Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 18, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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r&st Of End Season Sale
rlna this nd on eels, want te clean up all or Sum
lln and ' ,f lh,r ,h,r m,mbf tn 'emlly
""" li flolna d0 by'B th, na "a.
rim. ,h,n ,v,r thi
Remember this store is for the Men as well
as the Ladies and Children.
camion Bridge Cor.
Oregon City
Lens) Age.
I Llmt
Mr. and Mra. J. E. Reeley and two
daughters left Wednesday morning
for Tacoma, wber (hay will vUlt.
They will alao vlalt frlenda at He
at tie, Wand., and will be gone (or
about nua week. During Mr. Heeley'a
absence tha atore will t In charge
of William Nlcholla.
M. J. Urown and W. A. Bhewman
will leave tomorrow morning for the
Ogle Creek mlnaa, where they will
remain for about ten daya or two
weeks. Mr. Bhewman la Intareated
In iba mlnea. Tha man will maka
tha largar part of tha trip by fool,
and expert .to reach their destination
wltbln iwo daya after atattlng from
here. Ogle Creek mlnee ara about
0 mlla from tbla city.
u youna airl from mm
To klx m. of (iiurM.
Tuu II he ! ur forea.
4al Lodt fenf you're atronser tha J
Mr. anil Mra. George Lowrey made
k trip to Carua on Thursday.
J, B. Cummlngs. prominent real-
fit or Coliun, waa in ibla city on
C Ufer, of Colton, m farmer of
1AM Slsce, wil (rauaai'iiug. uuiiuvh
fa tUli city on Wednesday.
Wllkult sisge will leave the E1eU1
Motel ach day at 1 o'clock p. m.
Joba Bcoggan, of Portland, la In
kbit city Installing gaa plpee In tha
ktrctoa City High School building.
M. A. Peter and wife, of Polaon,
f loot, were In tbla city on Thursday,
rglstsrlng at tba Etectrlo Dotal.
Mr. Harry Kellogg baa gona to
!Willar, Idaho. har aba will vlalt
Imt son, Uuy Kellogg, lor aeVaral
Mrt. Rdward Bbaw and daughter.
Virginia, after a aojourn at Newport
rturard to Oregon City Wednesday
Born, Tburnlay morning at 4
loclotk at the Wlldwood Hospital to
Iiu wire of William Hammond, a eon,
wvlght I pound.
$y, you imoker! ' Nobal baa Juat
rlwd I'orto Rico clgare;
'try fine; In lot to ault. Iw
Minhill Valrher. of Vancouver.
IYuk.. ! In thla city visiting bla
uat and uncle. Mr. and Mra. J. B
Vitcber. of Twelfth and Center
I F. Ilurns. g well knownVesldent
I of Study, who la connected with tha
8o!y Land Company, waa In thla
Itlty on business Thursday.
Miss Nettle Kruaa will lenva on
Alurdjy f.)r H-aalde, whra aba will
'(It frlendi. Mine KniM will alao
Milt frlenda at Ocean Park, before
lft return to their city.
I Will lollrlt t InKn Aitama etnra
for koppickera on Auguat 1Mb, 17th
lth. Yard between Dallaa and
UIIB. 4 -
Mr. and Mra. a. n rw.intu mhn
ky been vtxltlng at' Seattle, Waah.,
wllnitbam. Wanh., and In Hrltlah
Columbia, hava ruhirnul n rtrasnn
City. They were away for two waaka,
"4 hid a mn.t delightful time.
B. Falrcllllieh mil Inhn Ovntl
ko hive heeu at tha Ogle Creek
eama to thla city Wedneaday
vnln, In the Scott automomlbel.
Alter a fow diva luill In thla lv
nl at Portland, they will return to
alr tnlnea.
Mra, Charlna mAa i.e tv...j..
"Kkt for California ah. ah.
jMialB for three montha, Laving ao
P'd a temMrary poaltlon aa man-
TOT Of B mllllnrv aal.l.ll.hian
Mri. Lariri iu --, ...
