iV-- 1 7. . MORNING ENTEUPMSK, FKIDAY, 8EPTEMBEK 1, 1911. 8 Button you have a natural foot, put it in a 'Natural Shape" hoc. There'll a Florsheim in our stock that will fityou- line Step- in -and try it on any time. The sooner the better. A camplett showing at fS. Knit few iiyl" S6. J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Cor. SHOE Oregon City Bluejackets, on a Man-of-war Must All Be Good Housekeepers local timers, urkln. "f Clarkes, waa In thl t on Thw-H'lny. . AI. In tu V Mum i. rB" - L, city nil Tlilirmltty. KolHTt SniU:r.n. or MUimo, waa i.u riiv n Thursday. Lnmk Hiiri ,nov'a n,i family )B1.r unit L"ine m K'l'"' .a .11 -T - . m Lclty "' I''""1'"'" Tnurauay. Mrt. MukkI" Curran l viamng ner knt, Mr w.ilK. r, or Beiiwooa. MlM Lulu llyrl. ur t lacaaniaa, . .. . . ...... . ii In w frlanila on tl )D im "j ' urduy. I)r. U A Mrrl. dontls:, has re- lmrd from " vacation. u wink if New Era waa In tnis ...... .... l.lldllIMM U. gtellier. l lleaver irrc, w tbli city mi Thursday on a bual- r trip. Mr. awl Mr". (J. Bchuebel, of Bhu- II, er In Mill! City on pumpm a Mm "hull and wife, of Aatorle, Vr lu thi city ou a pleasure trip Roy Stafford U ft IliU week for Jlrlt- lh Culiitnl'U, liere he joined a aur tying party. Mra. t'ti liullard. who haa been .King at lKn, naa reiurueu 10 taion City. Mr. Ilnrn-i. f Portland, waa In thla lty on liifliima Thuraday, ana u- rt hla return to rortiana went 10 BiuM on business. Uiti Adiiii Mima left on Thuraday Unlni fr Hood lUver, where aha ill vlxli vtlili friends. F. Dietrich and furully. of Eldorado, It vlnltlng Ht the home of -Mr. and n. Hart. Ii. of Gladstone. MIm l.nrlle iH linala. of Portland, la k thla ilty Uniting Mrs. VV. II. Cod ij and MIhn Cttrlrnde Hamilton. Mlii Kvn Hint left on Thuraday vrtilnp; fur Nw Kra. where ahe will lilt uh r lutivt-a for aeveral daya. Mm. iviirl Kvt-rhart and Mrs. Inea roillt'Kli. f Utla Orchard, Waab., ulifd fil.'ii.lH lu Portland Thuraday. Ulni FliTi ncB (Jrare haa gone to 'neiuK'r, WuhIi., where ahe will lilt villi li-r couatn, Mtaa Kula kiDdi. Mr. ami Mm. 8 .8. Walker and Mlaa Uay Wulkrr liuve K"ne to the Toll lie, when- they are enjoying camp lit. Mm. VHr Taylfir, formerly Mlaa ftvla Kr in h df I'arkplace. but now of 'ortlanil. lit vIhIUhk relatlvea at 'vkplnc. MlKt Ni itio llurnoyne went to New Era on VlnHiluy evenlns, where ah vlnlk'ii Iht nurenta. Mr. and Mr. jJuhn UiirKoyiin. Mra. A. K. Jark left on Wedneaday jfr M-njuiim. where ahe will vla.lt fli'r niolln-r ami alater. Mra. Gray and iMUa Mahl.. (iray. Elmer litiklna of Hubbard, waa In 'hla city on IiuhIiicm Wedneaday. Mr. UnkliiH ulni family have charge of ib G. U. Dimlck farm. Mr. v. A. Dimlck and aon.'who hive bcui Hix'iiding aeveral weoks at (Jnnon litnrh. returned to Oregon City on Tlmi'mlny evening. Wins Klla Howell, who haa been "Ulna; ri'lnllvea at Walla Walla. -., for the mt three weeka, baa returuod to OrcKon City. Minn LuclU, Kellogg, who haa been 'or the pnHt wpek a gueat of Mr. and Mr- K. II. Taltor, at Cannon Deach, ur., naa returned to Oregon City. MIm Vt-ru Caufleld left on the teamer Ilcnver on Thuraday morning w 8un Knmclaoo, where ahe will "u with rrlenda for two weeka. llutlry lluiinlnitRan aaaliilant BUDer inu-iidt-nt of the Hawley Pulp Paper Company, t-ft on Monday evening for "iiriuu, whore he will ipend hla vaca tion. Mr. Manning and family, who have l Portland vUltlng with the lormer'a aim, paaaed through this city M Thuraday on their way home to Mullno. Mlas Howett, of Portland, was In "' dty the first of the week algn "I up lir contracts as teacher of primary grade of. the Mount Pleas H chool. - William Knlaht and two sona. Win 'red and Wilfred, who have been Winding the summer at Dallas, Or., returned to Oregon City on Wednes evening, . Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, who "v been vlaltlng relatives for the P two months In Iowa, have re- lurned ( tlielr home on Kleventh center street. Mr, (le.irg. Young and two chll V'"", WhO hava tiaon vlillltiv with "r. Young's mother, Mrs. Whiuler. of nn i," r"med to Oregon City on V,edneSliay eyenln. ! J,;..E- H- Rnlaway, of Portland, WW Mlaa Myrtlo Holmes, who baa been Uniting In Adaina, Kaatern Oregon, a aufNt of Mrs. Marian lUnncn, re turned ' ber home at Parkplure on Wednesday evening. MUs Holmea has lin gone for six weeks. Mlaa Pearl Jones, who has been a guest of her cousin, Mlas Ina Jones, at lleimnrr. Or., returned to rara- place Wedneaday - evening. Mlaa Jones was accompanied home by Mlaa Ina Jones who will visit her for two' weeks. " Mrs. T. P. Randall and 'dttUKbter. 1 Velma, and Mlas Margaret Uoyd, who have been at Heaalde, have returned to Oregon City. Mlaa lloyd, who la a profesalonal uurae left Thursday for Portland, where ahe will resume ber duties. W. W. Everhart, a prominent far mer of Molalla. was In this city on business Thursday. Mr, Rverhart Is one of ltw members of the Molalla Grange, and aays that the coming fair will be the best ever given by the organization. Mr. and Mrs. Chris llartman. Mr. r f aS L Y ob J a a. v SBBBr w SSSM : -r w. ok. w -mm.i w uvrti i mm' We are now show ing th new Pal mar Garments In Suits and Coats for Fall and Wlntr 1911-1912. L. Ad OREGON CITY'S Big Department Store New rail Styles of Men's - Dreae Suits are new ahown In our Man's Suit Department. -i 1 i 1i Advance showing of dress goods for early fall buyers in Ladies -Manly-Suitings of-very desirable patterns in large -variety-now to- i r i i t "J i i . i t 1 1 . select trom, suitable ror coats ana skirts. uress gooas or ngnier weight and materials in all new weaves and shades at very reas onable prices. . New Furniture at lowest cash prices. Tables, Chairs. Dressers, Beds and Bed dings, Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Wall Paper, Linoleum, Window Shades and Lace Curtains. . Basement Department for Toys, Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware, Tin-, ware, Woodenware, Hardware and 'House Furnishings. s Photos by Amrrlcan Pra Aaaoclatlon. AlI.OHS ou Cuile Saui'a Ixitilwlilpa do not Ond life one aweet dream. In addition to, MB ready to rlKbt at any lluie. they iiiuhi be good hoiiM-keepers and munt keep their vessels cleun and UIliape. The idet urea above show annea on the battlenlilp Mliblgan, where the blue- and Mrs Iuls No el and d.ughYeV. i J-- .crubblng snd bolyatonlng the deck In preparation for an offlHal ftfra" - i'l C- ;iHltJnMMJJlkj;.lils sort of work, but It I. on. of the thing, that murt side, where they will remain for twoT be done. and. as a rule. lli l.v do-lt-rheerfntty-antJ -ekHWnHy, WaUt-la weeks. They have rented a cottage nluiitlful. and with ateam pumps to draw It from the ocean It la used liberally. . . . . i near tne oeara, ana ri(wci tu Shoe Sale Now at prices very greatly reduced. e havettoo many shoes our large Shoe Department cannot bold tbem all. We shall make a bl gsacrlflce In prices of some shoes to move them quickly. Ladles', Men's and Children's every-day tollers. Remember our shoe sale la not Idle talk, but will be m hummer for the next few weeks and & money saver to buyers of Shoes. moat delightful time. Mrs. Don O'Nell, Miss M. U Holmes. Mrs. K. K. Kellogg, Miss Klla Wil liams and Wins. Koma Stafford, of Mount Pleasant, formed a alght-swe-lug party that left for Portland on Thursday morning, where the day waa spent In automohlllng about the city. Otto Doeltt of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived In this city on Thursday, and Is the meat