Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 26, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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J . : : !
ad ieS Attention
failed to our Special Sale on Ladies
anJ Misses' House dresses and Child
ren's Wash dresses. ' A beautiful as
nrtment to choose from.
Wosloo Bridge dof. . Oregon City
He la the President " ef the
American Sugar Refining Company.
Li o pear that man. It lan't
look aafe enough"
ba sill offer to buy you a
Lild that scare mef
b b will lad jriu to a aoaa rouo-
aanlel Shtlihy. of thla city, want
kiino on buelneea Friday.
DL Gould, an architect, of Port-
sal in Mia my on DUBineas
L Purdr, of Roeeuurg, the
of bar aqnl. Mra. C. O. Brown,
U. Jeffrlea, of Portland, waa
lctlng bualtirma In Oregon City
Urt Gsealber, one of the wall
b fanaara of Bhubel, waa lo tbls
to rtlday.
Lpa Ulaar, of Can by, waa
V tha Oregon City bualuesa vial-
Maude Smith, of Dutur. Or..
tbli city tha gueat of lira.
M 8pnrar and otbar frlenda.
lholl naia will leava tbe Electric
tack day at 2 o'clock p. in.
and Mra. John McCracken, of
kod; wtrs gueeta Tburaday of
tiecaa, Mra. W. E. Pratt and
K t W. Harger, of Newberg. who
pan tuning In Oregon city for
kt two (Nki, will return to bar
ud Mra. George llanklna and
pier, tfttr spending tbe paat two
! at Newport, have returned to
pa Utr,
. i. N. Winner and aon Nelson
Iretiiri Friday evenlne from Lone
Jh, Wuh.. where they spent tbe
ud Mrt. William Welamandel.
i kwn apendlna- -several
f " Cannon Beach, have return-
' nor noma In thla city.
"H Ely and Evelyn Wllllama, of
"Kj, left on Tburaday evening for
they will spend two
11 M taa Mulvany farm.
W. n Oodfrey, who baa been
Riming a party of young people
Dtllea nr.. r Whit. H.imn
(Mot tha paat aeveral weak a.
Pd to Oregon city on Tburaday
k Vatc,,er and aon. Mar-
" neouver. Wash, who have
thla cltv vuuin. ik.
" d Center atreeta. left for
OBa on tri.i.. - ......
p5. 8omn"r formerly of Ore
u', bit rmv.l l.l. inn
k.ti v .. .. "w w vi
h building, Portland.
J"w". Fred Bchafer. Dr. Jen-
AQ CaVirir a III.,...
i k 1 pait eek ln the moun
and llahlhg. returned to
bu r on Tl'rday evening,
' 01 nib were c,IS;hi
kT ir,'l J- B- Rohlnaon. of
I d two auna Knn.ih anil
re vlaltlng ieltlvea In
Mtk wont through
lm .i. , and Onnft Paaa, ra
- " uenu.
nJ .IIo'r, of Etna Mllla.
oiunr v rAiii.
collecting Indian
r.. y imv niiaiiiieu wnu
i,1" of thla city, for the
halved thla
f1ln!J Hamilton, Mlaa Flor
clt, 5"' N"' Hwafford, of
fortir W11M Mlr',,d Brown,
!f Ytati Who hRV bBB nJoyng
!MeUon at Newport. hav re-
'M aS!00 Clty- Ml" Bwf.
tllvu?.'.10 ,,ood W''r. w"r
mna. .!1 for 'w 'Uyn. before
f r poaltion. -
,clth'Wv1an and M- J- Drown,
put J: V0 nv bMn Pndlng
Sl a ? to rKo City on
ka. InJn- The trip to the
' men rr0Tn th P'c
Ph.. WB,1,1 the entire dla
mi . u" fnr aa
S I.. rlur"d by way of
i w Itnrm ' "Jipnrionoea
Jt ua. wnicn '""ted but a
Pbeto tor Amarteaa P? ia Aaauu4aHie
of Mlaa Florence Moore. Mlaa Nail
baa been vlaltlng her alater at Seattle,
Waah.. and will return to that place
before returning to her borne. 8li
la much Imftreaaed with the atatea of
Oregon and Waahlngton, and haa al
ready commenced to booat Oregon,
aendlng one of tbe largeat jeachea to
her home that waa ralaed on tha
Moore place at Greenpolnt to her
home In Bt. Paul, abowlng what Clack
amaa county can produce.
