Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 12, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Th Scoop
Toe, heel and
arch a shoe
every man can
wear with com-
seasonable now.
A complete showing
at $5.00. Some few
styles $6.00.
For Sale by
uipniipn Bridge Comer
Tor the arreel n conviction
of nv iwmoo or persona, wbo
unlaaniliy remove copiee 01 i u w
a M.irnlnr Fntarurlae from the
iMmli of aubeerlbera after
paper bat been placed there by
Chaak Deaa It.
Men-bant (to commercial) Why,
what' the matter with your noeeT
Sod oiih run over It T
Traveler-No; you aald I waan't to
bow my cimu in here again, ao I've
revered it up. (Ota an order.) Com
h Cut.
Violet Johnson, of Portland, la via
Hlnj friend.
"oi 1 III.
of City School
, R. A. Srhnenborn haa gone to
rado to work.
Jo and Tom Cook and wlvea apent
Sunday In Portland.
B. Sullivan, of Clarkea, waa In Ore
n City Monday.
Kdlih Alhlredge baa returned from
trlD to Him Dlk . , . . . A
Alfred (larrlor haa returned from a
"D In Fimtarn r.nn
I ' .
Oeoriro T. Carley, of Portland, waa
Oregon City Monday.
we neiie Mattley baa .gone to
0. IRenson, of Redland, waa In Ore-
A metn(t of the Maccabeea baa
" "iiiea lor Tueaaay evening.
VI.. i . . . .
" ""r nCDunuei, or rorxiana,
wnt 8unday with frlenda In Oregon
WIm Alice Flagler haa gone to Day
p.. . ner couain, mibb in
.Mr. W. Yoder, oFHbbard, la vlalt-
I.. ""nn Anaeraen ana iamny
th.. r,urn,"l from Newport, where
rwU. V"1 MT'- waiter Reed btva
d from a vlalt to Mr. and Mra.
' utorrt ii - . .
... riniiej, oi urooaa.
n pL.,Whlu Mra. Amy Drake.
' Portland-, will leave Wedneaday for
,1n to attend tha Rtat. ralr. , .
f. and Mra. Walter Reed and aon,
1 aye returned borne after a
- '-i. iu naiem ana tjorvauia.
RttnonRtratlon of Arabalene," the
'vi t a ; """ Deauuner ai
Morrin J' HTt a ulk wlth M,b"
Jf r; A M. White and aon. Walter.
, Sunday for Drooka, where they
. -a AT
win viit oortt rinney. Tbr win
also attend the Bute rir.
Horn, to the wife of Jamee W.
Church, Saturday, at Hood River, a
nlnapound aon. Mr a. Church form
erly waa Ml El ma Albright, of thla
cUy. Tba Church family Uvea In
Walla Walla.
City achoula opn next Monday.
Get your booh today at Huntley's,
and avoid he jam of opening day.
Wa know the book a for evary grade,
at Huntley Broa.' Co.
George J. Hurley, of Loomla, Waah.,
and C. A. llabcock and wife, of Port
land, were gueata of C. C. Baboock
and family Sunday.
J. P. Lovett baa gone to Towell
River 0. C on bualneea.
The Portland Law School, of Port
land, Oregon, opena tt fall term Sep
tember II. It baa a very nice cat
logua for thla year, ahowlng eleven
member In the faculty. Tba preei.
dent of tba Law School atatee that
thera will be two to three mora leo-
turera added during tba year, Thla
la a splendid law achool for the atudy
of law aa a preparation for tba bar.
Ara ouka aubairlbar ti the Morn,
in ICntarnrlaiT tl nor vou ahould call
and let u pu! your name on tha aub-
aoription mi imiueuiaieiy-
Heart to Heart
Ao lwa tit-Mlcr In aurh-onuial Iniplf
ov-nl It'll tiif ihlw: ' .. ''
"II hu known the mm of weaMhi
(.rinrnt bi. before tUi-y are tweiitv
ono years of age. will buy heavily '
lb stiviigtb of tbvlr inMfU. Then
before tbey com of age I hey will las
the benefit of lb bankrupt law.
