Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 15, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    UORNINo" ltNTERPBI8E, KliT "-r.MHElt 1911.
War by tbe Grsat
French Di nwkr.
; tbat boara bar ata:
wraaa tba nra yoat
aboat aa etoaety
aa poaaibto and aVaa ns
1 1 as star wUth In akltta
: basfwak ta
Tba aarraw
to af wblt
ottVwot or aaKtoaJrt
trap f
ana bra cWb ptecod
at aoaal aaa-
taaraa ta faraa tat ua
Oear tbto la aaaad tba
oawaa at tba toft aada
- ' nettVaat. Oa
balf atrlraa.
tnaac. wbtrh
aa raroal tba
aa caraec af
tba tank: to a ton aaottf
to aaatnrba,
wtfb baa ton.
aa fca wblt
i ba
haaar tb
t t a C
1 I
1 I
Tbto atxthtogty haadauBB. threptac
' iwtw wu diatgaid by
" km raawla. th head tb
' . . . ... - -
BVUnc Hoodnn Is tb tttti n
la th Illustration, which to especially
design nt for wear rer tb dainty m-
Oa Aurttf school dreaa. TV hood to
Km rrotecOoa again tbe wintry
wtnda. Itiaa dctoth or ear rather
heary aaatertal to aaltabto for the np.
wfch a pretty uk Bala for U noou.
tin. tlrtrato SmMk of 1 VkkL
C hm rmetSj brau4 tw tttrkv
wblrh will be of peat ood
baaiiAaepera, On af ibeae
4rrWs wklrfc
e and tea miner, tb wr
mJ. mmA Knh be aid Wltb
tmlator. ad bath .'T b aw4 vltk
Tfc r wtTwmum
vU m Uib. tk laTvotar ml.
V. :'y
. . . I
iV"' - -T
(VJ -. - 1 1
s j. -. . j
rail aa Unto, tbe U rector naiasa. . mt. .
Mrs. HaaUb la betar beaWced bjjwtf(l
atora and aaaaarfaetararB far tbe ; M
rarM ac aaie at aar ana m-.
Mra. daattb-a kaeaattan. wkkb tndV
eatea a prartiral kaUJt In k
batd affatra at tbto tteae wbea waanaa
ar aa rraeralry cbarfad wb ear-
toaaaeaa aa tbto "
fraabtne. and aba baa bee tortted by
tba Attoata eeaaaaW bfbtt bar
toroaOoaa to) tba woaaan"a liiilawat
m .av.. - . -.a sai al'1 laab aaraVferfM
oa xmr "
wO be bod to CasnSla, Twan, aaTty
la Ssber
Onnitobt aa- As
af which
aaaat ta tb tiaaHr. tV
lady af
In The History of Oregon City
This Space Tomoggow
whom rroox: mtc a U would
Object to kaf4nc hr parrot. I told
her I would nk( vtjetr prraooallr
iwpoiulbto fev tb bird, called Gip.
and sb Dd fl o anxiety about
aim wbrUrer. br waa mocb rcUTd
at tala, for tt woaUd bar ctrra bcr a
rrcat dal of troabto to toko him wltb
bar. aad ba vaa a rwrj ralnabl bird.
Two or tbrt daya after tba owner"
ofitaro and oar ntraac to tba
prraatoM a yonc turn ralM at tba
boos and asked for lUaa Barrowa. a
yovnx tody member or tba family of
wbom we rented. The aald told kin
that tbvy bad all uo away, bat rold
not tell where, aw I went downstaira
to ttra htoa tbe tnf raatkxj.
Ha toKl Me tbat be waa m old frW-ad
of tba Barrowa famUy; tbrt be bad
been ont at ton aad waa aivrh disap
pointed that tbey bad goo away, be
caaM be bad cwuted oa barim: tbeta
U tba rtty Tfcrtt wbea tnot per"
wre a war. x tt wwe. fce w
rerxtoaelr, He bad ere i -illy cuaated
oa aatax U library. He aid alt :ki
ao prriBr4ly tbat I fett kt lD-wobea:
pno to aay ta kia tbat be wv-
be welcoma to mm tbe library wbra
rer be liked. Ha tUanked aae rer;
mark aad departed.
