Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 07, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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That 800
response of ihe
We are proud
Established 45 years ago and always the popular news medium
of the Clackamas County Citizen.
edition is still Read in over 1 500 Homes
Hundreds of these subscriptions being paid five to ten years in advance.
A 4 iJLl WM ftfl kc dly afld weekly Enterprise
JPkCW&XltS&xS the best medium for reaching the Clacka
mas County buyers.
' The Walsh Woman's RxJ Cloak.
The red cloak which ths Welsh wo
men wear Is not only ornamental, but
It also contributed to ths repelling of
the last Invasion of their Island. When
French force of 1,400 men under
General Tats landed at Fishguard In
1707 Lord Cawdor hastily gathered
together ths local militia, while ser
eral hundred women had followed
their husbands from ths bills dressed
la ths national costume red mantles
and men's bearer bats. The French,
knowing that scsrlst was the British
uniform, concluded that large re-enforcements
bsd reached Fishguard and
hastened to make an unconditional sur
render. London Chronicle.
" Pltohors;
' Said tha head of ths crockery and
chins wars department: "Erory day
ws hars to test pitchers with water to
prove that liquids will not run back
from ths pitcher's month. IX ths
housewife will only make sots to get
a pitcher whose mouth curreo down
Slightly aha will bar do trouble."
Haw York ftaa.
Aooldorrt P ye. .
An tnrestlgatlon IssV tha causes of
accidents among lnsraetrlal workers
carried oa for a number ot years la
Germany shows that tha greatest Bom
ber of casualties occur on Saturday,
whils Monday la a close aecood. Tha
largo number of accidents on Saturday
la generally explained by tha fatigue
f tha weak tolling on tha moo. pat It
Is noted also that tha Monday acd
Caate are a boat as numerous. This
(im rtoo to the suggestion that tho
V of rest la sometimes not too Wisely
LrV-MedlaaJ Maces ,.,, . -
Read in 1000
of these subscriptions are paid in advance is due largely to th(
public during the GRAND VOTING CONTEST.
. a
of our circulation and believe it is '
An Anolont Prescription.
Medical prescriptions are often hard
to read, and there la one In tha Met
ropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
which is particularly bothersome. It
la on stone and dates from about 1500
B. O, making It no doubt tha oldest
prescription la America. Men of acl
enca say that tha Egyptian physician
who prepared It was prescribing pre
cloos stones, finely ground, for fu ne
gation In cases of hysteria. And, as
often In later times, a much mora e
penslre remedy waa prescribed for
rich people than for tha poor.
Week Point of tho Armor.
It waa Nellie's first rlsit to tha mu
seum, and ber mother waa anxious to
explain all things properly. Room aft
er room they passed through till al
length they stood before a knlgbt In
shining armor.
"And this. Nellie," said ths . food
mother, "Is a suit of armor wblcb used
to be worn by tha knights of ' old.
What do yon think of It, dear?"
For a few brief seconds Nellie re
garded it thoughtfully, then shook bar
"P'raps It waa all right." aba "said
doubtfully. "But don't yon think,
mother. It most hars scratched tha
furniture awfully V London Answers.
sobotn" Keeping.
Babbath keeping appears In history
soon after tha Babe! confusion among
all tha scattered nations, and whan
Israsl left Egypt there wars fire
known methods of Sabbath counting.
The ancient Hebrew calendar waa tha
nearest approach to a scientific calen
dar of any atf which wa hare any
taconV . . ..
Homes Daily
Protects ths Shark's Eggs.
ProtectlTe mimicry, that cunning de
rice of natore to preeerre animals from
their enemies, Is well known In tha
egga of certain fishes, notably tbe Call,
fornla shark, known as Gyropleurodua
franclscL Tha shark Is of a sluggish
habit, lurking among rocks,' and Its
dark egg resembles a leaf of kelp or
seaweed folded up spirally. It Is depos
ited among the beds of kelp and clings
to tba lea res by tbe edges of tbe spi
rals. Tbe young shsrk bursts open
tha end of tba egg and awlma away.
Another ahark's egg of tba Pacific
coast baa tentacles which clasp tba
aeawaed and also Imitate Its appear
Persian Missions.
