Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 31, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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you hare a natural
foot, put it in a
"Natural Shape" hoc.
There' a Florsheim
in our stock that will
fit you fine Step in
and try it on any time.
The sooner the better.
f l,n thiyu'int at fS.
Lsprnslon Bridge Cor. Oregon City
Mueller, of Carus, waa Id
Jtr on Woduosday.
k Brown, of Carua. waa in m
L h.nlness Wednesday.
V Darnell, of Mullno. waa In this
U Vodnesday.
C Auitust J. t Stafford, to th
L('wimm C. Koellermler, aon.
IrtttJtBl flf Kldorado. was to
Cty on busl""1 trip Wednes-
I Henry 11ujcuc. of Heaver
I vu visiting in inn cuy
C)i Mueller, one of th well
tinmen or Clara, wee in mie
Wednesday. '
JUIor. of Portland, Is In this
rliltlng with friends amonf,
halnc Will May.
L .1 M.imii 1'leaaanL on Wed-
W. August JO, to h wlf of J.
lminu, a tenpouna sou.
lohn ctcamin left on Tueaday
Ln fur Wllbolt. where aha will
I week at that reaort.
L McCardy and Mra. A. Schoen
1 v rma were amonr the Or-
ptly visitor on Wednoaday.
Mra. ElUabeth Hooa and family,
have been apendlng the Bummer at
Ixiiig Beach, Waah., will return to
Oregon City the flret of next week.
. Wllbolt etage will leave toe Electric
Hotel each day at I o'clock p. m.
Edna Darllug and . alater. Norma
Lance, of Sellwood have arrived In
thla city, and will spend a week with
their grandmother. Mra. R. D. Price.
Rev. and Mra. J. R. Landaborough
and children, who have been spend
log the paat three weeas at Tilla
mook, returned to Oregon City Tues
days evening.
L Wayme Gleaauil wHIleAVe thlg
im nr Krai tie. Waah.. where ahe
(lilt fur a month with friends.
formerly of Or
'11. haa moved hla Office to 1017
kit 'building. Portland.
P. a Miller ' la recovering
ft from hrr attack of typhoid
ind ! able to leave ner room.
u Nettle Kniae, who ha been
tig her vacation at Beaalde and
anon ellach, haa returned to
fca City.
ki Pernlre Paisley, who haa been
kg Ml Aletha Ogleaby for aer-
dirt, ha returned to her noma
Irry and IJonel Oordon, of thla
will leave today for Portland,
v they will attend High School
Ironing winter.
Harmon (IrMD. father of Mra. M. P.
Chapman - and - W- C- Green,- of thla
iiw la vr 111 at the home of Mr.
and'Mra. W. C. Oreen on Seventh and
Center streets.
lira Marv K. Mnl.arLa and daukhter.
Miss Violet, of Red Uluff. Cal., are the
gueata of Mr. and Mra. cnariee um
by. Mra. Roberta la a oau sister 01
Mr. Ogleaby.
. vira Thnndnr nmond and aon.
and Mlaa Cynthia Pace, who have
been at Long marn. vau-. -
turned to Oregon City. Mr. Oamond
returned eeveral daya ago.
Arm 1maa Tut t V hn with her
husband, haa been aoendlng the a u Ai
mer In tbelr bungalow at Beaalde, haa
returned to Oregon City. Mr. reuy a
home la one of the moat attractive at
that reaort.
Mr. and Mra. Delbert Hart, who
have been ependlng aeveral daya at
Beaalde and Aatorla, have returned
to Oregon City. While In Aatorla
they vlilted with Mr. and Mra. How
ard Ilrownell, the latter Mr. Hart
MUa Mable Francla, of thla city,
and Mlaa Olga McClure, of Portland,
who have been visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mra. W. Handle, of Spring
water, have returned. Mlaa McClure'a
health waa much benefited during her
atay at Sprlngwater.
Mra. Ren IJnn, who I vtattlng at
Llnn'a Mill near thla city, met with
an accident on Monday, which will
confine her to her home for aeveral
weeka. Mra. LJnn, bealde Buffering
from aevere brulaea Ir alao Buffering
from a broken rib.
