Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 16, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Last Of ' End
nurlrg thli end eeaeoit sale, w want to clean up all our sum
ln and all we atk la If there la any mombor of th family
)( g0n8 to do any buying thla wk aond thorn hr, aa our
''" r Briur lha" ,vr lhU
Remember this store is for the Men as well
as the Ladies and Children. -
Soipcnslon Bridge Cor. - Oregon City
Th As of Chivalry-.
KnlKtii-l hsve oed ' tbcoo (owla
rsmut-oir- Ki ifiii.
P Ber, of Mulalla, waa la tbla
Lr ob Tuesday.
Urn rannto Ranch la 111 at bar
LM q ParkpUe.
wr and Mra. I). Drlaeoll. of Carua,
Lft la tbl city on Tuesday.
v-llkolt will leave tb Electric
Li each day t J o'clock p. m.
Bnra iuiu.t 14. to Ibo wlf of Moo
pamtl, a aoo, weight nlno pound.
Hrirr lliiahra. tho morrhant of Doa.
Lr Creek, waa In thla city on Tuea-
r John MrCormack. attar vlaltlng
tittirn near Woodburn, baa rammed
Mr. St flair, of Carua, waa among
L Oreioq I'lty bualnoaa vlaltor on
Bora. AoauHt 13. to tho wlfo of
koob Nnrthdurat, of Pot Mountain.
Mn. Ernest Siurse baa gon to
nt, where alio will vlalt for aovoral
kri with relatives.
Milton Price, who haa boon apend-
V a week at Newport, returned to
lrcoa City Monday. .
Bora, to tho wife of Marrua C. Dak
r, of 8ta(rorU a aon; weight 10
mix. on Tuesday morning.
Or. t. A. Hummer, formerly of Ore-
ha CUT. b moved hta office to 1017
Inrbett bulMlng. Portland.
Mr. H. C. Hievena haa returned
hm a twk'i visit with her brother,
Crawford, of Yamhill County.
John MrCormnrk and Charlea Waer,
tho ktv been hunting In tho moun
lu, km returned to Oregon City.
kn. E. j. ijnklna and daughter,
III Veda, of Hubbard, have arrived
k thl etty and aro vlaltlng relative
ft a few daya.
F. L Helfrlrh. of Bend, who la at
bomo of hl brother-in-law. O. V.
ksoioa,- of -.thlaclty, la ilL with
JrtlM'i dlaeain.
Mlu Edna Rlmmona. of Kelao,
pMk. big arrived In Oregon CUT
fa two month.- visit with her par
la, Mr. and Mm. A. Slmmona.
Frank SchociiMirn. I. O. Moora and
!irroo Moore are classed among tho
htoplon crawfshera of thla rlrv. In
pr boura Sunday they caught 62 do.
I will solicit at John Aitama1 a tore
f hop-plckera on Auguat Uth, 17th
Plth. Yard between Dallas and
Mlm. s . . - ,
Hr. R. R. Woodward wtin han1
r"Bed to m to l,ir U7,h
flr wa mken 111 on Monday, '
.u nol Bii IO maao tno
"9- ... ...... .. i ..
kn. L, Q. r. anil artn. tVltltam
fa Charlea Kelly and family, who
M' born apondlng aeveral wooka at
branch nf Ilr nJ u.. r..
pi, returmd to Oregon City.
I Mra. Wallop
o hM been l!l for aeveral daya wl'.B
asYera atini. ... it.i 1 1 1
, inriiuiuiiia, win
P UkMl in M In ..I.. I I44.1 1
- wnuiu at mw
Fl to bo opruiod upon.
n7 Rn'lnl'h left Monday oven-
. B!.ft,r,p Kl"'- ' rt Tlalt
" BrltUh r.i...i.i. .
