a WIATMIA INDICATION. I or..K.n fliy rlr Sunday; I ouibwrot to wmI wlnde. Jum-Wr Sunday; eoiith- I pt to west wind. ;. H'OKNINd E 1W E R PROS E WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED IS 60 The only daily newspaper feat " tweei Portland and Selessl aires. C. latee In every section af Clash. mw County, wrth population af f) (- 30,000. Ara you an advertiser? e VOL. 2-No. 43. OREGON CITY, OHEOON, 8UNDAY, AUGUST 20, 1911. Pn Wkbk, 10 Ciim CANDIDATE LIST TO BE CURTAILED .utdanTS WHO HAVI LCIt THAN 50,000 AUGUST 25 MUST QUIT RACE. THAT NUMBER IS IN REACH Of ALL lllminttlon of Contaatanta Claarly Out of Race Oaoldad-Wpon to . ' Ffcllitala Work Closing Night of Contact. 4444 4 ROLL Of HONOR. 4 District No. 1. 4 MIm Una Stry 6S.9H3 4 mim Tiin' Meyers ..... 17,904 4 lit" Eva Kent 43,054 4 MINI M rtlv Croee...... 3M.720 0 Jlr. Iv F. Zimmerman.. 37.0(5 MIm Alllx Ware 33,033 District No. 2. 4 MIm ll'eii Smith 183.C07 4 MIm ICOx'l tlmner 103.821 4 MIm M llilrru Ream ...... 94.361 4 MIm K' Hatdorf H2.523 jlrs M T. Mack .-r, . . r IW.0H3 0 Mill II- Thomas 00.046 MIm AiuiIm Gardner oS.MSi MIm Ili'U n Kaliltk 01.573 4 MIm KHrii Mouhnke .... 4s. 231 MIm rua Moad 37.343 0 DOUBLE VOTES TO REMAIN t 4 IN EFFECT UNTIL AUGUST 24, AT 6 P. Mi In nriier to facilitate the work of tha imlKi "ii the closing night of the HJ(1 CONTKST and to eliminate tha iiiTi-Hsiiy of their count" tne th- votes . of. those ran didaie !" are not msklng ta Active umpalgn and consequently irt nut "In (lie rsoe" It baa been dwided t drub from tbo Hat the Dimn of ll contestants whose vote .toul. u,i to thi nikht or aukubi za M nol D'itrni'U bu.uuu voica. no muw of mil who urr at iireiit under tnat mark Iiiiihi "net busy" If you wlsb U Tmln In thu rure. There la not ono of rou, !! want to, but can esslly brtnt ytMir uili total up to 50.000 by (bit tlm' So If your nam la drop ped from th Hut and you are aorry for It afterward you will bava no ono to blam lull yourself. If you propose to remain In the contest to tho IloUU you mum i rix cnl to get a fow aub- rrliuloiiN. nhlrh nu'an votoa, Ix-foro tlm of roimiiriK ballota Auguat 25. Tb "duuiilf voio offrr ronialna In (fwt up to r, p. m Auguat 24. Ho nr of )nii mil ruilly rrarb tba 60.000 mrk If vimi want to, and. auroly yoa ihould. Si in,,. piMipl work for yeara totv Jinn, tli value of thoao bautl ful Klinhttll planoa, and fhla la an opportunity for you to do tho work of yetr In it fow wooka If you do jour bmt. Without 'irnrtlnic at all front tbo plrndid ml of tho loadora wo can nj that Hi. re Is a limit to ororythlnK. Borne of thi'H.i randlilatoa may bavo m thflr l.i-Ht and thsre la a poaal bit rhatiro that thfy havo Ron tholr nmit. We tn t Hn. ak for wnat thoy'll do or what hiiv . iindldnto will do. It la )ut i liv. lv i,N not that tbo wlnnora on Bt-ptrnilicr 2 aro at tbo bottom of tit Hit mm an at tho top. Wo moan by thai tli n t nnv randUliito who haa kr B(m plnrd on tho "Roll of Honor" by Atimmt 25. b;a ouually aa Pod a rhuiiin aa tho others to win. Twn miik. your Inlauro tlm of aomo nlm to yoiimpir and woA, All thing r donIIIh for in 4ro4inar ladv when b ftfortH ai-e iroierly dlroctod." Oot a tn pror. sHion. no a winner; It la orth your time. A WARMNfl TO PiNninATBS: fVin't w,Ht,. h nilnuto while tho "dou-' bit tote" t)ff,.r remains in foreo. Oo af tr tht prlren aa though Auguat 24 th rlohliiK nlsht of tba ron tent nd not of the nperlal offer. If yon to 'Mi you art. Iiound to do your beat nrk now. And NOW la tho tlm to H and not when rote-value will mti reverti-d to tho original acbedule. You Uve lurcn warned tlmo and m to takn ndvantaga of tho special "iftra. vP Dm you (hat roto-valuoa onM droi. - Avn tiiw urtt.i. TKR AN AWKUL TtlMMIS AFTBR Hlt'KSIlAY NIGHT, AUGUST TOE MWfeE1!5 PERPETRATED BY WALT Mc DOUGALL : Coiiiinued on pago two. u. ri . . - . ""ong ,t a gr..t ratal . lpTuS0MtS THK FINAL WIND DRtiT E ..L.A8T WMK Of THIS fUNrry ERCHAN0'" OfPO ( Tht buy.r, hav exceeded tho spood ' fiiV.,r?ud"p'rtm,nt" Th'y W,M r 4o . r th,n vr now. Romom- V iln..P,r.Mnt rd"rt on all brok f A big aavmg In real dollars. fir f 4S4f aaso EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIIRt Not Like Othsrt, . 