of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Htreblg. Mr. Doelts Is a cousin or Mrs Htreblg. ' He has come to Oregon tu make his future home. Mr. Docltz Is e registered druggist, and Is a grad uate of the University of Minnesota. Harold Waldrun, of the National flank of Newberg, will arrive In this city on Friday evening for a week's vacation, and will accompany bis par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L Waldron, to Mount I loud. The party will camp at the Toll Gate and will enjoy fishing and hunting. Thoy will go by auto mobile. Mrs. II. G. Illggor left on Thursday for Prince Rupert, B. C. where she will visit with ber daughter, Mrs. O. F. Askew, for several' weeks. Mrs. IllKger was accompanied by ber daugh ter Mrs. Frank Harbottle, and two children, of White Horse, who have been In thla city for the past mouth, who will also visit at Prince Rupert before returning to their home. Miss lllodwen Thomas, of Heaver Creek, one of the Contest girls of the Oregon City Enterprise, waa In this Stories from Out of Town THE NEW SHOES In La dlea' Queen Quality. Utz 4. Dunn's Velvets, Suedes, Pat ents, Dressed Kid, Dull Fin ish, and Tans, are all In. We are now showing a higher grade 'of fine shoes than at any previous year. -y x -J 1 MEN'S NEW FALL AND WINTER DRESS 8HOE8 See them now. Russet Calf, Cadets and Gun Metal in button or lace, new toe and heel. The dependable CROS SETT, ABBOTT, 8ELZ and others. The shoe that makes 1rfe" walk easy. Let ua show you. Watch our special Shoe add for tomorrow. DOVER. A. J. Morrison Is building an addi tion to bis barn. Miss Mary Ilewa came out from Portland last Wednesday and will be at home through September. Mrs. Miller snd son. David, drove lo Columbia City Saturday. They will be gone several weeks. Mr. Hews sold three cows to the Sandy butcher Monday. Mrs. Held and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeShazor attended the progressive aa aoclatlon meeting last Saturday. MILWAUKIE. ' CANBY. cltv ou Thuraday. Mlaa Thomaa re- nesuay morning The railroad company la grading Front street and wheu the work la completed It will add ranch to the Im provement of the city. A nine-pound baby jtlrl arrived at the home of D. M. Fiach Filday morn ing . Judge" Klo was an Oregon CUy vlsiior Tuesday morning. Dr. Townley had a cull 10 Oak Thursday mornlne. J. A. Hicks was in Milwaukee wea- porta her mother Improving from her Injuries, sne stooa me inp rm ably well from the Wlldwood Hospi tal to her borne at Heaver creca. one waa taken to ber home last Saturday. Mrs. O. A. Harding and two daugh ters. Misses Nleta and Evelyn, Mrs. Nleta Harlow Lawrence, who have been enjoying several weeks at Hood River, Or., and at itoui uno, -.. hv. roturned to Oregon City. Mr. Hunting visited his family while at Trout Lake, and accompaniea mem home. Otto nrandes. of Portland, was In the city on business Thursday. Mr.M- Warnock. of Mount .Pleaaant. a.. .?fi,,,UwRT hft" J""' returned from w(l ml,.... .- ..- . J in. - ' nn nas ueen syeiiu- '"l two wc,s. finP- 'valt, who accompanied his '""lly to seaside. Or., where they a neutered at th. NneanUinm Inn. NLrt,irn1' to Oregon City. Mrs. heu and children will remain for 4"erai more vmIii - . PORTLAND ROUTS OAKLAND IN TENTH OAKLAND, Aug. 31. (Special). Koestner was too much for the Oaks today and juat six acorns In the ahape of hits fell their way. For a long time It looked aa If the home boya would win. Tbey got their only tally In the first and. not until the ninth did Port land tie the score. In the tenth the Heavers made three and the fu.n was 11 over. Pernoll waa effective until the ninth. In the tenth he aeroplaned. The results Thursday follow: Pacific Coast League Portland 4, Oakland 1; Vernon 8, Sacramento 