MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, AUGU8T 23, 191L CHIC FABRICS. Walit Line Outlined by Flewere en Lingerie Creates. Ktirt'lliKS should newr be Worn In the li.ufiiliiu . One 'f (lie new ttl osts le of crepe da chin eilii1 with a deep. net ruttle. This iHtter bus a hem three lixhe w il (if rrepe tie t hine. Small flowers are iisik! oil luita Jiwt aa profusuly aa the lui'e ones. Fu u FIFTH AZZUAL OREGON GTATE FAIR Suits CALEM, SoatotnborH-IG, 1011 ...ii fur the boya are arriving every day. I)o yourself 10urb trrint our beautiful line of BOYS' SUITS before buying. . ......... f.ii- na In aluivr Ihmn tn iu. HOME COMING VJEEIt LIVESTOCK, POULTRY AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS RACES, FREE ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS. FERULLO'8 GREATEST BAND. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. IIP Ki n fAR DRfUII A I ItT AMH rUTDV Bl HUIt ,4(1 be P'"""'w " " ' " , AIM bo HATS, CAPS, SHOES and BLOUSES. Everything ,,uj here' oy. J. LEVITT pailon Bridge Cor.. Oregon City ' Fall i LOCALBRICrS Loeltt of T.fravllle, Pa., I on busl""- wure I" lul" 7 ---- . . nr. m liulrae. of New Ltolbl. cl.y on iftHjir. ,re In thi city on bualnea r't.r iiruie. of Portland. la t with hvr slater, tbs Mlase 0( f0f "" ' j ur. mlaa Scripture, of thla ,,ot 8iitilr at 8tasldr gneata Horas emmao. Bown. of HbIIwikkI, formerly Ctr U In thla city vlaltlnK g,te and other friend. Dollle Pratt, who baa been In br yarouim m uw..w.., . ... . .. mi. pi return'"' u "iW"" vii. ranen left on Tuea- f gvlrv, where aba will r- for acveral weea viauing !C Horan and wife, R. P. Kelt lift, of BaU-m, were In thla city ,j and wore reglatered at the trie H0,l- it Ruth Btflwur. of Portland, who ta tba guest of Mr. and Mra. tn D LatourHte. of thla city, rrfurned to ber home. Ilbolt ! will leave tba ElactrU I ttrb day at I o'clock p. tn. r and Mra. J. W. Cola will leave alurday fur Seattle. Waah., where ID vlstt the latter'e alater, Mra. iff. fw several weeka, M Rota Marra and niece Evelina trmta. of thla city, who have been ling Mra. W. C. Curry, or Monro. iitr Mra Siwucor Horry, of bdborn, have returnm) to Oregon in lyittla Qulnn left on Tueaday tlnf for A'tnrla. where aha will Lit for aevrral weeka at work In office of the arlflo Telephone tpany. . , !m Nt1 rrly. who apent the b two weeka with her parenta, Mr. Mra. rrhy. at Newjort In the bport eottane, ha returned to Ore- City. r. and Mra J. E. Rwlry and two lititcn, who apent the paat week d rrlatlvaa and frlenda at Taooma. rettimpd to OreRon City on nday Tenln(. lr K A. Bommer. formerly of Ore City, hna moved Ma office to 1Q1T Mt btilMtnar. Portland. Irman Smith, one of the promln tanntra of Carua, waa tranaartlna; iinm In thla city on Tueaday. Klia Letba Jackaon, atenojrrapher tb Clackamaa Abatrart Com r, la Uklne; a two week a' vara n. 8b will vlalt relat.vea and tidi at 'Wondhurn, and a I aft In tba I'bfrn part of the county. laa Clara Miller and brother. Otto liar kft Tueaday for St. Loula. Mo., r tba former will rlalt until the tT fn of October, and the latter II remain at Rt Inila, where he baa fpted a poaltlon. plaj 01m McClnre. formerly of thla bat now of Portland, and Mlaa fal Tralcla. of thla city, letf on fly for Sprlnmwater, whera tney ' rnr one week, aa (ueata or Mra. Handle. fvf Brothera received a 'cub bear IMtr meat market on Tueaday N"!. and there waa a blf demand "tfaaa. The bear waa killed Clear Creek by a man named rUl, tnd When dreaaed wrelvhiul ft hiuU fT. yog amoker! Mnhol tiaa In at f'l'M l.oon 1'orto Rloo clara: y nn; n int. to plt. lw f'ra, George Young and two chil li. Elma and ! will leave thla Win- for BllvHrton. where they will k ... Vmin' ninther. Mra I R. ""tlnrtnn, and alao hlt brothera. "d John Yonnaj. They will re " for ona week. d Mra. Thomaa Myera. Mlaa Aildredge and Kent Wllaon. who rnpoifd a hunttriK party that went i beadwatota of the Molalla RIt ! returned to Oregon City. "ri daer were ahot and plenty ""b were cniight. A. Chapman, while playing " on the Commercial Club In the rlty park on Seventh . iprftlnod her ankle. She waa ",If4 ' ber home on Sixth and Z? ,'rw'- It will be aeveral daya ( JMra. Chapman will be able to J. lad Mr. Morae. of Jennlnga ".ho are apendlng the aummer ' cottage nt Seaalde. Or., are jwUBlng Mra. C. C. Burnett, of tl, Wa"h ' Ml Etnel .Burnett. ilin. nd- ,n1 th Mlaaet Ilelen . "M (nrl Iln.. Tl n V. . . Tn Lodge nuu",l,i at. Veil m ... ... 