MORNING ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY. AUOUST 31. Mil. f vmmm enterprise OREGON CITY, OREGON E. t. SROOIt, Editor and Publlhr. '"ntered mm seeoad-olaaa matter Je .rt . lilt, at the Dost ernoa at Cnra City, Oregna. under the Aet of Marwb a. mi. TEtNS OF SVUCSIPDON. Ona Tear, by mall UM Six Moths, by mall H four Months, by mall l.e Far wwk, by carrier........ .1 AlVEinsiNC RATES Ftrat Paa. par ine ft rat Inearttoa . . . .Its .lac Plrat Paae. pat Inch added Insert loaa. "referred poaHroti any nua. par Inch flret Ineertkm.. lie ere'erred ptialttoa any par, par la oh added laerrtlona le un paper other thaa first page, par ach fins Inaartkui lte Run papat other .haa ftrat page, par tana added teaartlona ......So uorala lae ar Una; ta regular adrer- laera So Una. Waata. For Bala. To Rant. ata.. eae eeat a word ftrat Ineertloa; oae-han aaat ach additional. Ratea for adrertlataa; ht ne Weakly Cnterprtaa will ba the name aa ta the daily, for adverttaatnenta aat aapaoially for Hie weakly. 9Vfiere the aaverttsaaaent la transferred from the daily to the week ly, without cnang. the rata will ba aa tack for rva of trie paper, and lea aa Lack for special position. Cash should aeceapaay order where party la unknown, ta bastnaaa offloo of tne Knterpnee. Legal advertlalng at., legal ed'ertlatng .aiea. fir-cue advertising- and special traaalenl dvertlsmg at tie to toe aa inch, accord - mm to special condltloaa (onrnliif the - "Fire Sale" and Bankrupt Sals' adver teamen ts ibc Inch ftrat. Ineertloa; addl JoaaJ tnaertioaa same matter lee Inch. Now Items and well written articles ar atent. witn interest to local readers, win ba gladly accepted. Rejected rnann sertpta aever returned unless aocompea lea by itiBM to prepay poataaa. . CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Aug. 31 In American History. 18TO-Coeral John B. Hood. Confd- erato leader died; born JS31 1886 Earthquake over a wide area ot the country east of the Missis sippi rlTer. It caused $3,000,000 property loss In Chariest own. 8. C Sixty -one Urea were lost. 1910 Former PreeWeotJloosevelt pro claimed tbe new nationalism. Bronze atatne of Tbouuis U Kced was unveiled In Portland. Ma. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.! Sun art HJ31X risen 6 23: uniu seta 1022 p. m : noon today, sun directly south, aa only on April 15. June 17 and Dec. 24; midnight. 243 daya pf tbe year tone, 122 to follow. WOMEN IN THE POLITICAL GAME. The lady mayor of Hnnneweli, Kan sas, denies that she said that politics Is no game for women. She la In the came, and proposes to stay and fight It out We must admire her pluckj . Succeaa should be her portion. Hunnewell'a executive haa plenty of historical precedent for her resolu tion. Aspaaia was something of a political factor In her day. Tneodora played some strenuona politics. Lo cretla Borgia, earned whatever of fame attaches to her name by devioua and devllsh political methods. Good ofd Queen Bess was also something of politician In her day and federation. In addition to women who hare been politicians there have been those of the other Sex who throngh kings hare ruled a kingdom, notably La Vaillere, de Montespan, de Maintenon, Du Barry and Nell Gwynn. ' Our own Immortal Jackson was not above being susceptible to female In fluence in shaping the policies of his stormy administrations. The lady executive of Hunnewell need not at all feel lonely when she turna to the pages of history. And think of the number of her sisters throughout the country who woull only too 'gladly avail themselves of the opportunity that is hers. 4oo- TaTt haa a will," aays an exchange. And no one realizes the fact more than Congress. o When Hoke Smith, undertakes to provide Jobs for his 411 nameaakes he will start something with a vengeance. woe . "Gentlemen's agreements" are made without any expectation of a Con gressional