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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1911)
MORNINd ENTERPRISE. WEnKFSDAY. ATJOUST 23. 1911. C02MNG ENTERPRISE C2GOR CITY, OREGOff L I. BR004C. Editor m4 PvbUatiee. arr . lilt. at tit pl (Be at CTty Orasrav. neat Lb Act af X. 1T.- ran tr strati mo. Cm Taw. be U M is Mmta hr IMI 1 I "ar waehv er iiIm . JS ' Tra as. r Ml flrat liiln.,..U r-rat Pas, par Baca aSaaS ImrTlai. . laa i W.n soattioa aa? . Bar tea ' Orat teaai tVtm IM sWanee paaHtm aa af. Bar bm ailo4 Saairtlaaa Ova, bub pas' oh r taaa Hrat aaa. par kaek rtrM tannin IS ) hub papa outar -MB mat paaw. par asaa aaaae wiaarUaa. aa Lecala le r Ha; to lagaaw aaVer hb. Ve Baa. ' Waata, fr Seta. Ta Rant. ate. as saat a word flrat avaartlsa: oaa-aalf bbb! Mrs aMttianaL Rat for adrarUeta BBiarprtsa arm a th IB . Waakly 1allr. for aVrtlBeBeata far ft waakly. Wlwrt Lha aarTartataaaaBt m traaferrd froas Utt daily ta tit a. without anajuc. the rats Bmi fee a tack far tua af tb papar. aaa laa aaj etc) far epaetaJ Bastrloa. tBBB BaBUla ! II BIB J party Lasal aSvaTttstna ac legal it l Tlili rau. Tb-cbb aaverttalas and apacUJ - rl aVarttatas at Oc Is Me aa tacn, aooara mm to apactal eoadlltoaa swat-Bins tae Tin aaJ and Bankrupt Bate- aaVar- bjibiibct aae an rtrat Nw Itrma and well arrft'aa artletaa f Burlt. WHO Interest to local raadara. anu as cUdiy accepted. Rejected au- ampts arr rturn4 iibmb by ataama ta praaay aem CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Aug. 23 In American History. 1785 Otlrer Bazard Irry. nsral hero. born: died 1810. 1883 EffectjTe bombardment of Fort Sumter; 419 soots struck the fort. 1810-John Weils Balk ley. who stteod- ! ed Prealdeat Lincoln after latter 1 ( was sboC died: born 1X3. Sarah j M. Flower, philanthropise widow : of Goremor Roewell P. Flower of ; ' New Tark. died: bom 183ft ! ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. j (From noon today to noon tomorrow.! . Sua sets 63. liaes 5:15: moon seta ! 7x77 p. nx: UJO p. m, esmern time, j new moon with the una In roost el 1-1 tion Cancer: Jopiter and Veoun. setting! after son. now earest each other, 24 degree. j , - ' ' I FROGS' LEGS INDUSTRY. The discovery of Professor BatalTJin of Dijon. France, that tadpoles can! be generated by electricity Is Inter- j eating. ' The; learned professor asserts, snd 1 we have, no reason to doubt his state- j ment, that he has produced tadpoles I by electrical treatment of frogs' ; . eggs. j The method Is said to be simple and it opens up almost innumerable possibilities, not the least of Which Is the establishment of a frogs' legs industry. The hind quarters of the tadpole, rolled In cracker dust, fried to a nice brown," floating la tomato sauce and properly garnished, constitute a dish , that appeals to even the non-epicurean of taste. Let us hope that the professor's discovery may stand the test of prac tical use. O ' o . , '.. 0 1 I 0 ' . ! ; I 0 ri 'r I CHE COUNTRY HAS NOTHING TO FEAR FROM CHOLERA. AS SAFEGUARDS INSTITUTED BY THE CITY. STATE AND FEDERAL AUTHORITIES ARE 80 PERFECT THAT SUCH A THING AS AN EPIDEMIC HERE IS PRACTICALLY IM POSSIBLE. -. The cbancea of an isolated esse getting into this country are VERY REMOTE owing to the SPLENDID efficiency the United States marine hospital service, whoxe doctor and agent are now on guard in ererj choleta infected port in F.iirope. The value of these precautions taken bv the marine hospital service on the other side cannot Le OVERESTIMATED. The in spection and examination are M perfect and thorough