Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 16, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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I . ...
ii iii i
oot Ball, watcn, or an
Air Gun FREE
Li fnvi tult. School starting in a few d-yf.
I . -,m find here a Urge assortment of Fine Boy's
SflSatti and Overcoat! In all the new shades in
Iwa and dark grays. Also a complete llnjpf Boy's
itJ( Shoes ana rurniuiuK. . .
Price $3.50 to $10
Ljpnslon Bridge Corner. See Oar Windows.
L, ... arrest en conviction
J0' ,M. nersotis. who
Uwfully remove copies of T -
Enterprise iruiu -..i
.uiiacrlbere after 4
Crta, been placed there by
Kiok.d Out. '
Hev. Calvin llergstresaer occupied
the pulpit Sunday and spoke from
Hum. 1:16 et 3 p. . m. On Sunday,
September IT, the subject will be,
'Christ Given to the Tempter." All
re cordially Invited.
Ou Sunday evenlug. September 10
very Interesting program was plan
nod by the temperance secretary and of the flrt sixteen games
. I l . k. - . h. .. I -. .. .. ,.- I .
Alexander and Gregg Make Vet
eran Flingers Look to laurels.
Cleveland's Yeung Sowthpsw Ons ef
Sss.en's Greatest Finds Phillies'
Right Hsnd.r the Big Nsise In Ne
tlenal Lssgue.
Tbla season bas beeu replete with
surprises lu tlis pitching end of blue
bell. The peculiarity Ibus far Is the
rtae from obscurity of a pair of young
twtrlers barely out of their teens.
They have e-t a pact lu tbe two big
Urover Cleveland Alexander of the
rhlladvlphls Nallouale. kuown as AI
exsndur the Great, whi barely vs
csmkI golug to the minors in the
spring, bss tbe dlstlurtlou of being
the nrst pitcher lu tbe older organiza
tion to win twenty games tbla sea
son and bas worked lu and won more
contests tbaaw-eny' other t wirier.
No other wan who ever broke Into
tbe league, wltb the exception of Rue
sell 1'ord of New York, bss approach
ed this record. Ford wuu tweuty-nlx
games last season, but Alexsndvr bids
fslr to surpass that ' figure by many
games before tbe season Is over.
In tbe American league Van Gregg,
a. youngster secured by Cleveland
from the I'sclfle coast, who hod a fair
reputation when be came east, has
nrorad Invincible and has tbe remark
able record of fourteen victories out
In which
ittw uuexerled that hepoene."
about fifty bad the pleasure of bear
ing Marry J. Robinson and Miss
Morse and Utah Shenefleld, who fav
ored with songs. A recitation, "A
Hit of Hlue," by Mrs. Harry Palnton,
was also well received. These temper
ance nrfiirrame Are tiald at Urace
chapel quarterly to help educate the
boys and girls or the ttunasy scnooi
along temperance lines.
XI r. and Mrs. fleora-a Morse, who
have spent the summer at The Bladen
at Seaside, returned home this week.
Mr. Morse driving to Astoria ana
coming to Portland by boat
Miss Cook, staler of Mr. William
Cook, of this place, returned from
Seaside on Friday, wnere sne conduct
ed a home bakery during tbe season.
ha has worked
Unlike Alexander, however, great
things were expected of blm when be
came to Cleveland, but In tneir rouo
sat dreams the Forest City club own
era never thought that the coast play
er would deliver tbe goods as be bas
done agaliiNt virtually all of the ciuds
which faced him. All batters iook
alike to blm.
Alexander of the Phillies came to tbe
teem unheralded, an outcast of two
major league clubs. Manager Charlie
ronln had about determined to sell
tha vminirxter'. whom be secured from
the Syracuse club of tbe Naw York
State league for MM when the latter
For the Children
Oood Jok.
st tltt
.1? J v Wi
Pboto by American Pre. AaaortatUm.
At a summer resort In the Catsklli
than, wss a-lven not Ion
ago a masquerade party for the little
folks. The photograph shows two of
tha nartlclDsnt who took the charac
ters of bride and groom. The bride
was very much admired by all wh
aaw them and complimented on her
sweet and demure -demeanor. And
here Is where the Joke comes In, for
there was much laughter when the
truth was made known. It turned out j
that the beautiful brlda who had been
ma much admired was a little boy
drMned In bridal an-ay. while the
proud groom proved to be girl In
boy's clothing. They were the big hit
of themasquerade.
