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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1911)
tt4 TH only dally newspaper fee- tweet Portland and Salem aire. . latea In every section of Clacks- mil County, wrth a population of 30,000. Are you an advertleerf ritirltn INDICATIONi. WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I50G VOL. 2-No. 44. OREGON CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGU8T22, 1911. Pn Wr, 10 Own T IMG to WORK HARD! ..... uufl APPLY THEM- HIVES ARK SUHI. TO WIN PRIZES. days until close ,ubH Volt Offtr, Whloh Ends Thura- tt1t rurilihi All Contaotante Opportunity To Ba Among Winners. " BOLL OF nunwn, r D'atrlct No. 1. Ulu !"' r",,ry (9.84 Wtw TIHIa Meyers IM.IMit Mlu Era Kant M54 HIM Myrtle Cnl 40,K5t Wr. K- f Zimmerman... 38.035 Diitnct no. . w HIM llolon Smith 182.607 uM Ethel CloainT .... Mlm Mlllrd Ream H.srtl mim rr nidrf ....... . .ir.:j lira M T. Mark 81.001 MUi B Thmnaa T0.H Vim Annln Gardner .... i.d.smi DOUBLE VOTES TO REMAIN IN EFFECT on ml auuuoi X, AT 6 P. M. , ANIMATES! Only II more daya mala till the cloeo of the mutest. bait ten of you ara going to la aiiiTi. Ara you going la ue oner yt ran ir you win put ymy imwi 4 forward: fur these twelve daya Lwol unlimited opiHirtiiiuty ror L whoae vote total at tlia present Lent make a small ahowlna. ad rata a (Tori! ample occasion for the r4cra to keep the pc they have If they rr an minded aa to con- a their excellent work. How many of you have given Lmcht to the exceedingly liberal him to b awarded tha winners on nlRht of St.-i'tember 1? You all Low tha record of tha Klmbnll piano kd mut of you are familiar with fir tiqulalle beauty, durabltltyand tryia aunllty, and you ara offered IBH tomcat two or inoae eiegam btrmnl FOR WHAT? Er- IRT! efTnrt In tha rlitht direction hlch means Increase of o(n of ynu hT already dlaplayed hlwsnrlhy i-niTHy, and taken ttreat kridn inwkrd victory, whlrb haa Vti you In the lead and yonr name tha 'lliill of Honor, To thone ron who are ao fortunate to hare (ir nam there no enrouraneinent nermary What yon hare dona ih pant, you ran. and we ara aure JILL IX) In the future. We have no Prjlut you will not look to your rtli! In other worda you have Vin youraelvea entirely eomietent SMI with the altuatlon. I. e.. win- if th prle you are worklna; for. rrmilm now for the real of you how whit you can do and It la i lo you to exhauat ever? eneray l roiiro during the remaining (III the rloaa of the conteat, for wly no one nnnta to be beaten. And mler tMn, what the othera have you ran do. Oo at It for dear nd put youraelf In Una for at ut one of the prUea. No one la !y to dive up before the race la In fart It U exported that every iwlUUte whon.1 vote total la behind &aveni will KUe tha preaent tri a (nod run for thole mnnf. Th next twelve daya ara Kolng to th llvelleitt and moat exciting- par 4 of the rampHlun, and now cornea ernrlal tet. Can you Increaae P" ot total will you allow your ft to b beaten, and thua let your M work of the pant go for naught. "" by dolnir a little work among l'nii who will not refuaa to aaalat fi may be a winner? Tha "double vote" offer cornea to a P. m., Atiguat 14. Thla will P""ly be vour Inat ehanco for !" yotea on any aubarrtptton nndar jfara. You ahonld make every TtU cont, aa the ahowlng you ! up to tlmt time will go a long ' Inward determining your r r , ie included with tha win na niRiier jip your nam ap- " on ihe -noil of Honor'" the ' n,'rn(ement It wilt Inatlll Into rrlenda, and they will come to W Uh renewed energy. They " V0011 hv vo 'hna far and not r nem la likely to deaert n hn they nee that your chanoea r (OOd aa Ihn.. ... .ik tu.7 r of ,h, nt' ! union of worth. How have the lead rj siuo. the remarkable number of r-- uppomte their - namea? Aak win ten ou rLKKLI HAI LU bY 'WALT Ac DOUGALL 'WHEN WE WERE ABROAD 'L- afVjn i i rrup- AiwJ evcTvlliititlHt.ilji forc'lUn AhJ oti1 Kit n lull llityir dmildtjijfni. I nryrc wcurino uoyoy Drilnlt Iwc Tliclr Upcct h isLlumnJ livScolcli decent; tcyVo Jot our cofnaJ oil IxillcJ ti . Vitt r i .ii. i TYiiri irific.5 or sruiMiiui .crowni tJnd Derice r Bill flp lie twLLIrs intiu 5-cnc-li Junl IlKe ti vvtlklii; IjLIcJ IioTc; lose ooattoirs tcre rtut rtrtlst.