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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1911)
MORXINa ENTERPRISE. TUESDAY. AUflUST 29, 1911 My Brother Br HLDSas C EAST ON Cmmi I t4t tr Amrtru IN ttwmt Grrcwy aad I had brra -pratd fur rtra year at ti asr bra rrmi ethane rerjr eaau&U-raM. VTb-a parted mi trwfcrc funra yr ML 1 InlTC w Crvcury m tvratj-vM. I rfce. . Iacr metAm l vera wr parrot " ' aw vt emr arparatio. I having Ut-J vtta Bijr nxxbrr aNad a4 irr-c -tf air Catbrr la Xmrrtra. Fa lb. 4W vera la Fraaca aal -vitsia all aaaatkn axxner 41 a too. Thera aa Mn for Gtrcvrj aa4 I t Ao tat ! grt trkr m if tertilr last I aaoaid root la Atnrr- 1 a4 a rajrw r aw wbraaoa of bdt arotbrr aa a boy. IhU aa 1 aad uTfT ' aw kirn aa a ui I bad ao Vda vhat aa looked like I vrota him la aaeet Bie aa air arrlral aad aa Ifaa abip waa Mm: pombod lata U dork I looked for him aaaoax the rravd avahlac j frtead. lYeaeatlr I aaar a rC mmm ; vartac at am I oaidat aee aar re anaUaara U the boy I aad parted ' wit Jeara before, bat to ra looking traJfht at mm aad Ting I threw alia a kfcas aad walled licpaiJral'j fur . tb aalp ta be dorked. Next I aa w aim kaatraiac by bbc "Here I in." 1 aaVd. H taraed aad aarprtaed by rat appearta ta know ane. 1 hare aoo Zrteoda aboard I aa looking for." be aaid karrledlr yet looking- ptuzied. yoa Jaa aaa after aeetur r I aaked. be replied. "la tea animates be reraraed. The pwxated look bad rlrrn place to a Vtnalng amlle fha aaaaa arltfe wbirh a had truM at from the dork. "Tw"r Gregarj. area't yoa T" - "Grejrory? Aad wao aaar yoa beT" "Tea Faanj.' I doat woader jtm are ot quite aar bt mm alar yoa karea't ' aeea aae for arrea yeara." "Ara yoa aar of aaar "l woo Win "t kara kuovi 70a If jew - kadat reroctJxd mm trwL" How ks tbatr . "Why. wbea yoa wared t ane from tbe docka.' He took my betootrlnjca and carried then ta tbe dork. ForTTiBJiiely we had bo tremble in getting any bajoar ex amined, aad Gregory and I aooa found araetTea aittliig ai4e br Sd la a car flag .ewillng akiag rer tbe tnoroogk farea of tbe ctty. v TUa la a fonnr meeting betweea brother aad aiatrr." 1 aald. TIow faaay?" j "Wny. we hareat erra kbel "So we haren'L" he aald. "That wit beraoae we weren't certain of each , tier. I enppone." And be drew ne , toward him and klaaed aoe. I rotlced . that tnere was a good deal naore aveat ta It Una la asoal la brotherly klaaea. ' bat tboogbt rery Httle of tt at (be time. , "Toa're boardlBg at tbe aaaoe place. -I aappoae." I aakL "Where wa I when row He top ped and looked at me inquiringly. "At 45 I cloa atreet. where yoor let- ! ter ' . ' "Certainly. Tnat'a where I am now." "Didn't yoa tell the driver where to .. rr 1 "Tea. bat to be certain 111 tell blm a ga Ut ile called to the drtrer. glrlng blm , the atreet aad Bomber. Tbe drtrer : aid "Aye. aye," and. taming a corner. got on ta another arenae. y "Toa and I will have to lire togeth- er now. Greg." I aaid. laying tny Land ' ffectioaatety oa bis. ! "Nothing wooM rait me better." ' "1 won't marry. Neither mnat yju. i II looked at me kind o fanny when ! I aaid this, bat made no reply. ) "It can't be. I raid, mora disturbed. "that yoa are engaged?" "No." be Mid. "bat I d like to be." "Oh. I'm au aorry. I hoped that yoa . and I might be Inseparable. Bat if yon love aome one" "I didn't nay that aome one lored "Tlew long hare yoa known her 7 "Abotf an boor." I waa ponied. I tamed and looked " at bim. He aeemed very morn amoaed at aometbing. "What la the world do yoa mean?" I naked. He Jaagbed. A andden aarpriae . tmrk me. Coald It be