Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 21, 1911, Image 3

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Foot Ball, Watch, or an
Air Gun FREE
you will find here a Urge assortment of Fine Boy's
Fall Suits and Overcoats in all the new shades in
brown and dark grays., Also a complete line of Boy's
Hats, Shoes and Furnishings'.
Price $3.50 to $10
See Oat Windows.
C Tor the arreat an conviction
L t( tiy peraou or peraoua, wuu
nnlawful'y remove cuii" i i w
Morning Kuterprise irora me w
.r.miM of eubacrlbere after
' k. kan nlacad there o e
....... r
iibitrat.d AaVertla.inant.
Ereum drraa one-third off.
T. W. Huh. of Canby, wu In tbU
City Wednesday...
J. Ii Athlon, of Can by, waa to tbla
City Wednesday.
Mr. Crook, of Mullno, waa Id tbla
city weuneeuay. ,
Al (ill), of Meldrum, waa In tb
city Wedneaday. .
Mra. ed Joaale. of Carua, waa In
this cfty Tuesday.
Call on Mlaa C. Goldanikh for your
fall hat.
Mrs. Al Bchoenborn. of Carua, waa
0 tbla city on bualnaaa Tueaday.
Mr. and Mra. William Stugert. of
Carui, were In thla city Tuaaday.
Carl plepka and family, of Union
Hall, were In Oregon City Tueaday.
Frank Miller, of Clarkaa. waa
among the Oregon City Ylattora Tuea-
Mra. Fred Dullard baa gone to El
dorado, where aha la visiting rela
tives. Mlaa Florence- Spencer, of Canby,
ae In thla city Wedneaday visiting
; 8tyllMh hata at mod ar at a prlcee.
MUi C. Coldamltb.
Mr. and Mra. T. II. Devlea, of
Carua, were In tbla city on bualneaa
' Mla little Allen, of Amity, Or.,
halted Mr. and Mra. D. O. Robblna
Mr- A. Derant, after visiting
Wanda at Carua. baa returned to her
notne In Portland.
V. B. Frlel, one of the well-known
residents of Bandy, waa In thla city
an business Tueaday.
William Mnmpower, of Btone, waa
JfMaactlng bualnaaa In Oregon City
Tueaday and Wedneaday.
Mr. and Mra. Grant Wblte, of Can;
1. were in tbla city Wedneaday, hav
n come In their automobile.
Walter Munger, of Parkplace, left
wadneaday for Corvallla, where he
1 anter the Agricultural College.
'red Dutta, of Parkplace, left Tuaa
day for Corvallla, where he will take
a oourae at the Agricultural College.
Freeh craba, clama, oysters, Chi
mxik, halibut, amelt, egga and al
mon eggs. Macdonald'a Bevenm Bt.
Hir Mra. fleorge T. Carley lecture
at Bhlvely a. 8 p. in., Monday, Septem
bar 26, on "Reducing the Coat of Ur
lug." Admission 15 centa. Free lo
tor a, Sunday night, on "Immortality,
limtherttnod and Unlveraal Peace. '
New models In millinery arriving
dully. Mlaa C. Uoldamlth
lr. W. R. Carll, who baa been at
Powell Hlver, whtae he haa been on
a pleasure trip, returned to Oregon
City Wedneaday
Mr. and Mra. J .11. Bhaar, who were
recently married, have returned to
tbla city from a vlalt to the latter a
aUter, Mra. Jamea Wltaon
Mlaa K'llth Bmltb. who apent two
weeke at Seattle, and In British Co
lumbia, returned to bar home at
Uladatone Sunday evening.
Mr. Mllla, of Aahland. and Adolph
Elsenberg, of Oklahoma, have arriv
ed In tbla city, and have acepted pol
tlona In the W. A. llolmea atore.
Mra. M. Abat, of Portland, waa In
thla-city on Wedueaday the guest .of
Mine lien ha Prlebe. Mra. Abat waa
formerly Mlaa Marie lllubm, of thla
Fred Stephens, of Portland, who
met with a painful accident about
five waeka aao, when hla foot waa
crushed, waa In Oregon City on bual
neaa Tueaday.
Mra. II. I. Kelt, Mra. Jamea Daw
aon, Mlaa Hnblnaon and Mini I'ercl-
val were gueata of Mra. Dan O Noll
and Mlaa M. U llolmea at Rose, Farm
on Wedueaday.