, ' ni Pro"d to Waahlngrotl, IX
umny omer KRatem cltlea. Ho
(! t?v4Ovvfv
t ' '
n.! upo. when neatly clipped and properly filled In with the
TMa. candidate you wlah to vote for, will be countad aa one
Nme of candidate
: Addros j ... 1 ....... .T, ..
o I1)'8 cPon la void" after Auguat 18.
t Ult on "net. Don't roll. Send In flat.
j4 ' Q00D FOR T WENTT-malS UNDREU VOTES. . . . . , , .
1 Nominate Mlaa5. .'. .". , . . .IV. . -. . ;;. . . ij . .
a "'' ."u k " ' : '-; , J
v ,.f.,...., iK ,.v..., w
a- Addres- - . a
V I .,,,,,..... illi t'
I 'ia by )
I Address v .' . ' ' J
a , r ...y , ...... '
,lldl,nnTlnt,0n b WBM Proper fl-d in and brought er
I , 5H) vote. L0"'Mt Department of The Entorprlae will count for
4lUt 0nljr on f thoe blank will be credited to each can-' v
.. . .
I a i'i"- ' -
Season . Sale
will alao travel through tho Southern
Bay, you amokorl Nobel haa Juat
received 11.000 Porto Illoo clgara;
very fine; In lota to ault. lw
Dr. A. O. Pin, of St. Paul. Minn.,
arrived In thla city on Tueadar even
ing, and will be the gueat of Mr. and
Mra. Krank Moore, of Oron point. Dr.
Pino waa a delegate to the National
Medical Aaaoolatlon and ahe baa bwn
vlaltlng frlenda In California.
Mlaa Helen Daulton, atanographer
for the Crown Columbia Pulp ft Paper
Company, who la taking her vacation,
will leave within a few daya for Hood
Klver, where abe will vlalt the Mlaaoa
Albright 8b will be accompanied
by her alater, Mlaa Deeale Daulton.
Mlaa I-ena fhambutln'ri, who recent.
)y left for Cannon Iteacb, for tho bene
fit pf her health, accompanied br hor
mother and alater, waa In Oregon City
on Saturday, but returned to Cannon
Iteach, where abe wt'l remain unlil
September. Mlaa Cumherlala'a beltli
la much Improved, and ahe la able U
walk 10 mllea a day, She expeeta to
leave for California eoon. where ahe
will remain during tho winter.
A man Morro. Prealdent of the Port
land Cement Company, haa written
the following letter to Deputy Dlat-
rlct Attorney etlpp:
Oawego, Or., Anguat 9, 1911
Drar sir: -I duly received your
favor of Auguat lat which waa In an
ewer to my letter arid rooted to you
under date of July 28th and publlahed
Hi the Morning Enterprise under date
of Auguat Srd. Spire my letter to
you waa an "open" letter, I aaaum
that your answer tg, aame la an "open"
letter, and therefore! am encloalng
copy of thla letter to the Enlerpriae,
together with a copy of yonr letter,
which reada aa follow:
Oregon City, Or., Auguat 1, 111.
Mr. Aman Moore,
Oawego, Oregoq.
Dear Sir: I Juat received your let
ter regarding the Wckner matter and
have read aufflclent of If to arquahit
myself with the thlnga you dealre to
In the first place I never talked
with either Rlckner about thla; neith
er have I talked with any representa
tive of either of them. I did hedr
In a general way that the trouble
arose over the title of aome property.
Mr. Davidson talked with me about
It and what Information he gave me
about It and what you and your At
torney, Smith told me about It, la all
l know of the matter. .
If your Attorney. Smith. Tknowo
anything about Oregon criminal prao
tlco. and you had aaked him. he
would have told you that the Juattce
of The Peace could not hava disposed
of the charge but It would have bad
to be brought before the Grand Jury.
In neither event would the matter be
prejudiced before the grand Jury aa
they hoar everything without refer
ence to what ha transpired before,
and your case will receive the atten
tion which any other matter will re
ceive when the grand Jury tneeta.