0; Los Angeles 4, San Francisco 1. Northwestern league Portland 7, Tacoma C: Vancouver 11. Seattle 10; Spokane 10, Victoria t. National League No games; rain. American League No games; rain. STANDING. Vernon Portland Oakland San Francisco Sacramento I.os Angeles . be Vancouver Spokane .. LTaroma . . Seattle . . . Portland . Vlotorla . Won. Lost. P.C .88 65 .670 80 62 .563 83 71 .S. 73 80 .477 6fl 81 449 63 91 -407 tern. Won. Lost. P.O. 84 f2 ' .B1S 77 61 .Bfi , 75 63 .543 , 73 82 .640 ,69 64 ' .519 , 31 107 .225 C. A. Cane and family of Corvallls, have rented the F. H. Lechler cottage on Monroe erret Mr. Kane la fore man of the dredger. School will open September llth. Prof. Qoets will arrive In a few days and get settled before scnool opens. The Grange will meet Friday cvoa Ing and make the final arrangements for the Grange Fair to be hold Sept. 21-22-23- at Crystal Lake PrR. Mrs. Made Johnson waa in u'epon City Saturday on business. She eallod at the promotion office of the Commercial Club. Th Cltv Council held a special meeting Tuesday evening to heir whether there was any protest on the imnrovement of Main street. There was none, so the street will nmnnimu. Rev. A. T. llelmer baa been appoint ed for another year to the German Methodlnf church. W. II. Chllds of Mlnthorn purchased hroiiKh Mrs. Mnggte Jnnnaon, hiinimlow at Island station fiom Mr. O'Nell . and- will take tmssosslon Sentember 1st. Consideration H00, Mr and MISS UINeil Will Sentember 4th for New York Cl'y Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Grasle. gave a party In honor of her daughters, mo. and Florence. - Games of all kinds were indulged in by the little folks. Refreshments were served and a pleasant afternoon spent. Paul and Helen IUdebaugh attended the party. John Riflley and T. R. Worthlngton passed through here weanesaay morn in in Mr. Rlaley'a auto. Muriel Iakln spent Sunday at Sea- side, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Hums are here rrom h east visiting their son. nob Hums. Tommy Lakln left Monday morning for a weeka outing at Seaside, Ore. Arthur Davis has a sore arm and almost has blood poison caused by a silver. Tens Keck bruised his finger by keg falling on It, and has been layod n n few davs. Thursday afternoon the Mothers ni Teacher's Club and all of the teachers of seven years ago gave Mrs, rcmtly C. Shaw a surprise at ner Dean tlful home at Lakewood. Refresh commence her work as county school supervisor September 1st. i Ed. Kellogg. Johnny Wetzlor an church notes Sunday 1 Evangelical ... i a. in scnooi, m. - -- Subject, "impressions and Their Or gin," by the pastor, i. r. a.. m lrventne- services. 8:00 p. m. Hu iect "A Convenor Infidels Preach i Pmver mpetlng Wednesday e enlngs. Choir practice Thursday ev. enlnga. Teacher s Training rriuay ev Mr. and Mra. J. TL Newton and baby, who have been 'Visiting with relatives at Hood River, returned to Canny on Wednesday evening. Mrs. J C. Kauplsch and sister, Miss Edith Krueaer. who have been visit ing for tbe past two months with rela tives at Elgin, 111., their oio nome, re turned to Canby on Monday, after having had a most enjoyable time. Miss Krueger. who is a teacner in me Seattle, Wash., public schools, left on Wednesday morning for SeatUe. where she will take up ber duties In Septem ber. Harold Waldron. who U connected with the National lUnk at Newberg, nd whose home Is t Oregon City. as In this city on Sunday visiting ms grandmother, Mrs. L. T. Battln. Mlaa Hattie Hutchinson, who has been for several months telephone operator at the Good 8amarttan Hos pital, returned to canny on inursaay, where ahe win remain ior several months. Miss Hutchinson will Join a nartv of 30 from this city and leave on Saturday for the