Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 25, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    MOHNINO ENTEHP1U8E, Fill DAY, AUGUST 25, 1911.
Us' Fall
Kail Kill" ,or ,D ky" r" rr,v'"C ery day. Mo yourself
....a l,...itir.l I Vila . linVB' Of MTU K.r..r. Klivlnv
Itir V , h. It,.,.. In I
111 b pie""'" "
.ptta hrs
Umton Bridge Cor.
Oregtm fclty
Zumwalt has returned
Jojouru at Newport
Ur,l(b.ui-. ' Maynaiu. was in
(f o '
L...k ..f t'uirkea. wa In Ihla
t , T"""1' l'u,,,,,,
Rlfhurd Wllw. r Salem,
Hred In thla "u",i
i J. K.'l.","u,Uu for "onln-
iV Triiil"'h ",,J K"ut W,1"D
hu'rtday l,lt ,,,r Aatorla, wktii
III lii"' U,B l"nn,l for
hull " E1c,ri
Mcb dr t 2 " clock D- w
i Kk-hird Sih'wnburn, of thla
(left on Wednesday evening fur
i where ni win vibh nr mm
iuihtar for several days at the
Inborn larm.
mHrtrs W. A, Uuuuay.auil.
kteIimil. who have oeen
lD. frvfim weesa ai nomraw
la near Mount IIkk1, will re-
' .... u.
ThuiiiHn fhamlicnlaln and
.. V- 1 1 1
ftltr. Ml Il-if n, nn. nnuea,
r and . rniiuren. wno nave
sojourning at Cannon Beach,
returned in Oregon City.
U Ant.Miy. a civil engineer or
d Vaklma. Wash., waa In thla cliy
tjiiriU vlsiilng Ma cousin, i.
L U k tklklaatlW lft ' fill
(Hy Dart Parsons.)
Answer to 8ainantba of Clackatnaa
Wall Ramantha, I've been thlnkln',
On tbein ere thing you writ,
A aori o-c-oga tatln'.
About divorce, a bit.
Ther's lota of thing In uatar
That never o ty rule,
And when a hen again to 'crow,
The eot'k looka like a fool.
He try to tell hor to abut up
And go and slug her lay a,
flut aha Juat keep a rrowln'
In aplte of all he aaya.
And Ita Jest ao with bumana,
When wlmen clt the aay,
And want to wear the troiatira,
Thouah never built that way.
If they'd 3mmlnd tbelr alnglu'
- WHIiJinwiniLthi'n aomo amllea,
ibeyd Juat rule all creation.
'llh ihnlr aeduclnlim.Uea..
Hut BKaen, now gamantba. '
I'd up and run away
Wtih aome other woman, ,
('Tla done moat every day.)
Or aoan you ahould leave me,
(oil darn It! What'd I do
With the children and the cookln',
The chorea and my work, too? ,
unr. sir- " " ' i Of
rotirmt I couldn't aland It.
Twnuld aartaln make tut III; '
rd have to find another,
And that would mean a Mil.
kh for T "'"a. Wah., and will
Ul tnp In OrrKon City upon hla
to trip.
Illim H. r. an old aoldler from
fctfk-rtllii, Jm arnvea in una. And money for the lawyera,
,nd l vIhIMiik hia nauKnteri-. They'd atarv u fltalh. of courae.
0. I). Kinder, of Clarkamaa j lr -twaan't for the bunln-ia
In a
III for
Ihi. ir. t-e
tlnie. and i
)ba SimiKtii und aon. Johnny, who
bMn at I he hendwatera or tn
(ktmaa Hlwr a( the Mot Pprlna,
retumrd to their home at rara-
V The Intier killed an old bear
kr rub, and the two killed three
Tby report many fled In that,
r. ind Mr. C. Harlow and aon, of
itad. Cat., me In thla city viail
Mr. and Mm. (iisirle Puaey. Mr.
key la a bnitlu r or Mr, iiariow.
Birlow formerly a realdvot
Iiirlow, and U now In the real ea-
bunliiena at Oakland.
