Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 13, 1911, Image 2

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CU K. ROCHE. C4ltor and Pwhll sitae.
ufT a. tilL. at th poat emae St
nsn HJtscttmin.
On Year, ay Mall ..
i H(U D BUI ....
Keur Moa t ha. a jr ssaH
AmiTtsnc urn
JTXrmt Fa, per mm Ifcw tuaaltina Its
rtrM Pun, per kick MlM asaertlnwa ..IX
lieatied poafltoa aa? pea. 9"
Hta tnaartkm... 1M
Preferred poaltkoa u; pas. Pc kMk
added martin lea
Ku fPr athr tkaa first pa, par kwh
fasa seTSatSjTtsOtt HW
Rua paper MkN thaa ftret pee, par kMk
, ad4d steeltofia. Se
LeceJa lac r Una; ta regular ader
tfewra la Its.
- Wasta. Far Bala, Ta Bwt'M., aaa
- Ml a word fire Beetlwaj; aaa half east
ark additional
.' Rare, for adeertawa ta ka Weakly
Enterprise wtil ka the aaiwt aa ta the
dairy, for advarttaamante eat eapaotalry
tar Ika weekly. Where the aovertietaaaat
la transferred frees tba dally ta Uta weafc
T. without cMin, tba rata arm ka ta
. aa lack for raa ml the paper, and la aa
ark for spclal poalnom.
Carh efceuVd Jcopy erdar aikaia
arty la an known la baatneae afflaa at
!ka toterprlaw.
; Leaal advwrUatwg at legal adrertlatec
. ate.
- ?lreua adt arttstBS-and apiHal traaateet
dertlelna at :Vc to loe aa tack, aacwra-
u- t apeetal ceadiUoas coranUna; tba
"Mra Sate and Bankrupt ala" adver
tsaataata 6 lack first kiaartlaa; addl
: km! Inanrtlona aaia mattar ate kMk.
Newe ttnaa and well written aniclaa
X naarlt, with lataraat ta local read era.
u pa siadty accepted. Rejected aiaaa
sanpta aevar retoraed ualaaa
tea ay atajaoe ta prepay i
w ft art reciprocity one more.
. i a...
Dors pugilism pay? Ketchel left
aa estate of only flftS.
After hla owa experience perhapa
Upton Sinclair may ralaat and not
Inalat apoa sending trust magnate
to thai rock pile.
. Aug. 13 In American History.
. ISOS Tbe Spaniab surrvtKlered ilaolla
to th AmrrV-an artny afirr a aa
, Tal ami lamt ttomlmrdnnfat follow
ad by aa attack by tmurat.
i90r Ira D. Hankry. widely known
. araacelist and kymn writer, died;
, bora WO..
CTrom Boon today to soon tomorrow.)
Sob seta 627. rlam 3 DO; coooa rises
flAl p. aa.; anooa at iotwt llbrarioa
east; 1 p. aa, planet STurn at quadra
rare with the sun. being i decree
west thereof; planet Mercury plainly
Tlalbla aettins after the sun.
Mora than ,000 couplet wera mar
tied In New ' Tork laat month, but
this doeant nscesaartly mean In
craaae oi buslneaa for tha Reno
dlYorca mills:
'.Admiral Togo of Japan, who be
eaosa of hla famona Victory over the
Russian fleet in tha KnastoJapanose
r Is known as tha Nelson of Japan,
has taken particular paint to make
clear his friendship for the Ameri
can people and hla desire for peace.
' Evan before he had set foot on Am-
erican soli tha admiral by wireless
sent a message saying be realised
"that tha American people are- the
best friends of Japan. Tha Japanese
people feel this affection and look
on America aa the brilllaat preceptor
in national development." "
- Thla. expression of friendship waa
supplemented upon his landing by un
qualified approval of the arbitration
treaties signed aa the result of Pres
ident Taft'a labors.
' Togo's name win rank with the
'great naval heroes of history, but
-he recognizes that war la cruel and
unnecessary and that universal peace
is one of the greatest blessings that
can come to mankind.
