Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 02, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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E. E. BROOIE. E sitae ad Platter.
tares' aa aa4
S. Ill L at the mm
Act af
reran sr- scKcttrmm
Owe Year. W
.. IM
.. IN
.. a
is mii fcr Mil ..
rtral fa car (MM ttrM buttw lie
PVat Pus. p hac IM 1 mnw.-lH
Piadasiad poatttaet m Base. Bar Bee
(rat BaacrUae)..... IM
Slitmed Baetttset way page. Bar Ink
MM tamrttnass JLse
Him paper akt tfeea fwet pe-aw. par Bach
jit wX saesrtsoA. ..........a. ........ .Ise
Maa papcc eta -kaa fares, paee, par kasfc
kt Uaarftnaa fraa tba Sally aa tla n
tf. wnMtant maaga. tba rata will tea a
aa ax far raw, ml tVt papar. aae las aa
rta) aOTtialaai ana)
aaartaatBe at Xac to lee aa aak.
aac ta apectai taaaita
Ttra SaJe ajfcj Baakrapt W aevwr-
o ate aaca nrat Biaiatiso,: as Sl
at mwrf.t- wtta fcatares. a larai
ana aa eately aeceeaadL Ri ml
Sept 2 In American History.
- Battle t CfcaatMlT.- Va-aad f
tragie oeatb betweea tba ttoee af
Central Fblllp Kearny.
BIO Dr. Joseph Aaatia Hotmea was
appointed director at tba new bo
at sniaes la Washington.
fPmaa anna today ta noon tvtaacrrew I
goa area C5T. rWw Si4: atons eera
1121 p at : aina farthret anath and
oer: a a r, ptaae stara Cpvsr-
Tba WHMt stabbora theorist will
-JCgatlmet-inijrendfT to mofreta fart
and these capitulations are ao rare It
la pleaaara to recall and record them.
; Tha hue United States Senator WU
Bam P. Frye. of Maine, was aa ardent
devotee of outdoor sports, and greatly
enjoyed tba keen delights of the rod
aad gan at bis camp by the Rangeley
lakes of Maine.
It was tba wont of tha senator to
boast with pride of bis baring caught
tae largest square-tailed trout ever
taken with a fly. Tba weight of the
trout was given by tba senator aa be
ing seven pounds. Professor Agassis.
tha great naturalist, challenged tha
assertion, saying It was a scientific
fact that no trout ever attained tha
weight mentioned by tha senator.
Tba next season Senator Frye cap
tared an eight-pound specimen of the
same species, packed It in lea and
sent It to. Professor Agassis. Ac
knowledging bis defeat Professor
Agassis wrote tha senator: "The
theory of a life-time kicked to death
by a fact!
Tba Incident disclosed that trout
attain a weight of mora than seven
pounds, that Senator Frye was a true
sportsman and that scientific theory
most give way to cold fact,
Another great achievement of Uncle
Sam's army Is tha conquest of typhoid
fever. 4
Daring the Texas manoeuvres. In
which 1X000 men participated, only
one man wsa attacked with typhoid
fever, lie was a private of tba hos
pital corps whose In Denization had
not been completed whea be was at
tacked. His wss a light ease and ba
soon recovered. The entire division
was vaccinated with the anti-typhoid
serum. ' j
Daring 18J8 the second division of
the army encamped at Jacksonville
during tha same season that the ma
. noeuvre division was la Texas. Tha
climate, latltode and topography are
similar. There were In tha Jackson
ville encampment 19.759 men. and of
these J.69J had typhoid fever. 248
deaths resulting. Typhoid vaccina
No Beef to
In the
t Future
lersJe ise ar tea; e reewsar aaise
fn e Ha.
Waata. Far Sale. Ta Raat. ate, awe
Ml a vara flrat saaefUea: a aaaf aaat
eac adititlaael
Ratae far aaaerttarfM Aa Weakly
SSBtarprtae aria aa ta Ha aa SB tka
aalty. far artfaaaa)ta mm t na)
ear tka waaeuy. Wfcara tha aai art si lam
lac tar Bursal Knia
Cud eaaaM aeaaaapaar arT tni
party la ewkaersni la MaBaa ernes at
tha Baiiaipnaa.