Hew te Make a Cempais.
A magnetic needle la very easily
made where a magnet may be had.
This, as yon know, la used to ascertain
the nresence of Iron.
A bit of fine ateel wire, or a long
thin stocking needle which has had a
quarter of an Inch cut off at the point
Is to b heated in tne center unm u
Is capable of leing slightly bent; their.
while hot a niece or sealing wax is at
tached to tbe center, ana tne point
rhih wa rut oft, belnft made hot at
the thick end. la to be fixed In the wax.
so that the sharp end may serve aa
Cualdy, f Carus, waa an Ore
City vtiltor Friday.
Lry geilea. a uurse, of Portland.
hilling Ethel Parka.
BohUoder, of Heaver Creek,
I, i ylp to town Friday.
In ft. t Wllllama left Friday for
Wnr, there she will visit reiauvee.
r nvli of Mullno. waa In Ore-
Cltjr, Friday, with load of hoga.
Lk uhMiifr. of Carua. made ft
Cntu trip to Oregon City Friday
r. and Mrs. J. Nelson" of Molalla,
awl throuah Oregon City rrtaay.
lu va Henson will begin teach
la Or.ion Cltv Reutember 16. On
lurdiri she will teach at K. L..
kwi, 40S Sixth atreet. and on Wed
Miy it 1 o. Moore's on Center
Jin. 0. B. Iilmlck and Mrs. M. P.
Wpmta spent Thursday at the State
lr Jack rlarers has . returned
im Onus Valley, where a visited
(mi for the past two monma.
win C. r.nlilHniltti Invites you to
rlr.niti MllllTmr tllanlav Friday
k Biturday, September IS nd 10,
h loiiuwing days.
C. P U'aiitanirarit and family
Iva ma1 9n l)i.HI,nit whar. theV
111 make their home In the future.
art. W. A. Holmes and daughter,
who have been visiting Mrs.
ploei' parents at Uebannon, return-
i maiy.
H. Phillips and Edward Vonderahe
i back from hopplcklng. Tbey
'H been picking- In a yard near Sir
Mil Kenneilv. who waa seriously
lilt mi!, l .11 a- k.. Ilia
mit win be glad to know that he
us to work.
Mlt. Robert UMI.nn nf Drairnn CltT.
M Mn. W It Paarl nf Portland.
f Pndln the week .at the real-
he of 0. I). Wilson. Salem.
9v yourself the tiresome crush
opening school day by getting yeur
r uuims i on ay, wm iinow idj
MM BPetrlawt t.xm 1a QhAllM
f"1 lh to change later we will
r-"iuiiy acenmmodate you. Bring
or second hand school booka to-
I nvii b liaTV Hill IUI vuv.ia
. Bmber of the Oregon City boya
l0 (r. memhara . V. . AM,nn Na.
a! 1 1 1 1 la r. . 1 VIA m v
fflt to attend drill nn tha IT H H.
"'m C. OoMamlth Invitee you to
0fnd Millinery Dlsplsy Friday
Saturday, September IS and 10,
following days,
r .. t
w - iinrney, wno lives on the ad-
("Why road, loat a etna hnr. Thnra-
Sr.i.v. - ""7 - .--
Whan nlacad In tha stable
easiue on r riuay, wuvn w .wuMn- pinie ivniuv . ao mni tue p n w
1 a home bakery during the season. forachance to pitch against the pii0tdei!icuillnaPoutC:n,?h!tl??'
trr.llaTnJerWtedffTnuMrsr "AtlliBtj; j tue tnnual spring series" gn cn eow the center, taking care
. C. Macrarland on Tuesday and on ja.twe--n the National and American thj,t both ends of tbe n-cdle fall euougL
Wednesday lefton. the .'Break watery . ,MImMlf Philadelphia, tu.tnw the Tlvott keep-rt fronnver-
fnr Marahfleld. where she. Joined her
husband, whose Interests have called
him south. -
Mr. and Mra. Waldron enjoyed
visit from their grandchildren of
Portland, during laat week
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Roberts and aon
and Edward Weeb have returned
from the hop fields.
Mrs. Edward Roethe returned a
fortnight ago from a visit with her
parenta In San Francisco and Is much
Improved- In health. .
