Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 27, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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lZ 1 eaa:!aia'''a!ga jiifT"'1 ' 1 i f 17 1 '
'II r,
adies Attention
Called to our Special Sale on Ladies
and Misses' House dresses and Child
ren's Wash dresses. A beautiful as
sortment to choose from.
Suspension Bridge Cor.
Oregon City
Lttlns Thtm
Lg HIiit R""
lou t "
1 .. II
L (g quarter
Iwlng K,HM'
want t
U oU;hl to If
btb ecu l
f.JArklBMf larksaywi IttJhla
on Haturdny.
Irorgs limner. t wm"i -
city Saturday.
H. K'lnl. r Carua, was In
eliy on Hut unlay.
lulllvu TIhiiiiuh, of Beaver Creek.
Id thin ,ciiy on uuimni nmi-
iillliin Hliniinon. wno nas ueen
f, HI Hli typhoid fevers la I m pro v-
, llholl iok will leave lt Electric
.leach 'ly "t 1 o'clock p. tu.
Mr. toil Mm. Fred link, of Bhubel,
it n Hil city business Batur-
Vr .ml yr I'eter Bohlender, of
Iter . r-.-k. were TirThTITCIiy Bat
ilr. Crook, of Mullno, was among
Ortxon Ciiy buslnwas tlsltora on
Ira. lant;lc Johnson, a well known
kl tut- woinun of Miiwaukie, waa
ihl city on himlueas Saturday.
Mr. and Mm A. . II. Stevens, or
liI lnr. well known residents of
kt plate, were In thla City on busl-
t Haturdity.
Ir. and .Mm Robert Snorigraeg and
(u chlldreti. of Mullno, were In tbla
y on Hut unlay, having come In
fir autiMiiiilitlv.
llmer 111), turn of the well known
(men of Mullno, waa transacting
iiuoat m tula city on Saturday.
Mrs. Krnnk BeUel left otwSaturday
rnlng for Hranlde, where ahe will
(be K'lrxt of Mra. Clarence Farr,
Bio la camping tin' re.
Mr. Lena Cliarinan and daughter.
im June, who have been spending
10 ek ut Newport, have returned
i their home lu thla city.
Charles Ki'iir and father, Mr.
iware, of I leaver Creek, prominent
rWtnt of i hut place, were In thla
It J on Katuicluy.
Mn. Richard Hrhoenborn. who haa
kn vimting with reiatlvea at Carua
br several l;t ". returned to Oregon
ity on Saturday morning.
Clarence Karr, who haa hr.en apend-
H the l'ut week with hla family,
Ho Is enjoying caiup life at Seaside,
br returned tu Oregon City on Frl
ly evening.
Mrs. Fred Bv.lft and eon. Richard.
this city, who have boon vlaltlug
rlth Mrs. Hwirt's brother. Dr. Wood
Kl wife, of Portland, hare returned
u Orogoii tity.
Mn. c. (i. Miller, whj haa been
ry III with an attack of typhoid fe-
lr, is now able to alt tip. and her
unimiuu l nint h Imoroed within
past low days.
Ulss Myra Hecox. of kladraa. who
bookkeeper for W. V. Hammer Com-
My, and who haa been In thla-city
MlHlllc her Hlxtr Mra Inhn Ailama.
pu roluriied to Madras to resume her
Df. and Mrs. p. H. Melaaner. who
'' been occupying the lower part
ln rehlUmico of Mra. Uosa Char-
nan on Seventh street, will take pos
Mlon of the resldeuce of Mr. and
. bdward atieuhau.
nn Qui iifilav
''Hit for HiMid River, wnere he will
th gui-Ht of friends until Sunday
"iiltiK. u be .CCom Danled
nome by ,Ih sister, Mlsa Nellie, who
1U been vlnltlna: frlenda thra for
"verul iiHys. .
irs. Nathaniel Smithy and two chll
n. of this elty have gone to Carua,
ere they -will remain with rela
,lvi until ih. ri-.. .