Mlaa Ethel Puralfull, of thla city,
haa gone to Condon, Eastern Ore
gun, where aha haa accepted posi
tion aa teacher of the fourth grade
of the publlo achool. .
Mr. and Mra. Miller, of Canemab
and Mr. and Mra. Joseph Painter,
also of that place, moved Wednea
day to their farm, near Shedda, Or.,
where they eicept to make tbelr fu
ture home.
Chrla Ilornahuh, of Salem, waa In
thla city Tuaaday. Mr. Ilornahuh haa
derided to move back to Clackamas
con my, and baa pure based property
In thla city. He will move hla family
In the near future.
Mr. and Mra. Cheater Elliott, who
recently purchased the two cottagea
on Monroe street between Blith and
8eventh streets, have taken poaaea
alon of one of them. It haa been
thoroughly renovated.
Mra. O, E. Freytag, who haa been
undergoing medical treatment at the
Bt . Vincent Hospital, haa been
brought to her borne at Uladatone,
where ahe la improving. Mra. Frey
tag la ' Buffering from heart trouble,
and her condition haa been serious.
Mra. J. M. Lawrence, of Portland,
arrived In thla city Wedneaday morn
ing, and accompanied the party com
posed of Mr. and Mra. C. O. Miller
and aon, Mra. C. T4, T. Williams and
Mlaa Veda Wllllama to Yamhill coun
ty In tbe Miller machine.
Richard Petiold and Henry Stre
blg went to Portland Tueaday, where
they purchaaed from the Block yards
fifty-two head of cattle, which are
In excellent - condition. Tbe cattle
have been brought to tbla city, and
placed In tbe pastures of tbe meat
Mra. hum stepheiia left Wednea
day for Powell River, l. C, to join
her husband, who left here about a
month ago. He haa accepted a posi
tion In the paper mllla, being one of
the boss machine tendera at $0 a
day. Mr. Stephens, before leaving
thla city held a almllar position wlt0
the Willamette Pulp a Paper Com
pany and la a capable -workman.
Mra. Etelner, one of the residents
of thla city, who la tntereated In the
coming county fair, haa two beauti
ful quilt ready for ahlpment to the
fair grounds, where she hopea to
capture one of tbe premluma. . One
of theae qullta la of silk, and the oth
er of cotton, and thoae who have seen
them lace commented upon the ex
cellent neddlwork of Mra. Btelner.
"WUIIam Dolta, of Minneapolis
Minn., arrived In thla city Wednea-
The Cams Dairy
milk arid Cream in bottles delivered
at all hours. , ,
Dairy Buttor
On and afteV Oct. ist will be at the
old Grand Union Tea Co. store
day morning, and la a guest at the
nme or air. ana Mra. Henry Streblg,
Dr. DolUa parents. Mr. and Mra. W
r. I)1U. of Minneapolis, who visited
In thla city and In Portland In April,
have decided to return to Oregon to
mase ineir noma, although they have
large property lotereete la Mlnne-
bou. 'i nay will arrive aoon. and It
la probable tbey will buy property
oeiween mi a city and Portland on
tne o. w. p. line, and build a beau
tiful noma.
The Portland Law School, of Port
land, uregon, opena lla fall term Sep
tember la.- It baa very nice cata
logue for tbla year, abowlng eleven
memuere in tbe faculty. The presi
dent of the Law School states that
there will be two to three more lec-
turera added during the year. This
la a aplendld law school for tbe study
of law aa a preparation for the bar.
Dr. Carll. J. p. Lovett and Jamas
Cary have returned from a trip to
rowen Hirer.
' Mr. and Mra. Edgar Smith, of Can
by, were In thla city on Wedneaday
on their way to the beach, where
they will apend tbelr honeymoon. Mr.
and Mra. Hmlth were married at
Canby, Wedneaday, and came to thla
city In tbe machine of Mr. and Mra.
Grant Wblte. Tbe young couple are
wen known in Canby. The bride,
who waa formerly Mlaa Laura Band-
Strom, la tbe daughter of J. Band
atrom, a well known and highly re-
spec ted realdent of that city, and tbe
bridegroom la one or Canby a prom
inent young bualneaa men, being In
the confectionery business. He waa
born and reared near Canby, and la
tne aon or Mr. and Mra. Henry Smith
of Macks burg.
oil 7th St.
Farnzoro Attention
' v sVaxtf yoaw milkmnd Dmiry produom ,
Olive Schreinsr, the Naval
1st, Qiv.a Radieal Pradiotien.
