4 PORTLAM' Me. 8' It 11. Unot- flrlsl return i"" muicai. that prohlliUUH whi vn,ed out of th coMtltutlon of Muliio tKl" by a ma jority Of hOU. 1,400. The returns In the special election os (h question of repeallug consti tutional prohibition, from 607 out of i:t tlrrtlnn dUtrlrt In tbe slat give: -Turpftw.Mlf8.M:,' With The vote running thU close. tb rul( will not be known until rrsry ballot U counted. Doth the sta," who have lead In tbe la rcturni. ana arys- are sanguine io-i light, oi'c aid predicting that proUt billon will be repealed, tbe other de claring i he law will remain. Interest over the remit of the election la very itoo. Bath, the flrat place to count Ibe vote In today's apeclal wectlon. far- orcd repeal of tbe prohibitory law, I 11SI to 463. In 1884 Hath roied for ! wtATHtR INDICATION. O. Clty-Bhow.r. Tuee. . I-aterly wlnda. t f rru-K'tr Tu.fHy. Mwpl 1 .howrri m northwest portlo... MORNING ENTERPRISE WEEKLY CNTEKPRISC ESTABLISHED ISG6 The only dally newspaper fc e tweet Portland and Salem; elreati Ute In every action ef Cleka e mas-County, wtth a population ef 30,000. Are you an advertleert VOU ." NO. 81. OREGON CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1911. Pn Wm, 10 Cent JUTE VOTES W ...... t close. BUT RETURNS tavi-i INDICATE THAT PROHIBI TION HAS LOST iY 1,400. UTEREST KEEN THROUGHOUT STATE ,.vir-Mttl"8S Held In . Many Ch irchgt And Both Bldea Are Aetivt r Getting Out Vote. PERPETRATED BY WAIT Ac DOUGALL prohibition, 920 to 41t Weather throughout tbe late waa clear Ural fr an election. The wont ing vote In the cttle waa even larger than waa anticipated and In many places fully one-third of tbe entire vots waa caat by noon. In the man ufacturing centers the heaviest tote vu deposited during tbe noon hour. Both sides worked hard to get out the early vote and automobtlea and etrrUxe of every description, were pressed Into services to carry In valids and Indifferent voter to tbe polls. Prayer meeting were held through" out the dsy In many churches. If the license advocates are suoces ful three Is said to be every posslblll Itjr that Governor Plalsted may be prcvslrd to call a special aeaslon of the Legislature to take action tn the Legislature to take action a the re peal of the statute law, whJKh I in tiled the same a the constitutional amendment and the enactment of an other law for tbe regulation of the liquor business. . A local option law such aa prevail la Massachusetts I what the license idvocatea seek. In the regular courae of events the matter would not come ob before the Legislature until Janu ary, 1915. when the completion of the iUt government might be much dif ferent from that of the present day. f SOUND ft UK7Q 7 A HAM VOHtL.TTg' YME.V'Rg OUTACATNTWHtL &INKAND BOOB A SUMMER SUIT- Benny Bled! IkcJ Luton suit Wkm le went to trie sKore But tlvt one surely waa d Ledutf si i i . i No man could wish lor mora . So Benny gotrl0Tt onthe Job In sunshine dnd In moorJlgKt Jim AnJ Ke made I owe to every scjudb Fbr looked or&ty doocj to him . He worke Jlruit suit to beat fit bond, He courted every girl he met In tael, it dot no rest - Upon the Vvdrm.vvir? sTrand J I " AnJ inexviwl: Je.vou may unJerstdn J , Declare J she vvOS his one besT beT s 1 vf - I a i . I II ..t i I i Another suil he pressed . Mra osKea ner lor nr nona. For Benny Bleat hdJ dlvs UdrJ TnusforVowU he pUlrwgdind ThoT summer girls were Tickle I he pvjy. unleeilnd bruie i AnJtnat tlielr Solemn plldrileJ worj ToflnoVvhen cool September Cdme J Was scarcely worth u nloKel . rietJ gol dnol her Sull I jT- IT WAS A BREACH OF PROMISE. SUIT I ifeelind brute I BOND ISSUE TO EOUIPJILROAD CLACKAMAS SOUTHCRN STOCK HOLDERS WILL HOLD BIO MEETING, TODAY. eaiassssssssssi $350,000 TO BE RAISED AT ONCE More Than Five MHea Qradlng Been Completed And Work . On Treaties Will Be Started Next Week. Ha ROADSTERS HOLD SEATTLE SCORELESS v - a J B 8EATTLE. Sept. ll-(8p:lal.)