Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1911)
.... t ' MOltNINO ENTERPRISE,. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1911. 411 Showing 'i, OF jflen's Hats t Hat Depart- ti.i bfia by itself, ee the new hopes in Stiff nd Soft Hots LEVITT see our windows 10 RCWARO Tot ths arrest n" conviction e in w-reoii or persons, wno Luslully remove copies of The lurslnf Enterprise irora me kmlw' of unncrineri arier Ur hM lru placed there by Ilttr rg it All. Tim "11 II It r - rfJ kinh Cowitry Vlnlir (to frlod. nrth cuuiitrr) Come on; It's too : brie. We're getting no vslue ar money. hrod-No value! Why, wan, 1 ran V three bund at mull-Puiic'h. LOCAL OMITS Beason, of Shubel, was In town Vr 8 8Urk. of ('larkea, waa la Ore- City Friday. km Elmer, of Clarks,- waa a Tburs- riiiior In Oregon Cll. w of the Friday visitors to Ore City ess Henry Hughes, of Beav. track. firk Cuxlrly and hli mother In law, Biker, of Cnrus, were In Oregon Mdiy. I . Cheater, and Clarence Newton left Friday morning for week's visit In Molalla. Tbey will visit their grand mother. Judge O. II. Wmlck and B. 8. Ilrodle made a bualneas trip to Aurora rrlday, going In Judge Dlralcka auto. mobUa. Keep baby'a milk warm at nlgbt with the wonderful Vaco bottle. Keeps liquids hot 14 hour a. II at Huntley'. M lae 0. Goldsmith will have "pre llmlnary opening Monday September 11, to dliplay early fall bata. St Phil Hlnnutt a In Oregon City on a Ylalt to bis parents. Mr. Slnnott la ronnarted with a dally paper In Kla math rails, Or. Mlsa Mary Belle Meldrum ' left Thursday to resume her position as siiwlai teacher of history and Eng lish literature In the high school at Moscow, Idaho. Mrs. H. L Kelly and Miss Mln Kelly returned Thursday frrm atay of several weeks w'th Ml May Kelly at Long Heach, Wash. Mlsa Meryl Kerk baa resigned ber position aa stenographer with tne Willamette I'ulp ft Paper Company, whre she baa bean employed for the last four years. The Portland Law School, of Port land, Oregon, opens Its fall term Sep tember II. It baa a very nice cata logue for this year, ahowlng eleven members In the faculty. The presi dent of the Law School states that there will be two to three more lec turers added during the year. This la a splendid law school for the study of law aa a preparation for the bar. Ttoy Tr'ullliiger and E. S. Williams will leave Saturday night for West Pork. They will spend week hunt ing tn the Cow Creek Canyon coun try. If your husband carries bla lunch be can have hot coffee-from the wonderful Vavo bottle, ft at Hunt ley's. Mra. J. M. Ijiwrence and daughter Marian, have been the gnosis of Mrs. Cr rrMII'er and -Wr Thursday to re-f side In Portland for the winter. Mlsa Marian Lawrence will attend the Washington high school.. Calvin Ilutton. of The Italia, waa In the city Friday. Mr. Ilutton waa born and reared here. Good Elderberry Wine By M QUAD Copyright, Ml. by Awwltit ry I'm. Lit- BEAM GIVEN DEATH SENTENCE . (Continued from page 1.) A atay of execution waa granted, however, to give counsel an opportun ity to apply ofr a writ of error when the Court of Apiwala meets In Novem. leT" "You have bad a fair and Impartial trial. Mr. Hetttle." aatd sludge Wat eon, "and the Jury baa done what It considers Its duty. Therefore, you have been convicted of murder In the first degree, and November 24, be tween the hours of aunrtae and sun set, you must forfeit your life to tbe community. May