WASHINGTON, 'Auf. . It After
discussing a structural steel agree
ment for apportioning product
throughout tha country, aa arrange
ment said to hat been discouraged
by E. H. Gary, of the United Statea
Steel Corporation, and a discussion
of trust methods generally, the House
Steel Trust In recti gating committee
today adjourned until October It
W. C. Temple, of Pittsburg, who
waa chairman of the Steel Plate As
sociation. wa tha last witness.
He told how J. P. Morgan one re
fused a $160,000,000 option on the
Carnegie Steel Company and all
months later paid $500,000,000 for that
Mr. Temple said that before tha
formation of the United Statea Steel
Corporation. H. C Prick had visited
J. P. Morgan with n option on th
Carnegie Steel Company for $160.
000,000. Morgan said the price waa
joo high, but sis months later paid
$500,000,000 for tba same property.
Mr. Temple explained that they were
preparing to give a -magnificent play
down In Wall atreet"
"Everything waa In hand." added
Mr. Temple, "the moat accomplished
actors, the moat expensive scenery
and moat fantastic coatomea were
ready, but they had to have a Ham
let A magnificent plan had bean
prepared to make a great plum pud
ding, but Carnegie had all tha plums."
"Did Carnegie Interfere in the bak
ing?" the chairman asked.
"Oh. no, ha merely held onto the
This caused a great laugh.
"In the place of the craiy Dane,"
said Representative Littleton, "they
had to deal in the play with a very
sane Scotchman."
Price of oata has been advanced
S0c a ton and a high aa I35.S0 la be
ing paid In th Willamette valley for
No. 1 whit on th bast of track de
livery In Portland. Demand for haw
crop oata In the valley la greatly In
creased and growers- have, begun to
realita that the market may follow
the lead ot th barley trad after all
Holdera of remaining iota of bar
ley are making mora money, la th
beat sect to na ot Eastern Washington
and Idaho growers are now holding
for $30 a ton for No. 1 brewing, but
the best offers obtainable at thla time
are around $2? to $28. Both at
based upon f. o. b. delivery country
Latest adYicee received from tha
interior Indicate that at least half of
f K.rU. wn it ffca Parlrte north
, I west haa already been eold. Practl-
csiiy an ot toe nuuucaa wa ii na-
em account. Th barley crop of th
three, statea la estimated at clos to
11,000.000 bushels, therefor sales are
figured at 6,500.000 bushels.
PORTLAND, Aug. It (Special.)
Portland loat a close game to the
Oaks todsy and for the first time in
two months Is not leading in the race
for the pennant. Vernon beat Sacra
mento and leads by a small margin.
Tha score here today was 1 to 0.
Seven hits were made otf Henderson
and six off Pernoll. Oakland scored
the only run in the game in the sec
ond Inning aa follows:
Zacber doubles to left. Wolverton
hita a grounder to Pecklnpangh who
tries Zaaker at third, but the ball
went through Sheehana hands. Zack
er scoring and Wplverton going to
second. Kuhn lets the third strike
of Ttedeman go through and he was
safe at first, Wolverton going to third.
Kitze out, Peckinpaugh to Rapps.
Pernoll grounds out to Rapps. Hoff
man flies out to Kreuger.
The results Saturday follow-.
Pacific Coast League Oakland 1,
Portland 0; Vernon 5. Sacramento 0:
San Francisco 2, Los Angeles 1.
Northwestern League Portland 7,
Seattle 5; Vancouver 10-5, Spokane
! 0-2; Tacoma 6, Victoria 2.
SUty per cent Intelligence 10 per! National League Pittsburg 3, Cin
cent Industry and JO per cent luck" ' cinnU ; 2. New Tork
i tk n-i.i I L. I 0; Brooklyn 2-8. Boston 8-6; Chicago
la th definition given by Professor 9 st loUi, j.
