M OIRND NG - SEN TEMGSE WEEKLY C.NTCKpR'jsC ESTABLISHED ISG6 wlATHER INDICATIONS . : sm' rhurri : S-K.lr Thursday, north. '! erly "'d"' - The only tally nevvepaeer .feev tweei Portland ant totems aires latee In every section of Clack. e mam County, with a population ef 30,000. Ara you an advertiser ; VOL U N- 52. OUKdON CITY, OttKGON, TIIUHSDAY, AUGUST 01, 1911. Peb Week, 10 Cenw Young Man VVorks Way To BEAM WITNESS LTLnJ Manager of Paper Mills IN VOTE CONTEST PERPETRATED BY WAIT MC DOUGALL- 1 MAM 111 ft V EAST SIDE CAPITAL HIGHWAY ASSOCIATION TO REPORT TO COMMISSION. ARMED STRANGER ACTED SUS PICIOUSLY ON ROAD NIGHT OP TRAGEDY. UDGES CHOSEN 15 BOULEVARD ROUTE IS DECIDED UPON saw man witiicu;; lKf'- "H . 1fv..T 1 . 2 . -'x. . w t. MULVeV AND E. H. COOPER T0 TAKE CHAROE OF BALLOT BOXES TOMORROW. t IKE DAYS REMAIN UNTIL FINISH CandidJitoa- Realising That Success Or yillura Rests Entirely With Them, Ara Working Like Beavere. M. A. .i 4, ROLL OF nvnvn, District No. 1. Mih Kvtt Kent a Ml tor 0 Miss TIHI Mayors a Mi Myrti" l'r a Mr, r F. Zimmerman.,, 15.664 8t.B!3 KU.909 id, 343 46,133 4. oinrici no. Mix Helen Smith ..... Mis KUh'I Cloener 4. Minn Mildred Ream .... a Mrs. M. T- Mck a mis Kay nmdorf. a MIks II. Thomas Mi Annie Gardner- vtt 224.681 184,840 10S.878 88,004 , 85.641 , 70.453 a Ml Melon RabicK 61.671 Only throo days domain till the el.,! of the Enterprise Orand Vo'tig Conif-t. Who tha winners will ba. Dt -vrti tha Cuntrsi Editor himself, could make a conjoctura with any de gree of certainty. It la possible that any candidate on tha "Roll of Honor" vtll 1 declared tha Tlotor. Moat of the candidates are holding bark. In tent upon making a greud rush at tha finish and surprises for all ara anti cipated when tbe Judgea make tha final count and declare tha winners ..i a.inrilMT nlitht. September 2. Ilw-nui- M'" "f -Airs. Bo, aildflo. . 1ft now In tha lend la no proof that aha will I I hire after 9 p. tn. Saturday, hn the dora of tha Kntarprlsa of fice will bo locked and no mora votes received. It Is possible for any candidate now In the raco to win tha rirst Grand Capital prise, and Judging from tha rpirts received It la going to ba a light to tha Onlsh In aach district. Contestants ara taking tha -jylvlco liven, t maka tha boat of tha last (mil iiiivi, . ,1 . . . ...... -- - la their best opportnlty to plla up a good ttfed vota reserve to carry then oo to victory, and tha fact that vary few voir were polled Wednesday Is tvldmr In Itself that all ara holding bark to cast their ballots on tha last DtKht. We know tha majority ara working for "dear life" and It will not sur prise ns In tha least, to ' tha can didate who ara now at tha bottom of the llxt. take tha load on tha clos ing night. Today Is tha last tlma rotes will bo counted by the Contest Manager. To morrow morning tba ballot boi will be aenleil by W. L. tMnlvey, county clerk, nnd K. II. Cooper, collcrtor of Oreitoii city water works, tha Con test Jmltri-s, and no.ona except tha Contcxl MaiiaRnr will Vnow how man votes a cimdldata has polled until tho JikIkcn ninke the final count and de clare thi. winners Saturday night. CONTEST NOTES (BY THE CONTEST EDITOR.) The rnntpat close September S at I p. m. nli.irp. No rotes) will ba receiv ed afti-r that time. is'.- . RKM I'M MKIl tha lait tpaolal offer or the contest s WJtw in force. It contlinii-H up to tha last minute. Any candidate on tha "Roll of Honor" can take V"' leud If aha make tha bent of the opportunity. ' r- Don't overlook smalf subscriptions, they count the same as at the begin- nlng of tha content. A thouuand rotea niy be the winning ones on tha cms In nlKht. Bond In aubscrlptlona as early as you can, as the subscribers want tha Pl'er. You can hold tho vote certi ficates In reserve If you wish and Poll them at any ttire before 9 p. m., Beptemiior 2. . " , Biendy work from now on and a ion term HubscrlpUon occasionally