Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE ! WlATHfR INDICATION. ',o City-Cooler Sunday; f ...trrly wind. . t orn Huowars Sunday; 1 .ssterly winds. The only dally iwnwitpif tween Portland and Salem; eJrsja, d lata In avary eectlen of Claeka. maa County, wtlh a population a d 30,000. Ara you an advartloarf d WEEKLY ENTCkpRISE ESTABLISHED IS GO 5 VOL. 2 No. 53. OREGON CITY, OREGON. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1911. r Pn Wra, 10 Cmrn 1 PIANOS III SECOND PUCE PIES AWARDED TO MISSES KENT CROSS AND We, the utumraignea judges or Tha Enterprise Voting (intent, ber.iby certify that we have mada an accurate count of all votes' polled In favor of aach and arary Candldata and declare the fol IowIiik winners, to wlf VOTES lit TI Nat riot Number One... LENA HTOIIY. . .. 321X07 2nd l'ri KUlrlot Number Ona...KVA KENT- 145798 Jrd I'rlne Plstrlrt Number One...MltH. R. K. ZIMMERMAN. 73 08J ..... 4th 'rle lUnlrlrt Number Oue.V.MYHTLE CIIOH8 ith 1'rle District Number One. . .TllJJK MY Kit 8 Ut PrUe District Numbar Two.. 2nd l'rle District Number Two.. Jrd lrlo District Numbar Two.. 4fh l'rle District Numbar Two., (ih Prize District Number Two.. Special I'rlxa Dint. Number Ona. 8 per In I Prla Dlst. Number Two. MH $ Tba greatest circulation contaat Vr)d In Clackamas county cloaad at 9 k 'clock last night, with a ruab of undreds of thousands of votes that tirliliiii'dthft COiilcitderki . and uiv", and delayed tba counting Mill a lata hour. Tha eager faraa of Da oonlvataiita, who thronged tha of It of tha Morning Entarprlaa, never titled until the resulta war annouuo li by (he Judges, and then exclama Jon of relief markad tha and of tha iirtln that has extended oer a par ol covering eight waaka. It wii really a deluge of votes until I o'clock when tha office door waa wked tlxht. and tha count com Braced by County Clerk W. L. Mill rey and Water Collector B. If. Cuop tt, ho offlrlated aa Judgea. taklug lompleta churn of tha count, last of Fttllng Pravallad. Mtny of the contesjanta and not Vw of their relatives and frlanda re pined to hear tha reault announced. Pbeat of feeling pravallad. VThe wis over and tha waary hours atr ipent In making wild gueaaea V to tha probable reaulta and at the umber of votea that had been Dolled. I Tba rising of the Judgea to make ir innouncements waa tha algn for quieting of the excited conversation kit had been going rn between tha udldatea and their frlenda and rkea tha content manager read tha wulti ther waa a perceptible la. r of tense nerves all about tha of Ice. Mlu fitory and Miss Smith take ijwa In their respective dlatrlcta. ben MIkh Kmlth'i name waa read aa 'Inning flrt place Mlaa Cloaner. who jM been her neareat competitor, waa P flrt to offer congratulatlona, (Wiwini plain v that there haa been fotblng hut it 1 rlllr til Pfl!h the contaat. Jllai Cloiner Detarvaa Credit. Oreit creitlt la ui rinanv V ""- aiiv jii i na vi' ia' thll mnnlfnatatton of wnnA will pllerlng the fact that the "aa ftn by a amall majority and waa h upon winning tha flrat grand Plll prlie. Rare Indeed la a eon "t cloned with all tha candldatea tinned and content with tha reaulta "4 Iba mititner In which each con- r--i ari-epien tne inevitable laat Wbt adrti additional proof to tha r'""-ni mat an Enterprlae contaat teclded nolelr nnnn mrlt mnA tha P' who denerve auoceaa win re ralia of onlHlde Influeno. ENN'NGhAno ! A'.?.TACd'.l" Muai , neariy nera, ana aa W i n. ?."on Ack" wlt tha amart- P inltiativ, m bringing the carmtnta r i".;' Clll" into thla comttiun t'tha . nd 0verct" that appeal ir cnapg in every partlcu- han .! baa been frova i ! ""on-awaltlng tha ap- plnating H crltlcI ' S'-Mar 0f unu"l daalgn and iiaarE,;tr,m w,th the . " t' f0"' on'y ICit-r.U. L 8m Clothaa. MuvT. quMtlonb,y h low thll t0 WS.OO-ar, no crlt.r. ir..Ti!E WINNING HAND, j I Y0Ur, PLAYI AiCfc BnfflatC ' ,XC Naf'X1 C-OTHIIR . Nt L ka ntt..u h and Main ta. CITES AMD CLOSNER MISS REAM ARE THIRD; THOMAS GET AWARDS . . 