- of reit iiutei G . V. II. fll U.. D lupp itii t trio im5Uiinuoie AnJ lootitlic CtiffOiles Bckizc Arts, Wlillc iVJoudle artyfl Ihe Mtjivotirffe, As pliecisonts song it.flrcJ fliclr lieirtjf f wr : v. t n riv lOIBf L wen by diligent effort Vr. ,k V not emulated tha - '.111. I T I FIB mfwiaifiA wnm tin v. Zn nQ remember fn ni done man r.n m 2 tti.. ..rVir aul( fnit, i iiiej Willi. - hrequeatg thattha Totea. b ro,'d MtHa-vvi- xir. CJ .-A o V ' 'J ,'ir,,jr n Indication that aoma oklng frlenda wht Irv ... .. wnen ineaa voina b...r'', r " nnmerona It la . "'"ir uuacriDLion mav ne foTAI noD.lLPlBC,n,,! y" on THK kwlow8,P:AT O"" snCCKfla. Don't t n"v the .li.hi... m- Tv- I" ..i.(m,l',,nl hy you. No harm In m an y ,nfty for luat m?1,p.rt,,nlty aa thla to ahow Ktid.M. :m' m"latatlon of thatr h v i V w wnt 10 f H n,. ".. f"didate in thl , ' :r - you are Vid ,uMT M. IU1 ,wy member, Td i . 10 reciprocate t n acrjiiRlntanca whom "fl. 1 f.-. uroiiirunoie III to the oJTi'lr11 0tM y.U m,y i ynur ravorua - II &t E. I . ,Tfr)' : 7 tD I- f M&vnri r- . , f -- -v- I r'lW-- jOljn. MANA(; TO SCAP& f fiOM "R0JNBACK BYTAKINGCHANICES . aJn m -- a ""T" -0 Drl i M rT'"V ' ' .mV III' I RIVER ROAD URGED. AS HIGHWAY ROUTE Membera of the Eaat Side Capital Highway Aaaorlatton. after traveraing the varloua routea In Clackamaa coun ty propoeod for the Una of tha capital highway, Monday night decided to recommend the River Road. Thla road waa decided upon becauae It la In the beat condition and offera the ahorteSt route. The membera will make a report at the meeting of the aaaoclatlon In thla city Wedneaday night, and It la expected that a resolu tion will be adopted aaklng the Capi tal Highway Commlsiilon to adopt thla route. D. R. If and M. P. Bailor, of Can- by. C. Q. Miller and Marahall Uaaeiie. of Oregon City; O. E. Freyiag. - oi Oladatone; C V- Morae. of Jennlng Lodge, and Charlea Rlaley. of Oak . J . Qrove, wera among tnoae wno mu the trip of Inspection. The aulomo bllea were furnlahed by Meaara. le, Miller and Rlaley. MYRTLE F. ABBOTT? Nawapapar Woman Who Found tha "Diok to DloW" Latter. MILES RETURNS; THINKS SON DEAD SCHOOL DIRECTORS ASKED TO RESIGN . ri MT. PLEASANT CITI2ENS THREAT EN TO ENJOIN BUILDING , OF ADDITION. SEVERAL PETITIONERS NOT VOTERS Are you a aubaertner to the Morn- nc EnterprlaeT If not you ihould can and let ua put your name on tha sub scription list Immediately. Patronise our advfnlsers. FATHER OF YOUNQ .GUARDSMAN SEARCHES NEAR CAMP s ' IN VAIN. COMPANY G BOnOHT DROWNED Young Man Said Ha Was On Hie Way y To Oregon City When - Laat 8an Near " ' River. JUDGE HAYES IMPROVING. Judge O. K. Hayes, who la Buffering from the efforta of coming in contact with poison oak la Improving slowly. It will be aeveral daya before be will be able to resume his practice. STANDING OF CANDIDATES IN CONTEST CANDIDATES IN DI8TRICT NO 1. MISS MYRTLE CROSS..... Oregon City ... M183 ALUE WARE Oregon City .... MI93 LENA STORY..:.. Oregon C Ity .... MRS. E. F. WMMKRMAN........ Oregon City.... MISS TILLIB MEYERS Oregon C Ity ... M18S EVA KENT...... Oregon C y .... MISS ELLA WHITE Oregon CJ .... MISS ROSE JUSTIN Oregon City ... MISS LILLY WNO..... y-0n CUj ' . .. . MISS ANNA WOODARU. r tV ...or. ut npir.nnn Oregon Lity iniug . Votes. . 40851 . S3039 . 79983 . 39035 . 48909 . 44454 . 3526 . 8546 , 8568 ,. 3936 17865 4 e WW v v w " 4 4k. t-t..t.J?,Jt. CAN-DATES IN DISTRICT NO. 2. ...Canby f!" ... . Milwaukle MISS EDNA HUTCHINSON Ca. nby . . ... . .. MISS MILDRED REAM Sv .7. MISS ADA CARES...... f ... ... MISS LILLIAN H0IS....i...ndy MISS NORA KIMRERLT MRS JULIA HOLT norin . ..... MISS INEZ KNOX. Boring . ., .. . MISS ELSIE 8H0ENB0RN aHnawatr . .... MISS ETHKL CLOSNBR. . . .... 'Tcreek .. . . MISS HLODWEN TII0MA3 -'''''XXLYn ........ MISS MAY JOHNSON . . . Sm""'. . .. MISS ETHEL DB BOK... Mnm .. ... . ....urn ninnNitn... Meiaruni MISS HELEN SMITH f"?"