Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 11, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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'l f1 S Qvl S o) S cy.
I cLEb cLa riso t!E3
Tte Brrtosi eoast t fraacr la a C4
tot wy kcaattfM rca. Artists
Om ts fM ssifcjscts twr tWir fle
tare, wktrk the? fta4 MX aUj la IW
mmry. bl ta U siBspts swsssstry
wfelra Ihai tacrsv Oa t&st sr
Bgfrtswn aark as resily cMri
sip Cross rotas; ikara la 7 tc
Bbs4 coastrj.
Om of tkca BgVtuw srs mm
ly tba araaa of a story rtal story
aadk aa fssr iRkcn actio (m U
vcsjC a Mary fWI af saitaos. f
fcw. af great arark f tffotcrfJax IW
Bscs af sssay ako ra aaiUa$
stesUnt arcr tk area aacooartooa
af sraat srms riac aa aadrr tk Ht
la tk 4cUia portioa af tbis ttrt
koaaa tka toper ssj Tt H h4
fast ssocmlas; bea U his ssal tosf.fc.
kt waa aaddealy tskes UL Nrr
tactess) ka kv at kla ssrk of prpsf
img tka Bkt srilaf tha ereaiag. Flat
srtfs karw xwhtns; a boat the tsssps or
tha arklarry ky wkirk they vcrr
iaU la aiteraafdy akiao aad diaap
t ma ckOdraa vera a boy aad a
girl the boy ataa. tk girl eea yara
aid. Tim eras a oo sear tk Ught-
1 1 call apoa ta tak ap tk ttfbt
Mass's atWa wkea tk Bight
. Xar srss tbera a ay doctor tkat coa'A
srfmlstsrrr t Ma physical tDnnU
Tk keeper grew vara. StlU k kpt
at kia vark tja tb aftcrsooa wkea a
sraa abUged ta grr ap aad go to bed.
B kad eJeaaad tk lassps. ftUcd tbeai
with oil aad ta every way got tkna
ready to ka ogkfad. but cither k kad .
aot kad tint or tka strength to wind i
p Uaa great weigkt tkat turned lb
srtitnrry. eaaalag tk teiolatloaa
revoIotJoa By which tka Bgkt waa
Wkea might eaaaa oa tk keeper waa
drawing his laat breath. Bis wile
waa praying by ka kedatde: bia chU
drea. were ataadlag woadetlug at this
their ftrst sight af deatk deal tkat
saade their Mother a widow aad tbeoi
fatherless. Tkera were a few long
breaths, tk biterrals belaeea them
growlag greater, a rattle la tb throat
aad to keeper waa dead.
As soon aa the widow coo Id saffl
eteatly recover from tb death scene
ah tbongbt of tb Ures that might
be wrecked from her brobajxTt being
tkna suddenly takes away from bis
work of protectioa. It was a danger
ons eoasL Skippers bad been nsed t
seeing the light and counting tb sec
onds between Its flashes, and then they
knew where they were. If it failed ts
shin they would ran oat of their
Tb widow roused herself, and. tak
tag her children with ber. went np Into
tb lighthouse. 8b lighted to lamps,
bat she could not soak the machinery
rerolT. - A tight that did aot flash to
tha place where a flashlight a bo aid b
would be sb misleading to sailors as no
BgfatatalL -
Tb little girl placed herself at tb
rerotrmg apparatus and found that It
turned easily. Bh poshed It around.
making tb circuit under ber mother'
direction la tb time it waa used to
rerolTe. then a be said to ber mother
"Mamma, go back to father. W
children will torn tb machinery and
make tb tight flash."
So the mother, whose grief, more
keen than that of childhood, sappnl
ber powers, went back to tb bedsidV
of ber dead huabsnd to pray., learlng
her children the only barrier between
Urea out on tb ocean and tb rocks
that were ready to engulf them. The
girl turned tilt a be was tired, then ber
tittle brother took up tb work. When
' be became tired she relieved him.
v And so the children worked oa wails
their father lay dead below and their
mother prayed beside him. And the
captains and tb sailors on tb vessels
that passed, coming and going, looked
at the light and wondered that It now
lost, now gained, a few seconds. And
persona In . their berths below a'epr
soundly, not dreaming that they owed
their Uvea to a girl of eleven and a
boy of nine.
