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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 19U. The MORNING ENTERPRISE know Read in 1000 Homes Daily That 800 of these subscriptions are paid in advance is due largely to the response of the public during the GRAND VOTING CONTEST. We are proud of our circulation and believe it is Would you know all the news of Clackamas County? If you would, you should subscribe for the MORNING ENTERPRISE Because we give you MORE LOCAL NEWS than others and we give you all the news first. A Jf-.i. -.swt will find the daily and weekly Enterprise jrkCtVZYTlS&YS the best medium for reaching Clacka mas County buyers. k- uiu W.nn anil Mill Edith Wal- dron, of Chicago. III., spent Bunday and Monday at Oearbeart. Or Judge W. A. Hanaon, of MUwukl. waa an Oregon City vlaltor Thursday morning and stopped o8 bare on hla way home. U K. Artnetrong was In Portland on business Thursday morning. Mr. and Mra. Roy Klssby. ot Port land, were dlnnar guests of Mra. Charles Worthlngton Wadnaaday eve nlng. . . Owing to tha bad condition of the roada from Oregon City to Canby tha nmnlllu fmm hr did UOt KO any I furthar than Oregon Cliy Weduea.luy evening. Mra. laabella Hilton, mothar of Mra. McArthuf ta 111 at bar noma on Railroad avenue. B lxe Iaet and family returned noma from Alaaka Monday evening and reported a very pleaaant trip. Harry Dallantyne and family will move out to their farm on tha Mollala net week. Rer. C. A. Lewie will preach at the Methodlat church Sunday morning at 11 a. m. and Rev. Henry 8pela at 7:30 p. m. All cordially Invited. The Little Glrle' Bewlng Society meet at the home of Dorothy Hanaon Wedneaday afternoon. Mra. Davie and Mlaa Naytor. teach era of Goldendale. Wash . - returned home Thursday morning after a pleaa ant visit of aeveral weeke with Mr. and Mra. R. L. Herron and family. Ernest Harrla has purchased half Interest In tha confectionary atora o. W. J. Alexander. Tha Olrla' Rand will play for the Mllwaukle Orange Fair Friday eve ning, September 2. t Crystal Lake Park. , ENGLISH OPPOSE BIG FIGHT. Think Jehnson. Walls Bout a BlsughUr and May Call It Off. Opposition to the proixwod "fight" between Jack Johusou aud England's alleged champion. Romlmrdltf Wells. Is Increasing to sorb a doirree that Hie promoters may decide to declare It off. f Kngltstrirnortlng crttlra any -that-Well bnsa't bad auiniTcnf ring excrIonre to tackle the grinning negro, who standH to draw down a suuill fortune for bis and of this affair. In pointing out reasons why Wells cannot hoe to make a iwte'table abowlng If Johnson trio, attention Is called to the Interesting fact that Kd die McOoorty of Oshkosb. Wis., a middleweight, outpolutrd 1'ctty OnVer Curran rn a twenty round Ix'iit lu publln. Tbtn Cnrrnu knocked out the much abused (iunner Moir lu two rounds, and, and to relate. Moir put Wells to. sleep In three rounds. On that aort of pugilistic dope It'a no wonder that Englishmen do not relish the, Johnson-Wells nuiti h. so rullcil. Heart to Heart ft Talks. Ar EDWIN A. NYE. A BRAVE C1KL DIstHtursgtlT - Tbeu read the story of Lucy Adaon of the New York Houte For tha In curables. More than twenty yeara ago, whai she was a little girl of six years, alia Ml down an elevated station aud broke ber ba h Just aWva the waist Hue. For sl yeara she wsa taken from one hospital to another, auffertng as few suffer. Fourteen year ago aha was sunt to the homo for lucurablee, hoelcs earns Wlmt a and fai-ed. dtulrlng wom an she must lie! Hut. lio! Of ull the confirmed Invalids lu that pln.e of liK iinibles she Is the most rheerful. Klie rends mm It. lakes great Interest In eiirrent eeuts aud k vary B'l lu tier dlMMlllou. When Dot tortured by pslo she Is alwajre Bull ing Think of It! tSbe cannot even sit up lu bed. When she Is struel to a brare aha can reWtn lu an Invalid's chslr and be wheeled about Hut that uei-easl- tales a ss- lul limits, aud the helpless girl cauuot often afford the expense. Her eople ure (smr. ' Once In the fourteen yeara she waa