far adTerttaaaiaata sat aapaastity V th ararkty. Where the MWftmawl transferred from tba daily ta tha wak y. Uhaut cmm tba rata wtU ba Pa as lac far ma af tha paper, aa la aa) ea far epeiaai paetrtoa. Cash ahoald aceoeapaar ersar asm aarty la - eaaaewa la bnahnaa afftas af -he Rntrrpnee. Lata advertisl; at 7bree advert lain and epeetaJ liaaelaal 4.vartlala at tc tu toe as atcs. aacierd- to epectal. candtttosa geracala tsa rtra Bato" aad Bankrupt aie sdvar tsameata tte tech first Inert! : addl anal lui Ulnna aajne matter Jte sack. fiewa ttrme aad wall arrtuaa artMaxa 4 aarh. with tatereat to lecai raadars. will ba ffladly aeeaodl Rataetad Mm awiyts sarar returned ial aerunn-aw a by stvanoa to prrpay soataaM. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. "THEsl0RNlN0ENTERPRlSEO la on sal at th following store Trr day: Uantley Bros. Drags . . Mai Street. J. W. McAnultr Ogara . Seventh and Mala. . ,4 Seerekt Confectionery 4 Ualn near Sixth. . M. K. Dann Confectionery Next door to P. O. City Drag Store Electric Hotel. , . Schoenborn Confectiooery ' Seventh and X Q. Adams. ; MOVING PICTURES ABROAD. Consuls report that badly edited moving picture film In foreign cooa trte ometlme cause ridicule and often are misunderstood. An Amer ican film In Malta ahowed a cow boy and Indian teen of Intrigue, de ception, and fixating. Th Indiana were in the traditional Indian cos tume and th cowboy wore their roe tame rather ' exaggerated for the occasion. The label of the film stied that (his Ttrture had been taken in the United States and that th actors wore th American na tional costume. v. Another similar case Is cited of a scene of a holdup tn th "cow coun try" in which serral men were killed, followed by a chase on horseback, and a lot of shooting. It had aa a subtitle th statement that this was an event In regular life In America. One of the tallest men we erer knew vu named Short. Nebraska Stat Journal. - Same here except that one of the shortestmeai we ever knew was nam ed Long Chicago Tribune. And the most Impoverished man we ever knew was named Rich. New York Herald. And one of the saddest men we ever- knew was named Gay. Sche nectady Union Star. And one. of the most famous bone heads we ever knew was named Wise. Springfield Union. And really one of th worst fel lows we ever met was named Good. Albany .KsickerbockerfPress. ' And th most confirmed bachelor we ever knew was named Benedict. And likewise the man who accomp lished the most of any man w9 ever Battery of Forty-six Gunson The Giant Battleship Michitfan -a- LET US HAVE ALL SIDES. - - - .. ....... .... ... Sept 22 in American History. -1776 Kat baa Hala-" ty." executed as a spy at New Xork- 18G2-Prsldent LIncol lasued his warning proclamation of emanct padoa. which was perfected Jan. L 1863. freeing th slaves In cer tain states at tb last named date. 1910-Charles Ray , Brayton. soldier, lawyer and Bbode Island politician, died: born 184a ASTRONOMICAL. EVENTS. (From noon today to noon to morrow , i Sua set 554. rises ft: 44: moon sets :10 p. m. Planet Mercory. and pos sibly Venus. TUrfble low la east, st dawn. .' The Morning Enterprise has re peatedly attempted to obtain, so far without success from officers of the Oregon City Commertal Club, news paper article pertaining to th con struction of free locks on the East aide of th Willamette River at Ore gon City. A great deal of the pub licity that has been given to th pro ject through the column of this news paper' has leaned toward, the opposi tion to an East aide canal, the sole reason being that those who favor West side locks have been willing to talk and hav presented figure and statements that go to make np good news stories. This Is s matter that