--Garrett wi In fine form today, al- tewlnKrthf local team only 2 hlta. Portland v,u 7 to 0. Zacher also Pltroed wcl', but hU teammates Be aded him poor support. Blx bits rs miule off his delivery. Tort !m4 scored 1 In the fourth, In the "th, i in the seventh and three In the Tbe stockholder of tbe Clackamas Southern Railroad will meet this af ternoon at S o'clock at the Commer cial Club to authorize a bond laxt" for buying rail and equipment for the road. The Issue la not to exceed in ruin mile or I1K0.000. The Ater- chant' 8avlng A Trust Company, or Portland, has been appointed trustco and will have charge of the Issuance of the bonda. Mnr. than five mile of the gid tng on the road ha been completed and the building of the trestle at Fifteenth and . Washington streets, this city, and at Newell Creek will be begun within a week. These will be the only trestles on the rosd. At nil other place where there were de pression fill were made. The length of the roaa is ininy-uv. " MAN, GIRL ACCUSES, HAS HEARING TODAY A. A. Armstrong, a mill worker, ar rested at Ellwood by (Jonstable Drown, on a charge preferred by the mother cf an eleven-year-old girl, will be given a hearing In Justice of the Peace Samson' Court at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Armstrong I held In fl.COO ball. The complaining witness I Mr. Cook, who live near Cam. CHRIST CAME TO HELP AND SAVE REV. E. F. ZIMMERMAN GIVES FINE ANALYSIS OF, WORK OF JESUS. WEALTH OFTEN RETARDS SALVATION Minister Draw Beautiful Lesson From Some of The "Comts" of Saviour, and What He Accomplished. Tbe Rev. E. F. Zimmerman, pastor of tbe Methodist church, preached an Interesting sermon Sunday morning oh "Some Great 'Come of Christ" He said In part: When our Saviour left hi home In Nazareth of Galilee to enter upon Hi public ministry, II no doubt 1 saw much In the world and the live 'of men, which grieved and shocked'Him, anj which deserved condemnation, but "very early In that ministry he taught u that -HI mission on the earth at that time was not one of ludament and condemnation, but of Invitation and salvaticn. To Mcodo mus the Pharisee He tald. "God sent not Hi son Into the world to con demn the world, but that the world. through Him, might be saved." We are taught that after HI mln Istry of Intercession He will come to the world on a mission or judgment and his word to some at that time will be "Depart ye cursed." but as He went forward In HI public minis try from HI baptism to the cross Hi attitude toward man was that of Invitation and not of repulsion. ThaJword-J"ComeJoften fall rombia lips, and that Is the word He puts Into the mouth of His ambassador today. The presence of Jesus has been transferred from earth to Heaven, but He 1 still an tnterceed In Saviour. It Is written In the BOYS CHARGED WITH THEFT OF FISH POLE THEATRE BLAMED BY WIFE, SUING MR8. ANNA WHITTIER SAYS HUS BAND SPENT TIME AT VAUDEVILLE HOUSES. SWIMMING ONE OF JIS PLEASURES Plaintiff Declares That She And Chil dren Were Compelled to Eat Dry Bread Intended For Chicken. Collla Lunagren and Frark McKIn r.ith abojt thirteen year of nge. were arrestnl Monday evoninp ly OmHtable n.own on a. cn e of .t ruling a flshlr.s; pole and rool from A. Bell. Tbe lids will be Rival hearing by County Judge Beatle thla morning. Bell aays the pole w:m UU- ah from the Seventh strev tlwk -hr ho waa fUhlng. He was toid that LurtiFren jnd McKlnnet.1 hml taken It, and he reported the matter to Mr. Brown, who found the b'-y ot tnelr hnnes. Thry were to'.J t re port to Judge Beatle Ul morning. MOHAMMED ALI MIRZA. Depeeed Shah ef Persia, Who Seeks t Regain His Throne. EAST SIDE PICKED FOR BIG HIGHWAY BOARD DECIDES ROUTE orrm.nm MORE ADVANTAGES THAN OTHER ONE CONSIDERED. ASSOCIATION 10 KEET TO CW1AS EXHIBIT STATE