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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1911)
1I0RNTNO ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. ACC1CST 18. 1911 "T :::it;k:g eoterprise OTT. ORECOM t- tVBROOtE. Eon d smln 1 1 ee anas! fur I mm ear IML at tka M emae at ruy. Orna. ! tk AM at M I. lira - I Tens sf kscbptmi Nov ta tk Urn not to permit yasxr i Mm, ewa-ecaid. dry-rot, weter- garbage WrI to Set lata bed odor. Admiral Toco w4 General Nogi of Japan are udriu country. IM aot a -e- a Boat th OoXT row. any that k ha ar I'M Tw. fcr Ml a MaaiW Vr a f W MiWKk. k I k imirant ktro fm Pui aa pYWrrrcJ mrm nm hi m . . bm assis miini nS paarttaa aay Biewi par kk r In I Itllll 1S . ajnc eihrr tkaa that par mtr fWlkt iMMCttM - Ldwst ta pmmmt MW Ikaa ftrat pace. V kM at-4 la ..kf IhA lee wr Ba; usal aiar iipare ic Ihl Vu& Far Bate. Ta Wtmt. Me, aa mi fe-at kiMitt i hasT Ml aark eddnlaaaA. ttM tar rtinkk hi dte Wnalj ramyit via aa tka mi aa sa IM mt. tmr aii w aiiata art afaj k) liaaa fimj srlPRICE OF BARLEY DROPS DOLLAR TON cor. brale or skta pwacter. Slight Umb rb wUX bo permitted. All vari ttoa of apple admitted to tkto grid, kail b wall matared. aad red snrto- tie meat show soot too. -C Grad. This grad mad ap of nwliitihli apple oof racladed ta Ik a bora named grade. . . . ft A A . V . - - - ! nUaoiS.1 . . - - . ..n, l.tlna ' tI with a bos w bar coatracta. ascaot ut.l ikaa miiu tkki ikr ara at Ikeir ova oealr. A swaibrr of lU mo karala ar flila t kia Umiir. a-aoetaucaa aaxa . IM rtW o aoak kta io e law -ial ; Maoo. a ad kava fUeo cofc of aam twltk tko Exrkamcw. la mrk caaaa ( fc ta expert ad tkat ko ckaac kill k I auU ta tko eraoa kariftcatioaa of aortro U alvoa th Exrkaara arrord laitty. Tfcl to atctaaarT btaaaa of t fart tkat an aalea coaaaaimatad i vfTI la atrtct accordaor itk tk stabUk4 mla of tka aao- " L !L 1 Orcoa-Wa&kti u to tk trto - Ho.w. to - . j tkoa oncaaintioaa who kar aot a TVla to tka flrat Uaa siaco tk . rommni tk rola wkW-k a real teoewoeu aa M .v .w-.fia PatrooiM oar kdiwtiaar. uc. iaa raaa wxi aa aa . . , . i , j gi i aim a iimj uu w um ijv w i iofTercd. n MM Bum u atraa. . wj evkat kcaricr. brM of t!rrl 1 1M" VrklirkT I mora frc offcrtac bj eKwr Mil II U H I I VAJUK I a aaaay points. rioar trad rmaJaa tva Tor : port aad tka orient eootiuiMa to bay rally aa kearUy aa aUltera are wiO U to aeU erra at SSjM. a kM far raa mt rteaaar, artr ia aaaaaaa ka kanaaaa aOtaa ml I raa. . - I di ina at Sbc (aa aa tack, aw i a ta inal coodntaaa iaik cka rka aaia- mmM Baakraaa Sal- avar- I mi Lana ate aek ra-at amtaa; iia I aa aad a anU'aa irnan! I EXPENDITURE OH COUNTY ROADS FO THE MONTH OF JULY. Diatrict No. 1. mt mr'A- witk ktina k larai raaiira. mrm ke ataatr araa. racaraad a. a. KMJr CITY OFFICIAL NCWSfAKR. Aug.-18 In American History. lSOioCbarksa rraaria ' Adaaav atatca- BMB aad dipkjomal. I nitrd SUtea l BKlaMcr to ijatakB dartac the cr B war. bora: died 18M rtaftaaor Fredrrirk WTHUm Croaeb. roaapoacr of "Katkleea UiTMrm.' died: bora 190K 1910 Broax atata ef Waabiastoa pro- j aeatea oj irroa ia rraaca waa ; am railed ta Parta. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Praaa aoua taday to Baa arts a rtera 5:Kh 1120 p. aa.: pUart Merrwy atiU risi ble, artrlnjc abortlr after the aaa: 8uK p. aa. east era rime, all JaiaterlB four. priartpaJ aatellUva doao aa wt of plaaet. Ko. X beta brkrar Na. 4 Sat an aad Mara aeparaMas alKtattr ta raat abeot mtdaleM. An ma a aabacrlDer to fk Mora- tag Eaterpriaa? If aot yoa akoald caO j mnA let oa ant mar aamo oa tka M I acripUo Bat Immodtatcty. i" Ba,ti" HIDES (Baytn Green kidea. JejC. E- Battta to Cc; aaltara, iSie to fee; dry kidea, . Du Gaffaey lie to 14c Sbtep pelt. JSc to Tie t n Rosen . J. HoSaiaa . J.- A- Dar!a norm, ra l 'IT am! 1 i . . ' firm at from e to Its oa appiea aad icacke ar lie. "DONT5 BY JOHN W. GATES. Jofaa W. Gate aecamalatcd a for- r- w . - i . a. I- d-im x. . 1 G- Ata-ood TifrM 1 1A1 B BFVaS W drmK fUr Him. Sd lb. aack. kalf (roaad 4e; TS tor jClrT Baitla lot lb. aaeka. ; P. Palmer Portland Vagctabl Markets. H. A. Battla SACK VEGETABLES Carrota, c. Xeaton t-oi-a p ", Arorr 611; tanups. leL; Jmeu, Dtotric. No. 2.- ! . VEGETABLAM Aaparaca. 0c J00 I1.TS per craw; eabbax, aew. fl perjXoraiaa Lander knadjcdaettkt; caaliflo-er. ILadSjDick Johastoa $L7 per docea; cdery. CaHfaraia, Tic i Aj Tat 60e per dusea: eatamber. ILaO arrtrkaoo J1ZS per doses; aPaat. ise per lb.; j "Jl, " ' ' " ' gartie. lwcfel: per pooad; lettuce, , Oor WJctland SOe per dosea; sot boas lettae. L&4 1 W. F. Kraeger . . ..' 6 ft per box; peas. Segue par prrad; peppers. VxfftSc pr poaad; radmkes, lie per doaea; rfcabarb. lkc 93c per pooad; kproata. 9c; tomatoes, t?CJ.2i- ONIONS Jobbing prtoa; Oregon 2.'s per 100: Australian. tiSt per 160; Texas. 12 25 per crato: onfor a'.a, 2 crste ..I 1LM S5.00 .. J0.0 .. 5.00 .. 40 .. 1190 .. ). .. M.M .. .. MIS .. 11 SO 1.00 .. 1C.0O ..$ I7.5 .. 170 17 JO .. L3S .. 1-25 .. MOO .. 4239 .. C5.W ' 0 .. 1.20 IM .. 2235 Ca mrisl o a M. Krlas B. Tracy Fred Marskall rraak MarskaU K. Marshall , J. Frsdracy , N. JlcKeaesj B IV? l a a a E. Dusa District No. 11. J. a Camlaa & H. Daacby J. K. Smllk P. Saittk 1US 100 rr.oo 17.00 21.M 27.00 27.00 20.00 2S.2S 430 ..I ltll .. LOO 100 .. 4.00 Oregon City Stock Qaotatlona. tst estimated to raaga baraee. J JT119 , -V?" ."C I From lis Ha. to 10 lbs. tt. from 004,000 aad X49.aoo.0ca. Tk major J. W. Bennett WOaoa 41 Cooke A. Mather fW. r. Haberlack ....-. G. B. Xampower ............ District No. S. Joka Giibena .$ 1L2S Fred Bannister It-00 District No. S. H. Safford t K-00 part of tkis raat sam of moaey araa acquired tkroagb apecalaUco. A mi nor porUoa waa obtained by win nings oa tko tarf. ke karing beea a aau.asfiil bettor to toe extent of 95O0.0OS tat England aerarsl years ago. Tk di Tiding line bets-nen apecala tkm aad gambling is so very faint tkat its locatioa is obacar to tk great asaiority of people. Mr. Gates I iso ibs to ra iba. Hc- BAlXJ.N. LAKIt aad IIAM. sra firm YKAI CALVES Teal calrea artag from fc to luc accordjaa; ta grad. BEEF 8TEZTR8 "Jeet steers for tk loral markets