, .,, K mu Kr BB r.urvm
7 lieamar mA . . . .
T deatlnatlon by train.
E. A. Rommar fn.m.,l. A n.
Corttt building. Portland.
BAN FKANCI8CO. Aug. 17. (Sp-
lal). The work of train diapatcblng,
one 6f tba moat aiactlng In tba whole
fluid of. railroad management, la to
be mad much eaaler for the dlapntch
ara of the Southern Pacific Company
On everal entire dlvlalona and on
part a of other dlvlalona the work haa
already tieon lightened to a great e
tent Tba atraln that the dlapatcb
era uaually work under la being and
will be alleviated by the uae of the
telephone for train dlapatchlng. i
Tba old method of ualng the tele
graph key for all diapatcnlng haa
been found too alow. Where It form
erly required a considerable time to
transmit train ordera by telegraph, a
comparatively ahort time la now re
quired. By a ayatem of repeating all
meaaage and writing tbetn down aa
they ara aenl and delivered, the op
erator and dlapatcher ara able to keep
even more complete rexrd of all
that tranaplrea than If uilng the tele
graph. Virtually the only difference
between the two-eyatema la that the
telephone urgea direct conversation
and the telegraph only, written worda
tranamltted by the comparatively
alow Mora alphabet. With tha tele
phone the dlapatcber get In doner
lieraonal touch with every man on
the road through the uae of that In
atrument than be ever wna able to
do with the telegraph.
At tha preaent time telephone dla
patchlng la In operation between 8a
llnaa and Hanta Barbara on the Coaat
Dlvlelon of tba Southern Pacific
llnea; over the entire ghaata dl Vinton;
on the Sunaet, the Sunaet and West
ern and tbe McKlttrlck brancbea, and
will aoon be Installed between Sac
ramento and Sparka. Exchangee ara
being established and any operator on
tha Una need only take down bla re
ceiver and pronounce tbe name of bla
atatlon to obtain tbe immediate at
tention of tha dlapatcher. Tba dla
patcber haa full control over the line
and no operator la allowed to call np
another atatlon. The dlapatcher will
do tbe calling for blm If bualneaa re
quires It. It la only a quentlon or
time until tbe telegraph win aerva
only aa an emergency aervlce on the
Southern Paciric llnea. Anomer ad
vantage of tba telephone ayatem la
the almpllclly. It being poaalble for
any member of a train crew to tap a
telephone, line and tell of a train
wreck, while It requlrea an expert to
tap a telegraph line.
Hotel Arrival.
The following are reglatered at the
Electric Hotel: " C. A. Hndaon- New
Vork; It. R. Puck. C. Lafer Carton,
A. A. effrlea, Portland; Robert Her
ron, I H. Clark. New York; R. Plch
olaon. C. M. Pnrdy. Roeoburg; A. E.
DeHaren, Oreabam; H. M. Bronaon,
Salem; W. Stromgren, Tacoma; N.
J. Powera, Salem; R. E. Dtindaa,
Portland; J. R. Cummlna, C. loafer.
Colton, 8. Wallace, Portland; E. E.
Henderabott, M. A. Pfterg and wife,
Polaon, Mont.
Real work becu uu tha CTacaS
maa Southern Railroad at Ibe Molalla
and, aoon aa the ahacka are moved
off of the rlftht-of way.
k Clover bulling waa not quite fio-
lalied before the cloudy, miaty weath
er aet Id. (
Mr. Hayherat, of ' Gladstone, aama
out to Molallg Uat week to aee hie
new gramlaon In tha borne of Ever
man Robblna.
Mra. fcoe Oaugherty, Mra, Rwrtha
Cordlll and Mra. Kannle 1-U.herd are
be proud mothers of daugnterg.
The Table llo k Trail la being lm
proved by popular auba:rlitlon. Tha
government la taking care of tha Im
provement tbru the Reserve of the
Hot Sprlnga. Home twenty women
are now camped at theae beautiful
Isaac Qlpaoo baa tha wood building
Daugberty, the palmer, t.aa finished
the Levi Robblna realdence.