'elaaa n. '"""'r- Mr- 'n' '" hoi mriB,n "na Frank Fort, i. , ai LRnnnn twarn. i". are to make a trip to Mount mi.r''"n n'th la Inmprovlng. etneola in i....- ... i.i. frith nearer on nepiem- "r. and u. . rrtiln . v imam Mcgora en- ar " vuc.r irimiua ai b tv,m on 8nday. Thoae enoy K "P,"Hty of Mr. and Mra. M rrT S. and Mr'., Z L hX ' "J? MrJry Caufleld. TJt I, UK;n. Uvy atlpp and Pf. Jeni ln'T ' ""'raon. of Meldrum, 2m.e,tf TUM,1'y- Mr' Hen' Itan n?,T!.i,M? ? two doaen ilpped t L. . aucKi wn,cn r He ii f,m frora N Alb"r. md. Srnid Z K91- "on of J- Hedgea. Cln V" tr llt to rela- ether tla- ' Mri- return Ik1"?' Wn0 ln B"' W ,rn th Ult' Prt of the CONTEST NOTES (Y THK CONTEST EDITOR. ) The conteat cloaea within eleven daya. Are you making tbe beat of the remaining time? Take five mln utea and tbluk It ovor. Ian't tbre aomeoiie who promlaed to help you before the cloae whom you have not called on to make gxl that prorulae? Yeat Then go after blni'at once. (let remly for tbe "Candldatea Hall." If you fall to be preaent you will mlaa tbe moat enjoyable evening of your life time. Tbe conteat umu agnment aaaurea all camlldntea and their frlvnda a plraauut tlmo. Mlaa Story: I ee you ailll lead. Very good, but keep buay, there are othera aftr your poaltlou. Mlaa Meyera: You atlll occupy aecotid place. 'Iletter put forth a lit tle extra effort before the cloae of tbe "IKiuble Vote" offer. You can eaally take lite lead again If you try. Mlaa Kent: It appear to me that you didn't pay tbe leaat.blt of atten tion to my advlae, "to get back In tbe lead and atay there." I repeal It. I hear Mlaa Croaa haa atarted after votea with renewed energy. You can eaally go to the front; Mlaa Croaa, If you do your beat. You have a boat of frlenda and well wlaber. Another voluntary aubacrlptlon with requeat that tbe votea be credited to you-waa banded Into the office today, Mra. Zimmerman. Let all your frlenda know you're. In the race, and your campaign will take care of Iteelf. Mlaa Smith: Don't atop! Hut Just turu your head and glance behind you. Mlaa (Moaner g atlll "camping on your trail." Mlaa Cloaner: I feol that you are going to awcll the. aubacrlptlon Hat and take the lead on tbe "Roll of Honor" when you "turn In" thla week Hut you will have to go eome, fur Mlaa Smith la atlll "on the Job" and "up and a coming." None of the candldatea have auo ceeded thua far In uaurplng Mlaa Keam'a poaltlon. But you will have to cout I nue your good work Mlaa Ream or they are liable to. You are a cloae eecond for third place Mlaa Itatdorf. Continue to do your beat and you will be numbered with the winner, but you muat not do any loafing. Mra. Mack, you ehould, and I know you are going to. Increase your vote total before tbe cloae of tbe "Double Vote offer." Your cbancee are A 1 If you continue your good work. I anticipate a decided Increase In Mlaa Thomaa' vote total Auguat 24. Oo after It for dear life Mlaa Thomaa. A few thouaand votea will put you In third place and then a grand ruah at the finish will carry you on to victory. I have good re IK) rta of you Mlaa Oardner and am not going to be In tbe leaat aurprlaed to aee you win' the price you are aeeklng. You can do It. Mlaa Rablck. through an error, your name waa taken off the "Roll of Hon or" yeaterday; It la back there now. You