Oregon City terprise hope that those who are Interested in th building of locks on tb Eait side and who are In a posi tion to furosh th reading public with reliable information - pertaining thereto. wiH pro Tide such information as they are able to furnish. The peo ple of Oregon City are entUed to hear all sides of this important ques tion and the columns of The Enter prise are open. - ''Ibid ; m'- Egr-&'jteiffl3ii THE CENTRAL BANK PLAN. From out In Kansas the horn of advanced political Ideas, come a book on "Progresstv Government," which alms to tell how to settle busl ' ness problems now before the coua , try. It advocate municipal banks and condemns th Aldrich plan for a central bank. The author sees nothing tut evil in the Aldrich plan. He says: It Is claimed, and with proofs to back th statement, that the national . banks through their organizations, are going to attempt by force, to enact the Aldrich bill into a law, aDd that the means to be employed to fore this measure through Co gross and upon the people, will be the withdrawal of the currency from the ch-cnels of trade, forcing th col lection of debt a, impaling credits, and thereby depreciate the value of th property of the people by hun dreds of millions of dollars; and it remains to be seen whether the peo ple will be Intimidated by these threats of disaster, or, whether they wlll call thia bluff of th banks and fight It oat, by putting tb banks CONTRACTS MADE TOR POTATO SHIPMENTS Contracts for carload shipments of potatoes are being made for early d livery at from Sac to $3 per cental L o. b. country shipping points. For selected Gresham and Eastern Multnomah as well as Clackamas stock the tade Is bidding fx per cen tal In car lots while the lower price Is ruling for regular Willamette Val ley stock. In a limited way and for small lots $1.25 Is being paid for selected poU toes delivered in Portland. Ordinary stock for similar delivery is going to wholesalers at $1 and the retail trade Is paying from $1.35 to $1.50. accord ing to quality. There has been a notable Increase In the offerings of potatoes in tbe local market during the past 46 hours. Digging is more general ail through this territory and farmers are begin ning to offer In larger lots. Naturally this has a tendency to ease np quota tions slighUy. Quality of this year's crop is very good, according to latest samples brought forward by growers. Not only are sizes very good but th stock is smoother than usual. HIDES (Buying Green hides. 6c o Be: saltern, 5e to v,c; dry hides, 12c to 14c. Shtep pelts. 25c to 75c each DRIED FRUITS local price sr Arm st from & to 10c on apples and prunes. Reaches are 19c. Photo by American Press Association. AN Idea of tbe fighting atdllttea of the American trendnoui:m MIcoikvo may be gained from tb fact that abe ba a battery f t-tht twelve Inch guns, twenty-twe three-tneb kuus sud slxteeu siunlj rvpUl fire - guns She also has two submerged twenty-one lurb turtHHlo tut4 It takes 300 pounds of smokeless powder, coating about fJSX t Ore so UO pound 'projectile from one of these twelve inch gun At this rate fighting la made verj expensive, and tb Idea of modern armaments Is that fighting. If started at all. shall not last long. Tbe Michigan, with her eight twelve-inch guns. Is as powerful in gun Or as tbe English Dreadnought, with ten twelve Inch guns, except when Bring dead ahead or dead a em. She Is a lo,000 termer, her engines are of 1 S.W0 horsepower eacb-a ad she makes elghtee n and a half knots aa hour with ease. - Her cost waa I5.000.UUO. I Longer Enlistment For Sol- diers Will Benefit Nation SALT Selling 80c to 0e tor Una. SO lb. seek, half ground 40c; 7 tot 100 lb. sScka, Portland Vegetable Markets. ... SACK VEGETABLES Carruts.4 $1.25$1.50 per sack; parsnips. $125 e$160; turnip. 