Tbera to aa anw-rtrtem. ortrpokea
baptft befeen tbe aeaea. and lit
Blinder waa talktnr k an tbe wblle.
aapeHarry wltb bto eye I kaew per
fertjy waU tbat be rared aotblof
a boat tba booka, Dot wtobed to aaake
aay aoqnalntanc. And I aWaated not
tbat be knew 1 aadwamud kia real
parpw. nd I aw f ett toward kita
ofnetbiaa; akla to wbac bo felt to
I ward aae tbera woaWJ not bava beea
j any aarh anxlerxaadinc between aa.
' Several days later wbea I waa dreao
J ad for tba afteraooa Mr. Kinder call
ad aad arked for bm. I went down
to aea blot, aad be told me be bad
taken adraatare of aay fctod peraris
afcaa to read la tbe library. 1 knew
aery weO tbat be bad -ailed to see
aery weO tbat be bad -ailed to e
I Bat 1 told blm t a-ake kin-elf
!. aBMSX tbe bad aad retarw-
, ad t tbe arr-r roor. X etperted.
I -
B aooa raie ror tae bdsm ana
ber t aoe 1f I wowtd VtrTy roose
reatventrd. bat tr-e
tb bbran. Ha rad
at i i il l ii Um ammA-
H .Wot boots a b
tmutlaT tbat 1 aatk toto a at aad
t, hlBV j wmm rk.rnwd wltb
( kBOVVedre of .any Nbt be
I taarbed apa ar I wo.L Tbe ne
tkat tbe aft era a paaee
wltfc-t ptaa a ward, deeoriat
caaTarsartoa wltb aaa. rboab
! J caaftaa be too tba n rrrraay
, rr1trk froaa Btrrarare d bad
j tba art t aet ana t talklac la atb
ar wrwwa. st w "
ar. bat a rod Oaf ewer. Aad I aaaae
tteea tbtok tbat a fwad Ueaer la
Mr ectartaladnc tba a a roed talker.
Mr. BUader railed tbre Uaaaa dar
to tba Irat week aa aa tbe Ebrary
Two af tba rWta war take, wp
wltb bml Tbra aa day b aaid tbat
Jed aaaa ack awwVrraaeat aad aAed
aae t g with bta ta tb theater. I
arreared, af rearnai. Dwrtag tbe e
; aae b read t ne
tenants la my 'behalf Tor pennlmoc
joa t nae tb library, bat 1 bop Ctp
will not be d is tar-bed from bis ro
tomary habitation-"
Tba meanlnc of tbea words abovt
Glp waa tbat bto rat asually baac la
tba library. I told Mr. Blinder to as
aar Mlaa Barrowa tbat nip bad not
been mo red.
Tba result af Mr. Blinder nttac tb
library waa what mlxnt bare been ex
pected from tbe flrrt lore affair be
tween him and ma. And I coafeaa It
waa a aery errant mva affair "Ua told
m tbat tbe mosnent be bsd area me
at tb time of bto first call be knew
tbat I waa tba woman be wanted for
a wtfa. And b bleaaed tbat meetinc i
beeanaa be bad Intended ta marry a
woman wboca b aappoaed be wanted
and bad not knows what lore waa tin
b met me.
Tbat waa tba awnamer af my Rfa. I
car myself Bp to tb eajoymeat f a
new bora tor, and wbea tbe season
drew to a rlnae and car lease was
aboot ta expire 1 mowrned ear SBtJrl
pated depart urw.
Tb t-brarr waa aaed for tba Brine
raoaa aad tb day tb Barrewae ar
rived we all went ta tbera torerber
Wby sb did It I stoat know, bat Miso
Rarrwwa asked Mr. Blinder tf be
ronldat ran tbat day for a 5 e'rtork
tea. He rata and before be left . 1
waa mad awar of ber object In ask
Inc bUa. TVTsn we were all to tbe
ruses MtosT Barrowa weat ap
To rap's rare. Gtp waa deftrbted to
see ber aad mad a rreat farter
-HeT C!pt- 8b said: -bare tber
been rd to jom wbfle we bare been
"Eltaj me. Etbei." aqaawksd tbe
My nana to ftht
-Goefby. rarc."
My fare ard Mr. 5nnde' were bacb
a fed aa a maple of tMetm.
