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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1911)
M0HNINO ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, AUOUST 21, 1911. t i ' . . i , .- i- .. i -. t i i: I vmam enterprise CREGOlf CITY, OREGON . C. BRODIE, Edlter and PblUh "Sintered aa aaond-lwa mattar Ju wary , 111, at tha poet ifflm at Oraav niy, ore., anaaf ua Act of . irts." thwh op svtsctirnoN. One Taar. by Mall Six Una tha. by mall .. .... .. Font Month, by mall rr wvak, by oarrlar .U Mi iiJi .1 IIVUrei!N IATO riial Pa, per men nret tnaartxMa. . . . lla Flrat Paaa, pai Inch adla tnaarttona..le Preferred soaltxm any paaa, par In eh liri inraiwn t,,,M.i,.i rrtrm4 poaitka aay par, ...IS tea aiKwa inavruona tun pa par alhi r than flrat pas, par fctak flrat Inaartkm... Ito Run rpi other .haa drat pas, par haoh . -add UiewUona ..s ixtceJ IS mr II; to regular advar naara W Its. ' Waaia. For Sal. T Rant. ate. an t a wore flrat toaartloa ; oaa-baif aat rh additional Ralaa for advertleta m k Waakly . Emerprlea will ba tha aame aa tm tb aallr, for adverttaemanta art aapmtelly tor tha waakly, Whara th aovaruaaoMnt i tranafaiTI from tba daily t th wk ly. without cnajura. tba rata will b 1 aa Inofa for turn of th pa par. aad ! aa lach for apaelai poattlon. t Caah ahoul accompany order whara party la unknown ka baatnea ofTloa af th Bntarprlaa. Lecal advertising al le-at adartlatn rata. . r" '- -"-'-j a rf rlnl tuaalirtl drtln at lie lo too aa Inch, aooora uc to a pacta! condition eovarnlne tha "Ftra Sale" an J Bankrupt Bala" adrar tetmanta tfe Inch flrat Inaertlon: addj xxi al laaarrlon aama matter la fcaon. ' Nawa iivma and waU written artlola af merit, with tnteraat to local raaaara, will b gladly accepted. Rejected aiaa tartnta never returned unlea aorompan a by eUJnoa to prepay aoataa. ' CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Aug. 24 In American History. 1814 Washington raptured by tbe Brnisb.rdlheeapltornnd other ' public buildings were burned. 1903-UaJor Charles B. Smith iBIU ... . Arpi. well known southern bnmor- tat, died; born 1828. 1910 John Lathrop, soldier and Jurist died; born 1835. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. . (From noon today to noon tomorrow ) Bon sets 8:41. rise 5:16; moon sets 7:30 p. nv; 11.04 a. m.. moon In con junction with Mercury, passing from west to east of tb planet The Vslu Of Saving Small Things. . To impress upon Its employes tbe value of economy In email things the enterprising management of the Pere Marquette railroad baa issued a pam phlet gfvlng the cost In terms of mile age of a number of common articles. , As an Illustration, every time . pontage stamp Is wasted, that repre sents to the company the hauling of a certain class of freight three miles. Other' simple illustrations are: Lead , pencil, two miles; lamp chimney, 10 1-3 miles; broom, 35 miles; track shovel, 90 miles. While freight rates in the middle west are very low, the railroads are not accustomed to carrying a ton of any first class freight three snd one half miles for tbe price of a single . postage stamp. But, while the fig ures appear incredible, they muBt be . correct else the railroad would not . promulgate them officially. . The pamphlet furnishes an Im pressive lesson of tbe value of econ omy In even the smallest things. - The United States treasury reports baving $1,889,247,000 on band. This will prove relieving to those who had I Modern Busi ness Has a Tended to Make Serv ants Out of Lawyers Q t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000000 By Governor W00DR0W WILSON oi New Jersey Copyrtuht by Amerlean Preaa Anaoclatlnn ft,i HE technical training of the modern Atnrriran lawyer, his A professional prepossessions and hi? txisiiicsM inrolvoinents impose limitations upon him and suhjert him to TEMPT A TIONS which SERIOUSLY STAND in the way of his rendering the ideal service to society which is DEMANDED by the true standards and canons of his profession. ;V ' " tt St St MODERN' BUSINESS IN . PARTICULAR, e, WITH ITS HUGE AND COMPLICATED PROCESSES, HAS TENDED TO SUBORDINATE HIM, TO MAKE OF HIM A SERVANT. AN INSTRUMENT INSTEAD OF A FREE ADVISOR AND A MASTER OF JUSTICE. .. ."