God have mercy on your soul." A moment later, accompanied by his father, and hla brother, Douglas, their heada bowed In grief, young Hostile walked In tbe darkness of bis celL Man's Essay on Pope. From Armstrong s "Teaching of Sci entific Method" we extract tbe follow ing: "If tbe proiwr atudy of man lalci be man. aa the blghcat dignitary of our church some time sbo asserted." etc. This la not simply due to a nstu ral coufiiMluQ between A. Poe and tbe pope. It romee of a poet's having two Christian names. Including oue for his Surname, so tbst tbe student of the "Dictionary of Familiar Quotations" is apt to be betrayed by tbe description of blm aa Pope, Alexander. London Punch. Read tbe Morning Enterprise. 1 M MM. I Iff 1 V W4 TV II w Aea W m 'V v 1 1 H - 1 1 of OF While ordering the dally groceries customers often send us a mMBs like this: "You are always so prompt and under. tnd my needs so well th at It la a pleasure to dsal with you." Acompliment-yes-but that's what ' Ynr all tr Ut ruVMjJl7f Tint VI J Ull OUJT VV V r. - on'y in the quality of the goods but in the service we render you. ,hr you order over the 'phon e or call In at the atore, you will find courteous attention and dealre to pleaae you Ifg part of our Miosis system, just aa much I our prompt delivery and palnataklng 'tentlon tb your every order, n o matter how small. ' ' - Voa are respectfolly Invited to give itavtrlaL J E. SEE LEY, Grocor Or eon City Wetohard BIcfg Oue summer's duy In the long sgo. when you could tueet a llgbtulog rod outfit at every Ave mllue ou tbe high way, one of tbe craft drove Into the town of pliilutleliL In ahowlng off bla Oue borses be rau over a bog, and tli bog limped scjuesllug away. It was nothing to make a funs over, aud none would bave bevn made If tbe bog hadn't belonged to Klder Carpvtiter. - Tbe elder was a solemn, severe man. lie baptieued to be pssslug at tbe time tbe animal was run over, aud be caugbt a laugh and an oatb from tbe Hps of tbe man of lightning, What does be do but go before a J untie and aweu r out a warrant for umlh lous in Jury to a bog. An arrest and trlul fal lowed. Of course the lightning rod man teatlflud on bis own behalf thut no malice exlnted. lie and the cider's bog bad uever wet before, lie wua driving up to tbe hotel lu a fumy way to show off before the loafers silting on tbe veranda, aud the bog waa un seen until too lute. At the coiRi union of Ihe trial the lightning rod man told the elder and aboul forty others what be thought of tbcuif their town and their rutliers and mothers before tbeiu, suit there wim a fight. In which be got builljr bunged up ami driven out of town. Of courne ho wauted to get eveu. Yon inuxt kuow that there Is a fellow feeling between men who are skinning the public, and It-was quite natural that the elders victim should select a tin peddler as bla Instrument for carrying out bis plan, A shallow river runs through Plain Belli. Atluliimettspotiks were lined for a mile np and down with el derbcrry bushes. Toward the lest of August the cluMters of berries were a Bight to see. One could gather a wag- onload In half a day. One day a tin peddler atopped to gather a couple of bushela. In answer to Inquiries be statr ed tbst be was going to make elder berry wine after a recipe brought from China by a missionary. Your mother. If ahe lived In tbe country, used to make wine of these berries, but only In limited