IVirn, Tburaday morning at the
Wlldwood Hoapltal. to the wife of
Ouy lASalle, of Oladatone, a nine
pound aon. Mother and aon are doing
PORTLAND, Aug. 25.(Specla!).
Tbe Beavera again took the Benatora
In tow by a ecore of 4 to 1. Mender
aon pitched, and be pitched well. The
vlaltora only made three hlta off
Benny'a beavea. What a pity that
young fellow haa been an outlaw and
haa queered hlmaelf with the ' big
leaguea. If Benny had alwaya thought
aa well aa he pltchea be would have
been another 122,000 "beauty." He
haa everything on the ball field.
Thorn paon alao pitched well, allowing
only five aaftlea.
The reaulta Friday follow;
Pacific Coaat league Portland 4.
Bncramento 1; Oakland 1, Loa Angelea
0; Vernon 8, San Francisco 5.
Northwestern League Portland 13,
Victoria 2; Vancouver 14, 8eattle 4;
Spokane 8, Tacoma 5.
American League Waahlngton
18 6, Detroit 2-7; Chicago 6. New York
8; Poaton S B. 8t. Loula 2-2: Cleve
land-Philadelphia game ptatponed
rnln. I
National league New York 8.
Plttaburg 2: Cincinnati 8, Philadelphia
4; other gamea poatponed on account
of rain.
Paolflo Coaat.
Won. Loat. P.C.
Ban Franclaco
Sacramento . .
Loa Angelea .,
Taooma . .
Seattle . . .
Spokane . .
Portland .
Victoria . .
Won. Loat.
.6 If
Veloolty ef Ralndropa.
Of co'ir we ai know that It would
be an utter ImpoMMbllltv for atorm
clouda lo form and ralu to fall were It
not for" the nillea of atmosphere that
rlaea above our heoda.. But. auppoalug
It were poaalbl for human blnga to
ezlat In an atmoaphere that only roae
to a level with their tnoutha and that
atorm clouda could form In the region
outalde aucb a low grade atmoaphere.
then every rnlndrop would pro M
fatal to earthly creatures aa If It were
ateel bullet', Bred from dynn
gun Iindou (Nature.
Humor and
A WOTIIKlt coniwt la la eight.
x Aaronnmra who worn at nlht
Ilava Hin Ha lon and nrf tall
Aaalnat tha dlaiant nolhlna trail.
And varr auun the nakwl aye
Will eee It glialen In tha aky.
Than timid ooa will have a lit .
Aad aar that thay are certain It
la eooilng on by through aipraaa
To fcuh ua Into notlnineaa.
To butt ua with Ita Aary noa
Aad bring all oonlraota to a eloa.
The foollah onaa will Ball their land
And act aa though the eaah In hand
Would aervo them baiter on tha day
The eomet wiped the earth away,
Aad they will atand around and watt
That warm and awe Inspiring data.
Tha wtae will calm themeelvea and buy
Choice bargalna from tha onea who Or
From danger by the allly route
Of packing up and aelllng out.
Who do not care to meet their fata
While loaded dowa with real aetata.
And then tha eomet, aa of yora.
Will mlaa ua million mllee and more
And to the place from whence It came
Will hurry with Ita tall aflame, .
And we will, puailed and perple'ied.
Walt to be frightened by the naiL
i -Better
Than Nana.
"I bear be la on tbe atage."
"Yea; be bua a minor role."
"lie rolla up tbe curtain."
Hana Wagner In Action
PirgteV Veteran Infielder Still Continues to Ron, Bat
and Field u Well ai He Ever Did
- 7 I
. ; A)S t'-t a',v--- - , , f i. f
aV laaaj i - eaaaaajL . - at ; I
"1 do like to keep old acquaint
"Do your
"I do. Indeed," '
"Then what Mrs. Brown aald about
you lan't eo."