are not very far benlnd the oth era. Oo after votea In eameat and you will be Included with the win-nera. Curieaitiee of Ceffae. Coffee, aa exiwrta are aware, haa a very extraordinary property. It la one of the moat absorbent matters In ex istence. Coffee beuna placed In a damp room awell and almorb moisture till tbey nearly double their weight. So absorbent la culTee. uot only f moisture, but of gsMes and flavors, that ehlpNra of Uruxlllan coffee al ways srtpolute thnt the aacka of fresh Rio benna shall never I carried on a ateamer which baa raw hldea aa any part of her cargo. These will tnlnt the coffee more surely than anything else and render It uuflt for use. The naeful aide of this unllty of coffee la that In a sickroom a handful or two of fresh roasted and ground beana act aa an excellent purlBer and deodorlxer. All the Bargalna Were Gone. An American of bltberto undoubted reraclty tells tbla atory of a reatnnrant In Berlin to which be and a friend went one evening: Tbe fare and the music were so good and (be people about them so amusing thnt they lin gered on and on. When at laat tby rose to go the Amerlcan'a hat was not to be found. . r- "What sort of hat wns It. meln henT Inquired the stolid persou In cbnrge. "It was a new top bat." auld the American briskly. f "Ach. but. meln berr. nil the now huts huve been gone for half au hourl" said the sirlllug tiernmn plucldly.-KX' cbtinge Th Old Time. Skipper. Inmates of the wardroom on an American man-of war often allude tv the captnln n tbe old man or the aklp per. The Inner It not. aa many sup pose, a Mlitiitf 'erin. but a aound word, of excellent etymology and valuable hs cnrrjlii( within Itself an Interentiuit bit of commercial hlstorj. Skipper Is almply shipper, aud It coine. down from u time wbeu every coromiindei was as well part owner of vesnel nml cargo, or. literally, the shipper. There are atlll local shipyard-, along the At lantic conat. some of them the out growth of private ynrds where the "vesael owoeri" of years ago built their own ships to carry tbelr own and their neighbor's crops to mnrkct CHII.ll' LINEN MUK-g. ataa, foxgloves, sweet Mn. forgetme uota, violets and geraniums are lu the first rsuks. The waist line la outlined by flow er ou many lingerie ilresM4 fur youug girls. These are either luude of bins bauds of silk or bought lu bunches, separated and attached to the band. Tbe empire style, both lu costumes and suits. Is relgulug supreme. Kroin the high plured waist Hue the falrl-a fall lu natural artistic folds along the figure, whlrb should be as slender aud willowy a M.sMllile. Natural llueu sc-alloed with gobelin blue was the colyr scheme for this at tract Iro child's dress. Simple llueu frocks of thla sort are very populur for tbe tit t In one. All the pule colore, auch aa rose, green and blue, make p well lu this atyle. Tbe dress can also be fashioned from thinner materials, auch as lawn and cbambrsy. Tbe work of making the gnruw-tit may be simplified by omitting the band em broidery and trimming the edge with a baud of embroidery or heavy lace act under th edge. JUDIC CnOLLET. Thla Msy Manton psttsrn la cut In alaes for a child of two. four or six ysara of agw Send 10 cents to this office, giving Dumber, 89H snd It will bs promptly for warded to you by msll. If In hast send sa additional two rant alsmp for letter postage, which Insure mors prompt de livery. TOILET TALK. Blsok Satin Much Uaed In ' Head Dressing. Msnr little Inbota and frills show touches of black velvet In the form of tiny buttons. White iiarssuls of allk or satin, bor dered with a all or eight Inch land of black velvet, are very handsome. A charming addition to the aallor collar collection la one made of cream OTKt SIOHTOOWN. moQssclIne, with a broad betn tn color, auch as king blue, imiuve or o!d roe. HliicU sntln la used In bend dress ings, combined with