quantity. It lan't the bev erage to make one entbuse. There wss considerable talk about the tin ped dler and hla Chinese recipe, and an ex -Hteinent followed. . lie returned, , to rialnfleld with a twenty gallon keg of new wine, and wanted to form a syn dicate for gathering tbe berries and making the wine, lie bad wltb blm a letter purporting to come from a large wine bouse and offering blm IS a gal loo for all tbe elderberry wine be could ship. 81s hundred dollars waa the cash capital wanted for a press and build ing and to pay for the gathering. The dlrldends for tbe eeaKon would be 1M0 per cent There wss no hayseed In the balr of the population of I'lalnfield. Tbe peddler's tslk sounded sll right, out tbe people said be muxt show them before they Invested. Tbst wss why that tweuty gallon keg waa placed on tbe tavern veranda, and the public asked to help themselves. Elder Car penter was a temperance man right down to refusing ginger beer, but be aaw no burt in manufucturlug a good brand of elderberry wine and selling It for medicinal purposes. It was three hours before the keg wss empty, and by that time It was the universal verdict thnt the peddler was a "goo' fel'r" and that the town stood ready to Invest not 1(100. but $000,000,000. In bis enterprise. Tbey would buy 0.000 presses. Tbey would gather CO.noo loads of ben-lea. It waa In tbe mldxt of tbe greatest good feel ing nnd general hilarity tbat tbe town blacksmith said that Elder Carpenter waa a bog himself for making tbe lightning rod man trouble over tbe oth er bog. Tbe elder promptly replied that tbe amith waa a born liar and started tbe row. The peddler made for tbe tavern barn and bid away, but bis example waa not followed. Every man got the Idea tbat It waa bla duty to wade Into some other man. and for an hour there was fighting op and down the streets. Fathers whanged away at eons, and brother punched brother. Tbe three local ministers butted In aa peacemakers and were early left stranded In the dust. There were n few men In tbe town wbo did not jrt black eyes and bloody nosea and lumpy beads, but tbey were tbe old men wbo bad bad their fun In other dnya and were now willing to let the younger generation go In and whoop 'cr up. It waa these old men who a Minted the women when It came to poultices and bandages and to wheeling bome those wbo could not walk. . Only two men knew what waa In that keg. and they never told. It may have been Chinese elderberry wine according to mlMsIonary recipe, or It may bave been a mixture of whisky, brandy, gin, wine and drugs. At any rato, tbe "feeling" lasted two whole days, and there were fights almost dally for tbe next fortnight. It waa a month later that tbe lightning rod man came driving up to the tavern again. This time be ran over two hogs Instead of one. Elder Carpenter was pass lng again, but he. did not stop or turn. He simply uttered an "urn" and held bla way. .There waa the nsual crowd on the veranda, but they cronned tbetr legs, spnt their tobacco Juice over tbe railing and were mum. The town had been struck by lightning and didn't want any more of It It didn't even want the empty keg the peddler bad left bohlnd blm tn hla flight When Tsa Was New.. 1 lent for a cup of tea, a Chlneea drink, of which I hadp.never drunk." wrote tbe Immortal Pepys. wbo felt In duty bound to sample every new thing that came along. And about the same time another Englishman waa