hopflelds at Inde pendence. Tfc leatdents of weed street are filling in the street with graveltrom the excavation of the -Canby Bank ft Trust Company and mproves the roadway considerably. Mra. W. H. Roberta and daughter, Violet, of Red Bluff, California, have arrived In Canby for a yislt with rela tives. Mrs. Roberta Is well known In this dty where ahe has visited on many occasions. Paul Simpson, who has been visit ing In Portland, returned to Canby on Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs. G. W. Spencer and rianirhter Frsncls. spent Saturday and Sunday at Newport, and had a most nlnvahle time. MIhs Verna Porter leri on monuay for ln Beach, wasn.. wnere sne will visit for several weeks with ber stater Mrs. Anna Smith. Mrs. C. C. Hutchinson, tne munner of this city, went to Portlapd Thurs day where she nut-chased ner ran mit Ilnery and the latest shapes will be found' in her stock at the opening of Mlas flora and Laura sandsness leu this week for Brooks, where they will nlov an outing for two weens, V j - - . A Dartr composed or wir. una mr lr-red Howard. Miss Mamie Hulras and Edward Hulras will leave on Sunday for the Kr a hopyard at wiisonviue. These neonle expect to combine busi ness with pleasure ana win enjoy ramn life while there. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hussaro. or fori land, were in -this city on Sunday the guests of Mr, and Mra. urant vvnue Mra niissard la a sister or Mrs White. Miss Hsxel Saunders, or Portland, is a a-uest of her aunt, Mrs. Doc Hauor, Mr. snd Mrs. urant wnue weni io Newbera- In their machine Thursday on a business trip. Mrs. White, who has become an expert chauffeur, drove ik. .ir Mra. White expects to be come the possessor of a car herself net rear and there la no doutu dui her many rrienas in vnis city wm u remembered. Mr and Mrs. W. Huglll. of Kalama Wash., were la this city on Friday and Saturday. n r. Dundas. of Portland, a busl neafl man of that place, was In this pitv on business Monday. , frank W. Kramer, of Portland, reg, Istered at the Cottage Hotel on Mon Hav. Mr and Mrs. Falrbrother. of Port land, are In this city for a few days, the former being here on business They are guests at the Cottage atotel ADAMS OREGON CITY'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Rtanlev Wang, of the Wan Vtr- nany. and Edgar Smith, of the ftaW of Hmlih A Will, will leave the tbe week for the hop yards thlr nation at present being unanow jrrt'" a. tne here, have not decided whether they will go br auto, buggy or by foot. It It probable that they will go by the latter route, as they have spent all of their spare change for provisions it being their Intention of not only gain ing a few coins In their pocket book by picking hops, but also to gain in flesh, and expect to spend a portion of the time In cooking and partaking of the best that the market affords. Mr. Will thinks It more advisable to look after business affairs In this city and In other sections of tbe county, where he Is interested. Eckereoc. Ed Krueger, Horace Patch and Charles Thomas autoed to Portland on Sunday with urani w nuo In the latter's machine, taking In the ball game and attending the Helllg In the evening. Miss Anna Kroeger went to Port land Sunday to resume her position with the Wonder Millinery Company, after a month's vacation at her home here. " Mlaa Man C.len. book Keeper ior me Carlton ft Rosenkrans company oi this city, visited relaUves in Portland Sunday. Arthur Knight returned to Roseburg Wednesday to resume bis posiUon as brakeman for the S. P. u. k. company- Norton Bradford, after a week s vis it with relatives In Portland, returned to Canby Saturday. J. R. Reeher, aner a wee s nan i.. vi. j.ktAr Mrs C A. Brad- Willi