You - VVr;
Having wiped the lnt clear of 4n
dctitednemi. th.V coror Into ui;
of their alwre of the folate. 1 i"
thin they run the nk of a penWuiliirr
And ibla man aay ibene yooutf men
reirard thla aort of iiroi eOure aa eoni
Tthttig pecuHarly 'mart."'
It a m.
Al the moat they have gained a frw
bundnil dollara' wonb of tulT. Tby
bare lout what ta Infinitely greater.
Put the equation tbn:
Wou-a few paltry doltam.
Lont-rredlt. repuiailn. cbflrarter.
aclf reapfct
In a purely bulnew ran' the (ifw
of credit la a great one. There may
come a time wbnn the viIwumIoii of a
credit favor may amount to many
tlmcH tbe euro thee young men bare
woo by their low trickery. ,
llowevrr muh money a man may
bate or bow llttl. rrrdlt mut Ut n
foundation atone Uxn wbtcb be hullil
aorrMful boainetw.
Credit I oiore than capital. II I tin
hualUPMM man'a chief
. Nowadaya rttmlnemi mn know very
well the commercial hUtory of !h
with whom tbey deal
Thi-ae yonn men loae not only credit,
but reputation. Tbe community will
r.rer forret their lanee from hooeaty.
Half a lifetime of nprlK'itDeae will not
blot out the ahamefnl record of tbrlt
boylab vfiMikedneaa.
Uo all of thev joung men loa thr
chlf a-t of their peraouality-chnr
acter. Lou of aelf reaper! will follow
aooner or Jeter, but the great toae la of
Tbey ara modem Eaaua.
Thev have aold tbelr birthright ot
honor for a meaa of pot tape.
What aball It profit a young man u
he caln a little money by mean ma
oeuvera and loae hie owo aoull
Young man
To aav nothing whatever of moral
or of rlgbteonaneaa. to put the whole
matter on a eelflah footing-
It pay to be decent:
The Medeat Paehmann.
Aaked If be found European or
American audlencea more agreeable to
Dlar to. Mr. Tacbmann replied; "I am
eapeclallj fond of KnglUb audlencea.
American onea are perbapa more re
ceptive and warmer In feeling. English
audlencea art often cold, bnt tbey are
never cold when I play, now tbey
love and adore met You ahould aee
and hear thera. When I come on tbe
toge It aoroetlmea takea four or five
mlnutea before 1 ran begin my playing,
and when I am flnlabed they about and
arroam yea. they erream Vomme de
breblft.' Englnnd la going to be a great
country mualcolly." - St. Jamea' Oa
actte. .
b ....."i' Maaii"" Stamp.
ri.-. ,loath niHMk" tIUIe of
Servl.i were a ajlul aerlea taaued to
m . k nAannatlnil
Mkirtt. ttjaflltaft KIllaT Vtvuai"
tr ii who In 1901 aacenaen me
k.. inf vnmnt h the aaalnatlon
of King Alexander and gueen,i'm.
The ceutrnl portion or me aeaiirn '
.1 .. t r. hnniU nllA. lllHl OI I 1
being pluced allghtly to the right of
the other, that tne rounucr -
t-.,rritph dvnaaty In auch a
v'O" - -- ktah
war aa to abow tbe wnoie or i"
y. nmfiie of the other. It la a
grim colnrldenre that when the atamp
la Inverted a human race ceu
mi iitrh la aunnosed by many
to bear a distinct reaemblnnce to that
ot tha murdered king.
. i ...!,. BnanH th Nlflht.
a raoant obaerver haa noticed that at
the awlfta may be aeen flying
op to 10:30 at night and reappearing
at dayllghl. Where do tney .penu ....
mhnrt Interval It U auggeetKJ mat
they apend the night In the nlr. Many
Mrrra who have watched
thorn aay that aome time during the
evening tbey aacend into me
until they ara loat to view. - -ii
a h. thev aoend the night in
the higher regtona of the atmo-phere
A atn In the morning.
UrJ ago Gilbert White obaerved that
the awlfta performed nt every ac-
inn f life on the wng. ' i-"
aleep In the alrt-London GlolA
An oriental rjrr one sum
moned lii wite man and said to
liirn, "Tell n m aomellung that will
modcfal y joyi and sorrow."