U -ass d v vi nuav tv wv
nr, Smlthv la an.rtm.tA M I
"t place for a few daya.
a. i-rirn nr thla .! . tak.n
iihe 8t- Vlpnt' Hoa'pltal, Port-
'UQ, on KrldaV. KhM. V,m nnnnnl
aurglr.ui operation for appendlcltla. ,
"ration waa ery successful,
Mr. irlce a condition la very far-
Mrs. W lllli.m OI...K.. ..J
a Mrs. n. Kuerten, who have been
ih?S-n,1 'r the past thre weeka at
v.. . w "un tiiy. r. nnea
n l Dent hi ,.. : u.
'inlly li"v wun uia
aepn'r!.VDR1,8jr IjJrMn. ot thla city, who
compB(1 t pRrty Qf frendg tQ
She iu J! return to Oregon City,
will, i mhnY Intareatlng polnta
Eiih.; "-v'tt and daughter. Mlsa
dm wh0 hve be apendlng the
fwmi8r- ,n thl" cltr visiting the
2'r n. J. LevJtt. and fSmilr.
it Mil fhU v"l'lt 'or their home
with M,ni"e: wu- Tr vtoit
on thi nU ln Cand 'or ten days
i2.ii!'r w,y East. Mra. Levitt and
this ciTJ m a ,nRn'r while in
of rvmrfT: '-""lure ann aon, w lbur,
.Condon, Or., who hav he.n In thl.
John Ada'.1' 0f.the f0mer', brother'
Adams, and wife, have gon. to
Astoria, where they will Visit friends
and attend the Centennial for several
daya. and will then go to Albany,
where they will visit friends.
Miss Martha Parker, who haa been
apendlng the paat two weeks In thla
city with her pnrenta, Mr. and Mra.
Charles I'srker, has returned to Port
land, where she' will reaume ber posi
tion. Mra. Parker recently sprained
her ankle, and her daughter has been
caring for her.
Dr. K. A. Somtner, formerly of Ore
gon City, haa moved his office to 1017
Col belt building, Portland.
Kred White and daugbte", Mlsa Jean
White, who left thla city in Febru
ary, lll, for lAke county, where
they went for the purpoao of taking
up a claim, will start for Oregon City
on Monday, coming overland. Miss
White haa one of the finest plecee or
land consisting of 10 acrea which la
now In her own possession, aa ahe has
filed upon her claim. Mr. White will
return to hla claim after visiting In
this city.
Mrs. Pauline Scb warts, who haa
ben spending the paat two weeka
with br dauahur, ilraiidwardJjun
fua and family, ar Baatnn.-Waah.T-re-turnd
to Oregon City on Saturday
morning Mrs. Schwartt bad a moat
delightful time, aa the Surfua family
la camping on the banka of Lake
Kacbea, Mr. Surfua being eugaged In
construction work on a fl'ime for Ir
rigating purposes that la being con
structed by lbs II. P. 8. K. S. Com
pany, 320 men being employed at that
Mra. Edward Sheahan and family
and Mra. Sbeaban'a mother, Mrs. 11.
Kuertea, who have resided In this
city for many yeara, will leave this
evening for their new home at Powell
Klver, Hrltlsh Columbia, where Mr.
Sheahan preceded hla family aeveral
weeks ago, and who la imijing a re-
sponalltle, posTtToiTwllh laige paiwrj.
mill at that place. Mra. Kuerten ex
pecta to return to this city In the near
future. The Sheahan family have
many friends here who regret to see
them loave.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lawrence, or
liend, arrived In tbla city on rrlday,
having come Ip the touring car. Tbey
visited at McMinnvVlle on their way
Uiere. Mrs. Iawrenre will make her
home in rortiana aunpg me romm
winter, when their daughter will enter
the Washington High School. They
will return to llend aa soon as school
closes. Mr. Lawrence will return to
liend within a few week. While In
thla city they are the Kiieals. of Mr.
and Mra. C. (I. Miller, the lutter be
Ing a alater of Mra. Lawrence.
