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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1911)
MOItNINQ ENTEItPHlSE, TiipjiHDAV, AUGUST 17, 1911. n DHi uoi aaen ror IS yeara, return ad u Oreron City Wedneaday anJ ara vlaltlng at tba home of Mr. and lAst Of End Sgflsoa Sftfo ira. uarar ailllor. or Heventh .ir..l They war accompanied to Ihla City , by Mr. and Mra. Kdmlaton. Th i.t. tar Hill spend Iba wek at tha Minor rj(1 th( indHiwn aals, want fo alean up all our sum all va aek la If thara la any member of lha ' family I noma. Mra. ureen and eon will leave ;tho Utter pait of the wk fur tbIr boina In California. Mr. and Mra. I). C. Robblna ' war C aolna lo do any buying this week send them here, aa our r J, B,r graMir than avar ihla waek." Igueata jueaaay at a blrtnday pert i t t ; Remember this store is for the Men as well given ny ma firmer a aiater, Mra. Y. , C Ullleaple, of Portland. Mr. and Mra. W. A. Oradon. of Port land, vlaltad Mr. and Mra. J. C. Brad ley Sunday. Mr. (jradon la a brother as the Ladies ana Children. or Mra. isradley. m J. LEVITT pension Bridge Cor. Oregon City l filling tha M, LOCAL BRICrS In L.m i,hnkf. of Hhubel. waa Ity on weonoauay. rank, of Mutlno. waa In thla U bulnuM Wedueaday. tni Mra. llrthold. ff Eldorado, li thla city on- Tuaaday. L. M.vfleld. of Highland, waa En rlir Wednesday on bualneaa. fob 8cbft of t'arua, waa among iriton City vlsltora on Wednee- L Charles Stuart, of Carus, waa be tha Orvgon C ity viaitora on btadar. Ira, Tulr avanlnr. to tba wlfa Itrlrt E. Naah, of Heventh street, bifhiar. In Tout (lelbrlrb. of Naw Era, id thlt city on Tuesday, tno gueel ilkolt ataia will leave tha ElactrK Ll each day at 1 o'clock p. in. In Frances llrownall, of Eleventh , returned homa weaneaaay. i tNk'i stay at Seaside. Blllirn drlaenthwalte. of Beaver Ik, a well known farmer, waa In Hty on tmslneaa Wadnaaday. M. Pur it. of Roaeburc. waa In Hty on btialnraa Wedneaday. and registered at tha Elartrlc I Jot el. Via Buarh. Harry and LJonol Gor ton Wednesday morning; for New. bra they will apnd a wek it BIMa Study Haas of Mountain will be held at tha homa of Mra. Qui no thla afternoon at I k Nelson and daughter, Mlaa M. after spending two weaka at aoa Bearh, have returned to Ore- City. ' E. A. Hummer fnrmarl fif Or. Cttr. bis moved hli office to 1017 Nt building, Portland. Mra. W. I Ultla, who baa bean spudding tba paat two waaka at the Hotel Moore, Heaetde, baa returned to ber borne In thla city. Mra. J. W. Norrla baa returned from tba Ht. Vlnnent'a lloapllal, where oha recently uuderwent an operation for appxndlrltla. Mra. Norrla la Itnpror Jug rapidly, and la able to walk. . Dr. Abrahameon, Mr.' Frledmau and C. lieuben, of I'ortlaud, paaaed tbrougb tbla city on Wedneaday on way to WUholt, where tbey will apend a week. A. E. Dellaven, of Ureabam, waa tranaaclliig bualneaa In tbla city Wed neaday and waa reglatered at tba Klecirlo Hotel. Henry Fromong, Albert Fromong, and Clyde Dollar formed a party that left for tha mouniaJna Wedneaday, where aeveral weeka will' ba apeut bunting and flahlng. 