red. white, blue and green White feather nre some times combined with rose puffs and ribbon flowcra. , Kotilurd are combined with pluln silks. Purely do we see a allk dress entirely of one k'nd of material. It is a season for remuints, A simple nightgown for a little girl la Illustrated here. It .Is mnde with n high or with a low sinnre nock, aa preferred. Nainsook Is the ninteilnl used, the yoke and cuff being finished with narrow frills of handkerchief lawn. Jl'MO CHOLLKT. This Msy Manton psttern Is cut In slasi for girls of two to tsrelve yaare of age. Bend 10 cents to this omo. giving numbsr, Joan, and It will be promptly forwsrded to you by mall. If In haat send sn addi tional two cent atamp for letter poets", which Inauraa more prompt delivery. Thumb R rigs. Thumb rle. which iuuif have been rery unpnlnlv nnd were worn from the fourteenth to the seveuieetith century, and In "Henry IV. KalstuCf bousts thst in his yoiih he was slim enough to "creep Into uy Hidermiin s tlAjuib rWM . The Friends. E(Ile (Just engsgedi What do you think Edwin aald last nlgbt? That If be had to choose either me or 110.000 be wouldn't even look at tbe money! May (still waltlngi-Dear. loyal fellow I aiipios be wouldn't like to risk tbe tempts Uou. SENATOR BACON OF GEORGIA, VETERAN OF BULL- RUN. ONE of the moat Interested visitor to tbe battlefield of Boll Ron on the fiftieth anniversary of tbe fight waa United State Sen ator Angnatna Oct rta Bacon of Georgia, tbe only meat now prominent In the nation 'a legislature who fought there. Senator Bacon waa la the Coo federate army and la able to recall vividly many of tbe errata of that tiring day. He served through the war and then resumed his law atodiea. For more than thirty year he haa been prom inent In poMtlc. Be Is aerrtsg his third term In tbe senate, baring been designated the laat time by a primary rote nnanlmonaly ln hla favor. Recently Senator Bacon Introduced an amendment to tbe senate role to limit Interruption of a senator to mere questions. "Discussion In the senate now 1 carried on;" be says, "after th fashion of men Jabbering on a street corner." COUNTY COURT. EXPENDITURE ON COUNTY ROADS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY. GENERAL FUND. County Court, Commissioner. N. Blair $ 20.40 V. H. Mattoon . :TT.T". ...... 11.00 H. L. Hull 17.50 F D. Sturgla ' 12.00 Geo. A. Brown ..............I' J 7.60 R. W. Baker i 2.50 Circuit Court. T. M. Miller ...$ 27.00 F. A. Mllea 2.00 Chaa. Hattan 4.40 J. C. Bradley 3.00 John Kent . 3.40 Wm. Fine 3.20 Chaa. Shockley 6.40 H. 8. Gibson 9.40 B. F. Weddle 4.20 Gilbert L. Hedges 10.00 Q.-W. Atwood 4.40 M. II. Rlebhoff $.00 E. Douthlt 200 Chaa. Gate v 2.00 U E. Bcntley ; 3.00 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. W. W. H. Samson f 53.20 Geo. Brown 95.00 Robt Maybree 7.50 J. J. Eisner 7.50 J. Lltex 7.60 A. E. Reed 7.60 J. Yandall 7.60 Jean Larsen 7.60 Harry Miller v.. 450 Henry Mills -50 W. C. Charlaln . ..' 4.70 Mra. M. Strucken ............ 4.90 J. Howell 120 H. Nachnnd 1-40 R. E. Woodward 1-20 Chaa. McCarver .............. 1.20 L. Stehara" 1.20 W. E. Dunn 120 Chaa. Orewller 1.70 Ernest Englehouse 1.70 Adolph Fisher 1.70 J. Shearer " 1-70 H. W. Trembath 170 A. E. Reed 7.60 John Yandall 7.60 Jean Larsen 7.50 Eva Phelpa V. 6.50 8. White 7.50 Robt Maybree 7.60 Alice M. Hardin 7.60 Jessie Hardin 6.60 U A. Dnvla 12.30 D. E. Froat .. 6.00 B, L. Davidson 13.00 J. C. Halnea 6.40 Mra,' Ira Jonea 160 Mra. Delia THlotaon 1.50 Emlle Dooghe 1.60 Hang Kunie 1.60 Mary Tapfer ,.f 160 Andrew Scbllt ".. 1.50 J. C. Halnea ;.. 7-30 C. II. Elston 2.60 Mra'. J. P. Cook.. 1.70 Mra. S. Bouta 1.70 Mra. Geo. Nasi 1.80 Dr. A. J. Rosklter 1.50 L. C. Cllnefelter 1.60 W. Q. Zednlck 2.20 E. L. Davidson 1.70 Henry Blckner , 1.20 Bert Jonarud f. .TJ ..... 1 ' 10.70 SHERIFF. E. T. Maaa ,. 