ar fetching lc ta e Ure seicst-. SHEEP arm at e to it lire aelght. Ouotsnna Tar Oregon crt. poaad. FLOUR AXD FEED Flour ta did aot kealtate aboat aay difference i JJ. -11 I UiUV VI Bisssaiaas 1 aATai. of definition, nor for tkat matter did possible results alarm him. He spec ulated aad gambled, tareaied in Wall street, bet ca horses aad played draw or stud poker aa opportaaity offered or fancy dictated. Tat Mr. Caters did aot beUere ia gambling and frankly declared kia ba llet at tk anaoal coaferenc of tk Galf tartsioa of th Method's Church at Port Arthur, Texas. December 15. 1J07. ' Addressing tk members ot th eoo- OATS (Bnyag) Gray. $23 to $21. whit, from $25 to J2. BITTT5R fBajliri Ordlaarj croatry brlnga from 15e to 10c, fancy dairy from 20r to 22 r. cream err 2?r to 25c EGGS Best grad 25 cents. POULTRV (Baying Firm wllk lit i demand, broilers briar from lac to 18c. with good demand. ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Shorts $20 to $M: roiled APPLE GRADING RULES. fereac. Mr. Gata offered the follow- P"" . , ley. $3X00; whoie com. $39.00: lag "DoaU-: .-Boat gambi. Doat : eracked com. $40 00: wheat $22.00 pUy cards. Doo't bet on horse races, i to $23: oil meal. $S3: Shady Brook Don't speculate to wheat. Doat spec- j ""7 $1-25 per h alat I Ho Rtnrk rrh Fktnt ' HAT (Baying) Tl .. . . . . . . $17; elcrer $9 to tlf; oat kay, beat, throw die. Doat shirk koaest labor. Im. mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, Vuti Doat b a gambler; one a gambler i$u. always on." j Tkto adric cam from on whose ; plunging oa kors race Induced UfMorUr(Wterft Frwit Exchanv, New "Tork Jockey Crab to warn kirn j Valuable Swooesticna. to let ap; whose Teatorea ia draw The following Grading Rale, which poker and bridge bar been th sab- otflrtolr' P by tbe Ex- L nt .,. M ,m t a meeting of ths Board of Ject of notig and atory. who would , Mrertortt , tu ofnce, at pon match pennies for $1,000 a throw; Und. or, Aagnst 10. 1911. ar sab wbo took a railroad from under the ' miued herein for your Information: rery eyes of th Interest cootromag i PT kBO" "Eltr" ... . . ' Fancy." Thla grad const ta of well U; who cornered corn and who mad formed apples inly: free from an ta Staadaxd Oil and tk 8teel Trust com sect pests, worm-bolea. stings, scale, to terms, .; acab. stra-arald. dry-rot. water-core, monitiona , . ,, 'All arptes kearily coated with dirt andoabtedly agreed that . rlMBM x ,. Hrw Mr. Gates, karing amassed kia mil-! of apples admitted to thla grad shall itoaa. was In a position to offer sab- - " matured- and of aararal color, ataatla adrlc. charact eTtsuiC of tbe wariely. gprts- jenoergs. vtmesapa. joaataacs. Arkaa- , 9m oira. uuia, - urfPTi, ana Ola- I m j. A. Imel 44.00 Charles LiTiagstoa 4730 J. W. Roots x 730 J. W. Roots 2.23 loisoa Lamber Co. 3SL39 j District No. a. 5 Straus Lamber Co. f 11.14 !city Carriage A Shoeing Co. 19.50 j Anton Jab 4 (5 (Nick SchmiU 155 Aatoa Malar 25 M. McCormick 430 Cfcaa. Krebs . 1930 District No. A Paul R. Metalg $105.45 'City Carriage A Shoeing Co. .. 5.