probe. . ' woe Atwood Is king of the air. A 'Los Angeles man twice vainly tried with rope and pistol to end his life. If be has not changed ha mind be might go out rowing with a boat-rocker. )oooo)o4-o4i00't.ofot.oooco4ooo4eoo4-oc4 Suffrage Not Usurping Man's i Right By Mrs. JOHN 5. oKowoeoowOwoowOwOowc I SEE NO SIGN THAT SUFFRAGE It USURPING MAN'S RIGHTS OR TRYING TO PUT HIM IN THE BACKGROUND OF SOCIETY. In fact, women tre ftr from that capability which would WARRANT the reins of government or Uie' rulerahip of human society to b placed in their hand. I TERSONALLY should not care to lire in s country ruled ly a WOMAN PRESIDENT. Woman today ia QUEEN of the home; man is KINO outside the home. Each should attend to IIIS andHER own business. , No man need cry ont in COMPLAINT of the suffrage rnovo--tasttt It it not IIUBTINO him S bit I do wishr, though, for the taka of foftVaf, that some of. its leaders in their public apeechef wonld use little more TACT and DIPIaOMACT. Calling men CJMtm sad scoundrels hardly ' endears ui to them and not only J?SE3 tSM wane, but brings RIDICULE and CONTEMPT Senate aaluatlon: "Good morning, 8enator. Have you been Investigated ft" a Matteawan, Aug. 30. Harry Thaw la her still, but not very stUL oe What have .brides don that they should alwaya b "given away by her father In marriage." BARLEY DECLINES; OATS PRICE ADVANCES Barley la down fl a ton an'.l tho4 oata market has advanced 60. Just contrary to the course that has governed the two coarse gratu mar kets heretofore ia the present action of the oata and barley trade. Owing to the cutting of quotations In the East, brewing barley is quoted down to $31 a ton in the country, aa com pared with recent aalea at SSS Growers on the other hftnd are ask ing from SSS to $35 a ton to: small remaining holdings ot brewing barley and this difference in opinion between buyers and sellers has resulted In stagnation ot trade. With barley going down, the plce of oata has started upward, and tbe btda range aa high aa $17 a ton. Some are not bidding above t".t but even thia la 50c above what the same lu- teresta were offering a ahort-tlme ago. China and' Japan are atlll moderate buyers ot flour and the price la being safely maintained at $3.60 per barrel. HIDES (Buying Green hides, 6c to 6c; salters, 5V4c to 64 c; dry hides. 13c to 14c. Sheep pelts, I5c to 75c each. DRIED FRUITS IxcaJ prices are Arm at from 8o to 10c on applea and prune, peaches are lc. SALT Selling 50c to 90c lor fine' 50 -lh. aack. half ground 40c 75 tor 100 lb. sacka. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, $1.2561150 per aack; parsnips, $1.25 tf$160; turnips, $1.25f1.60; beets, $1.50. VEGETABLES Asparajrus, SOcO $1.75 per crate; cabbage, new, $ per hundredweight; cauliflower. $l.a0 $1.75 per doxen; celery, California, 75c (i JOo per dozen; encumbers, $1,500 $2.25 per dosen; eggplant. 15c per lb.; garlic, loc 12c per pound; lettuce. 50c per dozen; hothouse lettuce, $1.59 0)2 per box; pess. Sceile per pound; peppers, 30c 35c per pound; radishes, 15c per dozen; rhubarb, l4c ft So per pound; sprouts. c; tomatoes, $2$3.25: ONIONS Jobbing prions; Oregon $2.75 per 100: Australian. $3.50 per 100; Texaa, $2.25 per crate: Califor nia, $2 per crate. Oregon City Stock Quotations. HOGS Hogs are quoted He lower. From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. 9 He, from 150 lbs. to 200 lbs. 84c. BACON, LAKD and HAM. are firm VEAL. CALVES Veal calves ortng from 8a to loc according to grade. BEEF STEERS Beet wteera for the local mar rets are fetching (Vic to 6Ve llv a-eignt. SHEEP ars nrm at e to So lite weight Quotations rrjr Oregon City. POTATOES Beat, Buying Its cents pound. FI-OUR AND FEED Flour is steady, selling from $5 to $5 50; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buyng) Gray. $23 to $24, white, from $25 to $26. BTTTT3R (Buying Ordinary country brings from 15c to 20c, fancy dairy from 2 Or to 22c, cream ery 22c to 25c EGGS Best grade 25 cents. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good hens are bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18c, with good demand. WOOL (Buying! rVool prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Shorts $29 to $30; roiled barley, $31.50, to $32.60; process bar ley, $33.00; whole corn, $39.00; cracked corn, $4000; wheat $32.00 to $33: oil meal. $53; Shady' Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. HAT (Buying.) Timothy $16 to $17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay, best, $12: mixed. $10 to $12: alfalfa, $12 to $14. Keeps One Guessing. "Any one can see right through a man." "I should say so. Tbe average man la transparent aa a pier of glass." "But with woman It Is different" "Yea. quite different Why. In these days of the perfection of art It takes a mighty good man to be able to see even through her complexion." Getting Evan. "Tbe way be abused tbe office boy waa a perfect shame. What la the matter with biro thia morning?" "His wife t-rossed blm before be left home, his daughter told blm where be got off. uud after t-omlng down tbe stenopraplier sal dwu ou hltn. He had to get Imm-Ic it! some one." o t o o o s CROSBY. Suffragette New York Leader of -4 Six Candidates In Grand Voting Contest Who . Are Striving Their Utmost To Win MISS EVA KENT, (First District Leader.) MISS TILLIE MTERS, (Third In District No. "JOY STREET" TO BE STATE FAIR FEATURE Salem. Or, f SnedalVThe 1st Btrect" at the Or go Stat Fair will be eccnpled from September 11 'to September 16 by tk aggrcgatlen of mlrth-proveklng 'skews under the Parker management. Included la the roster ef the organization are th "Bells," the -Jungle and the Whiri- wiad Kuitian Dancers, wbo nave set th Northwest talking ef their grace, endurance and art Th 4an ar In aatrvs costnrn and met long from th domain ef th Cxxr, and all of them have apeearcd at th Moscow court productions, it re quired th special permission el the Caar before they were allowed1 t visit the United States for th en gagement which Include th week at th Oregon State Fair from EsptsnS- bar 11 to September 16. Bob Burdatto's Aside. When Bob Burdette was addressing the graduating class of a l rue euxtern college for women, be benn bis re am rk with tbe usual 'salutation. "Young ladies of D7." Then In a nor rifled aside be added. "Thnr an aw ffl age for a girl!" I.lpplnrotr's. Tr.'E LOivTnAST. J RACK and beauty. Ufa and motion. 6eo t!ie run And the fellow mho u- fieerina Doean'l have a tlnnit but fun. Hall and thunder! Klia and brimstone! And some other words the cop Has forbidden, but come handy. Bo the automobile stop! When It's running It Is' running Tbers la no discount on that. When It's standing It Is standing. You can Let your Sunday hat. All tha coax Ins and abusing And the turning little screens Cannot cat th thins In action When It feels It must refuse. It mar run along all summer. Never hlnilns at a balk. As the owner keeps on brassing That ho doesn't have to walk. All at one and wit holt warning In a road that's deep with sand. Far from home and tho repair shop. It concludes that It will stand. When ths car Is smoothly spinning And the road uhead Is straight Then the Joy of auto riding May be oken of ss great. But It's no Meal pleasure. No compll-r of a smile. When the engine mkes a notion It will stand round for swhlls Frank Advioe. "What ahall I do. doctorr "Reduce your Income." "Wnatr "That la what 1 advise." -"But what forr "Then you won't have so many friends to belp you wreck your health." Mamis's Idea. "Msmler "Yes." "In your eiperienc what do you Sod that men Ilk to talk about V "ThemaeiTee" Th Real Chatter. .' In books tho langusg be had learned; Bui couldn't get tha hang Of talking with lbs eommun folk a Tbe books wars shy on slang. . From Ona