Som mo-ntha ago I Bent my resig
nation to district attorney Tongue,
and the principal reaaon waa that
the aalary la ao grossly Inadequate
aa compared with the dutlea, that I
could not afford to continue In the
office. He haa not accepted the re
algnatlon and In fact cannot get any
-one satisfactory here to accept the
position, ao I have only been holding
the office awaiting hla action and
In the meantime do not go out of
Oregon City to appear In criminal
caaea. , Since you did . not mention
the tho case at Oawego I did not
think I waa called upon to do ao. So
long aa aalarlea of public officers re
main what they are. you aa well aa
other will probably be disappointed.
You might prevail upon Mr. Tongue
to get aome one In my place, and ao
do ma g fovor.
8o far aa your bualneaa at Oawego
la concerned I am quite aa much In
terested In It and you aa you are In
teres! ed In me and my bualnoaa, and
I am not writing thla In any aplrlt
of apology, but because I found from
your letter that you were ao extreme
ly uniformed about condltlona and
proprieties that your mlatakea were
Tbor la only on thing to do and
that I to wait will) what- patience
you may the mooting of the grand
Jury, and that time the case will be
presented to mem in an orderly way
and aa fully aa possible all witnesses
auKgrsiea ty you will be subpoenaed
and hoard and you will get all the
courtesies accorded to any person.
Your attorney will not bo able to as
sist at an until after the -grand Jury
la through with the caao an th.n
whether they aaslst or not will de
pend entirely upon Mr. Tongue,
Trusting that 1 shall not hoar front
you further on thla aubjoct until tho
grand Jury meeta, I am.
Youra truly,
Deputy Dlst. Atty.
Now, Mr. Stlpp 1 assure you that
It la not my desire to enter Into a
controversy with you, but regardless
or the fart that you aay "Truatlng
that I shall not hear from you further
on thla subject until-the grand Jury
meeta" I feel that the contenta of
your letter disclose certain facta and
prevailing conditions that necessi
tate my attention.
I dealro again to call your atten
tion to my open letter of July 28th
which waa published In the Enter
prise under date of August 3rd and
wherein I asked you aeveral direct
questions which you have not an
swered. Your atatoment that ' all
faota In connection with the coward
ly attack on my life by the Dlckner
would be presented to the Urand
Jury when the aame eonvonea, 1
aatlaiactory to me. The assurance
waa given by you to my attorney
Mr. I. N. Smith and myself, when we
called on you at your office on July
2!th. Tbla aaaurance waa aatlsfact-
ory to ua then and when accepted the
same In good faith and desired to
co-operate with you In. every way
possible. As staled In my last letter,
we made a apodal trip to Oswego,
Immediately after our conference
with you In your office, and at your
auggeatlon to have the local Justice
of The Peace here defer any action
that would not tt In harmony with
your wishes. When we. reached here.
Mr. Davidson ahowed your letter,
wherein you had already dismissed
tho case. Why did you not advise na
of thla action whllo wo were discuss
ing the matter with you In your of
fice? Furthermore, la It not common
practice for the Prosecuting; Attorney
to summon witnesses before a .Jus
tice Court, when warrants are sworn
out charging offendera with criminal
assault. Instead of dismissing such
casea without a bearing, when tho
action la serious enough, for the Jus
tice to put the offending parties un
der bond, to await action of the
Grand Jury? Ia It not a dangerous
procedure to allow all criminal com
plaints to remain over without a
hearing, until the Grand Jury, meeta
months In advance If murder had
been committed would the aame de
lay have occured In waiting for the
Grand Jury to meet before the
murderer could be Indicted or arrest
ed? Ia It not a dangeroua method
to allow offendera to remain at
largo; to allow warrants to be sworn
to without arreeta being made; to
have warrants annulled and not ex
cuted, without even the form of sum
moning witnesses for a preliminary
hearing; to have criminal assaulta
committed without arrests? In . fact
to haye free license 'of criminate and
crime wlhotfi enforcement of the
lawa, until after the Grand Jury
meeta some montha hence? If the
prosecution of all crlmea were band
led In that manner, would not ninety
per cent of alt criminate escape, to
foreign parts unknown, before tu
Grand Jury would meet to Indict
them? Should not all crime and war
rants charging crime be given tno
aame attention by the public prose
cutor? Should not witnesses be sum
moned at a preliminary hearing be
fore the proper Justice or Peace of
ficial and If testimony substantiates
chargea, should not the sensed parties
bo put under bond to await action of
tbe Grand Jury?