Laewl af iiiltaSaa at toaal a irtaasss
Our wealth and population are growing to SUCH. AN
EXTENT that we will soon use tbe ENTIRE DOMESTIC
PRODUCT for one home consumption.
Sonth America now is exporting GREAT QUANTITIES of
meat to Europe, most of it going to Austria, Italy and the southern
eotrn tries. Of course Germany is baying no outside meat, the laws for
bidding. All the beef used in that country comes from within its own
I can't sav offhand just what the proportion of inereaM in the
aj.xH product from South America is, but it u trrowiog ENOR-H0USLT.
ttoa was thea onknown.
Is Morocco the French, mar aa ex
peditloa of 13,000 mi Morocco Is a
hot country, yet from April 11 ta Jan
IS. not a elagle Preach soldier died
froam dteeeae.
These figures ahowa the greet ad
vaaoe Biada by anedtcal aclaaca la
their triumph over that great torn of
the soldiers ta camp, typhoid fever.
France boaata of a machlae that
tarns wheat directly Into dottgh. Hah!
Wall street aaaa water aa a basis.
- s)o '
Nebraska aathaaiaat daclaraa
that William J. Bryaaa bead oobt to
ba'pnt oa tba aew pea tag aUmpa.
Haaat ba been licked eoouxb al
ready? aa
It takes all varieties of peraoaa to
comprise a eosiatoa, -arltb tba possi
ble except loo of tba vomit whose
beauty Is enhanced by aeartac ear
tings. . .
Karl Pearson will ba tba flrat pro
feaaor of cagealca at tba CalTeralty
of Londoe. Tba lata Sir Francis
Galtoa left 125.000 to aodow tbls
chair, ao that It oosbt to ba well
cushioned. .
We are prepared to weep for Sen
ators Heybern and Jeff Deris when
that Washington society for tha sop
pressioa of aaneceeaary aoiaas be
gins to point Its rappraaaor ta their
Heart Heart I
- Talks:
Soma time ago I made a rWt to a
tawa where forty years ago 1 Hred as
a lad for three years three happy
Almost I roe Id wish I bad not madr
I wanted to see tba river where I
bad gone swimming la summer snd
skated In winter, a wonderfully biy
river, ao wide that only Turn Str.ltb
af sll the fang wsa sble to awlm s t m
A dwindled stream, a thine of P""'"
and shallow ard xtretrbes of sand-'
that was once the Wahaxb!
Driving n pat ream to are the "bl
grove" that was -Jut ' around ib
beod. I found only a rornftekl. Be ow
the Iowa only a few ntuuipa remained
of what via -the old mill
I could bare tried.
Even the Ms arto:hone on the hi I!
which, with Its aaibithiua rujois. wan
tba pride of the town, had l-en razro
and a modern mnx-iure wsa going op
And on the lot where we ptaytd Iowd
ball" and "ball pnT aud "hat ball'
stood Ibe aew lnterurben di-puc
I began to Inquire about aome of tha
boys snd girts I bad known.
-Dead." "Moved to Net) ranks
years ago." -Urea aumewbere In
California." On a farm eight
miles eat of here." "Met a man
who broke her heart." -Dead."
"Somewhere la Chicago."
So ran the answers.
I Inquired If any one remembered Use
son of s certain itinerant preacher.
One old man said tbls one wss s mis
chievous lad and be opined bad -turned
out bad." 1 had not tbe heart to
tell him I was tbe lad.
I felt like one who had looked at a
fair mirage which bad lifted In midair
and disappeared. Disillusioned and
strangely saddened. I took the first
train out.
I remembered what Conan Doyle
told bis friend.
Doyle advised his friend never to "go
back to Heidelberg." He himself had
gone back to the old town where be
had studied and dreamed and loved,
nly to find the grand old buildings
shrunken la site and tbe old streets
that bad been so picturesque and full
tt romance dirty and commonplace.
A sweet memory was spoiled.
It most be so.
