Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 15, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Watch, or an
Air Gun FREE
Llth every fcVB ,tf,t School stutiog la a few dyt,
Lotf will find here a Urge assortment of Fine BoyV
F!l Suit and Overcoats In alt the new shades in
(fowo nd 8rV Also a complete line of Boy's
Hti Shoes and rornisnings.
Price $3.50 to $10,
Suspension Bridge Corner. See Oar Windows.
Two Couples Qet Licensee. '
Msrrlsgs licenses were Issued
Thursday to the following: Pauline
Trullloger and Arthur b. Zwelf.l and
Mary M. Burgess and J. N. Carother.
Strcctt To Be Paved.
BPRINOKIKLD, Or., Bpt. 14.
(Special). This city's lung heralded
era of hard surface : paving has at
last arrlvd. Today the work of bal
lasting and conorstlng the track of
tha l, K. and K. preliminary to lay
ing tha Kl Oao pavement began. Tha
tan ton ateam roller (or u on tha
street arrlvad yaatarday and tha oth
er machinery and equipment la dua ta
arrive tbla week
A Narrow ! Escape
From State Prison
Copyright by American Jr Asso
ciation. Ull
.... .i.. irreat ami conviction
., peraon or persons, who
nlawfully remova coplaa of Tha
Ulmln Enierprlaa from tha
Lr,mlel of subscribers iiur
fciper bas en P'aead tnr D'
tarrler. J
J Hie Trouble.
PHU eyes are cut on,h bias."
"But do you Jhlnn na la noneair
'How rau'lie Iwr"
-Wbyr " - ' '
"lie wouldn't know a aqua re deal U
I taw It"
Darld f. Jenkins, of Mount Pleas-
kt, via in town.
Andrew Korher, of Canby, waa In
i0 Thuraday,
Pltrce Wright, of Liberal, waa In
iwa Thuraday.
tllu A. Durant. of Portland. Ii vis
ing friends at Carua.
fred Jeaae. of Carua. was In Ore-
M City Wednesday.
luae Tolpolar, of Oregon City, waa
Portland Thuraday.
Frank Miller, of Shubel. was In
Bragog City Thursday.
Frank Klnnv nt Mullnn wll an
brtioa City visitor this week. '
Barney flhurt nf Mania ln. WBS
fne of the Thursday visitors In Ore-
There la ta l a social at tha Pree-
(rtertan church tha evening of KTI
T, September 22.
Harry gchoenborn. a well known
Pnr. of Cams, waa In town with
load of wheat.
Jin iilkln. npnnilnanl sawmill
feu of Canby, waa an Oregon City
HIm Conatanre Thompson arrived
fcere Sunday from ftraann Pit to at-
hi high school and live with bar
I'mw, Mrs c. 8. Jackson. Roseburg
Htor Thursday.
I V! V ani w-k sm a.-
I " aiuu mm, II, Hi. AUUflsHJll, ui
14 11)1 St I n n a I s.mam ". f w rt
f-r-w saiB7, as e- j 1 1 V, V)UU s
ulneaa Thursday.
III., r ..n . i...
" v, viMiuKiuiiQ lnviivs juu w
Grand Millinery Wsplsy Friday
fd Saturday, Reptember 16 and 1,
f"a luuowing clays,
u. -I ... . .
i - ana mrs. ueri uumminga, oi
Pwr Creek, were In Orenon City
f" builnensT Wednesday.
. D. C. Utouratta Is at Pills-'J1-'
Undlng on the Columbia'. Bha
MILWAUKEE. Wis., Sept. 14
(Special). The Wolgaat McFarland
fight la off for good and all. ThU
wss the , flat announcement mads
here today by promoter Mulkern af
ter a fruitless attempt; to secure
promise that tha scheduled bout for
tomorrow night would not ba Inter
fered with. Mulkern was obstinate
until counsel finally Induced him to
' Mor than 10,000 fans today receiv
ed back their money. Tha advance
sale was close in 140,000, so that
much coin will have to slip out of tba
hsnds of the promoters. Visitors
from all parts of the country are dis
appointed, because many believed
that there would be some ray of hope
for seeing tha men meet.
riusrtutliig Attorney KabeJ an
nounced today that hereafter the
fight gnm would not ba permitted In
Wolgaat broke camp and returned
to bla farm at Cadillac, Mich.
