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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1911)
:;u;g enterprise CS303 CTTT, OREGON 0. M. KROOIC. Editor and P-bllaber. tttar J WT . tIU at th poat m at On(M VHf. unv. MO IM Act af t. irv- , Tons scisctimon. Om Tmr, by Mil .. Ml Mnatka. hf mall ....(AM i S"-ur, b aw Par weab. by carrlar AmmsiK iatej Vet Paaa par tea nrtN biaaitiaa Pfe-at Pui. Bat bb adaaa hMdkH. .la rVeferre poaftioa aay PSW, br bo first taeartton...... 1M evfarrae' position any paaw. par tea aY Iwltaw..., IS Hurt ppr etbr tbaa first -. per hh " nm taeartbia - ...Ik Ran albac tbea drat sags, par be 44 si Miw lbs r ow; b raawlar ar Uaera be tM Vult FWr ). T Raat. et. aaa ant want first bua.1laa; mmm blf Ml aarh additional . Rata for advarMstaa: ba Waakty Kblarprtaa wlU ba tba sum aa la tbe Saltr. for advartlarasaata art aaparaaWv far Uw waaktr. We- tba asviriiaiasaaf lb traaafMT4 from tba 4Uy ta tba aab- 1f without raaaga. tba rata wtu aa barb for tw of tha aasar. a4 lb aa aw far apactal peeuka. Caab abawM a arty at oakaewr ba basin is attic at tb Katerprta. Lac aamtata at fecal a4vartjtaa ttrroa advamatac ana special lisaaliat -Vhrarltslaa at tbe to sv aa bscb, aaaari- Mt special caaatt "Ftr Sala" eaxi Bankrupt naM" eeVar. ita jtc barb ra-st biaaitiaa Itw Itvana aaa wwl af aarrH. antb batirtat te WlU ba stably acreptwd. EWtl aw una win rararaaa naii CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER.. Auo. 17 In American History. 1TS5-Jooatbaa TrumbulC Revlutto-1 ry patrtoc dW. tru ITm i TTS-David Crwckett. artMW. hunter and panoeer. born in Trnnesave: killed U the Atanas March . 1S5S. HOB Lawrr -e Bacber. artist noted ' for hla etrblngs, died at Lawrroce Park. K. T.: bom 1SCS. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noaat today t noon toaaorprwj Bun sets risea 5 OS; aaoon rises KMT p. aa; planet Mercury still vmV baa. arttiag nthartly after tbe saw. LORD- SURRENDER TO PEOPLE. The House of Lords has surrendered to the win of the British people and passed the House of Com bilL which practically limiu U power of I the House of Lord, to a two year- , ' i compulsory veto and vastly Increase j the prerogaUvwa of the House it J Commons, the elective and therefore : the popular branch of the Govern- j revolu- ! The new measure aCects Uon tn British psxUaaWuury pcoce- j dare nad political life and is Ue most radical political departure to Great Britain la many years. W-l I . . . 1 a Kvmx-nn P"- the wtu of the people is sigamcaat j of the coaUaoed onward tnarch of Democracy la Great Britain. Germany and France have shed i more Ink than bbood la taw 3arootaa Imbroglio. New Tork ht aw wi fiiimniu She the B Souse tte hilnKr. yet ewmaiTanui C a CUSp Eke street a weaJa in warror. havw add Maiae ta ka-re Uaited States Srauuzs-s" Uoas bar tbinrd Rfw raoi0- The foikrwiag is a tnt of c4awK ed letters at the Cremaa Oty powjf- fice for the week eadiag Awrast t- Woaaas's List FeOows. JUSf (2: f.mimm nattv.- Uarrta Mr w .1 ? i . . - . Vrs. Dottle (2); Sracrn. ' Mrs. Eva III. Mea's Uet Johaat Kaiier. Rollew- liir Georr l: Fred- Neisoa. M. S-; Towasead, George; Waters A i slorgaa. , 1 Fa. aUr. - Tony naeo has filed a salt against j Frank Fall, through his attorney. l Krw scsueoei. uwro auegas ( that ha was employed as a gardner j fi- IVmak Pallaa at a aalarv rtt 135 ! a nsoath. sad that only 25 of due him has beea paid. H Hotel Arrivals. The folio lag are registered at the Electric oHtel: . 