Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, THUK8DAY, AUGUST 24, 1911. 8 oyV Fall Suits Kll mil' '"r th r rrlv'n tvtrjr day. Do yourself (,ur K.Miitlfnl Una if IlHYH' RIIITM hafnra titivlii t,., ty ,,," - ' In b, , pi,.Hiir for u to .how them to you. y AIM boy HATS, CAPS, SHOES and BLOUSES, everything U.t. h oy- : . J. LEVITT pension Bridge Cof. Oregon City foCAL DRICPS ..r 1nrtlMlld. Ill III km w raj. ' L on WJi'',1Jr' ,,d Will I'"1"- OI on b.i"l'" Wedneaday. g Jone. 'f nesver i-reea, bit clij "' lu,nue Wednea- 1 1 ..a kud Mr. Frana Wr 11 ' " V- CummlnJ left od Wedue. gralIi', Here w" Week. L gciMnlHirn left n Wedi.ea- tnlng fT Oirua, wnr uv prtral d) Ml i'H" Wl" ltf"r ,h Electric iarb dy "t 2 rl,K! P- m Varo M '!. who baa been . an outing Newport, baa knd Mm ll K. straight, aner Lt two wi-.-k at Newport, rt- bOlDO I UrHtiay iuhii. y r Pollock -.-nf Haattle. has Sf- t, tbli city fr a vlalt with hla Mr. ' Mr- t'OIIOTK, oi I A- 8"tt,,r. rormeriy or urw f hi moved hla office to 1017 k bulldlnK. Portland. UirlX'utiiill. an attorney of Id. In lli' "'ty on Wednea. kntirtinn tiiiHinvaa at me coun- hi office L Holm leave 'hla morn. r jirMlnnvtite, wnere na win pirty of lniiitra that win go kitcct. Or. RuM-h. Hurry and IJonel Gor- Itio hive-ttrMi-prtidlnt lha past I NwKirt. returned to Oregon k Tudr evening. Ud Mm. A. J. Walters and two In, of Tariitna, Wash., hare ar In thta city hiuI are vlaltlng the other, Mra. Hertslg. pra mnuker! Nohel haa juat M $.000 Porto Hlco cigars; B; III loin to iillt. lw I. Knr hikI family, who re told Iholr place at North Tiki Itib., wrrr In thla rlty Wednea- Ind ver looking for a lK-atlon. ir drllKhifil with Clackamaa ud my ilo'lde to locale here. k lrtbi rinKUfft,' of neaaant iprnt Vfilni(lay with Mlaa ti Carkrr, of Fourteenth atreeL ird Old unil ann I)lton.of Oak kave tod. iv for a ten daya' kxi l Hot Hprlnaa. Canon. Rnne WalHh and Mlaa Anna of Portland, were lu thla city irdnraday rvrnlng, and were of Mi Maritaret Mulrey, hav ing come here to attend the ball given the I'outeat glrla of the Oregon City Knterprlae. Mr. and Mra. Edward Klrknndtll and little dauairter, Helen, of Bekttle. were In thla city on WedneKlay the girrnta of Mr. and Mra. I'rauk llicb. Mra. Klrkendall la a alitor of Mra. Htiach, and tbey will return to tblr borne neit week. A birthday eurprlae party waa tend ered K. Uudqulat Haturday nlgbt at hla home, and a tnoat enjoyable time waa apent In mtialo and gamee, and followed by refreahmenta. Ilioae at tending wereeMr. and Mr, r. Doty, Jr., Mr. and Mra. John Draper, Mr. and Mra. George Ikity fir., Mr. and Mra. J Inch Mclrty, Mr. and Mra. Auicuat Itakel, Mr. and Mra. Krumel, Mr. and Mra. A. Ilalna. Mr. and Mra. K. Koh ler, Mr. and Mra. B. IJndtjulat, Mra. I'. Chrlitemen, Mra. Claia Moore, Mra. It Jaoobaon. Mra. K. Foraherg. Anna Jobnaton. Mine Erma Draper, (lortrtrte Hldgeraen, Klla Krumel, Maude UghtlKNly. Matilda Mlrbela. Marie Mlchela, Millie Jacob'on, Marie, Nellie) and Nancy IJndqulat; Meaira. Mlrbella, William McDomld, Leon Draper. Rutherford " Ward, Robert Ward A.'Magone, rred Ilaker, Cbarlea Undgulat CORRESPONDENCE OAK GROVE. The many frlenda of tbe late Fred Helfrlch will be aorry to bear of hi death. Mr. Helfrlch lived here for aeveral month and waa well known by aome of our realdenta for a good many year. Hla wife haa tbe lyro palhy ... of . all their, frlenda, Jlla re matna were taken to Athena for Interment, Dr. and Mra. VanWattera, of Port Tbe Couoord achool la bearing coin- pieiion. TM piaatertng la flulahed and the carpentera are flnlihlng tbe maiae work. The bulldlna will ha , ready lot the opimlng of the fall term Charlee Rlaley and family went to i Mount iioofl FrlUay In their automo I tile, returning Haturday. They atoppod at liovernment i:amp, Rbodadandrurn i and other ponl of Interval on the I roaa. .Henry Weatrrmeler and family, of Portland, who purrhaied the property of lien Ullla, aoutb of Concord atatlon, haa moved hla family there. The oiie-ynnr-old eon of Mr. Richard Hohrodor of Naefa, mt with a frliclit ful accident Haturday evening. Hla father let a hurket of boiling water on the floor. The Utile tot nut hla arm In and pulled tbe bucket on him, I aculdlng bla body. Dr. Mount waa ; railed and relieved tbe little aiifftrer. 