as skilled marine iioepital doctors can make them, and every ship arriving here from Italy prorea the value of their work in keeping the disease awaj from cor shores. Only recently a steamship arrived after having under gone the inspection of the marine hospital doctors in Italy. , The liner brought about BOO steerage passengers, and our exami nation of the ship and passengers proved to ns how THOROUGHLY the men on the other side) are doing their work. ' In combating cholera the same precautions taken in typhoid feer sr used, and if, these precautions are FOLLOWED THERE CAN BE KO DANGER OF AN EPIDEMIC OF CHOLERA IN ANY COMMUNITY. ' TVr bains ao opportunity fur re ported cabinet resignation, th Wuh tngtoa statesmen eorreapoadeot ara digging P for lira plea who or tir ing to pry Into oar military and naval secret. 80 thil will sot be such a dull summer attar all. "Tba American .husband la not ap preciated." Bay a Danish novelist. And tba aforesaid husband endorse th sentiment every tlm ha (at a millinery bill. o John W. Gate haa (one on. His forty milUoaa still linear. " Colonel As tor haa Ann faith In (ha urgent need fur a prasa censorship. A Colorado woman had her hatpin knocked off by a lightning bolt Lightning appear to be about the only thing that is not afraid of these eye destroyer. .The coachman In bis day won many helreaes, but the chauffeur has him backed off the road. -- Hotal Arrivals. The following are registered at the Electric Hotel: Mrs. Morrison. Van couver, B. C; J. A. Mnrren, Seattle: E. M. Bandle. Portland; Iran H li kens, Sidney Hlnnaa, Harry IL Hall. J. R. Moore. Charles Urquhart, E. P. Gray. Seattle: W. 8.' Bagley, R. L. Morris. George May, N. 3. Bourns. M. Cavanaugh and friend. H. P. Searey. Floyd Hoiden. ohn Stubba. Molalla: W. E. Mumpower. city; F. C Moran and wife. Salem; R. P. Kelt and wife. Salem; a Stanley, , Portland; W. Jsnourtx. TetersTllle, Pa, Patronise our advertisers. TODAY The Sheriffs Brother. A Mother and Son of 76. The Lure of Vanity. THE GRAND Country O O 0 Need Not Be s 0 0 0 0 0 Alarmed 0 Over Cholera 1 0 0 Situation 0 0 0 0 000000000000000 By Dr. A. IL DOTY. Health Officer of the Port of New York HOP PICKING HAS " STARTH) IH VALLEY The 1911 hop season has started In Oregon, picking of early ftoggte has berun la the Willamette Valley and within a few days all early yard will hare begun the season's harvest. All told there are aot more than 600 bale of fugglea expected In Oregon this sea aon. therefore the regular season will not start uatil the picking of clusters begins. This will be early next week. As a rale hop growers are prepartag to pay pickers fl a hundred pounds. Many 10c contracts are still In force and for that reason holders of these would be unable to pay higher thaa a ceat a pound. The) market for hops, while firm, if at a standstill. As a rule buyers are holding off until they see the extent of the crop and the quality of this year's production. In a limited way, dealers are still offering from 40c to lie s pound for 1911 contracts, but growers are not offering to any ex tent. 1 HIDES (Buying Green hides, ie j to c;rsalters, $4e to Hc; dry hides, 1 12c to He. Sb.ep pelts. ISc to TSc I each I DRIED FRUITS Local prices are firm at from 8c to 10c on apples and prunes, peaches are lc SALT Selling 50c to 90c tor fine. SO lb. trek, half ground 40c; 75 for 100 lb. sacks. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, f 1.256 11.S0 per sack; parsnips. 1125 611 50: turnips. 1.25tf 11.56; oeets. 1150. VEGETABUta Asparacui. 