SALEM, Sept. M. (Special.)
Ovorge F. Kodgera haa received a
let tee from the aecretary of Andrew
Carneglo, announcing tba long delay
ed acceptance of tha plans for the
Salem public library building aa pre
pared by Architect Post and approv
m1 hv iha'llhrarv hoard. Tha money
will ba forthcoming for tha building
aa aoon aa ll is neeaea.
, Tha library building la to cover at
tnnat tha antlra loL at tha comer of
State and Winter streets and Is to ba
of a claaalcsl type of architecture.
Ttiar. wilt ha a hlvh haaemant and a
very high atory above, which will be
arranged according to me latest
mofhrxM In library furnlahlnc.
. Tba amount of money that will be
contributed by Mr. Carnegie is Z7,
600, wbicn-wss secured oy u guar
anteeing of a maintenance fund of 10
per cent of tha amount.
I was csalilcr for I'.U'bnrd Ktcptoe
a Co. I bad the safe romhiimtlon and
wss Implicitly tnixtn! by (be hind of
the Arm. The summit of ciiMh In the
safe varliKl. Sometlnfa there would
fast take a ran tfowi, .m!r ease
be explained as ba left the room.
Carefully, painstakingly. Mr. Pedrle
searched tha lower floor of tba noaae
for the rosewood boi whk-b bis wife
bad ao artfully romenled from blin.
What did It contain 7 lMd his wife
possess a swret whIIAtr h did not
share? , " "" ,
i Onra mora Mr. redrln mountnl the
stairs, tbla time In a spirit of lust In
dignation.' Before he slept tuat morn
ing be would wrest this awir' front
bis unhappy wife. Ue stalked Into the
bedroom without any attempt at quiet
neas. i'
."Ob,1 Phln." complained Phoebe. N'
stop Bjucsklng around nod go to bei:
Tou'vs waked Die .up three tr four
times wltb.roor prowling, sad you
know I want to get op early so as to
go Into town on your trsln.
"Oolnsr to town, sre your ask
Phlneaa suspiciously.
"Of course I am! Ton know, I want
to do soma shopping. "
Tblneas wss undressing sulkily be
fore bis own chiffonier, and he saw
In the mirror the reflection of Pboelie's
face. She was either cry In? or IsukIi-
big. and ba decided that abe was cry
"I haven't said Ton couldn't go, have
If be saked.
"Oh. no that woiildn t mnke any
nut tin 110. aonietiiuea there would Ih'
Sl.oW and occaalonally wbuu a lurje
amount of currency would come In aft
er banking hours It muat ba kept over
night there. At su b times 1 was al
ways troubled, for the safe was- an
old pattern and tba lock out of dote.
I alwava counted the cash In tbo
safe, nlgbt and morning. One morn
ing my cash did not correspond with
what bad been there tba night before
by 120. I thought that 1 must bars
made a mistake in my count the night
l.a ..a sin t.lnfi1ni my h 1
mioiv. u 1. 1 - j . ...... m .
could detect no error. Fearing "that '
. . . . . a. i M 1 11 UI I
aometliing was wrong who me. i saio hecsnss
nntl.lnv .twint tha nilaalnir money. buL Because er-wcauw,
.x... i. i.i I ess ,ahnnly.
UfXH lure ibii m7 cwu u.u.u.. ... m, ..M Mr.
own pocket -F
Within m week 1, mlsaed another
amount from the safe. Tbla time it
waa IIS, a smaller sum than before,
but tba amount tn tha aafa was much
smaller than before. It now became
evident tbat aoma one not an outsider
hsd the lock combination . snd wss
This is our opening week for New, Fall
Millinery. We show Ladies' (Hats that are
.right; in style and price. : .
