Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 14, 1911, Image 3

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foot Ball, Watch, or an
Air Gun FREE
with every boys aoit. School starting la a fw dyt ,
you will find here a Urge assortment of Fine Boy's
FaU Suits and Overcoats in all the new shades In
brown and dark grays. Also a complete line of Boy's
Hats, Shoes and Furnishings.
Price $3.50 to $10
Suspension Bridge Corner.' See Our Windows.
fir wood. '
Carl I". Anderson, of Ore gun City,
oii of the County Supervisor o(
schools, v lulled tti shools of this dis
trict last week, also Salmon River,
Welches and Kelso. Mr. Anderson
waa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. D.
Hart Thursday night.
J. O. DeBhazer drove to Liniment
Junction Friday.
Mr. and Mra. A. Malar vlalted Mr.
Malar' a mother at Clackamas over
F. Klllng, of Portland, visited bis
ranch over Sunday.
Mlaa Edith Miller has gone to Port
land for a few month i.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Corey were
transacting business In the city th'ls
Mrs. Eva It. Mart anil John Sinclair
were down from the mountains Sun
day looking over their ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. John Malar, who have
been visiting A. Malar's, left for As
toria last week,
Mrs. Motejl and daughters, Mary
and Katie have gone to the hop fields
for a few weeks.
Mr. F. L. Mark. W. Wilklns, L.
I'rldrmore, E. D. Hart, A. C. Mllllrod
and Mr. IJJxon attended the commer
cial club meeting at Bandy Monday
evening. The meeting waa for the
purpose of aecurlng rlKht of. way for
the Mt. Hood railroad from Cottrell
to Bandy.
10 REWArtO
For the arrest an conviction
of anv person or persons, who
unlawfully remove copies of The
Morning Enterprise from the
premises of subecrlbera after
paper has been placed there by
Treuble Was Out.
Justice of the Peace Samson Is suf
fering from a apralned ankle.
Mrs. J. W. Colo, Mlssea Edith and
Ilha Jackson and Clara Mitchell left
Wednesday for Pendleton and Walla
Walla to visit friends and relatives
and attend the Round up.
Miss Eva Unison will begin teaching
In Oregon City September 16. On
Saturdays she will teach at E. L.
Hhaw's, 406 Hlxth street, and on Wed
nesday at L. O. Mcore's on Center
Second band school books,' bought
and sold at Huntley's. Come this
week and avoid the opening day Jam.
J. A. Tufts, County Treasurer left
Wednesday for a three day's trip to
Pendlfton. He will attend the
Round up and visit John Oerdalne an
old comrade of the Civil War. Mr.
Gerdalno la 87 years old.
n ( flotihlns manacer of the Ore
gon Commission Company, went to
Portland Wednesday to be present at
an operation upon the throat of his
brother, Elmer Robblns, of Amity.
Bee window display of New Fall
Hats at John Adams, The People's
At last. Mlaa Millio. 1 t an say some
thing that I hare been burning to ask
.you for son time." '
. "What I it T What ! It!"
lias your cousin F.rnn enough "
ty to marry onT"- ?!lk. ,i J 1
J. R. Ilowland, new principal of the
Willamette ecbool arrived in the city
Tuesday and will open the school
Monday. Mr. tiowland Is a brother
of N. W. Ilowland. principal of the
Easthnm school. He came here from
Dunkirk. O.
Vincent Frlel, who has been work
ing at Government Camp, spent sev
eral daya In Cherryvllle.
Clark W. Corey Intends building a
house tbla fall.
Dave Douglass has quit work on
the Mt. Hood road and has moved his
family back to Cherryvllle.
George F. Darrjnger has complet
ed a handsome house over his well
and Is putting up a fine ornamental
wire fence In front of hia ranch along
the Mount Hood road. He has one
of the finest summer homes In Cher
ryvllle. Bam Cox, of Portland, Is helping
his brother-in-law, I. Martin, build a
Master Harold Graham, who has
l.un vlnltinr his erandfuther. Dr. Bot-
kins, has returned to Montavllla to?
--ft. 1
Thos. F. McCabe haa recently fin
ished a fine two story bouse on his
eighty acre ranch.
' August Bedenstetn spent Sunday in
.George Odell, of Bandy, spent Sun
day In Cherryvllle.
K. C Hoffman,- of Portland, spent
Sunday In Cherryvllle. ,
Miss Beulajt Barrlnger left for ber
home In Montavllla last week. .
Mrs. Ray Murray waa taken serious-
McFarland Ma; Have Fooled
Him on Weight Question.