"What did abe aay about meT
"She aald you alwaya run them
Ne Chanoe For Suapenae.
'Are you engaged to MabelT"
'No. but I have aaked her to marry
me, and abe haa promlaed to give me
ber anawer tonight" -
"You don't ereui to be much worried
about It"
"Why ahotild IT 8be haa told me
what It will be."
Neoeaeary Aoeempanimant.
No man can rlaa or forward preea
By conelant. almleaa drifting.
There muat. If ho would win auccaea,
Ue lota of heavy lifting.
The Frivoleua One.
"Young manf
"Yea. air."
"You abould learn to be uaefuL"
"You wouldn't have me deaplae my-
aelf. would your"
"What do you mean by tbatr
"1 bate oaeful thlnga."
Hae Varalen.
"Well, boya wlU be boye."
"Not always." anapped Liule.
"Nof questioned mother.
"Not on your life. 8ometlmee they
are aUalea."
. . Quean Be.
"You are aa buay aa a bee. Lucy."
"I am that."
"What are you working forF
"A honeymoon."
Dying la merely the procesa of get
ting uaed to things.
It la all right to make a living pro
vided It'a your own living.
You can't alwaya tell the real thing
for eomet I me It won't listen.
It la a beep easier to cr I Heine than
It la to get paid for It
Don't lose any time aasHlng back
Just get busy.
The trouble with aome people la they
never even try to try.
One reason why so many persons
visit the divorce courts la because
there are so many nnattached Ro
moes and Juliets.
We'd be willing to leave well enongb
ilone If we could And It.
When trouble comes by the peck we
don't complain that the pecks are
The chill of faar la loat ln the heat
of battle.
The middle of life is the letting
ground of character and strength.
There are many who hold - fore
moat place in the he-at of youth,
but sink behind when that first en
ergy i played out, and there are
many whoie foTJiea happily die and
whoae true strength it only known
when errioua evidence with it
weightt and reiponnbilities comet
upon them. Richard Drintley Sher-
V 'i- - - f ' ' aw
Photo by American Prvae Aaauctatlun
Heart to Heart
A delicious inucuor of boy time
teala uway the slrlt of your vIkIou.
tnd the lun of rippling waters lecoa
you from tbe dusty place of tbe town
'jo where you tuny loll lu leafy shade.
Yoli atruiftbieu your shoulders to hay.
"I'm fcoln' flahluY
(When under tbe spell It la proper to
cut your Gual g's.i
You are iUlie sure you hare not mis
taken the sweet aliment. Diagnosis of
tbe symptoms reou!ren Hie apostle Pe
ter's reel ie.
Well- -Iinulng
tbe disreputable t lo(Uw iuu
matt U your vagrancy, you dig lu tbe
back j-aid for worms. A bamboo pole.
cork. IohU-uo fuuey outllt for you
If you are a city uiuu you take tbe
car as fur us it will go uud slou b
literally slouch over tbe vouutryide
to tbe atroain ln the woods where .you
duugle your frank eutlcemeaia to tbe
little Oauee.
You get scarcely a uibble.
Concerulng which you little reck or
care. Uavlug oueyeu toe pntaat im
pulse. lt is tbe duty of tbe osbea to
do the rest And as you hold out your
tuducemeuts from vautage rock or an
cient log the polt druopu more and
As you nod you dream. You dream
it a tow beaded boy who lived ao rue-
where back at tbe lieglnulug of things.
Uia oue euspeudered trousers are roll
ed upward to tbe aeiublaoce of a
breechclout and his uapp'y feet are In
the suud. Gray. Hide eyes are open,
mirrored to every stirring mite of
earth and water and to tbe loug clr
MIub bawka of tbe sky.
The boy has a hickory pole, a twine
atrtug and a plu book.
Ilia baud braided hat of atraw. wet
nd faahloued by cunning Augers Into
fuutastlc mold, is discarded on tbo
auk. Ilia pole droNi Into the water,
and the boy dreams. And you wonder
what the boy dreHms.
Does be dream of the string of Ash
es or of a girl wltb curl encircled face
and a polka dotted dress? Why,
there's something about that face that
la like tbe face of that old sweetheart
of yours.. And which face!