FAIR FEATURE Epistle to the Hebrews that He ever live to make Intercession for us. I wish to remind you at this time of lust a few of the "Comes" with which Christ called to men. The first we will call the "Resurrection Come" the "Come" that He poke before the tomb ' of . Laiaru the "Come"' that a man who traveled for four day In the land of death heard and came back to earth again. Laiaru was a man whom Christ loved. When .Lazarus fell III his friends ent for Christ Immediately, but Christ was a Ions- way off. He did not reach the home ot Lazarus until tout days after death had pre vailed over the body of the sick man. When Christ knew the grief of tbe family, He wept with them. Then He asked them to lead Him to the tomb. and when the stone obstruction had been removed from tbe aoor. He cried with a loud voice, saying, "Las aros, come forth." and he who was dead heard and came forth. This res urrection "Come" is one of the biggest and strongest words In the New Tes tament. Another "Com" to which I wouii have you listen this time Is the ono found In John 7:37. On the last, and great dav of the feast, Jesu atood and cried, saying, "If any man thirst. let him come unto Me and anni. This "Come" 1 a come of refresh ment. In several daces In the Bible water la held up aa a symbol or emblem of salvation and the blessing or salva tion. We are told that wnen me heirs of salvation shall gather upon th nlnnes of llKht to possess me Inheritance nrenared from the foun datlon of the world, that the lamb that is In the midst of the throne, shall feed them and lead them unto SALEM. Sept 11. (Special) The Clackamas County exhibit is one of the features of the State Fair,' which opened today. It Is freely preo'ctea that fce exhibit will win first prize ,n the competition or counties Todav was "Pioneer Dr." Peoi'le fiom the country, who know wh:tt l.i!:s should be, said they were "ter ribly pieased." Hundre li cf '.'d plo nwera who have attended the acnjal aan ! for year. ay :he exhibi tion 1 larger and better than ever before. " . - There were men on the Fair Grounds today who resided In Oregon inn hofore the State Fair waa thnnrfct of, Thev have seen the an nual exhibition giow from year to year, from what was at first a dl nla of a few numnklns. range ste- rmttlnr "hossea" hitched to hnrkhoards. to the oresenuday exhl bltlon with Its pure blood stock, farm produce of unsurpassed quality and 100 head or me . unei - ere shown on the Pacific Coast Aged men and women for whom thU aav was set aside by the State Board ol Agriculture take pride In recognix Ig this honor and pioneer rrom t iv miles away ar In attendance today. husband, m; - YILL LEAVE STATE flVnnV if Plan of Ralalng Money For Building Boulevard and Other Prellmln- ' ry Arranjjemens Will Be Given Attention. The East Side Capital Highway As sociation will meet at the Commercial Club tomorrow evening to make ar rangements for raising the money to build the Capital x High way through Clackamas county. Other prelimin ary matters also win be given atton- tlon. Because of the many advantages of fered the Capital Highway Commls- stonTplntedyXvcrnorvYest. has definitely decided upon the East Side route for the highway, xnis route is five miles shorter than the one on the West Side, and touch more money has been promised oy me -t dents for the work. The commission has announced that materials wtll he assembled dar ing the winter, so mat wo "- road wtll be prosecuted vigorously In tbe spring. . In a general way, me runt - Era and Barlow country. n1 tbI?ugB Aurora. Brooks, Gervals and Wood burn, to Salem. Tbe road will follow ttxt old atag route. This announcement cu . i ... niiT.wacaL campaign. through the various cities and road district which are mieresie. The commission win ommendatlon to tne governor convicts be used on me ' " Rex-Tlgardvllle