Who Knows. "What Constitute uapplueaa V "JIuujr thing. ' "As for fUHiuucer "liarlng utouey euoMgb to meet four bill."' , ;. ( " Rest Foe Him. "Taken your va-ntiou yet? "1 am ou II now." "But you serin to lie working." "Yen. bm my wife la away." Not Necessary. "1 always like to piny Ibe fool." "I siiutudn't think you'd nerd to play :e i I W'l J I ' . V I T ""ansH-iSaiif a J MISS HELEN SMITH. (Second JMn'rlct.MiiderJ. MISS BLODWEN THOMAS, (Beaver Creek Candidate.) FINAL TRIBUTE PAID ii I ACCIDENT VICTIM The funeral services over the re mains of John Hi Ftnucane, only child of Mr. end Mrs. John F. Ftnucane. who died from Injuries received by falling from an Oregon City electric car on Sunday evening in the north ern part of the city, ""ere conducted at the SU John's Catholin church Wed nesday morning. Rev. Father A. Hllle brand officiating, and the interment was in the Catholic cemetery. The church waa filled with friends of the young men and family, and many were unable to gain entrance. Mr. Flnucane waa a member of the choir of thia church and the members rend ered snAlat muali Tha floral iH. butea were beautiful and were In pro fusion. The active pallbearers wer Chris Michaels, of Lebanon; William McGulre, of Portland; Mr. Montgom ery, of Oregon City; Raymond Wad dock, of Lebanon; Peter Rotter. Benl diet Rotter, of this city; honorary pall bearers, F. F. Sullivan, Chris Michaels, Alphonse Rotter, Lloyd Smith, John Busch, Dan McMann, William Stroh meyer. Heart to Heart Talks. - By EDWIN A. NYE, FAY AS YOU CO The credit system In some respects Is a boon, bat It tins mined many a man. Credit makes It easier to buy than when you luire to p:ir kx chhIi. But settlement day comes. You must pay .for everything you get In this life everything. You pny down or you pay luir n. - But you pay! Tbe easiest and best way to get things is to pay as you gn. is- use in some way or another you rant settle "See that man." you suy. "He has atucBa and bonds and buildings How I envy hlmT' But thm muu has paid for everything he possesses; maybe In sleepless nights. In sweat of brain. In lost peace of mind he bna paid In full, or must pny. It la tbe In w of price. ' That spender of the Great White Way who revels In luxurious delights and unlawful pleasures? lit pays. H pay tbe price of bis uinnliood ' Tbe Inxy loafer, the drunkard, tbe gourmand: they pay. and pay heavily And whoever tries to cheat nature paya. If It Is by overwork or excesses he paya. If he does not pay cavb In band be pays a fearful rate of Interest on the principal. And pay day comes. Tbe'greatest fallacy ever held by tbe human mind Is that yon can get some thing for nothing. Tound for pound, ounce for ounce, to th last driblet yon (my. Therefore It la best, if you can. to pay aa you go. If yon make a failure bo glad tbat yon got out even and try It over. Moreover Is there not some compensation In this law of pries ? Why should a man ask for more than Is coming to blm? .Why shonld be xoect to hnv and not tay? And I It not worth while to get by earning? , f yon work for what yon get and gel what yon work for yow are as good as any man who works snd gets Pay aa yon go. If you wsnt leisure work for It If yon wnt pleasure par for It If yon want money grub for It. If yen want th esteem and respect and gratitude ef your fellows work for It ray the ptire. Prizes r Wt MISS ETHEL CIjOSNKR. (Second In Dlstrlt-t No. :.) MISS FAY BATDORF. (West Oregon City Favorite.) E OF KITTY" PLEASES BIG CROWDS There is certainly not very strong nourishment In "The Marriage of Kltty, which is Max Flgmsns offer ing for the week at the Hellg, in Portland. , One might call it a lemon-ade-and-wafer sort of play. This It not said' In disparagement, for are there not times when lemonade and wafers are the special combination we crave It a hot night In August Is not one of these, then, no longer has that