You straighten up and look about
you. Notioay la looting, ana u no
body's business but yours any way.
Decidedly you have been asleep for
aome time. And aa you alowty plod
back to the car. aana Ash, already you
feel the gibe of the boy over your emp
ty handedness. '
But what an afternoon!
While you nodded and dreamed old
Mother Nature crooned her moat sooth
ing lullaby.
Not Nswe te Her.
"Tve got great newa for you!" cried
Jack excitedly.
"What la KT aaked his Cousin Jen
"I'm going to marry Minnie Pretty-
"Pshawt Tha fa not newa. She aak
ed me a month ago If. I'd be ber
bridesmaid." a- Catholic Standard and
Times. ,
Harvest will soon be over 'in thla
part of tbe county, as the threshing
machine la expected to be In this
neighborhood the' last of the week.
Tbe grain la all in thetstacks and
everyone la getting anxioua to get It
under shelter before It rains.
John Carlson la apecdlng a few
weeka at the Hot 8piings.
Grandma Ore. In died last Friday
evening after a lingering illness. Sbe
was burled at Clarkea Sunday after
noon. Some one atarted a fire ln the tim
ber north of the Ball place laat Mon
day and It looked pretty dangerous
for Mr. Ball's buildings for a while.
The high wind carried the fire di
rectly toward them. Mr. Ball was
working in the railroad, hut bia wife
aummoned help and the Are was got
under control before any damage waa
Claud Ashley la moving Into Mar
lon county to take . charge of hit
father's farm and expects to go. aa
soon aa he gets his crop taken care
of here.
A. Dougan haa purchased a new
buggy. i
Mr. Shaw la fixing up his engine
preparatory to aawlng wood for the
Mr. and Mra. Odell are away on a
vacation and Frank Manning la car
rying tbe mall at present.
Miss Grsoe Forbes, of Portland. Is
visiting at E. J. Maples.
Mrs. Baker and daughter are spend
ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Claud Ashby.
Fores of Habit
Speaking of force of 'habit ajme
years ago there was an Iron .ulllug
around tbe capltol grounds at Wash
ington. Tbe appropriation bill provided
for a watchman to -loe and l W the
gates every ulgbt nt n cerium hour aud
open tbeui at a certain dour every
moral ug In the course tf time the
railing or fence wn removed, but the
gates swung between their Kgrptluu
pillars for a long time, and all thai
time tbe wstchruan t-sme and wenl
regularly, cloning and oeo!ng th
gates according to law and drawing
bia aalary.
. A Record In Governor.
Mra. Richard Manning of South Car
olina bad the distinction of being tbe
only woman on record wbo waa the
wife of a governor, the sister of a gov
ernor, tbe niece of a governor, the
mother of a governor and the aunt and
foster mother of a governor.
' Net a Matter af Choice.
"Did they allow stopover on the
tralu you cnnie through ou?"
"Allowed them? They compelled
them " .
"How was thiitf
"We were kit Led off at nearly every
water atatlou.
Quite Abaurd.
A man waa walking down tha atreet.
And he waa foe I In bk
Now. waan't that a
For any man to do
ig gown tne air
In bkh
a fixilnh thin:
"1 alwaya shudder at tbe inevitable."
"1 admire It."
-now funny! WhyT
"Because It bt alwaya able to take
care of Itself."
A Rap,
"I have a good bead on me."
"I notice It Is good for one thing."
"What a thatr "
"Butting la" '
. J v.
First Baptist Corner Main and Ninth
atreeta. Rev. g. A. Hayworth, pas
tor, preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45
p. m. Sunday school at 10 o'clock
Young People' meeting at
p. m.; evening service,
union meeting. In 8cvontb atreet
park. At tbe morning sot vice the
pulpit will be occupied by tbe Rev
8. P. Davis, who because of failure
of health, hag not been engaged In
tbe active work of tbe ministry for
several yes re. He waa at one time
pastor In thla city. His last pas
torate was In Philadelphia where be
waa located for about utne years.
Catholic Cor. -erater and Tenth Sts.
