o UORNINO ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1911. , , , , . . - 1 1 . . i . . ISSttSMtwSSS . . I r. n I i ill CUHOESS' GREAT svoiig feat LrFKt::a Attempts Hs Finally . n.ictl3l3S English ChifiRsL TWENTY-TWO HOURS IN WATER Distance Cvm4 Owing ' t Ztgsag Cur Waa Clee t Siaty Mil. First t Equal Ft ef Captain Wsbe In IsT. B TOMMY CLARK. Altar aMaps of thirty -six years, la which Bumberless attempt bar been mad. Captain Matthew Webb's feat of swimming the English channel haa been duplicated by William Bargee, a Torkabiremaa by birth and a black- BUMS i n KiDoaAmrab Dcarso cam of an amnrta. Smith In Paris. It waa Barges' etx teenth attempt, be having flnt essayed the task la 1901, Bnrgeaa started from 8outb Fore nan. Dorer. flfteeo mlnatea paat 11 o'clock the morning of Sept. 5. He landed at La Cbatele. a Uttle village two miles east of Cape Grla Kes, at ten mlnatea before 10 o'clock tbe morning of the 6th, accomplishing the passage la 22 hours 33 minutes. A mo tor boat accompanied the swimmer, andJtaeaUmate4JhattrjBeai owing to tbe algsag coarse be was compelled to take because1 of baffling tides, covered sixty miles. Throughout the trip Bnrgeaa waa fa vored by a calm sea, but a strong tide waa running, and a severe strain waa put on the swimmer to get paat tbe ' Goodwin sands. Twice' be waa attack ed by lllnesa and several times waa held to hla task only by tbe strongest will power and tbe encouraging words of the men In the boat., - For the trip across tbe channel Bur gee waa well greased. -He wore a pair of goggles and a robber bathing ; cap. A party of eleven accompanied him la the motorboat 8wlmmlng tbe English channel la not like taking a dip In tbe surf at . eosae aea side resort, a dash through, a nice calm lake -or a swim from one aide of the river to tbe other. Nats Hon on a 'rough day In tbe tempestu ous Atlantic ocean gives an Idea of the European feat, but still It lacks some of tbe essential features that - have made tbe aquatic Marathon uo swum by so many. , Tbe English channel is probably the . best body of water known to tborougb - ly try tbe capabilities of a swimmer. . First there Is necessary the ability to swim. and swim well. Then comes endurance, a potential factor, as tbe sailors the world over know tbe chan nel as one of the stormiest bits of wa ter to be encountered. The historic bay of Biscay la often peaceful, the English channel seldom so. ' r, - It Is the strong and varying current la the English channel that renders the crossing so difficult, even, in fact, for vessels. While tbe distance from v ci iv awSBassvaaa am van aa . aaa. uvu V "n twenty miles, tbe tide snd current sweep tbe swimmers back and forth, op and down the course, almost at will at time. Captain Webb la estJ ' mated to have covered almost forty miles when be swam tbe channel. Of course no story Is complete with out mention of Captain Paul Boyton. The latter was tbe flint man to croes the channel, but he did it In his fa mous rubber air Inflated suit. Statistics give a faint Idea to the no initiated of the hardships involved. Be low are a few of tbe requisites: Food. Swimmers must be able) to take food la the water without tbe admixture of salt water. In which case seasickness usually results. Eyes. The eyes most be accustomed to aalt water, and In addition a can vas helmet with glass eyes la gener ally need, protecting tbe ears as well. Head and Brain. A thin rubber Skullcap Is generally used to keep the bead and brain warm and prevent shivers. nand and .Peet Because of the suffering from cold tbe hands and feet, together with the stomach, neck, back of, the bead and outsldes of tbe ears, are usually anointed with tar, . the inside of tbe sera being plugged . with soft waa, held In by wadding. - Body. The body Is smeared with Cassia n tallow In order to retain the natural beat as long as poadhle, tnd lard Is used as a second dressing. Tsll of the Ptarmigan, One of the most entertaining of chap- tors In natural history is that, which relates to 4 the many curious 1 meana that birds and other-animals possess of deceiving tbe eyas of their enemies. Attention may bo called to the fol lowing retoarkable instance: . When the ptarmigan puts on its win ter dress it has a black tall. , , Qne