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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1911)
r:3ttilKG ENTERPRISE CaBOOK CITY, OREGON t. K. ROME, Edits mn4 Pwhllefcer. ay , 1111, M the aeat efltce CitrDragna. andef ta Aet Iter 1 I W tews msscnrnoKi Om Tmt. by la MoalWa. by i rar ttn, ay irHrIV4.. MM 1M l.SS J uvcimsmc iato First Paae. pw ISO nrst taaartioa . pat too, kdd aoaitten any im sasai uw PYrrarred soertloa aaur aaMaS twairtlias ua nptr athrr than first aa. Bar tsa - rtrvt laaacllon. ...... Ml MP' Other Jul - aeaes First fage, pat (no 1M taarUoas..las recraa aoal! ...Me haoh 1M ...a ........ ...... ..., a tueoala tee tar Haa; la raralar aAvar. waata. Far Bala. Ta lUat. eta.. aeat a wara nrat atsaruaa: aae-1 eaca acraiuoaai. Ratea far advartMait enterprise win be the la tke Weekly am tka sally, far aSverttseiaeate eat saiisnlallt ac the waekiv. tera tha la traaefemd from tha dally a Um waak. T. wttaaat eaaaga. the rata wUl aa ft : far raa af Iba aaaer, aaa le aa area, for ajartal post Una. Caah aaauM aeaoaapaay eraer where arty la ankaowa la linataiaa aYlee at tha Baterprtae. . , . Lagal 4rrtlata at vagal artiei I aasia ' ratea. . . Cn-cue aaverttalng and apeeUI Irinalim wtrartMac at He to 10a aa lama. aeooreV speciaj canal noma gorernlnc taa " Fire Sale" and Bankrupt eeJe- aaar taeuiaats 0e tnca, first Inaarttoa: aeeJ toaal laaaruooa Saose matter Ite kaaa. News itama and wall wrlttaa artioaaa af BMrtt wtta Interest to local ramdara, will aa eladly accepted. Rajawad mm aarlpta aaver returned on Ires aoeosspaa laa by ttuiM ta prepay soma. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Aug. 29 In American History. rwa-TbaTiorttf ca'pturcorTens-Hit-- v teras and Clark, North Carolina. 100& Obaerratory of Smithsonian b attention Bnlsned oa Mount Whitney ': ' flBJBOt feet. . f , -y ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. ' (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) : Sun arts 623. rtaee 621: moon apt 21 p. m. service matt be la operation by 06 to bar llli. The schedule which will call tor ftfty-two sailings a year from th porta namd,-win furnlih - malt. fralfht an4 paaMntar aarvtoa for a (one tratch of Atlantic, Pacific and OnltelUaa. Thaaa propoaala ara lnrltad nndar a Uw of 1891 proTtdlnc a companaa Uoa of S a mil outward for Am-rican-buUt ataamahlpa of tlxtaan to twanty knots, carrying mails under contract with tha coTernment pro- Tided such ships ara eonaUuetad on dealsas approved by tha nayal de partment looking to their use as aux iliary cruisers in time of war. The new service will he of great benefit to our South and Central Am erican trade, aa well aa the trade In our own seaboards, and will In addi tion stimulate the shipbuilding in dustry. While It may be true that Admiral Togo's name meana "the Peaceful Son Of the Eastern Country" It has no such significance in Russia. eae The extraordinary session of Con gress will also be noted for the fact that Senator Heybura made Senator Root laugh. The former Shah of Persia man ages to keep his head notwlthstand lng that offer of $100,000 for It e Vacation days are fast fading Into the sere and. yellow leaf. . i M ' ' . The aeroplane may go faster than the locomotive, but the latter has Jtteretertjjingflnalltles. New Tork has Teceired thirty tons of antiquities. Wonder if "How old Is Ann " Is among the lotj The National Monetary Commis sion has been abolished, but we fall to see any crape hanging on the country's doorbell. FARMER IS FAVORED. The lot of the farmer of the United States Is a happy one. - wi i a - . M a v. . 