Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 22, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    T-.i "
r - - . . ., , "
GALEM, Goptomborll-IO, tOil
Waalirbl Chamela Clevet Went ay
Small Oirla,
K rrf of autlu ur u'i)l I'baDjeaM
talTeu ar uwsl ou Iroib afteruoou aui
VenliiK ilreHMva.
I tmiiwra for dreway afteruoon bat
aud fur viilng eliMimt ar uior beau
tiful than ever.
Ruckle ar Utile eeen. aa th new
coraelet aklrta have deprived them of
tliflr tiruauii'iilfll and bi-liful duty.
Waababl cliamol glovea now cow
In alMMi to fit lb aiuall girl.
On lluena and rblffoiia, on etnbrold
erle and on iolnt d'eoprlt nHa there
la a (hooiIoii for worti-l fluwera.
In Parla walatcoata with bilge rever
to luru back over tb outalde coat ar
in vogue and have plain abort be!
Cleaning the Mud Away From the
Battleship Maine Is a Slow Job
Our fall ,or lnt boy' r ,rr,v,n every day. Do yourself
by .eelng our beautiful lln of HOYS' SUITS bfor buying.
BwM b p',,", 'or t0 ,ho,w tb,m t0 rou'
AIM boy HATS, CAPS, SHOtS and B LOU IIS. " Everything
StfspcDsioa Bridge Cor. , Oregon City
Boys' Fall Suits
" Th Wuatrle.
Tber another load of brlcka
V lnie urw skyscraper."
f "No; It'" Ui nixxial delivery of tb
Babylonian Journal." .
Bora. Sunday, to th wlf of 0. F.
Vlcktmon, of Gladstone, a aon.
Anna BuT'-r and Joaeph fltelnhouse
i own granted a marriage licensed
Let Harding, wbo ha been spoon-
la, several weeks at Yahats, Or., baa
William Wallace, on of the well-
ttBowi farmer of Bhubel, waa la tbla
Irtty on Monday.
C. Bullard. of thla city, wont to El
Vorado. on Sunday, wher b vlalted
jkli brother. H. Dullard.
Mr. Fred Itullnrd. of thla city, left
ha Monday for Eldorado, wher aba
rein vlalt her aon, Robert.
hary Frailer, of Park place, will
war tbl seek for th beach, wher
W will end aeveral week.
Mr, and Mr. Cheater Elliott have
turned from their honeymoon.
thick aa ient 4n British Columbia.
Herman Hmndea, of Tacoma, Wash.,
Vaa arrived In thla city for a Bveral
twka vlHtr with bl coualn, Jo
Wllholt a'aice win 1Y th Electric
Hold earh day nt 1 o'clock p. tn, -
Mr. and Mm D. a Baker, Mr. and
Mra. J. Ambler, of thl city, went to
Nw Era on Sunday. They walked
both ways.
Mr. and Mr. Aahton moved to Can-
r 00 MoihI.iv, wher they will make
U)!r home. Mr. Ashton will teach In
th Canny . achool.
Mr. and Mr a. William Rakel. Mr.
u4 Mr. AuKunt Rakel left on Mon
T for the mountain, wber they
111 ipend several week.
Mr. OliDerman entertalnAit inm, of
JJa friend at a plcnlo at hla bom at
Willamette on Sunday, and on of tb
futures wa th big apread.
Mr. and Mr. Charles Tlaheook Jr..
of Portland, Bpent Sunday In thla city
"h the former'. mr.nli Me mnA
Hra. Charles Babcock. '
Df- R. A. Sommer. formarlv of Orw-
! r City, haa moved hi offlc to 1017
torbett linlldlng, Portland.
u. A. Ilurdilir whn K Kan anlnv.
Jl hi vacation at Trout Lake, with
i family, ho ar apendlng aevral
Mta ther. .... a . n
J. Levitt Tin. ... .i.. eii
rtlpment of Society Broadclotba. You
ftould tee thoru If you want clothe
are different. They cot no mor
ordinary clothe.
ir,AllTrt Kyl' of thi c,ty. ftr vl-,t-
hi nncle, at Aurora, returned to
wlon City on Monday morning, and
returned hi poaltton with, the
unnnwr meat market.
r. and Mr. Myron Moyer, of Port-
were In thl city on Sunday vlalt-
iimiina u,. if .
V'y Mla Clara Koerner whoa reel
"tnf wa. In ki. lL, .
in a. . . c,l7 oeiore moving
w ot. John. . v .
