Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 05, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Read in 1000 Homes Daily
That 800 of these subscriptions are paid in advance is due largely to the
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We are proud of our circulation and believe it is -
Established 45 years ago and always the popular news medium
of the Clackamas County Citizen.
edition is still Read in over 1500 Homes
Hundreds of these subscriptions being paid five to ten years in advance.
A Jf-4.4- WM f"1 ke daily and weekly Enterprise
OVCl? tlSCr S the best medium for reaching the Clacka
mas County buyers.
Onna af the
11w mm probably had Its ortgia
ta Rom. Tba tana coane) from tb
kith oCV-er called maar. who doty
t was. among ether things, to eoa
aaerata the people. Tba Coma ceo
aata moat hare beea minute a ad fall.
alar It Indicated aot only Uta number
f tba peopi. bat their respective
dnta tic positioaa. wealth,
ate. It see so that tba Bomaa reams
waa taken a boot avwry fifth year. Tba
rat effort to taka a eeaaaa ta Great
Brttaia waa mad la, 1901. bat It did
wot extend to Ireland. Tba first ee
aaaa arcr take la tba Catted State
waa ta tba year 17X at ore which tlma
It baa beea take regularly every taa
Veara. .
AaiiwtTria Is) Panama,
la raaaaaa reaida tba Talaaaaacam,
trfba af ladlaaa who hara aot
changed tbetr ha Uta aloe tba daya ot
Waaibaa. Tba Talamaacan'a bat.
whirh la a aaaatarptora ta tba art af
thatching, la a hnxa affair and abaltcra
bla aattra famDy a ad all kla wartdty
lacJadloc tba domeatie
Aa be la a paat maater la tba
art af fieaaeatlcaUnt; tba wild dear, tba
f ircary. tba tapir aad area tba tlgwr
cat. aaaabara tbeaa aalaaata ara praa
aot ta arary TfDa. Hla bad coeanata
bt tba traak af a carta la apadaa ot
cat lata atrlpa and aapportad
i or fowr feet ftaaa tba rraasd ea
hfraaaa. A frar aartbaa pota
Ba-If I
vara awddenly ta leaa an
woald jwm atarry aaa yaat
laaal 8ha-riot olta tba aaaia.
Wt abaald hara to taatta law
ta bring aa
iaTamUClaiaiirilil Trlh
Eaolano'a Mfd Oak a."
At rolstead. Suffolk, there still exists
a "gospel oak" which la orer 2-000
years old. Tba oak baa a girth of
thirty -all feat and although tba "goa
peJ oaks" geoerally Mood on tba booa
dartea of pariahea. this trea ataada la
tba center of the miaga. "GoapaJ
oaks" at ooa tlma stodded tba coun
try, taking tbetr names froa tba fact
that they acred aa ststioas from
wrfclch tba Christian mlaslooarlaa
preached ta tba Aug lea aad Saxooa
1300 year ago. Very few of tba trees
bow remain, bat In some cases It la
poaatbia to tafl Taguctj where tbey
stood from tba aamea gtren to places
auch aa Gospal Oak rail klaO Ga
Tba Ratwra af tKe PradigaL
Wham tba cMar brother of tba prodi
gal aoa caosa Dear kla father's booaa
ha heard, according ta tba authorised
rersJoa. "music aad dancing." Or.
Baadel Harrta. ta aa addraaa at West-
aamacjer coUega, Cambrtdga, says that
tba word for music la tba original la
"aysapoouy" gad that symphony aaeana
tba bagpipes. WydlflVs Teratoa gtrca
tba word sym phony, bat ao ather
traaalatar baa doata ao. WrcUffa also
aaya that ha beard "aympbooy and a
crowd.' Now, crawd la tba Walsh
crwtb ar harp. la rlnr of tba two
tnatruments Dr. Harrta aaya that tba
alder brother bad aom joatlflcarJoa
far getting angry Chrhrtlaa World.