Ul. uUfi4iuJ., ' - . ...... ford, returned to Portland on S.tur- town-ma. Grant White day. . . J. J. Sandsness, wno nas oeen iu mo hardware business In this city, has sold his Interests In the establishment here to John Eld, who has Deen in connection with the business ror me past year. Mr. Sandsness nas gone to Minneapolis. Minn., on business. He formerly resided In Minnesota, and before returning to canny win vmu many of hla old-time -Xrlends and also relatives. Mrs. Louis MIsx and son, uonaia. who have been apendlng the past two months at the home of Mrs. Mlsx's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Scottan. of this city, left the first of the week for Portland, where tney visneo wnu friends until Thursday morning when they left for their home at Helena, Montana. During ma lamny a uj ... this city Mr. Mlsx also visited for two weeks at the Scottan home. William Menke and wne, or n Francisco, were In this city on Fri day and were registered at the Cot tage Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Asmon, lormonj .i Oregon City, have rented the Will Kendall residence. Prof. Ashton will teach the Macksburg school this year, and Mrs. Ashton expects to xeacn mu sic while in this city. She la an ac complished musician, and has been very successful wnn ner cibm Mrs. Grant White and Mrs. Doc Sailor have been laying In supplies preparatory to go hop picking, when they expect to leave next week. It Is their Intention, If they make their fortune before returning, to Invest their money in Canby real estate. H. M. Branson, of Salem, agent for the Fire Relief Company of that city, was In Canby thla week, looking after th insurance business here. Charles Comb's car la laid up for repairs, as he had a serious break down last week. Harry parget, the bicycle man, went to Portland Wednesday, looking after business luteresU. Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Byer, of St. Paul, Minn., were In this city during the week guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scottan. Proofs Received on Floral Map. Tbe original sketch and lithograph proofs for the first edition of "Our National Bouquet" has been received and can be seen at the office of the T-nlted states Flower Man Company, inonrnorated. at Canby. Oregon. Thls- map has attracted wide attention by those who have seen It. and no doubt those who have taken stock will reap a harrest by the sale therefrom. nualneaa Men Take Interest In Road way. Many of he business men of Canby are taking an active Interest In the nronosed construction or tne capuai Highway, and much credit Is due our townsman. Grant wane, wno iou of the reDreBentative men to Panhv on Wednesday evening where they attended the meeting held In the Comerclal Club rooms. ire uw i ii.. machine waa free, and Mr. White took the men to Oregon City himself returning after the meeting. Among those going from this city were J- 1 PomhB. A. H. Knight. C. Bradford, Mr. Oorham, M. J. Lee. L. D. Walker. Doc Sailor, W. II. Bair, F. Bryant, Grant White and others. There were three ...m. fined with boosters for the road if this road is carried through there is no doubt It will not only be a bene fit to this cltv hut also to all .the cities along the way. During xne wiuier mnntha the roadway between Canby and New Era Is not as good as It mirhf he. and this will improve me conditions In that section where the roads are In a few places aimoai im The Commercial Club of this city v.. tended an invitation to meet at that city on Wednesday night of next week and the Invitation has been accepted. Five automobiles will leave thai eitr at 6:30 o'clock and an in vitation to all those Interested In this highway will be extended. r.anhtf Mas Bulldlnn Boom- There la much activity In