?. My "professional life has afforded me a rather close view of tbe training of the modern .lawyer in schoolsand I must say that it seems to me an INTENSELY TECHNICAL TRAINING, , ' Even tbe greater and broader principles of which the elder law yers used to discourse with a touch of broad philosophy, those prin ciples which used to afford writers like . Blackstone occasion for inci dental disquisitions on the character and history of society, now wear in our teaching to technical an aspect, are seen through the medium of so many wiredrawn decisions, are covered with to thick a gloss, of explanation and ingenuous 'interpretation, that they -do not wear an open and genial and human aspect, but seem to belong to some REC ONDITE AND PRIVATE SCIENCE. . ' supposed that Will 8treet bad all the country's cash. In Chicago a druggist serve drinks at bis soda fountain In Individual paper cups. The day may corns when w can drink circus lemonade In them. . They hav chanced th superin tendent at Matteawan, but Thaw has not changed. A politician whoa Ufa Is an open book is not always listed among, tb best sellers. Read tb Morning Rcterprlae. FORUM OF THE PEOPLE Corning, Cal, Aug. .11, 1911. Editor Enterprise: It you will give me space la tbe Enterprise I will try to m&k eood th many nromlaea and try to write about Coming and the . . country.- We have been her two week. We employed about all the real estate men In town for th first week to take ua over the country. We found tbem a clever set of fel lows, willing to give us a free ride anywhere or anyway from a donkey cart to a 40-borse power automobile. After working them to what we thought about the limit we decided tbe country good enough to tie to. We bought a fruit farm 'one mile from, the depot Corning Is an incorporated town of about 2,000 persons. Tbe town waa Incorporated In September, 1906, as a city of tbe sixth class, and was voted a dry or no-saloon, town. The city contains 1,170 acres within its corporate limits. The city, is spoken of as tbe Maywbod colony. The leading Industry at Maywood is fruit growing. The lrultproduced here Is of rare quality. There Is no time when the fruic growers are begging for a mar ket Tbe fruit always commands the best prices of any California fruit Tbe packers tell me tbe fruit grown here and by the Maywood colony Is bid for before It is ready for deliv ery. Excepting oranges and grapes Maywood makes no shipment of green fruits to Eastern points, the fruit be ing sold in dried or canned form. . There are located here a large can ning plant a packing house, three large sundrying plants and evapora tor and many individual drying plants. A mill for the manufacture of olive oil and a plant for pickling ripe olives is In operation here, which affords a market for tbe crop of olives that are grown here. Tbe olive oil plant Is kept running st night as well as day, throughout the fruit picking sea son. There is work for all and I am told the wages run from one to three dollars a day. It Is mostly picked by the box. The picking season ex- ' Tnere are now about acrea oi ' the colony land set to fruit the first I planting having been done in 1891. The leading varieties are the peach. prune, pear, almond, apricot, olive, Og, grape ahd lemon. I see all these varieties growing and maturing to perfection. Strange as It may seem fancy dairy from 20c to 22e. cream to some It is nevertheless a fact, the , ery 22c to 26c. oranges here are In the upper Sac ramento Valley ripen fully a month earlier than they do at Riverside, Los Angeles snd other places In Southern California. The .Smyrna flg, the gen - ulne fig of commerce. Is being largely planted here. R. P. COOPER. Patronize our advertisers. Impartial. "Mr. Singleton prides blmaelf on he log strictly Impartial " "Yes." answered the niiiimiiiMe ntiiii. MI once went botme with hi in lie didn't aeeui ! cure whether He hit 'he rabbit, the ! or one of hl friem'. " London Tit-Bite. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,1 0 0 0 i 0 ) , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A. I If i l I . l:, .,'-1 SUGAR MARKET HAS There Is a much firmer tone In tbe sugar trade. A further advance ot 10 points In tbe Eastern market caus ed Increased strength along the Pact flc Coast Raw sugars are now quoted at 5 In .the New York market and are firm er at that figure than they were a snort time ago at tbe lower market While there was no advance In the Pacific Coast sugar market Wednes day tbe advance In the East Is taken aa a sure Indication that higher prices will follow quickly. - That bas been tbe blstory of th Coast augar trad recently, The advance In New York la due to the much greater strength noticed re cently in European centers. The best market abroad la the firmest ever known. Tbe crop Is below former ex ! c?!ronM VTVnrL?w"i plus of refined on band, together with an Increased demand, the outlook la exceedingly good. HIDES (Buying Green hides. Be to 6c; aalters, 5 He to CHc; dry hides, 12c to 14c. Shtp pelts, 25c to 75c each. DRIED FRUITS Ical prices are firm at from 8o to I0c on apples and prunes, fetches sre loo. SALT Selling 50c to 90c (or fine. SO lb. sack, half ground 40c; 76 for 100 lb. sacks. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, $1 25611.50 per sack; parsnips, 11.25 ft $1.60; turnips. $1.26$1.60; beets, $1.60. VEGETABLES Asparaxus, 90c 0 $1.75 per crate; cabbage, new, $2 per bundled weight; cauliflower, $l.o0 $1.75 per dot-en; celery. California, 75c ?90o- per -du-tea; -cucumbers, 1.50 $3.25 per doxen; eggplant 15o per lb.; garlic, 10cQ12e per pound; lettuce, 50c per dosen; hothouse Jettiice, $1.50 C$2 per box; peaa, 9cGllc per pound; peppers, 30c 35c Pr pound; radishes, 15c per dozen; rhubarb, 2V4c 3c per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomatoes, $26$3.25. ONIONS Jobbing prims: Oregon $2.76 per 100; Australian, $3.50 per 100; Texas. $2.25 per crate: Califor nia, $2 per crate. Oregon City Stock Quotations. HOGS Hogs are quoted c lower. From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. 9VkC from 150 lbs. to 200 lbs. 8 He. BACON, LAKD audllAM. sre firm VEAL CALVES VesI calves orlsg from 8c to toe sccording to gTade. BEEP STEERS Beef -teem for tbe local markets are fetching I He to 6 He live eeight. . SHEEP i nrtu at c to 50 live weight. Ouotarmna "or Oregon City. POTATOES Beat, Buying lti cents pound. F1XUR AND FEED---Flour is. steady, selling from $6 to $5 30; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buyng) Gray. $23 to $24. white, from $25 to $26. BITTT5R (Buying- Ordinary i country brings from 16c to 20c, POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good bens are bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor . demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18c, I with good demand. ! WOOL (Buying) -Wool prices sre 1 ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Shorts $29 to $30; roiled ; barley, $31.50 to $32.50; process bur ley. $33.00; whole corn. $39.00; I cracked corn, 140 00; wheat $32.00 ,to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook I dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. I HAY (Buying.) Timothy $16 to $17: clover $9 to $10; oat