Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1911)
:::araiiG bterprise C2SG0H CTTT. OREGOlf S. K. SROOtE, Edit and Pullc. r-, U1L at the (Ml rnoa t Ur, Oraana, aat Um Act at It 1T.- Cm Tear, by Mil .Ua . J f i Itaita. by mi kHT HlWklL b w waek. by nurtar CCTTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Hre bw eo4ad Wtferttoa Platan paatttoa aay BOaT. I" rirat fctearttoa..., fwftnl Boatttoa any Uad lajairtla wa papar ethrr taaa flret , IMI laaaiitnai lac M IM Mt lea ash laa ftua aaaer acker Jwa Hre . par Ml la ar i Waata. aval a w Par Bale. Ta Raat. . M aa aa aaai aaeb aMIttaaai. Utaa far aanrUabm I Sjetrprtaa will ba tba a aaltr. for aOvartlaaasaata v tw iit Wrtere tha aarart t trumttnmA IM tba dally ta tha hr miiibi ouin. tba rata wtll ba i Weakly m batba ' aa taeb far raa aT tba aaaar. aa4 laa aa aacfe. for ta naiarartaa. LfW arruata at legal aatarttelaa rata " nma advertlafec aa4 aoaotal traaaaaal utwitatM at taa to lee aa tnca. mm ta apodal aoadltloaa atrrarnana; tha Tta Bala" aad Bankrupt BaW erar- , taaaoemt mc tach Itret laaawiaa: aaa aaattar Jae aaaa. Kawa ttaaaa ana raU wrKtaa itiuias af avaffl. wit ba aWAiv aeaapbaa. Relacta4 am an ala aavar raiuraad aaieaa aeraaatwi a4 by eOJBoa ta srvaajr aoataam CITY 0TFIC1AL NtWtPAPeR. THE MORNING' ENTERPRISE Is on sal at tbo following sioroo rf ofory day Huntley Broa. Drag w , v Mala 8 tree. . ', J, W. McAnulty Ogara e . Beronth and Main. , gecrokt ConTectlooerr 4 - 7 - Main boar Sixth. . M. X. Duna Coufectlooery T . Next door to P. O. . . ,aty Drug 8 tor Electric Hotel Schoenboni CoBfoctionery SoTontb and -I. Q. Adama. SepL 15 In JUnrican History. Va4Tb American under Major Lawrence repulsed a combined e 1, and land attack by the British and their Indian allle at Fort Mon gas, ntranc to Mobil bay. 1857 William Howard Taft, twenty ' . aerenth president of the United State, bora In Cincinnati O. 1862-8nrrender of Harper Ferry and . death of tbo commander. Colonel ! IXxon H. Ml!., ... ipiOrtmocTat nominated Woodrow . WOaon for governor or w Jeraaj ' rramcai William Dickons, rear ad '': antral TJ- a N. (retired) died In New York: born 1845. Caleb Power. ' four time convicted of the murder ' of Governor Goebel of Kentucky. gnd 00117 pardoned, momlaatad for congrea. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Trotn noon today to noon tomorrow.! Sun sets CrOC. rtae 67: moon rlaea -10:18 p. m.: IjOT p nv. eastent time. 'kood at last quarter. A DEFENSE OF LAFFERTY. In Oregon; where the recall works both day and night, tbey are threat ening the recall of Lafferty from Con gress, says th St. Louts Globe-Dem ocrat. Lafferty la a man 36 years of axe. old enough to know better, but, being single, untied to any woman' apron strings. Not long ago, during - this special session which baa been a. plague on all our Houses, be saw a - rounr woman In Washington, admir- ed her, and by return mall wrote letter asking the privilege of a meet ' Ing. The young woman handed the letter to her father. Th father, who ' appear to be a believer In publicity gave ft to the press. This called out ' another letter written by Lafferty to another young Capltolleone. There baa' now been time for the echoes to begin returning from Oregon where , the Columbia River, once said Bryant to bear nothing "save It down daahings" Is nowaday a listening to many other things. The political enemies of Lafferty In hia district have started a high moral - campaign against him. It baa been . brought out that, at home, be once ' forced his attentions upon a stenog rapher. This moves Lafferty to the making of a confession. Admitting that he did pay court to the stenog ipbel7Tkemres-arTiTsTnTen tions were honorable and that the lady coo Id b calling herself Mrs. Laf ferty today if ah bad only aald "yea, W rather Uk thl in Lafferty, and w hv not consulted the Congres sional ' Directory to find whether be be Democrat or Republican, either