Mrs. E. Thomas, of Uoaver Creek,
who recently met wlih an accident
when ahe broke her leg while coming
to thla city, when ahe Jumped rrom a
buggy, waa able tq be taken to her
home on Saturday. Mra. "Ihomae has
been under the care of Prs. K. A.
Sommer and H. 8. Mouut. and . has
been at the Wlldwood Hospital. Her
daughter. Mlsa lllodwen, who haa been
In constant attendance at the hospi
tal, also left for her .home. Miss
Tbomaa la one of the young ladlea In
the contest of the Oregon City En
H. A. Glenn, wife and daughter,
formerly of Law ton. Oklahoma, have
located In Newburg. Mra. (Jlenn la a
daughter of Deputy Sheriff Miles.
Miss Ileryl Datdorf, Mlsa Inei
U)ulse Zimmerman aud Albert Buck
lea have returned from Long Beach,
where they spent three weeks. Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Wllllama will remain
at the beach two weeka.
J ud ire and Mra. John W. Meldrum
left Friday for Klamath Falls, where
they will spend a month visiting their
son, Charlea Meldrum, and will visit
Crater Lake while In Southern Ore
gon. During their absence Miss Eva
Meldrum will have Mrs. Matilda
Charman aa her gueaj at the Meldrum
ranch, north of Oregon City, at Mel
drum atatlon.
n the Nursery.
Fresh ripe fruit without sugsr la
very wholesome, eeieclally If eaten lu
the early part of the day. So uiu u
sugar la often added to atewed fruit
aa to wake It undesirable for some
children, especially tboee aubjert to
aklu trouble.
To make an attractive screen for the
nursery get light bamboo screen isn
old one will dol and remove the sllko
Une with which these are usually
covered. Substitute dark red or green
cambric and cover It with colored pic
tures, pasted on so tbst each panel la
given over to one kind, such aa' flow
era, animals, children, etc. The screen
will prove Its value lo the early morn
dig hours when the baby will lie aud
look at the pictures Instead of start
ing an untimely concert
A pretty crib cover way be wade
from a yard each of white and pale
blue or 4nk flannel. On the colored
flannel embroider a flower and bow
knot design, on the white a conven
tional border and a large ceutral moo
ograui. Kind the two together by
weans of wide aa tin ribbon and put
tlie bow or rosette In one corner, with
the colored aide considered as the top.
When a child eata or drinks sny
thing thst la hot enough to burn the
mouth give him a teasoonful of pure
olive oil. telling him to hold It lu lil
. ....
moufit aa long aa possible
swallowing It
Ty, Cobb, Greatest of 'Em All
Tijer Boy Playing the Best of His Career and Leading
Country In Batting, Base Stealing and Run Getting
; One Mother's Eaperiee.
A wise young mother who seeniFTo
hsve excellent control over her Utile
ones let fall a few words of wisdom
at a "mothers' club" recently.
"When my babies are tired at night
and It'a time for them to go to bed."
ahe aald when another mother asked
ber bow she succeeded ao well In get
ting her children to bed without a
row, "I never aay "Get ready for bed
at ouce and put away your plaything
Immediately," for tbst will call forth
tears and a protest ajralnM the strict
command. Instead I suy. 'Nearly
time for bed. so put away your play
things In a few momenta.' In this
way they hsve fnlr warning, and they
irtr mlil 'in fl-"'"g i.. gn Viti""
fore t-." W 'I,.- ? ' :.' ... :
-j:-'-5 -e r.. ; . w
Mr. and Mrs. II. Lelsmnn, of Will
amette entertained In a most delight
ful manner at their home on Friday
evening In honor of their son. Ewald
Lelsman'a seventeenth birthday. The
evening waa devoted to gamea. Re
freshments were served. The young
man waa the recipient of aeveral
beautiful as well aa useful gifts. The
affair waa planned and carried out by
the young mia'i family, and proved a
great aurprlae.