8. E. Jennings. Caarlea rrwuhart, Seattle, Wash.; J. Robiasoa. Seattle: E. hf. Handle. Portkaad: Sitoey Hlamaa. Pittsburg. Pa.; J. R, Moore. Pittsburg: U Sum . sserfletd. Tacoraa; J. H. White. Wash . tegtoa. D. C; IX H. Wstsoa. StiDwa ter. OUraa: R. R. Back. Detroit. Mir..: J. H. Rofer. Washlagtoa. D. C; C. A Hsdsoa. New Tork; R. R Back. C Lafer. Carltoa: A. A. Jef fries. Porthaad; atobert Herroa. J. H. Clakrrk. Xev Tork; R- Ricaolana. C M. Pwrdy. Roarbwrg; A. K. De lia rea. Jwstire of tbe OT , Wedaewiay Lora Garktag aad Ol K. Jewalags, High Heels Worse Than Wooden Shoes Cannrt Justice SUCH SMOCS ARC AftO AS DESTRUCTIVE 4 tVCSSTsl SMOCSV . . . - ' TL!stla-lioaaa DnHSCCTIVS aaramajwiaa DEADLY HOPS 45 COiTS O MAY REACH DOLLAR Th hop market has reached iie a pound t the Willamette Valley bad li very nrat at the highest price oa record for this time of tha year. Thera virtually bra no old hops at world'a centers and tha consumption of beer ahows no signs of falling oft. On of tba leading hop firms of tha Coast hsa been offering; 4S cent a pound oult freely for options on tha coming hop crop lb tha valley and several rrowera bra said to have slgaed ap their crops at tha highest figure. Actual purchases of tha coming crop have already bee - mad at cents a pound. McNeff Brothers, of Portland, being the purchasers of ; 40.000 pounds tn the Willamette Valj Northwestern Ueague Vancouver lev at ibis price, I J. Portland 3: Spokane - Tmcoma 4; Not only has the market reached Victoria X Seattle 1. the record figure for aaoro-than twe Asserlcaa League Detro't Chl tv years but there are Indications at . eago 1; no other games acaelalot this time that the previous high mark j National LajnM Chicv IX Boa st SI a pound will be reached unless ton ; Philadelphia 10. Su Loula 1; there Is a radical change la the sit-! New Tork . Oncinnatl 1; Pltnburs uauonv Tbe entrance into this market oc buyers from Germany has excited the hop trad of Oregon and California as never before. This Is the first time tn the history of the hop Industry that German brewers have found it necessary to go abroad for their hops. irrTr lRnr.r Rntan bidea. I to Cc; salters, iSe to CHc; dry hides. 13c to 14c Ebvep pelts, ISc to Tic each. DRIED YRUTTS Uocal prices are firm at from 8c to 10c on apples and prunes, teachew are lac SALT Selling SOc to toe tor 8n M lb. neck, half ground 40c: TS for 100 lb. sachb. Portland Vaoetabla Markets. SACK VGGETAB1JES Carrots. I 11;5?'1 parsnips. I1U . Y ' ' i &An, 1 Atusa param- tvc ILTS per crate; hbage, aew. 1 per hand.dweight; canliBower. L06 JLTS per dosen; celery. CalUorais, ?5c (j0c per duaea; cscumbers, SLMO I JS per doswu; eggptaav 15c per lb.; garlic, 10c fj lie per pound; lettuce. Usee per done.; hotboa lettuce. SUM fc 12 per bob; peas, K-tf 11c per srmad; peppers, 30ceS5c r pomad: radishea. lie per dosen ; rhubarb, fj 3c per pound; sprouts. Sc; tomatoes, ONIONS Jobbing prto; Oregon 1175 per 1M: Australian. SIM per 10; Texas. It IS per crate: Carttor nia, i r crai Oreooa CH Stock Quotations. ' HOGS Hogs are quoted Sc bower. ISO iba. to TOO lbs. I Sc. BACON. LAKH awd 11AM, are Brm CAL'VE?r7?1 from ge to tuc according to rad- BEET 3TEKRS Vt steers for tbe toral uarkeu are fetching SV,C to (He are aetgat. SHEKP u tuba at e to Se Tlve ueigbL Oootaraaoa rar Oreaoai Crl. F1X)L"K AXD FEED Flour 1. at eady. betling from W to fii i little of cheaper gjaaea. J OATS tSuymgr Gray. $23 to U4. a kite, rroun $2S to 114. nj,,.- j BTTTSit (Bwrmci cruntry brings from Ue to 2c ifaacy dairy fresa 3r to 32c j ery S3r to ac ! EGGS Best grade 33 ceats. POCLTRT iBwyiag Ftrm w El t fd sawrk etfered. Good hews an . arsigaa; L3c Out roosters are in snot Aramaic. srj5er sa-txa; Crcsa ICe to lie . wdra pmtt Amusaa. 'Wf-'O "oai irteta are , o C- Tocum and A. M. Tocwm to waigrTig Sntmi l s 17 cera. A. W. SUpley. lot 4 tn block li Pam rrszy-Stottm i .3; roCed,!; $ia. "tmrrr, C1M tTZ: tewcestt bar- B. F. aad E. R. Hart to Hash Ca-1 'upr. SS.