Mra. Olle Kai, of The Dallea. and
Mra. Jennie Eby. of Oregon City, are
visiting with their parents at tbe R.
J, Moore residence.
Tbe north Cregory building ' looks
much Improved with Ita new coat of
Mr. and Mra. Oliver Robblna have
moved to their mountain home to live
a retired life, raising poultry and
clearing up land. Mr. and Mra. nick
ena lake their place at thy town resl
Now our Rnral Echerd takes tbe
end of rout foj- departure be formerly
came in on, making nie homeward
bound trip from tbe aettlng aun.
Tbe Auguat meeting or Molalla
Orange will be an Important one. all
members are requested to be present
aa aomeiDing unusual in the history
of No. 310 will occur at tbe September
meeting which all Interested ahould
take an active part In.
New York Ditftfintf $257,400,000
Subway to Be 200 Miles Lontf
(Continued from page 1.)
Everything seems quiet around bare
as many have gone out on their sum
mcr vacation
Stray cattle are numerous, which
are liable to be aent to tbq pound, as
they get Into tbe gardens to eat cab
bage and other truck.
Mr. Kidder and family are rusticat
ing In the tnounlalna for a change.
V. M. Darling accompanied by J.
N- Harrington, of 8ellwood, returned
from Mt. Hood Friday. Ha reports
huckleberries a little green yet
Mr. uurd la building an addition to
hla home and making otner improve
Mra. Hansen, of Washington, apent
last week here with ber lister, Mra.
Hurd and family. ,
Mr. and Mra. A. MouU. have aold
tbelr property, known aa tbe Thomp
son place, but we have not learned
the name of the family.
Emll Swanaon, accompanied by Ed.
Roth, of Main atreet, apent Saturday
and Sunday at Seaside.
Henry Heard, accompan'ed tbe Na
tional Guards to tbe aeasnore.
Wallace Wtnalow. who baa been vis
iting hla brother and other relatives
In tbla county, returned to hla borne
In Iowa Monday.
Mra. E. 8. Stuart, of Better Creek,
waa the guest of Mra. West Monday.
IJIo West accompanied hr borne to
visit a few daya and gather haxelnuta.
E. D. Barto returned home Monday
having taken a trip to the coaat In
search of a location.
Mra. J. R. puvall, of Sellwood, waa
visiting frlenda In town Saturday and
Wm. Beard and family ara at New
port thla week camping.
Mr. and Mra. J. Lewelien and daugh
ter. Mra. J. B. Falrclough are camp
ing at seaside tbla' week.
Mra. J- H. Jalnn la atlll on the elck
Mra. West and aon, flrlph drove,
cut and raked up tbe mbbieh around
the blacksmith ahop and barn last
week. Others must do likewise.'
Measra. Hellg A Smith, of Maple
Lane, J. M. Glllett. Amos Treaow and
Johnny Ron pell atarted to Roaring
Tuesday morning. They expect to
hunt and flh a week and afterwards
gather bnckleberrtea.
Millard Olllett. who la taking a 15
daya' vacation from the mall aervlce
and la now out with tbe Militia, ex
pects to apend Saturday and Sunday
In the mountains. '
Maa. Bchwack gave her fence a new
coat of paint last week. . -
Prank Albright la atlll keeping
"batch'' aa bla wife and children are
at Jefferson.
There will be no aervlcea at the
Mountain View, church Sunday even
ing on account of the union at tbe
with which they will come to your
aid. From thla moment tilt tbe close
of the contest you. should not lose a
mlnute'a time, but maka every
ond count and If you do thla your
name will be Included with the win
nera on tha night of September I.
a de).geaaaiae
' At
TM. . . Z
nam i ",u,mfc wnen neatly cupped and properly nuea in wun me w
vm. the cnHdat you wish to vote for, will be countad aa one
of candidal
Tbla coupon la told aftef August 3t.