(5 j A. 0. Melnig 9.13 jW. R. Allen 115 W L. War 115.00 jj. Wall v (3.00 Otto Metnig 25.00 A. MaUr 2730 iTnomaa MfUer 15.00 'E- D- Hirt ..... 730 j. Gt DeShaser 2230 Joha Mclntyre 2730 G. Ketseeker 5.00 R Alt 5.00 fG. Cratty 20.00 H. E. Broasoa 1730 P. Beech 01 5730 A. BK-lcnateia 15.00 G. Mclntyre 45.00 L C Morray 2730 C. Linkart 23.73 J. Wolf 230 D. W. Douglas (9.00 District No. 9. Peter Ruhl t 10.00 i A. H. MHler f.00 'Fred Una 1L00 Kick. Rath 5.00 !X. Scbeel (-00 i Frank Ahaert , COO ;H. Rimer 10.00 iA. Stetake 10.00 Henry Smith 230 IHcary Klinker . I-OO i C- A- Johnsoo ................ 9.73 Peter Rath 21-25 K. Rirtrs J-00 W. Camla 1-00 District N. 11 F. Oerber 100 M. H- Rtobboff 2-0 F, W. RIebboff J30 District No. 13. Kerr A Booaey A. L Allen W. & Nelsoa .... Jol Hlakto .. Chaa. Wlchlead .. Caa Leach ....... Alfred Schneider . Andrew Schaeldor C Peckorer Don Allen . O. walch J. T. Fallam District Na. 14. Doaae C Ely R F. Una Straight A Salisbury . . . Wilson A Cooke a F. Gibbe O. F. Glbba O. F. Cibba L. A. Schmlt - E. H. Smith S. D. Barney G. F. Clbba X K. Gag L. H: Moddog ... R. C Caplea .... O. F. Glggs W. J. Uaa ...... Alt Una R F. Uaa ...... Wm. Crawford .. C C- Glbba A. Splinter W. C Lewis .... Mos Foamal .., H. O. Lien J. Glllett Kcaeth Barto ... C. Crawford ..... D. J. Thorn .... C. A. Clark'."...., W. Brenner ..... C Croaer ...... Joha Bartoa . ., E D. Barto .... W. G. Crook er . C a 8Unnett ... Frank D. Schmits C. H. Horalg ... C H. Horalg .. T. W. Sherman . Erie Linn ....... Fred Peat Al Maots Ed. Hornshnh . . G. A. Pageakoph M. D. Lake Dare Scherabl . L. Derrick A, Schoeabora . . -a-. "Let me pause to aay," says Sen. "' rarletlea awt bar 75 ( , i ner em r rw mm rm im n.. . . - District N. 10. K. Tkomaa A. Toeaai tor Jeff Daria. Mak. thai nan. .r. : ml r"" eowr. ilea uana. . . ' l Rome Beanty. Baldwin. Wsgener aad peioaj, Jen. j othT Tlrte,(e, of a ,imnMr color mast J. H. Tracy . . a r by 50 per cent red. Red Cheek Pin-1 r. I K VUir aaam William b Peaceful, a, they dab S" BaMM' "t ,kOWL Palmateer: th Kaiser, alms to be WlllUm th Pleeafna Country Life Will Cure Youthful Criminals Br Jud B." J. HUMPHREY of frmr York Staadard apples of thla rrad mast O- Califf be fre from ail laaect p-sts, worm- T. Beebe ' D. paJmateer .. O. Wagner & IngUh J. Bchnhx G. DrShMds ... .H. Woooter .... E. Jmkea i'R. 8- Laaolaa . F. Rkodea J. Dana ........ a a Haetnrh . C W. Wklfbeck I 12.12 $7.00 4030 5S30 (5.00 5S.00 4930 400 27J00 T7J0 5AM 4AO0 KM 4930 31-00 CI. 00 51.00 5t.a) ItftO 11-M 45.00 ..$373.00 .. (.00 4.00 A 00 .. 100 .. 4.00 (.00 COO 150 .T 14.00 .. 1.00 ,. 1230 t 4.50 . ... 4.00 ... 5.75 10.05 1(1.10 ..... 1100 ..... 30.00 94.00 M.00 . ... 7100 100.00 . 50.00 JtOO $400 r 70.00 70.00 7150 ... 73.00 . . . . . 75.00 135.00 1C50 ..... (1.25 . ... C2.50 5130 1900 15.73 ..... 31 .25 70.00 (2.30 47.50 230 60.00 73.00 2.00 4.50 ' 100 CO 00 12.00 51.23 "21.00 , 4230 ...... 