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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1911)
li HE WOULDNT BE A JHERO ,. Ba M QCAD Caarrtca. MU. Vf riW L- s ffl ill Jar Uarfwr was a mmrJ fmf farm ar. aa4 EOra TajW aaa Ik iUiai-r W (xWt. aa4 IW7 err rafifrj aa umi AU taHf fnnh aaal ! id b a araafblt Biki Jar aa . fla tar credit f facs a aarw 1 m.- aad a aa raala that tar jtX was a at trtunai That la. tWf raaiial aaSB afire a err : tala tfrl frtrad af acra fraai tawa Wa ktjr bar a tare verts rua a ad arft , faar ar aavrm araia4 arr vara aba f nt TVm wim aer aacaf hrrw. raw aXarra, raraatocra aa4 tatfVa Thrj ' tmH mt fn"a, fiatia aa4 wrat Mr Tartar rj4 bar rtarfcnl iVa : a IW mv fcaa aa foaaa dkraa aaa ' basi arr aUasaMrt cars bw W. aal ' aa adal tad tana TV- rr rea4 , at Bra aTTxr th rm r IW fatai:T araa ai'rra By tba tfcat a teara' tba wct4 a tar girl bac aafcaar at Jc Hr ara r4 aaa1 rrrcawj; aia vara arrra ratbrr krrr. maaeaa' af aajtas prtrbor. br aaU 1 by garb. la al tba aaraaa tba cbe-ra : bWtb bad aira ha tbear bats; Jor ahat rrra vof a ara a fea'arr la j kia a4 arrav. Or . a baa a baa baaj'ia-r Ian trad mt a marc, aad ba cwa trkb aa aM aVeabitMa. af rUimg ara-tad ,.mm aa 36a, Jaa dUat ataa aj for atari. caaiparrd aa tba earraarra. la tba aminr. acar tba arid Wn Jar araa paaaria- cara a coioar a bar baa brca bad takr aa tbrar mr tars ta a tmSt mt sraaa. Tata fart was kaa-aa as tba Taylor timfir. aad ta faxsarr tatradrd to roat I arai oat an aw a-traiBC- Bamala brra ara mo rarra Bars. sat tbrr ara tba arit tbin la It At 2 a'dork aa aftrraooa. vara R wii arra that Joe aad tb aid aiarr a-rr hard at work. VI au dlra pot oa her bonnet and walked oat to thai bambirbe raaraa. At flr fret from , It aba halted sod screamed aod daamS ; around.. The arreaai reached Joa Harper's ' ears, aad ba tot c f tha plow baad e : aad Bade for tb feace. la aa Instaat ; he reariard tha attaaUoa. bat be dJdal dash farwa rd a ad f lO arer aereraj . aTaaipa- laatead of ao doies b aat mm , tkw fear aad railed aat: "TOie. why la thoader doat raa raa 1 war"" ' -Oa. tb baaiM beear aba s boated. "Tea, bat doat auod ther Uka aa aaVx- VUke for tb hooaer A week bad paaard aad the stlncs had bcea c-ared. wheat Joe got another ckaara. XI 2 ardor aa afteraooa JOa Oa aat mm tb reraada aewtog vw Joe waaid look ta cswcM abjbt mt a bc doc raotag aloag tmr aticbvaj aai th t:1? Fte at naaad far Ja axia. He di'-vt'! kW bar aad casta raaaag. bat fwaord aa b rtaiUid Ciw fear b afc what "Ttad dar hlad aVagT aar afsavtad TTaea rOaeb ar that bkMrr aa aa the raaf mt tb krb-a m raaaawg urn tar reara. a Iri-lu th dog's arsaaa aat. aa uaairka wrb' IcaThkg ta pMtrt'-j Vjaa CT-a was fafbwa wirh atam. Tfeat was ta nm'i a rwmg mt tb nair tt as sa wis dew 11114 aad arrrtpared arr aa aa aabheaa. Ua aa brar ta carrmiirr mt th bar icrrired ward that he aeed arrer aarw p at tb Tartar boas agsJa. The eagacraaeat was 4 ftw lao at that a exrtaiaaed wbca be bad bera aaade t aaderstaad "TVr waa that ladder hasdr ta rftaab I aaw the dooc raailsg aad kaew it be loeged ta Perkfan. Uas ther mmj aerd for ta t break air atber - peader? Aad If M bad area a real 1 sad doc would It bare beiped the ra aay for boa of aa to ba beea Mt tear Jo stared awar- O bad beea totd t aad be aoeyed. At tb ead of twa weeks be took a dar oo ta go ftah toe Mat EUea beard tbroagh her Iwothei1 that a waa going, aad an and a flnla ataa. ta bad got aver being BMd at th aaaa who