-W ; wirAe cava. 13 44 ; ' em-H. wlftat tire'; tSt: eiB mrail tZt: Siaxy Erwc Burr wc yua rrr wisbCrew forrwis. ? HAT iBrra.i Tlijr fjg to ITT; clrw r tw r.; tmt fcsy, besf. rxic -t ba in - aSaJTa, U MRS. BAKER GIVES BIRTHDAY PARTY' - , . . . A jitrty eras g5-rrw Twesday at tte bue ef Mrs. r. S. of f4- to aamve-warT. the estertaiaseat ctag rrom I ranr snrt-i i o tacx-i. waefxl artJoes were preaeated o m rs. mser. aa owe of tbe lea tares of the day was the dosser arrr ea by tee noatesa. Tae bows was , . "''J " P""k- rosea. Mec a a r -- ; aaeuia, After delightful 1 TU.'S for J their Wash.; Mrs. C. L. Hastings, of Glad- atone; Mrs. F. 8. Baker. Mrs. Wll llam McMillan. Mrs. Msrths Wllke, of Seattle. Wash.; Misses Harriet. Julia and Charlotte Baker. Geraldlne and Julia Hastings. Blsnabe Barry. Fred Baker. Jr.. Francis Hastings. Masters John Barry. Charles, Fie.' and John Hastings. ' Gas Plant Werfc Start. Dr. A. I- Bralie Wednesday began the tnstallstioa of aa acetfieoe p.a to ruraiah gas for tha new htsh school and other bandings to tne neighborhood. Thin will be tbe first salt of tbe system whirh will be ! Kraaaalty erteaded an'il the enL'rt jetty Is supplied , with gas. HOWARD m New Tork as ritifr in lb? noae or tattooing. AS BAR KAROOS. AS. TORTURIbrQ OF HEALTH AS THE CHINESE nmniniu nin-n"?"1: ...... hsppy "- U auradaoc- moTt.Wli, Ww were Mrs. T. F. O NHl. Mrs. J U ! ,h) $ mk , M; L SrT7v--U.i-IirrT- ri'r: I Walrr Loig et .1 to 8. M Loag. Mrs. Netoon Andrews of Tcoa.. , .onhwrwt uaarter of wrctioa 23, towa-! MORNING ENTERPRISE, TlllTWSnAY. AITOITST mm COME FROM BEHIiiDAIID Will OUT PORTLAND. Aug. 1C (SpejclaU With tha Beavers leading 3 to 1. the Angeles today In tha eighth mad three runs and won the game. Delhi with Ihe.excepUoa of the first when Portland nvatl two scores, and the second wheat one taller waa recorded had things virtually hta own war. Only fire btia were nude oft his de livery. Koestaer did well until the eighth whea he took an ascension. Eight hits were recorded against him. Portland mad three errors: The results Wednesday follow: Pacific Coast Lagne Los Angela 4. Portland 3: Vernon t. Oakland T. San Francisco g, Sacramento 1. J Brooklyn . STANDING. Pacif Cat. W. Vernon "K Portland .... ...... TO Oakland TJ San FTanctsCO . . 71 Sacra meoto I Angelea Vancouver Tacoma . . Seattle ... Spokane . . Portland . I Victoria .. EOUEYURD MTO SM AT OCE tContinued from page 1) Sell wood A. N. WUls. J. E. Kertch em and Dr. R. F. Sterns. Milwaukie Philip Strelb. N. H. Grasie and A. L. Bolsteadt. Oak Grove C, W. Ruiey. E. C. Warren and H. Sceufler. Jennings Lodge C. P. Morse, W. B. Jennings and John F. Jeuninga. Gladstone O. E. Frevtsg. J. B. Car. ter aid Thomas A. GaolL Mount Pleasant J. M. Warnock.S. O. Dillman and A- C Warner. New Era George Laielle. George Brown and J. Burgoyne. Canby M. J. Lee. L. B. Gorhaia and E- Bryant, BUCKET BRIGADE PUTS OUT GRAIN STACK FIRE There was much eicltemcat at Shubel Tuesday afternoon, when one of the grain stacks on the E. W. Horn shah farm caught fire from the engine of the threshing machine owu- ed by V. F. hloehnke. A crew or men i was at work when fir started, about 3:3 o'clock, and with the aid of tbe I crew or tae Biunm tnresning outn ! sad the neighbors, the fire was ex i tinguished about 4 o'clock. About 100 asea formed a bucket brigade and ' carried water from nearby wells, and wtrh-the two water wsgons. prevent e4 more serious damage, as the Urn ber and grass were dry and the flames aUght have spread rapidly. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hemaa A. aad Eda E. Lee to Ad i Shall. Ul acres of sectioa 33. town- ahia 2 souta. raare 1 east: I'll I sedy. acres of sectioa . township aaatb run east: IlSda. Carl E. Ohtoea aad EmUy OhUen to E:eUa R- Salisbary, lot J, block tc Gbvsstoae: I!. Thomas D. Abbey to Vary L. Driggv C acres cf sectioa Ji. township i mb ramrr- 3 east: 11- Mary L Driggs to John Benson. S3 acres of srtioa ti- toahip 2 south, rbsre- 2 east: SSfa. Chartes Hale aad Martha Hale to ; S X- Wyaick, lots L 2. 