Big Department Store
difference." choked Phoebe.
"Wouldn't make any dlfferencer
exnlodnl rblneas. whirling around.
"Why wouldn't it make any difference.
I'd Ilka to know, madam? Am I mas
ter In mv own boused
"You csn snswer that question best.
flesr." said Phoebe meekly, mopping '
her area with tba sheet
"Well. then. I am master In my own
house." declared Phlneaa I'edrle grand
ly. "When I eay you aball go to New
York I don't x back on my worn
even though I strongly disapprove of
School Time is here. Get ready now. Bay your School
Suit, Shoes, and rtirnishrngs at the iSoys .More.
stated Phlq-
Pedrte lu
atrangled voice.
"That's a woman's reason, you
"What's a woman's reason? Oh. , I
see! My dear, don't- try to be funny
after mldnlcht One doesn't feel mucu
in tha mood for that sort of tbing.
hftii in itfir mmrnnRiinn inn . waa I
helping himself whenever In need of PedrU ncbed hi.
t. ""21: on: tn7..;.nd w
OI IDB CUTKsl.UO WBS l.rUiL'l,7Ue ! ... . . .
sbrsnk fromwing the mean, of send- t the Icy reeung nown , . e
. i . 1 1 i waa riunru aj '' v - -
ug any one. eepecis.. . . . M . I, w
well, to tirlnon. so I went to Mr. Step- . . ..
to. and Void him thst I thought w. led n
T aawA44l SHtit- s'sii m avast 1 .
a. It Ttiat matins ssr at Mimnm. "WUlu v -s-
IIVW ItA-ft, AVUV7 Mass nsw
Girls' Middy Suits
in all-wool IfSerge, Navy
blue and red, Windsor
tie, Sailor collar, trimmed
-with White Soutache
braid. Sizes. 10 to 14
years. Price $6.50
Girls Wash Dresses;
of Percales and Gingham,
trimmed and well finished,
Lot one, former price $1,
at sale price 69c Lot two.
worth up to SI. 50, at sale
price 9&c
Ladies Waists
vWe have selected from ;
our Stock of Waists a lot
of left-overs in different J
styles, colors and mater-')
ials ranging In price from
$1.25 to $3.00 We will i
close out this lot at, "each "
mlsd by a aafa a ad lock workman
chans-lns? tba combination.
What waa my astoniabment ten daya
biter to miss another S10. I bad been
given the combination by tha man who
bad changed It lie bad not even spo
ken It 1 bud banded him a slip of pa
per on which ba bad written It and
hand it back to me. There was
something uncsnny about these dlsau
pe a ran res, I am no mora superstitious
It did not bnt bla position wss the
means of bla discovering the rosewood
na caucht a glimpse of Its polished
surface and brass ornaments under bis j
ohifVnnlar tie wss sure he bad sesreh-
ad there before, but apparently be bad
failed to locate It He pulled It out
and tucked It under bis arm. throw-
Ins? hla bathrobe oyer It to conceal It
"Where are you going now. PblnT"
tVSli Skill STSS, as saw waw. w w.a I -
than other fairly educated people, but asked Fboebe curiously,
...... m Ull tllQ VUIUIU
ylaltln Mrs. Ada Hawkins
EdwiM Mill... . 11 - h,iii.
" of the Needy' dlstrct, waa In Ore
son City on business Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelvsy passed
wouirti Oregon city on their way to
'"lr home at Carua. They spent tha
'ornrner fishing at Qoblea, Or.
Too ought to buy those school
"w loday at Huntley'e and avoid
eruah of opening day. Wa will
"feet any mistakes you may maka.
Mra ii ..i ..... .
i . - """ii wiicox nas pnrcna.w
V tract oLibout forty acres on Mpl
jun from -Mr. Faust, of Portland.
PORTLAND, Sept 14. (SpecsaJ.)
Tha I'ortland-Vernon game today
was postponed on account of tain.
Two games will ba played tomorrow,
tha first one starting at 2 o'clock.