90cC $1.75 per crate; eabbage, new. 11 per hundredweight; cauliflower. SL09 $1.75 per dosen; celery, California. 75c &90c per dozen; cucumbers, I1.50t $2.25 per dozen; eggplant. 15e per lb.; garlic. 10c 6 12c per pound; lettuce, 50c per doxen; hothouse, lettuce, $1.50 6 $2 per bo; peas, Ictfllc per pcrnd; peppers. 30cfjf J5c P-r pound; radishes. 15c per dosen; rhubarb. l"c fiic per pound; sprouta. 9c; tomatoes, $7 613:5. ONION'S Jobbing prlc-e; Oregon $2.75 per 100: Australian. $2.50 per 100; Texas. $125 per crate: Califor nia, $2 per crate. - Oregon Citv Stock Quotations. HOGS Hogs sre quoted He lower From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. 9Hc. from 150 lbs. to 200 lbs. SH& BACON. LARD sod HAM. are firm VEAL CALVES Veal calves orlng from 8c to tuc according 10 grade. EEEF STEERS Jee! steers for the local markets are fetching Hie to 6Hc live e-eigai. 8HEEP aue nrui at c to 5c live weight. Qoctarmna "nr Oregon Crt). POTATOES Best, Buying Hi cents pound. . - FIXCR AND FEED Flour Is steady, selling from $5 to $5-30; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buyngl Gray. $23 to $24. white, from $25 to $26. Bl.TT'SR (Buying! Ordinary crontry brings from 15c to 20c, fancy dairy from 20c to 22c. cream ery 22r to 25c, EGGS Best crade 25 cents. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tle good stock offered. Good hens are bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18c, with good demand. WOOL (Bujrjjig) Wool prices sre ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Shorts $29 to $30;. roiled barley. $31.50 to $32.50; process bsr ley. $33.00; whole corn, $39.00; cracked corn, $4000; wheat $32.00 to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. HAT (Buying.) Tlmothr $16 to $17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay. best, $12; mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to $14. STYLE HINTS. Gay Celor Combinations an the Sea son's Millinery. CerUe and bine are combined on many bats. Black and white hat con tinue to be worn with no diminution la favor. The general use of all nhort lengths of sleeves gives opportunity for a vogue of bracelet. A good denl of heavy embroidery and Irinh crochet lace appear on the fashionable wnlxts. There is very little ornamentation on tbe smart satlj suits, except perhaps wide black silk braid. Tbe Napoleonic tendency I very strong. A chic turn of tbe hat brim, military dawn of the collar, lapel, enff and separate bag are tbe little things that Hiugest the cenueror. Evening slipper of satin are finished with French buckle of rlilnetone. beautifully set In Hllvcr. The popular three piece skirt lllus tratitl here l trimmed with a decora- THhBa fIBOB SSIMT. Hve band, which may be of either tbe same or contrasting material. The skirt may be made without any deco ration. The skirt s Indict ted I cut In three pieces, tbe upper edge being Dtted by means of darts, - ' JCU10 CHOLLET. This Way Manton pattern la eut In tlsa for a twenty-two to thlrtr-two Inch walal measure. Bend 10 cants to this omca. lv Inf sumber, TU7. and It will be promptly forwarded to jva by mall. If In haste sad an additional two oant stamp for lat ter bostasa, which assures mora sromp Salivary. HI - . . HOPS VALUED BY LOOKS AND AROMA. Best Are Raised to Bohemia. Baraiia and Parts 0! England. According to the prevailing opinions, which, according to soma American growers, are mere prejudice, the beat bops are raised la Bohemia. Bavaria and some parts of England, notably Kent. Moat Araertrau brewers well as their European brother