Change aad decay are written upon
all things, and tbe picture of memory
ta not tbe picture of present reality.
We ourselves have changed. We
have outgrown ourselves. Wa nave
lost tbe angle from which we once
looked. It requires ao much now to
make ns happy!
We vsinly dream of the places where
once wa were "so happy and so free."
Patronize our eivenlsera.
Will Need
It All
Millionaire Meat Packer
Six Candidates In Grand Voting Contest Who
Are Striving Their Utmost To Win Prizes
(First District Leader.)
(Third la District No, L)
. George Schmidt, of Sbubel, who was
In towa Friday, says that Schmidt
Bros, will exhibit their famous Shrop
shire sheep, which have taken pre
miums many times at State fairs sad
at the Clackamas County Fair. Mr.
Schmidt will aend about 20 bead to
tbe State Fair, making tbe shipment
about September 8. Two years ago
Schmidt Bros, won nearly all the pre
miums cn tbe Shropshire exhibit at
tbe State Fair. Mr. Schmidt says ba
haa Just finished threshing his grain
and that fall sown oats averaged
about fifty bushels to the acre.
Miss Helen Pollock, of Willamette,
proved s most delightful hostess on
Thursday evening when she enter
tained at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Pollock, In honor
of Miss Tberessa Backer, of Portland,
who is a guest for a few days at the
Pollock borne. The affair was In tha
form of a lawn party, and the lawn
waa an attractive sight with IU bright
colored Chinese lanterns and electric
lights. Refreshments were served
during the evening. Games and music
were enjoyed until a late hour.
Those attending were Miss Theresas
Becker, of Portland; Miss Helen Pot-
lock. Miss Martha LJesman. Miss Ids
Burdlne. Miss Alice Oliver. Miss Mil
dred Resm. Miss Kathryn Dalsman, of
Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. James Pollock,
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Wy O. Pol
lock. Walter Liesman, Harry Pollock.
Vt illiam Pollock, John Ream, Leo Lar-
aen, Everett Downey.
A party will leave this city In tbe
launch "Who Cares," belonging to
Bert Roake on Saturday morning for
Astoria, where they will attend tbe
Centennial. Charles Pope will aot
aa captain; Jamea Raoke, ship car
penter; Bert Roake. engineer. The
families of Bert Roake and James
Roake will be the passengers, and no
doubt a good time Is In store for them.
The party will remain In Astoria for
several days, but Captain Charles
Pope expects to return to this city
When la a gentleman's blrt like tbe
heavens at nigbtT When bespangled
with stars.
What woo Id coats In all Ibe snaff In
tbe world? ' No one none (knvwai.
Why does a gentleman look Orst on
one side and then another when walk
ing down Ibe street; Bet-auae be can't
look oa both sidea at ibe same time.
What small animals are alwsya seen
st social functions Wblte kids.
Cscract Preeenciatien.
Tbe correct proooiKlst kn of tbe
English lanrnage and ail forelra
words In entnmoo ae Is brvnattng a
abject of iafereet and Importance to
Ihoae peraoaa who raa appreciate the
great ad rs mare of pnn wing tbe
sbillty to apeak porrertly To reader
Coot eras fVw amef delict)! fill In a rnl
ttvsted ear the iraao-tathm of every
word mast be correct .
Game ef Cram be.
Each wrttee octe tar two sxnina oa ooe
Bttp sad a foearioa oa snot tier, or both
ay be wrlttea oa one. AH are shuf
fled and drawn. Aa answer fe tbe
"joewaio so at ae written la 1
bringing la Ibe aoaoa.
i :. ' . v
(Second District Leader.)
(Beaver Creek Candidate.)
HIDES ( Buying Green bides, te
to Sc; sailers, i4c to 6',c; dry bides.
12c to 14a Shcap pelts. 26o to 75c
Each. n
DRIED FRUIT? Local prices are
firm at from 8c to 10c on apples and
prunes. . peaches are 19c.
8ALT Selling (Oc to 90c tor floe
SO lb. sock, half ground 40c; 7t for
100 lb. sacks.
Portland Vegetable Markets.