"Vj dear hftaa hlooeybaga." oald tba
taaparaalaa joang ma a. "1 lore yvm
aaora taa a I caa find worda to teO." t
Bot I pros ama yva coald toll aaa hi
raraa." ra)oUwd tba baaatlfal
Residenta of Canemah ara Indlg
aant OTer tba failura ot tba Portland
Railway. Light A Power Company to
ral the grado ot tba railway ba
twaea ihla city aad that suburb. They
deciara that tba company promised to
do this be for tba fall rains began to
prcrent tba track from being Inun
dated, aa baa been tba case almost
arery fall and winter. Members of
tba Ororoa City Council, city Engin
eer Nob la aad General Superintendent
Fields, Vie-President foliar aad En
gineer Pomphrey, of tba railway com
pany, mad a trip over tba road aer
era! moot ha ago. aad tba repreaent
Urea of tba company promised tba
grade would be raised la a abort am.
Tbo work. bowTr. baa aot" been
started, aad It win bo Unpoaalblo, It la
said, to do It this year. Aa a result
of tba company failing to keep Ita
promise, tba citizens of Cane man. as
pect to be I neon rente need again this
fall and winter aa a result of water
co Taring tba tracka and delaying tba
tavtoa It Off.
Tba street plan waa out our way
tba other night, aad oar aazt door
etebbor dldal Bko It.
"Here's a nickel.- ha shouted to tba
grlader. "V you'll go away at owe."
"Xea dec aoaaeboda wat la aaackH
anted tba grinder.
"Not yet." answered oar neighbor.
"Barry ."Orrela ad rial Ialer.
XEWPORT. R. I, 8ept 4. (Spec
ial). DefeaUng Maarlca E. McLough
U n of Saa Francisco la three straight
aeta, William A. Lamed today retained
hla till aa national tennis champion.
Tba challenger mad bla strongest
showing to tba first two sets, the
champion winning out easily la th
third oa a -t score. klcLoughlln s
play waa brilliant throughout, but th
strong oat work of tha champion
mad It a toeing fiht for th young
Th eeorea of tba first two aeU
wera M aad H. in th first set
Lauvad acored li points to hlcLough
lln a Xi and In th second 12 to XS.
Ma Thought Right.
Two of Britain's greatest fighters.
Lord Netooo. the hero of Trafalgar,
aad th Duke of Wellington, nick no ra
ad "Old Nosey." met but once la tbelt
Urea, and that meeting occurred Id
tba little kill at 10 Downing atreel.
Beside th quaint old fireplace there
tbey entered Into a general cvaterwi
Uoa. and Nefano was so luiprnwd
with th duk that ha naked a errant
who waa tba mas srtth tha atriklng
"Major General Ir Arthur Welle ley.
any lord." replied th aerrant. astound
ad at tba sailor Ignorance. .
"AhT aald Kahna. "I tboaght be
wna ao coaaaaoa aaaa." National Mag
-I think tfn ahaurd t aay kln U
daugerooe,- gabed Ml- Hoaabud.
What poaslbl couU I read
! by kUaingr
1 "Marrtag, uxU"." gruulad Oram
Ptrouie our aJrnlsrs.
-I doot cr for thai sbsd. and
positively wouldal hav It."
"Sorry. madanv"
-stau yo my ,a,pl 111
c I chang my Ud."-WMttton
Herald. ,
.A $ory lor labor Day
New way l Eaalaf a Strike
Cc-pxrtaot ar American 1Y A-. -
ClalHMV, 111- J
Tl I I I M I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I t-rH-r
Tta smtt. mine, to hav to tell you
tint I'm going ' lv yu "
A girl of twenty. hoe red mul
Whit completion benpoke lrlh blood,
stood before ber mistress. Angering bet
apron with evident rniberranjeiil
-Why. Maggi. what bar 1 d -ur
"Nothing. Bilo."
Then why ar yon going to leave
"Well, miss tb truth l-why. tul
rm going ' be married "
"Oh. I in. Who are you going to
marry, Maler
-Jim. liooiaa. that work la the A ln
worth factory."
The Ainawortb faPtoryT
"Tea. mi-
yargaret Etherldge. the girls oils
tress, was Interested Id tha AlDwnti
company as a stockholder and tbroufiu
Its president and manager. Ukbard
"rm aorry to lose you. M!e." a!d
alias Etberldr. "but If you are gnlns
-to b married, you ran depend uo
m t git you whiteTer you wlU nol
In th way of elotbea. hourwhold tlnrn
and ather thing, to enable you to set
up housekeeping."