extol ling tbe new Importatlou In the fol lowing terma: "It eiiseth the brain of heavy dami. preventa tbe dropnle. consumes rawnesse. vanqulshea Buper fluous sleep, purlBcth humors and hot liver and strengthens the us of due benevolence.',' ROOMN IM FINE STATE FAIR State Pair Grounds, Sr-lem, Ore. (Special) Th complete daily pro gram for the week of events at the Oregon State Fair has been an nounced by Secretary Frank Mere dith. The Fair opens Monday, Sep tember It, snd cloiet the following Saturday. The detailed program fol lows; rioanas' ear, mosday, sirrtusza it. S 00 luaiwlion of Lite Stark aad r Ml try kIMIa. SO lnurlaa tt liimi and aaaalaf II TMM, 10 OO a italua af riuaura oa Fi r Orwmoa. i ie 0 O. A. V BanS Coaaart la Hlnnaara. . U uo parkar Caralral fagaaat IS Slapaadaw Awawata. I1;M Aula wr of - Clly froai fair Srniiaaa la I'liittaara by Salaaj baarS at Trada. I OS rlarMoa and Buaaln ata aa follawa: Two jrrar M trat, Orrgoa yalorlly No. S IrlaaMl) , aoe tlil ara. Capital City faraa, li-lowd) BOS t M trat ,,, eoO S ai la Raaalne Ba. H atlia 0ailaaaa'a Sierplarkaaa. 1 I S) rami In Haad t'aurart with liraaS Opara a.iluUta la OraMl Stand t-twaaa kaata; Sbuotlag aiklkltlua ky W. A. Hlllla af ainia(Ui Araja ; fraa VaaAavllla fraluraa; Uaaaaaatrallaa wltk baa by llmui Aklara. , t SO HnaiUi( pigram Bar, to ponlaaf. I 00 O. A. C. BauS t'aaNrf aa f roaada. 10 Caacarl la Mute Hall vlik tka raralU Baad; Oraa4 Oprra Stara; Oracaa Latllaa' guarlattaj Motloa PKtaraa, & I 00 PloMara' Bis Caaop rira. 00 WlllMM-a Olfantlr yMraatorka Bpartaela. WOODMEN OF THE VOUI DAT TuisDAT, aerTCMBia it. 00 B.ia jixiaiua Liaaoturk. SO Arrival Uulluoaiak C'aaip Na. TT. W. O. W.. frota HartlanS oa apwlal trala. Vlaliora au loiiaadlaialy to aaw W. O. W. Halldlog aa Fair Orouada. Ad draw of walroaaa by Ovaoraor Waat, rullualne Inlrodortloa by I. B. Kay, PrraJtant W. O. W. Biaratlra Coa ill lav. Ilaaiioaaa by Mra. Can-la Vaa Oradall. Urand Ooartllaa of tap Wiraa of Woodcraft. Ifedlratloo of W. O. W. U( I abla by Cooemamaa Wlllla C." Ilawlay. Baby Sbow la tx, CaWa, 'y four auld cupa aa prlaa aararda. in no O a. C. Hand Conrart. II in W. O. W, fauty drill for taana la Blata nf Oraa-oa. W. O. W. aillltary drill for taaiaa In Stat "f Orrfoa. Atklatle ' -. . rftnla fur W, . W. aiamoara. II U I'arkrr Caralral Pic-nnla toA Rnowa. 1 I . ranry Uria by tT Womaa of WooaV-rafL I 14 llarnaM Marlof ao4 Buoolny Eraata aa r-lluwa: .r. para ..................1100 Ml trot, Waodajaa af tka World I'uraa lOOS Tbraa yauald Irot fatorlty Ma. 1 Irloard) S000 Biaapia Cbaaa Raea, fmforall; abort eoaraa. a boat 1 arllaa; ral(kt Sft Iba., balow tka aralaa; aaiaiaaro allowod T Iba. avar pra- faaaiooala; flaa par eaat fraa hmh wlanara. 100 Oar -alabt raaakae araot. I SO rarvllo Baad Caaaart wltk Orakd Opara aoloiau batwaaa baata. t oo Baiaaaa Hoalas pleaoaa for raea ta Portland. '4 I IS Baa DBHMiatratlai by Harmaa Aklara. t to W. A. Hlllla,' akarpakootlne, txlrk akaat Ine. 6e. t 00 Conrart br O. A. O. Band, aa Orauada. "f.10 Cuarart ni"TroalfaTT.nirTBlir"ear alio' a Baad Caaart; Motloa plrtaroa; - Oraad Opara Varal Boloa; Orafaa Ladlaa- gaartatta. 100 Wlllaiartla Wool Orowara Aaaorlatlaa Cuifrraara la Adaalalatrallaa Balldlac SALXM DAT WEDMtSDAV, aZFTEMBia It. 00 Jodflug stork and Haaltry aetrlaa. 10.00 O. A. C. Uaad Coafart aa Orouada. 11 OO l-arkar Caralral Skowa 1 blf taataraa. 