-t on lines. Don't roll. Bend In flat.
q A
' Uh to Nominate VM.a 1 ...
- Address
Nominated by...
Address . ,. .
MlI? no",,"tlon blank, rhen "properly filled In
t . Q 10 Contest "nin...i ti..
dldate. Only-one of theae blanks will be credited to each can-
and brought or
will count for
J. C. Elklne baa moved bla family
and atore to Sellwood whore be will
open a atore almllar to toe one be
had here. .
Mra. J. C Elklna will leave for tbe
coast Thursday morning..
The school board will open school
September 11th, Instead of September
Tbe Orange Fair will optn Septem
ber tlst Instead of Auguat Slat.
The frame of tbe netv Catholic
church la up and the work la progresa.
Ing In good shape.
The cement oroaa walks are being
put In on Main atreet and the work
will be atarted to finish the atreet in
the near future.
The grading of Hnrrlaon atreet la
going on east of the railroad tracks.
The railway company baa leaaed
from Judge Kelso tha land at tba end
of Monroe atreet and will erect a fine
depot Thla will be the only atop In
Mllwaukle, to go Into effect Septem
ber 1. The company haa agreed to
gTade Flrat atreet from curb to Curb
and from tha car barna to Webater
Amelia Baker, little daughter of
Phillip Baker, had tha misfortune
to fall and break her arm Tueaday.
Her parenta took ber to Sellwood to
a doctor who aet the bone and aha
waa brought home.
Mr. Oray'a bouse at Island 8tatlon
la nearly complete.
Edward Kaston, of Silver Springs,
died at tbe family realdence Saturday,
Auguat 12th. at 10 a. m. The aervlcea
were held Tnesday under the ausploea
of Samaritan Lodge I. O. O. F Inter
ment being In Rlvervlew cemetery.
Arthur Dowllng la out with- aur
veylng party.
Birdie Lakln haa gone on u vacation
of a month to Seaside, Oregon.
Mra. Wiggert returned home from
Castle Rock. Waah., after an absence
of four daya.
Jim Mathews, the famous barber,
will leave Monday for a vacation.
Joe Council was laid up several daya
with f lame foot.
Dr. and Mra. Townley apent Satur
day, 8unday and Monday at Silver
ton and other valley towns In their
P " m
mL Sg , gU:.$&3
j i i it
Pbotoe by American Praia Association.
EW YORK baa at last begun work on tbe eitenalona to lta subway aya
tem, lmprovemente that will coat, according to official eatlmatee,
tttT.VHXOOO and will require four rears to complete. Tbe total track
age to be constructed will be 200 miles, though much of ft will not be
underground, aa under tbe plana proposed tbe trains will ceaae to borrow like
a D-ola after leaving tbe thickly settled portions ef tbe metropolis and will Jour
ney to tbe suburbs on elevated structure. Tbe new aubwaya will ultimately
reach every one of tbe Ove boroughs of the dtj, and It la hoped that they will
reileve tbe cougeatlon of tbe present transit lluea and solve the problem of
future growth. The actual beginning of work on tbe new aubwaa attracted a
crowd of thousands, and the police had dlfflcnlty In holding tbe people back.
Chairman WUlcos of tbe public aervlce commiaaloo need a silver apade to
move the first dirt, which waa carefully placed In a glaoa Jar to be preserved
In tbe office of tbe commission. One of tbe plcturee abowa Chairman Wlllcox
with tbe silver apade, and tbe other abowa the dirt In tbe glaae Jar. The crowd
carried away much dirt and bite of asphslt aa aouventra.
Ray and Rei Caff 11 returned home
from a vacation Saturday.
Dr. A. t Reed, the shoe doctor.
went to Aatorla and Seaside Sunday
Ith tbe brother Bill and to eat
clama. .
D. H Ennla la home for a few daya
from Timber, Oregon, where he baa
been working In a logging camp.