"Thank you. ml."
Maggie was married and went to
lire with her husbsod la a small aolt
large, but th couple made them da
rery well till th flmt child ram,
when they were obllred to take a
backward step financially by Incurring
a considerable bill for medical attend
ance.' Then Jim wss taken sick, and
that lncreaseU-th lndebtcvloesa.
yean while Richard Alnsworth had
' been pressing ao unsuccessful suit
with Miss Etbertdg. He bad greatly
increased the output of tb Alnsworth
company sine h took the mansge
ment. and to th book rslu of tb
stork SO per cent bad been added. la
deed. Rk-hard Alnsworth hsd com to
be considered on of the smartest
young business men In the sta's. But
thert were difference ttweeu him
and Margaret Etbertdg that prcTeut
ed her from accepting blm. Tbo
business quallflcsUona for which tha
world applauded blm did not appeal
to her. 8b did not uudersuud th
methods by which that silent partner,
capital, was made to absorb the lion's J
ahar of tb profits of a buslnesa 8 tie
aa w th opera tlTse men. women and
children going to the works early In
th morning and, baring worked bard
all day. return In tb erenlog to their
shabby homea to repeat the process
day after day. The were working to
pay dlrldends on ber stock, while she.
who did nothing, llred In afS jenc. It
aeemed to her that there was some
thing wrong. 8b appealed to Richard
Alnsworth for an explanation, but hla
explanations were not satisfactory.
Hla reasons conrtneed ber, hut ber
heart, her sens of Justice, wer ua
moTed by them.
"Why can't you pay your operaUras
enough to enable them to lit mors
comfortablyr she asked Mr. Alns
worth. "Because of competition."
"Other concerns would be abl to
undersell and w would be forced cat
of business."
"Why not approprUt a portion of
th dlrldends, which ar enormous, to
th operatlTssr
! "Becaus of sereral reasons, tk
most pertinent of which la that tb
1 stockholders would object."
' "I am a stockholder. Tmi m..
my dlvldenda In half, grring on hnlf
to tb oper tiTea."
"Too ar on among hundreds; th
rewt. Instead of being willing to glv
op their pronta. ar bowling for mora.
My dear Margaret, you don't under
stand such things."
-Doe anybody understand Ihemr
"Taa. ODa-Prorldenc."
Ooa day Maggia Doolan sent t pltl
ful minsaga to Margaret, scrawled In
pancll on a bit of paper, ssylng that
aba waa III. bar husband waa away at
hla work an day, tha children had no
on to take car of thm, and Jlm a
wage wer pledged for debts Be
atdea this, ther was nothing to M Jn
th houaa. Margarvt Immediately ml
Bad forth with a w.ll filled pars nd
atopptng at th prorlslon abopa by the
way. carried comfort to tba distressed.
Aa ah was coming away. Jim cam In
with a rueful countenance and. throw-
T" ,D ch1'- aroPPl hi
bead la hla arms on a table
a frightened ton.
Tb strik la on," wis ths tnotimfnl
"Ob. bea,en.r cried Magrla In d!
"What ar th handa striking forr
aakd Margaret Etherldge.
To per cent adranc a around."
And do yoq mesa that you will
-I da-
-How much do you MrTir
Twenty-on dollars a wsek"
I "w?7 Ha E?nr W"k,jr Wy day
amount" ' fWk
thankful houashold behind her
JL pr: Prolonged
ooa. On, arwilng whll u was la
Pr..rrea rtlchard Alnsworth and Mar
r!Ti:inerUl, wer alttlng la h
bo dlai-uMln lbs matter.
.iu not nlra iba man wUat
the she ahl.
frVr a iiiiiul'er r t ".