First foreign missions r society waa
established at London' July 27. 1649.
being a corporation under tha title of
"tha society for the Propagation of
tha Gospel in New. England and tba
Parts Adjacent In North America."
Not What Bhs M.snt
Physician (to patient's wife) Why
did yon delay sending for ma nntll
your husband waa unconscious J
Wife Well, doctor, aa long as ba re
tained his senses he wouldn't tat us
send for yon. - s
Malloleu. '""
"What made her faint T asked tha
sympathetic old lady.
"Madam." replied the soar faced
misogynist, "there waa a good looking
young man standing right behind bar."
Town and Country.
N sewer's Lang Miles.
To walk a mils la Norway, by Its
method of reckoning, on moat ceref
1X189 yards, , . ,
A Qrewsems Collection.
At tha prison of 8t Paul at Lyons,
Franca, there Is a curious collection of
pens. They are the pens with which
tba executioners hars signed ths regu
lation receipts for the prisoners band
ad- orer to them to bo executed. At
each execution a fresh pen la used for
the purpose, and tha ink la left to dry
upon It
Patronize our advertisers.
nerves' Him Right
"I hara mads all sorts of sacrifices
for you." complained tha husband,
driren -to tha wall at last "What did
yoo arer glre up for ma?"
"Whst did I erer give op for your
repeated tha exasperated wife. "Well,
I nerer! Why, you cheap humbug, 1
gara op three or four of tbe nicest
young fellows in this city that's
what" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Chain Cables.
Chain cables were first employed on
shipboard In 1811. They were Invent
ad br a nary surgeon.
' There is beauty of manner, of
achievement, of reputation, of char
acter. Any one of these outweighs
beauty of person. Cultivate most of
tba kind that lasts the longest It is
not tba first milepost, but tba last,
that teushba story; not tbe outward
bound steed, but tba one in tba
boras stretch, that wa bail as victor.
Frances HWJlard.
H.r Pssltlsa.
-Too haow ld Mr. Maektpo, "if
you secure tbe franchise yWU
to to to tbe polls and vote."
Humph!" rtta bis wife. -I d like
to see anyboCy nka 0 lr 1
don't waut to."-Washlngtoa Bur.
Patronise oar aavantaera.
TM Main Uueetlen.
Tlr Girl Mj father nisde bla for
tun when h tu a young man.
Would you Uka to know bow be did
tt Gallant Youtb-Not particularly.
But I would Uka to know If be atfil
baa It '
Copyright bf Am.rlenn rr.s Asso
ciation. IMl.
Ou a train from a great Aty to Uk
Me, an arlHtocratlc aggregatUm of
suburban residences, couple of ladles
dreaaed In the bright of fashion sat
together and chatted.
"What do you think. Mr. Runlon."
said one, "of ths admission f Mrs
Whltely Into our set at Lakeside r
"1 don't aes anything tbe matter
with her, Mrs. Pugan."
"Of course there's nothlug the mat
ter with her; but. laws a mercy, Just
tbluk of a woman who la inn king Iter
own llrlng trying to move among pro
pis with fortunes!"
"What does she do? Nothing dlsrep
ntnble, I'm sure."
"She's forewoman at Stnrdevanfs
In ths cloak department. I reckon."
"She seems very ladylike. . I've been
told that she's better educated than
j any woman In Lakeside."
hafa education nowadays I ten
I you, It's money that does ths busl
t nen.
"I'm sorry to sdmlt that."
"ITow's Mrs. Whltely going to re
turn th Invitations shs gets, I'd Ilka
to know?" .
"I hare understood that she bnsa't
accepted any of them yet Mrs. Hur
bour and Mrs. Trask bars been trying
i to get her "out" because she Is ao
Intellectual. Tbey say we need more
i of that kind In our -circle." .
j "That would be all right, but-if
j you're goln' to bring lu shop people
j you're not goln' to keep the circle very
select yoo can Just bet on Hint."
I When the train reached lakeside,
each of these ladies entered her auto
mobile snd proceeded to her home.
Tlrs. IiugVh'pIckeJ up an open lellerT
addressed to ber hu.hand, lying on his
desk, and read It Tbe following para
graph brought a pallor to ber check.