bay, best, $12; mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to X14. Lightning Reds. Some knowledge wns ponm-nxed by tbe aneleuja -iki it. '. of tbe e(Tei of Iron rortH In Mtertinir lluhtntiiit. neumng. Youngley I nave Juit been Insulted by tbe Inaolent oid barber wbo sbaved me. Youther Indeed? "Yes. be wild shsvlng me reminded him of a game he uned to play called hnnt the hare." I Whit Bread Fattening. White bread Is fattening because w rarely dlgmt It completely. Starchy food are inlt nnaffected he the na- trie juices which digest tb meets. Their digeatlve ferments sre obtained chiefly from th saltra In tbe meutb. which therefore should be thoroughly mixed with earn mouthful beforeswsl lowing But white hreud In ho Hart snd hickiiiK In Miilxtiince ihnt we mi conwiouMly Mwullow It long before It hnn hnil h fillr Imnce to lieennie colli fleitl,ri fermented with the illKewtlt enllrn ' The renlt I delnyed d litest Inn (If dictation mke iiii-e nt nlli. snd nl the IwhI th atii-r h N ery itpl tr le eonveriifl Into t1'-"!it''ir',t" iinwitnvd Httd im')e:ilTlifttl f it l.oii.'ier ' Dandies TODAY The Two Gun Man Thorough bred Love and - Cheese THE GRAND STANDARDS FOR BREWING HOPS, Value Reckoned on Oasis of Hop-Bitter Acids and Aroma. The following standard have been adopted by the committee oa awards for hope eutered at tbe grand Inter national barley and. bop frtse exhlbl Uou at Chicago, Oct 12 to 1H- All bops will be valued iler on standard. Irrespective of Kwrapbl'"! origin, ou tbe basis of their hop-bit er acids and aroma, 20 per eent of lio bitter aelda and exquisite sroiim re ceiving ISO points each, peimltie l'ln provided for excessive amount of (I) seeds, ('-) leaves and stems (poor I'K k- OLtBTssa or ranat.a n,om at Dipyxa mmt sraeaa or omowtu. lng), 13) moisture and drjuo.-u (ioor kilu dr)las), W sulphuring, :) duui sge by wind, mold aud luaoet tti off color and appearance. Standard bops should range from 1X) to CO points, the relative merit or value of the sjicclmen being expressed in ttii1 percentage of points It receives. For every per cent of hop-bitter aeld below 20 aud down to 13, Inclusive, ouo point Is deducted; for every er cent below 15 and down to 10 two points are deducted; for every per ceut below 10 and down to 8 three jwluts are de ducted; for 1 per cent below 8 four points ere deducted. ' The scale of quality aa to aroma will range from exquisite with fifty point, to Inferior with twenty-live points, the grades being: Exquisite, TH); very good, 40; good. 88; fair, 80; Inferior. 2'. ;Coutents of leaves and stem and seeds will be penalised one polut for each per cent; moisture 1 per rent for each per cent above 10. op to 14; dryness two points for encb icr rent below 8 and down to 8 lnrltiHlve. nil Indk-ated In schedule. Hops will be disqualified If they eon- tain: (O Less than T per cent of noft resins or bop-bitter acids. i? more than 14 per cent of seed (3) more than 12 per cent of leaves and stem. (4) more than 15 or lee thun 0 per cent of moisture, (3) If troiik!y huI- pbured (heavy reaction In five min utes), (0) If heavily damaged t mold or insects, (T) if strongly dlseoloriM or strongly, off in sppesrnnre, (8) If abnormal In odor, dlsngreeable, rheoy or rank. THE AWARDS FOR EXHIBITS OF BARLEY. Cash Prizes Totaling Sevsn Thousand Dollars, Awards for exhibits of barley at tbe second International barley and bop prize exhibit at Chicago. Oct. 12-22. will be made as follows; - The swards will constat of over 10O cash prises, totaling 'about 7,0"i. which hsre been contributed by a num ber of associations of brewers, nmlt sters and Individual manufacturer. Tbe highest Individual prize le $300. For the purpose of prise distribu tion each of the four botanically dif ferent types represented by. (1 Man churia, (21 Bay Brewing. (3) White Club, (4) Chevalier