nuy win a Capital PtIio. candidates whoso - namea were droPp,.,l from the list can get back In the ra." ,y bringing their vote total up 10 hO.000. Next Thursday night 1 the last ume votes will be counted by the Con test MmtiiKoment. Friday morning the ballot box will ha aealed and turn ed over to the Judges. , Better vote early and often from now on so that your friends will know you are a po . "w winner. It means they will come to your aid more readily when they ju are near tho top of tha list. AGAIN WR SAT: Don't overlook y subscription. One rota may be the meuns of winning tha prlxe you re after. Any candidate In District No. 1 Is iiKltile for first place. Going to be . "cuing rinlah September 2. LEVITT'S QIVE PARTY. Cndypuin( And Qamea 'features Of EntartAlnmant. . P"r,y Riven at the hums of Mr. 'J?1 Mr- J. Ievltt on Tuesday eve- provea a moat dellghttul affair me evening was devoted to candy "n and games., Refreshments "rea auring tba evening. nose attending wer.M)aas Grace "x, Naomi Arntstrpng, Kschol "rmairong. Martina rlanagan, Fran ces DrSnor I nM- Y. - B. n. Llnnle Justin, Freds Mtrtln, Ber J're Johnson,, Harriet Forsberg; GleO iv ?n?Iah' rr and Tork Hammond. mpion, .Victor Myert and lflmand L : ffCTtT0BHEB3 APP'ETiTretHTMfNVfflONC IMS TIUIEATlTIED, SAY WIVES, SUING NELLIE E. LOFOREEN DECLARES HUSBAND SPENT HER MONEY DRINKING. ERNEST D. LINN SEEKS DIVORCE Maggie M. Ormlston Alleges She Had To Work In Boarding House To Support Children And Herself. Allealna- that her husband declined to work after they were married until he had spent all of her money, and that ha then Informed her -he would k... riiM .mnlnvineni to support herself. Nellie E. Lofgreen, of Canby, Wednesday filed suit for divorce from Charlee Kofgreen. The plaintiff says .v.. mtimr hr marrlasa on April 2(1, 1907, her husband began drinking.. declared he wouia noi pupii and threatened her Ufa. She asks to be restored to her maiden name. Nellie K. Nolln. Gordon E. Hayes represents the plaintiff. Maggie M. Ormlston. of Oregon City, who filed suit for divorce from Elmer E. Ormlston. alleges that she has been compelled to support herseir and two sons. Howard and Leo. for the past two years by wora.ng ... boarding house. They were married March 4. 1890. in Dolores. Col. and e plaintiff alleges tnai ner henn treating her cruelly upon their arrival In Oregon seven years ago- She asserts that be is a nuru and' that on July 8. 1910, he left her and remained away three monthi BM savs that while aoing bit In Oregon City ha went to Portland on each pay day and spent his money on other women. Gordon E. liaye- torney for plaintiff. . . Ernest D. Linn, filed suit for a di vorce from Maud Linn, alleging aban donment They wera 18, 1910. The defendant Uvea In South Belllngham, wasn. STANDING OF CANDIDATES IN CONTEST . ' . iki fcunuiini" MISS MYRTLE CROSS. . . MISS LENA BTOKi...... MRS E. F. ZIMMERMAN. MIS8 TILLIK METERS... MI88 EVA KKNT. . CANDIDATES ' " Z?Z v'k v nATDORF " ..au tunnwnm THOMAS . mice piaw - - , MISa ANNIE GARDNER., uma ltRIJCN SMITH MJ8S HELEN RABICK. S HELEN RABIt-K - - RAILROAD TO START LAYING TRACK SOON The Clackamaa 8outbern Railway Company now has the largest force of men and teams on the line since the construction was commenced, and the work will be pushed so as to get as much done as possible before the fall ralna aet tn. In a few days the grades will begin at Molalla and complelo the grade to Mullno this fall. A large force force of men and teama Is at work at Mullno working toward Be ver Creek, and a crew at Beaver Creek Is working .oward Oregon City. In about four weeks the entire grade will be completed rrom uregon L-ity to Beaver Creek. The directors re- mri thar If nnthln hAnnoni the en tire grade between Oregon City nnd Molalla will be completed by Decem ber 1. As the work progresses tha people are getting greater confideuce In the enterprise