takeu away -to the Manhattan hospi tal for a proiHwed uperstlou. Rut. alas, the splusl ord was twisted about the broken place that tha Bur geons did not dsre to operate, It must bate Wmmi a great disap pointment to Mlsa Adams, but she does not speak of It. lutrsd, aha la radiant over Hut, klud IrrnliusnLaha received Oswego: no. " f!f t: FV)ra H. Kllgor, to rich and , da U ledrSrl JMock 100, Oak oZ,&l wSlU A. Mumpow.r power to Mary j rk'-ll HorMalukerVL" l. town.hlp j, aoutk w AMONG THE Cfircr SHERIDAN TRAINING HARD. Great Athleta Trying te Rid Himself of Soma Extra Weight For the .drat time slm-e he lust work ed to fit htiuMcif for the all round champlouHblis Martin Slierldun. who' la rated aa the greatest athlete In the world, la down to renl bard training. Sheridan has taken up his abode at Celtic park. New York, and la working ! faithfully to get rid of some of the ' extra weight that he tins accumulated during the past twelve months. In I less than two weeks' time Mnrtln bus j sunken off twelve pounds, and, Isdng I full of enthusiasm. It Is more than , likely that he will easily get down to ! a weight that will enable lilm to be spry In the discus circles once morn. Heading. We may glean knowledge by reading, bot the chaff must be separated from tna wheat by thinking; 8ntacrlb for tha De.lly (enterprise 8euklug of the doctors and nurse at the Manhattan, she says, "Ob, they were in-rfc tly beautiful to me!" Aud there on her little cot she smilingly faces the rowing yeare-aud tha death which may lie long delayed. And you? . , With a tlrtu spine, a jwlsed body and few that will carry you wherever you may choose to go, are you not ashamed thnt you should ever com plain of our lot? Some one says, "I ran Bee neither the Justice-of such suffering nor tha moral purpose of It." Perhaps not. , Yet there in list lie rom-f nsallou In the life of the belrlddeu girl, else she would not ! as happy aa she appar ently Is. And. as for the moral pnrpnao'of sui'l) suffering, ttmt deiends. If, knowing of such bravery In the crip pled girl, Joil nre helied to bear your bordiHis It Is not without algulflcance. tu Should Hear Him Than. Wife (couiplntiiliiKly) Tou never praise me to any one. - II ut I don't, eh? Yon should bear me Ueecrlhe you at tlx- Intelligence er ne e when I'm trv'K to hire a cook. UoHton Trausirlpt Rend the Morning Kirprlse. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Alexander and Agnea M. Wilkin son to Hyul A. Hutchlna and Guy N. Hood, southeast ounrter of northwest nunrter section 3( In township I, range 4 east; $10. F. F. Johnson to c. N. and Norma F. Haines lot f), block 48. Oregon Iron c Flral ptlet-Coroar u.i. . . atreeta. Rav, g, a TiTTL. tor. Prwchln.atii . ?'! P. m. Sunday a.hool V.t P. m. Rvenlng lubTrL I the mend of Stan. Nel Ood." Thli wlill1" of aertea of popular iL1 the castor. Cathoiieor. crater aaa Re. A. Hlllebrana .J! Water; Low Maaa iVT'! mon; High Mass 10 J , .? tornoon aervtce at wL. ; morning at I. ' K Flret Congregational ChaMk-j. Ing aervloe at l0:lo o'cIoaI nlng aervlca ,t 7;4S Ueorge R. Paddock oi ' , morning aud evtning y Atesil slrxts. n, .r I a. an erMhln( i.T?" eihsr Iwfai srkw awouil with ItroMhlnc In i,mrmAmt Flra Church of Chrlet, Id-g ' Ninth and Canter itrasuTa, service at 11. W4ntvlt 7. meeting at I o'clock, b,. open every aft.rnooa mm l day from I to i o'clock. Osiwian 1 MMMlW.t fc . 1 Madleea eirsau. K r WuZIl ' tor. rse. Til MsJix.n; g tS Herssea gahraaw. Muarv HtZ V MniS) Mr vice , )M JZL p. m. a-doreiMhlna al Js. aTV Olatfatosia Chrtstisn R?. j - key, pastor, res. - GUestoaj. t day achool 10 a. m , N. C Heart, aupterlntendent Mornlai ajv II o'clock. Drotharboo4 aarrka 7:. ) MoontatifVlew T;nron-(OoaiU I p. m., Mra. J. H. Qtuu, v Dibla Study every Tnaraiy g Methodlat Main atreat cor. hat' Rar. B. F. Zlmmermaa auur.i oor. glith and WuHlnroa- IMS a, C. A. Wllluaa,l atone, aupt; Junior Ltamlf Morning aervlce, Poarth Qav Communion. - Morning sat "Three Ureal Cornea." u, I worth Iagu rally. 