50.00 27S 62.50 , 2C25 4400 7100 L, Moear ... F. Kamrath It. Klrbyeoa R. Mobak District Na. 11 0. Sckmtdt C. Moekak District No. 21. J. A. Johnson N. Nsrdqalst -- E. F. Wallac B A. Swansoa District No. 21 Charles Ogloaby Jan. F. Ogleaby 1. tl. Kraas J. W. Berky District No. 24. A a Harnack G. Gatea ICugen Koebel I. I, -awm 455 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 ..$ 1100 .. 1100 .. Jo.oo .. 500 ...I too 100 100 4.00 ...$ 20.00 . . . 30.00 ... 2$ 00 CASH and CREDIT pea) who carry all thslr a4i aryd arltH thm Saldoa. 'ymThVrT-aTr.flul.Hy la thl. baah a. aat y JLr tJT build a aobsuntial arsdH alee. C.rte. f-rtH w' .rswpp..mated by Oad Crad.t 2.57 caM, and bHd your arwdit at The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BAKU IH THE COUMTT . J. MKT EH Ca.M. r; i.a TOrilaTTTE Pra4al THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON (To be continiieJ ) BARLEY WAR TO NET SPECULATOR P 4690 Emot Hogbs 17.30 H. Sbelley George Strong . . Tom Merrick .... Fred Eggermaaa . Eugene Tammera . 0. May Mr. Retteger .... G. GwiUiam H. Olsen F. H. Henrid .... Heary Henrid at. George Lammers Charley Jones . . D. Garmire Larry Lammers . Jim Shelley C. Risther W. F. Hartnell .. 5.00 20.00 21.251 1133 .190 20.00 20.25 JJ U.i0 233 20.00 13.30 1175 1173 155 2230 17.23 23 Heary Henrid 4235, A I bo Tkomaa . Prick Henrid 3C00 3C00 Tom lack burn 45.00 TK my opinion tbe country offer (r ereater opportunities tnAD does tl citj. , - . -, Tb dtr i fax too ronrpntri while In the eonntrr th ! mattooa' pro Wera of bringing thw znarjieaa job acd lie jotleaa man to- Bai"")J""".""" L2$ grtber to far easier. - !cl IngHak " 430 It is a notabl fact that the rat m l'nritr af tK wnns nimimli !C Beebe 430 k 1 1 i.. lr .1 . . . j I Rhode. w M t itoi uivjui ikivi w iu cwia iruia me more ctwigr-oieM ..... A- Woolsy, aanneia. ., i at at j . wagner .C Deaa ... NOW IF SOME OF THESE YOU NO MALEFACTORS WOULD SET- - Cowpuad TIE IN THE COUNT BY THEIR EVIL TENDENCIES) WOULD BOON a MKXT R. Pslmateer ....... . I 29 21 . 11-M . 79.23 . 2125 . '29 23 . 1150 L Dariee O. Sbockley Frank. Henrid W. Becker District No. 14. Ward B. Lawtoa T. E. Smard Wilson A Cook Geo. M. Laieile O. O. McClare H. L. Sckeer Wm. McCord F. May E. E. Parker .. L. Mattoon W. Raaey A H- aSmtwSbf T. A- Wilder ... J. A. ETlisca .. E. A. B'y Edward Alien . J. Irish E Lewi. Bob Schoenborn Oft Sryker .... K. Mattoon ... TT. Johasoa ... R. C Meier a Titan W.. BackaeT ... W. R. Snook ... C EL Black .... A. C Warner .. Geo. Lasefto ... Tosa Eraas .... H. ruber S. Naah R. W. May I. C Bradl .J...... C T. Schmiedeck H. C Rowland a Whit M. D. Lake District No. 17. Jamee Adklns D. R. Di stick Ira a Dtasirk . w a a 3130 23.85 145 3.00 ( 123 2200 230 1330 (1.25 CL25 44.00 47.00 (.00 7C25 5C25 7100 3S.25 33.00 14530 C1.2S 2175 21 J5 2100 25.00 20 00 33.00 2230 20 25 94.00 3100 94.00 45.00 34.00 90.00 ((39 M.00 14.00 4C0O 4100 4100 . 