!5" ' ttss 1IIT.I.EN RARICK MRS. DELIA ROBERTS. MISS ROXY COLE MISS V1CRNA MEAD.... ' MISS HAZEL HUNOATE fMtHS JESSIE AKINS. . . Stafford Jennings Lodge MoIhIIii , ... ..Gladstone Molalla .!.... Mullno Votes. 8000J 28023 83522 7521 94861 2525 18226 2508 7C38 16430 27461 163821 , 70646 , 10070 6742 , 65860 ,182607 , 61673 , fior.o 2B01 . . 37342 . 11817 , 28215 Deputy Sheriff Mllea, upon his re turn earlv today from Astoria and Columbia Beach, whera he went with rantaln Hldv and several membera of Company G. O- N. O- in search of hl aon George, who disappeared Just before the company atarted back to this city, aald that no trace had been found of the mlaalna- young man. Mr, Miles la of the opinion that hla aon Is dead. The father found that George Miles was aeen for the last time alive last Monday. He was on his way xo me Eastern Railroad ana near me iwis and Clark River. He waa aeen by a .oman to whom he aald he wae going to Oregon City- It la possible mat ne trior to awim the river and perlBhed. Mr. Miles. Captain Hldy. ana me membera of the s company made a thorniiirh search of the awampa with out finding the slightest trace of the mlsning man. Mr. Miles was notified of his son a disappearance upon the return of the troops Thursday nigni. ne wui w Astoria the next morning and made a thorough aearch without meeting with any success. He looked over the en campment grounds and made Inquiry for the young man in Asiorm, ow aide and Warrenton. Upon his return to thla city Mr. Mllea conferred with Captatn Hldy, and it waa, agreed that they aud aeveral memuera oi toe com pany go to the beach and make an other aearch. ' George Mllea waa connected wnn the commissary department of the rnmnanv. Membera oi me compauj qV that he waa not missed until a short time before camp waa broken, and there waa not aufflclent time left for a thorough eearcn to oe maae. PUTS OUT BRIDGE EIRE AYITH VAp IN HAT Fire threatened the destruction of the suspension bridge Monday after noon. A big road engine had Juat nnnaed over the bridge when J. W. Jones. Janitor o( th Court Hoime, who had been Instructed by Judge Beatle to see that boards were properly laid fof the wheels or the engine to run on discovered fire under the floor. Thorn are aeveral barrels filled with water on the bridge to use In carte of fire but the bucketa were missing. Jones decided that he must act quickly and. after tearing up aeveral ooards with a pick, he carried water In hla hat and poured It on the Diaae Mora than twenty hatfulls were neceo un to extlnaulsh -the. fire. The hriHM. with the. exception of the ca bls. la made of wood, and. If the fire or.? a little more headway the atnirture would have been destroyed Directors Accused of Plotting to Waate Money Bida For Building Considered Too High. A About twenty voters of Mount Pleaaant threaten to apply for an or der today enjoining the Board of School Dlrectora from having the school house enlarged and employing another teacher. The dlrectora have been presented a petition aaklng for their realgnatlona, but they have not complied with the request Ward B. Law ton is clerk of the board and the membera are A. C. Warner, J. W. War nock and T. C. Thomas. It ia alleged, by tbe signers of the petition, that money Is to be spent needlesly. - At a recent election It waa decided to add one room to the school and employ an additional teacher. About one-third of the voters opposed, the plan. A tax levy of three mills was provided for to raise the money for the Improvement. At a special meet ing it waa decided to abolish all gradea above the eighth.' and notice was Beryed that the proposition to enlarge the building and employ an extra teacher would be fought - The Board of Dlrectora met laat Saturday night and rejected all blda for the work. They were considered too high. The levy of three milla will provide about $500 and the blda were $1,190, $1,320 and $1,500. It is prob able that the board will employ a superintendent and have the work done under Ita own aupervlslon. Franklin Sklllman, E. E. Kellogg and A. A. Pease are the most active opponenta to enlarging the