2. 4. block 17. 1 S. H saw Maud Wyrick to F. Mat s FHiacer. hxts 1 1 r 4. block 17. Wind- Sj - I Joka A. Ream aad Sallie Ream to ' rean jaaaaing, tract r uismette . Far Acreare tracts; $1. Wmasa X. Cboloote aad Rhoda B. Caikcote to Eraeat E- Caolcote. 3S j acres of sectioa 32. towaship 1 south. ! rrrre 3 east; flu. j Mtraada aad R. F. Wans et at to j K ML Loag. aonhwest warter of sec- 7 tovutfcfs S south, rang 1 : SL I Jaz Eagoa Long, aorta- sart of sectioa IS. town-; b". S south raace east: tl. ' I GUber. Loag et al to S. M. Loog. northwestern towaship 1 wtk. rg 1 Wst; ship S south, raace 1 east; tl- j Mary B. Barrett to E. E. Raddiag. west half of lot 7. 1 1-2 acres of Wells D L C, sectioa 3, towaship 1 south range 2 east; tl. Ellea J. aad Hearyb p. Myers to ' George F. Barrtoger aad Clara Bar-i ringer. 1U1 acre of sectioa 2S. j township 2 south, range a east; tl. j wunam u kom aa jooepmae Rose to Beajamta 8. aad Sarah 8. Loaey. north 1 2 of lot M. Jennings Lodge; US. COAIIY G BACK Company G. O- X. ti. letntmad j Wedneaaay night rroaa Camp Ooas mers, Columbia Beach, where the hoys spent tea dsys to ramp. Fifty members of the roaapauy a oa taa fr The bor said they bad a ftoe time. deMpv'e te fact that :ber we kept bw-y most of tba Uaae The Ora gnu City Compaay asade a fine ap pearance la lb e big parade at tbe opening . of the Astoria Ceatenulal sad the members were eoagratahited by the offtrers. The smews who went with the troop) were Captain Hldy. First Liewleusnf W. R. Logw aad Oicoad LJewtewaat treii K. Pta -chard. U P.C. 60 .ii .S4S b? -SIS c; .iit St 71 .4M 5 S3 .403 Norttrwesterfv W U P.C .... .... T5 47 .1S 71 il M2 C4 M .50S 4 M .s:s S3 l -S 30 l JZU 2. Wants, For Sale, Etc. WW InsaMae bt aaa aaat a aw. . n maaruaa. bait a aaal aulal bar ttaaa. or tax aar. II ear " art aar. ( iiaa l par aioaia Caab aiaat aeaBar r4ar sabw an baa aa a aceeant wttb tba Bar. M riaaaotaj raapaaalblUly far errar. wbart arrar aacar fraa earraatad aauo wtb b sHaiird for satraa. BUauvum akaraa lie WANTED. WANTED Collectors to see my col lection of nil sorts of curios, an tique, and Indian trinkets: tumps for stamp collectors; coins (or - numismatists, arrow heads for arch eologlsts. etc. I buy and sell all sorts of curios; also alt kinds of secood hand '' furniture and tools. George Young, Main, near Fifth street. WANT oxtail advrtlmnts for this column. Prions ry reaaoa - able. &e raid at Mad e( rol-tma. Read tbe Morning fiat arprtaa. WANTED Ton to know that the En terprise Job printing department Is tha most complete la tt State, outside Portland. Try 11 tor your bail printing. WANTED Girl tor general house work. Call at store one door north of First National Bank, or opposite postofflce. WANTED Girl or, woman for gen eral housework, good wsge and permanent place In small family bt Portland; moat be experienced. Apply 53 J East Salmon street. Portland, or at Enterprise office. FOR SALE Space In this column Sell that old plow or harrow; you dent use It since you purchased your new one. FOR SALE Five room cottage, elec tric lights," hot and - cold water, basement, on the hill, central, one block from bluff. This is a bar gain for S1.400. Inquice or write 301 Third street, Oregon City. HARDING-WALDEN Tract. Acre tracts, garden and fruit Und. level, fine view, one-halt mile to carllne v at Gladstone, sold on installments or terms to suit. Inquire 1003 Msin street H. S. Clyde, sgent. For bargains in houses, lots and Und. see H. 8. Clyde, 1003 Msin street. Oregon City. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dtmick Lawyers, Oregon City, A Or. Dlmlck, ATTORNEYS. O D EBT, AUomey-at-Law. Mou In nad. abstracts furnished, land Ufles eismlaed. aetata settled, gen eral law basins Over Bask at ttregoa City. ITRKN A SCHITEBEL. AWoroeys-st law. Deutscher advokat, wtll prso tic la ill courts, msk coOectioas aad settleaneata. Offlee In Bnter ptise Bid-. Draco) City. Oregon. BUILDER AND CCfWACTOR. IIARKT JONES Builder and Genera. Contractor. Estimates cheat tull given 00 all ciasae of bulldlba work, cower ate walks aaa retaforce concrete. Kea phone Mala 111. INSURANCE. K. II. COOPER. F FTre Insuraacr td Real Estatq. Let ns handle vour pioper tie buy. sell sad rrrbaaga Office to Kaierprtae 'i!t. Ore so city. Oragoa. CITY NOTICES. Resolution and Notice for- the li provement of Water Street, Ore gon City, Oregon. Whereas, pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City. Clacka mas County. Oregon, heretofore made, the City Engineer of sld city hss submitted his leport and filed in the office of tbe Recorder plans sod specifications for an ap propriate Improvement of Water Street, from the Northerly line of Stith Stret to tbe Southerly line of Seventh Street, and estimates of the work to ' be done tbereon and tbe cost thereof, snd. Whereas, such plana, speclflca tioas and set I ma tea sre satisfsctory to the City Council of said Oregon Oty. therefore. The plans, specifications snd es timates are hereby approved and It is hereby Revolved. That It is the purpose sad Intention of the said City Conn cil of Oregon City to make tke said Improvement, described aa follows. to-wit: The street shall be brought to subrade a distance of 30 feet west erly from the easterly line thereof. A line of concrete curbing shall be placed ( feet westerly from tbe west line of ssid street snd concrete siV wslk feet shall be laid between said Easterly side of said street snd said curb. Tbe roadbed shall be 24 fet wide. Immediately adjoining the said curb. Oa the roadbed macadam shall be placed not less than S inches thick at curb and S Inches thick at the center of the roadbed, aad when completed tbe roadbed shall be brought to the established grade. Bald street shall be provided with sll dralna, catch basins, and gutters necessary to preserve the grades, embankments aad surface of tbe street, aad to provide all proper d rat wage. CToaswalka shall he of wood 4 feet wide aad not leas than 3 Inches thick and all the said lmprovrmeota shall be asade according to the plans sad speciScaiions Sled ItlA. and ap proved . hereby. Tbe Improvement shall be clan d as -Macadam- and shall be maintained by Oregon City for thafull period of tea years from dat oTlb acceptance thereof 'by the CowwrU. The City Recorder la hereby di rected to cause this resolution and notice to be published, aa required by tbe Charter of Oregoa City. The foregoing reanlutioa waa adopted by the Council of Oregon City nt a special meeting of the Cfty Council. August 14. 11 1. By order of tbe Council of Oregon City. U 8T1PP, Recorder. Rewot-tiea Not ica for tbe Inv P" lusaewt wt ttt Alley In Stack V Or sob n City, 0nn, -Whereat, awrswaat to the order of the 17. 1911- Oly Council of Oregon Oty Clack v maa County, tres. ""V".,. mad lb. City Engineer of bala city ..submitted hi. re! bnd -14, tn th. office of the Recorder pUn. snd .reclfic.tlons for an kPPr0'''! rproV.n.enl of ths Alley Htoch y Oregon City. Oregon, and esU mates of the work o be d" "rf on aud th cost thereof, and. Whereas, such plans. tlons and estimates are """'"J0" to tbe City Council of said Oregon Cltv. therefore, . The said Plans, siycino.tlons and estimates ar hereby approved and "JrJJSSf'lasI It Is the purpo aS Intention of the -id Illy ell of Oregon City to "Jj Improvement being desrr.bed 'ol '"ThVaHey'sball be brought to sub grade the full width thereof, and on the roadbed "Macadam- shall be placed not less than 4 Inches deep t each side of said alley and Inches deep at th center