34.00 1175 PORTLAND. Aug. 17 (fcpeclaU la th barley war now on. there l a Portland man who stands to rlean up at least $2SO,00l telref. II has bought between 50.000 and Cu.immi tons, and hi profit will b IS a tun. Whil Oregoa and Washington are aot barley atate. they ha a lair crop, and th Northwest crop Is play ing an Important part la ih markel thla year. Th crop of barley In the East baa been practically a failure, and th West la being lootted to for th supply. Portland grain dealers who aaw th ailuatloo coming and prepared accordingly will make a wad of easy money. There arc four or fix grain brokers In thl dty bo. combined- will probably clear be tween -$S00.H and $1,000,000 . as a result of condiiiona. At least four fifths of the barley crop ta Ih Northwest has already beea Bold, although harvtatlng has hardly commenced. Th buyers are grabbing It for fututre dellrery. and nearly erery ton harreeted will o to the Eastern markets. Agents of Es st em milling concerns have been scour ing this section for barlt-r. only to find that local speculators have beat en them to It . CREEti FLAG SIGNALS 0 ABOLISHED BY S. P. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 17 (Spec ial I. The green fUga, one at each side of the rear end of the last pss senxer coach oa a train, have served their use on the Southern Pacific aad other Harriman roada, and will no looter be aeea on any paHsenxer train, on these lines. The first of August saw the Isst of the rreen flam and all of the Southern pacific pas senger trains are now running with lamp markers la pi see of the flaca. Green flags have been - used for many years on tbe rear r-f trainc- to designate to trains In the opposite direction and to the engineer of the train displaying tbe flag markers that the train was Intact Thia was necessary In the days when all of the cars In trains were not equipped with automatic air-brakea. Sometime. when the link and pin conr lings were In as, a pin would break and a car would be left behind. There was no way for the engineer to te'l whether or not he had all of hla cars with him unleaa he could look out of his csb and see the rreen flag waving from tbe laat coach. All of the ckra of the Southern Pacific Company are now equipped with tbe automatic air. brake, which. If a car should become detAchd- stops the train automatic ally. The lamps that are being used aa markers in place of the green flags suffice during tbe day as well aa at night. During the paasage of a train through a tunnel, snowsheti. or dur ing foggy weather, they pal be easily lighted, but for the major portion of th day time trips they rrmaln tin lighted. They caa be dlMingulahed by the engineer with ease and have already been found a great Improve ment over the bid flag syptem. Some few roada la the East hve discon tinued the use of green fUss aa mark ers on some of tbelr auburban lines, but the Southern Pacific Company Is the first road to do to over Its entire system. BEAVERS WIN FROM PORTLAND. Aug. 17. (Special.) Th Beavers won today in an excit ing ninth-Inning rally. Tho score was 3 to 3 when they went to bat In the final round and It looked as if they would lose. Neither Henderson nor Haifa waa In the best of form and the blngles were numerous. Each team made II baa hlta. Portlnnd scored (wo In the ninth and carried away the Tlctory. Tbe fleMIng of both clubs