1 1 fjiiuiiUatJ y Dgurpsi or tpg ' cclBal bureau indicate that the value of 1 farm properties In this country- Is : about $40,000,000,000, or almost dou ! ble the value of the same class of property ten years ago. Nearly all the farm lands are owned by the oc cupants, snd but a small percentage ; are tenants. In the E eastern states the tenancies are mor numerous than iu the West ern, but the returns show that mil lions of farmers own the land that they U1L The finances of the coun try may be in the control of a few, as has been charged, but the census flgures disclose that the land of the country Is still in the 'possession of the many. aa BIDS FOR SOUTHERN MAIL. Bids for carrying the United States mails between Seattle. San Francisco and Panama and between New Tork, New Orleans, and Colon, have been asked by the postofflce department The bids will be opened in Wash ington on November 25th and the new Humor and Philosophy r PVACAr ft. SMITH KISSES ITS MASTER. "CI ROM I ha parlor to tha kitchen. front 'h iiuliwHy to I ha atalr. Than U nuthtn but ronfaaloti Anil the u tuic l 1ar-alr. Sucli a riot ( ilimndvr. In aa trinmnt you would aay If ynu had a summing contaaC That tha idIhu. arva away. Thera ai boxes on tha tables. There' are bundles on the chairs. And tba run la growing- curly And a roguish as part wears. And the Ire plant only wishes It might lourney to tha sink, for It doesn't quite remember When It was It had a drink. There are nlahee on the bookcase. . There are d lanes on the range. And the tablecloth would hardly Grumble If It had a change. And the curtains that are banging With a freshness that they sham Qhre a splendid Imitation Of a smoked and seasoned ham. Just a week ago aha left us. Tou would think It was a year Since she straightened up the quarters From the way that things appear. Tou would give as your opinion Could you on the ruin gase That the whole thing couldn't happen Just In seven unrUy iv . Natural Result. -I am dead broke." - "That sor . "It la sadly so." ' "How did It bsnnear "I have beau out with a bunch of live ones." A Chestnut Tha bill collector always kanws Tha gentleman will aayi "I've got a deal about to cloee Please call again soma day. Ha takes his bills and moves aloiy, . Goes gayly through tba door. Aa though ha hadn't heard that soaa A willlloa tltnaa before. . ... "S J Spiteful. "Ours Is sn old family" That is plainly to be seen " "Do yon thluk soT How do you see It r -It has all tbe varniarka of decrepi tude." . jVWady'9 JVlirror , .. Irresistible. "She has learned l lore auotber "And who la, tbe othtrT "Some one wbo has learned to run an auto." PERT PARAGRAPHS. Tomorrow Is the wsstsbasket Into which we pitch tbe discs rd of today. Many'a good housekeeper bas no house to keep. ' A public office Is too often a private It Is the Issy man's regret that tha day of tbe lawn mower la so rapidly succeeded by tbe regime of the snow shovel. r- Dld you ever notice tbst sometimes sll tbe people you donT IIke aeem to think It your reception dsyT Tou have to esrn every sincere com pliment that is psld you snd psy for tbe others It In bard to make yourself Immune to flattery, but It can be done. Whenever you change a t-bsnce into s certainty rnu go a long way on the road to suocess. Tbe pink of perfection In one thing. snd s dark blue failure Is another Tbe fellow wbo corrects- your mis take in l. soxioun Tor yoo to do a like favor for him Dimple In tha Elbew. Women wbo "rent to Carta tbts sum mer bad tbe pleasure of seelof tu Stepbsnle elbow..