And Ihe wiae miut made answer
and laid, "In Ihe tumult of thy joy
and in th depth of tliy lorrowi
lepeat to lliyielf tlii truism- 'And
even tliia ahaO past away.' "
Town Clock
A Story ( Medieval
Copyright by American Praia Asso
ciation, mi.
' . , V - -
Oua need only to go buck a centum
to atep Into a aot-lnl condition entirely
different from that In which wa live
today, and two rent uric ago the de
ference waa far greater.
N'everrtivlme In that age a faint
atreak of dawn appeared on tbe liorl
ton of civilization. Certain linplemeuta
that wera doatlned to revolutlonlzo the
world were Invented. Of thene the
printing preaa ami tbe timepiece were
perbatia the moat notable. 1 he i Ukh
at once excited the Inuenultv of uie
chanU-a. and tbev addinl to It manv
peeullar featuree. OiielM k - atrlk-
Ing tbe hour exhibited figure of the
twelve apoatlea, wbo -came out of a
door, walked around a circle and went
bark iuto bldlag. Another allowed the
Uairl adortutf tbe Infant Jeaua. The
town clock henceforth regulated the
affulra of men. It eatalillMbed the
houra for UNir and for worahlu.
In the town of Zwelrhofeii, In Ger
man v Carl Zwelcler had mado tbe
clock high up In the tower that etuod
lu the market place. And, having built
It ha alona knew bow to regulate ami
repair It If It Btopjied either Zwelgler
muat atart It and keen It aolna or It
remained atopped. .. With It the good
people of Zwelrbofen alao atoppea.
And If It remained atopped they re
mained atoDiied alao. They did not
know at what boar to aaaemble for
trade or for prayer. They did not
know when to a-o to bed or to rlae. If
a nrlaoner were aentenced for a aect-
fled term no ono knew when that term
began or ended. If a man were sen
tenced to be banged on a certain day
and hour no one knew when tbe aea
tanra waa to be executed.
Dne day old Frail Becker appeared
before the ludge'of the court and ac-
cuaed Gretcben Dagner. a lovely girl
of ela-hteen. of being a witch.
"What evidence," aaked the Judge.
have you to corroborate your accuaa-
Laat nlaht I aaw her go out Into
her yard, and abe fell down lu a m.
Later 1 went ami looked over the wall
bb vaoaaap in back to raiaoit
at the place where aha fell' and aaw
that ah had beau vomiting crooaea
.ina. And aa I looked each pin turned
Into a tiny anaka and wriggled away."
'That la acrlouB Indeed," aaia me
Judge, writing down the accusation.
'itavn von aeen anvtblng erne I
v.i At mldnlirht I waa awakened
by a Bcreech, and, going to the window,
aw the girl emerge from tbe chimney
ni rlrla ivit on a broomatlctt."
"Worao yet." ald the Judge, who
tnwerliiff brow. "Anytbing ewer
v nnthins- that I am reaoy o
iwear to." ,
"Are there other wltueaaear
M aon liana aaw the wltib fly
away from the chimney bna broom-
"i ahall have the wench arreated and
,-..,., hi Kofnra ma nn the morrow. De
lure to come to make goou your ataie-
mania." ' ? '.
nn the morrow the maiden, terror
.trtrbpn. waa lirouaht in the court, and
there before the Judge eat tha old hag
md her aon Hana, who awore to wnat
.nman had aalO tlie aav Derore.
whan tha Indite turned to Gretchen
and aaked ber what ahe had to aay to
tbe charge ahe pronounced it a lie,
.,in that ahe bad refused to marry
liana and for that be and bla mother
had taken thla revenge. But the juage
M ..rod the evidence too explicit to
be dlabelleved and felt that be com-
m,.nit waa In too great danger to the taklna of any risk. If
Gretchen were a witch ahe ahould be
lot away with before abe coma propa-
... her witrncrart. Ana were not
acre two good wltneaaea. who had
IPen evidence of her aorcery? The
i that ha ordered her bark to
(THUI. rtmm -
prison and directed the Jailer to put
I grnling over the chimney that ahe
mhrht not fly away, 'inai aay w-
w.. t ha burned at the atnke.