5 TJi
r"-!a..aW' m. .
; f
, OT.ITB annaaiaaa.
'It la flulte Dosalble that tbe female
half of humanity may be found more
fitted than are men for tbe bulk of hu
man Inborn In tbe future." Bo says
Olive Schrelner, and ahe plcturee wom
en aa becoming the greatest financier,
tudtfea and lawmakers. Tbla eanie
Olive Bcbrelner, who waa once known
only aa a j-Teat but peaceful novelist,
author of 'The Story of an African
Farm," la now marching up at tbe
head of the woroen'a rights procee-
aloii. Her motto la. We women take
all fields of lubor for our right."
in her new book. "Women and La
bor," ahe at n tea her demand with the
hard aclcnce of. a college pro few) or
Women, ahe dccbirea, must and will
take over a hnlf In all fields of labor,
from discing dltcbea to ruling nations,
or else, with tbla modern age of ma
chinery, they must tx-cotne mere para-
aitea. In answering the objections
likely to be urged against her thoorlea
ahe declaretln reply to the retort that
women may oe onable to carry on a
full half of all latiora, that, on the oth
er hand, women may prove much more
able to .conduct tbe world than are
men. "
la Olive Bcbrelner right T la woman
to rale tbe world? A Columbia eel-
lege professor doclarea that ahe la not
merely aa regards aome eort of dis
tant future, but aa regards oday. He
points out that today In a. I tbe large
cltlca where there are larga nd Im
portant moTementa for1 the Improve.
ment of aoclalcondltlona women are
at once more atudloua and more active
practically. He declarea that even In
law and In medical acboola tbe women
are tbe moat earnest and practical.
n small towns, be points out, It la not
hut women who get away from
the cracker box and village gossip to
form municipal Improvement and study
And In answer te tbe oft given ob
lectlou that It la only men 'who have
been abl to rule he quotee Mra.
Rchrelnrr'a "Woman and Labor" to
the effect that the beat mlera In tbe
world have been qiioonVlctorla and
Elliabcth and Catherine of Russia.
la there some truth In tbe humoroua
papers' frequent Jeata to the effect that
It will aoon be tne men who are re
duced to the dishwashing and mend
ing while women rule tbe worldt
Wei say's Rise.
Now that tbe talk la of faat going It
may be mentioned that tbe abiirfy to
eatabllab a apeed record waa responsi
ble for tbe Brat riwe of Cardinal WoU
aey from a bumble position. Mt waa
wben he waa chaplain to Henry VIII.
that he ' waa aeut into tbe low coun
trlee with a letter to tbe Emperor Max
imilian. Leaving London by boat at 4
one' afternoon. Wolsey took horse it
Graveaend. reached Dover next morn
ing. Calala three hours later and waa
with tbe emperor that night. An
equally rapid return brought him back
to the king in little more than two
daya and won him hla Brat taste of
royal favor. London Spectator.
. Mra. Buxom That hateful Mra,
Knox made a vary mean comment up
on my age today. Mr. Buxom Did
ahe aay you were getting oldf Mra.
Buxom No, Indeed! She aald I "aUU
looked quite young." Exchange.
0lmu Bid Showing ,.-of :
llfilfl the New fm I
VMmSiU Gar
lint. . i
JfE cannot recall the time when our announcement of, the
w first showing of the new season's garments; has given us
such genuine pleasure. f : r . " : , : ; L J : .
f In such points as correct styje, high quality of . workmanship,
desirable models, snappy creations, perfect fit and full, com
plete values, we are abundantly able to please you. Fortunately
for us, and for you, these garments all carry this label:
' For manv vpars rh rmtratinn nirA kr Ui. Lo - lJ 1 tL:.
tion, secufed through merit only, is guarded jealously. The garments are made in the best
possible manner., Not onlv do the oarmpnts trt m tvl nJ fif knf t7 ronHar lha rannA
so much desired.- - , r.
' - i ? .A
nuul rnrrliallv mint vmi tn hbI tU,. .L:L! f .L . f II . I A I ' .
. . 7 r ' . J, w p""8 cxiuuiuon oi uic new iau styles. Mia we want you to understand that the prune
motiye ot this event is to show the goods to have you come, inspect critically and pass your judgment You are sure to be delighted with
the beautiful showing1 that is ready for you. .