4 within ! ""'"' ,h" wn
anotber d-n.i.d. ami ao . 0 .mill w
, them so much tbat wacau t auao
usTtur. ., . onc-Ttil- wnr drive
, out of Uisllieea aud them OUt ot
Vby cu'l a ronir'iula ! (Tcl-
edT '
The quetl.nla a dirtUult .-n I t
if these men wer repre
sented ly on of lh. ir own mimler a
cou.'rv.n.le Hilgbl I effe.te.1 llul
tbev are rei.iv.enliHl by or iimmw
perioi.s wb li.lvrt I 'iH .-ouslder
their lntore.t. The qu.-IMn "wett
tbo UU'rer and tb rapiull.t ara lbom
coi.Msuily arUtng bel.i prtiiera lu
bu.liio.. Wbenerer ll imerem. o.
per.M and paoplea ar InteHwlued
there rso ouly l l" ""h ,n
want of harmony. When lha capital
. . ..- i. iii lnUrer Ii la tb run Injure his l-ulneM. When
the lal-rer U ei-lve, in in uemsoii
u,,u ilirtcapllalUl be iujure th bwsl
ucm In wtlch ha"
nK had Bcan-clr siHkro tba
last word when ther wss erl.iew of
a commotion without. Horn one cried:
-Hiirrsh for lb strike sympaioisor;
Alnsworth and Margaret looked at
each other wondecitigly.
-Where s tb leddyT Com out r
Ther was a ring at tba door ball.
Margaret ih" to answer th auiu
h.rm.r A workman stood at
tb door. who. pulling repcrfully Iba
rim of bis tattered hat. aalU to ner:
r,.r-. . ua of us here. iuIm. thai
bear! a' ye hat contributed to th
strik.' fond by paying Jlw inioiaaa
family his weekly wage, bar coma
to thank ie. Would ye mind soowin
yourwlf on the porch f
Margaret went out and aaw a crowd
of upturned faces. Ilrhted only by a
street Ismu
..l . . .r lh. Im1.1v Mlrlka
i U l rr . um ' y
STUiathlier' cried th tuU who bad
bnuciil her out
Tb cb-ers acre glren with a will.
and wbeu quiet was restored Mar
garet aald. '
wt -. - mwmi) th.t I am a
A . mu mJ w . .
strik sympathiser, but 1 ran aay that
I am a aympatbiscr witn you sua yuur
families I am a stockholder In th
Ainawortb couipany. and If by throw-
In. .11 .Il.l.laiul. airelil what
I need to keep body snd soul together
I could end tnls sink l wouia ooso.
"Good for you:" "It th other
stockholders do th sani!" "For
Gods sake, end It"
How would you Ilk to mak ma
your lepismtstlie lu luufar 10 your
nam with tb management of tba
Ainawortb company with a new to a
-Bully r "Go abeadr "Doir
Mara-aret'a Introducer held un hla
hand for ellenr and said:
"Ail In fa ror or lu Etbervig rap-
reaantlng us say ay."
Thar waa a wild about of aye. No
oaa wer railed ror or given.
"Virt well " said M.r.nref Tntnor.
row morning at 10 o'clock I will b
ready to recelv a rommltte of man
vhA ar vnrkm men vha hare heten
aupportlng tbetr families by their la
bor in tba works of th Alnsworth
MmrnfiT. ftetn't til tnr. at. ela.
If you do I shall dec U n to act for
ftb withdrew, followed b wild
shoots from laborers delighted with
the novel plan of endevorlag to secure
their demsods through a stockholder
and a woman. In ten minutes more
tb neighborhood was deserted.
Tb next morning It U-hard Aina
wortb waa at Margaret'a bom some
Mm before the snoesraur of the nun-
mlttee and was shown Into a room by
himself, ready to deride upon any
proposition that misht be made. When
tba committee arrived tbey wer plac
ed in th drawing room. Margaret en
tered and aald:
'Make your demand "
'Our only demand." refilled th
spokesman. "1 for 10 per rant ad
"If tb rale la arsnted. hn. L
before a demand will b mad for an.
other ralaer
Th commute conferred and flnall
agreed to bleilc thenix-lr. that
oew demand aboold he mad within
two year.
"How la th management of the com
pany to 1 assured that you will keep
thl pledger
After anotber consultation tb spokes
man aald. "Everr cnerati. win
a written pledg to you. and you caa
gie your word to- tba management."
"Very wIL Wklt here."
Withdrawing, kla
" ' I IUIV
tba room occupied by th manager and
maoe nim the proposition.