1150.00 Geo. C. Browne 8.00 Charles Elv 20.80 F. E. Mllea 63.2i Wilson A Cooke .60 CLERK. W. U Mulvey f 10.00 Ruth Hedge 6.00 M. C. Mulvey 34.00 .RECORDER. L. H. William $ 7.00 C. E. Ramaby 70.00 Edith Smith 60.00 TREASURER J. A. Tufta $ 2.00 Jeaa Paddock 16.00 CORNER. W. J. Wllaon f 24.40 Dr. A. J. Rosaiter 6.00 Dr. A. V. Adlx 5.00 Dr. M. C. Strickland ' 6.00 SUPT. OF SCHOOLS. Mra. Viola Godfrey $ 9.00 ASSESSOR. Clara Mitchell I 62.00 C. E. 8 pence 18.00 J. E. Jack 2.00 Edith Jackaon 52.00 M. E- Gaffney 21.00 Arnold Schmidt 24.00 R. H. Searle 21.00 (To be pontinued ) CORRESPONDENCE CLARKES. Sam Elmer threshed laat Tuea day. The Buol Brothers threshed 1,200 btiBhels of grain laat week. Mra. Iram, mother of John Evans, of Cams, was burled In Clarkes last Sunday. Sam Elmer Is threshing for Mr. Hoffstetter. Mr. Max son stacked his grain last week. Mr. Schlewee threshed 61 bushels to tho acre. ' Mr. and Mrs. Loder of Oregon City, were out ln a automobile last week to vlait Mr. MorquardL Born, to Mrs, Bergman, a daughter. Mr. Wetthaufer was In town laat week. i Mr. Qergman was In town last week and was accompanied home by Mrs. Bergman's sister, of Portland. Mr. Sims is helping Willie Marshall stack., John Marshall Is running; an engine for Sam Elmer. Mrs. Vlsk, of Molalla, Is visiting 8am Elmer. A dancing party was given at Elmer Lee's last week. Mr. Larklns waa In town laat Wednesday. WOMfMIMlMnuT folGNIfTINu THE IMniKTPIFC I y it uii isuj j Thla la th title ef a beautiful a-par book, which wUl snow any boy r gtrl to te aOOGIID. Oros a poatal la tbe mall TODAY aad It will ke aeat FEU. The aim ef th Collage la to dtfatry aad popularise the iBduatrlea, aad to aerve ALL the people. ItosVra eouraea la Agrtoulture. Civil gaglBseiiag. Electrical EBgtneerlng, Meohanloal iBglBMrlag, Mlalag Inula arlDg, Foraatry, Domaatlaloleaee aad Art, Com more, Pharmacy aad atualo. The College epeaa epteatber lid. Catajeg free. . . Addreae: EIOIITEAE. OEEOON A0E1CULTVEAL COLLKOK, Oorvallla, Oregoa. FRANK A SALEM, Oocrotary OREGON. i Rheumatism Can be Cured Nature's Way NATURAL HOT MINERAL BATHS. Hot Lake Sanatorium vVrlt For Booklet HOT LAKE, OREGON. Mr. Bottemlller 1 stacking, and Mr. Bergman la helping him. , MARQUAM. F. M. 8wlft. the railroad organizer,' was ln Marquam last week. F. J. Ridings went to Portland last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marquam are thinking of taking a trip to California this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Enox Blair, of Port land, are visiting Mra. Blair's mother, Mra. Roberts. Mrs. Andrew Bentley and her two children, of Oak Grove, were here visiting relatives and friends laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Alen Jack, of Oregon City, were here last week calling on relatives and frlenda. This Is a busy week with the farm ers and threshing machine men. 'Ice cream social at the hall Friday night September 1. Music furnished by the Marquam brass band. NEWPORT CHERRYVILLE. Rer. Dr. Runyan preached In the MethdUlst Episcopal church Sunday. Mrs. Parnell Averill returned from Los Angeles laat week, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Child. Mrs. L, F. Pridemore's mother, of Spokane, and aunt and . cousin, are paying her a visit. Charley Perbam has returned to CherryTlUe. George Flynn la working at Gov ernment Camp. George F. Barringer has returned from a week's visit to Montaville. Mlaa Beckett, a former Cherryvllle : school teacher, visited In Cherryvllle last week. Mlas Ruth Friel haa returned from a week's visit to Portland snd Bridal Vale. J. T. Friel. Jr made a trip to Port land last Tuesday. Mr." Howard, proprietor of Howard's aummer resort, about six miles from Mclntyre's store, while on bis way home was assaulted and badly beaten over the head with a club. Mr. How ard waa rendered unconscious for a short tlms and was carried Into Mr. Buholts's. Mr. Howard Is slowly re covering. Leo and