Mlaa Ktntna Van Hoy and alater,
Mra. Robert llellou and two children,
Paul and Robert, who have been In
tbl city for the pat eight weeka,
visiting wih the formefa parente,
Mr. and Mra. O. A. Van Hoy, Utf for
their home at (loldrndale, Wash. Ml
Van Hoy la a milliner of Ooldendale.
Mlie purchased gooda In Portland.
Mlaa HeluD Iaulton and alater,
Mia Ileasle. who have been vUltlng
with the Mlaa Albright, at Hood
River, have returned to this city, after
having moat dellgbtfi time. Tb
Albright maided In thla city before
moving to Hood River. Their farm la
railed "Terrace Holghta" farm, and la
one of the moat attractle homea In
that place, being In the rich apple dla-
II. I Martin, proprietor of the 15-
cent store lu thla city, will leave the
first of next week for Tacoma, Wash.,
where he will attend the Merchanta'
and Manufacturers' Association,
which will convene at Tacoma on
Tuesday, September 6. An excellent
program I being arranged, and the
visitors are to be royally entertained
by the member of Ui Association.
Mr. Martin waa formerly a business
man of Tacoma.
Plenty of fresh caught Chinook aal
uton. halibut, atlver amelt. Hounn
crabs and clama for, Thursday and
Friday at Marixinaid s rian siaraei
next to Well Kargo. .
Iievy Btlpn. City Recbrder, returned
Wednesday from Newport, where he
a pent a week.
Deputy Sheriff Mllea went to Eaglo
Creek on business Wednesday.
Dr. L. A. Morrla, deutUt, ha re
turned from tile vacation.
Mlaa Kathryn Pulton, of Rice Lake,
Wla.. who haa been In thla city visit
ln at the homea of Mr. M. Griffith
and Mr. and Mra. George Griffith, left
on Tueaday for her home. Mlaa ful
ton la an Instructor In the achoola of
Rice Lake, and abe arrived here a few
daya ago from Ios Angelea, where
ahe haa been visiting since the close
of the National Educational Aaaocla
tlon that convened at San Franclaco.
Mlaa Fulton waa more Impressed wttn
Oregon than any atate ahe visited
whUe In the West, and haa decided to
return here next year to "make her
Sara Elmer threahed for Clarke
Brother. He threahed 4.000 bushel
of grain.
Born, to the wife f Fred Llndon.
a 'aon.
Born, to the wife of tP. Sager, a
Klder Moore, of Portland, preached
n.rhM In the Enarllah M. E.
church, Sunday evening.
Ham Elmer threahed for W. O
Klelnsmith Monday;
W. C. Mangum. of Watklna, waa In
Clarkea last week.
W. H. Rartemlller and family apent
Bunday with the W. O. Kieinamun
Charlie Henton la helping Elmer
Lee atack grain.
Mr. Baurer. from Colton, wept to
rwtrnn fit nn Mnndav.
Eugene and Henry Klelnsmith are
atacklng grain. . . , . .
Mr. Wettlaufer haa finished aUck
In. and la waltlnr for thresher.
Mr. and Mra. Maison went to town
last week.
Mr. Itottemlller finished atacklng
laat week.
E. K. Dart I the clover king of Mo-
lalla thla year, having enippeo. over
Aquatic Sports More Popular
This Year Than Ever Before
V- "t, A
StC Mj-t . : aW-....-. A fJZX 4 sTsTafc II
lavV-f '' ' 'T
"'-?3 " ' j;' '"-I iirV -:- ' i r
aKataav- :V -'--WiWb.'',, ' ' "
Photo eoDyrlaht by Amertcan Preaa Association. 1911.
wiuuivn . n,t nthor amiatlf anorta are becomlna: more popular all over
Sthe country, and In regiona where there are lake or rlvera and along
the aea coaat there have been numerous contests thla aummer In which
va- m i i.i... T n Hntilnann or Iflnreion. woo
IlUlfU .Wliuiuri. ua.w -
s a ' J
Jl A . ... liTH Jim j
Tempting fr est covotr y eggs and pare
meadow butter are what you crave for
but often fail to get. It is just as easy for
the grocer to give you them as to- supply the
other kind-it is a question of care in buying.