Rev, A. Hillebrand pastor, res. 812
, Water; Low Mass I a. to, with ser
mon ; High Masa 10:30 a. m.; af
ternoon aervlce at 4; Mass every
morning at 8.
First Congregational Church. Morn
ing aervlce at 10:30 o'clock. Eve
ning aervic at 7:45 o'clock.
Chrtat Kv. Lutnaran Cor. Eighth aad J.
W. Adama Btreata. Ke. K Schmidt
paatur, re, at J. J. A dan,; 8. 8.
i.iu a. m.; preaching aternoona of first
and jlhlrd Bundaya at ZiIO In Kngliah.
other Hunday acrvices mornings at It it
with preaching In Gwmu.
First Church of Christ. Scientists
Ninth and Center atreeta. Morning
service at 11 o'clock. Wednesday
evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Read
ing room open -every afternoon ex
cept Sunday from 2 to 4 o clock.
German evangelical Cor. Eighth and
Aiadlaoa atreeta. Rev. f. Wlevastck paa
tor, m. 711 Madlaun; 8. 8. 1 av m.,
Herman Bern .'-der. Monroe atreet, aupt.;
morning aervlce 11. yoeng people at 1
- p. m. and preaching at I p. m. Prayer
meeting Wednaeday at T.I0 p. av.
Gladstone Christian Rev. A. H. Mai
key, paa tor, rea. Gladstone. Sun
day school 10 a. m., N. C. Hendricks,
aupteiintendent Morning service,
11 o'clock, Brotherhood services at
Mountain View Union (Cong.) S. a
8 p. m., Mrs. J. H. Qulnn, supt;
Bible Study every Thursday after
noon. Met hod I at Main street cor. Seventh,
Rev. E. F. Zimmerman pastor, rea.
cor. Slxtb and Washington; 8. 8.
t:46 a. m., C. A. Wllllama, Glad-
atone, aupt; Junior League 2 p. m.
The evening aervlce will be held
In the city park, ln union with the
other churches of the city.
Presbyterian Seventh atreet cor. Jef
ferson. Rev. J. B. Lands borough,
pastor," Rea. 710 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10
a. m., Mrs. W. C. Green, supt; morn
log., service 11 l a Union
meeting in Seventh atreet park In
evening at 7 o'clock, in charge of
the Presbyterian church; Y. P. 8.
C. EL. 7 o'clock, leader, Ambrose
Parkplaea Congi gwuim Rev. J. I
Jonea paator. rea. Clackamas; 8. 8. II
a. m.. Emery. lench aupt.; prwachlng
aenrlcea each Sunday, alternating be-
- tween 11 a. m. and 7:1 p. m Clirta
tlan Endeavor Thursday evening T:St
P. sa.
St Paul's Rev. C. W. Robinson, rec
tor. Dally aervlcea: Morning pray
er, 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a.
m.-, evening prayer, 7:30 p. m. Bun
day services: Holy Eucharist 8 a.
m.; morning prayer, 10:30 a. m. ;
Holy Eucbariat and. sermon, 11 a.
m.; evening' prayer and sermon,
7:30 p. m.; 8. 8., 12 m.; Thursday
evenings, sermon at 7:30 o'clock.
United Brethren Cor. VCIghtn an Taylor.
Rev. L , F. Clarke Daator. rea. Portland r
0. 8. It a. m., Frank Parker, Maple
Lane, aupt.; morning service 11. T. P.
8. C. E. p. m . evening eerrlca 7.
Willamette M. C. No regular preaching
cervices. 8. m. I p. m.. Mra. Reams
Zlon Lutheran Comer Jefferson and
Eighth atreeta. Rev. W. R. Kraxber
ger paator, residence 720 Jefferson.
Sunday achool 8:30 a, m., Rev
Kraxberger, superintendent Morn
ing service 10:30. Evening 7:45.
Luther League 7, p. m.
