i"irrrrrTrrrvrv'r :ni if it if 1- im if it if it tW f () ft 11 .. II The FLOOD .GfllES KRE WIDE OPEN GRAND FREE CONCERT IN OUR HALL WED'D'Y NIGHT At Cb Sn4 PUyi you will htva chohc to inject th Enormous FURNITURE VALUES WKick wOl W PUbkiy MrkUn4 displayed for th occasion. Nothing wUI k oM atit Thr4ay Morning whan It door open C 9 o'clock BRING YiVX FRIENDS THE BARS ARE DOWN AND IN RUSHES BY FAR 5 in 5 Orego n City H&s Ever Seen We will Give Absolutely Free ON THURSDAY MORNING A HANDSOME $30 QUARTER SAWED OAK DAVENPORT The first 1 50 people who enter our doors on Thursday morning after the sale starts at 9 o'clock will each receive absolutely free a ticket bearing a number. You don't need to buy a cent's worf,b, jsut walk in and get a ticket. It costs you nothing to try. Just get up a little earlier and be in line waiting when the doors open. MM 1 FR 3 17 J L is know throughout the whole northwest for doing the big things. Not often do we put on special sales but when we do every home in the land has a share in reaping the harvest and this time the harvest field will take in every nook 'aaid corner from garret to basement thru-out our entire establishment-ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS TO BE RESERVED ONE CAR LOAD OF HEATING STOVES To Go at Hurry Out Prices Prepare NOW for the WINTER Y J I II II U DELIVERIES Canr ot be Promised the day purchases are made. We wilj Simply do the best we can. MORNING Promptly at 9:00 .o'clock We Start the Ball to Rolling If you are not in line "ith the others at the Opening, don,t blame anyone but yourself xMMK0u-XV OUT CAR.1PSLTS