Those attending were Mlsa Mary
Lolsman, Miss Martha Lefaman. Mlsa
Adah Mass. Mlaa Ida Berdlne, Miss
ni.n Pniwk. Miss Mildred Ream,
. r. ..... ni.L.
Mlsa Alice Oliver, Miss mcue
baugh. Mlsa Maud LIghtbody. Ewald
T.i.min. TTrnest Mass. Jr.. Harry Pol-
mhn Ream Jr.. Leo Larsen,
Charley Chrlstensen and Walter Lela
final signal comes. That's my very
simple method."
It Is well for young mothers to re
member this one mother's way. for It's
the keynote of the real understanding
of the child heart Sympathy Is a
quality children never fall to Under
stsnd and appreciate. Imnplne a
mother being told by some one In au
thorlty to put down her book without
finishing the one chapter which Is the
most liiferentlng In the whole book
Would It not at least save n frown of
Impatience to- be told to flulah the
chapter first?
Hslping Baokverrf Children.
Many mothera would be perfectly
willing to help their children wlih
their aehool work If tbey ouly knew
If a child la alow to. rend and spell
It will help to aay. "Shut the do-o-r.
"Get me a b-o-o-k. pleuwe:"' "Vour
balr la b-ro-w-o." "Your ryes are
b-l-u-e." Then encourage the child to
tell you something the same way. eveu
If It la only "Iook at the c a t."
If there are some new words to spell
give the child an old newspaper and a
pair of aclaaora and let ber cut out
the letter uud form the words who.
been. work. etc. .Thla will Impress the
letters on the mind more than repeat
Ing them.
To tempt children to read rouse their
rurloslty by putting a picture In the
middle of the sentence, aa the Iran
went Into a hole.
Tell a atory and apell a word occa
lrnallr. aa: Once there waa a dear
little (rabbit) and It nad long tears).
It went for a little (walk) one day In
the (field), etc.
T.n Cammandmsnta For Baby.
Give the baby It" food at regulnr
boura. .
Give the baby water.
Give the baby no medicine unless
nreacrlhed by the doctor.
Ulve the baby a tub bath every dny.
Do not put warmer clothea on tno
babv lu the aummer time tnnn yon
wear vonraelf.
KeeD a window open nignt ana aay
In the bohr'a room. Colds come rrom
closed wlndowe. not from open one
if the baby doea not gntn weigui
see the doctor. Something, wrontf.
Do not rock the baby to sleep. I ut
It down and let it cry Itself to sleep
Boll all milk before giving It to tne
if you cannot employ a doijor apply
to the nearest police atatlon.
Photo by American Presa Association
The railroad company Is grading
Front a'reet and when the work Is
complete it will add much to the Im
provement of the city.
A nine-pound baby ?!rl arrived at
the home of D. M. Finch Filday morn
ill t
Judge Kelso waa au uregotrty-
vlslior Tuesday morning.
Dr. Townley had a call u Oak
Grove Thursday morning.
dale, Wash., and alater Mlsa Marion 1
isayior, oi UKianoma, aro loe um
of Mr. and Mra. R. L. htrron. Mlsa
Nay lor la a teacher In the Indian
school and she haa a five-year-old
Shoshone Indian girl with her.
Mr. and Mra. J. B. Evens returned I
home Friday evening ' from Eugene
where they went on a bualness trip.
Mr. and Mra. J. R. Iwls, of Carua,
celebrated the thirty-fifth anniversary
of their marriage Sunday. Mr. and
Mra. Lewis were born In Walee. They
lived ln Walea until coming to Carua.
twenty-alx years ago. Tholr children
presented them with a beautiful all
ver tea set Those present were Mr.
and Mra. J. H. Grlffltha and two
daughters, Emily and 0 'ttrude, of
Portland; Mrt and Mra. T. J. Lewla,
of Oregon City; Mr. and Mra. A. A.
Spangler, of Carua; Mr. and Mra. Glon
Bergen and eon, Philip, of Aurora;
Mr. Evar Lewis, Sr., and aon, and
John F. Lehnar, of Carua.