A man' a man for a' that," and g man must forego th blessed prlvl- .leg of popping th question In order to rnn tor Congress In this country! either honorably ambition wlll'dl; or tbo problem of raco aulcld will loom larger than It doe. , - "Now bring pa your rocallr y Lafferty. after making that open on fesslon which la good fof tha oul la answer to tb threat Uat recaU petition will b circulated against blra In tlm- for th November lcyon. Th wbol' nation, from a to aea, 111 applaud hint.' . Tor thl la not local tsru only. It U not confined to Lafferty' district nor to Lafferty' :te. What If It aball ba spoken 1 established that a man shall be t'--"U to Congrbsa becatts '- wlf. many rebuff I UU tha IncwnlW w would offer to amblttoa? Is thla th premium we would place npoo pub He eervlo? Mr. Roovlt should go to LafTerty's district and appeal for aim la tha nam of tbo stork and th agl. Aad wo, aa oa pooplo. hoold alt ap tbo night after that ro call lectloa. straining our oar to hoar th welcom nwa that Lffrty wins. Our nary Is getting to bo ao largo that tbo tossoIs hv difficulty In ma- neuTOiing In Hampton Road. A big ger training ground will bar to Do, provided. Governor Deoeeu. of Illinois, baa broken a leg Juat a b ta on tbo edge of tbo hardest running ho ha over bad In his career. Has Deneen'a luck changed? -OaO - Tbo farmer of Pennsylvania and New York aro organizing a company to superintend tha marketing of tbelr products. When trust meets trust then cornea the tug of war. ao Tbo clergy In Newport seems to have taken up. on Sunday, tho cry gainst the Astor wedding. The in cident 'ft almost forgotten elsewhere. But Newport must be exclusive, joa know. , -- Admiral Togo Uke back to Japan some valuable poinier In regard to the American national game. This Is much better than to stock up with Information about fortifications, ma nevers and secret explosive. -- Judge dantenbeln used tbo big atick yesterday on tbo obstructionists who have been blocking tho Broad wa bridge In Portland. ' Springfield Is booming. - Hard sur face pavements will change tbo ap pearance of the UtU city. Salem la to bav a Carnegie library and that a ooa as she Is ready for It Let'er Buck. ' Pendleton 1 the cen- tr of tho West Uls week. The Southern Pacific ta to put up new passenger depot at Roaeburg. Oregon City will get her turn some day. The highwaymen are attracting 'at tention all along the route. Eugene I welcomed tbem Tuesday evening. Portland aad Salem people turned loose at the State Fair yesterday. Biggest crowd ever. Tecchy. She Is it really true that the blind can determine color by the ene of touch? Be Certainly. 1 once knew blind man wbo wa able to tell r redbot stove by merely putting hi finger on It ilnsrted Bit. SuDscrib for th Dally Bntarprlea. East Ready to Open Its Arms to the United States By JOHN F. FORT, Former Governor of New Jersey CE average American has little ACCURATE knowle-lge of the oriental countries and their .plt Many of us get our impression from what we hear the missionaries saf in our churches, and we are prone to think f tho oriental as a "heathen." Nothing could be FURTHER from the truth. Whether a man ia a heathen seems to depend upon the point vf view, and sm b characterization often carriea a : : r ,i I ff -,.nnn, u,a -re from Ill's oriental look upon US aa a heathen, and I suppose we are trom 1 1 1 s standpoint The truth ia the oriental U a WONDERFUL man industrious, ober, farsecing in bnainesa and altogether to be rcftied with. Japan baa proved this, and China would if she had ha'.f a evince. It ia wonderful what busy mart of trade all the citic and towns of the orient are. Great Britain ia the one iation that has UNDER STOOD this, and she haa been pushing to secure this trade for inora than a century. Other nations are just beginning to fully realize it. The United States has GREAT OPPORTUNITIES in this direction in the FUTURE if she