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Stover visited
the former's parents at LAoutelle on
v Many of the Portland people who
have enjoyed the aummer on the
banks of the Willamette are return-in.-
tn their homea. Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Msck going on Tuesday Tbelr
pretty camp "Laughlot" waa the
acene of much merriment during the
past season.
Mr. and Mrs. McEivey win return
on Baturday to poniana ana
McEivey will resume her studies at
the university at Eugene and Miss
Connla McEivey will leave soon to
atudy music In New York.
Miss Kate Treavltt spent maay ai
her country place and a basket of
luscious peacnea ana grapea were
en to her home tn Portland.
The school bell's pleasant ring Is
again heard and most of the children
were very much delighted to return
to their atudiee after a long vacation.
Mr Thompson reports a much larger
attendance thla year than laat
Mr. and Mra. A. Jeffrlea and aon.
Mnyd. who have a aummer home on
the County road, have returned to
Dooln. who waa loath to let any or
hi. men et without a fslr chsnce to
hnr him the opportunity, and
after Alexander bad held the world
Khnmnlnna to two' hits Iooln decided
that be would keep the state leugucr
tnr at least another mouth
Uooln'a decision to hold tbe pitcher
has kept tbe tesm In the race for tbe
Katlnnal lea sue flag, for Alexander
has won more thsn one-third of the
enntests for his tesm and la such a
worker thst be baa asked to
work averv uther day. He Is after tbe
ramrd made by Jack Coombs of the
ithiatira laat Tear', wlicu the latter
n thirtv-one sanies and loat nine,
and honea to even better thla mark.
it la a noteworthy fact that tbla same
nltcher. who Is tbe sensation or the
Katlnnal lesirue. waa turned down by
rv,nnia Mack, a manager whose "mis
ts kes can be counted on the Angers of
one hand. He would come in banay
- with the Athletics baitllng to
win the American league pennant
Philadelphia la not the only National
league team that can boost of a new
star. The New York fana have waxed
.nthuataatic over Rube Marquard.
mhn has at last delivered the goods
after three yeara' trial. The man who
for two years had to atand the Jeere
and witticisms of the fane of the whole
haa at last shown bis form.
ifanneer McGraw's Judgment In pay
inr ill 000 for him haa been vlndlcat
..i with Kn ha arolntr along In bla
n,u,nt form New York fans are look
In for a pennant and a possible
n.rM'1 rhnmolonahln.
While New York fana are enthusing
ar Marouard. . they have not lost
sight of the fact that Nap Hucker U
pitching tbe greatest ball or bia career
and that be holds the
record of twelve consecutive wins to
hla credit. Tbe work or tbla pltcper
Is the more creditable In that he la
wltb a second division club and there
fore has to pitch remarkable ball to
in hla irames.
Lew Itlchle. the genial pitcher of the
Cubs. Is holding hla team in tne race
h hla ereat work, and Earl Moore, a
Philadelphia man. Is st his best this
season and has been quite a surprlne to
tha fans nf the old league
In PltUbnrg "Babe" Adams la ngnln
working In great form this senson
dninir the bulk of the work for tbe Tl
r.ta Adnms la another youngster
who anraog Into fame In a year by
bis great work In the world'a aeries
. tr aa. I.. lW hf. what
. .Hraas) I aa raa I a aa i tialf Y Flaa I I II III ttm III III I i"v
remains treasurer, an for
Ing made to get the Club into worama ne won mr
ahsne aaaln. I ne JIUD wui unuiu- yi, rnniiuin i
below tbe-ptvot-toj keep-rt from over-
it I. nnw raadv to be magneuzea.
This mav be done by eliding an end
of the magnet half a dozen times or
m from tbe center to one ena or tne
needle, and treating the other end in
tha aame manner. A email brass
thimble is best for-he support, the
nnint of the Divot being placed in one
r tha Indentations near the center of
the top, when. If well balanced. It win
turn wntll It polnta due north and
.nnth If one aide tenda to preponder
ate. It ahould be nipped until balance
be restored.
When Is a chicken s neck like a bell 1
nnan it la nimr for dinner.
Wbv does Srveden not have to seou
abroad for cattle? Hecaue sne aeeps
har Rlock-holm.
ia tha ill fr ere nee between a
lns1r and a nartnerslilDT When a clock
nn it mn' wnen a nnu
amlind lin It BtODS.