and are boosting hardul than ever ' before. However, the "knocker" attll has his hands In his pocket, but talks less as the work continues. IVVthln sixty days the company will commence to lay tne track, at which time tne greatest pan of the big undertaking will be ac complished. BOYLANS MOVE FROM TWILIGHT. Friends Tender Departing Family Farewell Party. L. D. Boylan and family, who have been residing at Twilight for several years, and who have mnde miny friends the- have sold their home to Henry 8cheer. who will inke pof-ses-slon Immediately. Mr. Boylan and his family left on Wednesday for their new home about thirty miles from Salem. Before their departure from Twilight they were tendered a fare well party by a few of their friends, who Just before departing for '.heir homes, Joined In singing "Auld Lang Syne." " Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Boylan and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sweek and family, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Nash and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Scheer and family. Patronise our tdvertlsers. . 1 miTsirr Kin 1. s vn..a n,.nn Pltv B0343 . Oregon City 81993 46132 60909 85504 ..Oregon City ..Oregon City ..Oregon City DISTRICT NO. 2. ; ' Vntwt .Tanhv '.. 88104 West Oregon City .- BO". & ..... 103678 .....194840 . .... 76453 66667' M468J 81571 ami Beaver rrees .Meldrum , . Canemah . .Stafford ' AAa-V4V AT Ojjli flower viLlTA 1 itNnif itn TO BE FINEST HERE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DECIDES TO START WORK ON STRUC TURE AT ONCE. " BUILDING WILL BE CREDIT TO CITY nothle Stvla of Architecture la De cided Upon Rev. Robinson Realizes Goal of His Ambition. At a meeting of the executive com mittee of St. Paul's Episcopal Church Wednesday evening. It was decided to begin the erection of a new edifice at once. It is planned to make It tho handsomest church In Oregon City. The hulldlna- will be of stone the first church to be built In Oregon City of this material will be three stories and have a long cloister on the river r.nni . i. will nf tne r.othlc style of architecture and similar to the old English churches. The executive committee, which Is composed of Dr. Hugh Mount, T. P. Randall. John R. IMmphreys. urani B. Dlmlck, R. B. Beetle, Linn Jones. Dr. L A. Morris. E. A. Chapman. F. T. Barlow and George A. Harding. met at the rectory with tne ue,v. , W. Robinson to consider bldB for the edifice. For years the people of St. Paul's parish have been looking ror ward to the time when they could worship In a more commodious build ing. With Mr. Robinson's coming a plan was Immediately set on foot In a businesslike manner. At a ban quet given sometime ago by the rec tor and vestry, not only members of the church, but other leading cltl tens of the city attended. Mr. Robin , son looks upon the erection of the church, such as It Is proposed, to build, as a matter of Interest and advantage to the city. His expectation that the citizens generally would be Interested has been fully realised. A contract will be signed at once with I B. Valk, an architect, of Los Angeles, and U Is proposed to erect the building as soon as possible. The members of the churcR say that work would have been started before th's, but for the fact that a committee or the city council hesitated to grant permission to build the curbing up four feet on the river bank. This necessitated a complete change of plan. It Is planned to erect a tower on the corner of Ninth and Water atreets with the building facing Ninth street. If the original plan had been allowed hw ha anil nctl committee, the cburch had nromlsed to build a ten-foot side walk from Ninth atreet to tho court house. As It Is, the church will be entirely on Its own property. Harry Jones waa the lowest bidder on the cement work. - Boy Sustains Fracture of Arm. Clifford Zimmerman, son of Ray. and