Ricbet of the Academy of Medicine.; American League Philadelphia 6,
Paris, la answer to a periodical which Boston 1 ; St. Louis 2. Cleveland 1 :
asked as to what part luck bad play- i New Yofk ' Waahington 0; Chicago
. . . . .... ' 8, Detroit 2.
ed in hla success In life. j
Work alone, other distinguished STANDING.
Europeans declared, bad been the '
factor In their raibaa t .riinL- . Pacific Coast.
l . . J 1. 1 ...u . - t t , ' W
. iiuii-v uia iuia u iucb. juies uare- j -ern0n
tie and Maurice Donna y leaned to the Portland ...
San Francisco
Sacramento . .
Los Angeles .
Vancouver .
Spokane . . .
Portland - .
Victoria ....
m m . a T2
T poser, believes la luck, but mainly
fo others.
I. . -
zacuy in accord. . ao two men ex-
tllalntn-r tfiolr .iiivm. In thm
W r ..,-.. uv..ct U , U V !! Ill II
St reus waa laid upon advantages of
. . caiiroamcD'. ana esnv training or
" aome, while others ascribed It to
i. biiu uwciuiiuirni ana evoiuuon.
: - . ,,, . .
aarccw iiui intelligence ana in- Hotel Arrivals.
dustrr are essential and therein Ilea - The following are reclstered st the
th best answer. ; EKctric Hotel: c. H. uram. Fort-
L. Hylion. dty; H. Wygand Oakland;
. Th. A .fn. It K V . - . . i ,ii . i r-. 1 1 r, .
beauty and beauty casts admiring R- A. Buell, Aberden, Wash.; O. W.
glancea at the Aator richea and there 1 i,0' y na wu' ur80n tlir;
v - Hairns.
: Father and Mother Should
: Encourage Inquisitiveness :
r : ; In Children i
HIDES (Buying Green hide. 5c
to 6c; saltern, 64c to tc. dry hides,
12c to 14c. Sheep pelts, 25c to 75c
DRIED FRUITS Local price are
firm at from 8c to lOo on applea and
prunes, peache ara 19c
SALT Selling 60c to pOc tar fin.
60 lb. sack, half ground 40c: 75 for
100 lb. sacka
Portland Vegetable Markets.
$1.256 $1.S0 per sack; parsnip, 11.25
f$1.50; turnlpa. $1.26Cfl.5: beeta.
VEGETABLlsa Asparacua, POcO
$1.75 per crate; eabbage, aew. $J per
hundi-edweight; cauliflower. $10 O
$1.75 per dosen; celery, California, 76c
U 90c per duten; cucumbers, $1300
$2 25 per dosen; eggplant. 16c per lb.;
garlic, 10c 12c per pound; lettuce,
50c per dosen; hothouse lettuce, $1.50
Qtl per boa; peas, IcQUe per
pound; peppers. 30e5c Pr pound;
radishes, 15c per dosen; rhubarb, lke
ft 3c per pound; sprouts. 9c; tomatoes,
ONIONS Jobbing pric-; Oregon
$3.76 per 100; Australian. $3.60 per
100; Texaa, $3 25 per crate: Califor
nia, $3 per crate
Oregon City Stock Quotatlona.
HOGS Hogs are quoted Me lower.
From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. IVtC. from
150 Iba. to 200 lba. me.
BACON. LARD and I (AM, ara Arm
VEAL CALVES Veal caivea orlng
from 8c to me according to raUa.
BEEF 8TEERS teel steers for
the local markets ar fetching Hc to
6Hc live e-etgat.
SHEEP rw nrm at le to 5e live
Quotarrana tor Oregon City.
POTATOES Beat, Buying IM cents
stesdy, selling from $6 to $5 50; very
little of cheaper gradea.
OATS (Buyng) Gray, $23 to $24.
white, from $25 to $26.
BITTTSR (Buying! Ordinary
ccuntry bringa from 15c to 20c,
fancy dairy from 20c to 32c. cream
ery 22c to 25c
EGGS Beat grade 25 cents.