To all tbe above queatlona I Infer
that your -anawer la already given
In your letter wherein you aay:
"Some montha ago I sent my re
signation to Dlatrtct Attorney Tongue
and the principal reaaon waa that tno
aalary la ao grossly Inadequate aa
compared wltfi tbe dutlea. that f could
not afford to continue In the orrice
He haa not accepted tho resignation
and In fact cannot get any one eatla-
factory here to accept the poanion
ao I have only been holding the office
awaking hla action ana in me mean
time do not go out of Oregon City to
appear In criminal case."
also ' ...... w -
"So Ions aa aalarlea of public offi
cers remain waht they are you aa well
aa othera will probably be disappoint
ed In the attention you get and If you
are disappointed you might prevail up
on Mr. Tongue to get aome one In my
place and ao do me a ravor."
Now. I admire your frankneaa In
thua stating your position. I also
agree with you that tho remuneration
of I 600.00 per year which la fixed aa
the amount to be paid to the Deputy
District Attorney or Clackamas coun
ty, by the State Leglalature, la ao
email and Inadequate that It la a
"Traveraty on-Juatlce." If thla In
ataneeNvillHo no more than to remedy
thla one defect then groat good will
have been accomplished. The County
or Clackamas, with an area of l,8Ct
square mllea. moat of which la rich
and productive and with an appralaed
valuation of about $24,000,000.00, la an
empire In Itaelf, and jret trlee topro
tect tta citlxena and property and to
enforce Its lawa by allowing only
1500 00 per year to "a ueputy umir.-i
itmrTiav. It la a mockery of Justice.
The County could well afford to have
a dlatrlct attorney for Clackamaa
County alone, and be empowered to
employ deputlea In various parte of
the large territory within tho county
to assist him ahd he ahould receive
ample aalary ao that he xould afford
to epend ALL hla time exclusively to
hla office, aa District Attorney. ""'
of receiving a aaiary ao ininnuiu.
that he would atarve to death If de
pendent upon aucn aaiary aione.
! hnwever that may be low aal-
sry or high aalary tho facta remain
the aame. In accepting tho office aa
Deputy District Attorney, you took the
following solemn oath of cfflee, to-wlt:
State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa,
' l" Llvy 8tlpp, do hereby solemnly
awear that I will uphold the conatltu
tlon of the United Statoa and the Con
stltutlon of tho State of Oregon and
will faithfully and honeatly demean
myself In the office of Deputy Dlatrlct
Attorney tor uiacssmns vjuij, - -
un. an Ions aa you remain Deputy
District Attorney, and receive aalary
as such, no matter how email auch
salay may be. you are atlll bound to
your oath of office and commit a
crime youraolf when you violate the
aame. Pleaae read again your letter
to me and then your oath of office
T75rJ y 11 n
EST' " ,.m
l HE kingdom of Montenegro
rest of Europe aa la Rhode Island In relation to the rest of the
United BUtes. Nevertheless, King Nlcbolss rules a country
wuii-u iw ouu years naa resisiea wim success toe aggression
of the Ottomans. Juat now Turkey is said to have designs on Monte
negro, chiefly out of pique because the people of that coon try aympa
slse with their kinsmen, the Albanian; whom the sultan la awattlng.