"It Ruth Pvhn... v. v.. i -
. .VDann. the iiwit of Mia. Kva
""'"e, and at CorvallU, a the guett
w aiiaa lvv uit.i. - m. u-
warned to her Um. - uiu
rwover win . . '
a . ""'"u ijeuanon iot
- unyt longer.
rJ.iVj . mohBr Nobel ha Juat
v.r T1 " l orto , clgara:
w; in lot, to iUlt. lw
b.r. "".ernoon ior Ainena,
o, J, ccomrmnied the remalna
of u, , i w,u T,,'t e home
Mr Rr. rv00'1 Pr". Mr. and
know. ? Jo"Uon. who ar well
ion p,on'r realdent. of Pendle-
Point t uv, "" na w,r' ' Tur,
Kim: bro,her- Brodle
tor. t."' hjw .
intm, " r. uroai i a
r of VTL n' b",nS W n edl-
wai ,." Ore"on cy Py nt.
" unty Friday Harbor
Mh" whw' VanHy. Ooldendale,
D ho ha tioan v .
. '-'.'ui umr y 1
ula, Mr. and Mr. A. A. Vanlloy, of
this city, left for Portland on Mouday,
wher ah will purcbaae her stock for
her mllllntiry parlor at Ooldendal.
Waah. Mia Van Hoy will leav Uaxt
Thursday for Uoldeudal. wher ah
will mum bar bualneaa.
I will aollctt at John Adama' ator
fur bop-plcker on Auguat 1Mb, 17tb
and 19th. Yard between balls and
John William Myra, of rortlaod,
representative of an acetylene gas
company, of Portland, la In thl city
In th interest of tba company. II
la Waiting bit sister, Mr. Kobart IWa
tl. John Myers la tb aon of th
late John Myr. on of tb wl.
known Oregon City pioneer. II la
famous baritone singer, wbo baa ap
peared In thl city aa well a In Port
land concert.
City Recorder Stlpp Ware today
for a week' vacation at Newport.
Th "Candidate' DaU" prorolte to
be largely attended. 1 regret very
much our Inability to mall peraonal
Invitation to friend of aom of th
candidal who brought In tholr Hat
of name too lata, but thl ahould not
keep them from attending. Candldatea
ar authorised to extend their per
aonal Invitation.
Mlaa Lena Story atlll head th
"Roll of Honor- In IMatrtct No. 1.
Very good. Mia Story. If you can
remain there until after p. m., Sep
tember S, you will have cauae to be
the happleat young lady In the United
8 la tee.
Mlaa Meyer: We recollect that
you once occupied the head of the
Hat on the "Roll of Honor.' You can
not win on of the beautiful grand
Upright Kimball piano unlee you
get back to the tame place and atay
there until p. m., September S. You
can If you try.
Mlaa Kent: Why don t you ex
change plaoea with Ml" Story I
remember when you were at the
head of the claaa." Take my advice.
get back there and atay tber and
"aom rainy afternoon." after Septem
ber I (providing you extend an Invi
tation) I will be pleaaed to call on
you and Uatea to a rendition of Men-
delwaohn'a Spring 8ong on one of
thoee-Kimball planoa you have your
eye on.
Now Mia Croat: Tou started off
In the lead and held your position for
aom time. Now you occupy fourth
plnre on the "Roll of Honor." That
lant aa It abould be. I know you are
going to figure with the winner Sep
tember 3. but why not take the lead
again and capture the flrat grand cap
ital pri You can do It.
Mra. Zimmerman: I would not be
aurprtaed, and hope to aee you ex
change place oa tb "Roll of Honor"
with aome of thoe who are ahead or
you at tbla time, before Auguat 24.
Mlaa Hmiin: you nave none re
markably well thua far but don't be
over-confident. ' Mia Cloaner la right
on your heel and you will have to
keep going or ihe I liable to "no
you out" before September I.
Mlaa Cloaner: I never did praiae
you very much for your excellent
work, but aurely it la coming to you.
You have don and are doing remark-
bly well. Why not let Mlaa Smith
have your place for a while, juat to
are how pleaaant the feeling la to be
n the lead.
Aiiaa it earn : iou ar a guoa, imu;
worker and have any number of
friend who with you succea and no
doubt will atand by you to tb tlnlah.
But Mlaa Batdorf la crowding you
cloaely for third plpce, o you bad bet
ter continue to do your beat. I know
you will.