Will Be a Battle of Ten Rounds, and
Chicago Boy Experts te Win After
One tided Bout On Other Hand,
Welfaet Says He'll Knockout Paeky.
Has the world's lightweight cham
pion. Ad Wolgaat, made serious mis
take In consenting to meet Tacky Me
Farland In a ten round contest in Mil
waukee, Sept. 15? Sporting men who
have followed the work of these crack
boxers cannot agree In framing an an
swer to this oft repeated question.
0. E. Hayes went to Portland Wed
Geo. A. Harding was In Portland
William J. Wilson went to the State'
Fair Wednesday.
N. W. Ilowland la back from the
country for the winter.
Mra, Walter 8. Welle entertains the
Cyoalea Friday night.
Miss Clara Mitchell la attending
the Pendleton KoumUup.
M. J. Lazell returned from the
State Fair Wednesday night.
Mlsae Helen and Beasle Dalton have
returned from Hood River.
Fred Hchaffer of Molalla was In
town Wednesday on business.
Jim Adklns a sawmill man of Cknby
waa In Oregon City Wednesday.
Mlaa Olga McClure, of Portland, la
vlHltlng the family of S. & Francis.
Elnora Glnther left Wednesday for
Hoonn. Alaaka where she la to teach
school. ,
Mra. Errlke Trulllnger, of Portland,
vlaiffd her son Martin Chrlstensen.
C. T; Tooe and family moved from
Gladstone to their new home on Four
teenth at reel. .
Mrs. Catherine Ward Pope, of Port
land, vlalted her aunt, Mra. C. D. Let
ourette Tuesday.
Henry W. Strelblg Is contemplating
erecting a bungalow on hie rive acre
tract t Gladstone.
A ' A. Price Is back In the store
arter an operation for appendicitis
t 8 T. Vlnoonts Hospital.
Phrla II.sIm.m tea , laVln VHP
in m I in i l i ii n if I a ie rw u a)
Hon nt Long Beach. During his ab-
" . nain is looking arier wein
hsrd s Interests here.
Mrtrlch Harms and Annie Fenske,
r Mncksbnrg. were married Beptem
ber fl at the tjithnran church. Mr.
Hiirms Is a farmer.
William Stonacker and family have
rented their farm at Madras and are
laying with Mrs.. Stonacker's parents
The parsonage of the Ca4hollc
church will be finished Thursday and
ready for Mb pastor to move In.
The City Council, met ruesuay even
ing. Bills were ordered paid, the
water ordinance waa ordered posted,
notices of asaeament for the Improve
ment of Main atreet and advenlaln
for blda for the Improvement of
Sandy road and Mllwaukle road were
W. H. Prunk went to Salem Tues
day evealng to visit relatives and at
tend the State Fair. He will return
home Sunday.
rii. nova- club will take up their
winter work Wedneaday, with the
aunie offlcera. '
)The Mllwaukle Commercial Club
will meet Thursday evening, import
ant qusatlons will be discussed.
Mavor Strelb la spending nis vaca
tion hunting near Scappoae.
Main street .IB receiving me nniim-
i.. imrhu h rnntractor lounaeu
and the work so far Is a credit to the
town and the contractor.
The case of Miss Nellie wmzen-
,.M md Mr Thomaa has oeen
changed from Judge Kelso's court to
Oregon City. ..
School opened Monday wiiu iu ou-
I loH PrnfMinr Cioell ana
the other new teachers were on hand.
ti- i. n. O..F. neia lis regular
mMtin Monday evening. A candi
date waa initiated and refreshments
were served. A good time was naa
by all present.
Homor Mullen ana lamny r
Ing at the Stat Fair at Salem.
m T f 'lark sint iH Hi 1 1 V . W II U il'rui
Fe Je V ! n. - - .
th lumfr t WUhoitt,reuirnea num
Thursday. ... ui-
ar a 0Allwnif1 I si nnmfl Willi lln
We A owi"v . ,
parents, T. R. A. Sellwood ana wne.
after several monins iraveuug ii v.
Y. M. C. A.
-ft. . un....i,u state Grange will
hold an all day meeting Saturday. Din-
1 , 1 ft. - ...vnrt ft, I 1111,11,. it, , o.
ner win ut ---
m.I. Johnson haa voiunieereu
service mm . , ...
Mrs. Maggie Johnson ana '
will move to the poatofflne building
n.rt week, riving up tne pre..i
building. . ' , .
Miss Maggie jonnaon wne i
land on buslnesa Wednesday;
m a onmnanv-IS complot
I ne i tft , 1 1 -. u 1 - -
lnc Front BLreet and dolnR flne worn
whim pprcmiea bj mj
a U..11aan inrl Mr. Mulleil Wnt
To-XltortB-and SeaeMe- Saturday-roii.