- Slepbaule la an S treaa. and the elbow l Keen to beat advantage when she Is diolug or sup ping at a smart reatsuraut. St.-phnniei chief charm la her elbow. Your Aral impression ta mat it is rrj sbsiie. ' Then cornea s itlimi'-r of sbspely arm with s gleam of Ivory white skin, and finally you see tbe dimple la tbe elbow Whether her arm Is straight or bent or lying long and graceful In ber lap. the dimple Is there. It la not s tblng tbst depends upon position. The dim pie is a enure, and sll who ' Hie- pbanle's table ran see it. It la deep and pink, alluring and pretty It was sa American womsn wbo first .tried to get a dimple like It "I must have the 8ii-phnule dimple, she declared to a French Iwauty maker Tbst wan tbe beginning of tbe beauty maker's trade Now she bsa done hundreds of elbows, and Stoplianle Is no longer tbe only one who haa el bow dimples, though berw are still the most nstursl and the numt youthful 'Row do yon do Itr asked s woman of one of tbe moat aurveiuifnl of tb French dimple mskera 'My method Is dlfflciilt.- was tb reply. "I use tbe knife." "Dreadful." was the comment "Tetnot so when you come to think of It" rejoined tb beauty ariisL . merely make a cut. a sharp, not too Portland Vegetable Markets. deep little Incision, and when It beali SACK VKUin'AHtJSa Csi Is there Is a slight depression. It really a scar, but It looks like a dim pie". "But Isn't It painful ami dungeivusT Ml. t. T .. . t. I... i , uiigu, uv out II mu I iiiv nil do It snd therein lie my secret". M v., ..-n t "?- '. '- .y,i jr Keep Politics Oiitof Business and City Problems WillBeSolved Te Saairtlfy the Hair. When the balr begins falling out by reason of - dnndrna try shampooing without suafJ. A shanioo for- tbls purpose s made of tbe beaten yolka of two eggs la llmewnter. Massage tbls wsll Into tbe scalp, wash ont wltb warm water and Unlab wltb a rinse of cold water to avoid taklug cold. drams of pure glycerin wltb two ounces of II me water Every fortnight make, a thorough) application of tbls lotion to the scalp by neiarnting (be balr In atranda and putting the liquid on with a smsll soft bnixh. After the treatment the scalp must be carefully massaged wltb tbe fin iter tips, atlmu lattng circulation and hiiiiKlug hour Ishment to tbe dry cuticle After two application add -to the lotion an ounce of flin-ture or enn tha rides. Apply every night for two weeks. Tbe treatment may lie grud oally left off as tbe dandruff dim In tabes. When tbe balr Is excessively oily Umewster applied wltb a nmnll will Improve the condition, (inly h small amount should be used, enouxh to moisten the scalp without making It damp. The business of curing dandruff often a slow one. but patience bring about Its Jnt reward In a glossy, silk (Conrlnued from uae l.i new KTowth of balr snd an lix-sl REMEMBER the last snecl.l offer !!biJm"ro:,'meI,, ! "nt H doe" m - i (if si ristin rn rna inrna nm nr aiam atib oi tne contest is now In force. It continues up to the last minute. Any candidate on- the "Roll of Honor" can take the lead If she makes the best or the opportunity. JJont overlook small subscriptions they count the same as at tha begin ning oi tne contest, a thousand votes may be the winning ones on the clos ing night. Send In subscriptions