woaidat ba bemac ia fart, so waated to "ante Bp." Kb woald go a ashing too. Kb woaldat ftb for Sh. bat fir Jo Harper Th lorer of other sad happier dara waa fishing from a shady bask wbea b rame lata rirw. bar be was oa tb erber aid of th sTream. He watrhed aer walk aet aa a srraad ad tog and said ta hJeysrir: "If aba gets a Mt aad jerks ao her pot sbrtl aar ga eft that log.' Two aiiaates biter tb thing bsp peatd. There was a nibble, a erk aod aowe. aad after the aooa a jrU tor Jo. He bad beea seea Th water was eatr a boat three feet deep, and aa tb gh-l gained ber feet after the aoaae ah was railed ta: TJoal get skean. niear -Oh. Jo-Jr "Tea raa wade ashore eatr enoagh " "Joe. I sbaH sbair ""X. roa woaX" Is the all weeks foitowtog the beta were tea to oa that JoerSod EOea wwold nrrer marrr. bat thuae who gar tb odds taaieated it. The twa aaet oa th highway, aad after pre tending aot to see esrh atber tbey halted, sad the girl aakl: "Joe. I wanted to aaarrr a bera.' -"Well. I balnt 00." T wanted ta BJarry a hero, bat I goew TJ bare to take ap with a great, big. good asrared. stabs kied farmer.' -Looks that way to me. EI!," atnlled Joe. and that evening tha aaar ' rUge day waa art- UU n YOUR "VOTE TOTAL MUSI 50.000 ' R :aqi Makig It Clear. Coonsel What did yoa aad the if fnxlaot talk a boo I? Witness I tbiak wa tsiked abuat twenty arfaalea. air. -No. ao! I ana wbst did yea Ulb -er7" "We talked wrer th trUpbooe. sir." 1o yoa bay coodeosed milk, atsd- J mr I 1 preaame that w mast, bat I aer- j ar thooght of It before. I always order twa qaarts aad pay for two qoarta. hat It arrer mi sear as snore than three Ote Ytwttj? jniame w5fi hz dtopped from the ! VOTES IlLOWEd ON PAID-IN-ADVANCE SUBSCRIP TIONS OR RENEWALS DURING DOUBLE SPECIAL YOTE OF FER ARE AS FOLLOWS: Sex mrmfht svbscnptioa to the Daily Eater, prrkc. bj aaia. 12X0. by mail $130. 800 Traces. Otae jrax's K&scnptioo, $4 by earner. $3 Lt Bai 2XOD rot. Two rr. wbcripboa by carrier. $6 by mail. 5,000 Yote. Three year Kibscrrptioo, by carrier $12. by ma3 9, 10.000 rotes. Fire years tubscriptioa, by carrier 520, by mail SI5. 20.000 votes. One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise, $130, 1,000 rotrs. Money most accompany aO subscriptions before votes will be issued. -FIRST-PRIZES . aaaamaBBBBBBjaaBBBB Two Upright Kimball Pianos VALUE lSlliyiil3 VALUE $400 f $400 Each i1 IP'p! Purcnased torn Portland's; Leading Mosic House EILERS' & CO., 7th and Aider Sts. SUBSCRIBE 4 3 Fill in the name of candidate h whom you wish to favor til your votes with remittance b your subscription or renewal d! to Contest Department The Entt prise. Name of subscriber. AdJ rets Months Vote For M Candidate. District . I 1 ' S, Second PgiUes Two "20th Centtlfy,, Sewing Machines (latest model) New Home Drop Hea.l VALUE $75.00 EACH Third and Fourth Prizes MUSICAL EDUCATION BUSINESS EDUCATION WHICH? Four Prizes to be Awarded The Enterprise has used every care in the selection of these prizes.and has secured scholarships in two of the fore most educational institution in the State o Oregon. FIFTH PRIZES TWO SOLID GOLD WATCHES (Ladies ilt) Purchased at K-I02J j Btifmcistcf l Aodfwwj The Leading Jewels of 619 Main St., Oregon'City, Of. 1 1 The above prizes will be awarded Saturday ninht Spnipmh' . ' ' . -l of vour. favorite candidate is not entered ?n ih5pber 2 "f the nam ,v- o'-e, send it in to-aov- your. For furihor particu lars addrooB tho Off: o.aia OREGOPfClT OREGON