'. E. A. Homtner, formerly of Ore
City, bia moved hla office to 1017
twit ImllilliiK. Cortland.
H. White, who haa been enjoy
a. two weekn' vacation, part of
lib iiieiit at NewMrt and the
btlnder at .Hoilnvllle, l.lnn county,
M. A. linker, returned Wcdnea-
vcnlnr Mr. White vlrlted at Al
lay on duy mi Ida return trip. Mr.
ii uyi there are more Qrexon
V poil at Newport thla year than
Mr hereiofoie. and the weather
toll rtaort l dt'liKhtful.
Ethel (-loMii-r and alater. Mlaa
b'Dr, who were accompanied by a
rn of HprliiKwateri wfe. In thla
on Wcilncftititr having come here
attend the rumllilntea' pall alien at
Bunch Hull on that evenltiK. They
firt bavliiK huil n enjoyable time.
Clonor, w ho la making an ac-
nmpalKii In tint Knternrlae arand
lof contoMt, and it looka aa though
of th rniiltal prl.ea la echedtiled
to to 8irltiKWMtcr. providing Mlaa
nr cotitltnii-a hor good work.-
f tlM Ethel tt)le, of Kali field. Iowa.
1 bll been i,. ml m Him summer
J'h nlatlvvx hi Kuanne waa In thla
ro Thurmlny the gueat of Mr. and
. 0. A. I'ace, of Klghth and Madl
i atrewta. MIhh Itothe I a teacher
lh public achiMila of Fairrield. and
I lev IinIiiv ftir flnik sin a Wmih..
Nrt b wiu VkU fr MVeral daya
l'&r prorecillnir lo hmr hmna Mlaa
I" he. hn In mnkltiv tin, flr.f vlalt
Rfi I m nr Aftaiift that ' ahe
M dwldi'd to apend her 'vacation
n next year.
ind Ml Mllln mihn wara -re-
"wrrled. will go to hotiaokeep-
ineir newly furnlahed bungn-
bt 3r,H II.. ii I ..n lun.l
P brldp In mi attraetlva 'vnnnv
. Md bIimo her two yeara' real
In Portl-intl, ahe baa made many
. flhe waa him In 8cotland,
; raovm l(, i (M)ac Kong, China,
cmui, where ahe lived until
minr to I'liriu,,.! .,i,k v
h - -- nun tier W1 "
n bridegroom la well known and
""7 Mteeineit In ttila eltv where
W&l horn ttnA . a w 1 1 I . v. .
1,.. Mini reureu. lie 010
on of Mr. and Mra. Arthur
"J, and grandaon of Mra. Emma
uonold, ono of the well known
""r renldenta of Oregon City. Mr.
1 ni.. f Kr",,,m'- of the Oregon Ag
Hyter for the United Railway Com-
That'a brought 'em by divorce.
I've alwaya thought, Samantha,
The Catbllcka had It Tight.
"or they don't low divorcee,
Hut Jet them scrap and fight.
And when the -fMln'a over.
They aue for peace, J gueaa.
At leaat I've hearn It aed,
Tltey Jeat go and confeaa.
lnn M Uf, Jk k r -n. Jk
f Udd 4 TlW,.n ....I. V
Kelltlin- totmn I k nn.,K
'laner n ........ .
lonih . en:imn 7, townaniB 9
r rarifftt 9
T. 1 n" ' .
f"icn p,,nrt,, . .,. ' ..
'dl I. w
1 weat; 2(340.,
For Lettera.
"v 111 nuilH- . . 1 . .
U.4. "iiik ! H MNT nr imp 1 m.ll
tor th w 'u 0r"Kon City poatofflca
Woim.1. ; "uu"
fiott.,;:' i.--Clark.- Mra. H. F.i
' utliner
Agatha- Kahta Vlnnla-
8.: Present t Mrs Mittui
n '
b- nV.V"'lBnn"n, 'Peter; Boyd.
rr,nll Fmllvi .D'Arcr' rrno,,!