as early as you can, as the subscribers want the paper. You can bold tho vota certi ficates in reserve If you wish and poll tbem at any time before 9 p. m.. oeptemDer z. Dieaur worx irom now on snd a long term subscription occasionally may win a capital Prize. -wanaiaaces wnose names were dropped from the list today can get back In the race by bringing their vote total up to 50,0(10. Next Thursday-night-is-tho last History of Polo. Polo Is the most siiclcni of all game with stick snd bull, ami probably hockey, golf and cricket are but modi fies tlon of It. The earllext record of the game are Persian and date back to 000 B. C In India It seems to bsve been known for centuries before tbe British occupation, but It rone iuto fa vor only some bslf a century ago when tbe Engllsb resident began to practice It Tbe game was Introduced Into England by tbe officerx of tbe Teutb hussar about 1 93. but at that time tbe players used hockey stick and billiard bulls. It was John Watson of the Thirteenth hiisnnrs who drew up tbo rules snd regulations which cbsng ed polo from a wild, skill Ions game Into a scientific sport. CONTEST NOTES not yield to the Inroads of scalp sick nesn. Under oo conditions should dandruff be neglected, as sooner or Ister It will csne an uncomfortable Itching snd a most unattractive head of balr. Plenty of fresh air and sunshine are excellent tonics to be used In con Junction with tbe glveu lotion. By JAMES BRYCE. English Ambassador to United States is often said that business enters TOO MUCH INTO POLITICS that is to say, that "the i n'torexU," as thuv are technically called, the men, and fsprfially the corrMira- tions of great wealth, are too frequently Irving to MANIP ULATE POLITICS for their own purposes and to use their power : orer political bodies to enrich themselves. That may be true, and. ( of course, in paru of the country IT II AS BEEN TRUE, where railroads, for instance, have practically gained the control of whole tates, t But it is also true that if business has too much encroached . Upon polities, there is a sense in which cities have thought too much 'of themselves as political bodies and too little of the business side. After all, a dtj is for some purposes to be regarded not so much ' political entity, like a nation, but rather as a GREAT BUSINESS UNDERTAKING which is trying to carry out a large number of kinds of work for tha eitixen, which is a great employer of labor, which supplies, to the private citizen much thaf be la obliged to bare and which -ha would hare to get from pnVate firms or corporations if tha dty did not undertake to supply him. The care of streets of . water, of gas. of light, Is all business, and politics, in tha sense of , party politics, should not ba allowed to get into it st alL ' - IF CITIt CAN KEiP. OUT. OF VoLITICt IN THAT INSE- NAMELY, THE INTRUSION 0 POLITICAL, OIPFERbInCES WHIR THEY OUGHT NOT. TO SE CONSIDER ID OR ALLOWED ANY WEIGHTTHEY WOULD WNO THAT HAL OR MORI THAN HALF ' OF THEIR DIFFICULTIES 'WOULD Dia'XpPCA The Care af the Teeth. Fruit stains may be removed from the teeth by nibbing tbem with salt or brushing them with a toothbrush thnt baa been dipped In salt. The mouth should be well rinsed sfter this trest- tnent une often tlnds himself wltbont looinDmxn wnen spending the dnv "- nin'ii uiipuperieaiy-Bway rrom nome. in such an emergency a rltiMf or soda Water will prove effective In time votes will be counted by the Con- cleaning tbe