TyTirTaM " weeR aftdn-IlovTrT(K;oT-
Master Lee Johnson fell off a lad
der last week and broke his arm and
Dr. Lupton ?f Sandy, waa called and
set the arm,! Lee is getting along
nicely. .. .
it ti ri . nt. IS. No in the
least discouraged by his accident of
yesterday. Aviator Robert O. Fowler
busied himself this morning In plan
nlng the beat course to take on ro
via innrnev. Fowler's man
ager. C. F. Grundy, who bad preceded
him to Reno, Nov., arrivea nw
mldnlgnt, ana tney immeaiaieiy
Hiacuaalon of conditions.
The special baggage car oarrylnR
extra parta for Fowiera mat nine r
rived with Grundy. It Is possible to
rebuild the machine, aa th engine
Is not Injured and tbe car Drougni ui nnrta hut Fowler bellevea that
v.. .nnraji will he to send to the
Wright Bros.' factory In Dayton, for
machine, complete except ior mr
.noin bowler aald a machine couia
reach him by express In four or Ave
.... . ji...
. Fowler said 1 tnat me immeaii-
...... r th accident was the failure
r h. vertlrst rudder to answer to
... .nntrri Ma as d he naa aiacov
...j i itanirei1 to aviators In tbe
ri cv, - " - -
ihdi itrnn side Wind. SUCh SS
mil fc" . - --m ,
be enceunterea yesieraay onom uo
,,r iim soriaeni. sirsiiiBu iu th il
eal rudder to such a point that It re.
t a in wnrfe lie will strengthen
the control of the machine In which
he resumes his flight.
ivt.w aald conditions in the Air
above the Sierras were not nearly uo
bad as be had been given io expect.
He waa not dlstresaed by the cold,
Kfnr iii serldent to the rudder
experienced little trouble ty reason
OI IU W 1 1 V.CT.
Mr. and Mrs. Slguard Anker hve
rri-nd In Oreson ritv from Redmond
their former borne. Mr. Anker Is the
new principal of the Oregon City WKh
oi:ihhii. ,.
TV, n . , . tftl.
na i-oriiana LAW Hcuuui, ut -
land, Oregon, opens Its fall terra Sep
tember 18. It has a very nice cata
loRiie for thla year, showing eleveo
members In the faculty. The presi
dent of th Tw Bchonl states that
there will be two to' three more lec
turers added during the year. This
a splendid law school for the study
law aa a preparation for the bar.
Mra. K. F. Reclmer and aon, Edward
nd Mrs. William Vaughan and little
dniiRhter, Dorothy, left Wednesday
morning for Balem to attend tbe fnlr
the remainder of tbe week.
Miss Hazel Toor.e, who waa gradit
led from the Oregon City High
School Inst year, will, attend the Uni
versity of orgeon this winter. The
University opens September 19.
T T r'ln.1. v.. t.n n.nlln
i wa v.iiaisa. lav 1 1 i ivr 1 1 j un inviasw i w . s . s- i m. uri smiiia a.
amo atase line to Wilholt Springs IL rln to Bull Run last week.
has flnlahed hla contract and taken j, Rdgerton and I-
hill aiiln.. a . M a a eM.tlntHnlA I. . Jm ..nt1
nutui nouioern ibiihmhihi
The Snrlnirii or for th aefiHon.
turning home Wednesday and report
a pleasant trip.
. Church Notes.
fevangellcaJ church. Rev. B. Rade
baugh poator. Sunday school, 10:80
. 1 1 a. m. .
a. m.; hj":ui"b -- ,
i i . i n m services at S p. m.,
...','.. .-.inna tkn same as usual
Grand ball under ibe auspices ot
Viola Ivonge No. 74. United Antsana
....Inir Bant, lftth at. Mil'
-- V.SII iirAlev a orchoatra
WailHIB "-117 . - .
-,iii fnrniah the music. Admission.
v .... .t.. IntUi free.
7Kk ic.vervnouy ihvuw.
Walter Kuehl went to Jefferson on
business Tuesday.
.. irart formerly Emma
Kurth, of Oak Grove, and ber baby
son are vlnltlng J, M. Hart. ;
ir niia la mnvins: Mlsa Snangler a
imali house to face on Third avenue.
kfter which It will be tnprougmy rnu-
J aiu umi
W. F. Fischer and IJoyd Corey maoe
at wees.