Mrs. Zimmerman, of this city. ..11 f mm an knnlA tr Wf(lnBdftV and sustained a fracture of hU left arm. ' The little fellov. the early part of the summer, sustained a fracture of the! same, arm.' ;' MONEY IS OFFERED TOR SURVEYS South End ' Road Rcommnded At Temporary Route Only River Thoroughfare Considered Ideal una. Definite action was Uken by tba East Side Capital Highway Associa tion at a meeting Wednesday night toward the building of the propotetf Capital Highway through Clackamas county. M. D. Latourette, secretary, was authorized to write a letter to the Capital Highway Commission, ex preaslng the desire of the association as to routes and that It drew on tne treasurer of the association for the money for the preliminary surveys. The secretary will also tell how en thusiastic the residents of the county are for the hlgnway. antt explain mar special tax levy will be voted to obtain the money for building the highway through the county. The committee, composed or L. o. ui.i. v nr.. nf anil "V W. Itlsler. , . - ... J - - - v ' ' appointed to recommend routea be tween Gladstone and Aurora ana Gladstone and Oregon City reported as follows: , "For permanent highway In tue iu ture build a bridge acroju Clackamas River near the mouth, and run up the ridge by the river to Greenpolnt; thence, through Greennolnt to Main street; thence alons Maid street. Thte route eavee one mile In distance between Gladstone and Oregon City . ii'rnnt rtrnctm Citf t New L.ra we Tvcrmrmend -tbe-rivog-toiif lf..Jjp 1-1 ble. to get the right of way ana meet the costa, as a temporary arnnK ment. To meet the Tresent needs w wonld recommend the present South vni mml - This road can be utillxed at very tittle cost until con.letioaj of the rtver roaa. xnia roao wrwm the advantage of a scenic route ana me aavamajce oi bui ivh , showlnar the tarratanc Teewurea ot thelyeara of ag. Sprtngiteld. or ana an f!oantf'- ..-iv.vr1l.. m . -Cochran. - lxly-ets1t" -ystra tA nsvr.n. iinrlna to Aurora we can do little elae .than recommend the ,.uni mini which la a cod wide one. aa easy grade and requires rock ing for most or the distance, nui u a road could be made along t'i South-' ern Pacific Railway between, these points. It would save nearly two miiea, and also would be an easy grate." . an invitation to meet next Wednes day night at Canby from the Co;nmer- oiii n.ih or that citv was acceuieu. Five automobiles for those who de sire to make the trip will leave 'e rnn,.rri.i rinh in this city at 0:30 o'clock that evening. All poisons In- tnroatod In the highway -are invited .a a llan The following attended the meeting Wednesday night: Oregon City A. L. Beatle. M. J. l-a-xelle, M. D. Latourette, George Ran joii t t fiarv W. A. Rhewman. L a MorVla. c. D. Garmlre and F. San- ford. Sellwood J. F. Kertchem. no B.,LlaPhlltr Ktrplh Oak Grove Charlea W. Rlsley and H. Sheufler. Jennings Lodge C. P. Morse. un..n tloaaant S O. Dlllman. v.w rra r.foree Lazelle. Earl V. n.aim ami I": rant CrlteRer. p.hh, m t i k urvani. it Sailor, W. H. Balr. J. L. Combs. A. H. Knight, O. V. White, Lee Eckerson and C. A. Bradford PULP MILL ON EAST SIDE TO BE CLOSED Tha frnm-n rniumhia Pah) A Paoer Company has decided to discontinue k. nnoratlnn nf tha nuln mill On thO east side of the river in me cuy. imo H.Ai.inti hnwvr. win nave no ei- rt nn 'th nuln and naiier plant of the company on the west side of the river, which will be conunuea in op eration the same as heretofore. The n.,ln marl at tha nlant Oft the east side of the river has been shipped to the paper plant or the company at mQa wouh for mannfacture. ana the company believes It wHl be more satisfactory to manuracture tne pum at the naner plant Electric power will be used there. . , Another reason that probably naa something to do with the decision to move the plant Is that the proposed rout of the new east side canal at the falls traverses