1 will aollcli at John Adama' atora for bopplckera on Auguat 1Mb, 17th and ISHb. Yard between Dallaa and Balem. Mra. Jonaa, wlfa of He. Jonea, of Clackaraaa, who recently underwent a aerloua otwratlon at the boapltal In Portland, baa been brought to ber home at Claekamaa. Bba baa allgbtly Inj proved. Mra. TPv Randall and daugbter Velma, and MUa Margaret lioyd, "a profeaalonal nurae of Portland, and a alater of Mra.. Randall, wbo nav been apendlng several weeka In South ern Oregon, have returned to Oregou City. Mleaee Mary and Helen Lucaa, who bava ben vlaltlng their grandparenta, Mr. and Mra. W. U. Lucaa, of Ie ban on. returned to their home at Park place 'on Wedneaday morning. Mra. 8. GUlott will leave on Friday for HUUboro, where aha will vlalt ber two alatera. Mra. Otto Wohler and Mra. J. M. Miller, and alao with ber brother. Frank Franc I a. sbe will re main for a (Knit ten daya. Bay, 'you amoker! Nobel baa Juat received 8.000 Porto Rico clgara: very fine; la Iota to ault. 1 w Mlaa Rutb lAtourett left Wednea day morning for lt lake near the foot of Mount Hood, where a he will apend aeveral weeka In company with Mr. and Mra. I K. Latourette and Mlaa Fred latourette, of Portland. Mra. Strang, of Beaalda, and Frank Bager. of Portland, were In tbla city on Tueaday, having coma to tbla city on account of tba aerloua lllneaa of tbelr mother. Mra. Iten Noyer, who waa operated upon Saturday for ap pendlcltla. Mra. Oreen and aon Lyle, of Cblco, Cal., who arrived In tbla city about on month ago, and who bava been vlaltlng the former'a alater, Mra. John Edmluaton, of Heaver Creek, whom CORRESPONDENCE LWOOO. Harveatlng la wogreaelng alowlr. While hauling lumber from C. K. Hui'prlHe'a mill. Joe Powera' team be- came frightened, throwing him out and hurting hla aboulder. Mr. Hwan lg hauling lumber from lllttner's mill to Kxtiwada. Curtla Martin, of Oregon City, vlalt ed rclatlvea In El wood laat week. Mr. and Mra. L Ilaker went to Ea- tarada laat Friday. Mra. Amy Hulberi, of Eatacada, vlalted her former homa and pa rent a Mr. and Mra. I Ilaker. laat week. Mra, Ktahlnecker land Mra. A Hoe Henderaon vlalted Mra. Illttner and Grandma Dnrman, who la up In tha elghtlea, yet very atrong. She recelr ed a "poatcard ahower" on her laat birthday. A. Ilntidrraon aold a cow and calf to Mr. Erlcaon for $35. John Park la night watchman at tha fthlngle and Bpool mllla on Clear Creek. Mra. Lydla Park, Rutb and Mattle Maplcthorpaa were viaitora at Mra. U Ilakcr'a Saturday evening. A relative la vlaltlng Mra. Johnaon. It la reported the vlaltor la Intending buying 20 acre a of tha Jobnaon farm. The young people of El wood held a party at Mr, Freeman'a. All report an enjoyable time. A. 8. Handeraon delivered an able and Intereatlng eermon Sunday eve ning. Elmer Dibble and family were gueat of Mr. and Mra. Stahlnecker'a Sunday. Mr. Kdward Dibble, while after hla cowa, fell, atiiklng on a rock, cutting hla head and brulalng bla aboulder and band. Mr. Frank nittner re porta profita ble bualneaa from bla new atora on little Clear Creek. Mra. Delia Vallen Mra M. Burfna and daughter Mra. Zella Oatrend, apeut a delightful day vlaltlng tha camp on Utile Clear Creek. Leater Cardinan and family have moved to their Hul farm home near Eatacada. EAST CLACKAMAS. "Ara you going hopplrklng?" la the question of the day. Peraona here think Aurora la tha only place to go. George Zlnxerllng, who baa been working for O. Haberlacb. for two montha, baa gone to Park place to help hla mother, V Mra. V. Wlckland and children bava gone to the bearh. Mr. Mllla, or Vancouver, vlalted bla aon D. D. Mllla. M. Shearer baa aold bla farm to a man from the Eaat. Watle C. Clarke and mother were In Oregon Cltv on Monday. Mr. and Mra. Henrlcb and Mra. Ereckaon and her children apent Bun day afternoon on the Zlg-tag farm. CHERRYV1LLE. Leo McCahe haa realgned bla poal tlon aa aawer with tbe Jobnaon Mill Company and la homa helping hla father on tha ranch. WE GIVE SERVICE WE GIVE SERVICE Two-Mlntte