C"J: SmUhV'M,.1 H,; Rtb,,
' Worry i a ipeciee oi monoma
nia. No mental attitude it more
ditatlroua to personal achievement,
lo personal happinesi and tc per
sonal utefulneet in the world tti
worry and it vicious twin brother,
despondency. The remedy lot
the evil lie in training the will to
cast oi cares and seeking a change
of occupation when the first warn
ing it sounded ly nature in intel
lectual lassitude. ' Relaxation it the
certain loe ol worry and "don't Irel"
one ol the healthiest ol maxims.
PORTLAND, Aug. ! 1-18 pedal).
Beaton bad the Senator eating from
Ma band today and the Ueavora won
by a ecore of ft to 1. Ryan waa un
able) to play because of tb Injury to
bla left band aiiataiund Irr the game
Wednesday, nuum waa In poor form.
The Portland men bit the ball hard
and were never In danger. Portland
made one In tbe third and four' In tbe
Tbe reaulta Thursday follow:
PacWo Coast League Portland 6,
Hacraniento 1; Oakland i, Loa Ange
lea 0; Vernon f Hacramento Z.
Noriliweatern !ague Portland U.
Victoria 4; Spokane ft, Tacoma 4; Se
attle 0, Vancouver 4.
American League Chlcugo 6. New
York 3; all other games postponed
National League New v York 1-2.
Plttaburg S-l; Brooklyn 6. Chicago 6;
Itonton g, 8t. loula 7; Cincinnati 4,
Philadelphia 1.
Pacific Coast.
Won. lioat. P.C.
Portland 70 .60
Vernon 79 C5 .HO
Oakland 79 CR .638
Han Kranclaco 73 73 .500
Hacramento 80 75 MH
U Angeles ........ 67 89 ,3'JU
Won. Lost. P.O.
Vancouver 79 00 .fill
Tacoma . . . . 73 86 .Stifl
Seattle '.... 71 67 .655
Hpokane .... C9 CO ,5:S4
Portland .... C3 63 .6mi
Vte4rl. II inn yi?
Sister of OlUe James Is Now
Full Fledged Kentucky Lawyer
i- u i i t jr.
China' Feed Problsm.
No natural resource la too trifling lo
be turned to account by the teeming
population of China. Tbe eea la raked
and atralned for edible plunder. Hea
weed and kelp have a place In tbe lar
der. Ureat quantltiea of helll)b no
bigger than one'a Ouger nail are opened
and niacie to yield a food that flnda
Ita way far Inland. Tbe fungue tbat
springs ap In tbe grass after a rain
la eaten. Fried sweet iotalo vine
furnlnb. the pyor oiau's table. The
roadxUle ditches are balled out for tbe
uke of ONhe no louger than one'a
finger, ("arrf'il olerver say thut
four flftba of the conversation among
common Cblneae relutea o food. Ed
ward A I worth ltos In Century.
Shetland Penlss.
That hardy llttw -re)ture. tbe Shet
land ony. la longer .sived tban the
Patroniae our advertlaera.
A Possible Rseipe.
ltllss Carman om-e received a poetic
contribution to the Chap Book begin
ning: . '
The Juy In ote rlssa, rtsas.
And will not be supprasssd.
Tb joy in nia rlasa. rtaaa.
Into my throat and braaat.
Shortly after publication tbe follow
ing Inquiry waa received:
"Gentlemen-1 have Just read tbe
apriug song wbh b apiern In your
current 'number. I d uoi wish to be
InqulMltlve: but. Iieing a young house
keeper and Intereatvd In baking mjw
der. I would be pleased lo know
what brand tbe author tinea, aa it
muat rwmxctu remarkable rising quali
ties. An answer would oblige a seek
er after Ihe leat In all form"-Hu
man Life. v
Read the Morning Cnterprt.
Net Holding Hie Own.
When ai college a fellow atudent
alwaya rutin aged to tie away on Hun
dny. At int bla -ouiauione discov
ered that be w ent "courting, and. wlnh
Inj; to have a bit of fun, they eent blm
tbe following telegram:
Iloe you are holding your own."
He wired back direct:
"Cannot get rid of the old folka or
I abould be."