value hops largely by their appearand and their aroma. This matter Is being kad or ooiorrwoars assxrr. thrashed oat thoroughly In connection with the barley and bop exhibition which will be held in Chlcsgo OcL 12-22. As In tbe rase of other aromat ic plants, tbe sources of tbe sruma are not' well understood. Aroma usually depends upon such minute psrtfcles of substance that even the delicate re actions In tbe chemical laboratory sre frequently Inadequate to discover them. Tbe high price whk h are paid, for Instance, for certain wines are based npon their Savor or aroma, snd yet this flavor or aroma cannot be discovered by chemical analTxl. It Is not surprising, therefore, that the substances which contain the flavor or aroma of hops have never been as certained with certainty. There Is a theory that they are closely associ ated with the soft reatn contained In the lupulln. or the b"P flour, which l found between tbe bracts of tbe cone and which Is neatly tbe essential part of tbe bop punt. As for tbe color of the hope, various preferences prevail, some preferring the varieties which are entirely green, while others think the yellowish green Is preferable. In this country the yel lowish kinds are .usually preferred, while in Germany the green ones hare the call. Inasmuch as the brewing value of hops depends largely open the lupulln lc acid and the soft retln and tbe Amerlcsn hops sre unusually rich In soft resin. American h"p growers need have no fear of entering tbe prize competition at Chicago under tbe ru.'e which have been adopted for tbe Jury which la to judge the hops. AWARDS OF PRIZES FOR HOP EXHIBITS. Conditions Teat Will Govern In This Class. Awards of prlxes will be made ac cording to the following rule for hop entered in tbe second International barley and hop prize exhibition to be held at Chicago, Oct. 12-2. 1011: The awards will cons!t of fwcnfT oc prlze. the h!?het amounting to Sll. For tbe purpose of prize distribution each dUtlnct hop pro wing section (for LCKCLnt OLAM) BUiiMI'IKD 900 TIMES. elgn or domestic! will constitute a class by ItBC-X- The following Ameri can section are recognized n distinct for tbi put-pone: (!i New York state. C California. (3) Oregon. (4) Wash Ington, (5) British Columbia. IIojis grown outside of these sections will be considered as belonging to that section which conform most closely to their district geographically and climatically. In the discretion of the committee on award. All samples of bop must be certiflod to hare been grown by tbe exhibitor. Tbe amount of hot offered for ex hibit mut be at least ten pound, with six clusters of about twlve cones each. The First Tobaoco. The first recorded mention of tobac co 1 In Columbus' diary for Nov. 20. H02. Tbe use of th weed was soon Introduced Into tbe Spanish peninsula. and about 1500 the Krench ambassador st Lisbon. Jean NlcoL sent some of tbe herb Into r ranee, when It waa named In honor of tbe sender Nicotians, it seems lo bare been dixt brought to England by Lane's returning colonists about irm . The He Qet His. - She 1 consider. John, tlitt sheep art tbe stupidest creatures tiring. He (abaeotmliidedlyt Te. my lamb! NY w Commercial Club Chat Among some of the recent exhibit brought lo the Promotion Building I a bop vine thirty feet long grown by George Randal, of Central lollit. Mr. Randall ha twenty acres of hop vi. .... .n, u.i ha will have a fair crop. The price of hops will make .a.i lis Daa hop-growing very promsow. di a. so haa on display some of hi famous seedling plums. k rhrlallansen. of