08.411 .. 53.909 VOTES. ..83.6& . .620.&H1 ..140.970 . .121.CC2 ..100.907 HELEN SMITH ETHEL CLOSNER .. MIIJ)IIED IlEAM ... IIU)WTEN THOMAS MM3. M. T. MACK... EVA KENT. ETHEL CI)SNEn. E. ). COOPER. " W. L. MCLVKY, Contest Judges Aa a parting work to tha people of Clackamaa county tba Conteat Man all for tba Intereat you have taken agement wlahea to thank, you ona and ail., t oa-4 h - Ih tereat- yem - have-taken and aupport accorded your favorite candldata. BREAK GROUND FOR Tha flrat aoa will be turned In the building of 8t raul'i new church next Wednesday. A brief aervlca will te held on the la at S: 15 p. m. Short addreaaea will be made br leadlnr cltlxena and It la hoped Blahop Scad ding can ba present. Tba great re taining wall, which la tha flrat thing to ba built will be 132 feet long by SO feet high and als feet thick at the baae. Thla wall will redeem to St. reul'a pariah aufftclent ground, which haa been eaten into by tha river, In which to build tha new church, rty thla clever management tha preaent building will not ba disturbed nor ervlcea Interrupted wnile tbe new church la being erected. Undoubtedly tba building will be the moat plctureaqua on the Willa mette. On tha river aide aurmountlng the high wall of cement will be two clolatera, one above tha other, of gray atone and 130 feet long. Rlnlng above tbene will be tha cleveatory of the church and up tha end the great tower 60 feet high. Tbe aervlce at tha turning of the Drat sod la to ba conducted at 6:15 p. m., ao that buaineaa men may at tend. Thla church la tha flrat to be built of either brick 'or atone In Ore gon City, and the flrat of native Ore gon atone. It la proposed to hold services on summer evenings In the long cloaier opening on tha river. a T p d ay Battle of Bunker Hill Great Historical Picture These pictures by the Edison Co. are very instructive THE GYPSY. t- OVER THE GARDEN WALL THE GRAND Doore open at 11 A. M.,very day. . WINNERS IN BIG fir 7r - 1 ; MIS3 LENA STORY, (Winner In Dlatrlct No. 1.) MISS EVA KENT, (Second Iq Dlatrlct No. 1.) HKDOEDHER, SAYS WIFE IN SUIT Alleging that her husband On No vember 1. 1910, turned her over bla knee and apanked. her, Mra. May Mlchela Saturday filed ault for di vorce from Joaeph C. Mlchela. They were married In Vancouver, June 24. 'HOC. Mra. Mlchela aaya that her husband often atayed out lata at night., and It waa after she had urged him to remain at home that he whip ped her. She declares after that ha left home and remained away, three daya. She aaka to be given the cue tody of their aon Jack, who waa born December 14, 1909, and f 15 a month for the child'a maintenance. Patronise our adveitleere. HfcAR THE STORY OF "The Last Night 99 OR "The Tragedy OF THE Rich Farmer" AT THE M. E. CHURCH TONIGHT. Epworth League Rally. 6:45 THIS EVENING. 1 T VOTING CONTEST MISS HELEN 8MITH, (Winner In Dlatrlct No. 2.) o?y : r '"5 Mlaa ETHEL. CLOSNER, (Second In District No. 2.) WORK Oil CANAL HERE IS TO START AT ONCE PORTLAND, Sept 2, Tbe follow ing telegram waa today received from Senator Bourne and given out for pub lication from bla local office: "Senator Bourne yeaterday had conference with Assistant Attorney General Fowler regarding the author ity of the Secretary of War to ap prove Willamette locka ' project not withstanding; tbe Joint appropriation of the Federal government and the state, aggregated f 154.000, less than estimated amount to complete pro ject Today Assistant Attorney-General Fowler gave an opinion that tha Secretary of War had authority and acting Secretary of War Scoflcld signed approval of the Willamette locka project and Chief of Engineers General Blxby will telegraphically In struct DU'rlct Engineer Mclnd. e to commence negotiation! for right of way and necessary prope.