Facial Sttjdy of Big Chief Bender
Indian Pitcher of the Philadelphia Americans Is Now
Twirling In His Old Time Form
N-e-- .... . - -; r .:.. . ..js
. , S J . Y a. .aU i '
SJi ' - ' 4 til1 V -
4 rtv
MISS KTJBT JAMBS, a sister of Congressman Ollie Jamea of Kentucky,
baa recently been admitted to tbe bar of Kentucky and la ready to
practice law when cUenta appear. Mlaa Jamea Uvea in Marion, and
It la there tbat ahe will "bang out ber ablngle" and offer her service
la criminal and civil case, gbe hopes to add to tbe fame that ber diatln
gulahed brother baa gained for the family.
Ibob by Amerloaa Praa Aasouuiwuu.
Officer Mllee from Oregon City waa
at thla place on Thursday, trying to
locate a revolver which had been re
ported atolen from a bouse at Board
man atatlon while the owner were
Mr. Haskell of Salem waa also a
business visitor here on Thursday,
having something to eell of hi own
patent, which as of Interest to poul
try raisers.
As' Monday, 'August 21st, was the
fifth birthday anniversary of Mini
Alice MacFarlane, her mother Invited
a number of little mlaaes tc a swim
ming party. After an hour at tbe
beach they returned to tno MacFar
lane home and eleven gueats encir
cled the tea table which waa very
pretty with a center piece of sweet
peas and ferns. Mesdame Waldron.
Robinson and Roberts were also
gtieata. Besides these ladies at tnt
tea table were Mary Jane Palntow
Mable Manaon, Ruby and Irene Warn
er, Vivian 8ooner, Donald MacFar
lane, and Mlaa Alice MacFarlane.
Miss Smith and Miss Alta Smith of
Portland, Maine, who have been vis
iting MYa. Carl Smith have gone to the
Dalles for a week.
The members of Orace Chapel were
very sorry to here that the bishop has
transferred Rev. Morris Heverllng to
Everett," Wash.; and on Sunday, Aug..
Joth. gave his farewell sermon. While
It is with regret we hear of the change
we wish sncceaa tb. Brother Heverling
and family In their new field of labor,
which Is a larger and more promising
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts and
Halmor leave for Seaside this week
for their vacation.
A. C. MacFarlane Is ag.n able to
attend to his office duties in Portland
after an Ulnes of several month.
Mr. Byrkltt, wife of Dr. of Boaton,
Mass., haa returned to her home after
a vlalt with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. 8. P. Dow of .St. PauL arrived
on Monday with her two lltt,le daught
ers for an Indefinite stay witu iher
mother, Mrs. Jennie Z. Jones.
Mrs. Calvin P. Morse and babies
have returned from the summer vaca
tion which was spent down on tbe
farm at Tamhlll.
Ray Hoddell of Tamhlll spent Sun
day with his father, C. H. Hoddell,
while enroute to Ban Francisco.
Mrs. L Wilcox has been Indesposed
the past week ao much so tuelr family
Dhyslctan from I'ortiana muae aever-
al calls at the Wjlcox fcome.
Mr. Walter Beckner has finished
the, Turney cottage at Covell and Is
now drawing plans for a house for C.
P. Morse which .will be built soon.
Mr. Waldron Is having cement walks
at hts home, Mr, Nelson doing the
Miss Mary Rose, who recently ar
rived form Helena, Mont, and has vis
ited her slater Mrs. Hugo Pandatrom.
has accepted a position with Fran
Busch In Oregon City aa bookkeener.
Mr. Elmer Boardman was at this
place last week to engage hop pickers
for his yards near Aurora.
Miss Mable Man son of Portland. Is
spending this week with Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Phelps, who has apent the sum
mer with her brother, W. A. Mack re
turned to her home in Grand Rapids,
Among the many Improvements on
the Jennings homestead an ecetylene
gas plant will be Installed this week.