' Ora'aon City'o Bio Dopartmont Gtcrv
Heart to Heart
Up en Buga.
If you know the name of everything
that bltea yon in the woods you're an
entomologist Galveatou Newa.
, Patroniae our aavertlaera.
I ahould Uke you to read tbla atory.
It may brace you up.
, It la told by tbe Rev. C U. Tark-
hunit, and t have condensed the tale
Into the COO word limit of tbla talk.
Tbe boy waa 'orn lu the" West Indies
of mixed Indian, uegro and CaucuHlau
parentage, Aa a child he tired m a
hut with thatched roof, whoa' front
door waa piece of aacklng. Don tain.
coarse caaaava bread au! salt fish were
the dally fare.
At achool the boy often went into the
wooda to eat bis lunch, ashamed of hla
acanty bit.
But- j
Somehow It seems almost a miracle
tbe boy got the Idea tbat he wonld
be a physician. lie determined to go
to New Tork city and Htudy medicine.
Hiding aa a atowaway In the hold of
a vessel, be turned ' up at Panama,
where he waa Jnlled aa a vagrant. .
Which waa Inaueplcloua.
On hla release' fron the- Jail he ae
cured a Job on a biirge. washing
clothea for hla board. He transferred
from the barge to a Pacific 'liner,
which ' took . him to flan Francisco.
Here he went aboard a tramp steamer,
auppoalng It would take blm to New
Instead, It carried blm around tbe
world and back to Panama.
lie jnd mouey enough to pay bis
fare to Colon and there found a
chance to work hla pasaage to New
Tork, where be arrived wltb 11 cent
in hla pocket. .
Eleven centa phis grltl
After many hardships he went to
work at $3 per week, Increased In a
few months to $4. He attended nlgbt
acbool.'-wbcre, at he close of the term,
he won a price, which made friends
for him. '-; i ,
Working Via way, assisted by hla
friend, he graduated at a prepara
tory school and entered a medical col
lego. He gradually won hla way up
from student to laboratory aaalstant
and aoon wl be an M. D. .
Young man) do you believe yon have
no fhn nee to get on In the world T Ton
miiMt Mineede vou have a better chance
than tbla boy. 'I
Tou can do what he did use the beat I
that la In you. The perslatenee and
aelf denial of the West Indian youth
will lift, any young man to comfort
and Influence. '
Show yourself . worthy and you will
aleo find friend a. But
WtdJe frlenda may boost you. remem
bar fan most do your own cUmUng
- . ' NlgM teheeta.
Dvenlng acboola for Instructing boy
and gtrla who had to work all day
originated lu 1SIMI al Brtatol. England
Sandy Land Company to D. P.
Louderback, lot 7 of block U; $80.
C. a and Alice Qulnn to Carl Hell
mlg and Katiien Hellmlg, northwest
quarter of section 1, township aouth,
range 1 eaat; $6,000. , .
E. T. Maaa to Theodore Buckman,
lota 8, 9, 10, aection 21, township 3,
aouth, range t eaat; $L
. D. C. and Ida A. PowelL to Roaetta
M. Parker, 40 acrea of aection 1L
township 2 aouth. range 5 eaat; $1.
i Roaetta M. Parker to Clarence-N.
Parker and Clara V. 8 toon, 40 acrea
of aection 11 township 1 aouth, range
6 eaat; $L -
Helen Btratton to J. W. Roots, $
acrea of Roots Addition; $1:
John P. Broetjo to Joaeph
Woerndle. S acrea of aection 1. town
ship t aouth, range 1 eaat; $L
W. H. and Caroline C. Mattoon to
Banda-Hayden Lumber Company, of,
Grand Raplda, Mich., $8 acrea of A.
D. Mattoon D. L C. No. 60 township
S south, range 3 eaat; $10.
X . - i. . '
Er B. U. Stenographers and
" ' v . . . , ... . . j.
Bookkeepers Great Demand
Business firms ore recognizing the. superior
troining of our Business university over the
work of the biisl less colleges. Our standard '
Is higher; our work is much, more thorough;
our work is more complete; ond our students .
ore more proficient in every way.
Just school for the earnest young man or
' lady who desires to learn ond have the high
est and best training at reasonable, tuition
. rotes. You are sure ot individual help
end instruction. You know the forge schools
v cannot give It. You should investigate our
work. Do It now; do not wolf, in session oil the
year In day ond night school.
630 Worcester Block. Phones: Marshall 2751; Home A3--UO.