Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 11, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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per a few days we are almeet living our Oxfords and ahoea away.
During eur anmjal CLIAN-UP SALE wi ara giving bargalna In
shoes that will alaan wp Nr teck In a hurry.
See Our Bargain Shoe Window
Suspension Bridge Cor.
The Turning af the Tlds.
Jacob Kchaft, of Carua, waa In tola
rliy on Thuraday.
Krunk Kinney, of Mullno, waa In
thin city on Thursday.
Jitnie Ilaty. of Carua, u In tbla
city on bualneeg Tburaday.
John tiard. of Clarkea, waa In tbla
city on buslnesa Tburaday.
Mix Kadla L I'rabl. of Wllaonvllle.
as In Ihla city on Tburaday.
Mr. and Mra. Charlea Bpangler, of
Carua, were In this city on Tbura
day. Mra. A. U Beatle and children, and
Xlrs. J. J. Cooke Ivave tor Newport
iixluy. .
I'bllllp Kleiner and family, of Bea
ver Creek, transacted bualneeg la
Orruoli City on Tburaday.
Mr. Martin, wall-known farmer
of Heaver Creek, waa transacting
bimiuesa In tbla city on Tburaday.
It. E Yoder. a prominent young far-
ou r, of Hubbard, waa In tbla city on
Thursday on bia way to Portland.
K U Hogg and Edward Buach left
on Tburaday for Wllbolt Springs,
lure tbey will remain for several
da) a,
Wllbolt stage will leave tba EleetrU
llutrl each day at S o clock p. in.
Mlsg Uladya Waring, of Tacoma.
Wash., baa arrived In tbla city to vlait
her ruualua, Mr. and Mra. Walter
Mra. Frank Lucaa and two cnlldruo,
uf I'arkplace. left on Tburaday for
I'ortland, where tbey will vlali for
K'trnl daya.
Mra. Charlea Brown, of tbla city,
tlx'tit Tburaday In Parkplace , tbe
I urn! of Mra. Jobn Kant and Mra.
Fred Sluluer.
Jobn Slralgbt and two aona left
on Tburaday for tbe mountalna, where
they will remain for about ten daya,
Diluting and flahlug.
William Jonea and aon, Erneat, of
Urrenwood, were In tbla city on
Thursday on their way to Portland
to transact bualneaa.
Mra. Ada PearL of Portland, la In
tlila city tbe gueat of her aiater, Mra.
R. 1). Wllaon. She will remain In
tbla city for aeveral weeka.
Drink Bartlett Water. Bold by ail
cafes, grocerlea and drugglata.
Mra. Loula Barry and brother, Wat
tor Kelly, who have been vlaltlng at
thv ranch of Dr. and Mra. L. O. Ice,
at Canby, bave returned to Oregon
Charlea Hoyt, who baa been on a
tour through tbe aoulhern part of the
state with an automobile party, re
turned to Oregon City Wedneaday
Mine Nellie Swafford and Mra. E.
P. Hands will leave on Friday morn
ing for Newport, where they will re
nin in for aeveral weeka.
Mra. Jamea McFarland, who Jibs
been for tba paat month, vlaltlng her
aon, Uoy McFarland, and wife, and
Mm. Mullan, baa returned to her
home In thle city.
Or. E. A. Sommer, formerly of Ore
s'1 i City, has moved hla office to 1017
Corbet t building, Portland.
Mr. and Mra. Ira Hornebrook, of
tioldendale, Waah., arrived In tbla
city on Thursday, and will be tne
KneMta of Mr. and Mra. 8. V. Francis
lor several daya.
Mr. and Mra. Paul Freytag and
child, of Boise, Idaho, who bave been
vlHlting with relatlvea In tbla city
and at Gladstone and Park place, re
turned to their home.
Mine Tearl Barde, of Portland, waa
In thla city on Tburaday on her way
to Wllholt, where ahe will apend aev
eral weeka. While In thla city ahe
visited Mlaa Bather Levitt
Miss Eva Moulton left on Thursday
vening for Seaside, where ahe will
remain until Sunday with her moth
er. Mra. R.MooUon, who la-vlalt-lK
relatives at that place.
MIhb Joale Wlnalow, who haa been
visiting relatlvea In thla city and
Jifr Molalla, left for her home at
leMnr( Iowa, on Tueaday. Mlaa
Wlnalow haa been vlaltlng here for
the Bast three weeka. . ..
If you eat bread why not get Royal
Bread? The beat that money can
"'y. at Han-la grocery. .
Mra. K. t. Avtaon and two daugh
ters, Mra. Hugh Hendry and her two
children, and Mra. C. If. Melaener.
Jove gone to Seaside, Or., where they
have ranted a cottage, and will re
nialn for aeveral weeka.
Mlaa Etta Straight, of Parkplace,
Jrt on Thnraday morning for Boise,
Idaho, where ahe will vlalt her aiater,
Mra. otto Freytag, and will remain
fl'Tlng the winter. Bhe accompanied
Mr. and Mra. Paul Freytag to Boise.
ney having been vlaltlng relatlvea
n thla city.