Will Jennings reports that many of
the finest residences in Seattle have
Installed the above planta and are
ahead of the electric tights In many
A special meeting of the Community
Club held on the evening of Aug. II
proved to be an enthusiastic one. Aa
the subject of the Improvement of the
publlo highway seemed to be tbe uni
versal favor of all present . C. P.
Morse, chairman of the good road
commute of this elub; and who a,
companled tbe other commercial club
committees in the auto trip over the
route which passes through here the
most feasible one. Messrs. O. D.
Boardman, Will Jennings, Dave Hardy
and P. D. Newell gave talks aiso.
Grandma Newell haa returned from
a three months visit with her grand
daughter, Mra. Watson at Seaside.
John Roberta and family have
moved to Lents.
Rev. F. C. Bergstresaer and wife
are visiting at the O. D. Boardman
home. Re. Bregatresaer haa been
appointed to supply the Grace Chapel
Messrs. Geo. Sewall and Chaa. Hod
dell left for Whilemlna on Tuesday
going up to the former" homestead
to make Improvements.
A fire caused a great deal of ex
citement at the river on Monday when
the gasoline stove sprang a leak, ow
ing to the presence of mind of Mrs.
H. H. Emmons It was extinguished,
which In a short time would have
proved disastrous to Buena Vista,
which Is occupied by Horace Cushlng
and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Elliott visited
at the home of Mrs. Elliott's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jonea. the first of the
Mrs. DeRonne's son, who has been
In Alaska for aome time, recently re
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Elliott and
son and daughter, of Powell's Valley,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. How
lett Sunday, a week ago.
H. 8.-Gibson got-more than 300
bushels of oata from the Preston
Bros, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodlo and child
ren were down at Mr. Howlett'e a
few days last week.
Ben Forrester had the misfortune
to lose his barn, hay and grain by
Are. He does not know how the fire
etarted but thinks It started In the
barn, the sparks flying to the stacks
of grain, which were about -00 yards
Eagle Creek Grange convened Sat
urday with 10 members present. Some
of the grangers were so busy they
could not come and others were at
the coast
Harvey Gibson was on the hill Sat-'
urday. He went to see Mr. Ellis.
Henry Udell is sawing wood with
his gasoline engine for Ray Woodle.
Mrs. Viola Douglass made a brief
hORlness and social visit to Portland
last Thursday.
Miss Ethel Closner, the Sprlngwater
candidate In the Enterprise prise con
test was here last Thursdey getting
subscriptions for the Enterprise, and
she succeeded In obtaining eight sub
scriptions. John Hlnkle, our fat and Jolly mer
chant of Eagle Creek, Is doing a rush
ing business.
Mrs. Linda Hoffmelster and Mrs.
Rosa Baker were Estacada visitors
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Gibson took din
ner with Mr. and Mrs. Howlett Sun
day. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, Misses
Myrtle and Mary Woodle and Mal
colm Woodle went to Troutdale lasT
week to attend the Advent Christian
Mrs. Jones was visit Inrr with her
daughter, Mrs. Elliott, last week, re
turning home Saturday.
Miss Minnie Stetnman was the
guest of Miss Blna Douglass Satur
day evening and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle visited
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass and Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Douglass called on
Mr. and Mrs. Howlett Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Detfhazer and
children spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Douglass.
Said Jamea to John I surely feel,
As If I couldn't watt
For threshing time to come again .
Thla batchelorlsm Is sure a fake.
If threshing time would last all year,
We surely would be fatter,
For now the grub these cooks stir up,
Is sure to stilt us every clatter.
Some time 1 bate to work all day.
At pitching bundles off the stack.
Unless I sew some girl In blue.
Then I pitch till I moat break my
Or when 1 go up to the houae.
On errands for the men,
I look and smile upon trie gals,
But they sorter slse me up and
They cast a longing eye around.
At some "lastler" man than me,
Woo with hi Jest and winning
' arallee
Start up a Jolly laughing bee.
Or often 'tis some dude from town,
Whose dad has got tbe cash. '
And so It goes. It seems to ine,
Never mind well eat while we
But John twasn't meant for man to
And chore and cook alone,
I've found It out since' I'm too old.