month snd teeth Rorni test Management Friday moraine water Is alm an" excellent substitute. tbe ballot box will be sealed and turn- snd one or the other of the ,im.,i,. eu uer iu iuS juuges. tjeuer vote remenip is certain to be st hand. "2" n n.0 now on "o r-r dully use one of the m.s.1 plea ;.hi- .11. "zrj nnn wncw wnhes 1 weaken r; J " " -"ZS.ry M "lun t cologne water A tat.l " '""r reouiiy wnen tney -w,i .. . . . . . see you are near tha ton nf th. tut "n" r to nmr a ahatm wti" aiv. nn I P,nt " water I tbe orrecl nronor any subscription. One vote msy be u " nnl ""'flnre should le iMitiM me means or winning the prize you mci" wn" iininiB wnere it are after. Not many changes In tho vote totals today, ouess you are all too busy getting subscriptions to take time to vote. Or perhaps you are holding dbcr 10. matte a grand rush on the closing night Don't overlook any promises made by friends to help before the close of tne contest Oo sfter them at once. Tney may be waking for you. is always bundy Sleep at a Resterstivs. Any number of women who are em. ting ruthlessly Info their allowance to swell the cash drawer of the beauty i-nnors coma solve tne riddle of appear lng fresh nod animated ir ihey would but make a pni.-tk-e of taking the proper sroonnt of sleep The vslue of a twenty-year suDscripiion msy win sieep as a rexiorntire mid h n fountain a $400 piano. It's worth trying to I of youth l unlHIersl.te umll one hH (Ob oathed regularly tlwreiu. Uslmost seems magic n Its effet t. nod many a woman who has discovered the secret Is the, envy snd sdmlrstlon of ber besory parlor friend. Flabt boor for work, eight hour f, sleeo and elcht for play la the old rule Op to now o one has Improved on this pro portion. If yoo csre more fur the Miss Story still holds tha lead In District No. l. she bas been there all by herself for some time but you won't be lonesome, tbe closing night, Miss Story, unless you keep busy, ana very ousy, at subscription-get ting. None as yet haa usurped Miss Smith's position in District No. 2. um mora are going 10 ne some close I iTrwervsrion or fnnr youth snd st- iiinsiiea DBturaay nignu i anow rouri iracrivenesa thsn for yonr pleasure ' iueir ajaa uu losi ivimnaii I ills nnr leaa ihm . nl..A I . iu... I . "- "-.Kill I . V.UU.U1W ininsa sue tours or sleep from tbe twenty fonr have a "dnch" In District No. 1. she iwamy roor. naa octter ensnge tnat "thlna,', and waste no more time thlnkinc: but bi own to ousiness. Any candldaU In District No. 1 la ,eiigiblfor first place. Going to be an exciting nnien September i. It you want your friends to know you; are In the race, you had better no some voting nerore August 11, as the Isst count will be made by the boniest Msnagement and publlahed on that date. Friday morning tbe bal lot box will be sesled and turned over fool 'and his hooey are a stlckr com bins tkm. If yon bsve any trouble to loan loan k to yonr enemies. - as Tbe devil is always la en tbe secret when we deceive ourselves. Tne reason why we can't put our- SUGAR STILL SHOWS TEKY The suga- market Is firmer thsn ever before and with a rise of sn ad dltlonal ten cents In tbe New York market Monday, the price was ad vanced ten cents by one refinery the California liswallsn on the coast. The strength In the sugsr market comes In response to the further re duction of estimates of the world's beet crop. The . European crop Is said to have suffered even greater dsmsge than at first anticipated