wUl constltnte a class by Itself. are also swurded sccordlng to geographical origin by states and commercial importance, of the crop lu tbe diacretion of tbe committee on liavbs tsHAcrs) or tfis oons or HOPS. awsrds. Special awards will also bo made In accordance with tlie condi tions Imposed by contributors. ' Tbe amount of barley offered for ex hibit miiHt be at lenxt alxty pounds In bulk, with a sheaf of barley of st lesst twelve beads each. The sieclmens must represent a fair average product of one field on which thej were grown and must be taken by the grower blmaelf from a quanti ty of 2,000 pounds at least. All samples of bit Hoy must be prop erly certified to bnve been grown by tbe exhibitor according to the "rules and regulations" to be obtained from tbe committee on awards, 1308 Repnb Uc building, Chicago. . . SCULS AND HOUSES. You will confer the greatest ben r.; on your city not by raising it roof, hut by exalting its sou!, for it is belter that great sou's live in mall habitahon than that abject slave should burrow in great home, Epictetu. Sswd Papae. Paper made from sea weed la so trsusNirent thai It used lo som place f.a- windows Insles.l f gHM. CONTEST NOTES Y THE CONTEST EDITOR ) I observe Miss Btory still retains the lead in District No .1. Very good MIhs Story; stsy there If you can. At last. Miss Kent, you have taken my advice and have stsrted to gain your old position at th head of th Hut. You are now lu second plac. Thst's very good, but first plrce Is better. .. ' . Miss Meyers:' I se Miss Kent ha naurped your poaltlon on the "Itoll or Honor." Don't aland for It. t hange place with her tomorrow; or better still, go to the top of the lint. I knew you could lo It If you tried. Miss' Cross. A fw more votes will put you In third place. . Didn't hear from Mrs. Zimmerman yesterday. Expect to today." Vary good for you. MIhs Smith. You have passed the 20O.O1M mark, but don't get reckles. Continuous sppll cation to vote-getting will ratine you to be a winner, but you must seep busy as In the pust. Don't know what to say about you Mink Ciosney Am going ,rt wnlt tomorrow, then perhaps I may be able to "tell 'em all" you are If th lead. MUs Ream: Your position seem to be as firm ss the rook of (ilbrnltur. but don't be content with third place. Mrs. Mack: I knew you were going to forge to the front. I see you have piiMaed one candidate already. Mlsa Batdorf: ' Mrs. Msck changed placea with you yesterduy. That means that your name Is a notch fur ther down the list. I expect you to reverse the situation today. I knew my prediction concerning MIhs Thomas would come true. I ex pect even better results when she is permitted to devote her entire time to "vote getting." MIhs Unrdner has taken a vacation and gone to the mountains, but that doesn't mean she has quit the race. I hope to hear from you todiiy. Mlits Rablrkrend am-not goliiK t be w prised If you climb up a uolch or two tm the "Roll of Honor.". That all. 1 am on my way to the "Candidates' Bull." f TIMELY BAT WORK WINS FOR BEAVERS PORTIJt!rn7'Atig. 2.T (Special Tim eiy -httttn g. rmre: her wit h -t he w-lldnMs of Pitcher llyram. gave the Besvers snother Victory rver the Bsc ramnnto team today. MeCredle's hrsves. with the mnnnKer i.nil Iluddr Ryan absent, beat the California cap ital contingent by-a seor of 5 to 2. The Beavers tallied three of the quintet of aces In the first Inning, snd, with Bill Steen occupying tbe hill for the horn club, this proved amply suf ficient to deride the gnme, hough th Beavers tallied a score enrh In the second and third Inning, swelling the totnl snd cinching the decision. Walter McCredle wss forced 16 watch the game from his uncle's Imx In the grand stand, for President Ors ham heeded I'mplre Hlldehrand's ss sertlon that the Besver leader was re.i saucy