1.252$1.W; , beet. I1.50. ' ONIONS Jobbtng-prlo: Oregon $1 7$ per 100: Australian. $3.50 per 100; Texaa, fj.25 per crat: Califor nia, $2 per crat. Oreger City Stock Quotations. HOGS ..Oi are quoted e .wer. From 125 lbs. to 150 lb. , from 150 lbs to 200 lbs, me. BACON. LARD and HAM. sr firm VEAL. CALVES Veal calve ortng from tr. to toe according in grad. PEEK STEERS Bee! steers for the local markets or fetching e to 6He liv weight. SHEEP r arm at e to 5c live weight ' Ouotarvana wr rjreflon Crt. POTATOES Best, Buying IH cent pound. F1XCR AND FEED Flour I steady, selling from $1 to K 30; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buyngl Gray. $23 to $24, white, from $25 to $28. BUTTSR (Baling! Ordinary country brings from 15c to 20e, fancy dairy from 20e to 22c. cream ery 22c to 25c. . EGGS Beat grade 25 cent. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good hen are ! bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor ! demand, broiler bring from 16c tn 18c, with good demand. WOOL (Buyvg" "ool price are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Short $29 to $30; roiled barley, $31.50 to $32.50: process bar ley, $33.00: whole corn, $19.00; cracked corn. $40.00: whest $32.00 to $33: oil men I. $53: Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pound. HAT (Buying.; Timothy $1 to $17; clover $9 to $10: oat hay, best. $12: mixed. $10 to $12-. alfalfa, $12 to $14- . . Wants, For Sale, Etc BE INDEPENDENT of your aalary and you will find that vr.ur aalarr will crow. . You have rmethinr that someone else who is a reader of the Entorrptie Is looking for. You know best wnat it i whether you are a salesman, a teach mr a mawhanlc nr whatever It is that you do Just a -Httl better than oth ers, that talent you can sen mrougn Enterprise "Liners." Try one for a month. ' The cost Is little compared to the benefit you will derive from tellllng several thouaand people day what you are best qualified to do. FARM LOANS Dlmlck AV .Dltnlck, i.awvars. oreaon City. Or. s ATTORN SYS 0. 0. KUT. Attorny-al-Iaw. Moa; loaned, abatraota furnished, laa title examlaed. aetata settled, awa eral law buakneaa. Over Bank at Orego City. trRKN HCIHTKBICU Atfray law. Oautschr advokat, wiy prae tire In all coart. tnak e4lctUas prise Bldg.. Orssoo Cltv. Orasoo TmDlTANb"co',vaCT'ow. HRHY JONBS Bufldr and Oeaeral Contractor. Bstlmata ebaerfirl ren on . all clne of hnltdln work, concrete walks an reinforce concrete. Re. Phone Mala II INSURANCE. H. H t'OOPBR. Tn Fir Insurance ad Ral Estat. Lot haadl your properties w buy. H ezchang. OfHr In Pa'arpris Hldg.. Oregon CI'T. Orego "city 'notices. NOTICE POP. BIOS. Nolle Is hereby given that sealed proposal for th continuation of the Sloimr Hill Culvert, from Mad ison to Monro street, will be re ceived by the City Recorder of Ore gon Cliy until 4 o'clock p- "., Oc tober 4. 1911. PIsns and specification! coir talnlng further Information anil th kind of Improvement to b made will be furnished upon ap plication to the City Recorder. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check equal to ftv per centum of the total amount of the bid. which turn will be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City In case of the talure of the successful bidder herein to enter Into a writ ' ten contract and to furnish th required , bonds. If called upto to do so. within th , time specified foram-in aid Ordinance- provid ing for such Improvement. Proposals must be mad ' upon blanks furnished Dy Oregon City. Th right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid conald ered most favorable to Oregon City Is hereb reserved. Each proposal