The grocer who value the good will and future trade of hla
customer, AS WE VALUE YOURS, aelecta hi butter and
egg with care. We GUARANTEE every egg aold at thla atore
and we wee the pure frh butter on our own table every day.
Nothing can make yon aurer than THAT' about OUR beat In egga
" and butter.
These ore this week's prices:
Clear Creek Butter 2 lb 75c Wlilte Clover Butter, 2 lb 75c
J. E. SEELEY, Grocor
Oregon City
Weinhard Bldg
won the 440 y a rd daehTnTlKirintercoUcgla It content8bTmhed ftayrMng
the distance In 6 minutes 53 aeconda. five seconds better than the record, la
abown In the foreground. The picture alao ahowa a contestant for high diving
honors. In Judging tbl content the clean manner In which the athlete euter
the water la taken Into consideration.
is a culinary Art. There is almost as much differ
ence between the PERFECT TOAST made on a
Radiant Toaster, and the imperfect Toast made in
tedious, uncertain way, as there is between angel cake
and hard tack. -
Electric Toast is PERFECTTOAST because .
the radiant heat forces the absolutely necessary chem
ical change in the bread. The result is delicious
golden Toast that fairly makes the mouth water.
The Radiant make. THIS kind of a. f.t a. you can porceT.ln baa. and cheerful glowing coll. add grace and charm to any
MAIN orriCE 7th and Alder Streets
T . H
i k firm nniinds of Alalke clover aeed to
the Portland Beed company irom
Canby laat week. ,
Herman and Kavler are atlll hull
In clover and threshing grain.
i w a. Rhaver haa a threahlng crew.
I. . ... . . . I . V. -
also a clover nulling ouuu duj iu u
CoU and Cole were threshing for
W. W. Kverhart, Monday.
rrn ruttlnr lost a fine horse re
cently from an unknown aiaeaae
which fiaa rieveloned In thla vicinity.
Dr. Powell accompanied a aon of
J. J. Mallott'a to a Portland hospital
fnr an oneratlon for appendicma. jonn
Stringer drove them In the automo-
an mt jrtln meetlna- waa held at
Molalla Grange laat Saturday. Bual
neaa waa transacted relative to the
aeventh annual fair which takes place
one week before the county fair.
Th. r.ranre Hall haa been Rlvn two
coata of white paint outside. Our
school building win gel a lew c
In the near future. -
Mra. C. H. Trulllngef, the Hubbard
milliner, announces tne tan ana win
ter opening, Saturday, September 23
at Robblna Broa.- aiore, asomiia, ur
an Mra. n L. Boylanave been
several daya In Kelso,
M'.oh vlalllnff relative.
Mr. Henry Scheer haa Bold his place
to Mrs. Gale, of Hood River.
m t i.aIIa waa a Sun.laf guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paouet, or
Portland. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Walace Johnson, of
Canemah. apent 8undoy with their
in Thomas Kelland.
w- w.a vir a. it. HarveT enter
tained frlenda at their home Sunday,
from Seattle and Portland.
Mrs. Curtis Dodds ana mis ijeseio
McDonald have returned rrom an oui
i.. inn. neach.
wi. u..i narvev made 1 a bnsl-
iuino in . . u - -
. .a ir.-lanft Vr I n a V.
rrianita of Thomis Kelland
gathered at his home Friday evening
In honor-of nie inirneio umuuj
nlveraary. A very pteaaanc ume was
.n.nt anil ail went home wishing nim
man,y more sucn pappy events.
Farmera are too bnay these daya
t at- . . . A
The hum of the threahor la heard
everywhere now. At ono time. there
marhlnea In o Deration here.
Mr. Henry Babler sustained a heavy
loss while threshing at hia place. In
a load of raln caught nre
and lit a short time the straw stack
separator and one wagon burned alao
about an acre of grain In ehock. .
m t. mil p. M. Klrchem alao came
near having a serious blaae. In try
to burn out a hornet'e neet and at a
time when the hornet a were in con
nt v,a aiinatlon the blaae got In
to the dry leavee and rapidly spread
over the hillside beiow me nouae.