8h and Main W uitu?0"' fa" and Motion. : ul th naw "dvanco ' . ."wwlng In our windows. MAYT1F THF LATF.T FRriM MPUvnol aiSWX THOSE "FISH NeT"VEILa CATCH ON ALL RIGHT! I KING NICHOLAS. I RAILROAD STOCK 18 " HIGHWAY FUND IS RAISED IN AN HOUR KING NICHOLAS. Ruler of Montenegro Who la In a Wrangle With Turkey. M. IX La ri ret to, secretary of tho Raat Side Capital Highway Aaaocla tlon, Saturday raised In Oregon City In leaa than olio hoar $200 toward the fund to be used for tho aurvey and other preliminary work In connection with tbo building: of tho capital high way from Portland to Salem through this county. Mr. Latourette says all of tho subscriptions wore given free ly, and that every person be ap proached waa onthualaatlc over tho proapecta of building the boulevard. That the citltens of Oregon City and Clackamaa county are dollantad over tho plan o build tho groat thorough fare baa n snown by tne nn"tmlty of opinion of those attending tho f; loua meet In gi to plan the preliminary work. The oiocuUve committee of the - aoclatlon accompanied by the mem bers of the Capital Highway Commis sion and the Clackamas County Court wilt meet at the Sellwood Chamber of Commerce at 9:30 o'clock tomor row morning to traverse the various roads suggested for the highway route and make a choice to recom mend to the Capital Highway Com mission. Automobiles have been do nated for the use of the party. Patronise our advertisers. i "V. e w TWO FINED BY RECORDER. J. S. Sparka, arrested by Chief of Iollce Bhaw on a charge of drunken ness, waa fined 35 by Recorder Stlpp. The recorder fined Pat Murray, ar rested by Policeman Frost on a charge of drunkenness, $10 and sen tenced him to serve ten days In Jail. Upon payment of the fine the jail sentence was suspended. STANDING OF CANDIDATES III CONTEST . CANDIDATES MJ83 MYRTLE CROS8 MI89 ALUB WARH3 MISS LENA 8TORY MRS. K. F. ZIMMERMAN.... MI8 TIIXIR MEYERS . MISS EVA KENT 4 MISS ELLA WHITE MISS ROSE JUSTIN MIHrt LILLY IXNO MISS ANNA WOODARD MISS EVA ALLDREDGH. , . . IN DISTRICT NO 1. e ....Oregon City ... ....Oregon City ... ....Oregon City ... ....Oregon City ... ....Oregon City v. .'...Oregon City ... ....Oregon City .... ....Oregon City ... ....Oregon City .... ....Oregon City ....Oregon City Votes. 38720 33032 6S983 37025 47V04 43G54 ' 3526 8546 K568 , 3936 17865 x CAN'OATES - e MISS ELLEN MOEHNKB. . . . MRS. M. T. MACK MISS ADA LAKIN MISS FAY BATDORF MIS8 EDNA HUTCHINSON.. MISSiMILDRED REAM MISS ADA CARES MISS LILLIAN HOLMES.... 'MISS NORA KIMBERLiY. . . . MRS JULIA HOLT ...J..:.. MISS INEZ KNOX " MIS8 ELSIE 8HOENrlOHN. . MISS ETHEL CLOSNKR..... MISS BLODWEN THOMAS-.. MISS MAY JOHNSON MISS ETHEL HE HOK MIHS ANNIE GARDNER.'... MISS HELEN SMITH MISS HELEN RABICK MRS. DEI JA ROBERTS..,,. .. MISS ROXY COLE A MtHa VV.RNA MEAD MISS HAZEL HUNOATE MISS JESSIE AKINS IN DISTRICT NO. 2. o- ....Sbubel ..; , ...Canby , . Mllwaukle ....West Oregon Cly ....Canby ........... ....Willamette , , .-f.Snndr , ,. .'.- .. . ., ,., .Sandy 1 . . , ., ....Boring ....Oak Grove Boring ,,.Cartis ....flprlngwster .... Beaver Creek .... ....Clackamas ....Willamette , ...Meldrum ......... ....Canemah ....Stafford, -.. ....Jennings Lodge .. ....Molnlls ....Glndstone ....Molalla . ...Mullno 4 Votes. ; . 4231 ....... 800C2 26013 82623 7521 94361 ... 2525 t ... 18226 A . . . 2608 . . . 7638 16430 27461 163821 ....... 66646 10670 : 6742 63855 182607 61572 8060 2501 3734J w 11817 ....... 28215 TO RE SOLD IN CITY The officers of . the ; Clackamas Southern Railway Company will make a strong effort this .week to sell enough stock to build the trestle In this city snd lay the steel from tho river to the Newell Creek canyon, so as to simplify the building of the bridge across the canyon. The direc tors feel that the' citizens of Oregon City should come forward and assist In t'ut work, as the residents of the colinty have been extremely liberal In providing for the grading of the line. The building of this road means much to Oregon City and Its business men, and from the standpoint ef an Invest ment It seems safe and sound. The directors of this company are entitled to help from the people of this city, ss they are giving their services free of charge and are working for the up building of the city and the country at large. During the early period of this work the directors went out Into Uie country school houses and balls and held meetings, when the nights were stormy and cold,. and