must stat tbe 'time required for th completion of the entire Improvement work for said construction, which work must be done In accordance with the Ordinances of Oregon City gov erning such work. This notice Is published pursuant to an ordn. of the City Council made and entered at a special meeting thereof, held on the IRth day of September, 1?U. U STIFF, Recorder. -MISCELLANEOUS.. Notice of Application For Liquor License. NOTICE la hereby given that I will. - at the next regular meeting of tbe City Council, apply for a license to aell liquor at my plac of businesa, 417 Main street, for a period of three months, ' E. A. BRADY. -.on- wimW 'bee eUaotfiad beadms will be lnse(d at one eent a word, first mutton half a fnl additional taaer ti. .me laeh car, ft ar moaitb baJf taw-h card. 14 naee; II par noatb. Cash muet seroraraer ordr anl-ae a"" as as eaas) sees oat with tba para' N Aaaactal reeponalbilliy for em-ra. arrars eeewr free cvmtcted anttea will a prbitad for patron Minimum ehar I' "I-"--" WANTED. WANTED Collectors to see my col lection of all sort of curio, an tique, and Indian trinkets: stamp fof atamp collector; coin for numismatists, arrow-beads for arch eologlsts, etc. I buy and sell all sorts of curios; slso all kinds of second-hand furniture and tool. George . Young, - Main, near Fifth treat. By Major General JULIUS STAHEL of New York. Civil War Veteran - f ? I AM heartilj in accord with (ienerAI WimmI in the Mief that we should hire a lonpt-r enl'utiueDt for soldiers in the Tegu lar arrnv of the United States. , I THINK THAT THE TERM OF ACTUAL1 SERVICE MIGHT BE INCREASED TO FIVE OR EVEN SIX YEARS WITH BENEFIT TO THE ARMV AND THE COUNTRY AT LARGE. AND AFTER THAT THE MEN COULD FORM A RESERVE ONLY TO BE CALLED UPON IN CASE OF ACTUAL NEED. , I am now and always hare beer greatly interested in the arm? of tie United State. That we need well drilled, thoroughly trained army there is no doubt, bat I am of the opinion that at present an army of 100,000 men is LARGE ENOUGH This body of well drilled men ibonld in an EMERGENCY fnr- oi&h well schooled army officers and should be the skeleton on which to bnild an emergency army of a million and s half men. And it is hard to conceive of any emergency in which thia country won Id need or coulJ find use for more than a million and a half of soldiers. That number could HANDLE ANY ARMY, that a foreign power could land on this continent. ' ' ' Americ. is situated differently from most of the other world powers. It is PECULIARLY ISOLATED, and there-is no great foreign pow f.at could send arr virSTT'V'l? army a.Cainnt us. ' , COAL! COAL! We have the best at low est price. Lay In winter supply . now. Korrect Poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co 11TH AND MAIN STB, Oregon City. WANTL.'1 - oihmii advertisements fo this eol'imn. Pce aery reason aitie. Sew rates at head of enitmn Reed the Morning Enterprise. WANTED You to anew mat th Ea terprise Job printing department I ths moat complete lr tn Stat ootald Portlsnd. Trr It for you? next printing WANTED 8lgn work. Everything from a muslin sign to a bronze tab v let. Smyth. Phone 1634. FORaALef'. . B ASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty -fourth St, OAKLAND PORTLAND September IS, 20, 21, 22? 24. Game Begin Weekday at f b. m. Sunday. 2:W P. M. , ".. LADIES' DAY FRIOAY. Boy TJdf II Free to Bleacher FOR SALE Spare ta this colomn el1 tbat old plow or harrow: yo-i don'f nae It since you purchased eoir new one. OREGON CITY WARRANTS In any amount from $200 to $2,700 against the Sixth 8treet Improvement Fund. Have been drawing Interest sine September 16th. Will run approximately six weeks. Will sell them at Par. Oregon Engineering and Con struction Company, Room 14, Bea ver Building. 