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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1911)
( MORNING ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY. AUOUST 17, 1911. tVaoadsd Rihbana Ara Vary Fstsfchnf a laaa Hata. Poulard la coaablntd wttE" arga for lb -rrottanr," or coavuieot walklaj Fabrtca tor tailored suits ara mostly ' of manhlsh weaves because of Uta vara atytoa. Twaeda, aomvapuna, Esk ' Uah worsted aultium, cbevtota and aargea In both Boa and hoary SMART DESIGNS. , racMMMPMBMSMMMacM-ssi -II " paw ma v. .: II i i n i i 1 1 i ii n i i 1 1 i i II I I I I fill 111 I I I I I II I I I I f I I I II J S l I V- 1 1-1 ' ' ' . uuuGvJ.uuuUu U uu u fill- Read This Every Mornin; - yaxor suxma. -- - art much favored. Of coarse aaUa win b much seen, especially la Eton I Jacket suits. The now embroidered allk gloves ara I beantlful. Soma ara done In colors. whlla other have tuck and embrokl- err.i" : ' Hata are trimmed with cabochona eat with brilliant oriental Jewels. Brocaded ribbons are wonderfully . appeallatf and appear to perfection on - lace hata. Very tempting are the j ahadow woven patterns and rib bona through which metallic thread glis ten. The erase for etrtped and bordered effects haa extended to the most ple beiaa of cotton materials, and very pretty domestic cotton zephyrs and (lnshama can be had for a trifling- urn. This odd and -pretty blouse in peas o ant style la made of plain material with scalloped edges arranged over all ore .lace embroidery. The blouse can be worn with a high walsted skirt or with one cut to the natural line. JCD1C CHOLLET. Thla May Mantoa pattern la cut la alsea from M to 42 Inches bust meaaura. 8n4 IS cents to thla fnsa, atvlns number. 7QK2. and- K will ba promptly forwarded to yon by man. If m haste send two cants addi tional for letter poataae. which lnaurse mora prompt delivery. MODISH NOTES. Lace Trim mad Jabota Are Worn With Linen 8uita. Hata are of exaggerated alxe, except some bonnets, which are very high. While skirts continue to be narrow In effect, tbey are really much wider. In some Instances the extra width la Introduced in the form of tnyerted plaits down the side and back. The new Jabota are lace trimmed and are worn with the linen suits or CBIUrB COAT. separate blouses. The one aided effect ta evident, a wide frill being attached to a central strip of lace. ' A crown of panslea la a new Idea. This waa nsed on a large blue hemp ahape and was shown with a gorgeous blue and mauve afternoon dreaa of allk Toile. Thla child's coat and cape la made of lightweight material and may be flu bbed with bands of hand embroidery or scallops. The coat consists of the yoke and the front and back portion the one piece sleeves are gathered Into bands and finished with rolled over cuffs. The cape la full, yet smooth ovar the shoulders. JTJDIO CHOLLET. This May Mantoa pattern Is cut In atxee for children of two, four and atx years of ar- Send 10 eenta to thla office, riving number, TOM, nnd It will ba promptly for . warded to you by ma.lL If In haste eand aa additional two aaat stamp for latter poet are, which Inawrao more prompt oe- . Court Foola. . The cnatom of having court foola aur Tired kAfeeat W Russia, where Peter the Great often had twelve. YOUR FAULTS."" ," However good you may be, you hare faulu J however dull you may be, you can find out what some of ' those faults are, and however slight they may be, you had better make some eiott to get rid of then at Make Ewffy M&attte Count Fzom How T$ September 2nd I '4 '1 From now is going to be the most exciting, period of the campaign and you should not sacrifice yoor good wcri of the past; bat mate an extra effort to get in the lead and stayjhere. Any of you can do it if you go at in a 5 determined manner. In'the words of Patrick Henry: "THE RACE IS NOT TO THE STRONG ALONE BUT TO THE VIGILANT, THE ACTIVE, THE BRAVE." Strive your otmost acd -theeward will be yours. The first grand awards, those beautil Kimball Pianos are now on display at j at Htmtley Bros. Company and Bosch's Big Furniture Store, inspect them. Candidates and friends are invited to call acd . i aaaBBBBBBBBBBsBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW ' VOTES ALLOWED ON PAID-IN-ADVANCE SUBSCRIP TIONS OR RENEWALS DURING DOUBLE SPECIAL VOTE OF FER ARE AS FOLLOWS: Six months' subscription to the Daily Enter prise, by carrier, $2.00, by mail, $1.50, 800 votes. One year's, subscription, $4 by carrier, $3 by mail, 2,000 votes. Two years' subscription $8 by carrier, $6 by mail, 5,000 votes. Three years' subscription, by carrier $12; by mart $9, 10,000 votes. Five years' subscription, by carrier $20, by mail $15, 20,000 votes. One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise, $1.50, 1,000 votes. Money must accompany all subscriptions before votes will be issued. FIRST PRIZES Two Upright Kimball Pianos VALUE I Jjy&agffiJSS VALUE Purchased from Portland's Leading Music House EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts. SUBSCRIBERS ill in the name of candidate h whom you wish to favor 'nil your votes with remittance fr your subscription or renewal ci. to Contest Department The fe prise. Name of subscriber. Add, rets. -Months V I For M I District Candidate. Second PAzes Two "20th Centttfy" Sewing Machines (latest model) New Home Drop Hea l VALUE $75.00 EACH Third and Fou rth Prizes MUSICAL EDUCATION BUSINESS EDUCATION WHICH? Foil Pt fces to fee Awarded The Enterprise has used every care in the selection of these prizes.and has secured scholarships in two of the fore most educational institution in the State of Oregon. FIFTH PRIZE; v.. TWO SOLID GOLD WATCHES (Ladles tUc) ' Porchased Burmchtcr & Aci-' . The Letdtag Jwt! of 619 Main St., OregonC aa i I The above prizes will be awarded Saturday ninht v of your favorite candidate is not entered in th5p tember 2nd. -:,lf the nc ' . ' ' a ,n fhe ce, send it in to-d For furikor pariiou taro cddroGO tlzo OREGON 6j S OREG0--