Oakland won from San Franclaco and
got a little nearer tha Beavera.
All aames In tha Norm western
League were postponed on account of
The results Thursday follow;
P. elfin Coast Lssoue.
Portland-Vernon po game, rain.
Lot An galea 0. Sacramento s.
' Oakland i, San Francisco 1.
Northwestern Lsaaua
JjUJ .games called off, rain.
Work on the Clackamas Southern
L """ing rsnidiv. tna aavance
...i . m lh Oregon City and being
w" Into the Mapla Lana dlatrlct
""Ut Opnoslta Mr. Rwallnw'a
t.l,, C Goldsmith Invltaa you to
- "ibiiu Miuinery Display Friday
. ftny, September 16 and 10,
"i following daya. -
Mr .n.l ... . .
... - mrs. h. u. wrignt ana two
,n,ulrn, 0f Marshfleld, are apendlng
h..,.'?r; nd Mr- 8chulUa t their
""Utlflll hnm a..ll V. wn
nllsa ..v" "
r. " -",lwesi ot Oregon uity. iney
n...m ln the Whlta Salmon Valley,
a ti .hlch Mr- Wright has bought
ba. I' fr,llt ranch- Tha trip, which
Portland Law Sohool. ot Port
uli! 0r"!on. opena Ita fall term Sep-
-"uiuer is tt v.. . .i .. . .
ir,n?K for .tnU showing alavan
dun. . ikiu iuuil7. 1UI iic"'-
th.r 0,.,th" UW 8ch0o UtM thtit
"a wni Ds tw0 t0 tn mort la0.
lUrirsl AA -A m aaa.
Ii . . i "u aunng.tna year.. ,'inia
"Plendld law school for tha study
s a preparation for tha bar.
Miss C. Goldsmith will have a
grind Millinery display Friday and
Saturday, Sept IS and 16, and
following daya.
. National League.
Pittsburg 3-4. Chicago i-2.
New York IS, Boston 0.
flt T .mi la A. Cincinnati B.
. Philadelphia and Brooklyn not
Amerlesn League.
No games scheduled.
Paolflo Coast.
Portland .
San Francisco
Sacramento . .
Los Angeles ,
Lost P.C
70 .57i
67 .668
79 .638
92 .468
92 .439
98 1j .423
Won. Lost.
Spokane ..
Seattle ...
Tacoma . .
Portland .
Victoria ,.
f muldn't momentarily resist the feel
Ing that a ghost was helping himself
to the cssh.
Rtlil. I didn't report tba matter. 1
lad a dread tbat I should get soma
of my fellow employees Into trouble
or thst I should aiscoyer tnat aome-
thlns- had irons wrong with myself
After thinking about tba matter, a
good deal I found tbat I couldn't add
a column of flguree twice with the
same result I called on my doctor
and told him tbat I suspected my mind
waa giving way. lie recommended me
to take a vacation. I didn't take his
advice, not liking to leave the safe to
any one else during my absence.
i thmicht of watching tha safe
nirhts. but I couldn't wstrh every
nlcht and thera waa no knowing when
a robbery would occur. Sometimes
several weeks would elapse between
tbem. But after I had made up a
hundred dollars from my own pocket
I began to think I baa better ise
measures to ston the leak.
One day. when one of tha cierka
Oeonre Simpson, came for bis aalary,
I noticed while ba waa signing tha re
ceipt slip thst tha and of the forefinger
of his right band was covered wit
finger end of a kid glova.
, "Cut your Anger?" I asked.
"Not burned It.
The next week when this young u
Simpson, came to draw bis aalary be
still wore tha covering on ma nnger.
Whan I remarked Ution It I detected a
V imaa.liipaa cross his face. 1't think much about it however
hnt when another week bad passed
and I still noticed tba kid covering
I betan to wonder about tba finger.
"Not healed yet?" I asked.
"No: I guess my blood must ba ln a
bad state."
