r. MORXCfO TvVTRRFRISE. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12I911. HLKE AND THESt The MORNING ENTERPRISE u now Read in 1000 Homes Daily - That 800 of these subscriptions are paid in advance is due largely to tbe response of the public during the GRAND VOTING CONTEST. We are proud of our circulation and believe it is WORTH BOASTING ABOUT O0uUj tbe Ur.w B a. tbe toque aad torWnv iuk. tbe nnm of tbr '" Thr' . ta librjy f M''4 ,u ra u tb now TaD bUUIhtt A collar. If til. aboukd high aad fit yut " ' -,- wh rofBf.ci be mart tut- Veiled jeWTa-tbte Ip It -rf- aBo tbe orbMUMtt i rrw-t "" ta th oaamelad sad Jr1 "u BURKE HAS MADE GOOD. nfcfr M.WiM I CitlT-f With Crweherj. ,H the MVrf Bboal Sailor Bertl lU? II. clcard Mr. vVIu rit jut fUt-d. H MM writs rrfi tn tbe fur laird rale. Ilaaat the Krovklya arc arnXAirt ,red .1 worth " A-' tan I" HuHI.se handily. II also banded out sic lacing t Torn Me blaho. lb nttaburg about Ted Neiaou. Au-traUaa besrlj indat the Ml'"' Hop Llm ,wtt frrrat oca.!...? Wwl Mr. Hurt. soaks I! I1- buobl j Of emirw Purtt U M iw LiSlCGOITS DO: JliDHiBACKIr Would yon know all the news of Clackamas County? If you would , yon should subscribe for the MORNING. ENTERPRISE Because we give you MORE LOCAL NEWS than others and we ! give you all the news first. A f&TiXS' 4 sc nc daily and weekly Enterprise ftwVClv LlSClvS the best medium for reaching Clacka mas County buyers. L 7 aor fcttnj opna rhaia of qal Ltori- Am la fall rirv rmi4 tb wrt th vatrk ta UmiK U-rwth tb cur WaXtc -! at tb iavk aa oul bat I trtmt tb amnfrtsxTit of rrr- aod udo bat6a la ttt mlklrodux On mvuM uaiuraL'y th'pt that vaiat faatcttrd sadrr m t tba : ittnamtt. j Tb knar lutig roa! la faabio&abka w for aaaay orcaalona. Tbla one la , mado ta )nud utyW. abvrea ; (td bndr rut la on. Tbrra are mbi j bark. vsira jwkV frarrfrrf !!. f jrx'jc cuoixrr. ! Thla afar ataatoa patter to rut la atM J fw mlaaaa af taunawt. atxara and icM- j oAoa. ravine eamkar. 71 n U1 a mi-ptjy farvarftrd ta ra r maU. If ta but anid aa aadltkwal twa nat ataot tor imw toaa. arkat laauiaa aaova arotcipc 4at)iw i- Origin ml Black f.ard. Brvlilooa a&d knrer arrranu of tba EcfUah court. -to wrra ckKbrd U aaUa gmnaealA. vera onluaUj caJid Uark-narda. Gltboa lnfurma Da that tboa wb rarrtod roaia to tba kit' k ca or rode ith tba iU aod pana vera la ocrtfJoa rald tba black rvarda." A prorUmatioa laaotd la Ecflaad la 1483 ofik-ial! rococvlaed tb tla r appoint- It to "a aort of vdona. ld a ad uaatrrioa boyt aod rorwa. coouBoalf railed tba black coard. vita dirrra otber too fd-Jowa.- a&iUTa trass is non arrrroM. aa a U(t vbta b atarta. and tbara la alj wof t'DniM op bfirt his Ctfcti era Colabod. II brkd Fajka all arvutMl tba rtnf tn tb r crnt Ccbt II tb flsbtlnf and Brrr rrraard to mil. If rapk bad bora wUliaj to tUt b woo'd bar bad rnnipaBT. fur tba aallur vaa tbrr with tba beart of lion aud rrad ta ataad to to f f"f tha limit Burka la om .ntlllt wbo la alwtja to rondJtlon or brtrr ar blm alup plas la tba trrw amaod rafta, aa many otbrr C(btm du. Ilf navrr ajul ahont laik of roodltn aa otbora 4a. FVcbtlBC 1 bU tnln-i. and b la al prtrd to l In abapa II always la. WILL FOLLOW LONG TRAIL Awtomabilaa ta Tavr Aaraaa tb Cja try In Octabar. A aoTal trtDaroatlarnUl aototnobU tour wlU Ira to Nrw Tork Oct. X Tbls tour will b oa s a-al and plan that bav not hlthrrto bom attampttd. Fif ty poraona la Ira art an paaarngrr cars will maka tba trip, wblrb fmia start to flninb will rorrr fully .' mllaa, from Saw York to Los Ancrla. Tb root boMo for thla cvaat to roast lour I tiiat kaowu a "tb trail I tUBt." WA8IIINUTON. (apt, ' -Th N York Harai" lor today .a, UaLtL l dldodUUck iuauV'N lla.ba fur proaat, kll4 ' lor U rwitta axu lb proftor Hint - Ybs tor!!?1 Vf . say tbla I. , Madlll McOormln.. j,', l..uo4 f" trT uartara, said: , No of tb vtgkw ' Itb tba o,oW.n,uw.iV1! tiioa of III Ut j Jaatlc Msboa. Mo tlH J ' of Hboa- frli, UfM J ; eaataas oa bl. - kso.a that tb j,.,, ! pod tba plaa M bat ot prlt tb Cin.ldara, . -Tb tbat tts raww, ar alroady aiiBi;(ift to lprioa tbat tba mn aaaj! tb proTa.l,. tnoranwa, ITS! i prucraJv atrt:,th ta alarajL. 