waa ragged. ""'j Tbe result Thursday follow; Pacific Coast League Portland 4, Los Angeles 3; 8aa Franclo o 2. Sac ramento 1; Vernon 10, 0"land 3. Northwestern League Vancouver 3. Portland 4: Setttle 7, Victoria 3; Tacoma 2. Spokane 1. American League Phlla Iclphla 2 5. Chicago 1-1; Washington 5, St. Louis 0; New York (, Cleveland 2; Boston 4. Detroit 3. National League New York 10-15, Cincinnati 4-2; Brooklyn , Pittsburg 7; Boston 12, Chicago i; st. Louis 7 Philadelphia 0. , STANDING. CAPITAL. 10.000 00 t.,Mttiiwnlni(i. Busias. HILL AWARDS PAPER BIG WOOD CONTRACT UiuU Hlmlrr, of parl'lsre. has the contract of getting out l0 emit of cotton wood for the Crown Colum bia Pulp A Psper Company, of this city. Mr lllmler bss a boom el park place, and ha srecte an eleva tor for taking lha wood from the Clackamas River. Tbe lift i operst ed by a gssolen englno. The Wigs are flnatea on Ibe Clackamas Klv er for about thirty mllen, nd are brought near the rsllroa l bridge of the Southern Pacific at rarkplar. There ar five teams at work, an-l five men, t)t counting the using the teams, A derrirk has been In stalled to lake out the iher wood that will be brought down tht-river later, to be sold In Oregon City. Mr. Hlmlrr also eipecte to float ce-lar posts to thla market. Wants, For Sale, Etc Metieae aasar taaaa rtaselfles kaadssa arui tnavisS SI un cat m. lira Hawtwa. hail s tal suSitl-mal Uiar tteaa uaa brh ear. II pmr month ha tach ear. mni si pr nwnia Cash moil sonaatraav arSar anleaa a. aaa aa osa account will) th Mipar. Ilaaaclal rrapfloallnlltr for rma. ari er. mrrmrm noour tree rarrerl nrttc will a artatad lor sateen M'nim'. a sharse It OH lfc tm. ta t a, BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaugn aad Twenty fourth h - LOS ANGELES PORTLAND August 14, IS, 1 17, 11 19, 20. Oamee Begla Weekdays at I p. ax Sundays, t: 30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys L'edsi- 1$ Fre to Illescwn "vlaeaday. THE WORLDS BoUTESTSEWIXS lUK LIGHT RUNNING WANTID I WANTED Collectors to ses my col lection of all sorts of curios, an ttques. and Indian trinkets; stamps "1""' ",,u " """. r f .awani, libera Vt.rattnf Mhuitle, lor aiamp collectors; coma ion Htiu numismatists, arrow-beada for arch eologlsta, elc. I buy and sell all aorta of curios; also all kinds of secondhand furniture and tools. George Toting, Main, near Flftb street. IN a. .vr.., WANT-eiuan sdvartleeiueata for this eol'imn Prices vary reason able, be rata at bead of eolimn head tbe Morning iCnlerprias. t WANTED You to know that the I'n terprtae Job prlnttnc dspsrtment Is the most complete in tne 8Ute. . outside Portland. Try It for yoni next printing WANTED Girt for general house work. Call at store one door north of First National Bank, or opposite postofflce. WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral housework, good wsgea and permanent place in small family at Portland; mum be experienced. Apply 693 East . Salmon street, Portland, or at Enterprise office. TOR BALE Space 'in this column Sell that old plow or harrow; yon don't