Mlaa Batdorf: I look forward to
a big Increaa In your "vot total" be
fore the cloaa of the "double vote" of
fer, Auguat 24. Pleaa don't dlaap-
point me. I have you figured out aa
a conteatant for flrat place. Septem
ber 2.
. Mr. Mack: I haven't heard from
you elnce Saturday. Gueaa you are
too buy vetting mor aunacnpiiona
to waata valuable time (only twelve
more daya remain till the close of the
contest). That right, pay no atten
tion to me, but increase your vot
Mia Thomaa: Conaidering tne raci
that you have been conalderably han
dicapped In making an active cam
paign on account of having to remain
In attendance to your motner, wnoee
unfortunate accident la regretted by
all, you have done remarkably well,
and deaerve auccea for having fought
an uphill fight. I aaaure you I hope
for a a peed y recovery of your mother
and your ancceaa.
Mia Gardner: I know you don't
need any encouragement, or advice.
You are gradually coming to the front
and If you continue to do a good
work during th next twelve day a
you have In the paat you will capture
the prlie you ar aeeaing.
Ml Rablok: Why don't you
exchange place with aome of those
who are In the lead? Your chancea
are a good a th reat, If you get
down to buslnea. Now get In and
aee what you can do before the cloae
of the "double vote" offer. It doeant
require many vote for you to take
third place.
Rlghteau Indignation.
She (walking home from churchi
Dld you notice that tovely Parlalan
bat Mr. 8tylerwarearlng? I could
think of nothing elee tb wind tlm.
lie-No, my dear, can t any I did. To
tell you Ihe truth, I woa lutlf aaieep
moat of the time. Pbe-Tbeu yn
ought lo le aabiimcd l own It. -..A
nice lot of good (be ervl eUiut hiivr
done you. I nmat nay: l.oinbm !
oowm or ar vtrr a at hotdbht.
of lining material, ao that the walat
coat may be worn with aeveral coat
If drelred.
Tbla gown la deelgned to give the
fanhlonable pointed effect Batlate
with-all over embroidery, figured fou
lard and plain aatln, abantung plain
and dotted. . ar combination that
make up well lu thla pattern.
Thla May M anion patter la cut In alsea
for a thirty-four to forty-two Inch buat
meaaure for the blouae and from 22 to X0
tnchea walat meaaure for the aklrt. Bead
I cent to thla office, giving number
tni tor th bloute and W.I for th aklrt
and either of them will he promptly for
warded to you r mall. 8n1 rent and
both of them will be forwarded. If tn
haste arad an additional two cent eiamp
for letter poataae, which tnauree more
prompt d.Uvery. - .
A New Slaeve la Booked For Early
In th evening frock the wrapped
tunic domlnutea entirely.
Two ahadc of blu, on vry niuob
lighter, ar need on linen tailored
Blind embroidery and English eyelet
are both favorite for the aeparat
wbll walat.
Velvet aprlcota, plume, apple and
peachea a re -much In evidence. They
are placed on the fabric bat for aft
ernoon wear.
Many skirt ebow a alaabed affect at
the lde over an underskirt of con
tra .1 In r color.
The fancv for trtpe ha extended
to sock for the little boy or girl, the
trtpe ranging from a narrow line to
a medium width band. In black, gray,
pink, coral or blue.
A chana-e in leeve la predicted.
The elbow length 1 atlll In favor, but
iifrAjrr'a iwr.
aome of the nwet aleeve seen on
aemltmnxparent frocks bulge at the
elbow and ar continuea quire wiu.
ht Into a band at the wrlnt.
A almple Infant' slip is Illustrated
hom it inav be mnde of fine lawn
h.Hi or linen. If a more elaborate
design Is preferred, Inc or embroid
ery may be added to ault the taste.
w. u.rtim nattern le rut In on
eta only. Bend 10 cents to thla offlc. iv
ln number. TOTt, and It will be promptly
forwarded to you by mall. It In hast
Band an additional two cam stamp
tar poetaca, which Insure mor prompt
aMP f an Air Brake.
Some Idea of the power of an air
brake may be gained from the follow
ing, facta: If tsjree a powerful toco
motive drawing a train of ten n"en-
get cars a distance of about live mile
to recb a ieed of sixty mile ao noor
on a strslght and level track, in
brake will atop tb snm train from
speed of HO miles' an hour In TOO
foef. Rontfhly It may he elated thnt
a train nmv lie stopped by the brakes
in about S per of the, distance
Ibal must be covered to glv It Its
I ' i mVnmm,..