-'y covered ny projectr. three an rour on tbe east side of thr WUllamct'e Kiver. Sen.v tor Bourne telegrap.ilcal y auggeiU that Governor West navjatate of ficials ready to m-ik-j the 30O,0('O atate appropriation ftvallablt. In order to make uch dlspob!Hon of same aa the Secretary of Wat rnjnea In kc cordancs w:rh Senrtor W. tne amet d ment In the river an-1 harbor bU of 1910. under which amendment these proceedings have been taken and to day vitalized by the approval of the Secretary of War. Great credit la due District Engineer Mclndoe, Board of Review Chief of Engineers, Secretary of War and Assistant Attorney-General Fowler for Immediate attention and expedition of thla matter upon earnest request ot Senator Bourne." TRAINED NURSE IS ATTACKED BY TWO MEN Because ahe resisted an attempt to kidnap her.brtng her to thla city and force her to perform an Illegal operation Mra. IX P. Holt, a trained nurse, waa Friday night, beaten and driven into hysteria at Lenta. Tbe two ment who attacked Mra. Holt es caped In an automobile. Constable Hall, ot Ients, and detectives are fol lowing clews. The men approached ' Mrs. Holt some time ago and asked her to per form an Illegal operation on a girl In Oregon City. Whan ahe understood the nature of the act, she refused. Mrs.. Holt was returning from the home of a friend near Lents. She had been left near Fourta street, in Lenta, by her companion and had started on her way alone, when she saw the au tomobile. The men Jumped irom tne automobile and again proposed that ahe undertake the case, promising high pay. She refused and they seized her and attempted to put her Into the au tomobile. She fought vigorously and, with her screams, frightened the men away after they had torn her clothaa. Her moaning brought Mr. and Mra. E. W. Wilson of Lenta, In front or whose home the attack occurred, and they took her Into their house and telephoned for a doctor. -xl tL- r. i'. X I 1 PROTEST PLANNED AGAINST CANAL BUSINESS MEN SAY PROPOSED ROUTE WOULD COST MORE THAN 3,0OO,0OO. PEOPLE MUST DECIDE SAKS HAWLEY Paper Mill Head Favora Construction Of Open Ditch 1,000 Employee In Big Planta May Ba Affected. Several business men whose prop erty will be damaged by the proposed East Side canal and locks at the falls of the Willamette are preparing to file a protest agalnat tbe construction of the big ditch along tbe route sug gested to the authorities at Wash ington. It la asserted that tbe con struction of the canal will require more than $2,000,000 for condemna tion awarda alone, and that It will be almost an Impossibility to raise the necessary money. The atate baa made an appropriation of $300,000 and the Government will give a similar amount Tbla money la to be used In the actual construction of tbe canal, and. It Is estimated, that $154, 000 more will be required for this work. The plans for tbe canal were made by E. Buralem Thomson, -Assistant United Statea Engineer under Major Mclndoe, of the Statea Engin eering Corps. W. P. Hawley. president of the Ilawley Pulp ft Paper Company, the plant of wblch will Buffer the most through the construction of the canal, declares that the building of the canal would mean the company would quit business In this city. Hwly . Wants Open Canal "As tbe route for tbe canal and locka has been aurveyed," Bald Mr. Hawley, "our mills will be ao cut up aa to virtually amount to an nihilation. Personally I am Indiffer ent aa to what a done, and It Is up to the people to decide whether they want the mill or the canal. I favor an open canal at Oregon City, and I am perfectly willing to abide by the will of the people.". - ' Mr. Hawley thinks that, under the circumstances the present locks and canal on the weet aid of