"Tt ma see It
na took off tha covering. The tip of
his linger looked as if the -skin bad
been taken off and bad not grown
again. I made no remark, but took
ti. rocatnt ha bad algned and filed it
At " time when no money naa oeen
nii..Ad for a anace of twslva- daya I
made up my mind to wntcn tne eare
nights. I couldn't remain awaits every
niffht In auccesslon. so I loos, a poos
knr. T ravers. Into tne secret, ana we
starred ln to watch alternately. I took
urat watch. Travers second, on tne
fourth night. It being my turn, about
ii nvtork 1 heard a key put in tne
lock of the office door. Some one cams
In steathlly. and I could bear , the
i..t tnwnrd the aafe. Pretty soon 1
heard a faint sound Ilka a tumbler
f.iimir In a lock. I waited awune ana another, then another, until I
hnd heard four. My position wss be
hind a desk over which was an electric
tiirht. Hearing tba eare aoor awing
open. 1 switched on the light i There
mm rn.rnina' into lue bhib. . iir
turned pnle as a sheet and faced me
unl tn h tn. IIS was mniimou.
"I wasn't taking anything out. 1 was
nutting It back." he gnsped. holding
... hi. hand with some bills In It
V"V - .... . . . a
"Simpson." I ssld. "you re a rooi.
T know It." "
t i.a.a known of this for a long
a aiea ' w
tlma. Tell me how you did it.
Are you a subscriber .to tha Morn
ing Enterprise? II not .you ahouid can
Mr. Pedrle naused on the threshold
and looked with a superior smile at
hla wife. "I'm acinar downstolrs to
tha library." be ssld. .
it. went downstsira again witn me
rosewood bog tucked under bis arm.
na did not stoD In the library, m
stead he went to the- kitchen, where
ha fnnnd the tool chest and extracted
a hammer and chisel and a bunch of
old keys of sll shapes and alses
In the sin re of the electrics he studied
tha rosewood box. There wss the key-
bole, but no key. Ha tried all the
anara keys, and not one fitted the lock
Tba blngea were beautifully set ln the
box, and ba was losth to wrench thera
off, yet the box must be opened. - He
must discover what secret bis wue
waa kaonlnor from him.
Ha Inserted the chisel under tba lid
and nrlexl c-eatlv. The lock strained.
but held. Ha bore down harder, and
at last with a splinter of wood around
h in.M ih. Iiwlr. tha cover flew
V-UW .un.w
up and knocked his eyeglssses spinning
across tha room, where they a nattered
airalnit tha range.
And bans goes flor ejaculated Mr.
Pedrle. staring hopelessly at tha glit-
torinir frna-menta of his eyeglasses.
What la the matter. Thine ar assea
bis wife from the doorway, and then
as her i-sie fell on tba open box In nis
hand sba added: "What are you doing
with my box. Phln? Are you out of
your mind?"
Mr. Pedrle glared aavagely at her
Woman." he ssld accnslngly. "you
have a secret from ma. I must know
the worst. Phoebe Pedrs. . Walt! Do
not speak'. You know 1 will ba quite
1nat with vou." .
He held the box to tba light ana
fnmhied in it. He brought up a tan
gled mass of white thvead.' a measure
of lace and an Ivory bobbin. "W bat Is
thtaT" ha stammered.
"My tattinir." choked Mra. Pedrle.
"And thlaT Mr. Tedrie covered bla
rhirrin by flahlnc urt the One other ar
tide tn the box a bundle of letters
.11 a hml wh . hlna rthhnn. ' Aha!
WW MWUfc " . I m - - i
Tour lova letters to me, dear.", ssld
bis wife sweetly. And on axaminstlon
an thev nrnved to be.
vv ---- i -
Mr. Pedrte sst and stared speechless
ly from the emnty box to his shattered
glasses, tht nee to tha tatting and tha
Jlarmless babble of his own lova let
ters. Ha did notloor aTOnr-wlfe
"Phlness." she said after awhile.