might suppose, that this would aUract attention to the bird crouching on the snow, but to fact It serves Tot Con cealment' Every projection oh a snow Held casta a dark abadow, and that Is what tbe tall of tbe motionless ptarmi gan looks Ilka., the body of the bird resembling a mere bump on the white background. Exchange. IVANS OF CARDINAL. A t QRIAT JOKER. Steve Evana, the clever out- fielder of the St Louts Nation als, Is a live oae. Tbe last 4ay 4 f . : trass. of the re cent trip of t a a Cardi al a I a to P Ittaburg about T.000 faaa hied the maelvea to the ball yard to see Ma r t y OToole. In c I d t o tally they' went out to aee tbe Cardlnala and Plratea play. A By bow It rained, and they were doubly disappointed, aa OToole didn't eves warm a p. Coming back on ' the car, which waa A crowded, everybody waa talking about OToole. Bteve Evana bopped oa and foaad Ivy Win go standing In about the middle vf the car. Ivy haa red hair and looka a great deal Uke OToole. Thia was Steve's coo. He braced Ivy with extended aalt and spieled In a stage whis per: t "Hello, Marty! How do you Uke Plttaburgr Tbe crowd ate It a p. On public spirited ettlseo In trod ne ed himself to Wingo (rather. OToole) and Invited him (Win go) to rail around for lunch tbe following day. Tben Steve aaked Wlago about his great pitching feats In St. Paul, and In the meantime maay passen- I gera rode past their Intended j destine dona. 2 Steve never overlooka a bet MvWH RAMSDELL-NO W - A - PROr Craek Sprinter Athletio D Carnegie Teen In Pittsburg. Another great amateur athlete as Joined tbe professional ranks. He Is Fred L. (Text Bamsdell last year the star sprinter of the University of Pennsylvania track - team and All American football player. Bamsdell has accepted a position aa athletic director of the Carnegie Tech era - i Coohcry point 9 THE CHIC RUCHL A.Revfval a' the Kltsabetnan CfT-st Hsv to Ceek Prunae. A aooaewtfe has this to say about prunes: "Seldom have I found even so called stewed pree properly rooked abroad. They aboiid never be boiled. That spoils tbe flavor. This Is tbe way we Western cooks atew them: t'leause thoroughly, soak la water teu or twelve hours, adding a little granulated aunarf wbea patting to soak. for. although the fruit to eweet enough yet experi ence has staywa that the added sugar changes by chemical process Into fruit sugar and brtaga out better tbe flavor of the fruit After soaking tbe fruit will assume Its full alae and la ready to be simmered on the back of tbe stove. Do not boll prune. That what spoils them. Simmer, simmer only. Keep lid on. Shake gently. Ito net stir and never let boil. When tender they are ready for the table. "Servo cold, and a little cream will make them more delicious. Added Juat before simmering, a little sliced lemon or orange gives a rich color and flavor to the sirup. Many housekeep era think that If tbey pay a fancy price for large prunes they secure fruit of better flavor, but tbe small varte- Uea are frequently Just aa sweet and Just aa finely flavored.' One Woman Way. "A new dish every 'day" waa the self Imposed task of a young wife who waa la posse ssloa of a new home and plenty of time. . Although she had never cooked be fore in her life, her ahtnlng ne kitchen - waa a ttfre she could not resist much to the delight of her, hus band and friends. She bought cookbooks, studied In gredients and proportions and de voured ma ga sines devoted to things culinary. In the end she developed Into a real wizard of 1 cook, and she originated dainties that sent tbe most blase of eplcares la to ecstasies of en joyment. She discovered that possibilities of food combinations are practically In exhaustible, and she still pursues tbe rule of "something new every day" a rule entailing very little extra labor and a world of enjoyment. TXX liMIDILb at Pittsburg. Bamsdell won tbe 100 yard and 220 yard championships in England, but met with ill luck In tbe Edinburgh (Scotland) races, where tbe runners received too much of a handi cap on him. Clarke Takes Many Chance. Fred Clarke Is one of tbe few out fielders who once In awhile dare shoot the ball In to second base when runner tarns thst bag instead of al ways making tbe conventional return to third. Tbe play calls for