To court a cook, and earn a home.
The late rain dolayed threshing as
well as stacking. While tbe farmers
frown the auto crowds smile.
T. W. Henderson Intends to thresh
Tueiday, then the threshing machine
will move to Highland.
A' great many people have gone for
hiickleberrlea but tbe report Is they
are hardly ripe yet
Prof. Kendall, of the College of
Philomath, was a guest at T. W. Hen
derson's last week. He also visited
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stablnecker,. ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hen
derson. Mrs. Dan Suhlnecker was a
normal graduate of that Institution
in 1901. Prof. Kendall visited many
while here. He has many friends and
his acquaintances assure him of many
more. Philomath Is a beautiful little
town, very picturesque and bas a
standing record of Its educational pur
suits. Mr., Cane has gone to Portland to
work. He Is longshoreman.
Miss ""Monti e Cox and -brotitera
picked cberrtee - at Mr AVaJlen"s
-tble-week, ,
A carpenter from Sell wood is build
ing Mrs. Repkl's barn.
Dan Stahlnecker and L. Baker as
sisted C E. Surfus In hi mill last
Alva 8bibley. of Sprlngwater. Is vis-,
Itlng her sister, Mrs. Maud Dibble.
A. 8. Henderson preached at Shady
brook Sunday morning and Cornelius
in the evening.
John Baker, of Oregon City, visited
L. Baker's last week.
Earnest Vallen and waiter Cox
went fishing last week, two fish were
their large fry. 8ome more Interest
ing theme must have arrested their
L. Baker went to Scott s Mills to
obtain flour.
Mrs. Lvdla Park. Ruth and Mattle
Maplethorpe and Mrs. Ed. Park visit
ed Mrs. Ina Bittner Saturday.
A. Vallen's have a little visitor from
Tacoma. He is very small yet brave
to make a trip alone from Tacoma to
Mrs. Anna Boylan has been very hi
but Is growing better.
Mrs. Tnrrell, wno has been very
sick, Is recovering slowly.
Miss Myrtle Henderson, of Oregon
City. Is visiting her grandparents and
relatives here.
Rev. J. Park visited his sister Mrs.
M. Surfus. and nieces. Mrs. Dan
Stahlnecker and Mrs. Zella Ostrend.
Mrs. M. Surfus and her daughter,
Mrs. Zella Ostrend, were quite agree
ably surprised last Thursday by a
party of her friends calling Mrs. A.
Vallen and Miss Nollle, her daughter,
a teacher from Pullman. Wash., Mrs.
John Park, her granddaughter. Miss
Ruth and Mattie Maplethorpe, Mrs.
Ed. Prk, Miss Andry Baker. Mrs.
Dan Stahlnecker, Mrs. A. Henderson
and Prof. Kendall. Later In the even
ing Mr. Amos Vallen.
Lew Vallen has been helping his
father-in-law, W. T. Henderson, In
Mr. and Mrs. Flcken, of Sprlngwa
ter. were guests of Mr. and Mra. Lew
Vallen's Sunday.
Live and learn A White Rock hen
was set on 15 eggs In a nest on a
single board floor in the ame build
ing where a cow walked night and
morning. Tbe consequence was the
Jar did not allow one egg to hatch. A
more profitable plan would have been
to have sold tbe eggs at $2.50 a dos-en.
Since writing last the gentle rain
has descended upon ns to tbe depth
of 15-100 of an Inch. This change
came upon us last Saturday, laying
the dust and cooling the air. .
- Mr. and Mrs. Toombs, from East
Portland, who have been visiting at
Mr. Gage's for the past week, returned
to their home on Wednesday.
Fred Baker who has been cutting
Gus Gebbhardt's oats, ran Into a yel
low Jackets' nest on Tuesday and
which nearly caused a runaway, but
succeeded In gaining control of the
team before much damage was done,
beyond breaking a singletree. He
took revenge for ,hls wounded horses
where the "varmints' danced upon
them, by pouring their nests full of
kerosene. ,
Hops are coming on beautifully and
promise a good crop, and the pickers
are ready,
8am Moeer, with hts -now machine,
Is getting through with Dearly all the
Jobs In this vicinity.