I "It is only lately that I linve lenrued
! through my wife that you are living In
Lakeside. She recognized Mag Hun
I ker, whom you married, as one of the
', lenders of fashion in Lakeside. I havs
instituted proceedings against you for
obtaining money under fulse pretence,
; In that the goods you sold to me In
Wyonilug were spoiled when you do-
llvered them and received pay for
j them.
"I have not' before this had tbe
mesns to prosecute you. even If I had
known your wbercshout. Hut I havs
Just made a big sale of land to a rall
1 way corporation, ou which my com
. missions are a couple of hundred thou-
sand. This shall all be spent if neces
i sary. In landing you in jail."
Mrs. Dugnn flew upstairs snd found
ber husband In bis bedroom lu deep
"Well." she ssld, "I see that Wbltcly
I has found us. 1 smelt danger aa soon
' ss I saw his wife."
i "Yes," he replied. "And It will UV,
I all we're got to settle and keep out
of Jail."
"Can't you make a blnffr
"Well, brace up. We must go to the
Turners' tonight It won't do to give
op our position In society till we bars
"All right' Mag. I haven't seen
Whltely yet I don't know what I can
do with him. I may save some
thing. He'll probably be here tomor
.The couple "braced up" and went to
tha Turner reception. They received
a shock there. Who should enter but
Mrs. Wbltsly on the arm of her bus
band. "nello. Pat" aald Whltely. "riello,
Mag. When did you drift enst?"
"I'll sea you In the morning, Mr.
Whltely." said Dugan obsequiously.
"Where shall I find your
"I have no place for talk. Suppose
I come to your house?"
"Say 10 o'clock in tha moralng."
"Ten o'clock It shall be. You're
looking well, Mrs. Dugan. 1 saw yon
yesterday In tha train. I was altting
In tha seat behind you."
Mrs. Dugan turned as red ss a boiled
Neither Mrs. Whltely nor her hus
band Interfered during the evening
with tba social standing of the Du
gans, hut tha latter left esrly. The
next morning Whltely called at Du
gan's residence and was admitted by
a butler In llrery. Introduced into
Dugan's library-tbs books bad been
selected for him by another-the two
aat down for a conference. Dugan of.
fered $50,000 In aettlement Whltely
said his loss bsd been $100,000 and be
must have every cent.
"I can't raise the rash for a long
time to come." replied Dugnn. but Ml
tell yoo what III do. This houso snd
ot cost me $ W.000. I gire you $.10,000
in cash and throw In tha property."
Whltely accepted ths proposition and
tha matter waa closed.
.J? T.7 BCIt Ay th" DnKns left
their residence and the Wbltelys took
possession. Mrs. Whltely gara up ber
poaltion. Pat Dugan waa obliged to
"Vir0' b0"",n of loborers.
snd bis wife took In sewing. But Pst
hh"re,;erJ the tnp he had lost
When It was announced that Mrs.
Dug" Wt Lakesld, J,
Whltely. were In possession of
bom; rlllsg, w..
"mV Wh 7-. DU"n h"
soctor w!eW? ,ntrinc toto
rff- . Inters.!
- out ue reason for It
oarer became known, Mr. and u
Wfcttoi .. . ,na Mrs.
Whltely kept tha secret
KsU-tlt-'n "TUrm.ik Us
.rtivitr ..(.fWreury M.-iclilh of the
Cg'.n Stsle llsr.l of U'M tore. Iha
l',te,l Flles I'"'"' 8o,v'f
' re' .Ke. '"' "ir,"'"" The .11 ,.liy sill ton-
,ran., -t I"""' I"!"
,),, n w.rk ...! o.l....n- s os;
,l,,T":ir!,,w,l...Tbs , .-1
.rg M slM.lMg .r.-..,"
ber tre.. I I "",h '""'T
w.j' '' n'1 M'pU
o,..,! ...-. imi'iit Wi '
rif , (...! tree specie.. 1 i..-i.o ..r
In.eel timber. P''1'"M" ''
iaiaed thr, -t a -Hsl..;. l-r.-figures
.Lowing revenue l.i Ik ststs.
amount of Uil''f ,'' ',,M" ot
.toek grase.1. etr, will b sbowa.
t henier C and Khoda A. 8haw to
Miie K Mu.vKer, southwest quarlar,
section II. township 4 south, range 6
east. I till acres; $10.