King Nlcbolaa waa monarch In everything' but name for fifty years be
fore bo assumed the crown a year ago. Aa prince of the little princi
pality of Montenegro since 1800 ho showed himself s ' wise ruler, beloved
by bis people, and a man of .commendable enterprise. One of hla daugh
ters is the queen of Italy. "
and then aay whether or not yon are
admittedly violating the aame, while
you continue to ' hold office, even
though your resignation haa been ten
dered, though not accepted?
Ia not your atatoment In your letter
to me wherein yoa aay that yon can
not attend to criminal prosecution
outside of Oregon. City, First, a no
tice to all people within the County of
Clackamaa and without the City of
Oregon City, that they may commit
crime Indiscriminately, since you
have not time or Intention to prose
cute them. Second, la auch a atato
ment not an encouragement of crime
and crlmlnala Third, la It not suffi
cient notice to all citizens In Clacka
maa County outside of Oregon, City
that they must carry arm. If need
be, to protect themselves, alnce you
have no time or Intention of extending
to them protection of the law?
Fourth, la It not encouragement of
crlmlnala to Immigrate to that portion
of Clackamaa County, outside of Ore
gon City, where they can commit
crime without a public prosecutor, to
punish them, and If at all, only when
the next rGand Jury convenes, which
would give them montha In which to
make good their escape? Fifth, la It
not aervlng notice, on your part, and
an admiaalon on your part, that, al
though every taxpayer in Clackamaa
County, outside the City of Oregon
City, paya the game rate of taxation
aa the people residing within Oregon
City, yet the latter receive your time
and protection aolely, while the for
mer helpa pay your aalary but receives
no aervlcea In return?
Ia thla condition of affair not pa
thetic to aay the leaat? Ia It not a
discouragement to the Investment of
capital within the County of Clacka
maa and without the City of Oregon
City, when the public prosecutor the
custodian of the law confesses to the
violation of his oath of office, and
aervea notice that the law cannot and
will not be enforced In criminal mat
A atated In my previous letter, our
corporation la engaged here at Oa
wego In the conatructlon of a plant
that alone will coat approximately
500,000.00, exclusive of real estate.
We will thua become one of the larg
est taxpayers of your county. One
criminal assault haa already occurred
and waa dismissed by you without any
attempt to Investigate. Warrants
were discharged without attempt to
arrest or prosecute We already have
over a hundred men employed In con
atructlon work and will soon have
more than two hundred men engaged
In thla work. In the employment of
ao many men, part of which number
may b of a dozen different nationali
ties, we may hove criminals on our
pay roll8. We have no way to de
termine thla In advance. Any degree
of crime may be committed, from as
sault and battery to murder; from
petty thievery to highway robbery,
yet by your adlsslon, you aay that you
havo not time to proaecute crime out
side of Oregon City. To whom may
we apply. glr- when another crime la
committed? It la well to havN the
facta now In advance, for If w are
not to . receive the aervlcea of the
County Prosecutor, and the, County
prosecutor distinctly advises na that
the attorneya wo have privately en
gaged will not bo allowed to assist In
any prosecution, then, and In that
event, we will have to deviae aome
J ' z
I r
la about aa large In relation to tbe
method and policy for protection. If
no other method is available, then
kindly advise us, and we will on auch
advlo from you Incorporate a City
or village government that may in
turn appoint a City prosecutor of It
own? Pleaae understand that our
property here la not within the ln
porated city limit of Oawego.
I am aendlng a copy of thla letter;
aleo copies of all prevtoua correspond
ence between ua to Dlatrlct Attorney
Tongue and have urged him to find a
remedy for the present deplorable
condition of affair, either by accept
ing your resignation or aome other
method he may deviae.
. Your truly.
Jumping to o Wrong1 Conclusion.
Jimmy, like Mil l.rtiiiliy boy, waa
fond of pluyluK outdoor, and like
boya In renernl. be uuully got blm
aelf acaudMiaiiiHiy dirty, lie was about
to alt tluwu to dinner oue duy, when
bis mother bui;eiii-d lit notice the
oolled iiiilltUu .ut-lUM liunda and aent
him out t the kltcbeu to waxb them.