POULTRT (Buying Finn with lit
tie good stock offered. Good hens are
bringing 12c. Old roosters are in poor
demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18e,
with good demand. ;
WOOL (Buyitig) oVool prices are
ranging from 14 to 17 cents.
FEED Shorts $29 to $30; rolled
barley. $31.50 to $32.50; process bar
ley. $33.00; whole corn, $39.00;
cracked corn, $4000; wheat $32.00
to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook
dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds.
HAY (Buying.) Timothy $16 to
$17: clover $9 to $10; oat bay, beat,
$12; mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa. $12 to
August and Rosena Mauts to Wil
liam and Vanda Walters, 1 acre of
William Holmes D. L. C. township
3 south, range 2 east; $1,100.
J. W. Coughlin to Claud B. Brown,
lots l. 2. 3. 4. Nob Hill; $1.
Tom P. Randall and Nellie E. Ran
dall to E. J. Cornell Lumber Com
pany, 120 acres of section 2. town
ship 4 south, range 3 east; $10.
Charles N. Wait et al to Jerome
McCllntock, lot 32, Canby Gardenssx;
Mr. and Mra. A. I Parker, of
Gladstone, who will leave th first of
next wek for aa extended Eastern
trip, were entertained at their home
on Friday evening by the members
of tb staff of th Rebeksh Lodge. A
most delightful evening waa spent,
among the amusements telng a "mock
Initiation" and music. Watermelon
waa served.
Among those present were Mlsa
Howell. Mrs. H. C. Salisbury, Mra. K.
J. Noble, Mra. T. K. Oault. Mra P. Q.
Wella, Mra. R. N. McGelchle. Mra. J.
C. Schmidt. Mra. Kennedy. Mra. W.
H. Calkins, Mlsa Pearl Harrington.
Mlaa I va "Harrington, Mrs. William
Schooley. Mrs. A. B. Hughes, Mrs. A.
II. Morrill, Mra. C. T. Tiwte, Mra. C.
A. Eroat. Mra. A. F. Parker. Mlsa A.
E. llulbert. Mr. and Mrs. A. r Pap
Wants, For Sale, Etc
HeUtaa aadar these etaasinad kaedm
will ba tnatd at aaa caat a word, r)rs
tnearttun.. half a rent actional
tlone. oava Inch eard. II par tnoatk ball
atck card. l naaaj at par aioata.
Cash moat aeevcapaar 0r unUae ant
aaa aa epe) aonraal wltk Ik par. No
riaaadal rrspoaatblUty for rrars. whan'
arrera occur fraa earrvetrd anila will k
prntud for patran. atlnlmum aKarsa Itc
WANTED Collectors to tee my col
lection of aJI aorta of curios, an
tiques, and Indian trinkets; stamps
for stamp collectors; coins for
numismatists, arrow heads for arch
eologlata, etc I buy and sell all
aorta of curioa; alto all klnda of
second-hand furniture and tools.
George Toung. Main, near Fifth
WANTI-ommui advanlsemenU for
Ula eol'isan. pneaa ary raaaon
able. See rata at head of col-tma
Read the Morn Tog enterprise.
WANTED You to know that the En
terprise Job printing department Is
the moat complete la tha State,
oatalde Portland. Try It for your
next printing
WANTED Girl or woman for gen
eral housework, good wanes and
permanent place In smkll family
at Portland; muat be exertettced.
Apply 693 Eaat Salmon street,
Portland, or at Enterprise office.
FOR SALE Space to this col urns
Sell that old plow or harrow; you
don't uae It atnee you purchased
your new one.
FOR SALE Five room cottage, elec
tric lights, hot and cold water,
basement, on the hill, central, one
block from bluff. This Is a bar
gain for $1,400. Inquire or write
301 Third atreet, Oregon City.
FOR SALE Good Gasoline launch,
cheap for cash. Inqdr 1204 Sev
enth Street, Oregon City. 6t
tracts, garden and fruit land, level,
- fine view, one-half mile to carllne
at Gladstone, sold on Installments
or terma to suit. Inquire 1003 Main
atreet. H. S. Clyde, agent- For
bargains In bouses, lots and land
aee H. S. Clyde, 1003 Main street,
Oregon City.