1 Mlaa Jennie Caplei, of Portland, will occupy the borne or ber alater, Mra. II. Lee Paget, while tbe family are way. Mr. Kmlly C.. Tripp died at the home or ber daughter, Mra. edorge Jonea, Tueaday morning at 7:30 o'clock. The aervlcee will be held at Ktnley'a undertaking parlor. Port land, Wedneaday at 2:30 p. m. In terment at River View Cemetery. Mra. Tripp waa lu ber 70th year and la aurvlved by two aona and two daugh ter. They were all at- ber bedalde when ahe paiaed away. Mra. Buter and two duugbter left Wedneaday for a few dnya' ylalt lu WaihliiKton. - Mra. W. if. Moore and daughter were Portland vlaltor Wednesday. Mra. Iiuihneel and three nlecea were Portland alKhtaeer Wedneaday. BARLOW. A large rTnwd from here attended tbe ladlea' aale of the Luthern church, In Canity, 8aturday evening. A. II. Wlddowa a building a large two-atory addition to bl houie. Mr. Oldenberg baa taken charge of hla old farm again after veiling It to Mr. Mart-hand. Mr. Marc hand and family returned to Port land Monday, where theywlll make their future home. Lnat week waa a buy week for the farmer. nearly everyone having threahlng done. It la all done In thla neighborhood and the grain yielded well, ronalderlng the aeaaon. Mr. Wlllett will have a enle Friday, The family will leave aoon for Cali fornia, where tbey eipect to make their future home. The member of the Natarene church gavo them a party Monday evening. Ire cream and cake waa aerved, and all tu Joyed the evening. Mr. Wlllett'a alater, Mra. Rice, of Hprlngfleld, la making htm a farewell rMt. Harry French, of Parkplace, Is vlalt- Cripples Annually Visit Church In Hope Relic Will Cure Them I' In WUIara Inrram 1 p fMnai Mnnr mnA Hittrhf mr. of land, who are camped with their fam-"j Oregon City, were vlaltlng her moth- lly at Klk Creek, were here on a bual nea trip and apent three daya with Mra. VanWattera' brother, , J. I Voa burg and wife. Tracy Moore returned home Sun day evening after two week a" aojourn at Kt-ailde. Or. Mra. Myra Moody entertained the fllrla' Hand at lunch Tueaday, after their leon. Mr. Mitchell waa a Mllwaukle vlal tor Monday afternoon and evening. Tbe Oak Grove Glrla' Hand will go to Damascua 8aturday and play for tbe grange. The trip will be made In automobile from Gladitone. H. G. Htarkwea'her baa charge of the af fair. ' Mra. Walter Terwllllger and chil dren, of Portland, apent Tueaday with friend here and at Courtney. Mlaa Floaay Forabaw, of Pendleton, la vlaltlng Mra. Pat Wortblngton. er. Mra. Wlllett, Saturday . Mr. Dvment I Buffering from the rhettmatlim. . Mr. and Mra. O. W. Barlow and eon William, and Mlaa M. 8. Itorlow were calling on relative and frlenda Wed neaday. Mr. and Mra. Dunton and eon For reat. of Molalla, were calling at tbe Irwin reeldence Tueaday, Elmer Irwin la vlaltlng at the borne of Forreat Dunton thla week. August 1 Elmer Irwin celebrated bla thirteenth birthday, ha birthday being In May, by giving a picnic at the river and Inviting all of hi friend. There were thirty In num ber and the children enjoyed the day by wading, swimming and playing gamea, and all voted to have another picnic net year. Thla la the ..fourth picnic Elmer ha given In August to celebrate hla birthday. Hattte Irwin has gone to Portland we GIVE SERVICE WE GIVE SERVICE The Toast of The 20th Ceatttgy Toast is like a certain little gifl in the Mother Goose book--"when it is GOOD it is very good indeed, and when it is BAD it is horrid." PERFECT Toast can be made only in a Radiant Toaster. Its RADIANT HEAT insures PERFECT Toast by forcing the ab sotutely necessary chemical change in the bread. Toast made in the tedious old-fashioned way is either charred or brittle, or soggy. Electric Toast is the delicious golden kind that fairly makes the mouth water. The Radiant Toaster can be operated on th. finest table cloth. Its neat porcelain baae and cheerful glowing eolla add grace and charm to any table. It will make Perfect Toast as fast as you can and at the merest fraction of a eant par slice. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MA I N OPEICE 7lh anil Alder Streets v I Id! Lm (Mi ' ; y ; ( " ' Pbotee by Amtrleia PrM AseooUUocL THOC8AND8 or aufferera visited tbe little church or 8t Jean Baptlau In Eaat Seventy Slit h street. New Tork, recently during tbe annual novena when tbe sacred relic or St. Anne waa on view for nine daya. Tbe visitors went In tbe belief that tbey would be cored of tbe earlone Ills from which they were suffsrlng through the mlracnloua Intervention of St Anne, tbe mother or the Virgin Mary. The aacred relic la, according to tbe church authorities, a piece of tbe boue or tbe right arm or BL Anne. Legend says that after tbe cradflxlon there wee a violent persecution or all tbe fol lowers or Jeeua, and even tbe dead were pot safe. To preserve It from dee aera tion the body of St. Anne was removed from Its grave In Jerusalem and was taken to Constantinople, where It remained under close guard for some years, until It wa again moved to Apt, France, where It remains. One arm was re moved about T10 and waa taken to Rome, where It baa since been guarded by Benedictine monks. Tbe r.lic In the New Tork church came from this arm In 1NU2. A similar relic Is kept at the church of Ste. Anne de Ben n pre, twenty tntlea below Quebec. Marvelous cures have been reported there each year, and similar cures have been, reported during the annual novena at tbe New York' church. During tbe recent novena from 10,0(10 to 12.000 of the devout visited the shrine dally. The picture show a group of vial tors st the church mid r cripple who hoped to be miraculously cured "" where she has accepted a position aa telegraph operator Mra. Mlra Keebau'gb'a slater. 'from Nebraska, la vlHltlng ber. J. J. Turfel and daughter went to Portland Saturday In their rutomohile. A picnic was held under the walnut trees Sunday by some of tne towns people, where all enjoyed cake and jc cream. . A new poatofflce is being installed In Berg A EHckaon's store. It will be much more convenient for the clerks aa well aa for the public. FIRWOOO . Mra. Lewis Pridemore, accompanied her aunt, Mra. Marsaela and Miss Ruth Senior to Portland and Astoria, after which they leave for Spokane and 8alt Lake City, Utah. Mr. and Mra. D. D. 8earla and Miss Bearla left for Portland Wednesday where tbey will spend tbe reat of the summer.-. Ray Howe came down from the Government trail, Saturday and visit ed hla mother over Sunday. Miss Alice Cooper who baa been spending the past year In California, with Mra. Idora Bean, baa returned and will spend a few weeka at ber old home. Mrs. E. D. Hart visited friends In Portland the first of the week. Mr. vL. Pridemore and bis mother visited friends t Bull Run Tuesday and Wednesday. , Fred Howe has gone to the moun tains to work , on the Government trail. V MILWAUKIE. GIVE SERVICE ' WEGIVChCRVICE The Artisans will give a second benefit ball Saturday evening at Crys tal Lake Park. Admission, gentlemen 50c, ladles, free, J. A. Peteraon haa finished plaster ing the new Concord achool house The carpentera will finish the building In time for the fall term. George Thompson la running the wagon for the Oak Grove meat mar ket. Elden Cross returned Sunday from Halsey, Or. Miss Elizabeth 8trelb, assistant cashier at the bank, returned from her vacation last Friday and la back to ber duties. On