Bolton, who e.. iK.r tnmtna crow larger lu Clackamas county than any place. h on display some large turnips to prove this assertion. a v Mr. Manr Fjrglman. of Beaver Creek, haa on display a rutabaga welshlnir nine pounds. This is a fine sample of what may be grown In the vegetable line In Clackamas county. a a a wmiam I- Ehv. of Hygiene. Col- called at the Promotion Office thl week. He has traveled over me e lira northwest and SSTS he finds Clarksmas county offers the bet op portunities. Mr. Ey rou-iu ui O. D. Eby, the well known attorney of this city. m C a. Erbank. of Vail Walla. wa.h ass one of the recent visitor at the Promotion Office. Mr. Krbank Is Interested In mining and snok ravnrahla of th dlstilav of ore trom the Og! Mountain mines of thl county. a a a ' J McN'ultv. of Clackamas Heights has on display early Crawford peache that are the best of the variety that have been received this year.. a a a , ,, O. O. Hughes, of Beaver Creek, ha a bundle or nolden Amoer wneai on display which Is attracting a great deal of attention. This Is a new wheat In the county but promises well and will no doubt be grown exten- slvely. Oskar E. Doegell. of Washington. D. C. ha come to Oregon City through tbe advice of the Commercial Club and I looking over the county with a view of purchasing fifty acre of land upon which to gmw fruit. Mr. Doegell ha a friend who will soon arrive snd will also purchase fruit land In this county. Thee men are experienced fruit growers and will be a great help to the fruit Industry In this connty. a a E. F. Bruns. president of the Sandy Commercial Club, was a recent caller and expressed his approval of the advertising carried on br tbe Oregon City Commercial Club. Mr. Bruns I a loyal supporter of Clackamas county, www Three varieties of apples sre on dlsplsy from the farm of A. J. Iwls, of Maple Lane. They are Red As tracbans. Harvest Rotir and Striped Astrarhans and are fine samples of each variety. A large branch of Peach Plums I on dlsplir. grown by Philip Welsman del of Clackamas Heights. Peach Plums grow to enormous aire In this county a well a other fruit. a a a Edward Cox, who live on th Clack amas River road, has on display some fine sample of alfalfa, being the sec ond and third cuttings. Mr. Co av that hi alfalfa produce well and he harvested a good crop from each cut ting. a a a C. W. Swallow, of Maple lAne. has on display some of Ms famous large Blackcap berries: also a sample of the second cutting of' his alfalfa field, showing tbe large yield of the second crop. Ordssl of Fire. Throughout tb dark age of Europe an accused erson bad to carry a piece of red hot iron some distance In bis band or to walk tilic feet barefooted over plowhares t bite heat Th hand or foot was bouDd up and In spected three days afterward If the defendant bad eca-d unhurt be wus pronounced Innocent: If other wive, guilty. Lsdie' Msid ta ths Fruit Jar. Mrs. Starr was preserving (ieacbes in her blue and white kite hen ainin an array of glasa Jar, rover, paratllu. rubber hands and so forth. Murcaret. steed four, watchttl the mysterious prot (juletly until the fruit was In the Jars and the covers ready. Then she eiclalnuHl eHiatlcnlly "Oh. fnaruiee. ,Icuh let rue put tbe nrter on. -Woman's Houih Cow panlon. Clatsifitd. Shocked Mother-My t,v. what be came of that last piece of pie I left In to cupnoarii and told ton not t,. .11. torb? Little Oscar-1 eat.1 It. Shock ed Motber-Atid -vlmt would you call - c, nae mat? Little Om-ar-M turblng the piece. I supine. Wants, rw Sale, Etc NoUana