"You Incorrigible boy!" she exclaim
ed aa soon aa she Haw tbe basin of
water in which be bad performed tbe
required ablutlona. "Uow In tbe world
do you manage to get your hand ao
dirty r
"That didn't all come from my
bands!" Indignantly answered Jimmy.
"I waahed my face in that water too!"
Yonth'a Companion.
Hard to Kill.
An alligator's teiiuctty f life Is re
marks hie. "I reiiHMiilier oue time.
aaya an English traveler In India. "I
waa with a shooting party on the
Ganges, when tbe natives brought In
alx foot alligator. They hoped some
one wonld want to buy It: but no one
did, ao It waa determined to kill the
creature. It waa hauled out of tbe
tank and tied to tree. Bullet from
a small rifle or an ordinary twelve bore
gun seemed to only Irritate the sau
rian, and be did not seem to care very
much when a native thrust a spear
down hla throat. . Finally they were
obliged to get axe, and chop off Its
head. ' Even then thjj. tall thrashed
around, and the Itodywa almoMt itit
to pieces before all movement -vael "
! x-'. . .
Trap pad.
"Well, wo ran get married now at
any ; time. Papa aaya he baa got
enough spare cash to giro me a nice
wedding." .. ' "
"Yea. Do woo U from me at poker
last night and now 1 haven't Enough
for our wedding trip. Houston Poet
"We countrymen bavr We In-xi of It
When all else fail w i'it eat the for
est prreervew." ...
"1 don't know that you have tbe liest
of It." retorted the Ht.v felhiw. "Wo
bare our hway Jam "-Washington
Hero Id ,. - -
This U th uua of a beautiful t par book, which
will shew aay key or girl bow to SUCOIID. Prop a
postal la tbe aiall TODAY aa tt will ho seat rmxs.
Th aim of th College la to aigairy as popularise
th tadustrioa, aad to serve ALL th poop. It oatr
courses la Agrloalture. Otvll gaglacoiiaf , Moetrteal
BaglasortBg, HoebamlMl gaglaMiiag, aUalat ga1a
oorug. Forestry, DoncatlOvBclsao and Art. Com.
mere. Pharmacy aad atusta. Ts 0oUf opaas
aptmbr tid. Catajog fro.
OOLLlOg, Cor sills, Oragoa. - .
Spend Yotst Vacation
The Pacific Ocean.
Flrat claaa hotala, cottage and camp at Seaside and Gearhart.
THE North Bank Road
Run faat train through to th Beach parlor observation car and
modern coaches. -
' 14.00 dally, aeaaon limit $3.00 Saturday and Sunday, limit Monday.
Special folder will be aent on requeat
W. E. Coman, C. F. & P. A , 5. P. & 5. Ry.
vav- Jf f
1 . Av
- )
, ' . . . "
SALEM, September 11-16, 1911
...-r .," sV - h l .
. ' -- ' ' '
Heart to Heart
The boojeiy girl la a One girt
By homely 1 mean plain of feature
In contrast with tbe pretty girt
The handsome girt la apt to be ca-
pricloua and exacting, demanding
more than an la willing to give "un
certain, coy and bard to pleaae." 1 ho
homely girl la apt to be aympathctli
and kindly.
The homely girl know ahe cannot
win by the aru of coquetry and there
for cultivate simplicity and gracious
ness. She. la genuine, congenial.
thoughtful of others, qualities that aro
likely to win over mere prettlnea. .
Beauty la only skin deep.' Ura-
clouaneos la soul deep.
Men may admire the bandsome girl;
they dote on tbe handsome ways, of
the bomoly girl.
More than mere beauty, which
make Ita Impression for tbe moment.