MeaawbfV tbe parr was roS?lac
ap bto featbero aad daariar stool aa
kia perrh. !' Barrowa rare Mr
B3nder a w! 'after look aad swept
tbe era of aa recacemeol
Tb rxtrart to fraaa a rereat aaweL
Tha beratn af tb story ha a aaa
aeas. af reaeataarat and atowa break
I whh tb aaaa ab tores aad
Tb awakeaiag waa a fearfal aa.
A srwrar tbat aaa aad ha nasi
tsart grew am tb asm aseaa.
Howweer -
Tbat wkkb aaaaara her aaaat aa? aa
to tbat "a rraay
Heart to Heart
! t Tadlo.
Bymrw a., frti
1 1 : -J
I aa canMana!rsr "
a U We."
It waa as If a pebble should deflect
a rlrer from its roars and make It
tarn and orerflow a laDdarape."
And tben j
tadieniy it seems to ner mat ner
wool life bad been Just a annoy alop
down to tb edtf of a trait.
It to not tbe pebble tbat tarn tbe
rarrent It Is tbe easj slot tbat ln
rltea It. AU ber Ufa FJlxabetb bad
been In ri tine this moment. Just as
some of B are lorltlnic balefnl ttxaor-
IIow true an rtpoar of hnmaa ae
Men and women do not go wronc In
a moment. Tbey do not fall suddenly
aa from a pre Ipk-e. Tbey tread prim
rose paths of dalliance Iwa a aunoy
slope to tbe ralf!
No anion to Hotated.
Each is naked to each like tb llnka
of a rbaln. or tbe rbain to forged
yoa are tmaud. Thought, feeling, ao
tlon. haUt, deatiay tbos at tb
link; tbat la tbe rhala.
A man to false In one partlcalar
tells a lie. to mean or rroel or lmpore.
and Both lug rotnea of It Bat
Tb rtmse-ew es foTtow.
Tb maa la surted down grade. Tb
descent to ATeron to easy. Later be
Is laanrbed oo tb toboggan si Ida.
Wbea be least experts It be baa rearb
ed tbe tx-ttotn. He la amaxed to find
tbat an littl s.-t baa spelled mln.
It was not tte "rraxy moment'-tt
was tbe easy slope." tbe life tenden
cy, which larlted tbe rash moment.
-81a may t fonrtrea. bat Ua con- j
q wines are etemai.
Brware "the easy alnpar
The Gains of GeW.
Farmer rcJdershncU Haow do
tbeta aammer boarders of youra kee
i Reuben RobMa-Tber play golf
F. F.-What la Pan Iini a tbt
R- R- As near as I ean nuke out tt a
solitatre shiaay. Toledo B:ade.
Tba Ceanoevt Old Boea.
Methaeah rbnrkled.
' tetueuiT I "rjSreruOika UitoT10 meet at Twilight Hall PYlday t
TOO years agor be crVd. i nig St I o'clock.
Awnrc. ia iaerB aJou away. i
Krw Tort Son. !
. . ji .
nrat Roaorasd taiar Cdipsa.
Herodota glraa as tbe laitlai record
f s total ectlpa af tb aan wbea be
bars-res tbat about CM B. C in tbe
laat arrmggia between Lb Uedea aad
Lyotoaa. bosrilltlea were broagbt t a
ifon claaa by the day taralax tat
Yew J confer the rreaVst bea.
oa eoa city not by rnang s
'lv l" k"t aouls. tor
iT belter that great aoafs kr ai
ana Lai, rk. .L: .
... -a
aaaves ahoaud barsow i
Leake TVs Wy.
-Trst my Imm nrat am aa
-Tea S , eT"
Stories from Out of Town
Moat every on a In this berg baa
gone to tbe bopjrarda.
Mra. Iran Dlmlck baa boon 111. Ska
is In Portland ander a doctors car.
Mr. Parry Pna bad a paralexia
atrok Satnrdajr which left him In a
very bad condition.
George Main, who baa for nln
rn been working for Jim Atkins,
baa moved bla family til Portland,
where Mr. Main will work In a black
smith shop wltb Mr. Rough.
Mrs. Clyde Smith, of Eldorado, waa
In oar berg Monday to get poach
from Mr. Wllkerson, and spent part
of th lay wltb Mra. Rlgga.
Mrs. Joa Thomas baa purchased a
e log Bach In.