"do you still malntsln thst man hi not
possessed of hla full share of curios
Me. Pedrle looked aheenlshly at her.
threw up bla hands and dived Into his
tnmiaera tiorket for his wallet This
ha tossed across tha kitchen table to
hie wife.
"Ilelp yourself, Phoebe," ha said.
with a feeble emile. "It'a on ma!"
Best Showing of Boy's School
Suits in! History of This Store.
Suits made from best' material and
lowest cash prices from $10 down
to $2.50
. uli. R.r.kla, la. Slarriad.
Miss Catherine Beckler. of Oregon
City, and John Williams, of Pdrt
Townsend, Wash., wer married at
Port Townsend, September 8. They
are visiting friends in Oregon City.
Later they win go to Indiana wnere
they will make their noma.
Jnhn R and ' tjilu Macv to M. EL
Fish, tract 68. Pruneland; $2,300.
A. E. and Flora Tnompson to r. m.
Cook one acre Hereford atreet, Olad-
stonerv $664.25. .-'
Jamca A. Bunnell to George ""C.
Hedges, west half southwest qftarter
section !, township 7, south range 4
east; $7,000.
Rhododendron Mineral Springs
Land Company to Wllber P. Reld, lot
S and that part of Iota 9 and IS east
of Zlg Zafr. Creek, block 11, Rhododen
dron; $200.
Fred Metzner to Julia A. Metsner,
lot 6. Mock 82. Oregon City; $1.
Balthasar Men to JuUus Behrendt
east half of northwest quarter of
...v.aa Anarr.r uutlMI -I 10- tOWn-
uuuiwv H" -rt ;
hin .a amith run east: IIJMH).
- CharlesrD--Taylor to; Rltchla AB.
Gallop, part WlUiam Meek D. I. C
townahip 1 south range 1 east; $8,600
E, A- and Mary Qunkar to J. A.
Kraenlck, north half of northwest
quarter, one-fourth northwest quarter,
section 35, township 1. south range S
east; $10. -
S. O. Burg to N. T. Hargrove. Luby
Hargrove and C. C. Hargrove. ISO
acres, section 7, township 2, south '
range, 3 east; $10.
E. B. 1) Stcnogra
phers and
Bookkeepers Tnc Great Demand
Bio Drive la Started
EUGENE, Or., Sept 14. (Special.)
Tha drive of 7,000,000 feet of logs
from tha camps above Dutch Henry'a
place was started down tha McKen-
tie rlvef Monday for tho destination
at the Boota Kelly mills at Coburg.
. i . M tt.. Jwtaia las vWlIM th
mi, mv now jtvvj a.. A pornon vi iuw ui w n...
"I pare! the kin. or my iorpDnirr ir)oyi camp, dui ino gr-jniwr uumw
the ntilok. making it so sen
.i... that I csn feel the tumblers fell
t hi-A A ttied s slsh of relief. ne was
.ofi.HTiinir nil he hnd tflken. I did not
report the mutter. and he has never
scnlrf taken sue n a nss si uinr;
rowing. He . had a -harrow esx?sp
came from tha company's holdings. It
1st ArtWtAn f ha drive will require
about thirty days to land tha logs In
the mill pond, he drive is in ensrge
ot Foremsn Blanchard, the best log
ger that ever wielded a pise p'e uu
the McKensie river.
Business firms ore rccoqnlzlng the superior
f . training of our Business university over; the
1 work of the busi less colleges; Our standard
Is higher; our work is much more thorough;
our.wpfk is more complete; end our students : '
ore more proficient in every way- J " Vl :
Just t e school for the earnest young man or .1.
lady who desires to learn' and have; the high
est and best training at reasonable tuition
rates. You are sure of individual help
and instruction. You know the large, schools
cannot give It. You should Investigate our
work. Do it now; do not wait. In session all the
, year in day ond night school.
630 Worcester. Block. Phones: Marshall 273 1 j Home AS4f 0..
from n wrecked Ufa.
p-nlsa our advertisers.
Patronise our advartleera.
scrlptlon list immediately..
and let us pu. your nsma on tna su