the mill property, and th continuation of a plant on the oast side would necessitate We erection of a new factory. ICE SHORTAGE DUE TO MACHINERY BREAKING Owing to a breakdown In the ma chinery of the Oregon City Ice Works, the city Is suffering from a partial Ice famine. The company, however. Is making every effort to aupply the trade. Four tone of ice were obtained for local use In Portland Wednesday and more will be obtained this after noon. , The plant will be repaired as soon aa possible. The ' customers to whom Ice Is not delivered may get a reasonable aupply ,by calling at tho plant. ' ',. Tfroqsa our aryeirtse-. . T. McBAIN. B. T. McBain. who haa been ap pointed mill manager of the Willa mette Pulp Paper Company, has been connected with the company here and In San Francisco for eigh teen years alnd Is considered one of the best Informed men In the manu facture of paper In the West. Mr. Mc Bain assumed his new duties when Norman R. Lenar resixned aa - vice- president of the company to become managlBg-dlrector of the new Powell River Paper Mill Company. . FOUR GENERATIONS AT FAMILY REUNION In hoor of the 'arrival of the latest member of the family, Waynej Wald- ron, who was born st Sellwood, Octo Kr 19 in. four mneratlons eather d at nnnn WrdnMdlT at tha home of -v r- " Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Waiflronrso? jom a iama atrt The lour cranaDarenis of the baby were there, aa well as the four rreat-erandmothers. who are Mrs. k J waiiiron. iehtv-iour years oi in ctrfirnn Pltv Mri. Elizabeth Ad kins seventv-flv rears of axe. Mu inn. Mi-a a Thornton Mventr-flva , - ----ri in Sellwood. The rrannparenta a-o Mr fr. P.Aoren W. Waldron. ot Oregon City, and Mr. and Mrs. S. J Thornton, of Sellwood. Mrs. W aid ron. the grandmother, is nrty-ronr years of age. and Mra. Thornton, tht maternal grandmother, is nrty-two years old. The honse was beautifully decorated snd a chicken dinner was Those attending were Mr. and Mr O. W. Waldron. of Oregon City; Mrs. v I Waiiiron. Oreton City: Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Thornton, of Sellwood; Mrs. S. Thornton, of Springfield, Or.; Mrs. M. H. Cochran, seliwooa: Mrs. i. iu. Lueslng and two daughters. Vernm nu Ruth Lueaing, of Fortland; and Mrs. G. C. Waldron and son. Wayne, of this city. SECRETARY OF WAR APPROVES CANAL PLAN wASiiixnTfiN. Auar 30. (Spec ial). Secretary of War Sttmson wired Senator Bourne as followa: "I have approved the recommenda tion of the United States engineer of the Willamette canal matter subject to the opinion of the Attorney Gen .nl thar I am not limited by the amount of the existing appropriation." Actlna- secretary of War here as sured the Senator that he Is preparing papers and a letter to me Attorney General reauestlng that the matter rncfive his Immediate attention. He is personally confident that the Sec r.iir. nf War has authority to ap prove, notwlthatanding the engineer's estimate exceeds the Joint appropria tion of the government and state by 11 R4 000. Should the- Attorney Gen eral hold otherwise Senator Bourne fwls confident of his ability to obtain an additional annronriation at the navi aannlnn tn pomnlete the nroject If the Attorney General noius me sec retary of War has the authority, con demnation proceedings for the right of way will be ordered and an addi tional appropriation will not be re quired until 1915 to complete the work. Senator Bourne says he Is remain ing In Washington to give the matter bis personal attention. TO GIVE READING Vmm all Indications there will be a large attendance at the recital lvcn tomorrow evening at tha r-aptiiM -1 i. V .. Ul. Vff n n G ti.ilarwtm cnurcn wiiqu mina m . k...i.ov. , of this city and a studenf'of the Em erson College or Oratory, iioston. Mass., will read from Augustus Thom as' play, "The Witching Horn," under the auspices of the Phllatho. Class of the Baptist church. Miss