quick per ception and some boldness and is a departure from conservatism which most outfielders haven't tbe rapid Judg ment to chance. BASEBALL QUIPS. John Dovey. former part owner of the Boston National League club, is now a scout for tbe Louisville team. Connie Mack says he wouldn't psy f22.r00 for a whole league. That's a roundabout way of taking a alam at Lefty BuaselL Harry Truby. tbe old Chicago player who Is now an umpire, had a run la with a player tbe other day. When the player showed fight. Truby as id: "Go and sit down. ' I can give you rorks snd 111 take buns and run yon out of tbe park." 811k 0LaoghHn, tbe umpire, says mors bits are made on bad balls than good one. Silk haa seen thousands of bits made and says a big msjorlty were on balls that were too far out too close or too high or too low ta be strikes. ins n. era re . The Koran, tbe sacred book of tbe Mohammedans, was divulged by Mo hammed in 610. AIMING FOR GOODNESS. , By desiring what t peWectry good, even when we don't quite ' know .what it is and cannot do what we would, w are part of the 'divirie power against eva, widening the skirls ol light and making the struggle with darkn narrower. George Eliot Parsnips With Cream. Take some nice fresh parsnips, peel and wash them, then rut them Into the shape of olives, using only tbe outside part for tbe punxjue. Put them Into a saucepan and cover them' with cold wa ter seasoned with a Uttle salt and leni on Juice. . Bring to a boll, then strain and put Into a clean saucepan with two heaping tablespoonfuls of butter Add half a cupful cream, a, little pep per and salt and a quarter of a cnpful of white sauce, put tbe lid on tbo pan and cook very gently for thirty minutes. Sprinkle with a little flncl chopped parsley and tbe strained Juice of half a lemon and turn out on to hot dish and serve st once. Compote of Rio With Psars. Waab two-.thlrda of a cupful of rice, add one cupful of boiling water and steam until the rice has sbsorbed tbe water. Then add one and one-third of a cupful of hot milk.' one teaspoonful of aa't d one-fourth of a cupful of sugsr. Cook until the rice Is soft snd turn Into a slightly buttered, round, shallow mold. When shaped remove from tbe mold to a serving dish and arrange on top section of cooked pears, drained from their sirup and dipped In macaroon dust Garnish be tween sections with candled cherries and pour over tbe pear sirup. Psash Jelly. Peel and stone a peck of peaches, slicing or cutting them, and add to them a dozen cracked peach pits. Cook until the fruit Is broken and soft tben strain and measure. Return to the Are, add the Juice of a lemon, and boil for twenty minutes. Stir In pound of heated sugar for each pint of Juice, boil up once and pour Into glasses. This will make a dellcioua Jelly. Sweet Petateea eh Broehette. Wash and pare potatoes and cut in one-third Inch slices. Arrange on skewers la groups of three or four, parboil six minutes and drain. Bruxh over with melted butter, sprinkle with brown sugar and bake In a hot oven unto well browned. Sweet Potato Croquette. To two cupful of hot rlced sweet potatoes add three tablespoonfuls of butter, one-half teaspoonful of salt, few grains of pepper and one beaten egg. Shape Into croquettes, dip In crumbs, egg and crumb, again, fry In deep fat and drain. Swset Petateea, Southern Style, Bake six medium sized sweet pota foes, remove from oven, cut In halves lengthwise and scoop out Inside. Mash, add two tablespoonfuls of butter and cream to moisten. Season with salt refill skins and bake Ave minutes In hot oven. T r- ' . Sslt With Vegetsblss. A good vegetable rule Is salt with vegetables that o' green, no salt In those containing starch or grown an derground. Most vegetable are put on In boiling water, .though ' some housewives make exceptions to thia rale. Wis Pa. Jobony Pa, what la tact? Wise Pa Tact Johnny. Is knowing how to do things without appearing to be doing them. For instance. I asked Mr, Aiidman to dinner tbls evening. and incidentally I remarked that youi mother srould"entert atlff us ' on the piano. Mrfa Arldmnria'ld be' was sd sorry be couldn't come. Exchange; The Oldest Hymn. " The most ancient hymn is the "Song of Moses," which wss composed to J1 B. C - ... ' a avAST saw nucna