Mlsa Fleranos Sui:" a Csm.ns
Weman Ame9 Ttnnl Plsysrs.
r. , , ... -,yft?N
J " r..'
". -jf--rV
v : : . X ;
FARM LOANS Dlmick A ' DImtck,
Lawyera, Oregon City, or.
O. D. EBY, Attorney Hi-Law. Money
loaned, ahetracta rapnlahad. land
titles examined, estates settled, gen
era! law butlnes. Over Bank )
Oregon City.
U'REN A SCHUEBEU Attorneys-at
Law, Dentacher Adtokat, will prac
ace in ail ourta. make colleatloni
and aettlementa. Office In Enter
prlsd Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon
HARKT JONES Builder and Curi
Contractor. Estlreataa . cheeitull:
given on all classes 'of ' bulldlnt
work, concrete walks and reinforce,
concrete. Kea. Phone Mala 11 L
V.' Bj Dr. BORIS S1DI5 of Harvard
f--?,TtER!E is a period in the child's life b4wpeD the igea of fire
H j " ' and teti when he ta rerj inquisitive, askinir all kinds of ques
w. P- I k tn "g of discussion in the child. . .
We should aid the DEVELOPMENT of the npirit of inqnisitiT.
neaa and curioeit in the chOd, for this is the acqniaition of contrC-l
oyer the stored op energies of man's genius, . s. , - , '
I appeal to yon, fathers and mothers, nfking'jon to turn nr at
tention to the EDUCATION of your children,, to the training of the
young generation of future citizens. ;l do not appeal to our otTicial
educators, to our scientific, peycholopictl petiIaprpiic, tn the clerks
cf our teaching shop, for they w TJKYOYn ALL HOPE. ;
Young Lord Larland made a trip to
New York and" prorxMied to a rbtber
elderly belreas She rrfuaed hini. "I
am sorry. Iord Laclaud." she ssla.
"but I ran never be anything more to !
you than s- j
"Just my luckr be L iBterrupted. f Money,
reaching for his bat aud stick. "And j HT.Mon'7 d1OM1llt brln hap,pl
l'vw got two graodmutbers already .
Argonaut. .i
. II. COOPER. To, Fire Inauranei
and Real Estate. Let us bandit
your properties e buy. sell and
exchange. Office la Enterprise
Hid., Oregon City. Oregon.
She No. but It does cbase gloom.
Patronise our advertisers.
Subscribe tor the fully Enterprise
.... ": uca.iy viiipeu ana properly niled In with the
name of the candidate 70u wish to vote for, win oe countad as one
Name of candidate.
This coupon !a void after A o gust 19.
Cut on lines. Don't roll.; Send In flat'
I with to Nominate Miss.
'dominated by
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- This nomination blank, when properly filled In and brought er
mailed to Contest Department of The Enterprise will count for
J.600 votes. Only one of these blanka will be credited to each candidate.
9 191, by A mar lean Press Association.
- atiM rLOHBora at tto.
Miss Florence Button, a sister of Mny
Sattou. who wou tbe trnnU ctmmjilou
sblp In 1 ixm. Is looked uMin lu the
sporting world as a coming woumn
among tennis players. The yoiiiiK'r
Miss Sutton baa been dulng siliinl:il
work with tli racket since she csme
from borne lu California early In the
sen son. and she bld fair to uphold
the fnuilly rvpututlou for etiwrt i-u
nla play.
Tennis la being takeu up by girls
more strenuously than ever ibis sum
mer, and It's a flue game for woturu.
but It takes Incessant prai'i' sud
superb beulth to mnke a strong jlu er.
and a sure eye. a quick and derisive
bralu and unerring Judgment to make
a clever one. Horn of the attributes
may be acquired by training, but not
all of them; still, any girl. Ilrd
with normal health and strength mny
become, with little effort, a better
thun (he average lentil plnyer and de
rlv some of the mil iienetlta of the
Arrange For Week ef Self Oenisl t
Swell Esehaqutr.