the build in line at the present time in Canby, all of the carpenters and contractors VOTE COUPON. GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. This coupou when neatly clipped and properly filled In ja'th the name of the Candidate yo wish to vote for. win be counted a. one Name of candidate...' ' ' ' . Address .... This coupon Is void after 9 p. m., September 2. ' Cut on lines. Don't roll. Snd In flat. a . being busily engaged In assisting to make Canby one of the leading litUe cities In the state of Oregon. The Cottage Hotel, which was re cently enlarged, Is one of the best places of that kind In the county for comfort and clealiness. and the pro prietress, Mrs. Cassle Evans, has . spared no pains to have her boarding house one of the most popular In the city. The addition recently compietea adds Ho tbe appearance oi tne ouua- ng. There are 10 pew rooms, oil or he sleeping apartments newiy iur- nlshedr At the rear of the hallway on the aecond floor is the porcelain bath with hot and cold water for those Uhlna- to partake of a bath, the rooms are well lighted with electricity and there are two stairways leading to this floor one at the rear, while the other leads from tbe living room. The new large dining room, which la 1x22 feet. Is furnished in mission. . hiillt-ln servine buffet and .inen closets ore also to be found here. The room 1b well lighted, tbe weet sioe of which has four large windows. At the rear of the dining room la tne large Dutch kitchen and pantry. A wash room with hot and cold water has been built on the east aide or tne house, and la a great convenience to the transient trade. The rooms that have Just been added to the notei, are . plastered and nnlsbed In mission woodwork. The Cottage Hotel baa now 16 rooms. The exterior of the building has been recently painted. Tbe work on the building was in charge of F. E. Dodge, one of Canby's -leading contractors, who has built tlon to have one of the rooms In the basement fitted up for a sitcben ana when socials are given either by the church or Sunday school, there will be everything in readiness ror serving of suppers. The basement will be 46x80 feet. The woodwork will be In charge of Mr. Dodge. The garage recently bunt ior wnue ft Scheer la also a good substantial building that Canby is proud of. This building la located on Front street. These men have worked up a big business in Canby. The J. Lelser home, purchased rrom Andrew Kocher. has been Improved by an enclosed veranda fronting the building and also along tne nortu m and Is one of the most attractive homes here. Ladies to 8rve Cafeteria Lunch. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Methodist church of this city, is ar ranging to serve meals at the Clacka mas County Fair grounds during the coming fair, and have secured conces sion room. The restaurant will be under the grandstand. The commttr tee in charge consists of Mrs. C. L. Creesy, Mrs. Grant White, Mrs. J. L Graham. Mrs. J. R. Newton. Canby Young People Married. Miss Minnie Sutton and Mr. Roland Porter, of this city, went to Oregon City on Monday morning, where they secured a marriage license and were married by Rev. E- F. Zimmerman, pastor f the Methodist church, of Oregon City, at the Methodist church. The young couple loft immediately after the ceremony for Long Beach. Wash., where they will spend their honeymoon. The bride Is well known In thla city, and has for many years made her home with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kau plsch. She Is of a Jovial disposition and since coming to this city ahe haa made many friends. The groom la the son of Mr. and Mra. R. W. Porter, ( highly esteemed realdenU of tkJs) ctCT, and haa made hla home ber tor atoct of hla life.