uae It since you piirchael your new one. FOR SALE Five room ottne, elec tric Hunts, hot and cold water, baaement, on the hill, central, one block from blnff. This is a bar gain for $1,4(10, inquire or write aoi Third street. Oregon City. tiutlMor a HinlnThrent I' liJ M wlus Marfclua wnu lu Tit IIW ROMI IIWIII MACHIII tJSrUI Orsinoa At aaa. , HnfnMMllMalil,li!'n'"( suabir. kwi im Maw llaaaa h wJm Out cuMtnir run -(. aid by aalkarlaed dealers sak. W. L. MARSHALL. $50 Morrison SL Portias! Buy a Home While PayinglRent 1100 down and $12 a man" takes Ibis comfortable slirooa house and lot. lloase la wlrsi for electricity. Lot (2t10t ( Some frnlt oa place Well fe cal ed oa Madlann St. lf"1 A snap at fliVv E. P. Elliott and Sea 7th and Mala Sts., by Suiprt stoo Bridge. HARDING-WALDEN Tracts. Acre tracts, gnrden and fruit Inml, level, fine view, nnehslf mil o cnrllne at GladHtnne, sold on InHtnllmonts or terms to suit. Impure lonj Main atreet. H. 8. Kor bargains In houses, lots and Und see H. S. Clyde. IOoJ Main stiftt! Oregon City. FARM LOANS. FARM L0AN8-rlmlck a lawyers. Oregon City, Or. Ulmlck, 0. D. ATTORNEYS. EBT. Attornnr j loaned, abatracta furnlshad, land tltlae examined, estates settled, gen eral law buslnes.. Ovar Dank at Oregoa City. U REN A BCHlrEDEU Attorneyst Law . DeriUcksr Adfokat. will .rao I ' urU- mk H'wct'oa. and settlements. Office Eater Prlao lUdg, QrM0. Clty. Oregoa UILOCR AND CCTaaCTOR. It ( ) I 110 REWARD ' For the arreat an eontictwr of any person or persons, unlawfully remove copies of T' Morning Enterprise from I' premises of subscribers tfwj paper bag been placed tbart carrier. . ' f THE MORNING ENTER?"'11 la on sal at th following atoreJ ' A ... . w vrary aay: , Huntley Bros Dnigt . Mala 8 treat. J. W. McAnulty Clean Seventh and Mala, Secrest-Confectionery Mala near Sixth. M. B. Dana Con feet lomrf Next door to P. 0. City Drag Store Electrlo Hotel Schoenborn Con feet Ion rrf Seventh and X Q. Aoamt .$ 1(37 104 100 Vernon Portland .... Saa Frandsco Oaklaad .... 8acramento Loa Angeles . Pacific Coast Won. Lost P.C. 77 60 3fi2 ...71 (9 .54(1 ... 73 67 31$ ... 71 (. 314 ... 62 72 ,4C5 ... S( $4 .400 V n. Bchmidt Vaaroarer Tacosna . . Seattle .., Spokaae . Portland . Victoria .. Northwestern. Won. Lost. p.C. 7 71 Ci C4 5S 20 47 .611 33 .341 320 .41 .246 H!W.IWNl-.BolMr and (ie.r.. rTT.,, I "'- Cha,full, flvsn 00 aU atM- I work, eoaorete walks ana reinforces crete. Res. Pboe U"m 111 INSURANCE. H- COOPER. For r,r, ,niur.Bef Srife-J--5 . -. vi i r. iirego. CITY NOTICES." YiDresbW Tr BlrT Nn!-0 acre. 3 miles from n..,. 1 acre, rnlUvated; koose hara V """ding: running Tt'errcVr wourh wood io p., L. . : lope anuth 11. .p1: marf " across road tiiai miA ...' Tbi. asiufo;," ?! anc eas r'- -mm. OrVgoi cTty.' "W 000 M' Pstromx ear adyeniaera. WHITE QUEEN FLODR A Straight Blues: arry gash Guaranteed. Sempl Baek pre. Sel Agwirta fee Kerrect pasjHry Feed. Oregon , Comajisiofl C 11TM AND MAIN IT'S ciy. Orwoe Juwtle kjarrlee CJr Jaatlc of ta Pear p,T i t (ay married Maria Oa, S. Stela. TVa eoapia l Milwaakto.