Six perspiring suffragettes lined up
recently at a soda water counter urn
far from the Metropolitan i.f ,i,lld
lng. In the tower of which Is (lie bead
Cjiiarters of titer woman snirragtj party
of New York city,
"Shall we have lemonade?" one of
theia asked the others tentatively.
' "Lemonade at 5 cents? It Isn't Aug
15 yet. We'll have chocolate nut sun
dae, the best." an Id a large stiff ra
gette la a sailor bat. "Ah." she High
ed when the siindnes bad come, em h
with n cherry on lop. "mske the m..l
of your chances now, for the week of
self denial comes soon."
Yes. the suffrngettes are planning t
whole week of self tl tih.l. beginning
Aug. Fired by account 0f 10W
Englishwomen mle- big muus of
money In no time at sll for the tuimo.
tho members of the woman suffrage
Jjorty hove resolved to see If they can'l
uo the same by giving up tuun fier
ara fond of for arveu dnys. Hir or
rniio wtuen it Is exptN-ted will j
i-wui in ouring mis votei for women to the pnrty coffers and
uau win te sent to Ciilifornln to aid
iub auimign rnmpnlgii there.
All vurletlen of self ,eiilnl are
planned by the enp-r Hi.ftrnKettes Is going to A., wtl( bll,f,,r
flutter Is expensive." ft,, explnli,,,)
"fl (til I n en , I . a a . . '
" "'" i ' xiiik iihi rut anyhow." All
w , ..cnew iee creum soda; l.ollh.-r
.my go shopping during t. Wrfk
i w.-ii oi-umi.
If agitated wearing ti-I'o
buttons ,,re observed In the l'ips ,i,
Veu have notUad that thee whe eel ahead In tha J
p.n.r.liy that whe are aed iwsnsgere-he htv la.-
M Vto!s-seX rld svar that the baa way H Uk(
,,-. income and have a tI"S h"e Ja e keep . aJ
Thtra ar Jutt aa enaay reasons why YOU ahd
count at this bank aa th-" r handrtaT.
cT:Xr.?$'. tham . yst.
The Bank of Oregon City
t C I.ATtM'RETTE PreaUeol f. J. MlrtX
CAPITAL tUM40e.0u a taaal Sanklng Suaiaeae
First Bspt'st-Coruer Main and Ninth
streets. Uev. 8. A. Ilayworth, paa
tor. Preacbliig at II s. m and T:4
p. n. Sunday acms.l at 10 ockck
s. m., II. K. Cross, superintendent;
morning service, the llev. Wada
worlh. of 'Pasadena. Cel.. W
preach; Young People's meeting at
6 p. m ; evening service, union
meeting, in Seventh sireet park,
turn. Endeavor at C:4S p. m. Kenln
service In union with the other
ciiunhea In the city park. Seventh
and Adams streels.
. Uiismj trvni A al. i, j ,
Catholic Tor. -erater sad Tenth Sia
Rev. A. Illllebrand pastor, rea til
Water; Low Maaa a. m.r-wh ser
mon; IliKh Msis a m ; af
terntMirt service at 4; Me every
morning at I-
Flnt" Cangrtgttlonar Churth. Morn-
lng service at 10:30 o'clock. Eve
iilug servlr at 7:45 o clock.
Christ Sv. Lutearsn for. mMh and J.
W Adams atrvata. Mav. V. nchtaldl
atM-. tea M J g Adii. N M
t 19 a rn ; r.-ltlht ftrn.a af first
nj llittd Mund4)S at I l' In KnslH
oihrr, arrvii-oa tnomlnsa al IS JS
with prra-hlnc In Oarmaa.
First Church ef Christ. SclentltL
Ninth and Center streets. Morning
service at II o'clock. Wetlnaaday
evening meeting at s o'clock. Read
lng room oH-n every afternwn ei-
cept Sunday from 3 to 4 0 clock.