$1.2SetLM per sack; parsnips, 11.25
tftlM; turnips. Sl.25fl.6b; beets,
VEGETABLES Asparaaai. 0c
IL75 per crate; "abbage, new, fj per
hundiedwelght; cauliflower, f !.()(
11.75 per dosen; celery, California, 75c
tt 90c per dozen; cucumbers, $1.50
$2.25 per dotea; eggplant, 15c per lb.;
farllc. 10cfJ12c per pound; lettuce,
lie per doxen; hothouse lettuce. $1.60
612 per box; peaa. Senile per
pcrnd; peppers, 30c(?)5c Pr pound;
radlabea, 15c per dozen; rhubarb, 2V4c
fSc per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomatoea.
126 13.25.
ONIONS Jobbing pricea; Oregon
$2.75 per 100: Australian, $3.50 per
100; Texaa, $2.23 per crate: Califor
nia, $2 per crate
Oregon City Stock Quotations.
HOGS Hova are quoted He lower
From 125 lha. to 150 Iba. 9e, from
150 Iba to 200 lba. g4c.
RACON. LARD and HAM. are firm
VF.VL CALVES Veal calvea ortng
from 8e let ittc according to grade.
BEEF 8TEERS Beel teer for
the local markets are fetching (He to
(He lire areifc-Bi.
8HEEP o nrtii at c to 5c live
Ouotarrana r Oregon Olt).
POTATOES Best, Buying IS cents
steady, selling from $5 to 5 30; very
little of cheaper grades.
OATS (Buyngi Grsy. $23 to $21.
white, fmm $25 to $26.
BI7TT5R (PnjTigl Ordinary
ccuntry brings from 15e to 20c,
fancy dairy from 2 Or to 22c. cream
ery 22c to 25c
EGGS Best grade 25 cents.
POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit
lie good stock offered. Good hens are
bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor
demand, broilers bring from ICe to 18c,
with good demand.
WOOL (Bny:TiO Vool prices are
ranging from 14 to 17 cents.
- FEED Shorts to $30; rolled
barley, $21.50 to $32.50: process bar
ley., $33.H whole corn, $39.00:
cracked corn. $40 00: wheat $32.00
to $33: oil meal. $53: Shadv Brook
dairy feed, $1 25 per hundred pounds.
HAY (Buying, t Timothr $1 to
$17: clover $9 to $10: ost bay. best,
$12; mixed. $10 to $12: alfalfa, $1$ to
$l T
Large Crowd Enjoys Readings of Tal
ented Young Woman. . .
A large crowd beard Miss Mary
Sand stroin read selections from Au
gustus Thomas' "Witching Hour," at
tba Baptist church Friday night Miss
Sandstrom Is a graduate of the Em
erson College of Oratory at Boston.
Tbe reading, which was given under
tbe gusplces of tbe Phllathea class of
tbe church, was delightful and Miss
Sandstrom demonstrated that she
possesses rare ability as a declalmer.
She will return to tba East soon.
(Continued front page Lj
friends coming la just as strong, sba
III have acquired merit enough to
stick at tbe top la spit of all tha ob
stacles that may beast tha way.
And CANDIDATES! Ba st tba En
terprise office tonight with all your
votes ready to east BEFORE
O'CLOCK for at that boar the doors
will be closed aad locked till ail tba
ballots are counted aad tha Judges
are resdy to reader their decisions.
Pstroalze oar
---.:-vV-a . ;: -Nsw
(Second In District No. I.)
(West Oregon City Favorite.)
Salem. Ore (Special! -V.vJurtT Ma
rie Rui'f, a ho . fifirrlv s mrm
brr rf t!.e "rf- irn,',-- f-n I 0;cfa
Co:npany of V' Yn-l Oty, i to
I !rg at tlie ? -;V-i vtr I- :itr il-'riiie
it werk it i "i tri-w Srp'r-n
lr 11 to ;r,. "' i. -n i-c firl ti-nr
that vt !'- lv. rvrr vi'-rrnl
at a tate f r :i: ' it n-r up :i prw
era in t!'r of t" e oxii.tnija
lion liicli i- e--M lr'f rrnli-ty
of jt'nf'rs' ir';i:-! .it Siileiit. With
the pri-"i i'wi, ' iti" ropfr:llo,
U !:er hflN?-v 5i
a baritone nf rare
rrrtiard I'cifiie.
voice antl errat
dramatic The coiple he
accompanied by tbe Rrrat . Ferullo
nartf'. hich ha become famous in
Ihe Tacific Northwel.