will only embrace them. We are the nearest to these oriental markets and. have the articles they need. So one can estimate the volume of possible trade with China and Japan which the United States MIGHT have if it was PROPERLY fostered and developed. WE ' HAVE THE MONEY, "AND WE HAVE THE ARTICLE FOR ALE. WE HAVE EVERY MOTIVE TO SECURE THIS TRADE. SHALL Wt .HOT GET SOME OF ITf EIGHT HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE AWAIT AN OPPORTUNITY TO OPEN THEIR MARKETS TO US IP WE Wlli 00. ALL THESE PEOPLE ADMIRE THE UNITED STATES mb MM BUSINESS MEN. T--V -VOULD OLADLY HEAL W.TH them. '-''-f " ' ' MORNING MvmgRPRTSE.' FRIDAY. -SEPTEMBER 15, 1011 I - .will be found and "Mj Western Society Girl Has a Trained Coyote as Her Pet rw aroattl roa Ilk to have a H amall wolf or a Boston bull or not usually regarded aa dealrable pel a. but when caught young " -ooaalbl to tamo tbem alias Kathleen Laird, a aoctety bud of PpO. kaoe. Wash, baa a coyote that ab prtxee highly 8h la a Bepbew of Andrew Laldlaw. a mllUonatr borwemaa and mine operator. The coyote was five to her when It was In Its tnfsncy. and her kind treatment won the ""'V1 maTe heart until today It la devoted slsve and I her companion on dtliy walk She baa taught the coyote to do a nomter of trtcke. and It la as affec tionate and playful aa aay pnppr The accumpanrliia picture waa taken to eeoilv at th bom of Mia Laird's oarenta TRADING IN HOPS STARTS AT 35 CENTS There . w an unconfirmed report Thursday of om hop bualneea at Salem 'at 3Sc a pound. No other busi ness ja reported on the Coast aa buy- eHTire wilting to ae aampteinbe fore paying the present high price. Nevertheless there 1 ome business offering at 35c but no trade ar re ported outalde of the Salem transac tion. Dealers are dot hurrying aale. as the crop la coming .down extremely light In thla state. JHerman Klaber, the well known hop dealer and auth- ority on Coast crops, reduced hla es timate on ine uresoa pruuucuuu 7e.000 balea. Thla 1 a drop of nearly 30.000 balea within a few week., urhll. UttU Knalneaa haa keen re- ported In the bop markets elsewber. trad la generally firm and prices, aa a rule, ar being safely maintained at previous high figure. HIDES (Buying Green bide. Se to 6c: malters, 5Hc to 6Hc; dry hides, 12c to 14c 8btp pelts. 25c to 75c esch. DRIED FRUITS Local price are firm at from Sc to 10c on apple and prunes, peache are 10- - SALT Selling BOc to 90c for fine. SO lb. aack. half ground 40c; 75 for 100 lb. sacka Portland Vegetable Market. NkaSSi Copyrlfbt by American Prasa Aaaoclatlon wrong impression. I suppose the f V"' Cl -a V ''. ' 'ai - - .at . coyote aa s PetT Would yoo preter a a colli or a aacnanunnr tw - SACK VEGETABLES - Carrot. $1.25611 50 per aack; PMn'l"f eilio: turnlpa. l ll M: "bta. $1.50. ONIONSJobbtng prtoa; Oregon H75 oer 100: Australian, $150 -r Id.-: Tia. U K per iat: Cmor nla. $t per crata. Oregon City Stock: Quotation HOGS -oga ar quoted rrom l 1 l&0 ,bt- tr"BI 160 lb to 200 lba. IV40. BACON. LARD ed 11AM. rflrm VEAL CALVfJ'al oalvaa sun according W grad. .IWM - - m DEEP STEERS' te7 '?! th locl maraeU ar fetching Hc to t Uv, etgt. SHEEP r arm at e t e Ouotaitena wr 9ro" "- POTATOES Beat, Buying 1 cent FLOUH AND FEED Hour Is steady, aelllng from $S to K JO; very llttl of cheaper graaea. , OATS (Buyng) ray, i;s w Wi?- IBS-t - Ordinary v-4 im. to 20c. fancy dairy from, tor to tic. cream- ery tJ to JSC FflCft Beat grad 25 cent. POTJLTRT (Buying rlnn with lit- tie rood stock offered.' Good ben ar bringing 12c Old rooater ar In poor demand, broiler onng imm ioc w iovi with good demand. . I WOOL (Buy:iigj ooi price are ranging from 14 to 17 cente. FEED-rShorta $29 to $30; rolled barley. $31.60 to $32.50; procea bar ley. $33.00: whole corn, $39.00: cracked corn, $40 00: wheat , $32.00 to $33: oil meal. $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. HAY (Buying.) Timothy $1 to $17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay, beat, $12; $14. mixed. $10 to $12: alfalfa. $12 to PORTLAND DAY DRAWS RECORD FAIR CROWD SALEM, 8epL 14. (Special.) Ac cording to members of th 8tate Fair board, the largest number of Port land people ever assembled at tb State Fair was recorded today when all special trains reached thla city from the metropolis. It la estimated that the attendance on Portland day will reach the 15.000 mark. On all trains hundred of Portland people arrived, and noceeded at once to the fair grounds. In snit of the fact fact that every available) vehicle and streetcar waa placed in commission to carry Portland peoole to tba fair grounds, crowds of visitors wer com pelled to wait their turn. Long before the Portland trains ar rived th crowd within the ground waa larger than at any time yester day. ' Several hundred Portland peo ple arrived last night, and the hotels and roomtng-houaee are filled to over-J flowln. The Hotel sMrlon waa block ed with guests, and many apent the night In the lobby. More Interest Is being taken In the livestock exhibits this year than on Portland day laat season. A soon as the visitor arrived they mad haste to the stock barns and Inspected the ITocTfngfWnTCh the fiptalouTTnalfi ' Ion wu the of lntereit( Parkers' showa also receiving a ahare of tb attention of the vlsltora, while the fair grounds restauranta wer do ing a record-breaking business. Tb visitors made the fair ground their dining place. Instead of waiting In town for their fare. STOCK COMPANY COMES MONDAY Franklin Organization To Glv Three Parformances In Thla City. Commencing next Monday the at traction at Shlveley's Opera Hous will b the Franklin Stock Company. Tbla organization la one of the beat In the West and I composed of th highest of talent and those who go to the theatre, to see excellent acting win not be disappointed. The com pany com to Oregon city after a series of brilliant engagement and th endorsement of th critic where ever the company baa appeared, la In Itself a sufficient guarantee of the merit of tb entertainment Tb player have been telected with un usual car and th managera. Messrs Crist and Bartholomew, bav spared no expense In gathering together aa fin a company aa ha aver played thl part of th country. Tb play "Dor Thorn," "Th Girl of th Hill," and "Don't Tell Vty Wlrtf ! torost of brt at all tlmo. h comedy I wl blndd and amusing. The nmeut la tor tbro porfornv ances only. 8U will bo on slo at Jon1 Drug Company. fYlday. Husband k Divert. Abandonment la charged by WH iiam-u. McAteo. wboAaa fil ut for divorce from Ivy McAieo. The r wjre married In Parkersburg. W. Va.. Oo to be; t. - ftad tbo Morning Butorprla. - ' " FADS AND FANCIES. CKaraotarlatU f the Ntw 8ida frills f th aaaaan. 8UW frll.s will 1 .me f le luilr tllnt lteua lu fall nkwer aud ar uitt-le In two effevta-tlnwe fr wear with taUored suits and tboae of a uor dreiuy cbaraoter. IJttl Umuet ol silver yai with rur 0es of fin lace falling over the balr are very dainty and attractive. High stiff collar are numerous ur spite the popularity of th Dutch or law nock. - A pretty way to dn over a last year Jacket la to ad. a deep aquaro collar of some light material and po"1 covrr (ha wltli a collar to match th suit cut arrrooo raoc. I la tb.rr deeo Dolnta. Thla I mor dressy If the points sre flushed with tassels and mor up to dnte for all kloda of frtng nd tusaeU sre the height of style. checked material trimmed wih pUln mn i0 jUBt as fuUln ble ,nli wnter a, ti-y bnve la-en tDe past aumiuer. The gowu II- i,tritton abowa this tomlilimtlun Tb blouse Is a very simple uffiilr made In peasant atyle. Tb skirt all gored, with th new slit front width. JCDIC CIIOLLET. Tbcae May Manton patterns are rut I sit from 14 to 42 lnrhra bu't mraaurt for tha waist and from 22 to JI ln li. t walat measure for tha aklrt. Brnd 10 rami each for tneae pattern to thl office. lv In number, skirt 