Taaehlng Chivalry.
My little boy has always, been very
chivalrous In hla attitude toward me."
said a mother recently. "This trait I
make ue of now when be comes from
school saying, aa most amall boys do
tt on time or another. '1 don't like
the teacher I talk about the large
lumber of little hoya the teacher has
under her charge, how tired she must
get how much ahe oeeda strong,
manly little boys to help her. and wy
son decides at once that he'd like to
be a brave, strong knight to protect
Ibe teacher He alwaye goee back In
a helpful frame of mind."
Waters Left by the Deluge.
The Desert de Carlltte, In the Pyre
nees, close on 10.000 feet above the
sea. contains no less than sixty lakea
of varying slaea. These, according to
local tradition, were left at the time
of the flood When the watera aub
alded It appears that Noah and hla
family landed on the Puy de Prlgue.
one of the highest peaka In the di
trlct Convludlng proof of the truth
of thla tradition la round In an Iron
ring to which, the peasants declare,
the ark was moored when the landing
waa effected.
oak grove.
- -. . ... i ikijeoe3
Francis Griffith wa given -a poa-
tal card ahower Friday by the band
girls after their lesson. In honor of
her tenth birthday.
The Concord school la aearlng com
pletion and will be ready for the fall
term, professor Pflngston or Salem,
haa been engaged aa principal and
Mlaa Themle Draper, of Oregon City,
aa primary teacher.
John Rlsley Is home from Seaside
for a few daya, looking after hla bay
The threshers are at the Oatrleld
ranch and will move to 11. O. Stark
weather's the first of the week.
Mr. Spauldlng and Mlaa Madge
Ellis went to Portland Saturday
morning to meet Mlaa Carle Spauldlng
who la coming, bom on a visit from (
Twin Falls, Idaho. I
Edward Olds. Dellom Olds and
Tope Jahna Wt Friday morning 'for
St. Martin's hot aprings on a ten
daya' vacation. v
Mra. Kennedy and daughter, Mlsa
Louts, were Portland visitors Thurs
day. Bert Wllllama went to Rooster Rock
Tuesday on a vacation of alx daya.
Fred Lehman, of Mllwaukle, waa
here on business Thursdiy.
The funeral services of Mra. Emley
Tripp waa held Wednesday afternoon.
Rev. W. R. Allen conducted the ser
vices. Mrs. William Cederson and daugh
ter were Portland visitors Thursday.
Mra. R. P. Peterson and daughter,
Bulah. of Nebraska, are visiting Mra.
Peterson's brother, Georgo Hanson
and family. Mrs. Peterson has been
West three months and thinks Ore
gon la all right and Is ;nJoyJrig the
R. L. Herron and family returned
home from a three weeks' automobile
trip In Eastern Oregon and Washing
ton. They report a very pleasant
Mr. Marcher waa hurt In Portland
.Wednesday evening and la tinder a
doctor's care. An examination will be
made today with the X-ray to see If
any bonea are broken.
Mrs. Frank Mason and eons were
out from Portland Thursday visiting
Mra. J. H- Graham and family.
The wedding of Mlsa Lottie Ware.
of parkplace, and Ray Shupe, of Oak
Grove, which took place at Albany
Monday evening, came aa a aurprlae
to the rrlenda and relatives here. Ray
Is the aon of Jim Shupe and la well
known In Clackamas county.
Mra. Julia Holt spent Friday with
her mother near Vancouver Wash.
W. M. Rice went to Albnny Thurs
day on business, returning Friday.
The Little Girls' Sewing Society,
superintended by Mlsa Betrlce Sherk,
met at the home of Mary Rice Wed
nesday. These young glrU are learn
Ing to sew and are making sewing
aprons at present. t
E. O. Swain and Mr. Barnea. of Cal
Ifornta. spent Thursday afternoon
with E. C. Warren and family. Mr.
Swain waa Mr. Warren's school teach
er In Chlco. Cal., when a boy."