to him Sundiiy, and for that reimon the presiding genius of the Pnclfip Coast I-nsne hiis reflded Wsl ter Is too stremioiiM s person to be allo'veri on the tmll field for sn In definite period. Buddy Rynn was sh sent heentise his sore ban. I still lsth ers him. but It Is possible thnt he will get hack In the game today. The results Wednesday follow: Pacific Coast Icague Portland R. icrnn etitu 2: Oakland 12 Los Ange lee 4; Vernon 5, 8an r'rancisco 4. Northwestern league Portland fi. Victoria 2; Vancouver .1, Penttle 0: Taeoma 8, Sxkane 2. American leagne Nr, gumes scheduled, caiionai ieeie Chicago fi. v York 2: llnsiklyn r,. 9t. I,,!,! j; (- elnnatl fi. Host 1 m Philadelphia .I Pittsburg 2. STANDING Psclflc Coa.t. Won ixst. p.r. r.n r.r,, fis.r,5 "2 ,:.o:t Portland Vernon Oakland San KrnnrtHco Sacramento . . Los Angeles . . 7S 7K 7.1 nr. r.7 71 8S .171 .191 Northwestern. Won ,-79 71 70 r,H fl2 II Lost. -49 nr, r.7 r.i ft!) P.'. Ml .r,7n .nr. 1 .mi .inn .2.1'! VancrMiver Tacnmn . . Seattle .. Spokane . Portland . Victoria .. Cat Madicn The undent physician, ha.) nrm be lief In the healing pnwi-rs f diffireiit portions of the ei. ,,r. I,,ri,y from seme confusion existing In thi l'r tnlud with regard to IIm nine HveM ( f them give it valuable reclpo to eure fevers two pint of watei u,,od with three drops of blood taken from the ear of on ass and certain part of a cat's digestive organ. Turkih BookMl,r,. I. r "V'"' "f car 7 life In lurkey observed that Turk tab books-and bookseller were u.nong tbe curious feature f 1U(. cou,.r "Tbe Turkish bookseller." he i wul shove trade. He rarely or nev er .(tempts , pUHh hfc 2,7; -re valuai,,; books so Kreatly ,, c , , ' induced ,u sell them. , ,, ?,, .' form part of i,u -i,. .. ... eiier sre In tuuiiiiMi ru.i .. ... .. . Old fushl .1 -I...... ' " 1 e 17 thn p ,v,1r,i::,",r"1"1' for n ni-i.M.i. ... .. reiini ,.., " " van,,. , 1. 10. ley. MA fill lljtff HONESTY. nei Tt? "f h to neighbor .hall no, cheat him. But day come, when he begin, care thai he rln i- .. 1 ..en ai. DnM ..... . He h I I I 1 mangea rut hsrkei cart imn ' . chariot nf ik r ... u.i. cwrion. CASH and People who esrry all thai cumulate a eompatsno. Thoi wne asp" '- "a net Snl u. but build a substantlsl credit alee, , ' cash Csh oo furthsM whn supplsmsnt.d by Ooed Crtdit Dapos't your csh and build ypur credit at r The Bank of OfCgon City OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY l.OOt'HICTTB lridal 11 -. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, IMJO0.0U. Tr.naactaswaraltaaaing utn ..... , f . .:-tir- 2 CRUSHED TO DEATH AS AUTO OVERTURNS (Continued from t'SSS ! the victim 'of the scrldenl will be itiitdo today. Cummltm hsd been lit lrllsnd shout two year. He was formers salesman for the Portland Motor Car Company. A year ko l"t June, h had a ar Ion 'accident, which neatly coat his Ufa and resulted In permanent Injury to hi leg when a car he was driving collided wllh a I'nlted Rallwsys trsln at Krotit and Madlaon l reels. 1'iitr.nlro our advertisers.' Wants, For Sale, Etc Nollrm undar thaea claaairiaS h will ln,-l at una ral a ari1 ln.rll.i hall a nl aJiill'al tlnna hi inrh raS tt sar mwlh lnh eanl. t HBai i ar ta mlh 1 h imiat arruiueaar aiSar uila hM haa an n aienunl wlia lha pana llasn -iat rpmtwlti -rrmta. hat d a- artura or-ur f ra- rvttniri nlua l prtnua lar salrn Minimum charaa ISc WANTID. ArXNTnrKToltrotiis-w-irry-roK li-itlon of sH sorts of curios, an tique, ntid Indian trinket; atampa for . tirft!p roller'or. coin for niimismatlsit, arrow hrad for arch eelok:nt, etc. I huy and sell Sll sort of curio, 11N0 all kind of secoiid hand fiirtillure and leads, (leorge Young, Main. ner Ktflh street. . WANT!.! oMiaii drtlcinelit fo' this .eol'imn P1ce ry reason abl. be ,tate at head of ril im Read the Morning Knterirla. WANTED Hop