Mark was seen riding the binder,
but his boy was not with him, and we
learned later he waa still at home
helping hi mother. They are all bat
ter In health at the present writing.
Mr. Cage's ribs and hip are getting
better. He was hurt at the time his
bouse caught Are, several weeks ago,
A messenger was sent to Willam
ette on Thursday morning with ao ac
count of the fire, but for eoroe reason
It did not get to the office la time,
and never appeared. We therefore
send this explanation to satisfy tbe
numerous friends of Mr. Gage, who
are making frequent inquiries about
Mr. Aernl has gone up to the old
home at the foot of Mt Adams for a
little vacation, and to attend to a lit
tle business, - ,
Mr. Powell had another sick spell
last week, bnt better again.
Mr. Wiseman and boys are keeping
bachelors' hall, while his wife Is car
ing for ber alster, Mrs. Baker.
Tbe ladles are contemplating a sur
prise noon Mrs. Nussbaum Thursday
to celebrate her birthday.
J. R. Peters went to Oregon City
Wednesday on business.
H. D. Aden went to Astoria on Wed
nesday' to attend the big centennial.
Mr. and Mr. Clyde Baker spent
Sunday at home recently and enjoyed
a birthday dinner.
Norris Toung spent some time last'
week la Portland on business.
Mary Brobst entertained some
school friends from Portland for s
few days last week.
Frank Btangel had the misfortune
a Kraalr Via 1a mi Tnasrtav. whllo
working with some young horses.
Mrs. Harry Gray, from Oak Grove,
ten ttacoraay lor oer iiw aiucr diall
ing for about two weeks with her
sunt and uncle, Mr. and Mra. Elmer
Maicoim Bay. wno viniuag uia
brothers Norman and Ha"ry Say, Is
i ii M . fc. .
It Is not generally known that, Mr.
Hall, who clerks In Aden's store,' la a
fine piano toner, having been In the
business In the Rose City before com
ing to WUsonvlIle. -
Some young men visiting In Wilson
villa lately were directed to ; Mrs.
Dill's at the cottage notei ana were
loud In their praises of her good home
jnia. J . n. I rici a. mi., v-n
Emma Stangel ' and Nettie Hassel
brink were among residents of Wil
son vllle who wenr to Artoria last .
week. ,
The expert diver who usually In
spects the piers, was here Monday
and found everything In first-class eon,
dltlon at the big bridge. Hs was as-"
sisted by Barney Cronln.
The men of our village are very
much pleased to know that Wllson-
vtlle has a barber again, who Is locat
ed at the Lawrence noiei.
The Methodist church Is Hearing
completion and will be dedicated next
Sunday, Aug. 27th, at which time Dr.
Homan of Hal em University, and oth
er noted speakers will be present and
deliver addressee. A nnlqne feature
of this occasion will be a basket din-,
ner at noon to witch everyone Is cor
dially Invited. Rev. Exon bas been
untiring In his efforts to erect a
church building in Wilsonvitle and de
serves a big share of the credit for
thla fine structure. -
' Oregon's Popular Beach Resort
An Ideal retreat for outdoor pas
times of all kinds. Hunting, Fishing,
Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Auto
Ing, Canoeing,'- Dancing and Roller
Skating. Where pretty water agates, '
mmi antes, moonstones, carnelana
can be found on tbe beach. Pure
mountain water anB the best of food
at low prices. Freeh flan, clams, crabs
and oysters. With abundance of vege
tables of all kinds dally.
Camping Grounds Convenient and Ah
wth strict sanitary regulations
from all points In Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho on sale dally. .
from Southern , Pacific points Port
land to Cottage Grove; also from all
C. A E. stations Albany and west
Good going Saturday or 8unday and
for return Sunday or Monday.
Call on any' S. P. or C. A E. Agent
for full particulars ss to fares, trains,
schedules, etc.; also for copy of our
Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Ore
gon," or write to
Wm. McMurray
Portland Oregon.
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