4 ' MORNING ENTERPRISK. WKBNE3I)Au(U L - rr n In " , , ..." CORNERED By C M "ELLINGTON BLISS CopyHcht br AMrictn rm Aaao clatlun. 13U. . Antoio' Chabeller. private in tt Od Hundred and J-'orty-fwvfntb regl neat of to Un. to tb manner born, twenty years of defender of Franc from the Geriuaua. wbo wrre KiarvhJng orer tb borders, at tbe battle of Grarelotte, rcclred tvn wounds, on la the lee and. one lu tbe arm. - Tbe wounds were made : with ballets, which were rut oat by tbe surgeon. They were nhuwo to tbe wounded men. wbo asked ' for tbeut. and they were siren to him. Then a brilliant Idea etruvk the f (mag soldier. Ilelnx a friHxl deal of a butterfly in the matter of bis lores, before matvhlng from Paris be bad tearfully bid adieu to two young la dles, each one of whom had wept on bis shoulder. "I will send Luclle one of these bullets," be said, "and Clo cbett the other, a Very pretty compli ment, tbe bullets ha ring wounded roe on tbe Held of battle. - I ean nee noth ing dishonorable In tbe matter since If either takes It as a proposal of mar riage It will be her own fanlt." Bo be wrote a letter to Luclle. tell ing her that be was sending her the ballet with which be bad been wound ed In the late battle, and wrote a duplicate to Clocnette. When be next saw these young ladles the second em pire bad fallen and tbe republic was restored. Antolne dred In one of the swell quarters of Paris, on a street midway between his two charmers. Tbey had fled from the commune, but when tranquillity was restored had re turned and again settled in their homes.'' Tbe . war bsd cost France much of Its best blood, and. Ladle, one of tbe young ladles who possessed "the bullet with which Antolne hsd been wounded," baring lost an unclsw " had fallen heir to a large fortune.' Antolne. liks most young men of so rlal rank, baring beard of this acces sion of wealth, not arerse to marrying a ' fortune, congratulated himself on baring farored tbe heiress with tbe bullet that hsd wounded him. but felt til at ease for fear tbe other "bullet with .which be bad been wounded" would ruin him. Ills first meeting with Lac lie wss rery tender. . She did not weep tears of Joy on his shoulder at his return, but there were ratio ua - lessons for this. In the first place, France was a great sufferer; In the second, mademoiselle was now a prize la the matrimonial market and could otbeei-pefTwl in gltg bwlf awaj as readily as before. These were tbe reasons Antolne (rare himself for a ' want of demonstratireness on tbe girl's part such as she had shown at his Tle pnrtnre for the war. i It was some time after bis return ' tbat be called upon Clocnette, wbo pos sessed the other bullet with which be had been wounded. She received him with the same demonstrations. of affec tion as before, permitting bim to em brace her. though Antolne thought that there was not the same genuine feel ing she bad shown before. She wss much Interested to know where be bad been struck, and Antolne turned up his trousers and showed ber a scar In the calf of his leg. The wound In his rm be was keeping for Luclle. There wss one weak spot in this little farce for Its hero. Tbe two young ladles jVcre acquainted. An tolne felt bopfful that tbe pa would not learn of tbe other's souvenir since high bred Udies were not likely to tell . ne another of their lore affairs. How ever, be was In a hurry to wed Luclle. tor once married there might be half ' dozen bullet sourenirs In the bands f ss many young ladles snd no great . harm done. Luclle put him oft on the pla that she was not ssoured of hi lore for ber, but declared that once ' sonrinced she would yield. One dsy when Antolne called on La dle be wss concerned to find Clocnette there drinking Engltab afternoon tea. Pochette was surprised to see him, but the three drank tea together very sociably. Antolne was called uon to giro some account of his war service, . and both girls naturally manifested an Interest In his wound. Finally Luclle aald: "M.' Cha heller, show mademoiselle the place In your arm where you were wounded." Tbe bomb waa about to bunt. Ner crtheless Antolne was a man of conr ' ige. He did not flinch. ."In tbe leg, you mean." said Clo ebette. "He told me it was In the arm; in leed. he showed me tbe scar." "I think I should know." said the ther. "since I posseas the ballet that wounded him". - "Indeed." rejoined Luclle. with hau teur. "I supposed I possessed that-bul-. let. Is It not so, monsieur?" ."It Is." "And do not I possess the ballet that wounded you?" asked Clocbette, with iplrit, Antolne saw that It was all up with ' ktm. He surrendered, but to neither. .1 "Young ladles." be said, "I sent one " it you a ballet that wounded me In the arm. tbe other one that wounded me in the teg. , I sent a third bullet to mother girl" Wner did that one strike youT" isked Clocbette. ; "In the heart." Both girls burst Into a laugh. La rile Anally forgare him. and be Is now making ducks and drakes of ber for tune. Nevertheless bis wife is not fond of ha ring bim tell tbe story, which be does whenever he entertains I select party of Intimate friends. 009 ffl 'A BBSH ZJu LJaJuuuLJ UU U I IUL Chance fof each Contestant to gain a big lead over her Competitors. And xin one of those beatisiftil Grand Upright Kimball Pianos. EXTRA VOTES FOR FIVE, TEN AND TWENTY YEARS' SUBSCRIPTIONS. Strangers, : Knlcker Can yon make ends meet? Bocker Well, tbey meet, but tbey don't speak, Harper's Bacar. .' Pays for Thsm. ' Black 1 buy all my wife's dresses. . Brown So do I. but I never pick them out St Louis Star. Ha flsyd the Tloksr. "I offered to let hltn hare dred." "That would only be In the bucketsbop."-Ltfe. bun-drop Are yon a subscriber to the Morn- t BnterprlseT n not you should call 1 let us put your asms on the sub--Son list Immediately. VOTES ALLOWED ON PAID-IN-ADVANCE SUBSCRIP TIONS OR RENEWALS DURING THE LAST SPECIAL OFFER ARE AS FOLLOWS: Five years, subscription to the Daily Enter prise, by carrier, $20.00. by mail.$ 15.00. 25,000 votes. Ten year's subscription, $32.50 by carrier, $30.00 by mail 60,000 votes. Twenty years' subscription $60.00 by car rier, $50.00 by maU, 100,000 votes. Five year's subscription to the Weekly En terprise, $6.25, 1 5,000 votes. Ten years' subscription, $10.00, 25,000 votes. Twenty years' subscription, $20, 50,000 votes. Money must accompany all subscriptions before votes will be issued. FIRST PRIZES Two Upright Kimball Pianos VALUE SlllilllllSli VALUE $400 a- 3$J. Pf $400 .. y Purchased from Portland's! Leading Music House EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts. SUBSCRIBERS Fill in the name of candidate for whom you wish to favor with your votes with remittance for your subscription or renewal mail to Contest Department The Enterprise. Name of subscriber. Add ress Month. Votes For M District Candidate. Second Pgfees Two "20th Century" Sewmg Machines (latest model) New Home Drop Heat? VALUE $75.00 EACH Third and Fourth Prizes - MUSICAL EDUCATION BUSINESS EDUCATION WHICH? Four Prices to be Awarded The Enterprise has used every care in the selection of these prizes,and has secured scholarships in two of the fore most educational institution in the State of Oregon. FIFTH PRIZES TWO SOLID GOLD WATCHES (Ladies sUe) Purchased at K-I02I Burmeister & Andresen The Leading Jewelers ot 619 Main St., Oregon'City, Or. CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 2nd, AT 9 P. OT. For further particu , lara addrcBO tho m owning Eateffpise oro?gonty