section ot road whb:h Is being constructed on the West Ride. The a-ppropnaiion dj i"" fon County cVmrt of half the coat of a bridge acros the WUIamett at Newberg 1 another Impetus toward r-buildlng between Portland and "Every road district affected by proposed road ha given a promise to make a Ux levy for the construc tion work, and with these promises besides the offer of wolnBtsuT intinna the road will surely go h rou eh next summer," said man Rodgers. Chalr- Wnth. The Roadsters mad S errors ' " u thol..h tn.t the track will id Seattle 2. but the poor playing D6 a(i t0 Beaver Creek by Christ- um im( or tne noma team is not "my reflected In the error column. The results Monday follow : Pacific Coaat League. No game, nchC(ied. . Northwestern Leagu. Portland 7. Seattle 0. Vancouver . Tacoma B. Vovtorla-Spokane game postpon ed, latter having failed to ar- rive. tm . Amsrlcsn League. fllladelphla 12, New York 5. UilcaBo 7, 8t. liouls 6. Washington 7, Boston 1. Cleveland and D-Jtro.t, not scheduled. National League. 1 Chlcano 2, Cincinnati 0. Philadelphia 8. Brooklyn 1. Nsw York lloston gam ponlpon d: rain. Pittsburg and St, Louis not scheduled. STANDING. Vsrnon . Portland "' 0kland 8n Francisco "oratnento , , Angeles . Psclflo Cossl.-Won. 96 87 90 77 71 70 Lost. P.C, 69 .KU .87 78 90 90 97 .604 .535 .480 .(40 .419 Vancouver "Man . asattls Tcoma ," Portland . Vlotorla , Northwtstern. Won. Lost. 90 84 79 78 75 86 68 68 67 71 69 111 P.C .608 .664 .641 .623 .621 .233 mas. . Announcement has been made vhat the price of the stock will be raited to par. $100 a share, next Friday. It has been selling for 50, and persons who are desirous of becoming stooK holders. should subscribe at once. A sufficient amount of money Is In tne treasury to complete the grading nd build the bridges to Moiaua. w0..w carloads of ties have been purchased ..j -,iil h uhlnnefl rrom nariuw ... a few daya. It Is estimated that these it, will be ample for five miles of the road. . GRANDMOTHER OF TWINS AT 29 YEARS ' ATLANTA, Ga.. Sept lal) A grandmother of two children at the age of twenty-nine and of three at thirty year., th wc"? of J?? H W. Dender. of this city. It is claimed Mrs. BeruW is the youngest grandmother onrecord. - Mrs Bender, who Is 31 years old. rns married to B. W. Moore, at Cj Uimbla, 8. C. In 1892. She wss on y thirteen years and three months .o d when her first child was born Th i. . ..,ffhtr. wss married in 1909 ' to Edward 8lnclalr, and In Jan uary 1910, gave birth to twins h. mother being barely sixteen, sod th. j iiAi vt thlrtT. In J"1' Jry of this year. Mrs. Bender's daugh tr save birth to another child. Mows died when Mr. SlncMr as an tatfant. Later hi. widow mar ried E. W. Bender. SAYS SHALL MAKE GIRLS SUCCEED BOSTON, Sept. 11. (Special.) Fashion's tendency during the last few years toward smaller hats for women has resulted la a distinct im provement In the condition of the sex, according to Dr. George W. Oalvln, head of the emergency Hospital her. "Many women wonder how It I. they find themselves able to do work which a few years ago they wouldn't have dreaed of attempting." says Dr Galvln. "Should they desire to know the reason they need but think of the decrease In the slie and weight their hats, and thev nave me an swer to their Question. Wellesley and n.Heiiffa s Iris are every year gain Ing In their classroom averages and .r. oraduallv surpassing young men In their studies. it is a iigniurain fact that most college girl wear no hats at alL" ' - Convicts Allowed to Gamble. CARSON CITY, Nev., Sept 11. (Spcfilnl.) Warden B.iker of the Stain I'euitentlary hiu ta'iivd th iiim' into a small ga'uollng estab lishment 'To divert th.tr minds, and end their worries," Is the ward en's explanation. Faro and roulette m-e the favorite games, but chucaluck, Klondyke poker, fan-tan and bridge have