1aV I . TiV . L - r
YJNV "rrrr Vf-i r, ,wev '
Photo eopyrtght by Amertaaa Preas
ALL of the water haa been pumped from tb inside of the cofferdam Inclosing-
tH wTwck of the battleship Main In Havana harbor, bat the
- wreck haa net yet been entirely exposed to view, aa rt la bwrtod la
mua Boovt inurcy-flvw reec aee p.
bwcauaw it 1 archd cloeety for the
not found at the Urn tb tacdeehlp waa destroyed. Boom that hasr bean
recovered bekmgwd to ttghtawo or twenty bodies, and mor are becne tbnnd
dally. Until all tne mad la removed, which will not be for eeeral wests, it
will not be possible to answer th question aa to tb original explosion that
destroyed the Maine. Oa of the pictures abov abow th tocrusted hnll of
th battleship, wbll the other shows that portion of the vtaari moat severely
damaged by the explosion that sect her to the bottom.
; 7 TO 2
VICTORIA Aug. 21. (Special).
Portland had no trouble beating Vic
toria today. Th scor wa 7 to 2.
The game waa sew l tap. by-thw Road
sters in th third, wheu two basea on
ball and ' a two-bagger by Stovall,
with the base ful, scored five men.
Lak waa relieved by Surphlla, but
It was too late. Jensen pitched good
ball for Portland.-
The result Monday follow:
Pacific Coast League Vernon S,
Oakland S; called end of 12th Inning.
Northwestern League Seattle 6,
Vancouver 1: Portland 7, Victoria 2;
Spokane 9, Tacoma 0; forfeited by Ta
coma. ' i V
National League New York 3, Chi
cago 2; Pittsburg 10, Philadelphia 7:
St. Loula 6, Brooklyn I; Cincinnati 7.
Boston c. .
American League Detroit 5, New
York 4: Washington 7 Chicago 4; no
other gnmea played.
saesssassssft , -
Pacific Coast. .
Won. Lost P.C.
Portland 73 ,60 .649
Vernon ... 77 64 .646
Oakland 76 .68 .628
San Francisco 72 71 .503
Sacramento 66 72 .478
Lo Angeles 67 86 .399
. Won. Lost P.C.
Vancouver '..., 77 49 .611
Tacoma .72 64 .671
Seattle 70 6& .660
Spokane 67 69 .632
Portland ..r0 63 .488
Victoria 81 97 .242
. Climbing a Coceanut Tree. .
Cocoa nut wben rl fall to the
grouud and wbvu necewKary ar pluck
ed by muu wbo climb up. It sometime
makea one's blood ' ruu cold to sv
tbem run up the treea Ilk monkey.
Two .way ar practiced for mouutlng
th truuk. In the cae of a small tree
or at an odd moment the man walks
np the trunk, keeping hla feet flat
against it and throwing hla weight
back from It a much aa possible, re
taining bis position at th an me time
by the tension of his arms. The other
and aafer pl.m Is to pass a loop of cord
nronnd the feet, which are thus kep'
close tojrether. and grasp the trunk of
the tree, the arma meanwhile assist I uir
the climber, who move upward In a
aerie of Jumps. . ,
Ruthin' Impulalv Generosity.
On day. walking near Radley. Rub
kin' attention wa caught by a group
of little girls playing in the road, and
be went and talked to them. One of
tbem apeciully attracted bis attention.
He asked her why she waa playing In
the dual. Had ah no gardeu at home?
Did she love flowers What waa ber
name? And ah replied tuodeatiy. with
wonder In ber eye. On reaching boine
be gave orders to bin solicitor lu look
out for and buy a collide with a gar
den lu Radley and hnve a deed of gift
made out In the little-girl's mime,
which wa don aerordluul.v.'anS she.
full of wonder, with ber axtonlxliwl
parents, entered at ne Into Minxes
alon of It.-Krou "Riixkln In Oxford;
Putting It Pleeeently.
Oh, Billy, tell m quick! How did
the gam com outf
W almost wou." Life.
fliiDacrlb for the Dally Bnterprte
y ,r vi
Association. 111. -
nsmoTing una mna as a aww pruw...
remalna of the men whose bofliea ware
District No. 1.
Welsmandel k Nelson .
Standard Oil Company
Wilson II Cook
Oregon City Foundry .
