Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 20, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    MORNING irnPniRR. SUNDAY. AUGUST 20, 1911.
I A GIFT 111 riTr-yn7 nrV-fVI 1 PI PI fl .
Aim) WW It Brought
OopjrrtcM Aimrkan Praaa Ai
clxtun. mi.
- n i i Mf Hv
-Mother." Mid KdUb Majnard. a airl
of sUtMn and Jiwl potrtnjj lbs afe of
romance. l wish rou would tell me
a Iot story. Tell m oos thst rssllj
. Very well. dr. I know on that
happened rigor la tha famllj. I'll trll
you about IL One summer day a Utile
girl we'll call ber Emma, though ibar
wasn't ber real namewaa about to so
to the atore of the Tillage Id which xhe
llTed to buy a dreaa. Ber birthday
was toon to rooie round, and her father
had given ber a B dollar Rold piece
to buy the dreaa for ber birthday pre
enL The day waa hot. and abe took
car to keep under the abade of the
trees that lined the road. Presently
abe came upon a boy he looked to be
about fifteen lying asleep la the graas
under on of the trees. . ,
"Emma stopped to look at him. lie
was a handsome lad. slender and tall
for his age. with a profusion of black
curly hair tumbled over his forehead.
Ilia shirt waa open at the neck, ex
posing his throat Bis whole flgur
- was relaxed as only can occur In slum
ber. " ' "' f. .
"But even In sleep his face waa
troubled. Bis clothes had evidently,
been good when new. but tbey were
now ababby. Emma woudered who
he was and what troubled him. There
la something very winning about a
aleeper. Perhaps It la that relaxation
1 bav apoken of that nonrealstance
- which Is so endearing In Innocent chil
dren. At any rate. Emma, as she atood
looking down at him. took him rid lit
Into ber heart
"She would Uk to d something- I or
Mm to tak that troubled look on bis
mwkA tvniap it with a smile. It
occurred to ber to drop her gold piece
Into his flattened at raw bat that lay
beside him. then aland off and watch
his expression when be awoke and
saw it lying there shining In the sun
light flickering through the trees. But.
If she did this she must go without
ber dress She Involuntarily clutched
the bait eagle in a tighter grip. Again
she pictured the boy awakening and
his pleasure at seeing the coin In bis
hat - And thus she wsvered till ber
sympathy and tbe pleasure of giving
pleasure triumphed, and abe dropped
her gold piece Into tbe bat Then abe
climbed the fence beside the road and
hid In some tall wheat which waa
nearly ready to oe haeveeted.
8he waited nearly half an nour. not
daring to take ber eyes off tbe boy
for an instant fearing abe would
that flrst took of surprise she was" giv
ing treasure to see. At last be stretch
ed himself, rubbed his eyes with bis
fists sod sat up Be seemed to be try
ing to nerve himself to get up and (to
on. but was too tired to do so. Pres
ently, with a sigh, h reached for hia
' hat and saw tbe balf eagle.
"It is questionable which would have
been more delightful to a third person,
.the look of surprise of the boy or the
"expression of the little girl bidden in
tbe wbeat clasping ber hands over her
breast aa if to still tbe beating of ber
little heart, ber eyes beaming with
pleasure and expectancy.
"Bis eyes were flxed on the coin
for a moment, then be began to look
about him for the donor. Emma enjoy
ed It all Immensely for awhile, then
she began to think about what abe
should do. Would abe make berself
known or remain in biding and let tbe
boy go away with ber treaaore without
knowing who had given It to blm? if
she toojt tbe former course be would
return the gold piece. If she took tbe
latter she would bave given away
her birthday present to one who could
not even know her n the giver of
"But Emma was not a girt to go
thle far In doing a kindness and turn
back. She kept very still, watching
tbe boy. and It seemed as if she could
read hla thoughts 8be fancied blm
saying, holding the coin In bis band
and looking at it. 'I'm going to Invest
this money and work aDd save and
make a fortune out of It. Then, stand
lng on bis feet after looking ail about
him, he put the coin In bis pocket and
reluctantly went on.
"A great many years passed."
-How many years, mother?"
"Let me see. Emma bad grown to
be twenty five years old. snd she was
about twelve when she gave away ber
birthday, present That meana thir
teen years.
"One day she beard tbat a man bad
offered to build a social clubhouse, and
give It to tbe town. Tbe reason be
offered It was that when a poor boy
on his way to the city to look for a
situation be bad gone to aleep on tbe
outskirts of the village and aome on
had dropped a five dollar gold piece
into hia hat. De bad mude lucky In
vestments with tbe money, and It bad
grown from $3 to $20.0Q. Bnt more
than this. It bsd given li!m hope and
courage, and be bad succeeded in oth
er directions. B wished to return
the gift with interest, and. not know
ing tbe donor, would give it to tbe
"Well. Emma met this man and be
came very much Interested In blm and
he In ber. One1 day when tbey were
"1 know the nd of the story." In
terrupted Edith. "Be was tbe boy to
cwhom Emma -bad., given - the-blf
. eagle."
"That isn't all there la to It," replied
the mother.
"What else Is there r
"H was father and I am Emma."
It Is Easy to Float
Floating means reclining on the
water. So long as one's body Is
straightened out 1 and tbe head is
throwu well back in the water the
arms and legs will take car of them
selves. One has nothing to do tmt
maintain a straight back and sub
merge tbe bead to the ears. In this
position one cannot help bnt float It
Is a physical impossibility for tbe body
to drown so long as this position Is
maintained. But the minute you raise
' your head out of th water or bend
the body or draw up th knees down
you go- Outing. . . ' . , '
wall Ibe dropped mm the
; i -
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Kimball Pianos
Two Upright
' t'
M n
Purchased , from Portland's" Leading Music House
EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts.
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whom; you wish to favor v(
your votes With remittance b,
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to Contest Department The Eifo
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WHICH? WATCHES aa,,..) J5k
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T T Fotif Prizes to be r- , , f.
; J New Home Awarded ; J -
flv T" l The Enterprise has used every care WTrBy-
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f0 vTJ r. - securecUchoIarshipsintwocf thefore- "
$75.00 most educational insthution in The OP
J 'EACH State of Oregon. Th.L4.gI
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