Ralph Cooper, tbe popular young
butcher, haa accepted a position with
the Dew Mllwaukle Cash Grocery
Lester Harlow departed Wedneaday
morning for the coaat on s vlalt to hla
Marcus Maple was down to Astoria
and 8easlde Sunday.
Mra. Ella Maple waa a Sellwood vis
itor early Wednesday morning at the
cmins uumt. I 11. ..j u- u I . uath.
Fred Keller was In Oregon City SunH ' . wMim ; mtn.
Dot Lakln leavea Wednesday even
ing for Spokane. Wash., for a week'a
visit with frlenda.
Mm. Thomas Kelley and daughter,
Bessie, were Oak Grove visitors Wed
neaday morning.
Miss Beatrice Sherk will accompany
her Sunday school class of glrla on
a plcnlo to the City rarit rnuraaay.
A basket lunch will be indulged in
and a pleasant outing had.
Murrel Paget returned home aner
a two montha' visit wun nu uncie at
Gaston, Oregon.
B. Lee Paget and Tamil leave Fri
day for a three weeka' trip to Alaska,
Ed. and Mra. Maateraon loft Monday
with their team for Mltcbel. Oregon,
to visit Mr. and Mra. Will Farley, also
Pete Maateraon.
Mra. Laura Warren returned to her
home In Baker, Oregon, after a pleas
ant vlalt with relatives of two weeks.
The Oak Grove baae ball team de
feated the Wallace Sign Company
team Sunday; score 10 to 11.
Arthur Reynolds, of Portland, waa
bit with a ball at Sunday's game and
rendered unconscious and waa taken
home by S. C. Aleiandcr and R.
Blackerbr In Mr. Rowley's auto. Two
doctora were called and took the boy
to the St Vincent Hospital. At the
present, writing be Is Improving.
E. C. Warren, Henry ucnuner ana
Cflaa. Rlaley were In Oregon City at
the Good Road meeting Wedneaday
Mra. Chas. Worthlngton entertained
frlenda from Portland 8uuday at din
ner. They alao attended the ball
Judge Hansom, or MiiwauKie, la
here tbla Wednesday morning on business.
Th Literary Club had a picnic Mon
day evening on the river bank. A fine
lunch waa spread by the ladles and
an enjoyable hour apent by thoae pres
ent. - .
Lena Kenner. of Rlaley atatlon, haa
been visiting friends In Portland the
past month.
Mra. Tyra warren, oi nisiey oia-
tlon, was here Tuesday.
A large audience heard Rev. Hever-
ling on Sunday at Grace Chapel, when
be spoke rrom Man. zz un
Sunday. Aug. 20, the pulpit will be
occupied by Rev. Shflnare, while Rev.
Heverllng la holding quarterly meet
ing at Vernonla, In the Nehalem valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, of Missis
sippi, who are visiting the latter a par
enta, Mr. and Mra. Groves, at thla
place are receiving congratulations
over tbe arrival of a little daughter
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Will B, Jfnnlngs are
enjoying a visit from the latter"s son
and family. Mr. and Mra. O. W. ai-
cott and two children, .from Greens-
burg. Penn., who are ao perfectly de
lighted with the climate that they
have decided to remain. The delicious
fruit of which the Jennings home
stead Is so well noted Is alao being
enjoyed by these guests.
A large contingent of our people are
apendlng a part if not ai of tbelr
aummer at Seaside, which waa the
Mecca for a large crowd on Sunday.
Among those on the beach from here
were Mr. and Mra. Cbaa. Redmond,
Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Tlbbetts, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Morse, Mr. and Mra.
John Jennings, Misses Mabel Morse,
Christiana Lehman, Fern Hart. Doris
Palnton, Beeaie Roberta and Miss
Cook and Messrs C. P. Morse, Ed.
Webb, David and Clarence Hardy and
Clair Bontrop.
Mr. and Mra. L. Hea'.hman and
family, of La Conners. Wash., came
Uat week for a visit with tbe former'a
man. near Meldrum. Sunday morning
another aon, Geo. Heathman, ef Seat
tle, alao arrived for a vlalt with hla
Mrs. Will Varney leavea thla week
to Join her husband In Seattle.