Oerman Cvsngaikal rtf fcigtith and
Mdiam ri. Kv K Wi.r.. k paa.
. lor, rr "II W1l-. H. S I a m ,
llxtman aihtajrr Min ttr.-at. "pt ;
His ilnr
next Ive iri'i.u i...
tl- i.. oijiiik iu
.io,,.-ih- oiousrs snil
log the
miiotM .....
7i,m Z. V. ,v "r I,r,,l""'liig for
i"-"MiK week that's to cotm.
E4yptian Womtn Run N.w,pip,r.
EPtlan women hnvo Pwk,v
fewspaptT. owned and wilted hv Wo.
men. The nppenmn.e of t!. ......
of he developtnent of the women of conutrr and as . promise of , ,
tecenerntlon of Egypt. T, 'J
f the paper Is to Improve the " Z7l
tlon of the M,Pm wnm f,,e, ' n' '
Hm and to (lr ihera to enrn"h SVJT
. r-K.ipiinn Women
Tseth at Ssntlnsls,
Wh th.. .
tuwN Biiirsaeit a
rb. warning .Stf"!h!..nrbr P.
"PlH-tlte by hla hmi . i ' r"U""
wall. Dr. Johns 2: , 7 1 D,K'r' ,,u
of the old Jewish ZT , ,,Br"Phe
rich u ,br ri?;J "'"J
ously that. r""1" l-uurl
toKly ridiculous, 7 "V V0'""'
aetves from taibi... ; """".nea nuJ
t w shon.rt :"wpBIgh,
our tMh. rw""" 'He
Tonnes,' said i." on our
momma rvir II. mi-h i.l- al
P m anil ptahing al f m. Prayer
metlnt Wadnaaday SI T If p. as.
Clsdtton Chrlttlsn Hev. A. II. Vlul
key, iHtator, res. Gladstone Sun
day srhool 10 a. m , N C. Ileodrlrka,
stipierlniendent. Morning service.
11 o clock. IirotherhMd services at
Mountain V'sw Union (Cons ) S. 8.
3 p m, Mrs. J. . qutnn, supt ;
lilbleeKtudy every Thursday after
Methodist -Msln atreet cor Seventh,
Rev. E F. Zimmerman psstor, rea.
cor. Hlita and Washington; 8. S
9 45 a. m.. C A Willlnms. Glad
stone, supt ; morning service 10:45,
Junior league st 3 p. m. The eve
ning service will be held In tb city
park, In union with the other
churrhr of the city. Rev. James
Moore, of Salem, will presch at ser
vice at 7 p. m. ,
Presbyterian Seventh street cor. Jef
ferson. Rev. J R. Landaborougb,
psstor. Res. 710 Jefferson; 8. S. 10
a. m.. M:s. W. C. Oreen, supt.; morn
lng service II a. m J. A. Ktaata
conducting this service. . I'nlon
meeting In Seventh sireet park In
evenlrg at 7 o'clock. In charge of
the Presbyterian church; Y. P. tt.
C. E.. 7 o'clock, leader, Ambrose
PsrkpUce Conaregamnai- Rr, $
lmrm j..t,ir, rn liukm. SSI,
s m.. f.mrrv Kr.nrh dipt; .r., hn
'rvl.r. .,rh Son,).,. .It.m.ilng ha"
r.' i ' m- Jin e ra t l.n..
llsn Kna.avor 1, .vrnlns J It
p. rn.
St. Piul a-Rev. c. W. Robinson, rec
tor. Tiily services: Morning prsy.
cr. 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:S0 a
in., eve.Hng prayer, 7:30 p. m. Sun
day services: Holy Eucharist I a
m ; morning prayer. io:30 s. m.;
Holy Hicharlst and sermon. 11 a
m ; evening prayer and sermon;
ev,i?J"-: a " m-: Thttrsdsy
evening. acr,ll(, , ,., 0.pop .