andr Unw Maae1fV4 fciadinsi will M inwi.o at ana c.nt a mm, firs, inaetiton. half a nnt additfcaia! tnm-r tlons. m inch ees. 12 .r montl. har Inch card. i nnrai pr mwmh ' n mni aorwn.pasr arvar unlaa ant .... . ov-n arcouni with th savar. Nn "or nc-Mt tree ,rr.,4 Mn Z IHnl.S for patron. Minimum itarn Hr WANTED. WANTED-Collectdrs to see my co. leCtlon Of all mnrt. T .. . vi vui ios, an tlque snd Indian trinket.; stamp, ...... collectors; coins for numismatists, arrow-head for arch ologls,., etc. I ,,,,, tn, ,n n sorts of curio; also all kinds of secondhand furniture and tool. George young. Main. , VTftb ihl Jl Pr1c ""7 r.n Rad the Momtng Knterpn. ot tviHTvn . - ...... .-w ion io Know that Hi v. ".ot compete I th. a. . o.rt.ld IVtrtlaad. Tr? il L next print id, 1 1 for ,w" Psopl who carry all thlr esah around with thsrn i.i. a BomDtne. The whe dpo' reaularly In this bank !nor not . cash as!, but build a substantial srsdlt also, ". Cah oos furtht when supplemented by Qeed Crsdit. ' 0po't your ah and build your eredlt at The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IH THB COUNTY ran., i ' I) C l.ATOl HrTTff Prwal'Ual THE FIRST NATIONAL BN ! of OREGON CITY, OREGON ; ,,ibM( ( .Aaral Vanhlnt tuelnea). Opee) Irvm . ar, WANTEI-"arirnier ud laborers. Kert Mount Pleasant n hml hou after Tuesday morning I o'clock. VANTKl-ilri for general houe work. Call at store one door north of First National Hnk, or opposite postofflce. WANTED-tllrl or woman for gen eral housework, good wage snd permanent place In small family st Portland; muat lie eiperleticed. Apply 6!3 Et Halmnn slreeL portlsnd. or at Fiterprls office. FOR 8ALE--Hpace in this column Sell that old plow or barrow; yon don't ue It since you purchased your new one FOR 8AIJ-: Tesm, wson and har ness; team weight about 10OO pounds each. 4 years old. well brok en. Price f 22S. Guaranteed to be true. Call st tirobett Company , postofflce building. FOR SALE-live room rottage. elec tric lights, hot and cold wster, basement. rn the bill, central, one block from bluff. This Is a bar gain for 1.4hi. Inquire or write 301 Third street. Oregon City. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlmlck Dlmlck. Lawyer. Oregon City, Or. ATT0NtY O. D. EBT. Attornay-at-lAw. Manet loaned, abstracts furnlahed. land titles examined, eatalea settled, r oral law bualneaa ""r ilsak el Oregon City. IJ'RKN HCMTEIlKL. Attorneysat law, Deutecaer AdrekaL will prao tin la all cnoii. make rollectloa sad settlements Office In Enter prise Udg.. nregoa City. Oregon BUILDER ANO COtwaCTO". HARJtT JONBS Butldar and Oeaarai Coo tractor. Betiasates chifull givao on all elssses of hulldlns work, euacrete walks ana reinforced cow rat Kes. Phone Mala III INSURANCE. :. II COOPER. Fo' Fir Inaurance and Real Estate. !t u kandl your properties t buy, ell sad etrksng. Office In EalerprU Bldg., Oregoa City. Dragon IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY. 81'M.MONS He'en M. (Julnn. Plaintiff, v. Ritchie tKi.'i n lM'fendant. To Kit -i.ii Quitin, the an e n in;e ( defemlant: IN THK NAME OF TUB STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby requir ed to npiM-ar and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the last day of the time prescribed by the order of publication of summon of this suit, to-wlt: on or before the 4'h day of SetiUmher. A. D. 1811. that being day after the explra-' tion of .a week from the first puhilcatlon of thl summons. m If you fall so to appear or ansser for want thereof, the p'alnnff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for ln said complaint, to-wlt; For a decree dissolving the marring relation exist Inn between plaintiff a-il defendant and forver divorcing Plaintiff from Jefendant, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable and just. , Thl summon 1 served upon you by publication for six successive week in tho Morning Enterprise pursuant to an order of the Honors ! ' U Judge of the Conn- ty Court of said ciaknmas County duly made and entered on the 17th day of July, A. I). 