of saM alley, and when nnlimed aald alley shall be brought to estslhcd grad and shall be graded according To the plana and specifications on file herein and approved by mis Resolution. . The Improvement shall be classed as "Macadam" and shall be main talned by Oregon City for "-'' period of ten years from date of the scceptanc thereof by th Council Tbe City Recorder Is hereby dr reeled to cause this resolution and notice lo he published, as required by th Charier of Oregon City. Th foregoing resolution wss adopted by tbe Council of Oregon City at a special meeting of the City Council. August It. 1H- By order of the Council of Oregon City. L STIPP. Recorder. Ordinance No. An ordinance authorising the Clacka mas Southern Railway Company, a corporation, its successors and as signs, to construct, maintain and operate a railway, electric power, telephone and trlegraph wires on Fifteenth Street- and on..Wier Street In Oregon City. Oregon, and to erect the necessary poles and string the necessary wires for th operation thereof and thereon, snd to carry freight,' passenger and et press matter on and over said rail wav on said Fifteenth Street and on Water Strert In Oregon City, and lo collect fares, charges snd tolls for tbe carrying of passengers, freight and express matter. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Sartlon 1. That there be snd hrre1y Is" granted unto th Clacka mas Southern Railway Company. Its successors snd assigns, the right and privilege to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a railway line In. over and upon Water Street In Oregon City. Oregon, beginning at a point In the center of said strr Street at the Intersection of said Water Street with Fourteenth Street. Oregon City, Oregon; thenrP following In, over and upon said Water Street In a Northerly direc tion to the Intersection of said Wa . ter Street with Fifteenth Street. Oregon City. Oregon; thence In a Northerly direction In, over snd up on said Water Street to the Inter section of said Water Street with Sixteenth Street. Oregon City, Ore gon. Also, beginning at a point In the center of Water Street at the Intersection of Fifteenth Street with said Water Street, Oregon City Oregon; thence in sn Easterly di rection extending along the center of said Fifteenth Street to the East erly line of John Adams Street In said city; thence In a Northeasterly direction around the hill and Im mediately above the Abernathy Creek on the present railway grade to the Northerly boundary of said city: and o erect and maintain electric power poles, telephone snd telegraph poles and applltincp along, over and upon said streets between the points aforesaid, and to stretch wires thereon for tbe pur pose of transmitting power snd tele phone and telegraph messages for the operation of said railway, snd to construct grades and trestle, thereon for such railway purposea. Section II. The said Clackamas Southern Railway Company, Its sue cns(in and assigns, ah all build snd maintain an overhead crossing at the Intersection of Fifteenth Street with Washington Street, Oregon City. Oregon, and ther shall be a drive-way at the Intersection of said streets on Washington Street under said trestle, not leas thnn thirty feet n width, and the bents set In the street shall be sot parallel with said Washington street snd the ssM street shall be hoarded up from said bents to the edge of the side walks on said street, subject to the approval of the Council of Oregon City, and the height of an Id drive way shall be of sufficient height s.i as not to Interfere lth public trav el on said street and he subject to the approval of the Council of Ore gon City, and that whereas tha grad of said Washington Street hna been established and the estab lished grad of said street and the present