B AS E B Al'
Cor. Vaughe ans Twisty,
Augwtt i t. 10, 11, m
Oamee lagln WtkdspM);
witdayt, i.-m p, M,
tAOItr DAY FRidav.
Boys Dsder It Free (a
. vdBsdsy. " .
k hUGHT runn:::3,
Ifyaa) wwat either a Vthmtlat Slttt V
MtoeUlaaraoiMiallimMl CtaiS ,
lrli MarliUMWnWa)
Til IIV I0BI IIWIII ittiacr
Oeai now. Maeav
Maaraawlae ' I wa-Hma i
eaatMt, a aa aew Meaaeaewaa,
SaM by MtSMsrised eaatart tak
wts r .
150 Merrlsea St Partlaatl
Boy a Home
While Paying Red
1100 down and I2 a aw
takes (hla comfortable sli-rwa
house and lot. House Is !
for electricity. U iniw h
Some fruit on place
cated on Madison
A anap at..
mn St. t"") '
E. P.Elliott and to '
7th and Mala 8ts., by Imp j
sloe Bridge. - i
... a i
' i li i a
Hundnj school . . B '
KrherKer. sitperlniendeni m"":
hg s,.rvlrc 10:3... Evening j"
l-uther League 7 p. m. ,'"'
Services combined by J () hi.TI
r.... ... . ' 1
. ouicn and H.
ti... . . LoM Pa.
pet; nixterrl
P. Brlghtblll
Ilrlh?bHBPw.r2 wEL,n ,0
on Salur-
tiitriMiiir Tk. .. .
found nn,,r .1 . r" "1.,miM.n was
d It wh. .'" "r"""nal ch
'P'nK was do,m V .-T ry'...Kv"y
Whs In nun-n
life, hut
illenu. . l Wl"r' the
1 n no
try to
rstrrmir, our adrenleeri.
Poison had takan In , 1 r- hw
dog was dlsVover hf.f"-- the
" notified nJ .t'n """ have
'""1 the poliini;: ' y
itll.-Folloa' -Au. ".-(Spec
HlKnatlon from ,h. J, , nH,1,''
Ur CotuminVn Nv. ,0n' Mon-
fornla. annm.J t'i"10'. rint. of call.
,r"" the Conrmii " rM'natlon
ma froSsT.inV"."JB,?.l Pvented
k. I . . - n f ion Mnn-.
iiM.mon th t,B "'"""'7 uom
' the work" 7a. M'v "-ary
"Ion mad. Ttu,L Ptan'
Is Angola. ,
"WW'? " th San-1
Cmmln. m; next on ,h, I
Mo,SryPrS!hM theN."
be dissolved. 1 "tfber 4 and (hen
Rs"l the Mn"pnl !
. L''ajgnterpr)! .
t A arl
tana a
For the arreet an eoorlctir
i. " V"""-- rr.. r-orti,nrt
- rrnnn I-rhrr
.in I : I, an, mi,. . I tm
i iK --jl "1- of sot parson or persons,
wiiiamelte V. (.n ...,' ,' ' T. '
1 " Mm fti-urn
unlawfully remove copies of T
Morning Enterprise troai
premises of subscrlbtri
psper has been placed thart i
la on aate at the following
every day:
Huntley Droa-Drug
, r Main Street.
J. W. McAnulty Clri
Seventh and Main.
8ecreet-43onect loosry
Main asar SltH.
M. B. Dunn ConfectloM7
Next door to P. 0.
City Drug Store
Electric Hotel. '
Schoentiorn Con feet looary
Seventh sad".. Q A4ms.
ISUt Malt.. '
""" l i.l., " '""ntriii, ,K1(
Korrect Chici.c
Makes liens Uj
Oyetee Shtlla. Sorsteh
Orit Meat Meal, aaf
Oat Oreata, Crsekad
Crackad Wheat, eta.
Comrnirsicn C
Oregon City-
Are you a subscriber to
ng Enterprise t If not yo
nd let us put your "tms os
friptl'm lint Immedlstalf