tho!r devoteea. Every game l on tl.i level; tn credit la extended; pickpockets and robbers are barred from exercising their calling. ' Alleging that her husband allowed her and her children "to live without the necessary comforts of life, and upon several occasions neighbors of plaintiff and defendant gave this plaintiff dry bread, presumably for plaintiff's chickens, and that she was romoelled to pick out the best of said lovlnc fountains of water, and God bread for herself and children." Mrs. shall wipe away an tears rrom meir Anna B. Wh.ttler Monday, through Zfrl Attorneys Dlmlck and Dtmlck, filed . pf water 0f nf ciar as crys- sult for divorce from Fred V. Whit- tal. This river is symbolical or me tier, a well-known resident of Oswe- Holy Spirit and the work He accomp lished among men. ine me vi hj believer Is the channel througn wnicn this river flows for tne rerresnmeni of th. world. innthw "Come" or areat interest la a "come" with a "go" in rrom m It. found In Matt. 19:21. A young Jew. Hr. and Influential and living a soft injurious life, came to Christ to In quire the wsy to Eternal life. Christ aM him to "sto" ana ampose oi mi ...lth for the benefit of humanity, ml then come and follow him ana he would find what ne was looain for. But the young retiow moua..i more of his gold than ne aia or m mil Tie came and went sorrowfully away. The world, with its wesun nt its measures. oUen comes o- go. 8ho runner cnarges mat not husband has treated her cruelly In other wnvs, has regarded her as a servant, and from February to June, 1909, refused to speak to her except Ir.x In a harsh manner and by cur in and swearing at her, The plaintiff avers that her bus hunrf Is indolent' has refused to work, although It was offered nim. anil haa anent much of his time in a wlmml!ia- hole In the river at Os wego, and In attending vaudeville hnwa. Rhe declares she was com- nelleH to ao to work In a shirt fac tory In Portland and do washing and Ironing to support herself and children. mm U'Httlur declares that at var- Irius times neighbors have given hor tween men and God. Men must go .m .i.kin. rmm whlrh to make --a . rtvht wtth their neighbor bo- garments for her children, but that fore they can possa"" the blessings of her husband has tsken tbe doming God. and worn It She says she was conv pelled to pay a physlclsn for his ser vlcei by selling butter, eggs and veg etables. The plaintiff and defendant v. ere msrrled -August 19. 1898. at Salem, and have three children, Charlotte Prudence Whittler, eleven years old, George CUne, who lives near New era. was fined S20 by Justice of the Peace Samson Monday on complaints charging assault, sworn out by nis wifo and her sister. Mrs. C. A. Chat- field, of Spokane. Mrs. Chatfiel-1 went to her sister's home last week for a visit of several days. It wai alleged that the trouble started over CUne spanking her baby after It had fallen in the mud. The derenaant ae- nled that he had struck tbe women. After the Imposition of the fine, CUne declared, although he had come here to live, he would leave the stare at once. Mrs. CUne said she would take action to prevent ner nusoami selling their farm until she was as sured she would get me pan anuwc-i her by law. EDITH FREESE HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Another come of great comfort Is tnnA In Matt. 1:28. wnere tnnn says, "Come unto me all y that la bor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." This Is a call which , ntnu io alL men ocum u. i m warv at time ana dbwu imii .nrf men find rest In Christ by tafc nd Donald 'A. Whittler and Douglass nR hs yoke upon them ana learning R. Whittler. rive years oia. mr. 0f Him, Whittler ssks the custody or mo children, 1)50 temporary alimony. tits month permanent alimony ana that she Is declared the owner of real estate, which she says was