The wind changed and the men aoon
controlled the Are.
Mr. Allan Hutchlna haa returned
from Lower California where he haa
.-.. nsa atrttria timtA.
Lower lagan wants a principal for
the achool aa they nave a pnnwj
Mr. (3. R, Lewthwalta vlalted her
parents. Mr. and Mra. M. H. Rlebhoff.
of thla place, laai wtw. .
u,. m r ward who haa been eon-
m i... Kjtt about three weeks
la getting along nicely and will aoon
he around again.
t. H.nj nannle are hutter hungry.
the Clear Creek CreenHerr cannot fill
all the ordare. W. 1. Klrchem la go
ing to eiUblUh a r4 rout from
Stafford to get mow 'cream and J
Whatever you do don't aay "Is thla
warm enoueh for vou " That little
sentence . will . ruflle . the aweeieat
a n nimlck and wife were visitors
at Hill Crest farm Sunday.
Think of It. Loean can boast of a
meat wagon once again, with J. C.
Klrchem aa proprietor.
Mr. Byers and family of Stone have
returned from the coaat.
Moat farmera have their
threshed and atored away.
Mra. Rd Miller had the misfortune
t fall and Injure her knee.
Mrs. Bessie Updegraff nd two
children, of Salem, are visiting at
Jim Mitt a.
Harry Feitrow la working for W.
W. Irvln.
l.nrr Mitt'a and Mrs. Updegraif
visited polk Oribble's and Mrs. U E.
Armstrong Thursday.
Th. ira nart of the week the wind
waa varv atrona:. . necessitating A.
Tales going to fix telephone wires.
t. Pavlah. wife, and son of High
land drove through our part of the
country on Monday.
Mra Welsman came down Tueaday
and atayed until Wednesday afternoon
with Mrs. O. Haberlach, her nome pe
ine: Clarkea. Oregon.
VL'AncmAaw Mra. Davwalt had the
honor of entertaining a number of
Clackamas ladles, aa the ladles met
Katie Clarke, daughter and mother,
visited Mrs. John Peyer who lives In
j7 i vjuivuw
Gustav ara Enlma Haberlach drove
to Troutdale Sunday to attend camp
meeting." They also visited. Maiei
Freeman. . a
OAKLAND. Aug. 80.-(Speclal.)
Oakland put a aplke 4n Portlands
alldlnc chute toward the pennant to
day - by winning a thirteen inning
game, 3 to 2. It was sure some game,
and Portland should have won. But
Th bestllald jlans of mice and men
ran aft aider." etc etc, etc now
ever, what did Bobby Burns know
about baseball T . And that suggests
-Shakesoear. he could write a
dIbt. But 8hakespear never saw the
day. that he could write Boom-Ta lla-
TU Boom-Te-A." And while the Bcav-
era nlaved good ball today the Oak
, land aggregation played Just a little
bit better. It seems that the teams
down this war the Southern teams
are going to flo all In their power to
beat Portland out of that rag. And
why shouldn't they? That'e baseball
TV. mnlli Wawtneadav follow:
A UO . .J " i. ' -- j
Pacific Coast League Oakiana 3,
Portland t (13 Innings); Vernon 6,
Sacramento 5; San Francisco 2, Los
Angelea 5.
Taeue Snokane 5
victoria 1: Portland 3. Tacoma 4 (10
inninnl Vancouver 4. Seattle 3
National Leaguej-PlttsDurg -o,
Boston 4-45; no other games scheduled.
imirlnn T .Aasiie Cleveland
Washington 3; no other games Bched
Pacific Coaat.
Won. Lost. P.C.
Vnnn 85 .65 .568
Portland 79 62 .660
Oakland 83 70 .5
San Francisco 66 . 80 .4M
Ia AnKeleB 61 91 .401
Mount Hood Land Company to W.
A. Carter and A. McGregor, the south
east Quarter oftbe northwest quarter
section 28 township 1, south of range
5, east of the Willamette meridian; ,
The heirs of M. Ball to Harriet Ball,
204 acres In section 27, township V
south of range 4; 11.- .