1 taoa wbo know aalna bat tt (am of politic." rn If AL CaTATC TRANUUl i Martba Cloay to Uaajaaria t Gk. taad batinalna at aoutbaaat immj Jacob Adaroa I). . C. aartlou Z 2 JO. towaahlp aouifc nm . J Martha Claay to Grotrar C. CU taad boaiBAlnc at amttkaaat ktm Jacob Adana dna(ad Ua4eUla.aa tlona ro and toBihli 1 JZ rancl st; i. Martba tiloay to Ida B. Motkbana; land boclBblag aaat boundary tut ( Jacob Ada ma donatkoa kud taja actloas xo sad t. towathla (Taal rsac J aast; 1. rlWHta Carollsa DaBaa ta Daf 11 Zaklaa. block So. IJ, MUwMtt Park: 110. Harriot K. and Caorta & Kaka PhlrUy tiork, hHa 1. t, t, i I tal ( block i, Mllaauki Hal(ku (net: lia oo. . . , AJIc L Raall to H and Harlr Coffay. kHs 1 and 27. block Ka I, Edaawootf Addition to Ortroa Otr; 1111 H. C Bbmaa to Calta t. kW Biaa. at balf o( rradorlrk aa4 k fa rat WallrnairlB lKuOoa Ual Claim. No. M. balng parts of Metis) II aad S3, towaahlp I aostk run I aat; 11. ) Charily a Jacks to J. V. CtmM trnatoa. wat half Dorthvaat tauw act loa tt. lowaablp S sou ik run I II. 1L H. brrr to UUUrd aal Ml Brrr. ast half aoutbaaat tailta aoctkw IS. towaahlp toatk, rtap I aat; flOO. N. M. and A. E. Tracay ta U I Wllaoa. tot 10, block W, la rttai pUt of Eatacada; I12S. Oorf A. aad Janata B- Hwtot and Aatlooott Waldan 8tott aa Laaaing Stout to T- VniUa tnta M. X3 aad 21 la HardlniWiJaa Tracts; flit Hotal Arrivals. Tb toJkjwinc ar rUtra4 at tfc Eloctrle Hot!: Cbarlo BrtBtal aa family, Tom Edward aad wlfa, M Und; Da F. Murray. Po!, Joha Pstora, Wllsont HWj, D. . LouU; H. A. Brkms, a nnrrior. C Bboaall. rw R L, pfouL Mlnnaapom; I " tr. Chicago. 8L vllbat. Uad. Cull Baad tb Moralnr Erarprla A aoost wopieaaaat awwaadoa) Is ' raaaed by tb violent axrlratloa of tb alaar arr do to a Mow oa Lb ei bow. This at-T passes eVwa oa tbe laaver aVJ of tb a rat aad tbea rataef aaroaalderately beods rooad and ca tcr tb forearm at tb bark of tb Jbow Joist. Any o wb kas felt kls awlaitbor's dboar stldklns Into bis rib kaows tbat tb elbow la rcoiark abiy rftrVrut la Bean. Tb oarr U tberrfor at this poiat very near tb sorf and kas UU1 to shield It from Uav. If w girt oor elbow a smart tap ws obtaia a practical cooflrma tloa of tb fart tbat tb oJaar aerrs M tb prlaclpal sensory oerrs of ta forearm aad aaod. , 7lvr la Kara. Oa th wester coast f Korea tbe abSra of tb Trllow sea ars blgber taaa anywber la tb world oauld tb bay of Pandy, is ad wall tb rivers of rasters Korea ar dear stream, tbat ma swiftly from tb mountains, tbos oa fb w aat era sld ar great brwwa, aaaddy rlrers, ap which tbe thirty foot oeeaa tldea aarg aaaay sail. Cempawiseta. W wast one or two roaapaaioos of latedlgeor, poblty aad trace, to wear oat llf with persoas by whom w rsa aaeasur oarsetTes and wbo shall bold aa fast to good sense aad slrtac. COOD AND EVIL. ' H we riah to overcoine ra w mat overcome it by good. There ' am AnAAem many wars of ovrr conanf die evl ia our owa kearts, bat the asmptrst, essieat, moat Uni versal, is to overcome it by acbv octapatiaa ia some good worJ of work. A, P. Stanley. aVMdayios. BrlrfclaylDg was known la 2247 B. C BrVka were used by tb Bomaas la Eaglaad ta 44 A- D. Tao Paaarvtw, A young rills ge, maiden bad obtalo ad tb modesty prlxe. 