6t FOR SALE: One thoroughbred Jer sey bull calf, 9 months old, ready for service, calve's mother gav 1.200 pound of milk first 30 days after she was fresh. R. I Badger, Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 3. E. W. IWeltien Now open for business with a full line of new'snd second-hand furni ture. - ' PRICES TO SUIT THE CUSTOMER. Highest price Paid for Second Haad Furnltirs. ' In thv new Brick Building, Sixth and Main Streeta. Summons. In tbe Circuit Court of the State of of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Wo. a McAtee, Plaintiff, vs. Ivy McAtee, Defendant. To Ivy McAtee, the above named de fendanL -In th nam of th State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and anawer th complaint tiled against you In th above entitled suit on or bfefore Mouday, the Gin day of November, 1911, said date being more than six weeks from tb data of the first publication ot this summons, and If you fall to appear and anawer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tbe court tor tbe relief prayed for in said com plaint, lo-wlt: Fur a decree forever dissolving' the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant aud for anch other, further and different rellof as to the " court may seem meet and equitable. This summons Is published by ord er of Hon. J: V. Campbell, circuit Judge for said Clackamas county, Oregon, which order was made aud entered on tbe day of Septeml ber, 1911, and tbe time prescribed for publication Is six weeks, beginning with the Issue ot Friday, September 22nd, 1911, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday, November 3rd, 1911. FRED J. MEINDL, Attorney for plaintiff. Hor to Get Rich live wllfcl" , . Limit your wants wall enlarging your rssourvss, cltlsa lilnpeni h luiuri a you caa pay only for ir......4a vour lndpndace by becoming a inonsv a.. ell ss a money earner. You can buy a Interest barlng Crtlfioat of Deposit or .l depoalt in our Baring Deparlment every tlm yo hav, t JJ ' dollar. ' The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IH TUB COUNTY C IJkTtU'RCTTX FreaMat.1 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANtf y of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL SMLOoC.00 Vranaaats S O'na'al Ssnalnf noe OtrOW tr,r. M 3. A. Hummer ... Paul C F1her ... A. U HlhardiMn . Kosroe I Morris . Mr. F. M. Young Dr. J. C. Walton . G. L Hed- W. J. Wllron .... W. W. Myers .... David Caufleld ... J. C. Bradley 0. II. II. Miller ... Jus. M. Trsry .... Tom J. Myers .... Ell Crlswell N. Ablberg Gus Erlckson Dr. J. W. Norrls . . U. U Hedges W. J. Wllstm .... C. O. Miller 3 SO Chaa. Simmon 1.90 1.9.) 1.70 1.70 lO.Ort S.00 10.35 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.20 1.20 1.21 2.30 8.30 330 10.00 7.20 10.05 3.00 Supt. of School. Karl Klaus ft Co. ... S.25 T. J. Gary 9 Assessor. T Clara Mitchell t M00 Eitlth Jackson 14.00 C. E. 8penc 21-00 Surveyor. Kllham Stationery Co. .' I 43 63 D. T. Meldrum 5.60 Harry Gray 3.10 8. A. D. Hungate 5100 Chaa. Hlclnbotham Robt. Mat toon Fruit Inspector, Wm, aadk Frank Boardman , John Urshara v Clarence Simmons Alex Simmons un Gilbert Terry , C. K. Haster E.. Dewey Cinirl Steel ITvxIuct Co. Scripture 4 Beaullau C. J. Hood Nott Ataater Company .... Pop ft Ctf Straight ft Salisbury ...... Iloneer Transfer Co. .... . IX C. Robbln Theo. Miller 8. W. Hair Jail. K. T. Mass County Poor, Sam SttOth ., R. B. lleatl r. T. Barlow , Faablon Livery Stable", C. IL Thorp ft Co, F. T. Harlow .'. St. Vincent's Hospital Jon Drug Co. , Mr. A. Ouynup H. W.. 8trblg , U Hank "X i Oood Swmarltan Hospital .... I-0 Farr Brother ("barman ft Co. tt JJta 17H us UN Ull .... IMS .... 