The morning after tWa sentence
young Ludwlg Zwelgler. a nephew of
him who bad made the clock and waa
- e tha town time, entered bla
-h Old Zwelgler looked op
i ii lie in at tatiari't -v
(at blm and, aeelng that be waa la
great dlatreaa, aaked blm what waa tba
"My beloved Oretruen," aald tba
young man, "baa been condemned by
the Judge to be burned for a witch.
Old Fran Becker wished her to marry
hue a.m fur. allua Ihk death of FraU
Scboenborger, Grelchea U poaaaaaad of
a rortune. ttaua aui ma momer nave
brought thla suit for reveoge. Gretcb
en lores tne and will marry none otti
Tba timekeeper of the town paused
in bla wort ana apearea 10 oe iuiub-
Ing. llnally ba asked:
"When la Gretchen to be burned?"
"In all dava."
"I can do nothing to avert thla hor
ror," aald the old man, "but 1 may
stave It off."
"flowf aakad I.ndwtif easerlr
"I can disarrange tbe mechanism of
tha town clock ao thnt Ita hands will
not mark tha hour reitularlv or will
atop altogether. Tbeu I will not be
able to certify to the day or the hour
and all acta done witnout this cerun
rata will 1 UleaaL"
IlelD me. uncle." pleaded tbe young
man. catchlnc at tbe atraw offered.
At that season the auu roao at Zwelr
bofen at 7 o clock, aud moat burghers
rMui with It. The uiortilna: after
Zwetirler bad talked with hla nephe
old Blinon Bbucker got out oi ueu
and. aa waa bla custom, looked out o
bla window at the cLx k to assure b lin
ed f that ba bad not overslept. Tbe
aun waa ahlnlng brluhtly. and tbe hour
hand of tba clock stood at 10. Simon
haatltv nut on hi breecbea and. run-
nl ii ir to the houae of hla friend. Gottlieb
Zimmerman, knocked loudly on the
"Get OP. Gottlieb," he aald. "The
town ta bewitched. It la 10 o'clock.
and everybody Is atlll asleep."
y.lmiuM-man came out In bla night
gown and cap and, aeclug the clock
registering tbe hour or 10, went about
kuocklng on every door, arousing tbe
Gretchen Dagucr," be aald. "wbo
waa tha dnv before vexterdav con
demned, baa bewitched the town. Get
nn hurrhera and so about vour work.
Later Ladwig rnn Into bla ancle's
linn aifdixl'lr and said!
- ...
"Oh. uncle, vour tsmiierlug with the
clock baa been laid by the people to
Uretcnen. Tney ciaira mat sue nas oe
wltcbed It and tbey are crying for ber
to be burned at once."
Zwelnler went out Into tbe aquare
and looked tin at the clock. Many per
sons who were doing the same thing
crowded around blm ana askea mm
h th matter with It.
,'TfieTocknbjwTC;Bed.'' be told
Ye, res. ao we all alTy. Gretchen
Daener baa bewitched It. Sue ahould
be burned at once."
It la not Oreti ben wbo haa be
witched the clock. Gretchen la not a
witch. It la old Frsu ltecker."
Frau Becker? Why do you think
'Becauae tbe bour hand of tbe clock
la lust alxtv mlnutea ahead of Ita prop
er place, and Frau Becker Is Bixty
years old."
Tbe crowd gaped Brat at tne speaker.
then at the clock.. . ,
'And there la an accessory," contin
ued Zwelgler, "one who la twenty-two
years old."
"Why do ou think that?"
"Becauae tbe miuute hand la Just
twenty-two mlnutea ahead of where it
ahould be."
There waa more gaping, and Anally
aome one aald:
nana Becker la twenty-two year
At thla moment Gottlieb Zimmerman
approached and waa told what Zwel
gler had aald.
"That's abxurd." aald Zimmerman.
MffV-u I. ... w.mjf thm. It la m."