Sandstrom Is highly esteemed In this city, and this will be her first appearanoe in recital work here. 8he gave two readings of Augustus Thom as "The Witching Hour" during tho summer seslon of the Stjr"e Normal, of Waahlngton, and the two entertain ments were largely attended. The reading held the attention of her aud ience, each character belnx exceed ingly well presented. Miss 8andatrom expects to return East within a few weeks. '; ' nysertlse for the Pally Bneprtae 4 - B. SANDSTROM DEFENDANT'S STORY C0RK0B0MQ) Allegation That Highwayman KHIe4 Woman Is Supported Prose cution Prepares For Rebuttal. CHESTERFIELD . COURTHOUSE, Va.. Aue. 30. Testimony corroDorsv . live It the story told by Henry Clay J Beattle, Jr., that a bearded highway- ; man killed his wife with a shotgun, ., was Introduced by the defense in tlv v Beattle trial today, when W. R. Hot-, land, who Uvea in the vicinity of the) V Midlothian Turnpike, where the mur- der occurred, declared be had seen a bearded man with a shotgun there Ave houra before the tragedy. It was the first move ot the defense after the prosecution rested its caae at Doon today, to esiaoiisn tne verac ¬ ity of the prisoner. Besides Holland s tt. , statement concernine- the man with a shotgun. Eugeno Henshaw, a farmer i who travels the Midlothian Turnpike -, daily, testified that he saw a strange . man of about 50 years prowling about ' on three different days -before the .. ' murder. It la ronnrtffd tonleht that the nroao cution is ready when Its time for re- buttal arrives, to put on the stand we man ahn nmuH alonr the railroad tracks where Holland said he saw a man with a shotgun, and thai tne new witness will say he was squirrel bunt- lng that day. The defense summoned many wit- -nesses. Besides the testimony re garding the bearded man. expert tea- - timony w aa 4otrod uced A aa.. 1r f bounding qualities of an automobile similar to that driven by Beattle, i thereby accounting for the Jolting '8 of the car of the shotgun placed If rear seat by Beattle after the eoo ter with the alleged highwayajan,. The prosecution attacked, this, life of evidence on c roaa-examlnation. 4 The tdesrf- the ftiaLsrifti been to Indicate that BeatUe himself slowed down at the crossing and ':",' row tha mn to one aide on his way ;: to the Owen home with Ma dead wife. Beattie's counsel attacked the de claration of Sam Talley that he beard in the night of the murder a shot and the scream of a woman In Midlothian Turnpike. Several witnesses testi fied that the morning arter the mur der, when Beattle talked with Talley and others, nothing was said aooui. a woman's screaming. STAATS HONORED AT church .mm- Chief Deputy Sheriff J. O. Staata ha$, returned from Trout dale. .Or., whom . attnndd the Willamette Valley Advent Christian Conference. Mr. Staats, who Is a minuter ano nroachu every Sunday in tho Wet Oregon City school house, was elected secretary and treasurer or the con ference. Twenty conversions were made and about ten backsliders were . received at the conference. About $2,500 was raised for work In tne Willamette Valley this year. WASHINGTON, Aug. 30. The cen ter of population of the United Statea was announced by Director of the Cen sus Durand today to be In the West ern part of Bloomlngton, Monroe coun ty, Ind. Ten years ago the center of population was six miles southeast of Columbus. Ind., 39 miles east of its new location. . '. G. A. R. Members To Be Dined. The quarterly dinner served by the Women's Relief Corps to the mem bers of the Grand Artrry of the Repub lic, will be served Tuesday, Septem ber 5. Tod ay 4 'The Quest of Gold" and "The--Price of Gold" Both of these pictures are by the Vltograph Company and are extra good;' one Is a sequel to to the other. ' . ' 'Simple Ike De cides to Marry" la the comedy. ' THE GRAND .... NOTE Tie not , fall . s see 1 Captain 1 Rata tomerr- Ty"l ft i 'il ,) 'V n :"t 1.