G. D. Hoard man and William Roee
are making some Improvements on
tbe former's cottage at Silver Springs.
Mr. and Mra. Pratt, of Gladstone,
spent Sunday with Mra. J. P. Strain.
Mr. and Mra. Carl Smith and Mlsa
Smith and her niece, of Portland,
Maine, have returned from their out
ing at Long Beach. Miss Smith will
apend the remainder -of the summer
with her brother's family.
Mlsa Eva( Burlingame, of Vancouver,
Wash., spent two daya of last week
with Mra. Hugo Sandstrom. Mra.
Sandstrom la also enjoying a visit
from her alster, Mlsa Mary M. Rose,
of Helena, Montana, who haa planned
to apend the remainder ot summer
and winter In Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stover, who re
cently purchased the grocery bualneaa
at thla place, were Portland vlsttore
on Monday, going down to enlarge
their stock of goods.
Harry Palnton returned from a six
weeka' vlalt to tbe Middle West on
Thursday. Most of the time was spent
with his parenta at Calraar, Iowa,
While absent Mr. Palnton alao visited
In Dubuque and Illinois, and at 8t
Paul. He reports tbe crops fine and
corn much further advancod that he
ever eaw It at thla time of the year.'
Earl Lewis, aon of Mr. and Mra.
Grant Lewis underwent an operation
at a Portland hospital last week,. It
was very successful and be returned
home the fore part of the week.
Tbe roads committee will meet in
Oregon City on Wednesday evening,
Aug. 16th, The committee appointed
from the Jennings Ixige Community
Club being C. P. Morse, J. F. Jen
nlnga and Will B. Jennings. At this
meeting preliminary arrangementa
will be made for tbe conrtructlon of
the capital highway through Clacka
maa county on thla aide of the Wil
lamette. The above committee will
be tbe executive committee to work
In conjunction with the Cspttal Hlgh
way Commission. -
A atreet haa been opened on the
east aide of car Una from the Beta
nursery to Gladstone. This now glvea
an open roadway from Boerdmau ata
tlon to Gladstone. Also a atreet la
opened np In front of tha Morse prop
erty from Hull avenue to the Hardy
-Dave Hardy and aon, Cltrence, re
turned, from Seaside on Monday.
Tbe Will B. Jennlnga home haa
been neatly remodeled without alter
ing the original lines. The large
rooma being tinted and painted and
large wlndowa added to the front
which commands a beautiful view of
the Willamette. ' -
Wm, Roee baa added a double porch
to hla home and eeverar new honaea
are batag planned to be built at thla
place this fall.
Mra. Pierce an c.hfldTen sweat laat
week vlaltlng her alster In Portland.
A well haa been completed for John
Jennlnga where he expec'a to build
soon. The Patntoa drilling machine
August. JO to September 9 IqcI.
$150,000 Spectacular, Historical Jubilee
commemorating the First White Set
tlement in The Pacific Northwest
by the Astor Party
Curtiss Hydro-Aeroplane Flights Over
Land and Water
A Few of the things
you will see:
Fllgbta by tbe wonderful Curtiss
Hydro-Aeroplane traveling by '
air, land and aea.
United States Battleships.
Indian Villages- Yaklm and Net
Perce Indiana.
Indian War Dances and Sham Bat
tles. Manufactured' Exhibit.
Mammoth Military and Naval par
adea. Oregon Department of Fleherles-rw
Live Fish Exhibit
uSblp Ton-
Vlvld deatructlon of
Clatsop County Exhibit.
Wonderful Kite-Flying Contests.
Spectacular Historical Parades.
8all and Motor Boat Racea.
Ellerys Royal Italian Band.
Elaborate and wonderful lllumln
atlona. Oregon National Guard and U. 8.
Marine bands. .