Southern Pacific Company to Port
land Railway Light A Power Com
pany; right of way In Clackamas
county, township 4 south, range 5
east; $1.
Southern Pacific Company to Port
land Railway, Light A Power Com
pany, aection 12. township 4 south,
range 4 east; Including 4.11 acrea;
Southern Pacific Railroad Company
to Portland Railway, Light A Power
Company, land In Clackamas county;
t $i.oo,
A. Grubisslcb and husband to Henry
Conklln, land In township 1 south,
range 2 east; $10. k
Willamette Falls Company to Mary
H. Ramsdell. lot B, tract 18, Willa
mette tracts; $200.
Robert Wellenbrock to Lousse
Borde, 10 acres of aection . township
2. south, range 4 east; $1,5H).
A. E. Nichols and Laura A. Nichols
to Jacob and Margaret Cave, 40 acres
of section 8. township 3 south, range
1 west; $10.
Charles R. and Jennie Noblltt to Otis
W. Townsend and Daisy Ogle, land In
sections 32 and 33; 1.
Simon and Suohla Bachman to War
ren E. McCord, land in sections 3,
township 2 south, range 2 east; $10.
8. R. and Anna M. Coyan to N. J.
W, and Anna M. Erlchner. 10 acres of
George 1 Abernetby Donation Land
Company, section 2&: $30.
W. a Haynea and Katherlne
Haynea to otto .1. Kramer, part of
D. L C. of William Brown, sections
11. 12. 13, 14. township 3 south In
cluding 55 acres; ft.
James A. Bunnell to Mrs Paul
West, lota 5. 6, 7, 8, block 1. Oak Grove
Park; $1,400.
Shepherds To Have PienJc.
Sanctuary No. 50, 8hepherda of Am
erica, will hold their annual picnic at
Bchnoors Park. Willamette. Sunday
September 3. -There will, be speeches'
dancing, sports and refreshments
Artisans Initiate Three.
The Artisans met In regular sea
slon In the Woodmen ball Thnrsday
evening. There was a eond ..!..
dance. Three were Initiated and two I
fiooauuua ior memberahln
ceived. Ice cream and rake were
served In honor of the new members.
E. W. Mellien
Now open for buslneaa with a full
Una of new and aecondhand furnl
Hlghm Prlc. p.,d for scon
Hand Furniture.
In the new Brick Building,
'"th and Msln Streets.
Money represents human power. It
la of vital Imports oca to you whether
Its force la started for or against you.
Money eared Is your friend, ready to
help you when you Deed help moat
The Bank of Oregon City
t) V LATOURfCTTI President
Transacts s 0eral ankles ueiaeee.
First Baptist Corner Main snd Ninth
atresia. Itav. 8. A. Ilayworth pas
tor. Preaching at 11 a m. snd 7:45
p m. Sunday achool at 10. o clock
Young Peopls's meeting at
fl p. m. Ubor Day services will ba
held In the evening. The pastor will
preach on "the Rlghta of Labor."
All worklngmen are Invited.
Cathotlo Cr. -eratsr and Tenth Bin
Rer. A. lllllebrand pastort res. $13
Water; Uw Mass S s. m.. with aer
imm; High Masa 10:30 a m.; af
ternoon service at 4; Mass every
morning at -t
First Congregational Church. Morn
ing service , at 10:30 o'clock. Eve
ning servli-a at 7:45 o clock.
Christ ft. Lutnersn Cr tClshth aad J.
u Adams siral. I'ev. I. Schmldl
pastor. ra i J Q Adan.a. S V
s A m mx. tirai)hins aitei&uuns ot rrat
snJ thlfl Munls at J I In Knsl'sh.