Every now and theu thore Is an ef fort made to revive the Kllxnhediaa knd Medici ruffs, but aa a rule the Idea la not taken up with enthusiasm. Tbe ruche pictured la renilulsient of these old world models, but aa you see the adaptation M most becoming and suit able for twentieth century wear. A full plaited bruwls net ruche la attached to a wide collar of chiffon, edged with a band of sntln and Irish lac Insertlou. The cuffs match the neck arrangement Conversation. Conversation la one of the blights of Mvlltxatlou. People aend"tbouaml of dollars In education. In books. In travel, In thea ter tickets, and all In order to be able to carry on a conversation. As a consequence the women talk about cooks and clothes and the men about weather and women. Conversation may lie divided Into chats, arguments, plitle and suI'V with gossips and quarrels as side is sues. Conversations ar fortunately forgot ten as soon aa they are oven other wise people would be so mortttli d over their inane remarks thtit they ni' aeck new friends every day, fe-irlug to meet old one. The Idea that when people meet It la necessary for them to talk has grown out of helpless self distrust. Not over five out 'of a million people any any thing when they convfrxe. The trouble is thnt were we to try to develop the art of keeping still we should immediately Ix-pln to, ta k sbout It Fringsd Evening Frock. Fringe trio's all the tip to date gar ments tbls fall. It apieiir on bnts, dresses snd wraps alike. Ou the pret ty frock designed for a youag girl's eiaii'a raocx or rum a csrrros. party costume an antique fringe of dull silver adorns the skirt drapery snd tbe flcba bodice. Flame colored chiffon la tbe very be coming color employed for this charm ing little model, and tbe bordered fabric la worked out In lotas blos soms. Blaok Vslvot Foliage, i tVow that fruit Is one of tbe most popular forms of hat trimming we have gone in for foliage extensively. Tbe new kind is made of black vel vet. The oak leaf Is quite fashionable; also ' the wide leaves of fruit tree. I'be velvet used la rather thin and la applied to green or black rubber stems. It Is often used to trim a bat with out the. addition of anything else. It Is especially effective on all white hats, -as the msppfe combination does not decrease In popularity as the sea son rolls on. In truth. It Is more In evidence than ever. AN ATTEMPTED REVENGE Py SARAH BOYD VAUGMAN Copyright r Amork-sa ITsss Ass- uuiaa. ItU. During the jwrksl of Venetian su premacy when the court of I be doge waa one of tit most splendid ami tie Ughtful la the world a young mlrl clan. leonaroo dl Gulda.' while riding la bis gotidola u the Cud i ul n ed a women who at once attracted his attention. She waa one of those stat uesque beautlea with lustroua eyes, a weetjji of black hair, full round rbeeks and lips. Instesd of lowering her eyes as Dl Gulda passed ah brought lheu to bear boldly upon 'Mm. Dl Gulda JnstriK ted bis gondolier to turn about and folUiw the lady. She disembarked on the steiw of a house near the rialto, PI J she waa stepplug frout her gondiln, She turned and gave tilm auother look. The young man learned, that tll charming creature was Henortta I.u- In Abotl. recently arrived front Florence. He, being one of the prutiilneut youiia men at the doge'e court, had no trouble In securing an Introduction t ber. ami his vlslta at once became frequent Leonardo was at the time betrothed to Itlanca Vlnccnia. tbe daughter of Venetian noble, a girl Jut t!le"tever. from Lucia Aboti-a pure, religious wo roan, beloved and r"aected by all wh knew her. For awhile I.eonnrdo waa like shuttlecock between the two In fluencea, though neither woman knew of the other's existence. ne night after a visit to Lucia he went hue wtth hla brain In a whirl. He strag gled with himself till morning, when h swore before a crucltlx tllat he would never visit her again. I net. evneetlne him the next even tng, had all arranged to make htm her alave. When the usual hour for his coming arrived and be did not appear she waa troubled. Leonardo hastened hla marriage with Blanca, and after the wedding tbey were both exquisitely happy. lieonar do did not happen to meet his other love for some time after his marriage. Then It was at