tbe-Ttvar, should be purchased and enlarged. He aaya that the route proposed for thla aide of tbe river would cut tbe city off from the falls, and destroy the manufacturing planta. The canal, aa proposed, begins at the foot of Fourth street in Oregon City and extends in a southeasterly direction for a distance of 900 feet, having a. width of 125 feet. The course of the 125 feet cuta into several build ings of tbe Oregon City Manufactur ing Company'a plant Tbe same ap plies to the Crown Columbia Pulp ft Paper Company'a plant, where about $100,000 worth of machinery for the manufacture of pulp haa been ' in stalled. Expense Would Ba Heavy. Along the route of the proposed canal there la In operation $200,000 worth of machinery. It la contended that if tbe government condemns this property for a right of way compell ing these business concerna to seek other quarters, the expense will run beyond the $2,000,000 mark. There ia little douot tnat the peo ple of Oregon City would rather loBe the canal than the big manufacturing planta. " However, It is contended by many of tbe leading men here that the building of the canal on the East Side will not necessitate tbe mills closing. .In fact aome even go so far aa to say the water power will not be affected and that the Hawley Pulp ft Paper Company and tbe East Side pulp plant of the Crown Columbia Pulp ft Paper Company will be the only onea put to great Inconvenience. Mr. Hawley say a the plan proposed would bo interfere with his business that ha would not think of continu ing It here. About 1,000 persona are employed by the mills that will be affected. you'll get it THE BEST OF ITS KIND. Every article that comes into this s'ore is examined carefully and is not .accepted unless it measures up to our standard. We are particularly careful about our Watches, and only the best of standard makes will be found here. Waltham, Elgin, Howard, Hamilton, lngcrsoll-Trcnton We carry in stockvery machine and record made by the Edison and Victor Talking Machine Companies. Prices $10.00 to $200.00. If you are thinking of buying a ma chine and can not call and see us, write us for a complete Catalogue, and ask about our Easy Payment Plan. Buf meiste Oregon City Jewelers SR. JACINTO L VILLEGAS. Diplomat In Washington . From Argentine Republio. Photo bjr Ainaiicaa Proas Aaaoclatloa. MRS. KRAFTS FUNERAL TO BEtHELD TODAY The funeral of the late Mra. George Krafc will take place thla afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence on Fifth street Rev. J. R. Lands borough, pastor ot the Flrat Presby terian church, will be the officiating clergyman, and the services will be held under the auspices of Willa mette Rebekah Lodge,' of which de ceased waa a member. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. Kraft waa about thirty-five rears of age, and waa well known In Oregon City, where she waa married two years ago. She waa Miss Emma Hoots before her marriage. Death waa due to tuberculosis. Mra. Kraft's mother arrived here from Union Fri day and her sinter, from Pendleton, reached Oregon City Saturday even ing. Mrs. Kraft's husband aurrivea her. WOODMEN HERE TO Head Consul L I. Boak, of the Paci fic Jurisdiction of tbe Woodmen ot the World, will be the guest of honor of Willamette Falls Camp In this city next Tuesday evening, and a recep tion baa been arranged by the local "choppera. Mayor Brownell will in troduce Head Consul Boak. Mrs. Leon DesLaraes will have charge of the musical program and music will be furnished by the DesLarxes orches tra. Following the an am address try Mr. Boak tbere will be a smoker and all members of the Woodmen of the World and their male friends are In vited to be present at the affair, which is scheduled for 8 o'clock. Head Consul Boak Is a notable figure In the fraternal world. He haa