70. J and walat ium. and thy will ba promptly forwardrd lo you by mall. If In haate and an additional two ert Ilamp for letter poataa-r. arlilcb Inaura mor prompt dallvrry WHAT IS WORN. Th Autu.nn Bridasmaida Ar Wairing Lac Cap Outing Hata. For- bridesmaid lai e cum are In vogue. Tliey drop over the hair In soft platted frills and are trim mod with rows of silk or niouMMetlue flowers. Soft felt hats for Ihe mountains com In all the lovely shades of tlie present fashion. Home or tuene ft-It are o oft and ix-till fill In texture that they look alnioHt like velvet. Some of the hnmlaonieSt coatume arc reversing the uhuiiI order of put ting the It- tit fnbrtc hImiv the heavier one and ni-e miiklnp skirts of conrse heavy lac and tunic of aatlu. The Russian blouse effect I liked for auch purpow, A'd trlmPilntts ur put on a OBiLO'S OOaT WITH CAta, flat a possible, unless they ar In th hap of rufllea or pnffs, and then they ar cnry. Th new eklrta ar to b narrow and atralght All walata ar still blgh. a high In fact as tbey ever were. , Simple loose coats ar the beat for tlfly tot. Illustrated la a model that may be made either with or without s cape, and It Include aleeves that ar comfortably loose though amartly cut JCDIO CIIOLLET, This Mar Manton pattern la cut la sis for children of alx months, on a, tw and four years of sse. Band 10 eanta to thla office, glvtnt number, Tiot. and It will ha promptly forwarded to you by mall. If in haata eond an additional two eant stamp for latter poatags, which hwura mor iivmpi oaiivary. i I'll Money represent human powr. It I of vital Important to you whether It fore la irtd for or against you. Money saved I your frUnd. ready to help you when you need help moat urgently. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BAH K IK TBI COUNTY R ft. LATOUaWm PfsaSaaat THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON if CAPITAU t0.)O.0tt TraaaMta a eirl whl olr.. Heart toHeart Talks. By EDWIN A. NYU. THE LOSS Or BAST'S $901. rna -luby'a Miant laalhar shoe. Tlnd- ar plaaaa raiura i -- iaward. tirlnted tu a Chicago newapa.H.r. and hereby bang. p. m .iv I U BUiri aa iu a tal of babj." grief Tb mother tiik her lltil tlauiinrer. Huth, on a Runduy rr a mr nut. Ituth wore shiny UK! sh.e. whU b loved a a. some babies U.v The were the Iduls that she wrhllel. Ruth's attention waa attracti-d to th eunductor's bra buttotia. th trieo to "niske frlentls" with tii conductor. her metbiHl being t wsve.her feH. And thus the tragedy. The Iscee were Ittoaencd by Ituth'a waving, aud one of the ! came off At Aril neither Ihe baby )r the mother discovered the Um. Th n th former waa shocked lo nt ber hoe- leaa foot A seen h was roado In the rar. The shoo waa gne, aud the -by cried bitterly. ; n iw. r tflui'hwl rvrrt una.' siiio the newspaper reamer. "I have bought aa- """ " Ituth a new pair, said Ihc nniner, "but she 1 nt sntUned. I am afraid w aball not find the mlaMtog "- Of roura she was not aatlxni-d. Whst Is a flue new doll beside th loved and lost, the woru. shabby Peg gy, disreputable to strsugvra, but dsr to the heart of Ita chlldlb ownrrr It takes tlm and hlloMohy and sometime many tears to train tb wounded tendril around a new objeii of a (I cot Ion. "Nonsense." says Scrooge. "Much ado alut a bagMicll. Silly sentiment, t lmt' all." Kentluietit, yra. but not willy. I.lttls Ttutb'a grief Is very resl to her. Tb Scrooge ron has ton a? ago forgotten that ever be was a baby. Ill memory. Ilk bis soul. Is rallouxed, Ileslde- Llfe Is largely made np of aeutlment, except In the Oradgrtnd ami rVrooga. Poor bsbyl In babytand I no shield of philoso phy to Intrrpoae and ssv from tb poignant sorrow of a first !. Wa grownup meet tb loaa of a sbo with complacency. So utilitarian ar we grown we prefer tb new one. And w are hardened ao Ibat the loaa of our immortal souls sometime give u leas concern than tb loss of th shiny ho to Itutb. If the finder