Toasts Any Time Toast is the foundation for many delicious dishes Welsh Rarebits, Asparagus, Club Sandwiches, etc. But if these ordinarily toothsome viands are served on charred, or soggy, or brittle Toast, they lose their de licious zest. PERFECT TOAST can be made only in the Rad iant Toaster. For this reason: RADIANT HEAT forces the absolutely necessary chemical change in the bread. This insures the delicious golden Toast that . fairly makes the mouth water. . You can operate tha Radiant Toaeter on tha flneet damaak tablecloth. Tha cheerful alow of Its eolle on a neat porcelain baaa ereatea a anug ana aoothlng atmoephere. It makee Perfect Toaat aa faet aa you can aat it and at the mereet fraction of a cant par elloe. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. MA I N omCE 7lh and Aider Streets WE GIVE SERVICE WE GIVE SERVICE JAMES B. M'CREARY, KENTUCKY'S FORMER GOVERNOR AND SENATOR. TIIIRTT-8IX yeare ago Jamea B. McCreary waa elected governor of Kentucky. Now be baa become a candidate for tbe aame office. In tbe Interval alnce bla retirement from tba governor ablp In 1870 he a erred twelve year In tba national bouse of repreeentadvea and alx yeare In tbe United Statea aenata. He aeema to Im a Kentucky perennial whom yeare cannot wither. Mr. McCreary baa teen mentioned recently aa.a vice presidential poaalblllty on tbe Democratic ticket. One of bla admlrera facetioualy remarked tba otber day that "McCreary la tbe greateat endurance runner of them all. ' One track autta him aa well aa another, and he flnda tt exhilarating to vary bla performancea by varying bla randldaclea." Clair E. Corey baa returned from Portland. Earl Baxter baa finished digging a wall for George F. Barrlnger. Dr. Botklna baa bad lumber hauled and will aoon commence tba erection of a bouae and, barn. J. T. Friel. Jr baa taken the con tract for cutting wood tor tba Cherry vllle achool. ' eorge F. Barrlnger and family have returned to their summer home In Cberryvllle where they will apend tbe summer. Vincent Friel. wbo sometime ago met with quite a aerloua accident, baa recovered and baa returned to Gov ernment Camp to work. Alexander B. Brooks haa returned Cherryvllle from Hood River where he apent aeverat montha. . AukuhI Bedensteln baa rented the Dotiglaa ranch. Mra. David Dotiglaa apent aeveral dsya In Cberryvllle laat week. Charles Newland haa gone to work for Aaslatant Forest Supervisor Ralph Shelley, who baa a large force of men at work on a wagon road to Hood River. Mr. and Mra. J. T. Friel, Jr.. made a trip to Oregon City one day last week In a White Steamer automobile. Mr. and Mra. William Allen apent aeveral dayg In Cherryvllle last week. Mra. T. J. Ranney left for Portland last week where her husband baa bought an Interest In a garage. Mr. and Mra. L. F. Prldemora apent aeveral daya In Bull Run laat week. Jamea T. Adgerton baa gone for a week a visit to Portland. TWILIGHT. Mlaa Ethel and Lllitan Holmea were callers on Miss Elsla Swlel Sumlay. Mlaa Bertha Billiard la visiting her cousin Miss Murphy, of Poitland. Clyde Harvey has returned to hla home In Seattle after a week'i vlalt with hla parenta, Mr. and Mrs A. H. Harvey. - George Lar.elle and M. J. Laxelle went to Astoria to attend tba Centen nial fair. - Lola Currant, of Portland, la Visiting her aunt. Mra. Frank-Black The Mlssea Clouse. of Portland, were guesta at the Mountain Ash farm Mra. Curtla Dodila and Mla Tessle McDonald are at the Coast for a few weeka' outing. Mr. Russell, who baa bean visiting his daughter, Mra. Olds, haa