little by little tho foundation of this great work wss laid, and now they point with pride to the fact that the work Is well un der way snd enough money subscrib ed to build the entire grade from Ore gon City to Molalla, and they are now asking for a little extra help to build the bridges and lay about a mile of track. The directors should not be compelled to go out and solicit for this help. The citizens should come forward and offer their assistance without any persuasion, and thereby place tho directors In a position to complete the road at an early date. BOON IN HIDING HOMES STARTS HERE There Is considerable building In this city now and several persons who recently purchased property are con templating building In tile near fu ture. J. C. Sawyer, who purchased a lot on Center street between Eighth and Ninth streets, haa given the con tract for erecting a prettybungalow to Clarence Simmons, o Gladstone. Mr. 8lmmons has a force of men at work on the building, and It will be ready for occupany about the middle of 8optember. This residence will be one of the most attractive little homes In Oregon City. It will , have five rooms -on the lower floor. Including reception ball, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, pantry and bath, and one sleeping apartment Tho npper floor will not bo finished for tho present, but later Mr. Sawyer ex pects to have two more sleeping rooms finished1. , The building wtlj' be heated by furnace, and a full cement base ment will be one of the attractive fa" tures of this home. A large veranda will face Center street. The . house will be lighted by electricity and will have all modern Improvements. i ' ' Miss Mannlffn Resigns. " , Miss Nora HsanlOn, who had been employed at the store of Prank Busch for eight year, - resigned ' Saturday night. Mlas Hannifin Is known by all the customers of the large housefur- nlshlng store and-she will be ralssedv EAST SIDE CANAL VORIiSTARTSSOON CONGRESSMAN HAWLEY WIRES THAT EVERYTHING, IS READY . FOR CONSTRUCTION. ENGINEERS REPORT IS APPROVED Proposition of P, R. t 4 P. Co. To Soli Weat Side Canal la Reject ed $754,000 To Bo Expend ed On Improvement. Preaident Hedges of tbe Oregon City Commercial Club, and Secretary Bhewman. of the Willamette Open River and Freight Rate Association, received telegrams from Congressman Haw ley Saturday giving the Informa tion that no further congressional. ac tion was necessary In connection with tbe construction of tbe canal on the east side of tbe Willamette River at tbe falls. Mr. Hawley la of tbe opin ion that tbe work will be suited in tbo near future.-- - The telegrams were In answer to messages sent Mr. Hawley urging him to make every effort to have Con gress accept tbeTeport of the army engineers as soon ss possible. Tbs answer to Mr. Hedges' message fol lows: 'Engineers have approved the con: struotlon. of locks on east side of river. wbicb will begin as- soon as possible under acts and appropriations already made. Think no further congression al action necessary at this time. How ever, will continue to assist in the work in any way possible.' Congresman Lafferty wired tbat he would co-operate with the other mem ber of the Oregon delegation to fur ther the work of constructing tbo locks. The cost of the proposed work Is estimated at $754,000, and the gov ernment will take Immediate steps to acquire the necessary right of way. It is estimated tbat four years will be required to build the canal. Tbe army engineers agreed with the rec ommendation of Major Mclndoe that it would be better and cheaper to build a canal on the east side of the river than to acquire tbe existing west side canal owned by the Portland Rail way Light & Power Company, and rebuild and'enlarge it. Oregon has appropriated $300,000, and Congress bss appropriated a like amount, tf which $7000 has been expended fh surveys and estimates. An additional appropriation by Congress of $159,000 will be required. FATHER SEARCHES FOR GEORGE MILES OREGON CITY MAN MYSTERIOUS? LV DISAPPEARS AS TROOPS LEAVE CAMP. FRIENDS FEAR HE HAS PERISHED Captain Hidy and Several Members of Company Go With Anxious Psrv ont To Continue Search at Astoria. Deouty Sheriff Miles, accompanied by Captain Hldy, of Company O. O. N. G-, and several members of tbe company, went to Columbia Beach