. . 3.00
. . 13.52
. . 24.00
.. - 8.60
Frank Jaggar
.. 126.00
.. 235.36
. . 99.00
. . 7.60
. . 22.60
.. 13.00
.. 6.00
. . 21.00
. . 12.00
. . . 10.00
.. 14.33
.. 5.62
. . 8.98
.. 100.65
.. 2.60
.. 1.25
.. 4.00
. . 2.00
. . 6.00
. . 6.00
.. 6.00
.. 6.00
.. 16.00
.. 3.75
. . 2.00
.. 2.00
.. 143.74
August Gebhardt
Dan Grave
W. J. E. Vlck ........
D. L. Trullinger
R. Orem
Arthur Johnson
Mart Johnson ...'
W. II. Husbands
Art Husband
D. N. Trullinger
John S. Owing
Robbing Broa. ........
W. J. E. Vlck
Ii. L. Trullinger
P. C. Miller
'Tom Miller
J. V. Harlesa
E. L. Palfrey
I. Stelnlnger
B. Stelnlnger
S. Echerd ,
A. Stelnlnger
W. H. Engle
R Stubb .......
Chaa. Rider .
C. Carlson
C Rueser ...
J. B. Cumlna
Wilson Cooke .: 10.60
W. W. Smith
Wm. Dutcher
John Green .
Lake May
C. E. Smith .
J. V. Green . .
W. Dutcher . ,
J. R. Myers ,
F. M. Myeri
E. Patach . -
II. Hart
O. Fisher ...
C. RaddaU "..
, 6.00
Leo Askln
C. E. Miller ...
A. J. Lia
8. II. Kauffman
Glger Broa.
. .50
D. Hosteller
C. Raddatx ,
A. S. Thompson
Simon Miller :.
0. E. Miller
W. W. Cook
Herman Gerhardus, Sr.
Herman Gerhardua, Jr.
Fern Thebo
F. O. Cooke , . . . .
R. Sumner
Ray Dallas
Martin Trogne
Walter Thebo ......
Straight A Salisbury
Robert Mattoon
W. H. Mattoon .....
N. Blair ....
R. B. Beetle
(To be continued )
A Dublin magistrate whose nam
waa Porter, on sentencing an lriah
man to two months with hanV la.bor
for drunkenness and assault, finished
with the remark:
"Now, I think. Pat. you will cars
Pat promptly replied:
1 "Aye. bedad, 1 will, your honor, and
porter too." '
Th Oak Grove Gtrla' Band was
given a picnic on the river Sunday by
Mr. Armstrong. Mra. Armstrong, Mra
Ellia and other paYents of members.
The girla played aeveral selections
and were encored by persona in pass
ing boat and the people out for tb
day. A basket lunch waa served and
tb children enjoyed the day by play
ing in the sand and water.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alexander, of
Portland, have purchased the confec
tionary stor of Marcher and Bush.
B. H. Warren and Mr. Emmons
went to Laturell Sunday to fish.
The Crystal Lak baseball team de
feated the Oak Grove ball team Sun
day at Crystal Lake; cor 7 to L
' Arthur Reynolds 1 better and ha
been taken . bome from th hospital.
Mr. Reynolds wishes to thank every
one who ao kindly helped her aon
when he got hurt laat Sunday.
A number of Oak Grove residenta
attended ii circus Friday and Sat
Dr. McFarland. who haa been ill for
several month. 1 able to be out and
went to Portland Saturday.
Mra. B. A. Hughes, of Gladstone,
spent a few hoars here Suturday, the
guest of Mr. Charles Worthington.
Mrs. Ellis spent Saturday In 811-
verton. She accompanied Grandma
Hedrick home.
Mr. W. M. Alee was a Portland
visitor Saturday.
J. B. and Mra. Evena left Saturday
for Southern Oregon. They expect to
be away aeveral montha.
Mlaa Loula Kennedy was a week- i
end visitor at Vancouver, Wash. She
visited relatives.
Mra W. P. Bushnell has been en
tertaining three of her niece from
St Louis for the past three weeks.
They ar Mrs. J. M. Vlmont, Mlsae
Clara and Chariot Skeele. They went
1 to the beach with Mr. Bushnell' son.
Mrs. L. E. Bentley and two children
have returned from Markham, where
they vlalted relative the past three
(Continued from page L) '
candidate may mean victory for her.
Would not the knowledge that you
have -helped her win a valuable prize
amply rnward you for the outlay of a
few dollars, wben at the same time it
brings to your home the only
daily newspaper between Portland
and Salem a newspaper that con
tains all the news and particularly
that of Clackamas county and vicinity,
that which la nearest your home and
therefore of real interest to you and
your family. .
You all are interested in the suc
cess of one candidate or the other.