When do the teeth nsurp me tongue
Hhtav When they are chattering,
What ahould you do If you spilt your
sldee with laughter? Tlun till you goi
a atltch In them.
Why la Sunday the strongest aay in
the week? Because the rest are week
iMWt dnva
Why la a plowed fleia lixe reamereu
game? Because It's part-riagea.
VThr la a crow the Dravesi oiru iu
the world? Because It never shows
tbe white feather
Miss C. Goldsmith will have a
grand Millinery display Friday and
Saturday, Sept 15 ana jo, nu
following days.
This is our opening week for New, Fall
Millinery. We show Ladies' Hats that are
right in style and price. : :
Big Department Store
School Time is here. Get ready now Buy yotif School
Suit, Shoes, and Furnishings at the Big Store.
Girls' Middy Suits
in all-wool Merger Navy
blue and red Windsor
tie, Sailo collar, trimmed
with White Soutache
braid. Sizes, 10 to 14
years. Price 6.50
Girls' Wash Dresses
of Percales and Gingham,
trimmed and well finished,
Lot one, former price $ ,
at sale price 69c Lot two,
worth up to $1.50, at sale
price 96c
Ladies' Waists
We have selected from
our Stock of Waists a lot
of leift-overs in different
styles, colors and mater
ials ranging in price from
$1.25 to $3.00 We will
close out this lot at, each
Best Showing of Boy's School
Saits in History of This Store.
Suits made from best material and
reliable workmanship. Marked at
lowest cash prices from $ 1 0 ddwn
to $2.50
Hotel Arrivals.
The' following are registered at tbe
Electric Hotel: . Royal W. Daven
port and Milton J. Davenport, of Port
land; Maud TeUel. of Scott's Mllle;
O. B. Wlllcut Ashland; Herman Fish
er, C E. Dunne, Portland; E. 8. 81-
mons and wife, Portland; Mr. and
Mra. H. O. Sherman and wife, Port
land; Ruth EL Leete, Portland; O. O.
Taylor, Beaver Creek.
Belle Brownrlgg and. H. P. Brown
ligg to Alex M. Jeffreea and Minnie
Jeffress, 1 acres In McNary D. Li C,
section 17, township 2 south range;
600. ,
W. Ia and Laui-a Baker to A. M.
and Amy Hulburt, 20 acres town
ship 4. south rang 4 east; 100.
Sandy Land Company to F. W. Can
ning, lots 6 and 7, block 8, Sandy;
A. C. Wlhlon and Marie wunon to
Henry F. Wllhon, undivided one-third
Interest in west half northeast quar
ter and east half northwest quarter
section, 30 township 1 south, range 6
east; $1.
Angella and Charles A. Holmatrom
to W. W. Myers lots S and 4, section
27, township 2, aoutb of range S eaat;
J .T. U Smith to Sophia .Eggman
Smith, one-half interest In lots 4 and
S. block 6, in lota S and . block 4,
Falls View Addition to Oregon City;
" "
Patronise our advenlaers, I
At a meeting of the Estacada Com
mercial Club. Howard James resign
ed as aecretary of the Club.glvlng the
reason that he waa unable to attend
to the correspondence. K. M. biana
Ish waa elected aecretary. Mr. Jamea
An errori ia oe- Ntwspspar.
Tha Tainir Pao. or Peking News, la
the eldest newspaper In the world, hav,
lng been Issued regularly for nearly
1.400 years. Its circulation is aooui
innnn The extreme care necessary In
publishing tills paper la shown by the
fact that until recent yesrs w pun
ishment for an error In printing waa m-
atnnt death. Another Chinese newspa
per, the Kin Pan. la a thousand years
Out Busy Potato.
Tim mn know that If there were but
one good potato In the world and that
waa placed tinder the care or a nri
class gardener It would probably pro-
innnnnoo other tuoera in ten
. years' time?
L B. U Stenographers and
nta a booklet describing the resources
of the country soon.
one appeared perfectly well,
It, ""iiing was ueaa. , .
I Hlatt. formerly of King's mil-
k w,tor at Portland, Is assisting
C.T. Mv"r In her millinery deoart-
r? In John Adams' store. Call and
' lB new fall millinery.