Prldemore have
o their home-
They are the
kust received patenta to their home in Three six. They are th
. i r . . j m i-.. t,. mriv nf nine families who
i.niourrue nas rouirneo. iraia i""i - tv.
visit to his brother, W. H. Mtourf have spent a number of years In the
at McMlnnvllle who haa been 111 beautiful timber, aeverai mnes , ,,,
since tan...... n- t o.,.rn i. r J. I nttiments. The other
New Millinery for Early Pali Wecr
Hatf that are comely and right In price. Handsome selection shown, now In out
Millinery Department
Early Sales of
Ladies' Fall Suits and Coats
were never better
Our large variety shown now makes the selection of
your Suit or Coat an easy matter. Suits fitted and alter
ations free. .. - .. ..
Voile Dress Skirts
A new lot of handsome Voile-Dress Skirts, about
three dozen, worth $7.50 to $10. Will' be sold while
they last at each Qfi.OOm
I iH Wictc We have selected from-our stock of Waists a lot
LQ U I Co W Q I o I o of left overs in different styles, colors and ma-
terials, ranging in price from $1.25 to $3.00. We will dose out this lot at, each 98c
Photos by American Press Association.
Jamea J. Jeffiies. for lustance. declares
tbatTTotBsi" lins btnndered In alhrw
tag McFarland to welKh 133 pounds at
8 o'clock,, and even lorn Jones, woi
gast's manager, bolds a similar opin
ion. YVolgaat. on tbe other band, is as
tnhborn as a mule and refusea to ad
tnlt that McFarland will have even a
allk-ht advantsve In physical strength
although be admits that Pnrky will
ehter the ring st least aix pounos neav
ITavlnir Induced Wolcaat to atrree to
hla tertna. therifore. McFarland. in the
bplnlon of thoae who knew bis meth
ods. Das put one over on tbe world a
Utle bolder.
It Is conceded that Woleast has
noTor mot a Ivnxer like McFarland.
The atockyards puirillHt la a marvel In
nolnt of science, lie Is the Quickest
man' on his feet In pugilism, and ror
that reason be ran put up a wonderful
defense. Moving about tbe ring with
dazzling awlftneaa. McFarland ran
ahnnt In blows with either band In
nch a manner that a slower opponent
become bewildered. Wolgaat Is not a
scientific man by a long shot, ana
McFarland is well aware of the fact
The champion's beat work la done at
close quarters by rushing In. covered
up. and letting fly at bis rival s, bouy
with a tree band In hair clinches.
frParlnnd never haa allowed an an
tagonist to fight him that way. for he
net-slats In keenloa at long ranee.
sacrificing hard bitting for speed.
Wolgast Intends to right Mcariana
Just as be did Moran. but McFarland
la Moran's master In every way, and
tbe ring sharps believe tnat Vtoigust
Trill And it a difficult task to Inflict
severe punishment. Wolgast Is what
la known aa a "rope fighter." because
hn nerslsts In driving bis opponents to
the eilces of the rinir er tbe corners so
tbst they cannot get away from bis
rough assaults. But not one or toe
mon Wnlesat hns ronouered could be
gin to compare wlthi McFarland In
frw.tvnrb. As a matter of fact, nobody
haa nmmesaed sufllcleut cleverness to
know bow to light tne iigniweigui
champion, bnt McFarland says ne nas
studied bis man with great care and
lias hit upon a plan to offset his rugged
assaults. i
if Wolcaat la ontoolnted by the Chi-
eairn nhenomenon he will have him
self to blnme. bnt he has an anchor to
windward In McFarland's promise to
meet him atuiln In a twenty round con-
test In California. If they hook np on
the coast the weight will be the same,
but McFarland will Insist tbnt tbe
tiirhtwetcht title aball be at stake.
Tacky always haa contended that so
long as a man can innke 133 pounds
nHn anr nart of the dnv of the fight
tbe championship la Involved, but on
this point there may be a serious num.
Dress Goods
for the School Girl
Worsted Suitings in
nfairU. checks and clain
f j .
colorsrsuitable f or-school
-wear; shown on table at
per yard
35 cts
Ail-Wool ,
Thirty-eight inch . all
wool Panama in red,
-browrv- blueand- gray
.Excellent value. Special
for this week, per yard
65 cts-
Outing Flan
nels I Oc
5000 yards California
Outings in plaids, checks,
-stripes and mottled.
Special, per yard
1 0 cts
' Slmoi and Anna Miller to Henry
Nofziger, 1-8 acre Section . 1. town
ship 5 south Range 1 East; $56.25.