Frances McCabe have been hauling sand from Salmon River for cementing the cellar of their new bouse. Mrs. J. T. Friel. Jr,- who was ser iously 111 last - week, has recovered. L F. Prldemore Is digging a well for Forest Ranger Shelly at rangers' headquarters In Cascade Forest Re serve. ' DOVER. Mlsa Alice Cooper has returned home from California." Mr. Fitzgerald made a business trip to Portland laat Friday. Mrs. Charles Miller and daughter, of Columbia City, are 'visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. J. W. Miller. . Mr. and Mrs. Shaw returned to Portland last week. George Kltzmlller purchased a fine team from H. Fltigerald laat week. Harold Miller came home from Co lumbia City Saturday night Mrs. Joe DeShazer entertained ber mother and sister, of Bridle Vale, last week. YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Popular Beach Reaort An Ideal retreat v for outdoor pas times of all kinds. Hunting, Fishing. Boating, Surf Bathing. Riding, Auto ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water agates, mosa agates, moonstones, carnelans can rje touna on toe Descn. pure mountain water and the beet of food at low prices. Fresh flsb, clams, crabs and oysters, with abundance of vege tables of all kinds daily. (- Camping Grounds Convenient and At tractive. wth strict sanitary regulations LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON TICKET8 from mil nnlnta In Hnwnn Wanhln. - ton and Idaho on sale dally. ; 3-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY TICKETS from Southern Pacific points Port land to Cottage Grove; also from all CAE. atations Albany and west GTtod going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. Call on any 8. P. or C ft E. Agent for full particulars as to fares, trains, schedules, etc.; also for copy of our illustrated booklet, "'Outing In Ore gon,?. or write to Wm. McHurray GENERAL PAS8ENGER AGENT, Portland Oregon. G. R. Woodle was in the Douglas neighborhood last week, helping thresh grain. Mr. Morrison, Birch Roberts and a number of others went to Portland to see the circus. A band of Indians passed through Dover Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed called on Mrs, Cromwell Sunday. Cooper Brothers bought a . binder laat week. - Mrs. J. W. Miller sprained her left wrist laat week. , ..' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Leonard Schaber to Fred Bcbaber, 15 acres of land ln James Atbey D. L. C, township 2 south, range 1 east; $1. F. T. Howard and Sarah V. Howard. 66 acres of sections 22, 27, township 4 south, range 2 east; $2,500.' . , F. T. Howard and Sarah V. Howard to Olof F. Johnson, land In sections 22, 27, township 4 south, range 2 east; $1.00. Alice R. Hansen et al to A. M. Em ery, lot 13. block 3. West Gladstone; $1.00. A. M. Emery and W. J. Emery to Grace E. Loder, lot 13 block 8. West Gladstone; $1. A. M. Emery to W. J. Emery lot 13, block 3, West Gladstone; $10. ' R. G. Flagler to Emma May Flagler, lots 9 and 10, block 36, Central Ad dition to Oregon City; $1. "' 1 nomas r. nyan ana inex an. nyan to D. W. James, lot 1 of block 68. Oregon City; $3C0. : ' . ' , VOTE COUPON. r -o- ", 4 GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. 4 This coupe when neatly- clipped and properly filled In with the name of the candidate you wish to vote for, will be counted aa one vote. ' : $ Name of candidate Address This coupon Is void after Auguat 31. Cut on lines. Don't roll.' Send In flat. , S '' 44e4- . 44444 . ' NOMINATION BLANK. ' 1 o GOOD FOR. TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED VOTES. I wish to Nominate Miss..'. .' '. Address ,...... Nominated by t Address This nomination blank, when properly filled In and brought er t mailed to Contest Department of The Enterprise will count 2.500 vote. Only one of these blanks will be credited to each dldate. , , ' :,'-, v foe t- 1,,