houeht with money she earned and saved. Jl IISONIIASTROUBLE 4 ARRESTED ON 8ERIOU8 CHARGE TAKING OFF FLESH PARIS, Sept. 11. Jack Johnson Is Constable Brown. Monday, arrested alr.rVnr.nVnrC.rnk,U VWst h.v g hard work to conceal r g. e,.rin. them . with attempting to vubllc th fact t at he Is hav n, t,tr vm rharles Hslnt. of Mount rieas- an. The alleged attack Is said to have occurred August 30. when the men charged wltn the attack worsea for Helns. They will he given a hearing In Justice of the Peace Sam son's court at 10 o'clock this morning. Patnmls our advertiser. fi.,i, in ettln into conaumn n his battle with Bombardier Wells In 1 nnilnn OetobO 2. Fond'of being photographed at any end all times, Johnson absolutely re fimoa tn have his pictures Uken lit fighting kit Ho la hog fat, espeolr.lly rbout th stomach, but file 1'ito rage If the fact Is mentioned. - . uh tp f vveeae entertained ten nunr friends in honor of her daugh r v.iiith'a tenth birthday Saturday Games were played and the first prlxe. a hook, was won oy vera uw ell, while tbe consolation prlxe went to Edith Freese. Painty refreshments were servea ih dln'ina room which was decorat ed in panslea and asters. Those pres ent wore. Vera Howell. Gladys Jan uary, Hilda Myers. Kima uzourB, May Iwe. Helen Soreghan, Edith D. Freese, Clarice Himmous, unumu Freese and Billy Simmons. , FIELDER JONES PICKED AS LEADER OF LEAGUE SEATTLE, Sept. 11. (Special.) There Is a possibility that Fielder J s, the old leader of the Chicago White Sox. will head the Northwest ern league nixt year. Jones has al ready signified his willingness to ac cept and It Is virtually certain that Judge Lindsay will not be "re-elected for the coming season. HAS BIG HTDMCE -v- .n ,rm of the McLoughlln Institute was opened Monday with the of the -argest attendances in the hl torv of the school, adotk v dr7n were enrolled and it is exit ed that this number will he largely augmented in two or m v mX of those who will attend are hopplcklng. The cturae corapriHe. eight years In the grammar gr.de and two year in man -""" teacher, sre -rloyed. six of whom are sisters. ramer tiu'v.i.- cwrge oVthe school, the Sister Su perior being direccores. of tbe stud ies. . r- - .. , . t SIDEWALK DELAY DUE TO LACK OE LUMBER n..in. the netitlon that Is be ing clrsulated for signatures to the City Council that work on me walk on Singer hui o .7 eompletlon. Councilman Burke chair man of the wm" " ' ' ... said Monday the delay had been caus ed by a failure to obtain -It is the Intention to finish the sidewalk as soon ss possible." said Mr Bu-fce. "When the lumber is ob tained lifty men will be put to work If necessary. The contractor Is Jus. s anxious as the council to complete the sidewalk, but It has been impos sible, owing to the ;,. roads, to get the lumber. It OTt red more than two weeks ago. and K fs being laid as fast as It arrives." THIESSfll DIVORCE SUIT BEING HEARD rrm RAIJ2 Haider Patent, three- hnra wason evener: new; whole sale price 4.75. Will sell for $3.60 It is a rare bargain. Oregon Com mission Company. The divorce suit of George W. Thlessen against Emma Thlessen. former resident ot Sellwood. was ..h tnr trial hefore Judge Camp bell Monday. All the direct evidence was heard and the rebuttal testimony will be given Wetmesaay. mrm. sen In a cross complaint alleges that her' husband compelled her and her baby to move from Sellwood and live in a granary on his father s farm near Concord. BOe ssaeria .-. became III, and after treatment .1 - hospital, her husnanu torn u,,r to return to tneir nam. however, and she aver that when a asked for rooa ne orounni. nr piece of bread, and ridiculed her bsr for his brother. Browneii ana sjtow represent the plalnUlf and rssleat and Dlmlclx the defendant Both hn band and wife want th cusUrf. their child. ' - r) R4 fhs uontng ttter, '