school. They say there Is no necessity for more room, and that the money will be wasted. Mr. Lawton. who also has been asked to resign, said Monday that the board had not decided whether it would oult. but would be guided by what was considered best for the dis trict. It Is denied that there is any desire to spend money uselessly. Five of the algnera of the petition are not votera. It la alleged, and tt is ao Ha red that aeveral othera have not attended any of the meetings. HUNTERS SLAY BRUIN THAT DEFIES THEM . T. P. Randall. Babe Elliott, H. S Mood v. Kent Moody and J. J. Cooke, who formed a hunting party that left for the wilds of Southern Oregon three weeks ago, returned to Oregon Cltr Monday morning, bringing wun them nlenty of deer meat. The party found Dlenty of a-ame In the section where they camped, and one day Babe Flllott saw thirteen deer, ana one hear. While Tom Randall and J. J. Cooke were returning to camp, after a day's hunt they saw a young bear. and In order to get to the camp they were forced to kill It aa the bear showed fluht Six deera were killed The name of the camp waa "High nil rmn". Thomaa Randall was selected to act as "chambermaid.' and the first night out the beds he made were fit for a king, but after that h waa careless, and the only bed that waa fit to sleep on was the one occunled bv himself, and It. waa up to the boya themselvee If they wanted THOMAS A. EDISON LAYS SELF LIABLE WfZARO'8 INGENUOUS DEVICE ALMOST GETS OREGON CITY FIRM IN TROUBLE. STEP (WED WITH ELECTRICITY Man Who Site Upon It Threatens To ' Have Owners Arrested On Assault And Battery Complaint ' When Thomaa A. Edison harnessed that unknowable thing aa Herbert Spencer would Bay that thing which Benjamin Franklin got hla kite out to toy with, or have It toy with him electricity he little thought he would become pvtlcepe crlmlnls as Judge Stlpp would aay In a casus belli in Oregon City on the glorious day of August 21. 1911. But that Is Just what haa happened to tbe electrical wizard. and he ought to be ashamed of him self. It all came about In this man ner: Champion Follanabee, proprietor of a tailoiing establishment at 416 Main street, having been annoyed a great deal by persona sitting on the tepa In front of their place of busi ness, and after trying divers and sun dry commonplace ways of having the madding crowd move on without suc cess, decided upon the electrical treat ment It Is not necessary to give de tails. They s'mply got six dry bat teries, and connected them with wires placed on the steps. After that every thing was easy. The unwary traveler, weary and worn, no sooner had sat upon those steps than he felt a shock as If ten thousand needles were stlck- BiRDMAN, o;i lo;;c FLIGHT, GETS LOST AVIATOR ATWOOO WANDERS . ABOUT IN SKY TRYING TO FIND SYRACUSE. MAKES MISTAKE CHAKGCCG CCUXXE hed the kind their "mothers make It waa their place to let "George do It." John Cooke'a Intentions when he left this city aa cook of the camp were good, but before he got mrougn Ith the Job he had to be aasistea hv "Babe" Elliott. Strange to say Babe" la the only one in me pany who gained fleHh. He "put on" eleven pounds. John Cooke lost sixteen Dounda. This was probably caused by working over the not stove, narry Moody, although free from hla asthma. waa forced to cot extra notches In his belt, as he had grown so thin about th waist line, and from ail innicauon he did not fare aa 'well as "Babe Elliott Tom Randall, aitnougn me nlctiire of health, lost seven pounaa, This was caused by running from the big wild animals In the toreat ana over exertion oi DeamaKuig. ivoui Moodythe youngest hunter in me crowd, waa "game" all during the trip, and only lost four pounds. Harry Moody, the heaviest man In the party, had the experience of riding up one of the ateep mountains on the back of burro. It was more of an effort for Moody to Stay on the back of the animal that It waa for the ani mal to carry him. It waa hard to tell ner-tha trio had been completed which was" the Tnore fatigued., the 1 burro or Moody. Camp was broxen Sunday