directed the affaire of the Pacific jurisdiction since the death of the late Head Consul Falkenburg, and has maintained - headquarters at Denver. We Give Yoti What Yoti Asfc For- or We Get It Fof Yoti If it is Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Chinaware, Cut Glass, Phonographs, Kodaks, etc., you will find it here. You have simply to tell just what you want v- $5.00 to $tOO.OO. Sl Andresen Suspension Bridge Corner RAILROAD STRIKE ACTION DELAYED FORMAL REPLY MADE BY EM. PLOYE8 TO KRUTT8CHNITTS STATEMENT. PLAN Of FEDERATION LS RAISED Strike On Harrlman Llnaa Can Only Be Called By Haada Of Varloua Uniona In Issue. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 2. All ac tion toward the calling of a atrike of tVia ilutn mnlnTM r.f f i Harrlman linea as a result oj the refusal by' tbe railroada to recognize the Federation , of Shop Employee baa been deferred until next Friday and tbe representa tives of tbe shop crafts who were present at the conference yeaterday with Vice-President. Kxuttschnitt. of the Harrlman lines express the hope that a strike will be averted. A meeting of the advisory board of the Federated Shop Employe of the Harrlman lines has been called to convene in San Francisco Friday. The board comprises 35 members, repre senting the shop employes of all the Important planta of the Harrlman roads. Statement 'Is Issued. .. TTnHI tha arrfwxl nf th members of this board, the International preai- denta or tbe rive anop craiia wno are now in San Francisco will take no official action. They will attend La bor nav celebrations throughout tne state and will not return here until EVIriav - j . 1 1 .1 . . , l nai memafcioiiwi preaiunuM wi five shop crarta issued a ronnai iuiw ment tonight outlining the position taken by the federation in anawer to that ot the railroad's position issued by Mr. Kruttscbnltt some days ago. The atatement takes up, one at a time, the nine demands presented to Mr. Kruttscbnltt and also deals with Ma attltudn toward them. It main tains that the Federation plan now worka on 14 systems aa mucn unoer Government control and as much re sponsible to tbe public aa the South ern Pacific. No Friction on Roads. "We have federated crafts on 14 different railroads at the preaent time and find no friction whatever with the management of these various rail roads." It says. "We speak specially of the Southern Railroad and Its allied lines, known aa the Flnley group." Reverting later to thla point. It continues: "The manager of the Harrlman lines has laid great stress upon his duties to the government and to the public, and would lead one to believe that the federation Is a handicap to officials in fulfilling these duties. "We have heard no complaint of thla sort from the railroads that have done business with the federation for the laat three or tour years. The Gov ernment haa not Interferred with any of them. Their workings have been so harmonious that they have report ed to us that the savings to the com panies through splendid co-operation of the men has been marvelous." Of Mr. Kruttschnltt s contention that under the federation plan, tro uble with one craft means trouble with all, the International presidents, point out that the federation commit tee first seeks to settle any such dif ficulty, but that In no event could a Btrlke be called except by presidents of. the Individual unions. WORK OFFERED 8CHOOL GIRLS. Three families have made applica tion to Superintendent of City Schools Toose for girls who are desirous of working while attending school. Mr. Tooze has received letter from two young men In the county who want placea to live while attending school here. All persons desiring to aid young men and women by giving them work while they attend school here should apply to Mr. Tooze. ..:-- (f: lOV V" - 2': V-.8 l"V 4;