picker. sd pick ing. gMMl camp ground, fre cratea, free transportation from boat or train to yard for picker and bag gage. Apply p. Kurnlck, i: Jgth street. WANTED To rent I or t acres of lund Slid house; ontl,tldliiK for chicken raising preferred; nW rent. Addres f. J. II , rare Enterprise. tireKon I lly. WANTED rant. -ilrl at Hnitiswlik restsu 3t WANTEI-You lo know that the Ka lerprlo Job printing department I Hie most compiate in m State, outsld Portland. Try It for your neit prlntina WANTED-Cnrw-nler snd laborers. uejM.rt Mount Pleasant school house after Tuesday motnltiR H orlock. WANTED (llrl for general house work. Call si sioie 0110 door north f First Nmlonnl Hank, or opposite poHtofflte. WANTED Ctrl or woman for l-ral hollseariirlf A gen- - - r-"". .aKri anq permanunt- plienj-in rr:aH - f m y snd i iu.iihihi; must i,n cxjierleiiced. Appl r,:i East Sulmon street Poitland, or t Enterprise ofrice. FOR f .I.E -Space i ihl eoluma Hell that old piw or harrow- yon -don t-n.e tr f tt,ca-)ou purchased vour i.ew one KOH SALE Team. w"sKoTTndha7. JieM; tesm weight about 1000 pounds each. 4 year, old, well brok Tr,;. lV''u '"''"nteed to he rue. Cull st tlrohett & Company's, postofflce hulldltig. ' 7 ' f oiTsA rr,o,7.e-.-( ir,t,rr,r. provements. flno v,w, ,, Vln Me store, VV. st' Hide. Price 1475 Hurvey Ruck. Oregnn Clly ' f (?rleHS7?i ",,tn. 1 ''guts, hot and rold water block front hluff. This la . k. -rARf LoN- '" ''ARM LOANS-Dl.nlck a DImleb IJIWyara. Dr..,.- Olmlok, """ y'T, or, fifLW1 AHorneyst ilDCOv-r - ACTOR "' on all ! MM rhMlf" ncrets, .! "pl'"!"." "rr am , ra nidr. n,a..0fI, " Bnrnrl. 'r. Oregon. CREDIT easH areund vrlth thsm ,!, . . ' 1 "f ER. Chi. Ooan tnr. A. M. V f , iJ. ..jrl ..CSV !.. '. , ,-: ...-,. NEW HIGH SCHOOL I FINE AUDITOii: On of th features of ta kv School, wo'' l be rsedy ft, In Bplmber I the iaeVm, laju. lum. It will b ouu of tb tmZ smhly rooms In sny of th iraaT In tb stat. Tb stag will Ukr and will afford opportunity lu, talnmant and ronitnearamaai mm elss equal to th ordiaart Z bouse, r. A. IMiwr I nawusTa, scnry and curtain, whki win I Installed In a fsw weeks. Tit est on th drop curtain will Mount Hood with L"t Uk u s There also will b a eortil 1, 5. rear and four wings Mrs. J Weed 0t luadant,. ' Mrs. Joe Wood, sister of t. hm cs, of this etty, died In 8til, tt Mondsy, after a brlf I'ines. aa Wood bsd been enjoying tb M4 health until a few aeakt tfA ate she waa taken til. Rh la wrrti by her buaband and flv rklMrw. BASEBALL . RECREATION AUK, t Car. Vswghe and Twnty fsnk h . LOS-ANGELES - ( PORTLAND August 14, IS, 14 17, 11 it, ft -Osm Begin Wskdys st I a i Sundays, 2: SO P. M. ' CAOIEf DAY FRIOAY. Boys llede.' II r to Dtaarssi ' " wdneily TKE WCILD J 6aEATEST SEWIBt tZZ LIGHT RUNNING. Ifyee WS4 either a Vlhmlinf SMI" 1 HbuUlaor aMlnlaThrw1 rkmtan fcwwtus Marliln wnal .a 1 TI IIW I0MI IIWISI StACHIIIjW"" Oranga, Ma . vi .,tib m-'""",!,T.Z i,buillMew Ilaw .'T Our luarasiv avr turn . ; sM ay nail krl set! eJ sav roa ml ui 1 uistUlLL t 150 Morrison EL artl9' ! I 10 REWARD ! Tor th arrest- sn wwvieU"' 'of any person or persons, e unlawfully remove copies 01 Morning Enterprise from ' premises of subscribers in . paper haa been placed tbsr carrier. ; . " 4 the "moaning eNTcrtWiJ! Is on aale at tbe following iW" every day: ' t 1 ' Huntley Bros Drug . Main Btreef. ' ". J..W. MoAnulty-C Seventh and Main. gecrest Confectionery . " Main near Sixth. M. B. Dunn ConfectlonsfT , Next door to P. 0. "' City Drug Store Electric Hot'- Bchoenborn Confectiosay Seventh and X Q- Aa"" w9 1 t St m at aisaaB. m It Z.HI m I WHITE QUE!! ssaaaaaaaaaiBBSSBBBBVSBsWslBaBlsVBWsEsS FLOUR A Straight BluesW Evsry Sack Quarantd. ample tack Frss. Sole Aflsnts for . Korrect Poultry foot. .Oregon Coaciiss.on C ' 11TH AND MAIN STt Orsgon C"y- Patronise our alvenlser.