Estacada State Bank to William
Stuhbe lot 6, block 10 Zebrlat Addi
tion to Estacada ;$135.
Aimer W. Minnie M. Flnzer to J.
M. Cully land section 7 township S
south range 1 east; $500.
James A. Bunnell to F. J.
Llchtenberger loU 7, 8. and block
J Oak Grove Park; $900.
Janet Pendegaat to Margaret E.
and Agnea 'Walt to K C. Flohr, loU
Bmils to Be Prstty.
Do yon know that beauty'a greatest!
ail timet is a suiier iui uuiwmu
presslon of Inward pleasure Is the
cure for all frown ines ana suauows.
Ilka a mnirlc Iron It smooths away
the traceries of trouble and worry
iarlnir a serene expression touched
Ith the hla-h llKhta of happiness
The oerslstent patron of the beauty
pmmtera need not think she can at
tain charm -by ezterlor applications
slone. Without the lid of the smile
h. kinitl thoiiirht the "cores" so
srdentlv recommended by their ei
nintter will .work no wonders. Re
... - . i .1.11 b.n,t nlftt.rta.1 h I . . . a. .
unoie n-uinut-. .i.. .. Footbell to Be nsguiar otuay.
t m-sI wmll'. wia ks(p.lhafa.-t!-youtlX-L!L.nn;1 ptanford nnWersity wlll-
...I m n it ..Km cm In a .1 V. V. Kefore Itff I. . n ft- - v. II .
fnl and i hnrmlna always Before lt
n-freshlng Influence age flees aa mist
before the sun. and youth pe oul
from between tbe rose curtains of
Bushed cheeks. 1
Do not be afraid to smile and keep
on smiling. Beauty, like happiness, is
radiant power emanating from tne
heart, so that the woman with ths
smile Is always beantlfu..
teach Rugby football as a regular
tourse. for wnicn one nnu or creau
will be given. This action. Just an-
lounced br the California college, will
do much to strengthen the varsity
ium nnil will cn fnr In renluclne the
loss occasioned by tne abolition or xne
fwahmrii Interrolleirlnte trnnie. . The
Instruction In tbe game la to be given
tinder direction of Cantain Kenny
nolo of iHMt. vear'a team, and some
good men are expected to oe aeveiopw
from tne gymnasium ciassea.
rrsech Bun.
tin fTh huff the bands are tied
behind, and there la quite aa much
sport in the game and Jess risk than
if the eyes are blindfolded.
... (
Playground Rsolproelty.
If haroUi deeds you dsrs, '
Others In your prowsae share.
If suootss ypu fall to meat '
Others loss In your dafaat.
Join with othars whan you csn .
To promote the plays-round plan,
"porta and samee you had to learn..
Teach the othera In your turn
Kindly dewla and helpful waya
Make for playarounda' happy daya
Every one muit do hie beat
For the sood of all tbe rt-
We Give Service nt hlrwlr 9 Taanr Park: Sfl
Charles N. Walt. Charles K. WtUt
27. 28 and west half of lot 29 Canty,
Gardens; $1,000. , ': ,
W. U and Hattl Block, to I. t
Burns lots 4 and 6 block 11 Wee
Gladstone; $1. ', ' f"",
We Give Service
Fresh Schoolday Luncheons
. v ,
When class-room work has left us tired,
, f A dainty luncheon is required;
And things that we enjoy the most
Afe those, we spread on delicious toast-
made on an Electric Radiant Toaster. One of these
Radiant Toasters will make scientific Toast faster than
the average gathering of school girls can eat it. It is
scientific Toast because the Radiant Heat forces; the
absolutely necessary chemical change in the bread,
thereby making Toast as digestible as it is wholesome
and delicious.
1 , . :
. penalty of the omoKer.
"Fred!" '
"Tea. dearr
"Why don't on buy me a couple of
those nice Havana wrappers that you
were talking to Mr. Bruce about last
nlghtr '
"vlflae Aaaantahlal
Brlgge I have made a will leaving
my brain to the hospital and Just got
an acknowledgment from tbe author!
ties. Lofty We're they well pleased?
Brlggs They wrote that every little
helps. American "mlly loumai.
The Electric Radiant Toaster weighs less than two pounds. It can be at
tached to any ordinary lighting aocket, and It makes Perfect Toast at the
merest fraction of a cent per allce. Thla Radiant Toa.ter la also uniquely
ornamental the cheerful glow of the colla reflected on a neat porcelain
base lends a distinct charm.
I N OFFICE 7th ontl Alder Streets
We Give Service
We Give Service
P: ted slightly Improved.
r.... . . ... . .
proved up a year ago.