a dinner. After tak ing his sent he looked tip and saw I.u cla Abotl alttlng opposite lilm. looking at him. He expected to see some indi cation of resentment. He was agree ably disappointed. She gently clildrd him for not having Invited her to hi Base Ball Results Paclfle Coast League. Sactamento t, l Angeles . No other games scheduled. Nerthwvatsra Laagu. Portland 0. Tacoma I. Victoria I. Spokane IS. Seattle 0, Vancouver I. American Laagu. Detroit I. Ne Yotk 4. Cleveland 4. "V"f .. . . . , Cblcaao 1J. I'hlldlphl HU Louis I, Washington .' National Laagu. New York 7. Pittsburg I. -Brooklyn . t'hU-ago . - -. Philadelphia I. Cincinnati S. - lloaton 13, Hi. Loula 13. STANDING. Portland Vernon .... Oakland . . San FriVT?0 Sscrsineiito , . lxa Anjtele . Northwtatarn. Won 1-nst. P.O. 3 U .414 6 .454 RJ 70 .810 . 77 7J .III 7f 73 .410 .. ...... 40 ' .140) Pacific Coast Won lot P.O. l T .471 4 7J .M7 14 II .137 MO ?4 .440 74 II .440 73 101 .411 Vancouver Spokan . Seattle ... Portland . Tacoma . , Victoria . Good form i Little iooial Calling. The luterest taken by the woman of today In athleLU-a. In the world. In af fairs of public tenor, has bronxlit a lout at leant ou welim social change the alMillthm of U h-IuI call. No longer ar upper blinds vu to flutter ,uplciouly while maid or but ler Utters the soletuu "Not at h ne" to relieved callers. Tbe allotted twenty minutes of platitudes, diulug which listless and guest rouvcrsod alMUt such vital topics as the weather or the M-rv- . . -I I. wedding and asked blm to tell ber Hit"" - u.u. about his wife, who sat at another wasted 'tint by tbe bu.y woumu of part of tbe table, manifesting through- eoclcty. out marked friendliness. I The gr'lnnl illmnis-arsiu-e of tb4 There was no danger In all thla to: calling custom does not mean a rouse. Stock Cor- Scores Tri- CAIT. IJOKA TIIORNB Udy Valentin, OterUrl, Letltla Earl Jjf -V Roland Bar "koT Stephen Thorn H Lord Rupert Earl r Irving i"iil Hugh Fertile, ....Lob,,: V Richard Dacr ... W, llarnex McEarl ...i.ValTt TN0P8U VACT- l.-Th horn.',, fe I Tbora. Blrawberry Xm. poal. - ACT tl-Tbs net, 4.,-,' owner of this cravat ACT IH.IJbrary l(b . (3 years later). Th ouay. ' A scheming womta, ACT V.-Carden at trl a : (Two year. I.t.r). n, w Bin, -Until death doMptrt (( A large audlsnc aiu 1 Initial performatic of tk, Stock Company at BkltJT house Monday night. Tk. -J waa "Dura Thorne." ao4 R t, fl fulls ttPaaavAtif - company. Jessie Wwaria ayed the Irs.lln, role, slf a most harming ttra! wss frequently forced to rwpl, enchorea. ghs Is pretty, m. Kighly undaratanda her rl has aa actraa la tbl nt; lln with more etpreatkai ut i Ing, and Mlsa Kdarardsa jmKm , the enooroloums ah bu tia), wherever she bu play! a Thorne. William Wolbert ... rlded auccoss, and hit eark tW tbe audience. Mr. A'olbrt uTk. aid Dradbury, who u RM clever In the role of Roulian were members of tbe fit k Comjiany for a nutebar pf Every member of th cast sjn fins ability, and the stictes) g . Initial performance should trM theatre tonight hn "TlMGtfla'ti Hills" will be played gal arV night when "Don't Tell M TV III be tbe offering. . Causa For Joy. Madge Well, the edict has gone forth. Smaller hats are coming In. Marjorlerm so glad. Now I'll I able to keep them In my lovely ha (box and not have to use tbe storeroom. Maoa rise Happy. Tt Is the duty of every one-of you to make at least one pern a happy during th week." said the ; 8undy school teacher. "Have youfl "I did." ssld Johnny promptly. "That's nice. And what did you dor . "I went to see my ae.pt and she's al ways happy when I go home again." Philadelphia Ledger. - r Tallow Candle. Tallow candles In ;12lX commonly substituted tbe ta lip w dipped gpUntert of woof prevlotisVysed j t. Leonardo. Once he had rout0ercd himself be remnltied concpiered. - He loved hla wife, and loved her alone. Rut he, waa deceived In the woman'a proffers of good will, and when Lu cia begged him to bring hi wife and dine with ber the next evening he consented. He did uot relish the en mity of any woman, especially on hla wlfe'a account. Those were Urns when death lurked anywhere, every where, and if this woman were really friendly he desired to Ox U"r friend ahlp, not to excite her enmity. ne made a confidant of his