1:00 llaraaaa aad Haaalae Baca aranta, aa folloaa: Tbraa 7 oar eld paea, Oragoa fator- Uy Maw 1 (rloaad) IM0 t:S para, Oraatar Oraeoa Poraa, 600 ISO t to trot aanalac Slaka Raaot aiUa; far all aeaa; walaM 10 Hta.. batow tha acalaa. t ta aoaalaata aad 10 ra atari Hunt Clab Slaapla Ckaaa araat. 1:S0 raralla Band Coarrrt la Oraad Stand at trark. wltk Urand Opara Stara; BIS Vroa Vaadarllla acta batwaaa rara koala; Panry akuotlae by W. A. Bllua of tba KraalBftan Araaa Ca. 1 00 Harrier Plaaoa Kara kelaaaed traai track fur raca to Portlaod. t ta kVa UaaMwatratloa by Haraiaa Aklara. S OU Conrart by O. A. C. Band, aa Oraunda. T SO Urand Coarort la Mania Hall wltk rer an Baad; Oragua Ladlaa' Qmartatta; Motion Ptctaree. t ou Oraeoa Para Urad Llraatock Aaaoclatloa Meatlae la Adalalatratlaa BalldUf. t On wiUeoa'a Btapaadoaa Pyrotackalcal lut play. P0TLASD DAT THDBSOAt, BEPTIMBXa 14. 00 Jutlslng af llaraa, CatUa aad Poultry eutrlv. 10 00 Itaad Coorrrt by O. A. 0. VI 00 l-arkar Caralral Shown It Bis Entar- talulaa Paaluraa. U 00 Nortbwaat Au(ura Ooat AaaorlaUaa Cairaulloa In AdulalatratlM BuOdlag. 1.00 llaraaaa aud Huoulni areata aa fallowai Tat year aid pace, Oragoa Putorlty No. a I eoo t:u par too t it trat. Uwle aad Qark Paraa. MOO Mteople t'kae Kara, ltb alk kaad- leap 100 irter aigbt Taat. t:S0 Paralle Band Conrart la Oraad Stand beiwea kaata. with rral aeloa hp Urand Opera Star. t.OO Mooting I'lgeeaa kelaaaed fraa track fur tar t Portland. lAu raary aboolUig ky W. A, BUUa at aUanagtua Arm a Co. too O. A. C. Band Concert aa Oroaada. 00 Uaaatork Parade aa raaa track. Urand Conrart la Mania Ball, lacladtag Parallo'a Baad, Urand Opara Blare, Oregu Ladle' Quartvlt. Motion Pie turr. ebmam tociiTrrt- SAT raioAT, BEPTEitau it. t at) tiaaipHtta )udgtng of t alrlea; b prlaa a war Ua. 10 Ou O. A. 0. Baad Cearart aa grtmnda. II ou Parkrt Caralral prodaclloa af IS atar- Hug aaiuaeoaeuta. 11 SO Walruua of Caltad Oarma BoclaUa at Capitol ky Oor. WW. aaapoaa. Ow anaa folk aoug. 1:00 llararaa aud Bunolag areata, aa follaw: t trot $ to) I t para. Coaaolalloa 1000 Hunalng Stake Bar. Oaraianla Merby I Ml allae; for all a zeal walitH It Iba., bolow tk acale 1000 l:tO Perull Band Concert la Grand Blind be. twea krata. wltb Urand Opera aola- lata; - Btupeadoue Pre VaudarllM acta; Fancy akuotlna aiklbltlou by W. A. Hdlla. of Kemlugtaa Arna Oa. 1:00 Carrier Plgeona releaaad from track tat komlug race to Portland. t:Sa Bo detnonatratl by Heraaa Abler, t ou Caorwl by O. A. C Band, aa Orauada. S 00 I'arail of Pmalua Wlaaara a raea track. T to Urand Concert la Maale BaU wltk Par. all Band; Urand Opera tiara; Oragoa ladlaa' guarlette; Motloa Plctaraa, a. 0000 BOADt DAT ATDBOAT, BEPTBMBEa It ttl Inaurclloa of prentlua wlanara. III taj o. A. (1. Baud Conrart a , graonda, II wi I'arkrr Caralral Pagaaat. of IS aaoaa- airnla. II SO W. A. Hlllla' fancy eaootlng aiklbltloa. wltb Brniltigtna Araa. IS in) Ifnlrlea rrvrlred fraa rlaltlng akotor par tie. I ml llaraaaa and Banning rsra, aa follawa: - IS pace, State Pahr Paraa, teloaed) $1000 rre for all trol. Rural Spirit Pun (rloaad) 1000 t:M trot. Cooeolatloa 1000 Steeple Ckaaa Sac; tre tor all ... t&S Orer Nlgbt eraot. 1 M Parol la Baad Conrart Wltk Oraad Opara aololat aad big fra attractlaaa ba twaaa kaata. f 00 Bom lag Plgaoa race t Portlaod. 