Mlsaea bertha Rlgga, Nancy Tbom
aa. and Mabel and Myrtle Burna ton
Sunday for the boa yard at Needy.
Mra. 8mm Walker, son and daugh
ter, called at tb CouUer bom Mon
MIsa Bertha Ballard has returned
from an eiteaded Ult with ralaUras
in Portland.
M. J. Laiello la In Salem tbla week
looking afier tb In u rests of Clacka
maSiCoanty oihlblta.
Mra. Arthur Rusael and children,
from Myrtle Point, ar rlsttlng ber
sister, Mrs. Henry Scheer.
Mr. Myer. who baa bean working
on a dairy ranch at Myrtl Point, for
, wm-in-iaw, Arthur Roaaei, has ra
ina. were gneata of Mr. and Mra.
Geo. Laxelle Sunday.
George La sella waa sleeted achool
director to BtJ the plac of A U
Boylan who resigned, baring moved
from this district. - r
AU thoee Interested la tb rmi
I "I P!triLAssocl4Uun ar raauaaUd
' tra a.l . a sa. m k . . 7
According to all reports Stafford
has had mora rain than any other k
eallLr Knt t k .
CtT1' tou'bl k th nd of Its
m. ii were, and no hall and not
much rata fell at th tfm. It d
orniited a few hop pole and aoro
ireea. At Powell's plac It destroyed
afln pro n tree loaded with fruit.
Practically all tba grain and hay war
ared. Heavy headed aaaflowera
bod to tb earth.
A part of th material la on th
Croaad for th new church and th
"crt basement la already mad.
It to said a merciful maa la nverd
nl to hla beast aad young K. Milam
demonstrated th fact Uat wk when
i , "'" to tans a coup la of cows
from th Hayes plac back to hi
.waLTlior. Instead dT drir.
!! " tt kn "Istancw h flied
stalls in hla wagon, got them la and
let them rid.
r a favored peopl la jiaay
ara. as for Inaiane k... ao...
sys to get to Mearea and tb boaaty
n la, one aearcely a rer clash oa with
another, ror Instance w har th
Baptist, th Churtb Of 0oi'
CoogrgaUoaallsta. M
ImUw Day Bainls, UlsS,t
Tbnguos of ITra.
All th hop ytJ am
week, then ,uk'!Lg
pii. iw.rl-nit and Othet ;
vi'j i i
to apend our nooT. i
Bom of the peos -laat
a -tmJm Ml at Ml
It waa soma anms v- -
Mr. and ra. r" .,, t
porch sad could
folks la th Sckatt r
ceeded in geiuci ---j .J ,
tinned ringing of A fTt
found a who baoi
garden havlng .fgZsl
calls war mao -r-n
returned home that J
again engaged to ,
bona which tbey !'""(
hop picking ! ovar. J
ncnooi i 1 1 . i
Aftr csrlng for
.cent one Hit's
xcept on Hills bor.
th mum
mm pa. Mr. ZJai
with the hg
laaaa 'L
of hr fac on
and for four U TZai
a mouthful na " ...msi
At th pvv.rt
ntlrly left sad shs
. . tra.t on th "a
r. . vhlrh ST
ahk-h sr.
nough. ar craeklBg ,
warm rains aad u"'i
Monday tha Lud
riv tin aftr P-
hrldgVvehlch ha. be,.,
conditio for sows ""V, t
th. nlaaks torn op.
dotour narosssxy. 4
Wa would ! .JZ
much a. wa do oar
HtU. bat mors times
Tb blUf l 'ffr
Mnit. eoneral thai ! r-r
rL .w. - Is aot r-J -j-
long as Oorerv u ,
chair, aad bs. Us r?j
wires and Innoc eat dauf I
sing som HtU. J' a
Ukaly. wa. WSSJ
all th Urn b w" retkir
tllated body of Johnson g
ror aham on suci j
meotallty. e-
. -
W W Ta- ! L"l
Pereon. ret.mlnJ J t
and Polk, 0
8n 1 thst part of W
Ball, who owns a Ujre &
a On crop J jV
rated aa th hlrt.rwsj!
crop in tast 'hUVJ,'
th beat of ? 1
always rcirs k Vt
aevoral Oroa Wr;,,
ployed by kl tT