and for that reason the foreign markets are again leading the world s with higher prices. r. News Is coming from ths Amsrlcan beet fields and as a general rule the cron Is much smaller than expected .van aa lata as ten days sgo- Tbls Is true of California, Oregon and Ida ho as well as In Utah and other beet nroduclns- section of the United r sw States. Owng to the constsnt advances In the price and the stoppage of the sale for future deliveries, ths orders for spot sugsr are causing the refineries to fall much behind In their orders. HIDES (Burins' Green hldts, 5c to 6c; salters, 54c to 6c; dry bides, 12c to 14c. Sbtep pelts, jrc to foe esch. DRIED rnUlTS T-ocal orlces are firm at from 8c toTOc on apples and prunes. Reaches sre lo. SALT Selling too to boo for'nne 50 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 75 for tOO-lljuaackav: eumu cash CASH and CREDIT People who earry all thalr sash ereund with n,,m - ' ..i.t. itamaalanae. ') a Thoae "ho deposit regulsrty In this bank Ineresse not sai. , a.aata. but bglld a substantial aredlt also. w Cash aoss furthest wbsn supplemented by Oeed CrsSit ' 0po' t your sash and build your aredlt at . The Bank cf Oregon City OLDEST BAH X 131 Till COUNTY O v LaniimrrTB Praaldeal THE FIRST rtATIOWAL BAt; of OREGON CITY , OREGON fl.t5Ofl.50 per ssck; parsnips, 5125 Iff 1.50;' turnips, fl.25Vfl.6b; beets, fl.SO. VKGETADUCS Aiparasui, oc f 1.75 per crate; esbbage, new. ft per hundredweight; csulltlower. fl.eOO $t. 75 er dnien; celery, California, 75v it 0c per duien; cucumbers, fl.SOtf 53.25 per dotun; eggplant. 15c per lb.; garlic, locOlZc per pound; lettuce, 50c per doien; hothouse lettuce, fl.50 (if 2 per box; pess, Oll0 per pcund; peppers. 30cCf35c p-r pound; radlahea, 15c per doien; rhubarb, IVic 3c per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomatoes. f?0f3.25. ONIONS Jobbing prtois; Oregon f2.75 per . 400;. Australian, f 3 50 per 100; Texss, $2.25 per crate; Cs'lfor nia, 12 per crate . Oregon CUv Stock Quotations. HOGS Hogs are quoted He loser From 125 Iba. to 150 Iba, sir, -from 160 lbs. to 200 lbs. me. BACON, LAHD and HAM. sre firm VEAL CALVES Veal cslvee orlng from 8c to tuc sccording to grsde. HEEF 8TEER8 leel ateers for the locsl markets sre fetching IWI 6VsC live eeignt. , SIIEEP-Mvia urui st e to 5e live weight. - Ouotartana er Oregon Clt). POTATOES Peat. Buying IK cents Itounrt. KIXDUil AND FEED-Plour is steady, selling from 15 to 15 30; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buynsi Gray. 123 to 124. white, from 125 to f 26. BUTTER (Haying) Ordinary ccuntry brings from 15c to 20c, fancy dslry from 20r to 22c. cream ery 22c to 25c. E009 Best grade 25 cents. POULTRY .(Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good bens sre bringing 12c. Old roosters. are In noor acmann, broilers bring from 16c to 18c witn gooa demand WOOL (Buy;r,gi .Vool nrlcea are ranaing rrom 14 to 17 cent. r r.u;i snorts 129 to tin- rnii..i bsriey, 131.50 to f.lSSO; process bnr lev, 1,13.00; whole corn. Itonn- rracneo corn. 1 10 0.0: wheal ifinn on meai. ,,3; stmdv llroili dslry feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds HAY (Buying.'- Tlmothv n , $17; clover 49 to 110: nnt liv IJ2; mixed. $10 to $12; alf-.lfa.fl2 to CATTLE MARKET STRONG. Hog Ahe Little Higher But Pries Of oneep snows No Change. - The Portland Union t v.