C. and Alice Kerr and William and
Agnes tihliuller to Daniel Mass. lots
13. 14. 15. I 20- ,,lork Al
wsukl'e; $:.'
(irge W. and Kmma llentley to I. mid U K. llentley; 1MJ
scrrs. Itotiert Allen donation - Isnd
clnlm; $J.ix.
George snd llerlha Kalh to Jennie
lmg, tit feres, secilon 11. township
4 south, range I ei ; $l.UHi.
KU-trhor and IJle M. Tung to Karl
D. T"g. 2 acres, township 3 south,
runge 3 cunt; $1.
Kdlth Keck snd II. T. Mcllsln to
Kdwln Kenneth Htsntnn. lot and
west hulf of lot 10. blink 6J. Olad
stono; $10.
W. II. anil May Kalrfowl to 8. 8.
Palmer, land In section II. township
t south, range 3 earn; i
Tiw.m,,, I niwl Junet joiiea'To III'
bernlaHYliHjslank; land formerly
platteil ss Irucis !. 10 and It. Wock V.
Mtlwaukle Itimd rcplat. with half half
of vacated street known as Itlverslde
Hoad; $1.
tlinrles sn.l Hazel Caldwell to
Charles K. Schmledecke, part of Mil
ton Hrown iliiitntltm land clultn. town
ship 3 south, runge 1 east; $0,409.90.
Sellwood Ijiii.I a Improvement Co.,
to Christ Inn l Vonderahe, lota 3, 4,
17 uud IX. blH'k '.to. Klrst Hubdlvlstun
of iKirtlon of Oak Drove; $200.
John ami Katherlue Krel to Kmll
and tierta Si (Tun. lots 6. 7 aud t,
block 9, Cladxtoue; $1.
Waldo E. Cauflelit, manager of "the
Oregon City High School fotball team,
sulil Wedneadsy that the eleven this
year probably would make a better
showing than ever Itefore. There will
be much good material from which
to pick in th school, snd training will
be started when the school opens.
"The opening of school Is not fsr
off." said Mr. Csufleld. "and ths High
School students are looking forward
with mnrh Interest to the fact that
we are to have a new building, new
apparatus to work with snd an effl
clent corpe of teachers.
"A number of the boys who were In
the school last year and who took a
great deal of interest In the Hlga
School athleilcs have asked alKiut tha
poBslbllltlea of a good football team
for the High 8chool this year.
"It is understood that one of the
new teachera la an efficient football
coach and that he la to hare charge
of this yesr's team. Hut now let us
get down to bed rock. Lent year oue
High 8chool had a good team, In fact
an extra good team under tha circum
stances, but was the tesm supported
In the way It should have been by ths
men who in their 'younger' days look
a great deal of Interest In such
"Last year our football team was a
losing proposition although we finally
came out on top. On thing Is sura,
as lone aa the 'vmimr nria'
around and ask why don't the Hlgn
o. pi.7 some one worth while?
How do you expect our team to play
when they haven't the backing. In
other arnall towns money Is put up
by these men h. nk an .
In football which enables these team,
to get the apparatus whlcn Is neces
sary to train tUn team and put them
lows" P 'bigger fel
School Dlayed And tha mw. .
came out In suits nearly alike at least
u. ii,-nr ur own men Jn 0jr
own town, ssy the Oregon City High
Sehoo team looks like a 'bunch of
nines what do you think they say
in other towns? Thi. ...
,, , , . "'TJ iiiiiik was
notlceaMe when the forward pas. wn.