7:4a. pt( evening aervlce., t PyasbytaHan Seventh etrett w I faraon. Rav. J R. LAadibaV paator. Raa. .710 Jeffsraoa; It, a. n, Mra. W. C. Creso, tapl; k Ing aervlca 11 a. I Jmm esslor. r ( IwkssMi. 1 1 m.. Kronf Krnrh supt I tml arvteae each gunUy. siifnuiB Iwaea II a. . an4 1 11 a Ilea Endeavor Thurdsy eraai I a. as. j St Paul'a Rev. C. W. RoMasoa,! tor. Dally eervlcea: torol er. 7 a. m.; Holy KucharW,!! m., evening prayer, 7:U dav eervlcea: Holy Eucatratl - m. ; morning prayer, 10. M 1 1 Holy Eucnarist ana eraoi.ui in.; evening prayer an 7:10 p. m.; S. 8. JJ m.; Tn venlnsa. sermon at T:N Unttetf Jrethren Cnf tta tei V B. n. ta a. m . Krnk Pv. J ln: supt mornina rleaij B. C. B. a. m. nvssa arSs Willamette M. No rsfutar rs rv lews R. S. t P av. aa Zlon Lutheran Corner Jeffarwi Eighth atreeta. Kev. w. a. gar paator, reaMenre 7J Sunday achotl t: SO a. K rax ber gar; auperlntendaat r Ing aervlca 10: SO. EvanW U Wast Oregon City School Haata-i Btaata will preach t I eeloAi day achool conducted aner FORUM OF THE PEOPLE RIPARIAN RIGHTS. Morning Enterprise, Oregon City, Or. To the Editor: The lights of the city of Oregon City to the water piw er of the Falls of the Willamette River, acordlng to riparian rights all land adjoining a stream tha inhibl tanta on either aide have an equal tight to the stream. It doesn't mat ter If one person owns both aides of the stream, the Inhabltanta have equal righta, that la the public have equal righta for the public benefit. There la about 310 feet of the Soutn End of Oregon City abutting on the Falls. 210 feet of which Is private property the width of two atreeta. Main and Water, which. If neceaaary, the City Council can extend to th southern line of tbe city limits, or farther than that If tbey choose, Under no circumstances must il.o people or the council of Oregon City allow any obstruction of a clear lino to Main atreet running Booth. If it la determined to bare locka on the east side there is no particular ob jection to taking Water street; but of'yoor water power under the pres ent plan of the locks. Ton lose your chaooe of tbe water power all togeth er. Of coarse while tbe locks are vnder constmctloai there will be hnndreds of mea employed and lota of money will be distributed, and ev eryone will hare chance to get some of It, and when the locks are finished there will be about four men left to take care of them and we will be like the fellow: "O, my gracious; My doga are dead already." Now, Mr. Editor we will give a little hiatory of Orogoa City. The space nnder the bluff were the railroad now la, was Intended for a canal, and when the railroad came it was out of the quest ion, although the railroad came very near taking Main street. There were lots of people who were willing to give the street to the company, but there were more againat It Before that time It was very seriously talked about making a canal through Main street. There seems to be no doubt about taking water from the Falla and people went so far as to make a plan and almost had an estimate made out At that time the question was about compressed air that was to put water wheels at the Falls and aend air through pipes to all parts of tbe city and to be used about the same aa steam and that would do away with digging tbe big ditch. Just as it was about to make a move electricity waa discovered. Of course electricity took tbe cake, and away went the power of the Falls on wires There were some who objected. When electricity first came there was no law to regulate It, water falls or water power; But I believe the ripar ian las can be used to govern elec tricity at the Falls. The first settlers stopped here on account of the water power of the Falls. It waa thought that this would be the Ivowell. of the Pacific Coast How is it we have' tby seTerat thousands dollars a year for light that la brought from a distance when we have It right here at our door 7 Tbe people should make their own light A man asked me: "What Is the matter with the old town anyway that It does not go ahead aoy more than