1 suppose, tbeaj my chlM." said a Ps rials a lady, ad dressing brr. yoa ar th most mod eat girl ia tb pariah?" Tber U not tbe aUgbtest doubt about that, ma'am, and Ifa a down right sham I dida't get all tb otber prizes!" Paris Journal. Am Eaampl f Btr BVavada. For stem brarado, says tb United BerrV Magaxln. It would b hard to rival tb feat of Ensfga GUlla, wbo saw a stray torpedo coming slowly, bat surely, toward th anchored tor pedo boat Porter la tb Bpealsb AmerVsa war. U sprang overboard, turned th dos of th torpedo la a aafer direction and screwed ap tbe Br ing pla tightly a that It would not operate. Then, treading water, b saluted Lieutenant Fremont aad re ported, -Sir, I bare U report 1 bare captured a torpedo.".- "Bring It on board, sir." commanded Fremont, and OlUle actually did so, swimming with It to tb a hip and fastening tackl to tt. Why tfc Wiitor Wa averrta. With a amll on hie rubicund fea ture tb hotel maasger was enjoying forty winks. Trade waa booming. Tba place waa JvIL Good! Knocks oa tb door of bis sanctum recalled blm to earth, Ia atsggered a perspiring waiter. "P-p-p-lease, sir." h summered, Ta la a terrible Ox. A gent baa just ordered roast mutton!" "Weft, what of ttr snapped th manager. There's plenty of It isn't there V -T-ea, sir." breathed tb distracted kaigbt of th BapkJn, -but bo's already bad on portion for veniaoa!" London Tit, Bits. Wss disss Alarm. "Am forwarding a barrel of sprue gum as a gift,". wired a Bennington (VU man to a friend In Boston. Ge wbhtr ejaculated tbe Boston man. That's mora gum tbaa my fa ml lycos Id eonsum In several lifetimes." So b went to his druggist and arranged to bar blm take a hundred pounds or so at a fair price. Coogrstulstlng him self on being so much In pocket, tb Boston ansa awaited th arrival of tb barret It came. It ws three Inches blgtL Boston Transcript An ta-Csovlas,"" Jaikley one heard a maa say that b would rather b aa si -convict tbaa saythlng eta be could think of. Polk- ey Tb ideal How eccentric! Jolkley Not at alL Tbe maa waa la tb peni tentiary for Ufa. Chief Sufferer la tk Diaat Tb coat of doels h dwelt upon by AnreUen. Scboll in hla reminiscences. Be tells of tbe elaborate preperationa mad for a hostfl encounter between two journalists whom b knew. One of thrm borrowed 20 from 8c boll to meet bis share of tbe expenses. This sum waa never returned. "After ten minute perfunctory fencing." be adds, "tb principals embraced each otber. aad both left tb ground with out a scratch. I waa tba only maa bit" E. B. U. Stenographers and s . Booltapersr Great Demand. Carved by Oianta mt the Peat. Tb strange stone carvings on Easter Island are on of tb mysteries of tbe world. Tbey range In sis from a coioaau seventy feet la bright to a pigmy standing three feet. Tber ar 555 of them. Tbe theory baa been ad vanced that tbey were made by tbe race of wicked giant meatloned In Genesis, for wbomr ,punlsbment tbe flood was brought about YOUR STANDARDS The moat difficult problem that . any human being has lo solve is the prevention of aa acadtous lowering of his standards. It ia so easy to drop into habits of neglect ia small matter that were once considered duties that the whole He has dip ped lo a lower plane before one is aware of it Keep your standarcU high and unsullied. Business firms ore recognizing the superior training of oucBuslness university over the . work of the busl less colleges. Our standard is higher; our work is much more thorough; our work is more complete; and our students are more proficient in every way. ' OUR TEACHERS ARE TRUE TEACHERS. Just Me school for the earnest young man or Ifldy who desires to learn and have the high ' est and best training at reasonable tuition rotes. You are sure ot individual help and instruction. You know the large schools cannot give it. You should Investigate our work. Do it now; do not wait. In session all thel year in day and night school. . . A. ELECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. 630 sorceau, .oc. pho,: A6. PORTLAND, . . OREGON.