Now Richard Alliawnrth KJ -
hrewd bead In more way than on.
coma e an opportunity when It
preaected Itself, and he saw on now.
"Margaret," b said, "tb terms ar
accepted on on condition "
"What U Itr
.'Tb',i 7rm n additional
"What pledger
To become my wlf."
tt,.'""' 'ried to aaUafy
blm wlih an .ion. All to no pur
poae. Ha s,od flrm aa a rock. Either
""l"""n D.U,t b Introdocad
Jl iTaaiMnt or th atrtv must
!iT F'ni"",h PKt ber hand
Thai : Bight tb.r wa. , drmonatra-
o about Mar,. Ktheria. hVtna.
nd nothing wou.d aat.afy tE ciSS
anutlve. n , ch,tr
ajr. around tbrf factory . bom
V-J,. "
In Major Lea'
ybald Meh rr Hsm. a . i
tn r UM
Cl.s Othe .,, r
WbB tb beU i
Octobr tb fsus will JrV,
aaw ban tug record to dlacun. i 1
Ing from tb aay the !., i
tha American aud National :
blttlug the ball thl.. year,
aro aura to b ma0-, J,
praweat aeasoo aa UBprscedeotoT I
br of aitra.basf ..firtta
suada. There .ry
Uev that aaw rw-orrt. win u
Usbsd for two baggers and tkra,. '
drlra aa well as for txm ram
loco ther to something mutm
th words "boma rua' aanwu, !
fan throughout th country trt j '
Va -.r.
rhsta hy Asasrleaa Ptm AsMcataa
rr ooa a, paraorra a saw arm
aatad la tba pUyar who maoagwaai
tba greatest nnmber of four baa wira
daring tb season.
At th prevent tlma eotbottaai at
aver tb country ar watching tto at
work of young rred I.uderua. tht T
Uaa' first, basemsn. who by kls battht
arly this year bcamt aa famous a
mintmA Cnkh Han. tVaneT. LoiaW
Bwwi ew w ) a
' la attar tba bom run record
1800 by Bock rtemaa of tb Wa
lngtoa Natlonala. Luderua rec
alumpad la hla batting and wm i
piscwl by Branafleid. but
nonla kalUesa oa his retort fe
' regain hla ey.
"Socks" gybold boMa th AaarW
leagua record for horn rona. Bi
tabllahed It ta 1902. Tba fonair Ao
I tic ta that year mad alrteea.
LnWua racord compared ta lk
mad when baa ball waa ra
fancy might b called a Joka W
gam, bower er. baa chanted
sine tnn. aapocUily th bartog MJ
pitching. Then, too. batter pl
greater part la tha game than pitra
It la a remarkable feat todif
a Utter to make two home
ooa gam, w bare a la olden timet f
and thraa war aot unusual.
Howoror. It la a fact Ikst om i
baa made vo homer In api
gam. On Jun' 11
Wright, playing for tb Ooci
club agalnat tb Holt clob of
port. Ky, mad that onmher. 7
later Up Plka mad all in
taaL Aa lata aa 1874 Al lMfr
feldar and rotter earned tba Oiuw
tloo of making fiva In a lng"a
Ping Bodla. anotber young PW
who U making good thla yaarl to M.
leagua company, eclipsed
racord of twenty-five four f"
Last yaar. when tba
fielder played with Ran Krand
01 made thirty bom runa.
Ty Cobb of tba Tlgara la
tag for a batting record. B
th ooa Ungh Duffy aet op U
which waa .438 for 124 g'n m
Duffy Lewta of tba Bed fioi "wr
Jig hla bardaat to beat tb"ZL
mad last yaar by Nap UJn'wT
baa drivM. Last year UJo -J
fiftj-OD doublaa. Lewla M
anor tbaa half tb number.
rontlnoe bla preaant ga b v
dent of beating Lajole mark-
Lajola also holds tba record P
greet st number of triple m
Ing a aaaaon. Ha cafablHbed
1903. wbeo ba reglntered ,D'7r"T)fc
for th season. To data Urryi
Cobb and Craa
ftaaa mark.
Rheumatism fanj
Cured Haturej
Hot UXefcnatorW
Writa ror
MOT LAKt. 00n-
i n.