survev and grade of said Clackamas Southern Railway Hue on said street, made for a grade crossing of the present tracks of the Southern Pnclflo Company and th Portland Railway likj i Power Company, and that ir ,,.1,1 Washington Street was brought up to the present established grade at the Intersection of aald streets there would not be sufficient clear ance between tl,.. srad- treet and the est ibiished grade of ISmI 7 ,rack 'nd -1rt"r ovr sa Id crossing. N,)w therefore the said Clackamas Southern Railway rlght to bui'1 aa, crosMlng at the with Washington Street n.i ths grade established by Clscksma' Southern Railway Company, and at SlreeTTh.n' nm " whln!in raised to the nresent ....i.n-u... crnn" l"n" rn Pacific Company. t, ...ceaasors and assign., .hall rals its ,,m 8,her:nB..l,h,'nr,,h' C,"h"' Bouthern Railway Comtany, 1(. ,no. "rZV ."nHd M"'Kn"' "h-U trestle snd grade tn a aufflnl.tii d -tancaso tha, waahlngtrs "ea fn Tk' ta" fllM n,1 btonBM n lad -biT""1 -''llsh.d "ads r .a hich Work of ""In Wash-' and .th"Td" h'" b" b snd at th ex pans, 0f th riaeb. sor.7r 'r iin . H r.,.v.lhns,r.rv,r,,"n CASH and psopl who r'y "' H fMnl w,,h si h - but build a substantial arsdlt alsa. 1 ' r.7h Itss furth.M wh. supplamsnt by Oood Cr.dit, The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IH THI COUIfTT D C LATOUHTT Prw-ld.nt sTWt VSi. THE FIRST' NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL. bbO.OOOOo" trtMMU a ersl anbmg tusie. present established rade of said hltgtn StriHt and shall oe on stnuted and maintained penw of the Clackamas Soutftern Kallwav Company. IU success., and a.slsna. subjoct to tha approval of th Council of Oregon City, d aatd sidewalk, shsll l constructed nn1 maintained of wooden material until such tin., ss said Wahlnl 8treet at M H.lnt. shall l and brought up to the present es tablished grade, snd then said Clackamas Southern Rsllwsy torn panv. Its successors aud assigns, shall construct snd maintain ssbl sidewalks of concrete, subj'l the approval of thb Council of Ore gon City. , ' Section III. The track of said railway shall b a single trsck of ateel ralla. with th necessary turn outs and turn tables, snd th man ner of construction or Isylng down the sam ahall be subject to th approval of the City Council of Ore gon city. Section IV. The said Clackamas Southern Rsllwsy Company. Its sue. ressor and assigns, shsll protect and save harmless th city of Ore gon City from sny and all claim, damages and liabilities by reason of the claim or claims of sny person or persons. comny or corporation growing out of tUe construction of said line, or th Improper or negll gent maintenance and operation thereof. Section V. It shsll b unlawful for any person or persons to ob struct the railway herein provided for, either during tb construction or Oeratlon of the same, and any person or persons who shsll rare lessly or wilfully violate this pro vision, shsll be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof befor the City Recorder of Mayor of said city, shsll be pun . Ished by a fine not etreedlng twenty-five dollars, or by Imprisonment In the city Jail not exceeding twelve days, or both, si the discretion of the Court, for each and every of fens. Any conductor or other erti ployee on th railway herein pro vldid for. or passenger thereof, or any person on or ainmt the cars be-1 longng to said company, who shall,,' by offensive. IniUtcenl. opprobrious ( or sluislv language or. coital net. In- suit, abuse or maltreat any pasaen- j ger on said cars, shsll. on convic tion thereof lx-fore th City Record- I er or Mayor be punished by a fine J not exceeding twenty fit dollars. I or br Imprisonment In the city Jail j not exceeding twelve days, or both, at tha discretion of th Court, for each and every offense. Section VI. That