Roy Branton. of Madraa, Or- form
erlv of Oak Grove, waa here a few
hour Friday visiting old friends.
Mr. Eller's sister, of Portland, spent
Thursday at the Eller home.
Mra. Bond, from the East, aunt of
Mra. William Wella la visiting rela
tlvea here and her brother, Mr. Mur-
nhv. of Portland.
Mrs. Wells and children and Mra
Bond were Portland visitors Friday,
Mlsa Imogene Innman wnnt to Day
ton Saturday and returned Monday.
Mra. Ida Innman waa a week-end
visitor at Newburg, Or.
Owing to the death of Mr. Toung
at Damascus, the Ulna' uanri am not
ro aa the plcnlo waa Indeflnately
Mr. and Mra. William Wella are en
tertalnlng- frlenda from Boise, Idaho,
Mra. A. M. Reevea, of Lebanon,
with her aon and daughter apent aev-
ral davs with Mra. and Miss Felix
I Miss Addison Naylor, . of Golden-
yjzXi is asm
irlil'r- -'' - y-
'' :'
Tempting: fresh country eggs and pare
meadow butter are what you crave for
but often fail to get. It is just as easy for
the grocer to give you them as to supply the
other kind-it is a question of care in buying.
The grocer who values the good will and future trade of his '
customer, AS WE VALUE YOURS, selects his butter and
egga with care. We GUARANTEE every egg sold at thla store
and we use the pure fresh butter on our own table every day.
Nothing can make yon surer than THAT about OUR best la eggs
and butter. .
These nre this week's prices:
Clear Creek. Butter 2 lbs..
.750 White Clover Butter, 2 lbs. ....75c
J. E. SEELEY, Grocer
Oregon City
Welnhard Bldg
First Baptist Corner Main andNTntB T
streets. Rev. S. A. Haywortn, pas
tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45
p. m. Sunday school at 10. o'clock
Young People'a meeting at
6 p. m.-; evening service,
union meeting.' ln Scvonth street
park. At the morning service Dr.
Dye, a retired missionary, will
preach, and will deliver the sermon
at the union aervlce In the City
Park at 7 p. m.
Cathotlo Cor. crater and Tenth Sta.
Rev. A. Hlllebrand pastor, res. 911
Water; Low Mass 8 a. m., with ser
mon; High Mase 10:30 a. m.; af
ternoon aervlce at 4;' Mass every
morning at 8.
First Congregational Church. Morn
ing aervlce at 10:30 o'clock. Eve
ning servlc at 7:45 o'clock.
-Rheumatism-Can be
" Cured Nature's
Hot LaKe Sanatorium
Writ For Booklet
Christ gw. Lutneran Cor. El-hth and J.
Q Adams street, f'.ev. P. Schmidt
pastor, ros. to J. Q. Admnn; 8 8
:J0 a. m.; preaching afternoons of firsl
and third BOndays at in tnimn.
other Sunday services mornings at UJI
with preaching In German.
First Church of Christ, Scientist-
Ninth and Center streets. Horning
service at 11 o'clock, aublect, "Jesus
Christ" Wednesday evening meet
ing at 8 o'clock. Reading room
open every afternoon except Sun
day from 2 to 4 o'clock.
German Evangelical Cor. Elghtn ana
Madison streets. Kev. wieveica p
tor. res. 713 Madison; 8. 8. 10 a. m ,
Herman Schradrr. Monroe street, aupt.;
mornlns- service 11. yoeng people at 1
p. nt. and preaching at I p. m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 1:10 p. in.
Gladstone Christian Rev. A. H. Mul-
key, pastor,, res. Gladstone. Sun
day school 10 a. m., N. C. Hendricka,
aupterintendent Morning service,
11 o'clock. Brotherhood servlcea at
Mountain View Union (Cong.) S. 8.
3 p. m., Mrs. J. H. Qulnn, aupt.;
Bible Study every Thuraday afternoon.