William Olnther. of Be
L. i," ,n Oregon City on buel-
Khobas HBr dRU,int'r' EBthr
lom('on City, accompanied her
portland Law School, of Port-
nh. wn op"n' ,u fn trm B8l"
orii. 11 Tr n,c cu'
aJiV r' this year, ahowlng eleven
kfJV11 ,b facult7- The prear
W. n. Uw School states that
nr.J. I.b two t0 three more leo
U .n, '1'!?4 d,lr,n tn rwr. This
f la n d Uw achool for tbe atudy
" M a preparation for tbe bar.
ntfrn.YOu "h riber to tbe Morn.
" tntarprls-.? II not you should cull
'Wlon lu. 7 luw "u"
Miuaniaf eiy
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Bept 15.
(Special). The Wolgast-McFarland
... ,ki,h waa tn hi taken Dlace
here tonight ana wnicn w
,,rt nn irrnlinl of ODDOBltlOn from the
state authorlUes, Is being eagerly
Bought by flBht promotera ai mw
York, Loe Angeles and San Fran
cisco. ....
After the sidetracking of tonignis
t.s...f WnliraHt aareed to meet his old
UUUi it"-")' " - -
a.nAmv ivnnokniit Rrown. or New
wiia hi work this nennon h not
anoctnoular aa that of some
6Mhtf""6th(rTttPhT tn' the -T-sgn--.-1t
Is mslnly due to his gooa pucnin
hat the rirates are fighting for a berth,
In tha flrat division.
Tha nf St Louis have dlscov
ered this season that the Cardinals are
bartering three of the best pitchers
.h niared Iii the league. Bailee.
Steele and Hnnnon are the men, and
It Is their work which helped St Louis
to make a One showing.
Marlorle's Feast
Oh. won't you have a piece of aloe mlaoe
P'r . .
a - k.-. . hit nf lobster salad, tar.
Theae oystsrs. fried, you'll sur-iy Uke to
try. .
And ao you toss your coffee strong sad
I Much more I heard bhlnd the maple tree
About Ice cream ana tuim "
I thought "What caralaaa mothers there
When children theao forbidden daintlaa
I passed the open gate and entered there.
Tha I-anfl or MH-lMiriTa-osi
laaat '
-a u..ia with hoanltabla air.
Oave me a gnroua awn oi cma, wn
a-Chloage News.
r,.u.. with aeveral hides and some
meat They shot two deer, two bear
land some smaller game, ana repon
the woods In tbe Macaensie wuuu
full of game. They sighted several
aiaklna tha Shosa Safe.
. . travel the BOWefT fof
' w... ...a. will he see a
enemy, Knockouti Brown, of any Jtr nu the Follne Smith, Mra.
York. Sf a guarantee of $15,000 could pair of shoes e1Wlf "ef 0f Bertha Kretsmeyer
be secured. .
Portland Men Say Sport Is Fine on
The Msckentle.
F. C. Ream and Joe Tanner, of
Portland, who have been hunting on
the Mackensle were In Oregon City
t.. morchsnta of this section thst
a pair of ahoes hanging In a showesse
Is t, ret a temptation for those
T." tn need them. The mate
, ';u w.hwi . kePt ..
store.-Ne- Vrk fnn
i unciaimee kenere
The f611owlng s a list of unclaimed
letters at the Oregon City poatofflce
for week ending September 16:
Woman's List Mrs, Wlnnlo Blof-
fa, Miss Rosa Brown, Mrs. Addle
Brown, Mrs. n-snces unumwu,
E. D. Fellows, Miss Allva Ooff, Mlsa
N. Hmiuui, suss
Bertha Kretsmeyer '
Men's JJst Jsmes La wougnerty.
H. C. Jones, J. M. Klrkpatrick. Rooen
R. Lowe, C. O. Nels, 8. Oldsteln. J. A.
.... nl a OAa
Powers, William nicuaruavu, o.
entreter, Edward snippee, u. i.
Wtckllne, Frank Weber.
Read "the Morning EwtaTprUe.
Bookkeepers lc Great Demand
Business firms ore recognizing the superior
training of our Business university over the
work of the bust less colleges. Our standard
is higher; our work is much more thorough;
- our work is more complete; and our students
ore more proficient In every way.
Just tie school for the earnest young man or
lady who desires to learn and have the hlgh- '
est and best training at reasonable tuition
rates. You are sure of individual help
and instruction. You know the large schools
cannot give It. You should Investigate our
- 4work. Do It now; do not waif. In session all the
year in day and night school. ,
630 Worcester Block. Phones: Marshall 275 1 ; Home A5446.