1 the homely girl's desire to pieu-
or help or forgive, ner hiimv of syui
patby, her hearty manner of euro
radery. I
The homely girt make an Ideal
sweetheart . -
She uses no special art to besrulu.
She offer hemelf for what she m.
She does tun flirt. She la atancb a no
dependable. She la not difficult to
please. She Im a safe counselor and
will keep your aecreti.
Tbe bomply girt makes good wife.
When abe la called upon to meet the
test of wifehood and motherhood ahe
will take up her task cheerfully. On-
like the handsome 'Vlfe. whu may In
dulge In sighs for romance Mitaatlona
or who may complain that she is not
"understood." . the homely woman
looks her duties fairly In the face
without fussi and wtthit nonsenMe. '
Tbe homely wife looks out for no
conquest abroad, hut glories In her
borne. She wraps ber soul like a man
tie about ber boabaod and ber rbll-
Iron. - . ' . ..
Tbe handsome wife may bare, tbe
weakness of vanity and because of
ber desire to be admired may some
times stumble, even fall. IHtnger
goes with beauty.. ,
All ball tbe homely girl and woman!
She may not be beautiful In face and
figure, but abe grow more beautiful
In mind and heart a the days go by.
The heart of ber lover and ber hus
band may safely con Ode lu her.
The bomety girl la a One girl
1 ., 1 ;
Why Soth.m W. Named Edward.
Edward H. 8ot hern, the actor, waa
to have been named "Edwin, after
Edwin Booth, the tragedian. And
Juat before Booth passed away he told
the young, actor why It waa that he
did nof hare hla name. . . ' .
"When on were born In New Or
leana your father telegraphed' m to
become godfather and that you wore
to be named Kdwln-Mifter mef Your
father waa a splendid and brilliant
man, but rather wild In hla tendenctee
at ttmea, and I waa Bttletfrald to
aasum the responsibility -of godfather
to hla aoo. ao 1 declined. 1 am sorry
now. But that 1 why yon are called
Edward Instead of Bdwln.M-Ladle'
Home Journal.
Patronise our advertiser.
Rheumatism Can be -Cured
Nature's )
Hot Lake Sanatorium
Write For Booklet
SoncJay, Atsgtsst 20
Richards & Pr ingle's
8ats on aU at Jones' Drug Co.
RSBrWaT4 ftjaatal Baa, tXAe ATaWlI '
drerl 25c '
Orogon'a Popular Beach Reoort
An ideal retreat " for outdoor pas
times of all kinds. Hunting. Fishing,
Boating, Surf Bathing.. Riding, Auto
ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller
Skating. Where pretty water agates,
moss agatea, moonstones, carnelana
can be found on the beach. Pure
mountain water and the beet of food
at low pricea. Fresh fish, clams, crab
and oysters, with -abundance of vege-.
tablea of all klnda daily.
Camping Grounds Convenient and Ah
tractive. .
wth strict sanitary regulations -
from all potnta In Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho on sale daily. .
from Southern Pacific point Port
land to Cottage Grove; also from ai!
CAB. stations Albany and west
Good going Saturday or Sunday and
for return 8unday or Monday.
Call on any S. P. or C. A E. Agent
for full particulars as to farea, trains,
schedules, etc.; also for copy of our
illustrated booklet. "Outing In Ore
gon," or write to
Wm. HcHurray
- Portland Oregon;
Real Estate Transfera.
R. A. and Teresas. 8tratton to Rt
tacada Stabs Bank, lot & of block 22;
1. ' - .
Wllllamette FaUa Company to John .
W. Loder. Lot "A" of tract 32. Will
amette and Tualatin Tracts; $ lu.
Edward D. and Ida Cunningham to
Victor and Ida Brandt,-804i0 acres of
section 10, township 4 sotth, rang 4
east; $1. .
William A. Cunningham and Ethel
Cunningham to Victor and Id Brandt
80.80 acrea of section IS, township 4
south, rang 4 eaat; 11.