"What proof," aaked ZweigVr, "la
there that Gretchen la a witcnr-
"She haa been aeen to vomit crooked
pins and fly out of tbe chimney on a
'Who aaw berF
'Frau Bn-ker and her aon.
hat Itetter nroof than that Re-
laaae Gretchen and arrest Fran and
liana Becker and I think tba clock will
m arlehL"
Thla divided the crowd Into two fac
tions, the one opposed to and tha other
la favor of Zwelgler'a plan. But it ar
fnrded a teat, and teats were what the
people of that age required on which
to base their decisiona. inaeea, u
was ridtcnloua It waa a trifle leas ri
diculous than bellevlng-an accusation
manifestly made for revenge. Bo inoee
who wlahed to make the experiment
prevailed. Gretchen waa released and
y,mr anaera arrested.
Meanwhile Zwelgler had aent hla
nephew up Into tha clock tower with
orders at a certain signal rrom mm 10
nut the hands of the clock In their
proper places. When Gretchen waa re
leased and Hans Becker and hla moth
or ware arreated tbe crowd rushed back
Intn the market place to see if tbe
clock aoiiroved of tbelr course, it nao
atood at 1 o clock and 'a minutes
ahortlr before their return. When tbey
aaw It aenln it waa exactly 12 o'clock.
Then the crowd clamored ror we
burning of the Beckere, but Zwelgler
tnid them it waa possible that, after
all, the clock meant to ahow Ita dlsap-
nmrnl of burning for witchcraft ana
that waa the reaaon why It had gone
wrong. The old man had acquired ao
. .a r hU' 41.
mUCn COUI1UWIHW vu awuui.
amaala of the case thua far that the
people were ready to believe anything
ke told them. Tney reieaaea mbus
vwkar and his mother, and aince tbe
clock continued to keep true time they
considered that they bad done rignt
That waa tha laat caae of witcn-
craft that came up befora the court
of Germany, and In a few years tnoae
who had bellevea m it regaraea 11 a
delusion. '
Lndwia? married Gretchen, and they
lived to a good om age.
tl. r.nnaitlan m4 a Raokat.
Tha ordinary skyrocket hi made of
varioua compoaltlona packed la tube
rolled tightly round a cylindrical core.
The match by which tha rocket la ex
nloded is placed In a cavity at tha bot
Tha movement of tba rocket
would be Irregular If It wera not for
the aulde atlck. which la made very
tight, ao that it does not retard the
flight of the rocket when tba gaaea
onma out and hit the ground with all
their might and send tbe rocket up
Into the air for all that It la worm.
Pa fronts oar advertiser.
Uhlan, the world's champion
trotter. Is a mighty particular
piece of horseflesh when It
cornea to drinking water.' Not
so very long ago Tom Logan,
who la proud of Wing Uhlan's
valet, hit upon the plan of fur
nishing Ublau with spring water
to drink. Tom figured he would
rive the a-eldlna a treat for a
few days, but be bad no Inten
tions of continuing tha practice.
-When Logan tried to change
from Bprtng water to the old va
riety for Uhlan thera waa noth
ing doing. Tba atar performer
positively refused to drink.
; That's why Logan makes a five
mile trip on a motorcycle every
; morning to provide Uhlan with
aprtug water to drink.
Old Feature of Golf Likely to Be
Tba gun fired recently In the west
Intimating a renewal of tha attack
upon the much abused stymie has been
beard with conflicting emotions In the
east. Just becauae a well- known
player In aome important match hap
pens to lose a bole at a critical pome.
through being laid a stymie, falls to
change a situation or condition mat
baa existed for generatlona, say the
loyal aupportera of the old school
When the rules of golf wera drafted
the atymia became part and parcel ol
tba game. It la atlll auch. Even so,
there are those who go bo far aa to aay
that tha stymie la doomed, and that it
Is only a matter of a year or two era
It will be banished In America.
Tha Frivolous Limit.
Ttla main trouble waa that ba per
listed In treating everything frivo
lously. Nothing waa aacrea to mm.
Rnirirent anv aublect. any one what
ever one that waa absolutely rendlnc
tbe world asunder ana be wouiu
crack a Joke about it
"That chan" said a Berloua minaeo
friend In a wild attempt to do lustlca
to the other'a frivollty-"why. thit chap
Is the only human being on eartn wno
ran atns tha Declaration of Independ
ence to a concertina accouipanimentr
New Tork Times.
A Long Burning Fire.