Ss'urday night to continue tbe search for his son. Geo. Miles, twenty-eight years of age, who mysteriously dis appeared just before the encampment ended. A search was made for the young man before tbe company left tne beacb, but no trace of bim waa found. It Is feared tbat be is a victim of foul play, or got lost In a marsh and perished from exposure. Mr. Miles wss notified of bis son's disappearance upon the return of the troopa Thursday night. He went to Astoria the next morning and made a thorough search without meeting with any success. He looked over the en camp me tu grounds and made inquiry for tbe young man In Astoria, Seaside snd Warrenton. Upon his return to tbls city Mr. Miles conferred with Captain Hidy, and It was agreed tbat tbr and several members of the company go to the beach and make another, search. , George Miles is one of the best known young men in this city, and his friends cannot account for his disappearance. He was connected with the commissary department of the company, and was one of tbe most enthusiastic members over tbe pros pect of having a fine time In camp when the soldiers left this city. Mem bers of tbe company say tbat he-was not missed until a short time before csmp wss broken, and there was not sufficient' time left for a thorough search to be made. BARN AND CONTENTS' BURNED BY FIREBUG News has been received from Eagle Creek of the burning of the barn of B. F. Forrester with all his hay, grain, harness snd implements. Mr. For rester's loss Is about $2,000 with 'no Insurance. Tbe fire was of Incendiary origin. A barn was burned In tbe same neighborhood several years ago. Mr. Forrester is a brother of Mrs. S. F. Scripture of thhj city. OREGON APPLES TO BE LAND SHOW FEATURE PORTLAND. Aug. 19. (Special.) Big Oregon apples will be distributed at the Pittsburg Lang Show, October 12-28, tbls year, through the efforts of the Northwestern Fruit Exchange and the Oregon Development League. Tbe Exchange will contributes carload of fine apples and the league will attend to their free distribution. . T Space haa been taken at the Land Show by the League Und an Inform ation bureau will be maintained there. Literature descriptive of the whole state will be hahded . out to Land Show visitors and representa tives of the Northwest will be on hand to' answer questions about this sec tion of the country. Each community In the state should forward literature to the Portland Commercial Club, so it can be sent on to Pittsburg. , - This land show wlll.be one of the Important avenues for reaching col onists tor the Pacific Northwest Lo cated as it Is where West Virginia. Ohio and Pennsylvania corner,- the show attracts a great many' farmers from this whole territory and tbe ex hibits of what the West can do agri culturally will prove an Inducement to many of them to move out here and occupy the vacant lands. I; - BEAR ROUTS PARTY Clayton White, Fred Freeman. Pete Ing, Nine Long and Louis Smith, of Caneman, Charles Mulvey. of Seattle, and Ray Cole, of Oregon City, return ed Sattrrday night from a hunt in the mountains. The young men killed one deer and caught 318 trout- the first day out They also bad an ex clUng experience with a bear. Bruin, after being ahot at four times, became somewhat - peeved and charged the hunters. They escaped, however, and the bear, needless to say, Is now pur suing tbe even tenor of his way. STATEHOOD GUI WITH RECALL OUT RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY HOUM AND SENATE MEETS TAfTS , OBJECTIONS. CONSTITUTIONS HOST BE tfECD Admission To Union of Now Mexie And ArUona "To Be " Lett With Votara of Those v Terrltoriea. A . FIRST UNIT OF GAS PLANT IS INSTALLED Dr. A. L. Beatle. who has tbo gas frcnchlso In this city, has installed the first unit of the acetylene plant which he will establish. This unit will supply gas for the new high school and residences In the neigh borhood. It is said that acetylene not only gives a better light than gas made of coal and oil. but It la much superior for laboratory work. The pipes have been connected at the High School, and the plant will be In perfect working order In a few days. Stanford University, after trying gas made of various materials, has se lected the acetylene gas for labora tory work and illuminating Purpose. WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. State hood for Arizona and New Mexico now awaits only tbe perfunctory ap proval of President Taft The OTood Smirh resolution admitting these ter ritories Into tbe Union with the Judic iary recall feature of the Arieona coo- ' stitutlon eliminated to meet tbe objec tion which canned president Taft to veto the original statehood bill waa adopted by the House today without the formality of a roll ealL Having been passed by the Senate in Identical language.