1911. Date of first publication of thl summon I July jnth, 1911 Ite of last publication of this summon I Aukuhi rjmh, 1911 J ii. middi.kton', Attorney for Plaintiff. CITY NOTICES iv ORDINANCE NO . ' d,.PHD,NNCE Priding for a SreaV nU'Vert frm rtw.nth reel. Oregon City, Or., northerly e,!h,,Crecr,,,n" that hera ah-n ' prV,ded lohn 7 ,h"" bo conlrtlcled on John Adams street In Oregon City er'y to Abernethy trcek a drat). tZU deMrt . follow.. dra,n St 1 ,the ln"''o dimensions ar 3fl Inch, In width and 42 Inches In hnlght and wallg fo ha 1 thickness snd wUm,w t? ri:offinRo7tdhe: 'cn.dv"rov",d hr. Oregon City, C, ft" . onC?hetns. "- trlct'r.h.T boun'wlat of the jls. S? -nS Vre"r.d f th' menclna- at t. 'ows: Com- lot 4 bhlk T6, T1"1 corn" on John Adam. ' K?n Cltjr' 0r tnth street and tret 'nl roufi WMteri;",,1 thence broc? 72 7h."n COfnr 0f ,ot CASH and CREDIT li , iwii nai .i a " CAPITAL. tAO.OOOOO BASE BALI mCAtATION PARK, Cor. Vaupha and Twinlj j' LOS ANGELES vs. PORTLAND August 14, 19, 1 17, ii m j Oam Begin Weekday t t Sundays, 1:10 F. a). LAOItr DAV FRIDAY. Boys Oxdei- II Free to ola,' xlnsday. jl THE WORLDS 6RATESTSEWIt IV fcUeriT RUNNING, I M w i -j -afr- z Ifra want rtihr Vltm!lihalt.lbfl: hbuUtaoraHinitlalhnwl If aaaBW ararlii Marlou vnlakt TNI IIW NOMI ItWIII MACIIH Ctaraf Orange, Masa. Maar arvtas aa. tiln n B,iwnnra4 Mlir, aul i Ha Maw llaaei,iii tuf urlT nm M I SVala hr MlkaHaed eealeea BB n mis m I W. L. MARSHALL, 130 Morrison SL Fsrtltsi Or k4f4MHtl 10 RIWARD For ths arrt an eoarletlot of any person or persons, unlawfully remove copiMotTbi Morning Enterprise frot tail premises of ubciibts f paper has been placed Ibattrft carrier, . ' " rue unBiuiKin iTf RFRIII I on sale at the following. tf" everv dav: Huntley Bros Dtm Main Street. J. W. McAnulty-Clnn Seventh and Mais. 8eert Confectionary Main nilf Klsth. I: ie M. E. Dunn ConfeciloMTf Next door to P. 0. City Drug Store Electric Hotel. Schoenborn Confectlowrj Seventh and X Q Adasii WHITE QUEEN FLOUR A Straight Bluestcm Every Sack Guaranteed. Sample Sack Fr. Sol Agsnts for Korrect poultry Food. Oregon Commission Co 11TM AND MAIN Tla Oregon City. to northeast corner of ld thence southerly to place of 6. Ths probsble whole cost drsln Is 11.000. . ,M0i! Bee. 8. The City HeT. ".Z gon City Is hereby authoriiMW) vertlse for and recelvs PfZ for building said drain, but tni Council reArve the right to nrr any and all bids tbcrfr sn Mayor and Recorder to a contract with ascb f"10, poratlon to whom tb oootrj s . let by tba council of Ore J for tb Improvement spelne" , this ordinance. territo , Sec. 4. Whereas, tb A V J 1 -ar 9 orsined by tnis oram liable to overflow and sndanfw . highways and b dsngnrou rf . health and sfy of ths PW"f(f . Oregon City, and It Is n?!!,!! ' their Immediate protection w , drain should be, Immedlatsiy . an emergency la hereby dfL M J to lt and thla ordlnanci i sn In forea and take effect im"1;" ( upon Its approval by M ' Read first time snd order" lished at a special meeting w City Council of Oregon held' on the Uth day or ' u btipp.