" olhrf Him1av awvtoaa anoewteae at 4S-M
with nrearhlna In (lermtn.
Flrat Church of Christ. Scientist
Ninth and Center atreeta Morolng
servl.-e at 11. Wednesaay evening
meeting at ( o'clock. Reading room
ocn every afternoon except Sun
day from to 4 o'clock.
Oermsn gvanoallcsl-ror Klghia and
Msrfison slraais. Mav. K. Baa
or. fr Til Madison: 8 S IS a m .
llarmaa Brhradr. atimroa stivat. supt ;
momma sarvlre II. T'.nf apia at 1
p. m. and prahln at I t ss. Prayar
mreilns Wdnelr at T l p. m.
Gladstone Christian Rev. A. It. Mul
key, pastor, res. Gladstone. Bun
day school 10 a. m , N. C. ItsnJrlcka,
supterlntendent. Morning service.
11 o'clock. Brotherhood services st
Mountain Vltw UnTon (Cong.) S. 8.
3 p. m , Mrs. J. II. Qulnn, supt.;
Bible Study every Thursday after
Methodist Main atreet cor. Seventh.
Rev. E. F. Zimmerman paator, res.
cor. Slilh and Washington; 8. 8.
:45 a. m.. C. A. Williams, Glad
stone, supt.; Junior League 3 p. m.
Morning service. Fourth Quarterly
Communion. Evening subject,
"The Iat Night or tbe Unexpect
ed CaU of Death." Friday evening.
September 8, Fourth Quarterly Con
ference, Superintendent Moore pre
siding. Prssbyterlsn Seventh atreet cor. Jef
ferson. Rev. J. It Land borough,
paator, Rea 710 Jefferson; 8. S. 10
a. m., Mrs. W. C. Green, aupt; morn
ing service II a. m. L'nloa
meeting In Seventh street park In
evening at 7 o'clock. In charge of
the Preabyterian church; T. P. 8.
C. E.. 7 o'clock, leader, Ambrose
Ilrownell. ,
Parkplace Cenoreeaiuoat Rev. J. L
Jonra psstw, rs t'lscksmae: .. J I
a m . Kmry Krench supl ; praarbms
servlrea each Sundsr. sliernatlng ba
Iwren It a. m. and 1 II p. m Chris
tian Endeavor Thursday evening 7:J
p. m.
St Paul's Rev. C. W. Robluson, rec
tor. Dally servlcea: Morning pray
er, 7 a. m.; Holy Eurharlat, 7:30 a
m., evening prayer, 7:30 p. m. Bun
day services: Holy Eucharist $ a.
m ; morning prayer, 10:30 a. m,;
Holy Euchartat and sermon, 11 a.
m.; evening prayer and sermon.
7:30 p. m.; 8. 8.. 13 m.; Thursday
evenings, sermon at 7:30 o'clock.
United Brethren-for. Wshtn snd Tarhw.
Kev. L
r. v.iaxas naair. rea. fur land:
a. .. it
m. irank I'-ukmr. Maple
momlnc service 11. T. P
l4ine, supt
. K. o
vnln service 7
Willamette m. B. No reaulnr arearhlna
services 8. 8. I D rn . Mrs.
Zlon Lutheran Corner Jefferson and
Eighth streets. Rev. V. R. Kraxber
ger pastor, residence 720 Jefferson.
Sunday school :30 a. m.. Rev.
Kraxberger, superintendent. Morn
ing service 10:30. . Evening 7:48.
lather League 7 p, m.
West Oregon City School House J. O
8taata will preach at 3 o clock. Sun
day achool conducted after sermon.
Subscribe for tha Dally Enterprise
To Exhibit Monster Peach.
One of the peaches that will no
doubt attract attention In the Clacka
mas county exhibit at the State Fair
will be that of Judge Thomas F. Rysn.
This peach measures 1$ Inches In clr
cumferance and la the largest that
baa been brought to this city.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
aaaar - v
- '"J at ana raat
word rtrai
I " " tk. hag
' - ' par mnaia.