LL ,L paB"er cnni not tell
-y ...... Du.mi man or an oppou-
"In the year Just past If you were
to look over tl,. rL..A. .w .?
mid .w.. ,u "''"lu" J"u wouia
2 I i .hat ln 0ron City Hlgn
School football team waa only defea"
rlto,Cev,,n1 tled onrs wlnnl tha
ri?' thA?;m" Not a bad
we hart 7 reaiixe tha support
"Tha Illffh av,.,.i , . .!
lowen U"Z' '" not Bl-
" , " mney rrom tha peo-
done (tTnmCliT' ' lto .Da
, I . ""KM that soma
friend of foott..ii .t. . .:"la
nr io . A ' " """"cripuon,
. . o"ya a tin. Let us
put a team forward that win bVabla
to com net win, in "u"
lW'Zh"i S7,' V-n-rar;
Cl"a ' The '7 0,Wn 0f th '"
HiHIh",r,al in tha
Pon-whlcii Tisndedy th
treasure, .ni j: ,ur,""r'r aaslsUnt
S l.KlZ 1" Un?' mJ --etary
Occupy th. waat OZnZ . '
oenca recently rested "by Norman K.
Liquor License Qrsntsd
Llcen.o. in ...... '"nlo.
lnd nt "0UO' for a par-
day br Vhe' n... Wadn.a-
to Court
fsshlse) O.msnSa n M
rar ths h. lyekla.
Hhooa buckles are no unt
la an upward position 4i
pls.d perfectly fist n
anklets are tba last see,,,,-,.,. .
kwslry. Bom. of th. ,ttJJfc
be ahap of snakes aud llM!h
let with brilliant jewel. "utM
tlowua ara Bow bi.a.
weight, no matter how tu.y , 7
Heavy linen laces im e..
any other kinds la ths race f,T:
, hit. turtuj .
bUtory for Ideas, aud ,2? k
atari batik scrr.
tiqua and charming iatiernt trssben
In venloo or In 4he brosd UimU st
Irish laca.
Illack aatln anlta are going ts bf
Jusfae popular In ths full as ttity ws
In tba spring. This one combine) i
street blouse mads with deep rtvsn
and tunic skirt and is worn ever t
gulmpa. JIDIC CHOLLtT..
TImoo May Msaton pattern, ars oat k
slaaa fur too wsl.t from tMrHr-fw m
forty -two Inchoo bust tnMur. in. tor U.
skirt from-iwonty-lwo to' thirty oxtM
wslst moaaurs. Bond 10 cm. wft tar pattomo to this dIDc., alvlns ss
bora, sktrt 1UM sad blou. Km. an Ur
wUI be promptly lorwsnlnl to uu by mtk
U In baste aoo4 an addulunaJ tws fi
stamp lor lett.r ooaiaa. which IsMrs
mors prompt dollvory.
treet Frocks Pee Autumn Mass Win
Cost Effect f
For early fall street suits art bslaf
made with ravers and aids Mia
There la a peplutu eiteiiitoa tail
gives tba Impression of s cost
Great liberty has been -taken, biji
tba Dry Goods Economlnt. with tks
brtma of tba autumn bsts. Ths $rsil
majority of brtma are turned ap aV
ther regularly or Irregularly. Curktat
convolutions appear In many. TV
ara fraquantly nicked up and Um.
down savers) times at one slda Tkt
brim, with a long, pointed exlsnalo.
In ona place that Is turned op tsl
reaches almoat to tba top of tbsrrowt,
la In many vsrtstious.
Long coats this aessnn sr. mads
Bcotcb tweeds, ratines, fancy mil-
raaor BLottsa wsist.
Araa and woven gorges, and ths
of tbeaa costs ara Tary smsrt
Such a fancy blouse ss tn
finds many a sea. It Is an si"""
modal, too, for tba entire go "J
It sorraa admirably for the wsw "
tighter material than tba
This Msy Msntoa psttsm s f" J
from thirty-four to forty lnfl"" .
moasura aend 10 ssnts to this fJVJUf
Ina number, Tils, and It will sr"W
forwarded to rou by mall. ' " w
ni an additional two eit
Mtor poetaaa, watoh Insures mors
Kerosene far
I read of ksrosene being a Hl
remedy for burns, but bsd nJ'JJ
It A short time ago, however. IfTJ
tba soda can empty whan most W"
and bad to resort to tha ksrossn
Immsrslng my finger In tha Bfl"
that tba bornad portion "
merged I foand tba pain quickly omr
pesrao. Not a algn of blister ir
snd tba ban healed much mora JV
ly than thooa trseted In tha ott l
bad donaL. Now wa nss ksrossos
clusiTsly for thla purposo-riu-' ,