Have you done your part to Increase
ber vote total? If not let the ensuing
twelve day show her she haa a friend
In you by giving her a subscription
which meana votes.
Aa a laat thought we wish to Im
press upon the minds of each and
every candidate those in the lead
and those t the bottom of the list
that every moment lost from now on
la opportunity neglected. Make this
your slogan. WIN OR BUST, and see
that each' mornings paper show a
decided Increase in your vote total.
- A life's chain is made up of .
countless lints of common metal,
with at best a link of gold here and
there. We forge each link with la
bor and efTort. with sorrow or sing
ing. wcD or badly, of the metal
that be near us.
A . 1 ' . O
Thl coupon when neatly clipped and properly filled in with the
name of the candidate you wish to vote for, will be countad aa one
y '-
Name of candidate
. t
Address ........
This coupon Is void after
Cut on lines. Don't roll.
I wish to Nominate Miss. . ,
. . f . ,
Nominated by.
Address ..
This nomination blank, when properly filled In and brought or
mailed to Contest Department of The Enterprise will eoant tor ,
2,600 votes. Only one of th blank will be credited to each e v Tv
dldate. i. .:,-.,'-'.;r
Oregon' Popular Beach Rort -
An Ideal retreat for outdoor pa
times of all kinds. Hunting. Fishing.
Boating, Surf Bathing. Riding, Auto
Ing, Canoeing:, Dancing and Roller
Skating. Where pretty water agate),
mos s gates, moonstone, came lan
can be found on the beach. - Pure
mountain water and the best of food
at low prices. Fresh flan, clams, crab
and oysters, with abundance of vege
tables of all kind dally. ,
Camping Grounds Convenient and At
tractive. . -
wth strict sanitary regulation -
from all point In Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho on aale dally.
from Southern Pacific polnta Port
land to Cottage Grove; also from all
CAE. atatlona Albany and west.
Good going Saturday or Snnday and
for return Sunday or Monday.
Call on any 8. P. or C. A E. Agent
for full particulars as to fare, trains,
schedules, etc.; also for copy of our
Illustrated booklet, "Outing in Ore
gon," or write to
Wm. HcHurray
Portland - Oregon.
Clara-Field et al to Charles T.
Tooce, 160 acrea of D. L. C. of Almon
B. Holcomb. township 2 south, range
1 eaat; $1. . . ,
M. A. Fleming to William A. High
land, 1.60 acres of Concord; 110.
EAtacada State Bank to E. M. Mill
er, lota 6 and 6. block 37; $3,993.
Sadie L. Prahl to Martin E. Haley,
5 acrea of eextions 22, 23. 26, 27, town
ship S south, range 1 west; $1,250.
Linda Holladay Dorcy et al to
Henry Conlln, lota 5 and 6, section
29, township 1 south, range 2 east; $1.
Benjamin C. Holladay and Edytne
L. Holladay to Henry Conlln, land tn
aectlon 6 and 6, township 1 south,
range 2 east; $1.
James A. Bunnell to T. C. Staler,
lota 1L 12. 13. 14, 15. 16, 17. 18, 19,
20. block 8, Oak Grove; $3,900.
James A. Bunnell to F. J. Lichten
berger, lots 20. 21. 22, 23, 24. Oak
Grove Park; $2,500.
Jamea A. Bunnell to Charles Delfel,
lota 1 to 10 ncluaive; $11,500.
Oren Cutting to F. F. Williams, 40
acrea of section 30, township 3 south,
range 3 east; $1.
Hotel Arrivals.
The following are those registered
at the Electric Hotel: C. Stanley.
Portland; Edward Rtngatad. Mrs.
Rlngstad. L. H. Mumpower. Springeon
Tucker, South Carolina; M. C.
Sprague, H. A. Berkman. J. W. Pal low,
C. R. Carr, Olympia, Waah.; Peter J.
Griffin, Portland.
Goes to Laundrymen' Meeting.
W. L Yale, of the Yale laundry, at
East Morrison and Tenth streets,
Portland, ha gone on a businesa trip
to Duluth, Minn. He will attend the
Laundrymen'a convention at St. Paul.
During his absence Mrs. Yale will
make ber home with her mother, Mrs.
J. W. McDuffie, at Fifth and Jefferson
street, this city.
Attend Service In Portland.
A party of young people of the Bap
tist church attended the White Tem
ple. Portland. Sunday evening, to
hear J. Whltcomb Brongher. The aud
itorium was crowded to lta caapclty,.
An gust 31.
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