- the resolution -will go to the White House as soon aa the vice-President and Speaker for mally attach their signatures. No attempt waa made In the House to pass over tbe President's veto the original bill which contained the Judi cial recall provision. The joint resolution provides for Arizona's admission with tbe ' constl tution adopted by the convention of July 20, 1910. and later ratified by the Arizona voters, upon the "fundamen tal condition" that article -8 of the constitution relating to the recall of . public officers shall be held and con strued not to apply to Judicial offic ers and tbat the Arizona people shall give their assent to that construction. Tbe President is required within 30 days after approval of tbe measure to certify the fact to the Governor of Arizona, who within 30 days thereaf ter must proclaim an election, to be' held between 60 and 90 days after tbe proclamation to vote npon article 8 and to vote for state jind other of It a majority of the voters ratify the exception of Judicial officials from Che recall, such a construction will be-" come part of the Arizona constitution. The President will then issue a proc lamation and npon Its Issuance' Ari zona will become a state. The resolution admits New Mexico Into the Union with provisions making its constitution easier of amendment. Tbe resolution was passed after a spirited two hours debate.. Represen tative Flood, of Virginia, chairman of the territories committee, declared that the Democrats favored passing the original bill over the President's veto, bnt knowing that such an at tempt would be nseIes,Nthey had de cided to take the step, that would In sure Immediate admission of the ter ritories to the Union. He and ' the other speakers Insisted that the ques tion at Issue was not the judiciary recall, but whether the people had the right to make laws to suit themselves -so long as they did not violate tbe Federal Constitution. SEE HERE . m, Seven acres, one-fourth mile from electric line, 4-room house, - barn, chicken house, and yard, good well and fine spring, three and a half acres In garden, fruit and berries; good cow and chickens. Will take $3 600, hslf cash, balajce to suit the buyer. This Is on Ideal poultry and garden farm, slopes to the southwest. Come and see it or call en ot addiess CYRUS POWELL - OREGON CITY, OR. Stephens Bulging, Room 11. JUDGE a E. HAYES IMPROVING. Populsr Attorney Victim of Rhus Dlvorsllooa Poisoning. The condition of Gordon E. Hayes, the well-known sttorney, was some what improved Saturday; but he will not be able to leave. his room for more than a -week. Judge Hayes Is suffering from the effects of con t set with rhus dlversiloba, or poison" oak. Justice Marries Couple.' Justice of the Peace Samson mar ried Olive M. Tripp and James A. Shaw of Chehalta, Wash. He will marry Gladys Looney and O. P. Looney, of Molalla, today. . LOST At or near pout office Water man Ideal fountain pen, largest also, rough finish. See E. C Dye and get reward. S7 EM . X V - X X X X : L X X X J X X a a -m. jy xx y ' x x i w a -x. 'v r xx fA rs xx Itr II X X for r vj xx V, . BURMEISTER & v I ANDRESEN I "Hf JEWELERS. - Suapension Brldgo Cor. S S f fto Oregon C'ty, Or.- The right volume of sound for your home Many sound-rrproducinc machines are sold alto- r ' - eether on the anrument that they are loud. The volume of sound produced by an son Phonograph while perfect in Its reproduction and musical in its tone, is not loud, strident, noisy or eax-piercmg. is easy to make a loud Phonograph. It is an art to make a Phonograph which gives proper value to each kind of music and all within the compass of the ordinary parlor or sitting room. When you buy a n Ed ison Phonogra ph you willappreciate what it is tohave an Instru ment that reprodu ces sound prop- rly of the rightvolume your house.