return ed to bla borne In Loa Angles. Mr Russell was formerly a realdent of thla neighborhood. Mr. Bui lard 'a horse became fright ened last Tueaday while he waa driv ing In Oregon City, and ran away, but fortunately no one waa hurt. Tbe aurrey waa demolished. CLACKAMAS. Mlsa Annie Roadarmet, of Tiicamo, la apendlng a two weeks' vacation with ber parenta. . J. H. Johnson and family bava gone to the Coast for their annual out ing. M. Webster and family a tar ted re cently for tbe Coast Mr. Webster will drive over, taking three days for tbe trip. Tbe Misses Margaret and Katberyn Jones returned from Eaatetn Orcgrn, Saturday. . Word la received from Sam Roake, Jr., that be is In Tacoma, and will come bome next Sunday. Mrs. F. M. Brezee, who baa been for""ome weeka In SL John's, la con templating a visit to friends and rela tives In the East Mas. W. W. Smith expecta to atart for ber old home near Charleston, Va.t next week. J. R. Landes left last Monday for a place near WUholt, where be baa been engaged to do aome carpenter work. Mlaa Lula Hayward and her Bister Mra. R, B. Holcomb made a trip to Portland laat Monday. While) there tbey called on an old friend and neighbor, Mra. Thomaa. formerly of Carus. Mra. Thomaa baa been an Invalid many years, but Is patient and cheerful, with a warm welcome for her frienda. COLTON. A little sunshine would be more welcome by the farmers than the cloudy weather we ara having for tbe last two weeka. Jonas Petteraon and sons bave been "busy completing their new barn. Several hopgrowera from tbe valley were here looking for hopplckera last Sunday. Joe Carlson left for Oregon City Saturday. 1 Will Dlx. of Schubel. apent Sunday at home with bla mother of Colton. Uncle and Auntie 8tromgreen en joyed an automobile ride laat Sun day. ' Mlas Haxel Freeman, of El wood, , VOTE COUPON. o GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. Thla coupon when neatly clipped and properly filled In with tha name of tfie candidate you wish to vota for. will ba counted as one vota. Name of candidate. Address This coupon la void after August 19. Cut on lines. Don't roll. Send In flat Tbla nomination blank, when proper! v filled In and brought or mailed to Contest Department of Tba Enterprise Will count for 4 , z.ROO votes. Only one of thee blanks will be credited to each can- v dldate.. . ... . NOMINATION BLANK. GOOD FOR TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED VOTES. I wish to Nof&att'eTMlBa... .......ov..::w-...r.... Address' ... ....... Nominated by Addreaa THERE is a differance between fresh canned goods and old stock. Only the newest is the best-having that delicate natur al flavor of the fruit or vegetables. Know ing this, buy only from factories which can their goods Im mediately after they are picked or grown factories which are known to work under conditions of perfect cleanliness. Ton may rely abaolutely on our goods. Wo keep a large variety rather tban an extensive stock constant renewal be ing our policy. Next time you use our canned goods not tno . fresh, natural taste tba character of tbem all. Prices this week are reasonable see the following: Corn, can Tomatoes, can Peas, can 10c and 15c 10c and 15c 15c and 20c "Bcana, can 15c Asparagus, can ...15c Sweet Potatoes, can 20c J. E. SEELEY, Grocor Oregon City . Welnhard Bldg FIFTH ANNUAL OREGOU STATE FAIR GALEM, Coptombor11-1G, cor.nnG vjeeu LIVESTOCK, POULTRY ANO AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS. RACES. FREE ATTRACTIONS ANO AMUSEMENTS. FERULLO'8 GREATE8T BAND. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. SEND FOR PREMIUM LIST AND ENTRY BLANK8. . FRANK MEREDITH, Gocrotery SALEM, OREGON. made a call at "Colton last Thursday. Arrived at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ball, a big aon, laat week. All concerned are doing well. Edward baa scarcely begun to recov er from bla "first aon-stroke." They bave our heartiest congratulations. Philip Puts, wbo had been working at Dix Bros.' sawmill. Is bome to help with harvesting. Mr. and wra. J .AStromgreen were surprised laat jMbday by Mr. and Mra. Mellen. and family by aome of her old nelghbora and acquaintances, who came out with tbelr automobile from. Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Mellln were residents of this county about 30 years ago or more. This la tbe flrsi time they bave been here and were very much aurprlsed to see bow much everything haa been changed and Improved alnce tbey left After a lay-oft Mr. Benney baa start ed runp'ng bis shingle mill again. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Popular Beach Reaort An Ideal retreat for outdoor paa tlmea of all kinda. Hunting. Fishing, Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Auto Ing,' Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water agates, moaa agatea, moonstones, carnelana can be found on the beach. Pure mountain water and the beat of food at low prlcea. Fresh flsn. clama, crabs and oysters, with abundance of vege tables of all kinds dally. t " " Camping Grounds Convenient and At J i tractive. wth atrlct sanitary regulations LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON -TICKETS from 11 points in Oregon, Washing ' ton and Idaho on aale dally. 3-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY. TICKETS ' from Southern Pacific points Port land to Cottage Grove; also from all C. A E. stations Albany and west Good going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. Call on any 8. P. or C. A E. Agent for full particulars aa to fares, trains, schedules, etc.; alao for copy of 4or Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Ore gon," or write to Vm. r.!cT.lurray GENERAL PASSCNQIR AGENT, Portland Oregon. SHIVELY OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY, Sonday, Aogost 20 v A CORKER IN CORK! Richards & Pringle's FAMOUS GEORGIA MINSTRELS 40. KINGPINS' OF M1NSTRELSY-40 Seata On sale at Jonea' Drug Co. Reaervad Seata 75c and 50 ;o Chil dren 25c i BAND CONCERT AT S P. M AT CITY PARK ON SEVENTH ST. ; ST. PAUL'S CLASS HAS PICNIC Sunday School Enjoys Outing at &chnoore Park. On of tbe most enjoyable picnics given at the Schnoor Park thla sen- son was that given . on Wedneaday by the Sunday school of 8t Paul'a Episcopal church. It waa In charge of Mlaa Mlna Kelly and the Rev. Charles W. Robinson. The day waa spent In races, for which prizes were given. Rev. Robinson waa umpire. On of the features of the picnic waa the spread ' given the youngster. There was an abundance of red lemon ade, peanuts and Ice cream and cake. About 75 attended. CRISWELL ESTATE' $3,449.8. Widow of Testator la Appointed A4- mlniatratrlx. The estate of William 8. CrlaweH has been filed for probate. The value la $3.445.8 ' and the widow. Mrs. Ger trude M. Criswell, Is named- as ad ministratrix, Tbe heirs rant from 20 yeara to three years and are aa follows: Harry W of Prlnevllli: Clarence Criswell, of Madras; rraak 8. Criswell, Preddle CnrWweU, Join, Wllliaa. Wilbur, Dorothy. NNKU ray, of Damascaa. iQ. B. Hay so Is the at torney for the aatate. ?0 ' Patreaue