8peclal Features to follow every
Aug. 21. Colorado, New Mexico,
Arizona. Utah, Nevada and In
dian War Veterans' Day.
2:30 p. m. Veteran's Reunion at
Fort Astoria, Centennial Grounds
Concert by Ellery'e Band and
Indian War Dances at Stadium.
8:1$ p. m. Spectacular Production
Indian Romance, "The Bridge
of tbe God." at 8udlum, as
sisted by Ellery's Band.
Aug. 22. Maine, New Hampshire.
Massachusetts, Vermont, Con
necticut. Rhode Island. Pioneers'
and Native Daughters' Day.
2:30 p. m. Pioneers'' and. Native
Daughters' Reunion Centennial
Grounds. Concert hv Ellery'a
Band and Indian War Dances at
- NIGHT. .
8:30 Hltt'a Pyrotechnlcal Produc
tion, Pioneer Scenes on Water
.Front, aaalsted by Ellery's Band.
Aug. 23. Western Washington.
Puget Sound, Seattle, Tacoma
and O. A. R. Day.
11 a, m. Reunion and Patriotic
addresses In auditorium.
3 o'clock Curtiss HydroAeroplaae
Flights over land and water. ;
8 o'clock Concert b.v Ellery'a
Band and Indian War Dances. G.
A. R. Camp Fire and Ceremonies
at Stadium.
Reduced Rates On All Lines
SALEM, Soptotnbor 11-tG, 1011
..... , ,'
going to Oak Grove to drill for Mr.
Wm. Rose sold half an acre to Mr.
Loaey. who recently arrived from Min
nesota, and at present Is visiting IL
C. Robertson.
Two Couples Granted Licensee.
The following have oeen granted
marriage licenses by County Clerk
Mulvey: Lenora LaMour and Jacob
Fenske, of Aurora, Or., R. F. D. No.
1: Marie Gaaaer and Carl Stein, of
Oregon'a Popular Beaoh Resort '
An Ideal retreat for outdoor pas
times of all kinds. Hunting. Fishing,
Boating. Surf Bathing. Riding, Auto-
Ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller
Skating. Where pretty water agates,
moss agatea, moonstones, carnelana
can be found on the beach. Pure
mountain water and the best or rood
at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs
and oysters, with abundance of vege
tables of all kinds dally.
Camping Grounds Convenient and At-
i tractive,
wth strict sanitary regnlatlona
from all points In Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho on sale dally. .
from Souther Pacific polnta Port
land to lOliage urovw; lm iiud
C A E. atatlona Albany and weat
Good going Saturday or Sunday and
for retura Sunday or Monday.
Call on any 8. P. or C. A E. Agent
for full particular a aa to farea, tralna,
schedules, etc.; also for eopy of our
Illustrated booklet. "Outing In Ore
gon," or write to
Vm, Murray ;J:
Portland Oregon.
Son day, Aagtsst 20
Richards & Pringle's '
Seats on sale at Jonea Drug Co.
Reserved Seate 75c and 50;o Chil
dren 25c . ' "
F. W. and Betsy Oodfrey to J. W.
Reed and A. E. Sparks, lot IS, block
8. Estacada; $180. . .
Eatacadar State Bank to O O. and
Sadie M Bland, lots 1 and I of block
18. Eatacada; $440.
d. M. McBrlde and Ethclene - Mc- .
Bride to Thomas Spencer, 20 acres
of sections IS and 19, township 3
south, range 1 east,- $2,000.
James A. Bunnell to F- J. Llchten-
berger, lots 20. 21, 22, 23. 14. block
1. Oak Orov Park; $2,500.
James A. Bunnell to F. P. Ltchten-,.
berger, lots S and 6 of block 2, Oak
Grove Park; $700.
Mary F. Hougham to W. H. Lucke.
land In aection 33. townaalp .2 south,
range 1 eaat; $A60.
John W. Loder and Orace K. Lo
der to Clinton Fletcher, 200 acres of
section 7, township 8 south, range I
east; $1.
Read tha Morning g&terprlee.