of thst little morcl only knew how baby la dltreedl Ordeal f Fir. Throughout lb dark age of Xurop an accused person bsd to carry a piece of redhot Iron some distant- In bis band or to walk tiltie feet barefooted over plowshare at v-blt beat Tb band or foot waa bound up and In spected three daya afterward. It the defendant bad escaped unhurt b waa pronounced Innocent: If otherwise. tulity. hie Uiasppssrtng Puis. "My!" exrlalmed th doctor. "Yoo have hardly any puis today r "Well, don't you remember, doctor." replied tho patient, "you took It wbeo you w'r b,,r yUrday r - Tonkr DUIlfBaUail, Thay Might Dlsappssr. 'Tou want lb pocket to ran no ano oown. i upposeT" aald tu tailor. air, mr irritonie customer r- . 1 a ...a. plied. "1 prefer atatlonsrv iMK-kata. You may mak tb aliu perpendicular, nowerer. urt, First OatreieaV Cl!atbenes. Athenian atatesman. In troduced th custom of octraclsm and waa the first to be banished thereby. HONESTY. Every man takes care that hit neiohhoT ahall not cheat him. But a day comes when he begins lo take care that he do not cheat hit neigh bor. Then aL goes we.L He ha chanted his market cart into a chariot of the sun. Em mon. ..... nunmn panarn la cut in aSa JM. snd It will ba promptly forwarded t """' " ,n hM, " a add wZh ::L? ' lyttar poC ...way iromp aa.lVwTjr, "",''n P":r la cut In sisa fr0" Inchaa bust massurs. and I U 0fflc' lf1v", ""nf. Till, and It will ba promMlv forwardi lb tm tfaa . .1."!!". I1 ,n hMU uni sddlUonal ...... bhviv aiumpi aaiiTfir. J..J1.IS aa .a Aflmlnlntrttlon of in oth n . ... riuini in WJ0, Roam Kohaa. Echoea In l. Mm- k! : toou, nay mm. r - ...v v O lira. .aT f. J. MCTBA. Cm, OpN (roan A. M. t f , n Palronia our advanlsars. Wants, For Sale, Etc HeUaa aadar ikaa ttaaaina will be Inaa 14 at aaa aaal a vara, g InaarUoa. half eent a4ulai haat ttnaa, tat barb ear. II aar MaauTul ae ear. naaa si Bar avaiia. ' Caak aniMM aaraatftaar arSar anhaa) aM ba aa aaaa amaal with laa aaaar. a. tataaaial rawialbUllr tar arrarti akia arrara aeour traa ewrrai aia wis H aetata lor aatraa. auainiuai aaaraa Ua WANTED. Aaa WANTKD-lo ocor. ,o - , lection of all ort of curlot. a ttqu. and Indlaa trinket; auapa .tor. atamp ooiiectors; coioi tar numismatists, arrow-bead for arta ologlst. tfl. buy and Ml! all sorts of curio; also all kta4i a! second band furaltur aad toola Oeorg Young, Main, Bear ruu sueet. WANTZl-aaai aavartlaemtst a tbla sohai abi. Sa rata at bead of r taad tb Morning Bntarprt, WANTED You to kaow thai u k lrprla )ob printing dapartmaat a tb meat coraplBl la ta ttsu, outald Portland. Try It for yew ait prlatlag mini - -t anm-arw i won SALE. FOR SAIJC Spar In tbla eolaaa 811 that old plow or barrow; yss don't uaa It atnc you parch your nw oa. u.f-"- j. -as v- i i asaaaw FARM LOAMS. FARM IX1ANS Dlmick a Dtauea, lawyer. Oregon City. Or. ATTOPNEVS. O. T. VBT. Aoray-t-lsr. Msaw lond.' abstracts ram laa. bat tit baa siIb4. atat nii, p ral law boat Over kk Oregoa City. VRBN A SCHTTTBaTU Arsreei taw. Dittarr aavwssi. wiu r tie la all aourta aw sad etHmata Offlo JJ prtM Bldg Oraaoa City. Cvtm SUILOER AND COCTOS. . HARXT JOH1ES Buftdcr sal OassrW C tractor. Btlmata esaamaj give, on all ela of work, coaorwta walk aaa i oaserit. Rav Fboaw Mala UV INSURANCE. L H. COOPBR, Fo' Tr bMr .-a Vaiut Lt " yowr proawrtlaww hT. 'T ichang. Offlca la Rldg., Orgoa City. Oiwaoa- E. W. :MeIUto Now open for baInaa wltb " a a. . J IH.rsi lln of new and secono oaaa -ture. . PRICES TO SUIT THE Highest Prlc Paid '. Hnd Fumltur. In th fv irlok Bu'ldl". Slirth and" Mala trt. COAU -: COAL! aBaaBaBaawaaaamnaaaSBW ' est price. ' Lay fa winter toppY ; noWt Korrsot Poultry food. .... Otcgofl CommissiOQ : Cp ,"" 11TH AND MAIN fTta . Orgon City. BAS .. - t (. atioN PARK Cor. vaugh and Twnty-fourt . VERNON - v .r- PORTLAND .pt.mb.c 12, 13, 14, 1- 1, Osm.. fe0ln Wakdya t f Sunday. f.t9 J'.y niaa' DAY FR'0A LADIES' DAY II EBAtl' to B'e,c Boys D"df IS Fr