Midnight passed, tb small hours of
the morning ram, and the children,
toiling on. began to think of tb rn(
that day wonld bring them. How
they, especially the boy, kept awake is
marvel. And now a faint but wel
come gray a freak appears In tb eaat.
A dim outline of the uneven land be- j
gins to d apparent, tsat ine cnuareu
work on. turning, ever turning. What
though tb interval between the flashes
lengthen as their little legs grow hard
to move and tbeir steps shorter! The
A n HrhtMia. th whit hrMbm fir.
grow plain, then tb black protnon- i
torle asratnst tb sky. then both land
and ocean.
"Mamma.'' called tb girt, "may ws
aot stop now?"
Tea, my child; It is light Tb sail
ers can see where they are without
you children to tell them."
There com persona who bar beard
this atory of heroism and aak to see
the littl hero and heroin. They And
a family unconscioas of having don
anything remarkable. The children
apea their eye and wonder what It
means. They only turned tb appara
tus all night beraas without tb light
tb sailor would be lost on tb black
t Extra Special
But they ar aot their own Judges
Their work ta heralded la foreign
lands Is flssbed across the waters and
read by minion of people not only tn
America, bat all ovor lb world.
Yerfly. tb bamaa heart may stUl be
' DtaWt Hsv t Ask.
Brawn waa la terrtW burr to b
at bis dub, n had bee patiently
sitting for considerable time, and
then, getting ei asperated, be poked
tb conductor la the rib with kl
umbrella, saying. -111. conductor. H
this bus going on f ,
' "K. slrr replied tb conductor. It
Is standing perfectly stlX" - Loodof
rUsMly Said.
Hewitt-Doss tha cilsaass agra with
r wlfet Jnwttt-Thara aaara tkna
irvii'- - r-f I
HERE IS THE PLAN: To the contestant in each district sending in the largest number of
Subscriptions, new or old between now and 6 P. M. August 14 will be awarded one of these
GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS purchased from and now on display at Burmeister and
Andresen Oregon City Jewelers. Subscriptions for the Daily Enterprise will be counted
as double those for the weekly. The winners will be announced and Prizes awarded Sept. 2
the closing night of the contest. Should the winners of the Capital Prizes; the $400 Kimball
Pianos be the ones who send in the most subscriptions under this offer they will be awarded
to the next highest in 'each district. This will give each candidate an equal chance to win a
prize, and surely these beautiful rings are worth making an extra effort to win. Under this
offer each yearly subscription to the Daily Enterprise will count 2,000 votes and each yearly
subscription to the Weekly Enterprise 1,000 votes. Now you who are at the bottom of the
list get-in and work if you can't win one of the Capital Prizes your chances are as good as the
next to win one of these GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS. x
Six months subscription to the Daily Enter
prise, by caxrier, $2.00, by mail, $ 1 .50, 600
One year's subscription, $4 by carrier, $3
by mail, 2,000 votes.
Two years subscription $8 by carrier, $6
by mail, 5,000 votes.
Three years subscription, by carrier $ 1 2,
by mail $9, 10,000 votes.
Five years subscription, by carrier $20, by
mail $15. 20.000 votes.
One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise,
$1.50, 1,000 votes.
Money must accompany all subscriptions
before votes will be issued.
Two Upright Kimball Pianos
j ' "s ' J '
U jy $400
I f ? Each
Purchased from Portland' sy-Leading Music House
EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts.
Fill In the name of candidate for
whom you wish to favor with
your votes with remittance for
your subscription or renewal mail
to Contest Department The Enterprise.
Name of subscriber.
.Month. m
For M
Two "20th Century"
Sewing Machines
(latest model)
New Home
Df op Hea.l
Third and Fourth Prizes
Four Prices to be
The Enterprise has used every care
in the selection of these prizes.and has
secured scholarships in two of the fore
most educational institution in the
State of Oregon.
WATCHES (Ladles tlu)
Burmeister & Andfcsen
The Leading Jewelers
of 619 Main St., Ore'on'City, Or.
1 I . .
The above prizes will be awarded Saturday night, September 2nd If the name
of your favorite candidate is not entered in the race, send it in to
For further pariicu-
iara addrooo tha
ff.ii Slag E m jp $ j s e okbgohcity