wife, telling her all that bad passed between him ahd Renortta Abotl. urging Wan es to accept tbe Invitation and tbqa avert an enmity. Itlanca yielded re luctantly, The bride and groom were received with the same mark of friendship thst Leonardo had received at ber for mer meeting with the woman he had Jilted. Her expressions cf cordiality for. hla wife were especially warm. Rue kissed Klanea, but Leonardo saw orAhougbt he saw a faint shiver pass over his wife. When the three went Into dinner Henorlta Abotl placed th 'bride on her riuht and tbe groom on her left and seemed anxious to do everything In her power to con vine Leonardo that she regarded tbe past annir netween them obliterated. r. i . , . . . . . iuv inxi course or tti dinner waa nuts and aweeta. The hostess sat cracking ami eating nuts, chatting glibly till in an almond she found a double kernel. Tossing one to Leo nardo, she linked him to eat it, while ehc nte tbe other. He was about to put It In hla month when be saw1 bis wife looking at blm In terror. He paused. "Why do you not eat ltr aaked Lu cia. "You don't mean to tell me that you fear to eat anything In my house.- There waa a change of manner and tone in speaking the words which seem ed to Indicate an Intention to dominate Leonardo to otMHlIenc by force of will. He beld tbe kernel In his finger undecided. "Well, then, give It to me. I'll Mt It myself." "Let me have It." snld Rlnnra under ber brenth. Leonardo reached arross the table Lucia playfully tried to seize It but Blanca got It Lucia turned a ghastly white. .."Come." said Blanca; "It U time for us to go." Tbe hstess made no attempt to re sume her former manner. On her fac was a look of defent. almost a doom ed expression. With silent bows the guests descended the steps to their gondola i quent damper upeu H-lal activity What It does signify Is a more sNicere anil a more natural phase of sociability Today s woman rings up tbe friend she wishes to see on Ibo teiepb ue snd ar- rsnges for a friendly tittle visit. Tbe stiff rose and gilt ofjhe front per lor bav yielded to the rofy depths of the living room easy chairs sud Die staid conversation of the mrplton room to tbe roxy chatter of the tea table. ' What a bugbear were the "Tuesdaya' or "Tbursdsys" of tlie society lea.ler. from which continued aleui-e elld social oblivion. Matiy a Jieartacbe orlg inated In these drawing rooms oOth dictator, where cuta were dealt right and left and arrows aeut out by satirical tongue which caused a atlng which lasted for weeks. A Vise of stiff silk, burning patent leathers and other Insignia of correct dress are not con duclvs of klmlness and good cheer. For these very obvious reasons we hall with Joy the passing of an era of silly for mality, hastening to welcome la Ita atead the custom of "just dropping la for a chat" or aa afternoon visit 1a .1 " wnen Leonardo passed the palace where h had dined the night before, he saw that it wss closed. At dnwn Renorlta Abotl had departed for Florence. It waa not for several dnya that Leonardo received a report from chemist with whom be l,a. left the lrnom, Rprm , ina edhlm to enf. The report was: "A new and deadly poison, urohsh' brought from eoutbern itiy )ronM)'7 Hor Conclusion. Do you think your father fans any Idea that I have eorloua Intentlona con. remlng youT" - "I heard him telling: mother tbe other 44y that be didn't think It would cost any more to have you at the table regu. - nn.' .. Th 0olPMn. .The awlftest fl.h i. !. t-.-i-. - .!. for shon dlManc Z til rate of twenty-fiv mil- . T.."1 ,, i,,)ur- Tslophene Courtsty. Many otherwise polite ersone feel that tbey ran be rude when engaged in a telephone conversation. With the first "Hello" many a man and woman VP their courtesy as If it were garment that did not lit them. If the "central" were to record all that she hear and all that la said to ber It would make aotne of ua blush for shame. While men frequently "'' mrr im leiepnone, there ar many women who. while they do not giv vent to profanity, so fr ropy tbe manners or the male sex that they scresm like shrews at "central" If ah nappena to give them the wrong uum- oer or interrupts theu before they hav finished talking. That the ways of telephones and the persona who ojierate them are