that I bad ' made a mbrtake? Tbe hot blood roan- ' d to my cbeek. j "Thin baa gone aa far aa It tbould j ga. be aaid. "tboogh lam loath to atop 1 it. I am not year brother. When I appeared to be waring at yoa from tbe dock I waa waring at aome friend on tbe deck abore yoa. Forgive me for permitting yia to continue In yoar mistake." I waa naturally too mocb aborted to ' treat the matter aa Joke. I waa rid ing la a carriage In a eity I waa not fi miliar with. lie Toad kiwi me. "Where are yoa taking me';" I amked. frightened. ' "To yoar brother. Toa gave me tbe addreae." "After your dlabonorable" I waa , beginning when he lnterpoaed. "Calm yourself. I admit I bare done wrong not to andnrelve yoa at once. Bat I almply couldn't. To have a ' lovely girl claim me aa yoa have done waa too great a temptation." He continued to apeak In a very con. pllmentary way. and well. I waa mo I- ; Hfied. When we reached my brother I found that be had tnlxaed ma at tbe teamer. not remgnlzing me. My bnnband xaya that of all tbe klaa- aa I have even given bins that flrat oa waa tbe awed eat. CbfiMM Tea 4 OIL Tea aeed oil U tbe name applied ta an oil expreaned from tbe need of the Camellia aaaaoqnla. Thla la not tbe tea tree (Camellia tbeal. nor can ha leaven be aaed. It grown principally In nonan. bat la found wherever tbe wood oil tree growa. The aeeda are gathered In October, and the extracted oil oaually rear be the market In nan knw about tbe middle of v. Infer It l by fba Ctrineae m booking oil. Are yoa a aabactlbar to the Monv . tag KntarprlM? K not yoa abould call 1 rl lot ua pat yoar nem o tbe nab l"t Imasadlate--. . 11 .... ..n-f- ' Ul JolJu uu I rJ. ru fi p. p UG U LJUU Chance for each Contestant' to, gain a big lead over her Competitors. And win one of those beasif tl Grand Upright Kimball Pianos. EXTRA VOTES FOR FIVE, TEN AND TWENTY YEARS' SUBSCRIPTIONS. VOTES ALLOWED ON PAID-IN-ADVANCE SUBSCRIP TIONS OR RENEWALS DURING THE LAST SPECIAL OFFER ARE AS FOLLOWS: Fire year, subscription to the Daily Enter. ptie, by carrier. $20.00. by maH$ 1 5.00, 25.000 Totes. Ten year' 1 subscription. $32.50 by carrier, $30.00 by mail 60.000 votes. Twenty years subscription $60.00 by car rier. $50.00 by mail, 100.000 yotetj Five year's subscription to the Weekly En terprise, $6.25, 1 5.000 votes. Ten years subscription $10.00, 25,000 votes. Twenty years subscription, $20, 50,000 votes. Money must accompany all subscriptions before votes will be issued. FIRST- PRIZE'S Two Upright Kimball Pianos VALUE ; VALUE $400 ; fln Pf $400 Each &imm Each A Purchased from Portland's Leading Music House . EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts. SUBSCRIBERS Fill in the name of candidate For whom you wish to favor with your votes with remittance for your subscription or renewal mail to Contest Department The Enterprise. Name of subscriber. 1 1 AcKIrrsj .Month. Votn For M .... District Candidate. Second Pvtzes Two "20th Century" Sewing Machines (latest model) New Home Drop Hea.l VALUE $75.00 EACH Third and Fourth Prizes MUSICAL EDUCATION BUSINESS EDUCATION WHICH? Four Prices to be AwardeS The Enterprise has used every care in the selection of these prizes.and has secured scholarships in two of the fore most educational institution in the State of Oregon. FIFTH PRIZES TWO SOLID GOLD WATCHES (Ladies sUe) Purchased at K-1021 Burmeister & Andresefl ,The Leading Jewelers oi 619 Main St, Oregon'Citj, Or. CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 2nd, AT 9 P. B. For further particu lars addroGO tho M owning Entepri se OREGON CITY - OREGON