1 SO Coacart ky O. A. O. Band, aa Oraonda. l:KBe daaoaauatl by Heraaa Aklara. TiSO -Orand Concert la Muale Hall ky recoil' a Bandl Oraad Opera Star; Motloa Pla- toraar Oood - Baad - fartarv- by - PklV "1. Bate. TarlUat PlraworM aiaplay la eleea Pair. Must Shsve er Be Pined. It la in the contract of every male member of the cborua at Corent Oar den. London, that be must shsve or be shaved-once a day. For this pur pose an allowance la made to him of 80 cents weekly. The face of each one la carefully examined every night, and If there are eigne of a "growth" 6 cents la "docked" off tbe allowance. Fatrtmlsa our advertiser. Hew Stock of Fall Millinery now shown in our Millinery DepartnmU THE NEW PALMER GARMENT ' for Ladies . Suitsandcoatsmostex cellent texture in Man nish weaves of grey, brown, blue, and blacks. Suits $10 to $35 Coats $ J 3. 50 to $38 t; Let us show the ' FALL STYLES New Fall Suits, for McnYoung Men Sy, Hanesome showing of the Herbert Wilde Special in mixtures cf browns, grays, blues and blacks. Most excellent value 3 from $12a50 10 20.00 u Boys' School Suits We can certainly dress the boy. - Our . New Suits are . better. Prices from $3.50 to $10.00 SEE THEM I: The ; Ctirlee Pants FOR MEN Price $2.50 and $3.5 O is the Pant to buy for bitter wear and less cash. , Our new .stock is in" L. ADAMS BIG DEPART MENT STORE Corner 7th and Main Streets OREGON CITY. ORE. BEAM'S AFFINITY DENIED STAGE CARFI NEW YORK, Sept. 8. Her promis ed theatrical career uncertain be. cause of the proteata of prominent women that her appearance on the atage would spell ruin for hundreds of Innocent girls, Beulah Blnford in New York for tbe first time In her life waa awed and abashed. "New York la too big. I'm afraid." she said, "I wish they would leave me alone. From the minute of my arrival I have been treated like a freak. I don't want notoriety I want sympathy." Freeman Bernstein today declares that ho had canceled the girl's en gagements . In recognition of the mighty storm of protest. Despite threats tbat moving pic tures of tbe Beattle case with Beulah aa the central figure would be barred by the censors, motion picture men rushed the girl to a secluded spot to day to obtain a aerlea of films. They answer objections by stating that ahe will portray characters designed to have a highly moral effect and that her pitiful story will be a strong In fluence against vice, rather than the reverse, WOODMEN INITIATE FIVE. Member- Fourteen Applications For ship Are Received. Willamette Falls Camp 148, Wood men of the World, at a regular meet ing Friday evening, initiated five ap. pllcanta and received fourteen appli cations for membership. The camp'a membership la Increasing rapidly. RAILWAY HEAD IS GIVEN JAIL SENTENCE SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. , 8. Wil liam R. Crawford, president of - the Seattle. Ronton It Southern, was sen tenced to a term of thirty days In the county Jail yeaterday afternoon by Justice Fred O. Brown, for violating the public utilities law requiring street oar companies to carry passeng ers for only a nickel fare within tbe Incorporated limits of any city. In passing sentence' Judge Brown declared tbat merely to Impose a fine would be to make a farce of the law. "A fine would mean nothing to a wealthy corporation," said Judge Brown. "To make the law efficient, a Jail sentence ought to be Imposed. The punishment should be ouch aa to prevent a recurrence of the offense." Crawford waa arrested on a war rant lasued by Prosecutor Murphy on complaint of Horace Barnes, who tes tified that he