. meat aonataaaay ardar hhIim
has aa apea ermnnTZuiTtHm AVaaT .
"nets! reia.ibmt.;L,5LJw'
errors aeor fra. eurr-ll ...' T.7T"
"""" pai
Mtnimuai eharra Isa
I ' sons or curios, an
' tlauea. and tni.. . '
. ' . innaets; stamps
I" ,::'.m.p..co11: com. f"
Zv: .r rT0W iada for arch
-...-, etc. i bUT ,nd .,
r curios; also all kinds of
a"e-rkia ka.i m
street. "Mt w
"eneral Delivery. Oregon City.
erK'vTJr" Ud' "- for B
ral drygood. .tore In Oregon City.
"A 1 Em! 'r,4 Mrrice, "Addreis
a. Enterprise office, xt
mTU. eta.
Ooea fraN A. m.
WANTED Ton to a no nuUflaa
terprisa Job printing departsasit
tnte. moot MnnlM. I. 7
r m tm mm
eaisioe rontaoa.- Try It
neat printing-
FOR BALK Hpace In tbla tea
Sell that Old plow or karroaJ
" t ww i i ui a yotl
your aaw one
'OR BAUw slue young eu nr'
old; also two flue belfsr ealnxj
and months olj. Uqulrt Mn t
R. Woodward, by Locks, Otasi
FOR SAIJ- Ilsrd k1 oak B"?
$4. First class wood and. wtU aa
oned. Phone Main J2L ,
t HEREBY notl7y all "bttsbeaTal
and dealers that my wife, Kliajei
Johnson, has left nr bed aMksatt
snd I will no longer be ratpoerai
tor any aeoia incurred tv kar
Iated August 30, lL
FARM LOANS Dlmlck S Dbaa,
tswyera, Orego0 City, Or.
O. XX BBT. -Astoraeyat-Laa. taaa
toaaed, abatraots faralaaai as)
til lea examteed. aetstas sstttst,B
rsj taw bw sis aaa. Over Bast e
OragoSi City.
Law, Deetaeber advakst aw
Ooa la all aourta, tasks '"fiitlsi
aad aattlamanu. Office la taat
pries PJdgu, Oracoa Oty. Ortsw
HARRT JONES Buflder asl Oaaaj
Cea tractor. Bstlmates el
glrea oa all classes of
work, eoaerete walks sat raabita1
Rea. Pboae Mala 111
a H. COOPER. For firs
aad Real Estate Let aa bssS)
yewr propattlse we bay, sal tai
sxcaaage. Office la
Bldg Orasroa City. Oragoa
i-ji sar-i wai ll
York, teacher of the rlasa Cat
telephone Main $181.
Beginning tha morning of SaVI
urday. Angust 26. all tubacrikl
era for tha Morning Entarsrisil
living In snd sbout WlllasMtHt
will receive tbetr papers hyer
tier Inatead of by mall. Merrittl
Wilson will ba the carrier sail
will act ss agent at Wll!met'
26 tha Be a Carrier 8ervica itars.f
For tba arrest an conrtctka
of any person or persooa, wb
unlawfully remove copies of THJ
Morning Enterprise front Ua
pramlsea ot subscribers sflsM
pspar baa been placed there AM
carrier. '
a -rue untuiun rwTPPRU
Is on ssla st tba following
every day:
Huntley Bros Drugs
Main Street
J. W. MeAnulty Clian
Seventh and Main.
8ecreat Confectionery
Mala near Sixth.
M. E. Dunn Confectionery
Next door to P. O.
City Drug Store
Electrlo Hotel.
Schoenborn Confectionary
Seventh and X Q Adaraa
w-faad jaia
4 yyr
libera ySi
Irywa weal ell
MhaUa or a
or a Mingle Tnreea i - -u..llvhlM
write u .
tii nv ItSI SIVIM -
Oranot M
aaiiqr,allaalieWSSeaB'-'- I .1
Oar saanaw -mtf
Said fa, aaatraeetaed ,
ana sate sv
M anias .aanrVf
3S0 Msrrieon St po" ,