M. m 3fca Onr- J-aeaaa Oa a dua T 1 1 T S f Sua jwwr aa ' v l - - T 1 a r Am. 25 ka nnnnn n in iRJ in in J I J j 1 Uu U I II II n Yi f h fl . nl Ijl la to KM nr T if 3k!aa. rMia- 1k aa a rta N J aba Jta mmm mmC Ta :o agi a feu !ttaw aaf ww tataf IBF to. 0 ar ajy .i .i. .i. vv o J " " " M I I I I I I I I I I H I I I H I I FJL13T 1X1. Ja5Cam.A'jrTa f 5aon a. law 1 1 X tiair aaf ku Mam. toSaa ! a aacaaa? a caxlaac. aa la J '".a a I i . . ". " - " :: I . .: .. . - t . - : -', i LJu OUGLJU L. MULVEY Cocsty Cirri: and - E. H. Collector" Oregon City Water Wc T. o fes CONTEST JUDGES . . We tare fcessa xery forte-ate ta obtaining tEe slices, of tiro of tic test kuown mm in Clackamas County, as Cc: test JtsigES. We arc coafiiect o choice will tat vhi tic Ecarty apftoral of all Candidates and their friends, Lq5 aaliiet-tt&i gsaractec a "SQUARE DEALft for alL ! Tfce Jtsdxes will seal tSe ballot fcox Friday osrcirrajoi co cocot of rotes will be made, and no cae, except t Qmtfst Manager, will bow tow masy Totes Have Scca polled for a candidate cntil the Jodges open the ballot box, c the cosst, acd declare the wicsers after 9 o'efbei P. Satcrday September 2ci. i XZloa. Oaunt a ai f Hjar, a aa a&rttais 1b ttm l&kg. M-trrw nut anirf yars. 4na Mar Ml?. mc T03 wxn cakes. araarm Ca feKXto caa af tar S'i irya Btki laax; Vaa aal nnavai arttl lia Tjptf? ant. aaatw a a ayttamS anark ar artc aa tsat turn it tnt i tt Xta fca-L-tor ra VOTES ALLOWED OS PAIB4S-ABYASCE 50S02? 02 EESQ4 ALS tOSVG TEE LIST SPEQU. OffS A2LAS FOLLOW pose, xw a FIRST PRIZES Two Upright Kimball Pianos V TiouT t in wrwptoi SbClG Va caff- $5010 Caul. JXUIX Lsaire jaiL4ai? ai sazacittani VALUE "ggyjj miiE S400 ff 00 PciscJ a Portliai'sLeiitas Mcsic Hemic EILERS 2t CO., 7ti 23 Alier Sts. SUBSCRIBERS Fill in the n2me of candidate h whom you wish to favor vvii your votes with remittance b your subscription cr renewal rd to Contest Department The Eta-prise. ft a M. DuSrkt . k was aarafaaa S II Ha caaaad ana taal H ar tan Oa atr-htnc aafl tar Ja & waj. fea ka am Act a Second Pes Tt7o "20tB (110' IVladiines aab tar ' f14 far Jar Caattlam. aIrtak' Vane; -aara a fcaiy ai a alt (latest model) Nerw Home Drop Hea t VALUE S75.00 EACH Third and Fouth Prizes 1 FIFTH . PRIZES MUSICAL EDUCATION BUSINESS EDUCATION Fotxr Prizes to be AT7arded TLs Eiilcypnsc Las used ctct care ia ti scban i has seared siolzcjs h two of tL f. most csbcaiknal ristjluiixi b the Stale of Oregon. TWO SOLID GOLD WATCHES (Ladles six) Tt4 a, - bar ! at K-oa b! 619 Maim St, Ore fon'Gty, Cf. CX)NTEST CLOSES MS VJP' .VaiVyw