At tba Cheouera Inn at Blapeatonea,
near Osmotberly, England, la a Ore
which for mora than a century naa
never been allowed to go out The
place la a quaint little building, to
hiz-h man visitors resort on account
of Its never extlugulahed Are and the
turf cakes baked upon its hen nn. ii
has been ket by members of one ram
lly for over a hundred years.
Read tha Morning Bcterprla.
;.Fall Millinery..
This is our special opening week
for showing the New Fall Millinery.
Our large assortment of Trimmed
hats will make it easy for you to
select just the Hat you want, and
at such a reasonable price.
Visit our- Millinery Department-
this week and see the New Hats.
L. ADAMS Department
Bob Marquard waan't quite
aura ha bad been bought by the
Glanta from Indlanapolla three
years ago until he was on a train
bound for
bad been
beaten ont
of $2 In Mc
O r a w's
At:-'. .- . j A
ma two
ara he
re and.
once bitten,
waa twice
John Henry
Myera. a
of Rube's on tha Canton (O.)
team, Marquard'a first one. got,
the $11,000 beauty's S2. Here'e
tha story:
Myers showed Rube a faka
telegram from McGraw. asking
Myers to report to the Glanta at
X5O0 a month. Myers borrowed
B0 centa of Rube to pay for the
message. lie borrowed another
l.ij ..ii.. . 1- llr!n that
f be could bring Marquard with i
Later Marquard pnld 60 cents
for a telegram supposed to have
been Bent by McGraw, saying he
would give Marquard $KK a
pjontli. Kube gave Myera DO
ccuta to wire McGraw hla accept
iinrc. .
Myers told Rub they would
jump the Canton club that night.
Kube waa nervous at tne park.
Myera told him to act natural.
1-nrk hla clothea after the game,
check hla trunk at the depot and
wait at a certain poolroom.
Bade Myers, Canton manager,
found Marquard at the pool room,
"now much did John Henry
work you forT Bade aaked.
"Two dollars," aald Rub.
"Why, what's tha matterr
"Oh, nothing," aald Bade, "ex
cept that those meseagea ara writ
ten on Bending blanka, and you
were receiving them."
' Umpire Johnstone saya that In th
laat nine yeara be has seen only thrao
gamea In which but ona ball waa used.
Experta declare that Barry of tha
Athletics geta in front of batted ball
better than any other ahortatop. Not
only does ba get la front of them, bat
ha geta them.
Titus, Phllly outfielder, wears
toothpick In his mouth when at bat,
and Umpire Johnstone declares If a
ball ever hits the ornament ba will call
a foul strike on tha sorrel top.
Frank Bowerman. tha veteran catch
er, say Larry uneney, ixutuisi
pitcher, 1 tha beat apltball pitcher In
tba gam. Bowarman haa caught many
apltball pitchers. Ha caught Cheney
when both wera with Indianapolis last
season. .
George Jackson, tba new outfielder
pf the Boston Rustlers, wba baa been
pnktr.B- things bum since breaking Into
fie inc.Jons Is no relation to Joa Jack
Am. snv that both belong to the broth
erbor; o? swat , ,
NI. k Maddox baa been pitching m ,
well for th Kansas City club that th
Pirates, who have an option on him.'
will submit him to tha recall. Maddox
pitched three two hit gamea In succes
sion aud In the Mlaaourl valley Is re
garded aa a greater twlrler than
OToole, ,
A Man Much Sought After.
She Wbo la tha moat popular man
In your club? Ha I am. She Isn't
It conceited of you to say that? He-
Ob, no. It la equivalent to saying
that I loae more money at cards than
any of tbe other member.
"What did your wife say to yon when
yon got home last night T
"Too may nave time to 11a ten, bat 1
haven't time to tall yon. Pre got to
catch a train In two hours." Houston
Post .- -
Financing th Affair.
"Father, the dak has proposed, and
wa want to be married Immediately."
"AH right Here'a a check for your
million. Tell the duka to step In and
PU give him a dollar to get tba
Ucens." Kansas City Journal
MinK Chaak Bona.
niffh rheek bonea are aaid to Indi
cate great force of character in some
direction. ' . .
Rheumatism Can be
, Writ Pa Beakta