there h and herebv la granted unto the Clacka mas Southern RsIIwb) Company, Its siicresanri and sssigns.. the right snd privilege to run and operat passenger, express and freight car along, over and upon any railway const ructed hereunder upon Flf teenth Street and upon Water Street of snM Oregon City, as hereinbe fore described, and lo csrry and transport passengers, freight snd express matter thereon and there over and tn collect fares, tolls and charge therefor. Section VII. proper depot for passenger, and a proper warehouse for loading and unloading freight and express matter must be provld ed by suld lompsny, It. successors and assigns. Section VIII. All rights and nrlvl. lege, hereby conferred shall expire t absolutely at the end of twenty five years from th date of the approval of this ordliinru Section IX IX. The aald Clackamas ! Railway Comtmny. Iia sue ! nd aHslgns. shall keep th fix feet on either side of Southern cennors t. street for . - - i niiri mil." 111 the c. nter line of the track In good ' repair and condition, wherever said track h laid or nnu... . . ; (trade. nm-iioi, x. Tn cinckama. flomh. m iiauway t:ompnnv, Ita sneers sort and assigns shsll within h,ih. days after th date of th approval ol Ihla ordinance. Ill In th offlcai of tb C Ity Recorder of Oregon City its written acceptance of th rlghta l-l r-s and privileges hereby granted and conferred upon l. subject to tha inch wrlM" " " hn" f"" " such written acceptanc. R shall be deemed to hav. abandoned all th .li n"1' privilege, conferred by thl orrtlimnce. 1 Southern n"il " Mii Clsrk.m.. Southern Railway Company, It. ,. ,.. " "I'erai cars LfTeT ... h " tw'n," f"r month. fier II. anld acceptance, aa provid ed for In section (en of im, ora,. Comnnn'.nk1.m,, B",h"n -"-" tympany. It. aucce.s.ra and aa. gn. .hall ba d " bandwad all right, hereunder. ! liahla .. tlm ""' w4 Pub shed at a special meeting of th hel UrC" f 0r"fnn Cl.y"og" held on August 14, uii. enough wood to tiav ...... i .' ThJ1Up,,,LI"s.V." rAHMSLh.? r.n..d M.ilv, tii 7.. !..r""n, rierh - - mi fhf cm iwT larnrts m aatl a . r ' nn". Oregon "i William Man, CREDIT Obn trxtn f A M. f M -wii&xr;.-5 .jct t-l a . , BASEBALL tCrUATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twnty fourth OAKLAND PORTLAND August . 10, 11, ij, it. Gam a.gin Weskdayi .1! a. a. undaya, t:io P. M. LAOItV DAY PRIOAV. Uoy Udi- Free to BWhn dndsy. TME WORLW eSEATEST SEW1I8 kUT3 l RUNNING if: waal Hiber a Vlhratln.shetlln. katay UberssiMK1iim4 rkmautH Hrlu Marhlaa wrttaW TH ! iObll IIWIII MsCNIII tbaVbff Orsngt, Klaaa. MHraBl'Me .i.!iwAil aatMS, km tha aj Hhiiki . ML ( M by aaillMHse4 deaiars af. W. L. MARSHALL 150 Morrison tt Pertiasd. Or Buy a Home While Paying'Reot 100 down and f 12 a takes this comfortabl sit rooa house and lot. House It vlrel for alectrlclty. lt CZxlOt fsel Som fruit on plac. A'sll W cated on Madison 8U tUflA A anap at fliW E. P. Elliott and Son 7th and Main fits, by Bosps sloa Bridge. ! 10 REWARD - J a for t0 arrast an convlctlo of anv person or persons, unlawfully remove copies f.TM Morning Htrprls from premise of gubscrlbsra sn .riH.r, VI . u - . papr baa been placed tbsrt carrier. I . OlM ' . . . - rut uAaNiiin eNTERPniU ' Is on sale at tha followlni J w svery aayi Huntley Uros-Drugt Main Street. J. W. McAnulty Clf Seventh and Mala. 8ecrest Confectionery Main near Sixth. M. B. Dunn ConfectlonsT Nest door lo P. 0. ' City Drue S't Klectrlc Hotel., Schoen born Con f ectlonsry 8venth and .T. Q- Ads"11 f FLOUR A Straight Bluestca (very SmIi -Quaranteed. lamala taek Fre. al Agents for Korract Poultry faod. " Prfffon r Cocsnhslon Co itTrJ AND MAINTI- Oregon cny. Ar you a an bee rl ber w l"Jrl In, KntarprlssT If not y7,, b4 let aa part your w . orlptioa list Imm"-'"" ' : I3 7MIII If. (fly) WHITE QUEEN a sta