simple and blameless drink a reason for being. It waa not such a hard condition, after all, that compelled the susceptl- - 1 ble Slr-Heglnald HoIhI to marry any one not a brunette or a native of Peru before the 15th of Septem ber," In order to Inherit ' his late uncle's enormous fortune. The de ceased .relative had long been aware of Ma nephew's devotion to one hand some Madame de Semlano, who was a native of the South American repub lic, also a dashing brunette. It was an Interesting co-lncldenre that brought Katherlne Silverton to I-on-don about this time In search of some thing to do. All the professional kiv nihilities were presented to her only to be turned down, until her godfath er. Sir Reginald's solicitor, proposed that she marry Sir Heertiald, thus helping him around the trying clause of his uncle's will, and at the same time doing very well for herself. It was all arranged that the newly, wedded pair should he separated Im mediately, Sir Reginald to go abroad with his Peruvian charmer, and Lady Kitty to stay demurely at home until a proper time ha. arrived for suInK for a divorce. It was very easy for the resourceful Kitty to make herself a fright. In order to sallHfv the leainus adventuress who had to sgree to the scheme; but it waa a very different matter when a year later, tired of roaming about with his charmer. Sir Reginald returned to his - deserted wife, only to find her fascinating and lovely. Of course, he succumbed Just aa any other man with an apprecia tion of feminine charm would have done. Just how the alluring Kitty managed It makes the play. The "Marriage of Kitty" Is a play that demands that the players shall act on their tiptoes, it's the manner, rather than the matter, that counts iviuy is nearly, ir not quite, tha wloIo shov i-onia KooertBon knows very well how the role should be played even ir she does not alwavg realize her conception. If she does not al ways play the part on her tiptoes there are certainly many moments when her heels are well off the floor She haa beauty and daintiness and charm, more than enough to capture such a man as Sir Reglnsld. Flgman. of course, is quite equal to all the demands of the role of Sir Reginald It is a typical Flgman part. All the farcical qualities of the char acter he takes advantage of and gives altogether a vry amusing perform ance. Jane Urban Is excellent as Madame de Semlano. she looks the part and ah acta It up to th level of the other LK' C ' Yu,e (,0f', vry well with the amall nart nf ji.. t.. the sr.ll.l..,, ' Setting Him Right. , There waa a rather prt waltrWln a cheap boarding bouse Maml. a bosrder protested to her "thl roast beef g overdone --No. It ain't, .or.- she replied, -if. o over. If. ,b. ..,; ' " f.'-UA.Ww Time. Irish Art Needlework nnd embroidery as 11 i A . ome part, of Ufactorll, ..muted by f j Irish art needlework Is of 11,. . . pari son with y Produce,! r.smpe SI--, v r x D. C. LATOUIt-TTTl Prwaideal THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CXl OREGON ' CAPITAL, 16000.00. Transact S aearel Sanklnf Sualn, Open trwi, A, f. U , . . - r..i.-ri;:-rsjrT.a,' .st.jsrjrc; SHOP NOTIONS. Trimmed With Heavy Laos Pengs Recommendsd. AnWUts are th very last mod In iw..lrv. Mom of the anklet ar In ' . .. i.t I wa me eimi-v .- f. til la lamia, asr at ........ " art with lirlllluiit Jewels. While the primes style In iMithlng suits W sat til to be seen, all llif newest cost limes this aeasou hsve Inlts ilk the frock, and many have waist d c(Ih Is. , 111 the utility and auto foals both pciiHuut and rnk'lnu sleeve nr eu. purtli ulurly the former Colored slrti'cd mulliis ar now considered mrt. the red and whit lieppertulut" stripe being a fevorlt. What Ht Missed. Emdee Thnt Inxi ruse has made tn miss the big dinner this evening to ths distinguished Ir. Jay. It's too let now. His. Wife Never mind, dean tbe speeches will be published. Km dee Yes. bul th dlunvr wou'W-Ilo ton Transcript. Read the Morning fnterprfi e. Wants, For Sale, Etc N?8"" ' Usee alaasine heaatngs will be Inwinl at one cnt a m rtra Insertion, half a cent artititlcstal Inaar linns, in. Inch ear. II per month half Inch rar. 14 unea n per m.mth Cash must aooufapaay srer unless an hsa an open account with the paper N. flaanelal reaponslbllltr for errors; whan errors nriur free eorrcte sntloe will w prlnla for patron Minimum enaras lis WANTED. W ANTED-Collcctors to see my col lection of all aorta of curios, an tiques, and Indian trinket; atamps for stamp collectors; coins for numismatists, arrow heada for arch eologlsts, etc. I buy and sell all sort of curios; also alt kinds of secondhand furniture and toola eorge Young, Main, near Fifth W.tVJr mmM a'",rt'eninlB for thia eoPtmn. Price. ry r Rad th Morning ffnterpria. WANTEI-YounB ladv rlari. r. . era drygood. , .tor. ,a 0r,,;n" "1 -eJL ,'.d Prle''- Address -- ""ioiijiibo onic. 2t WANTEI You to inn. r,... .v. - - - --siiu, 1 ry It inr Mxt printing 1 r your fiVUAVKI-Pro belfer oin Mill un jk .. reu montna ot,t a.. '-uny, or. Reward. FOR 8 A IIC fl nira ff. . 811 th.t mm ama - - - piow or b arrow; yon use it since your new on. you purchased FSe-a-a7FT. barn. .nZT: "'a. roora " and inquire o a Hughe, Olad- tone, Or. rOK 8ALK IJrh, J - "or., and B-"V. A.dje7or,,nqU'r for rentZt-." ' . i 1 or hort t.rm.- "D" .'- garden In ..j . '" Bona, ?,.:rnlni.Bnd barn. Inaulr. a "anes. qiadstonr Or. ' ' STalVsCt i" !"'"- "--John. Ta. ?ef ""I S?' nd I will t? r nd "T4' iff iV' i Monsy represents human power. It Is of vital Important' to you whether Its force Is exerted for or agalnat you, Munry saved I your friend, ready to lu-lp yon when you need help most urgently. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK Ilf THE C0UMTT FARM LOAN-. FARM LOANS-niulck a Dtafct, lAWyra, OrgoB City, Or ATTORN SYm. O. D. TOY, AUoraayl ta. w lond. abetraot nirntases- Mtuei oral law bust nee Over sT. Or ago City. Baal 4 ITRBN A HCIH'IClltCL, Attorsme Law, neutaefcar AdvokaL wffl tic la all sourta, iak eaJZ aad sttlmats. O fries la laiZ prls Bldg Oregoa City. OttJaT UILDIR AND COTaTcTflsT' HARKY JONBS Bulldr aal "tusiI CsaBtreetor. Batlmat titiiipe I given on all class of Maa I work, eoncret walkt as rwibraa i eoncrt. Re. rb s Mala 111. I INSURANCt. K. II. COOP Bit, For rir nmnm and. Real Fatal La your aropertles bay, tat a irhang,. Offlc la ssjiwyrsj Mldg., Orgon aty. Oraoa MISCELLANEOUS MISS K. MARION WEUil, of Net York, teacher of the rlaiM. 01 telephone Slain SI S3. , WHITE QUEEN FLOUR A Straight Blucstra Every Sack Guaranteed. Sample Sack Fre. Sol Agent for Korrect Poultry Food. Oregoa Commission Co 11TH AND MAIN STU Oregon Cl'y. ' CARRIER SERVICE AT WILLAMETTE. Beginning the morning of far urday. August 2C. all tubserls ers for th Morning Kntsrprlst living la and about Willamette t will receive their papers by ear- rler Inatead of by mall. Merrm Wilson will b th carrier will act aa agent at WllUmetta REMKMUER. SATURDAY, At 26 th new Carrier Service urti BE WORLDS GREATEST SE WIKG IkATl ll Ifywo want elthera Vthratlnf ?"E' , HbuUhforaHlnslaThma.1 Kf,w Hewing Marhlns write m TNI IIW I0MI IIWIHI KCMI .W" Oreinoe, Mew Masr lewlae si ach I km r. m.d. to U "VZ Suali.y, but the HOW - - Out .uarsstr ser rusi est. eld r eelfcaHaed dealer ' SO SALS v W. L. MARSHALL, 150 Morrison St partial $10 REWARD For tha arrest and convlcuw of any person or persons. " unlawfully remove cople of i Morning BnUrprlse frm Z premises of subscriber paper has bn plcd t,r " 9 carrier. ' THI MORNIN0) iNTERP'JIJJ la on sal at th following a aeon Aa HuatUy Bros. Drug Mala StrMt. . J. W. MoABulty-C!f,, Svuth and Maia. SCTt Confectl00" Mala aaar Blitk. M. . Daaonfctloiiw7 . Next door to P- hLIGHT RUNNING? , Brr)-thln romea t him who paa. Patronise onr a4vrttwa, 'T ' faoystk and J. Q. A- a A