waa compelled to pay two five-cent farea to reach the city from Rainier Beach. The facta were admitted by Crawford, but 8acha, his attorney, queationed the Jurladictlon of Justice Brown to try the case. Sachs contended that the complaint must be made by the publlo utilities commission. Following the sentence notice of appeal to the auperior court was giv en and Judge Brown fixed tha appeal bonds at 500. MILLINERY OPENING Large showing of Ladies Trimmed Hats. L. Adams' Department Store WILLAMETTE STREETS ARE TO BE LIGHTED The Willamette council at a meet ing Thursday evening decided to in. stall a lighting system for the streets as Boon as possible. W. A. Ross waa appointed a committee of one to In vestigate various systems and report at the next meeting of the council. The town formerly waa supplied with llghta by the Willamette Falls Com pany, but this service waa discon tinued abo-jt two years ago. Aa a result the thriving Oregon City su burb Blnce has been In total dark ness, at night, although wide-awake and hustling during the day. Dr. A. L, Beetle, owner of the Oregon City gas franchise. It Is thought, will eub. mlt a bid for lighting the town. GOVERNMENT ASKS . BIDS Oil HAY AND OATS The Department of Commerce and Labor has asked Oregon City- firms to submit prices on hay and outs to be used at tbe Clackamas and Rogue River hatcheries. The hay and oats, however, are not intended for tbe fish, but for the horses and cattle at these stations. About ten tons of each Is deBlred. and. It la believed that the p. Ices submitted by tbe Ore gon City flrma will Inaure the plac ing -of.-the -order .in this city,. The government frequently asks local firms to make bids on supplies for use In Its various departments In this part of tha state. ' iioiiEiroiiivscoRE MADE BY SACRAMDITO SACRAMENTO. Sept 8. Benny Henderson held the Senators to tour hits this afternoon, while the Beavers drove Thompson from tbe mound in the first inning, after rapping him for four hlta which netted three runs. Thornton, who replaced Thomp son, was hit heavily, and contributed five walks. Portland won, 7 to'l. The game waa featured by two home runs Inside the lot. Buddy Ryan completing the circuit when a drlte from his bat dropped the ball In tbe tall grass near the light field fence. Van Buren and Madden were unable to find the sphere, while Ryan trotted for a home ran. And Tommy Mad den drove the ball to tbe score board tn left field, also making a circuit trot Madden'B home run provided the only tally registered by the Senators, who were absolutely bamea oy Hen derson's shoots. , The results Friday follow: Pacific Coast League. Portland 7, Sacramento 1. San Francisco 5, Vernon 4. . Los Angelea 3, Oakland 8. Northweatern League. Portland 1, Victoria 0. Vancouver 6. Spokane 4. Seattle-Tacoma no game; rain. - . National League New York 8, Brooklyn 2. Chicago 3. Cincinnati i. Other games postponed, rala. American League. Chicago 8, Detroit 3. New York 8. Washington 1. ; ' ; Philadelphia 4, Boston 1. Cleveland 8, St. Louis 1. STANDING. Paclflo Coast Won. Lost. P.C. Vernon ..vrr .U- Portland .... .86 68 .666 Oakland 4 -"6 San Francisco ...... 77 86 .468 8acramento 70 88 .436 Loa Angeles 68 85 .417 Northwestern. Won. Loot P.C, Vancouver , 88 65 ..618 Spokane ..... 81 64 .668 Seattle ... 78 65 .648 Tacoma ..... 77 67 . .621 Portland 73 67 ,621 Victoria .... 84 lit .234 Read the Morning tSnterprir-e.