It does?" - "Ton have been living In this town more than twenty yeara. I said, "and yon dont know what tbe matter la?" "No; I don't," ha replied. "Only oar business men and boosters are not worth much." "Ton get out," I said, "our buslnesa men and booeters are Juat as smart and as lively as men in any other town. The matter Is they are carry ing dead 'dorgs' on their backs and not working In their right direction. They are trying to get hold of the al mighty dollar, quick, right away, and are not working in the right direction." Tours truly, a R. B. MILLER. CORRESPONDENCE ELDORADO, Henry Seltzer, the only brother of Mrs. Kate Goucher and Mrs. Mary Daniels of Mulino, has been very 111 with Blight's disease. Norman Bullard fell from an ap ple tree Sunday and hurt hla left arm which was broken two years ago. Otis Smith had one of his fingers badly crushed In a cog wheel In Mr. Howard's flouring mill Monday while his father and brother were baring waa wheat ground. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Howard, of Cams, went to Oregon City Tuesday to take their son Otis to a physician to hare an abscess cut out of his face which has long "bothered tlnr Robert Rchoenborn, wife and baby were In Oregon City Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Noblit, of Needy, has been 111 of grip at ber mother's In Mnllno. C E. and C. Smith made a bualness trip to Oregon City Tuesday. Robert Bollard made a business trip to Mulino Tuesday. Albert Schoenborn went to the flour ing mill Wednesday, , OAK GROVE. Mrs. Met Trayer, of Oregon City, spent Thursday night with Mra. XL L. Herron and family.. Mrs. Georgia Eltzrothe, of Taylor ville. 111., returned to ber home after a two months' visit with her aon, W. M. Rice and family. Mra. W. M. Rice and daughter, Mary, were Portland visitors Friday. Virgil Clark, a prominent attorney, was in Oregon City on business Fri day morning. " - . , L. E. Armstrong has a carload of wood on the aide track and Is unload ing It and hauling It to hla home. Miss Whltehouae, of Mllwaukle Heights, returned " home Thuraday evening from her summer vacation at her parents' home at Tillamook. Mlsa Wbltebouse la a teacher In the Brook lyn school, Portland. W. N. Rlenhart la preparing to move hia family to their new home at Cottage Grove, Or., where he haa purchased a small place. Mr. and Mra. Henry Spauldlng are visiting In 811verton. Edward Olda waa In Oregon City Friday on buslneaa. Tracy Moore will be a atudent at the O. A. C. at Corvallls this fall. Walter Kurbl la home from Brook field. Wash, for a few daya. Walter and several other Oak Grove boys have a contract for hauling wood to the river. . Mra. Horgan, Mrs. Simon Blghara, Mra. Aleiander and two sons, Charley and Arlet, went to Portland Thuradify to visit Mrs. Minnie Wilson. Dr. Alfred L. Thompson sold hla place to Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, of Portland, who took possession the first of the month. Dr. Thompson and wife are camping on tbe west part of their property preparatory -to build, ing another house. . Mra. Hanauer, of Spokane, Wash., apent Wednesday with Mra. 8. A. Brown and daughter, Mlaa Gladya Brown. Mlaa Gladys Brown, accompanied E. B. U. Stenographers and Bookkeepers -;e Great Demand Business firms ore recognizing the superior training of our Business university over the work of the busi :ess colleges. Our standard is higher; our work is much more thorough; our work is more complete; and our students -ore more proficient in every way. OUR TEACHERS ARE TRUE TEACHERS. Just t ie school for the eornest young manor lady who desires to learn ond hove the high est ond best training at reasonable tuition rotes. You are sure ot individual help ond instruction. You know the large schools . cannot give it. Vou should Investigate our work. Do it now; do not wait, in session all the -year in day ond night school. ' ' ELECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. 630 Worcester .Hock. plloneS! Marsha 275 , , ome A56. PORTLAND, . . OREGON. "