morning at 8:20. A most de lightful time la reported, and already a trip la being planned for next year. Oiled Streeta pralaed. - The proprletora and employes of the C. C. 8tore express their satisfaction over the oiling of the streets In this city more particularly Tenth street, , which has been a source of discom fort both to the merchants and real dent In that locality. "We are satis fied," they aay. "and extend the 'glad hand' to the City Council." Ing Into him Just where he sat The scheme worked floe, and many a victim has laughed just aa heartily over the Joke aa those who knew the reason of tbe trouble and had gather ed to give vent to their mirth. But. alas, there must be an end to an things pleasure, sorrow, success. life. The moving finger writes, and having- writ. - - Moves on nor aft your piety nor wit Can lure it back to cancel half . a line Nor all your tears blot out a word of If And so It came to pass that Edward Olda sat upon those steps on the glor ious day of August 21. 1911. But he didn't alt there long. One of the mem bers of the Arm turned the button. Mr. Olds jumped aa if he had been shot, and, observing several persona laughing at him he proceeded to get angry. He told Messrs. Champion and Follansbee what he thought of them and hied himself to the office of City Attorney Story where he sought ad vice. Mr. Story went to the tailoring establishment to make an investiga tion, and aa a result there was some talk of swearing out a warrant against the firm for assault and battery. Here endeth the first chapter. Mr. Olds being determined to wreak vengeance upon me men .wno naa played the trick upon him and to get evidence aufflclent to convict them, accompanied by several of hla friends, went back to the tailoring establish ment, aat upon the steps and defied the owners to again turn on me cur rent They did. And Mr. Olda Jump ed Just like he did the first time. He didn't even see the Joke then, but it la 1 rumored that hla witnesses did and aacrlllglous aa It seems, some of them laughed. No airee. Mr. Olds couldn't see me point of that Joke which he had felt ao poignantly, and he scowled and stooj cot unlike Mrs. Tarn O'Shan ter: ' "Knitting her browg like gathering storm, Nurslna- her wrath to keep It warm." There may be another chapter. Mr. Olda aaya there will be. Albeit those steps down there on Main street in front of Champion ft Follansbeea tailoring establishment are still charg ed with that electrical current, and if you don't want to get your rheuma tism cured In jig time you had better not Bit down there. Attorney Brownell, to whom Messrs. Champion A Follansbee applied, after Mr. Olds had threatened to have them arrested searched Blackstone from "klver" to "klver" and many other leeal volnmea without finding a line relating to connecting dry batteries to one's front steps being a criminal offense. He admitted however, that the charge of assault and battery might be germalne to the Issue ao far aa the "battery" Is concerned, for It took six dry batteries to charge those steps sufficiently to cause trespassers to "ateo lively." The lawyer voucn safed the Information, however, that there were atlll aome authorities that had not been examined, and Bald the work of Invest'gatlon would be' con tinued today. , Bearings Loot When Ha Trios To Oe To Auburn To Greet Large Crowd Exerting Soarch Mida For Him. SYRACUSE, N. Y.. Aug. 21. First, last with bis aeroplane in trying to fly from Lyons to Auburn, 25 miles, Harry N. Atwood, the Boston aviator who Is flying from St Louis to New ' York, then wandered about the air for almost an hour late today and finally was-forced by darkness to lanT five mles went of Syracuse. Atwood ascended at Lyona with the purpose of flying In an air line 98 miles, to tUlea before night Jnst af ter he atarted. he decided to get from -the course which - he has followed along the tracks of the New York Cen tral railroad and cut cross-country to give tbe crowds at Auburn a view of him. But he lost his bearings and not wishing to land, he kept flying about, hoping to find