Methodist Main street cor. Seventh,
Rev. E. F. Zimmerman pastor, rea.
cor. Sixth and Washington; S. S.
9:45 a. m., C. A. Wllllama, Glad
atone, supt; Junior League S p. m.
The evening service will be held
In the city park, ln union with the
other churches of the city. . -
Presbyterian Seventh etreet cor. Jef
ferson. Rev. J. R- utnasDorougn,
pastor, Rea. 710 Jefferson; S. S. 10
a. m.. Mra. W. C. Gneen, aupt.; tnort
Ing service U a. in. . Union
meeting In Seventh street park In
evening at 7 o'clock, ln charge of
the Presbyterian church; Y. P. S.
C. E., 7 o'clock, leader, Ambrose
Parkplace ' eongreaawonaT Rev. J. l
.lom-s p. .tor. rea. nacnamu; a. o. iv
. a. m.. Emery French supt.; preaching
wrvlt ea each" Sunday, alternating be
mn II l n. and 7:30 D. m Chris
tian Endeavor Thursday evening 7:10
p. m.
St Paul's Rev. C. W. Roblnaon, rec
tor. Dally aervlcea: Morning pray
er. 7 a. m .: Holy Eucharist, 7:80 a.
m., evening prayer, 7:30 p. m. Sun
: da aervlcea: Holv Eucharlat 8 a.
m.; morning prayer, 10:80 a. m.:
Holy Eucharlat and sermon. 11 a.
m.: evening prayer and sermon
' 7:30 d. m.: 8. 8., 11 n.; Thursday
evenings, sermon at 7:30 o'clock,
United Brethren Cor. Utahtn an Taylor.
Heu 1. F. Clarke oaator. rea. Portland;
ft. a. IS . m.. Frank P-.rker. Maple
Tn. atinft mornlna aervlce 11. T. Jr.
a -. K. n. m.. eveninc service 7.
Willamette M. . No regular preaching
aervlcea. 8. 8. t D. m.. Mrs. Reama
- Hint
Zlon Lutheran Corner Jetferson and
Eighth streets, Rev. W. R. Kraxber
ger paator, residence 720 Jefferaon.
Rnndav school 9:30 a. m., Rev.
Kraxberger. superintendent Morn-
ins- aervlce 10:30. Evening. 7:45.
Luther League 7 p. tn.
A Lasson In Economy.
An English commercial traveler re
marked that he regretted not having
left bis heavy overcoat at a railway
cloakroom, aa the day waa warm and
b did not think that be woo'd need
to wear It
"I wodna do that" aald a canny
"Why notr aald the Englishman.
-Because. aald the friend. "It wnd
coat ye a tuppence at the railway ata
tlon an' the bother o' goln there and
then, comln back. Were ye to pnt It
In the pawnshop for a sblllln' the tk-k-et
would cost ye a bawbee ajid the
Interest a bawbee, that would be a
penny. That wud be a great savin
these hard times."
He Saved the Situation. '
The agonies of anuff takers in the
absence of anuff la the subject of a
atory by Dean Ramaay. A severe
snoTTstorm bad cat off ail communi
cation In a highland d Km let for soma
weeks, and every snuffbox ln one vil
lage waa empty, with no hope of re
plenishment The minister ln partic
ular waa so In need of a pinch that
study waa rut of the question. 'At
length the beadle rushed off and re
turned with an exultant cry of "Haer
and a refilled box.
Whaur did yon get It. JohnT' asked
the minister after a iong. deep and
satisfying pinch.
"I soupit twept the pottplt. replied
John. tendon Sectator.
roue Counlss Granted Licenses.
The following have boon granted
marriage licenses by County Clerk
Mulvev: Helen E. Lewla and Frank
n. Jones. Echo. Or.: Minnie L. Swack
er and W. P. Gerwolf, 104 North
Seventh etreet. Portland; Bertha A.
King and William H. Qulnn and Anna
Graff and Richard Borenson.
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Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Oro
gon," or write to "
Wm. McMurray
Portland Oregon,
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