(Continued from page L)
Rheumatism Ccn bt
" Cured Nature's
Hot Lake Sanatorium
Write For Booklet -'
Club Chat
appeared in the River and Harbor bill
of April 20, 1910, and but for my ef
forta, even after the adoption by Con
gress, the project would not be any
where near Its present stage of early
Masonlo Chapters Organized,
f J nnrhanan of thla cltv. Brand
high priest of Royal Arch Chapter
or Oregon, remrnea -lnnrsaay eve-nine-
from Athena. Or.. whre he con
stituted a chapter of Royal Arch
Masons. Mr. Buchanan constituted a
chapter of the Royal Arch Masons at
Forest Grove, Or, July 28.
Wing, the veteran Chinese gardener
of Green Point, Is taking much In
terest in the exhibition at the Promo
tion Office. Among the last vegeta
bles brought In by him Is a mammoth
summer squash, two feet In length.
This squash Is of the crook neck var
iety which Is so popular with the
housewives at this time of the year.
Wing also has on display some large
tomatoes from the) Green Point gar
dens. W. W. Qulnn, of Canemah, one of
the oldest pioneers in the state and
the originator of tbe Qulnn's Perfec
tion plum, has some of the fruit on
exhibition at the Promotion Office.
George DeBok, the well-known gard
ener of Willamette, Is making a spec
ialty of growing; cucumber and has
aome of his best varieties on display '
at tbe Promotion Office.
Charles Ayer, of Fresno City, called
at the Promotion Office Friday. He
likes Clackamas county and will do
all he can to get families to locate
Hotel Arrivals.
-The following are those registered -
at the Electric Hotel: M. Mlers, -
G. Taylor, United States General Bur-,
vey; If. F. Cronney, Ban Francisco;
P. W. Meredith, Sprlngbrook; C A,
Will. Canby; Peter Bodell aad wife.
Can by; H- Haynes, wife and three
children, Robert Agnew, - Julia 8.
Weddle, Sherwood: Helen Roblck,'
Hoyt Hayden, Portland; H. Underdahl.
and. wife, Portland; R. Bucye and .
friend. Portland;-George Morse, Ore
gon City; L Hylton. C A. Undquest,
James B. Young, Portland; C. A.
Lamb, Portland; J. Vara, Portland;
Edward C. Vara, Portland; 8. Linton,
H. Llnby, Thomas Hill, C. A. Will.
Canby; Robert Agnew, Mrs. M. J.
Scrivner,. Creswell; Charles Glen, M.
McCnllough. W. A. Jolty and wife.
Philomath; J. W. . Roberts, Lawtoo,-
Ohio; Henry .-Adman. Eugene; C .
Payne. Portland; J. M. Jacobs. Port
land ; P. A. Weese. G. Monroe, Oregon
City; Hubert J. Gllkey. (Grant'a Paas.
Carrie Bell Baird Dies.
Carrie Bell, the Infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baird, died at'
ttiA famtlv Wiim on rnakainaa
Heights Tuesday and the funeral ser
vices were conducted Wednesday af-,
ternoon at 1 o'clock the Interment
bena; ln the Clackamas cemetery. Tbe .
child waa eight months and aeven
days old.
nreriAn'g DrtniilsB CI skats I OswaBtff
- wyvww w r "F""" w-wn w
An Ideal retreat for outdoor pas
times of all kinds. Hunting. Fishing,
tWBung, nun iJaiaiug, tuuws, ahiw
Ing, Canoeing, Dancing and Roller
Skating. Where pretty water agates,
moss agates, moonstones, carnelana
can he found on tbe . beach. Pur
mountain water and the best of food
at low prices. Fresh Bah, clama, crabs
and oysters, with -abundance of vege
tables of all kinds dally. .
Camping Grounda Convenient and At
tractive.- ,
wtb strict sanitary regulatlona
from -all points In Oregon, Washing.
ton and Idaho on aale aauy. . ,
from Southern PaclAc points Port
land to Cottage Grove; alao from all
C. E. Stations AlDauy ana wool. ,
Good going Baturday or Sunday and
for return Sunday or Monday.
Call on any 8. P. or C. A E. Agent
for full particulars aa to fares, trains,
r-tiadnlaa etc also for CODV Of OUf
Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Ore
gon, or write to
Vfm. McMurray ,
Portland Oregon. :
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H of
Read the Morning ftirrprls.
city and la the gueat
Read the Mdrnlng Unferprlre.
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