Aubur. - It was 4:24 p. m. when Atwood left Lyons. At 6:30 p. m. he suddenly appeared over Auburn and landed there. Fearful of again being lost, Atwood did not venture away from Auburn until 6:45 p. m.f when he ascended. uncertain as to his destination. Then began anotaer exciting aearch tor him. extending all the way from An burn to Utlca. Ten thousand people at Utlca await- ed him at sundown. Syracuse also . waa kept anxious until, at 7:17, word came that he had landed safely at ' Belle Island, five mllea west of Syra cuse. " From Syracuse Atwood had but 235 miles to fly before finishing in New York City. He has been in the air every day since he started. The daily record, not including today'a, together with a number of stops between the dally start and finlah. Is: St. Louis to Chicago, two stops, 286 miles. S hours and 43 minutes. Chicago to Elkhart, Ind.. no stops, 101 miles, 2 hours and 16 minutes. Elkhart, Ind., to Toledo, O., one Btop, 133 miles. 2 hours and 56 min utes. - Toledo to Cleveland, two stops, 123 miles, 2 hours and 20 minutes. Cleveland to Swanvllle, Pa, no stop, 84 miles, 2 hours and '7 minutes. Swanvllle to Buffalo, one stop, 99 miles, 2 hours and 25 mlnutea. . Buffalo to Lyona, N. Y, no stpo, 104 miles, 2 hours and 11 minutes. LOST At or near poatotflce Water man Ideal fountain pen, largest slxe. rough finish. See E. C. Dye and get, reward. HUM, REPORTED' LOST, RETURN HOME HERO NEARLY DROVNS TRYING TO SAVE CIIUM Leslie Paulson, eighteen years old. was drowned In the Molalla River, three miles from Canby Sunday night The body was recovered an hour after the accident Paulson, accompanied by a friend named Olsen, had decMed to take a swim in the river, and left the Olsen home at Canby early In the arternoon. Paulsen, although not a good awlm mer, had accomplished the feat of swimming back to the opposite side when he was taken with a cramp and aank In a deep hole. His mend, re llxlng the danger and hearing Paulson calling for help, hastened to his res cue, but was drawn under the water by the drowning boy before he couia release himself. Realizing his would be the same fate as pauison it ne continued to try to aave him, he swam to shore and summoned help. Paulson' bad gone down for the last time. Grappling hooks were ootainea by men of Canby and nearby, and the body was recoverea. wnere tne ooj was drownea tne water is zo ieei uwi. Poroner Wilson, of thla city, was sum moned, and at Canby he was Joined by Dr. Dedman. but after hearing the details Mr. Wilson deemed It unneces sary to hold an Inqnest - Pauson was well liked In Canby. al though he had been a resident of that place but a few months. He waa formerly employed by me - wraou nrothers' Company, and arter tnia firm eold out waa employed by Hewitt tt Company, of Canby. Paulson a par ents, who are Mr. and Mra. R. J. Paul son of Monarch. Mont, formerly re sided . at SHverton. and afterwara moved to Milwaukle, Or., and rrom that place to Monarch. He has sev eral brothers and sisters, one brother formerly being connected with the H. S. Moody livery stable or mia cuy. One brother died In this county about one year ago. The body will be tanen to onvenou today for burial. Charles and Frank Peckover, Frank Preuschoff and James Munger, who went to Hot Springs at the head wat ers of the Clackamas River, have re turned to their homes at Parkplace, and were very successful In getting deer. There was some uneasiness few dav ago when it was reported thai Preuschoff and Manger were lost In the mountalnB, and their friend were greatly relieved when they re turned. ' Patronise our advertiser. SEE HERE : i Seven acres, one-fourth mile from electric Una, 4-room , house, barn, chicken bouse, and yard, good well and fine spring, three and a half acres In garden, iruii ana Derneo; guou cow and chickens. Will take $2 f.00. half cash, bala.ioe to suit the buyer. This Is on Ideal poultry and garden farm, slopea to the southwest. Come and see It, or call on ot addiesa CYRUS POWELL, r OREGON CITY. OH. V : Stephens Bulging, Room 11. Contl nuad on page two. '