Monday evening about twenty friends of Mlna Sophia Streib gather ed at Henry Strelb'e residence to as sist In celebrating her birthday. A very enjoyable time Is reported by those who attended. . Tbe Catholic picnic waa largely at tended Sunday and was a success financially, netting the building fund f 144.60. The Ladle' Auxiliary are very thankful to the people for. their asalntance and support. Mra. Kenner, of Oak Grove, won tbe doll that was raffled. - Louis Ham, one or the helpera at the shingle mill, Is quite sick. ' Mrs. Jennie Davis haa been moved to her son Charles' home. She Is Im proving. ' The moving picture show will open Saturday evening under new manage ment. 1 Mr. Bloodgood will have charge. He haa rented the Mrs. Leh man's bouse' and will move hla fam ily there soon. Tbe Artlsens held a big meeting Tuesday evening. They will give a ball at Crystal Lake Park Saturday evening, AugUHt 10. Hoesley's orches tra will play. Mrs. Emley C. Shaw, of Lakewood, was an Oregon City vlaltor Saturday. A Labor Day cfjebratlon will be held In Crystal Lake Park Labor Day, September 4, under the auspices of the Federation Trade Unions of Port land, prominent speakera will be present. Mr. Wltte will have the dance pavilion enlarged and put In a dining room by that time and Improve the park other ways. -., Fred Piper Is building a four room bungalow In the Shlndler addition. B. C. Wecer made a trip to South ern Oregon last week. Mr. and Mra. George Skow, of Ban don, Or., are spending a few daya with Rev. E. Radebaugb and family. Mr. Skow la on the way to Valleyford, Wash., to locate. Rev. K. Radebaugb returned home Friday from bis vacation to Wash ington. Jim Mathews and Ed. Kellogg, two of our prominent business men, left Wednesday morning for Seaside. John Wetzler and John Bond left Wednesday morning for Seaside. Arthur Webster and Dan Mazza went to Seaside last week for a few daya' vacation. Leo Johnson and the other O. N. G. boys, returned home from Fort Col umbia where they camped ten days. Mrs. Fred Wetzler, of Portland, spent Monday with Mrs. I. S. Mullen and family. The cross-walks on Main street are nearly completed and adds much to the Improvement of our city. The Scandinavian Society of which A. L. Bolsted is a member, will give a high-class concert at the Baker Thea tre In Portland, Sunday evening, Aug ust 27. The Luthern College Band will furnish the music: Thla band Is on Its annual tour through the Widdle West and on the Pacific Coast end ing wltn a concert at Astoria centen nial on the Scandinavian day In that city. - t V 1T af T Tempting fresh country eggs and pure meadow butter are what you crave for but often fail to get. It is just as easy for the grocer to give you them as to supply , the other kind-it is a question of care in buying. The grocer who values the good will and future trade of hla customer, A8 WE VALUE YCTJRS selects 'his butter and eggs with care. W GUARANTEE every egg sold at this store and we use the pure freah butter on our own table every day. Nothing can mak you surer than THAT about OUR best In egga and butter. These are this week's prices: Clear Creek Butter 2 lbs. .75 White Clover Butter. J lbs. ....75c J. E. SEELEYp Grocer Oregon City Wefnhard Bldg FIFTH ANNUAL TWILIGHT. Mr. and Mrs. D. L Baylon and family were dinner-guests of Mr. and Mra. Henderson last Sunday, at Ore gon City. Mr. and ' Mra. George Schrlmer were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mra. Gilbert O. Kinder, of Clackamaa Heights. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Popular Beach Reaort An Ideal retreat for outdoor paa times of all kinds. Hunting, Fishing, Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Auto ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water agates, moss e Rates, moonstones, carnelana can be found on the beach. Pure mountain water and tbe best of food at low nrlcea. 'Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oysters, with abundance of vege tables of all klnda dally. Camping Grounds Convenient and At tractive. , wth strict sanitary regulatlona . LOW ROUND-TRIP 8EA80N TICKETS from all points In Oregon, Washing - ton and Idaho on aale dally. S-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY - TICKETS from Southern Pacific polnta Port land to Cottage Grove; also from all C. A K. stations Albany and west. Good going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. Call on ny 8. P. or C. & H. Agent for full particulars as to fares, trains, achedules, etc.; also for copy of out Illustrated booklet. "Outing In Ore gon," or write to , Vm. McMurray GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, Portland Oregon. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM, September 11-16, 1911 HOME COMING IV E Elf LIVESTOCK, POULTRY AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS., RACE8, FREE ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS. FERULLO'8 GREATE8T BAND. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. SEND FOR PREMIUM LIST AND ENTRY BLANKS. FRANK MEREDITH, Socrotery SALEM, OREGON. Mr. Fred Oliver spent Sunday with friends in Gresham. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have moved to Canemr-h. Mrs. Tempteton ban returned to ber borne in California after aeveral weeka' visit with her friend, Mra. Frank Black. Mrs. H. O. Joehnke entertained her -friends at her home Wednesday afternoon. The time was very pleas antly spent with tacking quilt. Sev eral selections on the piano were rend ered during tbe afternoon by different onea of tbe party. A aeucioua luncheon waa served' the .guests. Tbe following were present Mra. Snook, Mra. Mat toon. Mrs. Black. Mrs. nyi- ton, Mrs. Bullard. Mra. Robecker, Mra. Templeton rf California; Mrs. uougn ty, Oregon CHy; Mra. Way, Miss Ro becker. Miss Bullard. Mrs. H. O. Joehnke proved herself a genial hos meeting Wednesday evenings. Choir practice Thursday evenings. Teach ers' training Friday evenings. Rev. Davis Marries Couple. ' - Genevieve Lelghton and W. J. Fer guson, of S45 12 Northmp street,. Portland, were granted a marriage li cense In this city on Wednesday, and were married by the Rev. S. P. Davis at the Baptist parsonage. Church Notes. Evangelical ' church. Rev. E. Rade baugh. pastor. Sunday achool at 10:30 a. m., preaching at 11:30 a. m., Y. P. A. at 7 p. m., preaching at 8 p. m. Mid-week aervlces prayer meeting REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Cbarlea Delfel and Jennie Delfel to M. L. Young, lota 24, 25, In lot 5 of Oak Grove; $700. E -A. He8seltlne and Carrie Hessel tlne to Fred Hargreaves, southwest quarter of northwest quarter of sec tion 8, .township C south, range 1 eaat; $1.00. Jamea A. Bunnell to Paul S. West, lots 1, 2. 3, 4. block 1, Oak Grove; $1,600. - , O .D. Eby and Jennie E. Eby to Elsie Schlueter, lots 3. in block 15, Willamette Falls; $660. Thomas Scott to Emlline Larklns, 93.99 acres of Robert Allen D. L. C. township 6 south, range 1 east; $1,000. VOTE COUPON. GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. This coupon when neatly clipped and properly filled in with the . name of the candidate you wish to vote for wllUe .counted aa one.. vote. . f "Name of candidate '- t .' ' f Address ' ' . Thla coupon is void after August SI. Cut on lines. Don't roll. Send In flat ' ' t a a a: a a a a W WW W W W V W WW -w -V -w-w r t Address vvtvvevvtHtevvtevv4f ... ' NOMINATION BLANK. . o - GOOD FOR TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED VOTES. I wish to Nominate Mlaa., V . Vddresa Nominated by t This nomination blank, when properly filled In and brought er mailed to Conteat Department of The Enterprise will count tor 4- 2. B00 votes. Only one of these blanks will be credited to each can- v dldate. - ?. ,. 4 4 0 I