Thomas Mans) and Beanie Mann to
Daniel H. Purcell, 14,000 square feet
in township 2, south of range 2; SI- ,
n I. Rnvlftn and Minnie, M. Bov-
lan to H. I Scheer and Clara Scheer,
tract 4 of Beutel tracts; $2,300.
Hattie L. Waldron and N. Wald
ron to C. EL Waldron anJ Helen C.
Waldron, part of tract 63. Willamette ;
and Tualatin tracts; $L ;
D. K. Bill to John W. Loder. lot 7.
block 107, Oregon City; $10.
H. L. Sckeer and Clara Scheer to
Sarah Page, lot 7. Beutel tracts;
. J. M. Cady to L. W. Frailer and
Marie Frailer, lots 17 to 24 Inclusive,
block 17. Minthorn; $10.
Humor and
T7XPEniENCE la often bard to got.
but It la'ours all rtgbt when we
get It
A chance to make good la one thing
boaater Isn't loading for.
ETery tblef JutiBes himself by
pointing out a bigger toier.
Ralna- honest la all that tbe most of
aa can do without garnering any
worldly goods at tbe aame time.
A good boss Is often a poor work
man. vJ :
Talking too much la a habit that
doesn't worry a silent man.
We sneak In an unknown tongue
when we talk of onr feeling to tbe
person who has Injured us.
a 1
When rou can't look ont for yor
own Interest without doing damage
te other somebody la treapaaatns.
BetDB Bllcntly Insane h the mental
divers tea of a lot of people.
Don't be alarmed whoa you see
with a availed neaa. . it m t w-
W 1.11. uunw A .v.
83 52 .615
Rnokane .. 76 61 .505
Tacoma 76 6Z
s..iti. 73 61 .644
Portland 68 64 .615
Victoria 81 1W .o
BOSTON, Aug. 30. (Special).
vn.m. tii moat remaraaoie
V. J X , .
in tk lilatorr of baseball, who
has been a premier twlrler In the big
leagues Blnce 188. tooay snut out iu
I h.-rf.hittimr Plttahwrtr team. Young
nnti waa released hv the Cleve
land American League team lor oin
age." He may be old he admits Tor-
ty-two years but be auowea tne
amnw ritv tMm oulv five hiU. The
Boston Nationals signed Toung when
be was released hy Cieveiana ana mat
he Is not "all In." waa proved hy his
fine pitching today.
Stepfather of S. R. Green Stricken
While Visiting Daughter. '
J. M. Ware, father of Mrs. Kd.
Shaw and stepfather of S. R. Green,
i t.k.n tn at Vlnmnt'l HosDltal
In Portland Wednesday for treatment,
Mr. Ware was stricken while visiting
his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Rands, of
Palouse, Wash. He Is being attended
by Dr. 8ommer.
Oregon's popular Beach Reeort
An Ideal retreat for outdoor pas
times of all kinds. Hunting, Fishing.
Boating; Surf Bathing. Riding, Auto-
Ing, Canoeing, liancing ana nuiicr
Skating. .Where pretty water agaroa,
mosa a Kates, moonstones, carnelana
can he found on the beach. Pure
mountain water and the best of looa
at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crab
and oysters, with BDunaance or vege
tables of all klnda daily.
Camping Grounda Convenient and At
wth atrlct sanitary regulations
from all points In Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho on sale dally.
from Southern Pacific point Port
land to Cottage Grove; alao from all
a B. stations Albany and west.
Good going Saturday or Sunday and
for return Sunday or Monday.
Call on any 8. P. or C. ft E. Agent
for full particulars as to fare, trains.
schedules, etc.; aiso ror copy m
Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Or
gon," or write to ' . . ,
Wm. McM urray
. Portland Ore gen.
- ... . . . . .... .w- A
, . This con pc- when neatly euppeel ana propeny -
nam of tho candidal you wlah to vote for, wUl be counted aa one
vol. . A
Nam of candidat , "
A J.t-- a. . k . . A a, . a a 4 s a W
Thla coupon la void after p. a.. Btmhr 2.
Cat line. Don't roll. S4 la flat.
'- V
aoending a rew oaya taerw bkw
Ktloa. .....
lng the mauar -