- Company reports a followr- Recepts for the week' hnvo ,1-een 1765 cattle, 203 rslves. iisi h.,. sheep and 17 h.rntw. - A rmn'mrH wth the e-k nievioiih i:.i, decreaso of -!72 cm Me at,. calves, an V.n . J"'y- a "wn'SHe of t" miecp mill a ilccre-ne horses. CAPITAL SSd.SOe.Oa traiaus"csltsnhlrt slseaa. Oeesi frMH 4. CORRESPONDENCE ANDY. U B.llotrmsn bss purchssed ten seres from If. E. Klock. Mr. Holt man Intends erecting on tbls place an up-to-date slaughter bouse for bis butcher business. 0. T. Hoffman a building a large new butcher shop on Main street. 0. II. Krebs, 'contractor, is doing tbe work. Patroiilie our advertisers. WanKEoLSalcftc. atlwai aaSar thaaa elssalftaS will ba lneM4 si oaa eal a erg' fire inaarllun hall a eit adSllluaal Inaar lluoa. one larh care, II aar ataaUi. naS laoS ear4. I uaaai n ear asuath. laah tnuat asrvaiBaar araar aniaaa ana has an uvB irmral with taa Mc flaanrlai rveixmallillliy lor errors: waeei ermre on-ur free aurrvclad antloe Will a arlaleS lor aal raa Mlnlmuai asiafwa lie WANTID. WANTEI-ColIeriors to see my col lection of sll sorts of curioa, an tiques, snd Indian trinkets; stamps for stamp collectors; coins (or numismatists, arrow heads for arch eulogists, el. I buy ass sail sll tlKNKf) HA VII, ClUl-utt Irth Anniversaries et ytttM on Are Observsi J - There was a merry s-jiL the home of Ur. snd Mrif Sekna) on Tenth and joki Adams Streets Sunday evwiu, occasion bslng ths csUbrstkng birthday anniversaries of Mr and his one-year-old soa. ki th prominent AustrUa tu this city attended, aod tU r was devoted to music. Rs(r: wera served during the tn About fifty persons were hi g ance. . www-wvwwwaaaAt CARRIER SCRVICI AT i VVILLAMITTt. -jw Dacianiag tba atorslsg af k w urumj. Ulll 20, ail Wawt eV-ara-fur-the Morning ewnr living la and shout WUliaaa will receive their papers kr Her Instead of by nail. Mint Wilson will be the carrier at wttl act as agent at WUIisats REMEMBER, SATURDAY, ft the new Carrier Berviot tun sorts of rurlos; slso all kinds of secondhand furniture end tools. George Young, - Main, near Fifth street. WANTi-i - muaii advertisements fo tbls eol'imn. rice iry reason able, bee rst-ee st head of riVjnia Read the Morning Knterprlee. of 2.1 The cnttli! niurkct tiiron week waa stronK to ir, r.t. nl)?n,ir If there was ny suspicion r.f si,,; nesa In the miirkct f ,,(,.rt ,. iiiiiciHT iiivern ru!iiu,i . .1.. mand for .!.,. iic),t(.r r.i,.- . ... the market iij .i full is rnnt T-t . .... ib iiok mnrKet. a i. i. ... tt.t i , nn, ions nau in as nr. n-i. . '"u: nKn l"'lre wbm brought by a slilpnipnt from r.mV: " hot i " . " "or IT 1 "1 " nroiieriy rod and were ",' nn nnirorrn. Of tho lut hogs npcclrnd oniv am ,.... . ,' ca. territory; the ini'lZ delivered on contmtt ti," Wa" '.,MI or no '"K- In theaheep market. There wer, son little d.! in ffi,er.. ,he trmTn having realized thsi iv, LY0!? opportunity fr profll. ,M ,mr;H,"" some of thj tn pheop il Bt cons , tuted th. heavy recilp,? "thl - Lmmot soin r.,r 14 fcft km- . nrKM ,- ..... V "" '" mo r "-"u wan s z. : .ti Tf stock sheep. tlveh Allowing sains are WANTED Young lady clerk for sen- J eral drygood store In Oregon City. ' State sse snd experience. Address i "A," Enterprise office. 