trying to tme'a temper no one can deny, but the Irritoblllty that manifests Itself in outward Beech I not a requisite of me proper appreciation and us of tbe leiepnone. it is nothing less than a pernicious nni.it which most people c quire unconsciously. us remember mac -consideration and ki mines pny better than rudeness and discourtesy. If not, then let us have iwsir.e t.i. phone service and preserve our self en peel. s rui never to K th telephone assists uts. It U Ilk u"nius; irom ga ambush-at an un seen foe. It la true, but It hurts Juat as aaaus aa. Plitonois a ValusM. f!..l If rrgarded from no other point of lew than as an asset in i..,-...... tbroogh life. pollteneH. anj the olmenr. o small courtesl,, Wu fou)(, Ty valuable cult. True, the blustering, nnshlnv m.. . won,.,, innkes . way of its a,rt. but If i'ely observed neither can v.rv e.ii. iy com ha,-, another tithe with any mT' A!"'nU h often nee.1 . but Impo ItPneaa .. Is nc-esssr, " . " , . , ' ""I'linsue even that far he. .J h m""n,, r""",ln 1" .bt.er M,,n n-wnce snd rudeness 'ny there ar sl-kt, thai si,k "iii ann sai nai with soma i. . . hsv. fi. io n pouts .aves th, impression of cow.,ji, M the well bre. .,. " U-Uer The. l ' ." " "u,nn no,r hot " nea. doe. , , ,w Brrn,, . anythlnit aoumn hna nhvav, nlly. and .. The. P""ll)lo . hn d ir ;rm wh',e " . d' f,",, V.t with hi. Amis NAVAL OFFICER KH LECTURING AI E Th management of . tat On Theatre baa obtained the trrkjf: P. A. MerrUm. thief slertrldu C j ed State Navy to gtv cotm 4 , lecture thla week at tk thataj These lectures cover the M cruise of tbe slxteea kattleisla the United 8Ute navy, daritf 1 1-9. This Is th first time Ua st residents of this city bar kti a j opportunity to see th plctnrsiai; screen and an excellent kcttrv k exHaln each dotal! or ua crtiav is cities visited, deerrlptloa of d tiia. target practice, "th toaa behind at gun." and other numeroa asi which make It will worth oat'i vklk to attend tbe Grand thla Mr. Merriam. who h4 tort years of honorable service ti ut lTnltd 8tts Davy, has keet ul d hv th department to gift tk L'luatrated lectures In Calllornla. 0f gon, Washington, Idaho and Soatiav II ha already apent H In Southern California aM Or coming to Oregon CUT tnm T land, where be met with greH ceaa, speaking to 40,000 9 week. . The lectures are glvaa taeaf w dliectlon Of th recraltlnf p ment, with the Intention of srWJ before the young men and tb t ers the opportunities for InlliOTja (he navy. The chief recroltl afM la located in the Railway "J building. In Portland, ahtra Mr. a rlam has bis hesdquartera. bar la the next three months aUtkiBi va also be eatabllahed In Walla W Spokane. Boise, and Btrtte. ' Mr, Mefriara believes that navy offers at the paent Uf ter opportunltes than ever '""." belter than are to b roan tka walks of life. ' n.. r . tnt.t r ill 000 taa navy there Is only need of aw f cmlta to fill th list - The nay rle from u ,JtL a month. Machinists sn r-- . the pay ranging from l4 l" month. Bnt the opportunities open for men of all dassea. .. rlam will be at the Eiecy. - from till I o'clock eaca esj week and desires that any ko a wU interested in me navy " " . .v. iiafT. lormauoo concerning on him. u To those who desire W will explain the good and tha the aervlce and win rz:M enter without knowing tha cw"" and requirement. . a, He would like to apes., uruli K ,rs sksntlCSI IB to their sons entering the navy explain tha benefits that may rived from the service. . He aaw r. A . . . . h. - A 1 i1 io remeraDer nai -- . IncenUve back of all thla the ens for the ambitious young roan Mr. Mama - to make preliminary at a a. He will send Candida tea P a commission. fled t lions. He will sena csn.- - - rf Ically sound to Portlsnd to tw w , ofHce for further exsmmsu enllatment , There will he a new each change ot plcturee at ws a and any who miss tbls opporh. IISllUCXITfl UU Vr by a learned and forceful apa 7 - (Continued from V if of the high 'water tug used by the mills- H ' t believes that It would tak ' 'f. .... t ..1...1U th. watt aid ",., ' hit::.-. . ri: xt? " i w iruuiiu - - ... aauli-' by private partlea,' but l up1 Of the vernment. due to reo ly tun. ; via i ' t IMt, tbO,e- a uvU. jit will take all of threa yeara-, , . ,L. '- -V l -JIL.i..