1X.N I U -;J- u .... u.s .... IM u . tS J -IMS ...V LB .... us ..... .13 I .... US ...lis ...r u a us u cm its A. J. Uwis -. f 81 00 Tb i..t rio Hotel UN COUNTY COURT. 8nriff. Fashion Livery Stable f 6.00 F. A. Mile 91.75 CIs B. Pratt 86.25 Chas. purns, Sr 5.00 Elliott ft Park ii.oo J. F. Hodge 4.00 E. T. Mass g9.40 Mike Gross g00 Clara Deute 4.50 Myrtle Cross 125 Nora Criswell , 1,23 Eutella Crlswell ' ,50 Kathertn Slnnott '., 4.00 Ernst Mass, Jr ,. 6.50 J. O. Staats 3 60 R. W. Baker ic.50 Elliott A Park 200 C. O. Miller u0 Clerk. Ruth Hedges ,$ 22.OO M. C. Mulvey 54.00 W. L, Mulvey Recorder. Glass ft Prudhomme Co. .....$ 3.50 U B. William 10.00 Wllaon ft Cooke 'co C. B. Rarasby ; 70 00 Edith 8mlth jo.OO Trsnursr. Jea Paddock ,... 1000 Coroner. W. J. Wilson 1 18 40 Dr. D. A. Dedraan .0O Dr. J. C. Walton ; 5 00 Dr. J. W. Noni iM T. P. Randall j 20 J. C. Bradley j'20 John Bennett , j 20 A. M. Whit j'20 J. M. .Tracy .t j'j0 D. E.' Frost j'jj Board of Hsslth. C. H. DaUchy Current Expense. Home Telephone Co Paclflo Telephone Co. Huntley Bros. ............... Court Hous. J. W. lones. , I II. L Patterson Morris Bros Frank Busch Ore. City Ic ft Cold Btge. Co. II. Opperman , Wllnon ft Cooke . .., P. Nehren White Bros. Wm. Surfus Williams Transfer Co, J. W. r.raker O. Zlnrferllng Theo. 1 Inert h Mike Iong .......... E. Klmme Joe Myers Wm. Fin , B. Barnes .. P. Barnes Wlliion ft Cook . G. W. Wiggins A. C. Lewi F. Preuchoff O. B. Noble W. H. Tlmmerman Dickson E. Dewey Arch Weight ... 5 50 ! C, Iteetschea" Bwkn-T f 15.10 3560 39.25 4.00 41.56 90.00 J 50 2.7D E. Wm. Danforth . . David K. Jones .. C. E. Burns - Geo. Ztellmtkl ... W. T. Gardner .. Mrs. Bradtl J. A. Jones Geo. Latell J. E. Baeley . . . . . T. R. A Sellwood j 5 I Gregory Boyr 12.60 7.50 600.00 27.50 116,60 10.50 7.00 40.00 41.25 Mary MaroJ 8am Booher Geo, May . . . Nile Johnson Fred Baker . Pattoa Home 8. M. Kelso . A. Pluard Richard Hartgrav . 35.00 W- - rr,ncn .... MIDBI puiiy 22.50 'J- Al R'ft,oPB X' Ut ts IN U.S UN UN U.N UN IN UN UN UN IS JIN IN UN K UN f.N IN T.N IN UN IN UN 10M Mrs. Ella McLeod 1000'Dock Mosler .... 8.20 j Insane. 10.00 , Western Union Tl. Co. ..I 10 7.50 'Dr. J. T. Townly M1 10 00 Printing and AdvrtllS ' 10 -JJ Oregon CTty Courier Pub. f W HI j Oregon City Enterprls .7.. ' lnwlgein Soldlsr. 3623 (Continued on pag 4-) The Ten Commandments of Advertising. At the great convention in Boston a short tii ugo of the Sationul Association of Advertising men, Joaeph Ajtpel, Advertising Manager of Wananmker's Philadelphia store, gave to the lletniVAdvertw rs Divlaion these ten cbmmani mcntH of advertising: ; Thou Khalt have no other irods in advertising hut truth. Thou shalt not make any proven image of wealth, or power, or station and thou shalt not how down thyseUto them, nor serve them except ; with honor. v , Thou Khalt not use the power of advertising in-J an unworthy cause or in .behalf of unworthy rockIs. Kemomher the working day to keep it holy. Honor thy business and thy advertising, that they may honor thee, and thy days of usefulness he long rK)n the"land. ' " Thou shalt not kill fair competition from with out nor ambition from within your organization. Thou shalt not lie, misstate, exaggerate, mis represent nor conceal ; thou shalt not bear false witness to the public, but thou shalt bo fair to thy merchandise. Thou fhalt not steal by false pretends in statements, spoken, written or printed. 1 hou shalt not permit adulteration nor substi tution m advertised goods. Thou shalt. nnf . nnvnt tin..'m:A nn rundown thy neighlwr's business; thou shalt not covet nor run down thy neighbor's name, nor his fame, nor , hm .... . i. .v. .. ... il.t h no s wares, nor his trade, nor anything that is tn oighbor's. t