2t 1 WANTED Hop pickers, good pick ing, good camp grounds, free crates, free traiiNportatloii from boat or train to yard for pickers snd bag- -age.. Apply !', Kunilck, 12 Uth street. WANTED To rent 1 or 2 seres of land snd house; outb-jlldlngs for chicken raising preferred; low rent Address y. J. u. care Enterprise, OreKon City. jt WANTED Girl st Brunswick resUu rsnt. ,t WANTED You to know that the En terprlse Job printing department Is the most complete Id toe State, outside Portland. Trv It for vour en priming WANTED Girl for general ho.. work. Cnll at store one door north of First National Bnnk. or opposite imniuiTlce. FOR SALE Spurs In this rnl..n,m Sell that old plow-or harrow; yon dnnt use It since you purchased your new one FOR HAI.K-On.. tnd 7iiie"i;ilhsraa st Gladstone, seven room house and hum. Inquire K. A. Iluuhes, Olsd stone, Or. VIIITE QUEK FLOUR I A Straight Blstsh avsry sack Ousrsnteed. ample tack Free, Sole Agents for Kerrect Poultry Foes. Oregon Commission G 11TH AND MAIN IT. Oregon City. FOII-KAL- I nhitlr-rl - hv .nrf hoiimh'.ld irmid. Innuire GlndKtone, tw.i t HUKhes, HARD WOOD for i,lc. ett, Itoute Xr. 2, Phone tfif K A. Hack Oregon City. some thin represoiit.i- ,j 1 J . . . ...I aftsr B m m V.nfamW IT" ,w' MVtm ,n 0thUT 'OWJS plSCa bl srter p. m., September J, when the kaaM ha haa ah an winners will be declared. The Judges !T h fcM mK " ln"l will be announced Wednesday morn- p ' T lng. They will be representative men ' . ' ' ' ' of onr community and show no nr- 'Tlng down a law la a lot easier - v r-i r-."o'"t It vx ' 114 Steers 26 Steers 35 Steers 23 Steers 26 Steers ..... 3 Cows 27 Cows 23 Cows j 246 Lambs 12 Lambs ... 24 Lambs-.,. "" 11 Lambs 321 Lambs 109 Lambs (cull's) 15 Ewes 340 Wethers . ." 80 Holfers .... ' i Calves ., 57 Cslves 39 Calves ... Calve '" 6 Bull " 1 Bull 35 Hogs 149 Hogs FARM LOANS! "" f'ARM I.OANS-Dlmlck a Lawyers. Oregon City, or. Dlmlck BAS E BALI RlCRf ATI0N PARK, Cor. Vswghe and Twenty-har I TACOMA PORTLAND August St, , SO, ti end left" Oantee Begin Weekdeye st f undays, 2:10 P. It LAOICS' DAY MIOAV. Boys tptoe It rtee to Bketf Wednesday. mnnixsenEAnsTSE-isr LIGHT RUNN!N3y ATTORN KYI. ' D EBT, Attorney st-I loaned, abstracts rlirni era,wL,lnK,,,7; ,mW- ral law builnesa. Ovae Bank at Oregon City. Mone ftimlahed, land te In . i . L "u Kl, Will pre .1.!." 'ou"'' wlleetlosi. a I.. n V:'"'""' "rnc " ater U ' ",0, CUv-. Oregon. arsi Bra 3 Mill toft"' I . aT ' "J UltOtR AMD CO-TsiaCTOR. ..1225 . .I2i; ..1000 ..lor,o . . loos . . BUI .. 73 .. 7n .. 79 .. 82 .. 56 .. 59 108 100 8!i 216 313 .'377 320 Intro 1270 230 l."o":?-i::: m n.f.r, 5.25 600 4.75 4.75 4.B0 3.75 4.80 4.80 4.00 3.75 3.25 3.00 3.00 4.50 7.50 700 6.50 4.0i 3.00 2.00 1.35 8.25 7.60 7.00 H,U?"KS-:h""''T d Owners. m ... . - . , ,fcmM eheetfull, tos;.;. "J w"" ''foread - rnone Mala 1L INSURANCE. IM-BI KStatH. tjmt M fn?i ' e- "iiwuei-. we bur Ball as eirhnea r.... w.oq. sell BBS ui haadl II aad Ra'erprlee MlSCELLANEOUlC TYo?w'T MAY. CONCERNi- Pndlture, I shall n . 'ir WhM 'sponsible ,na, "J longer be - D'ed Angust 25, l"u!C DD' MVoE'tffBL8. ot Ne'; Ifywa wantellhera VlbwllM"V . BbutUaorSHInleThr.-.l L'.??" Mewlns Machine wrtJr-- Orange. M , Maar r4ns iaae-M """JTi aaallir. kui the He w U a at . , Oat tasraatr n,!zL a aid by sMllbarlsed - vos ts sv VV. U MARSHALL. MS Uaerlaaa at. frVm . . S10 REWARD ... l-or the arrest sd f of any person or P?2rif f 4 unlawfully rsmovs copt" , Morning Entarprle noB,, premises of -subscriM 'k paper has been piseed 4 oarrter. 1 e ... ' '" XT 1 'Uti. i..t..aii SNTEnP" " w ins annn" IU- la on sale at the followlnf v avary dsyi . HunUey eroa. Main Btrsst J. W. MeAnulty-Jf leventh and 6ecrest-Confectl7 Main nesr tnl.. M. B. Dunn-ConfecUo - Next door to f -. City Druf Electrlo Howl Echoenborn C"i,i:f, Csvaath and J. Q