II. L. Kelly left on Wednesday
morning fat Long Beach, where ahe
Shoes Shoes
row ron
Ladies Children
Oregon City
will remain for aeveral weeka In the
Kelly cottage. Mlaa May Kelly,
daughter of Mra. Kelly, and one of
Portland'a teacher, la spending her
vacation at the Kelly cottage.
Mra. Abner Dlllman left on Monday
evening to Join Mr. Dlllman at Powell
lllver, llrltlab Columbia. Mr. Dlll
man baa accepted a position with the
paper company at that place, and
tbey will make their home there.
Mlaa Eva Alldredge will leave later
and make her home alao at that plane
during tbe winter.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Btelner and
baby have moved from tbla city to
parkplace, where tbey are at the home
of Mra. Stelner's parent!, Mr. and
Mra. Jobn Kent. Mr. and Mra Btel
ner will leave the first of September
for Prairie du Chlen, where tbey will
remain during tbe winter with tbe
former's relatlvea.
Better buy augar now. It'a aura to
go higher, 17 pound a for $1, beat gran
ulated. Harris' grocery.
8. 8. Mohler, who accompanied
Johnson Brothers, of Portland, on a
bunting trip laat week, baa Bent hla
wife a rine roast Of venison. Tbe
men, who will hunt three weeka lon
ger, are having good lurk, and aay
there la plenty of deer. The venl
aon was sent from Detroit, Oregon,
and waa In excellent condition upon
Ita arrival here.
Mlaa Eatber Levitt, after apendlng
aeveral daya at (Jearhart Park, baa
returned to Oregon City. Mlaa I-er-lit.
who arrived In this rlty about one
year ago from Milwaukee, Wla., for
a vlalt to her brother, J. Ievltt. will
leave tbe latter part of September
for her home. Mlaa Levitt waa ac
companied here by her mother, Mra.
8. Levitt, who will alao leave for Mil
waukee at the aame time.
W. J. Wllaon, who accompanied Mr.
and Mra. Thomas Myers, Mlsa Eva
Alldredge and Kent Wllaon to their
camping place about 25 mllea above
Molalla, returned to Oregon City on
Wedneaday evening. Mr. Wilson look
the party to their destination, which
waa In tbe "wllda," and there la no
doubt tbey will aee plenty of big
game even if they don't get a "ahot"
at It. Before returning to Oregon
City Mr. Wllaon waa presented with
fine mountain trout, caught by tbe
rwillcateaaen:. L. A. Nolile, 714 Mala
at reel, has juat received from Wiscon
sin 1,000 pounds new cheese, cream,
Swiss and llnmurger. Fine for lunch.
Mlaa Evelyn Savage, of Portland,
haa arrived In thla city, and la the
gueat of Mlaa Elytbe Hughea, whoae
home la alao In Portland, but who la
apendlng the aummer In thla city wltb
her aunts, Mra. J. W. Jonea and Mra.
Seara, of Seventh street, and Mrs.
R. D. Wilson. Mlsa Hughea la one
of Portland'a talented young artlata,
and her drawlnga have attracted no
little attention. She la a pupil of J.
P. pllaworth. one of Portland'a lead
ing artlata. MIbb Hughea' mother waa
formerly Mlaa Edith Hughea, of tbla
City, and well known here.
Good coffee and tea la our hobby.
Try our 2&c coffee and 60c tea. Can't
be. beat. Ilarrla' grocery.
O. B. Dlmlek and F. J. Toone went
to Aurora Tburaday In the Interest
of the proposed Capital Highway.
Mra. O. n. Eby. of thla city. Mra. L
D. Fox. of The Dalles, and Mlaa Bam
ber. a teacher of Eaatern Oregon, went
to Molalla Tburaday to vlalt -Mra.
Eby'a parenta, Mr. and Mra. R. J.
Moore. They eipect to remain about
two weeka.
PORTLAND, Aug. 10. (8peclal.)
Portland beat the Oaka today In one
of the beat gamea of the aeaaon. Sea
ton and Flater pitched remarkable
ball, allowing only two hlta each.
Portland made two errora and Oak
land one. The aoore waa 1 to 0. The
lone tally wag made aa followa:
Krueger walka. Pecklnpaugh aln
lea to left and Krueger la out try
ing to make third. Maggart to.Warea.
Pecklnpaugh . taking second on the
throw. McKune out, Cutahaw to
Tledeman, Pecklnpaugh going to
third. Pecklnpaugh acorea on a wild
pitch. Beaton aafe on Wolverton'a
error. ' Chadbourne forcea Beaton at
second, Warea to Cutahaw. One run.
Pacific Coast League Portland 1,
Oakland 0; Vernon . Sacramento 1;
Loa Anglea 2, San Francisco 1.
Northwestern League Seattle a,
Portland 4; Vancouver 5, Spokane 3;
Victoria 9. Tacoma 8.
National League Philadelphia 4,
Pittsburg 8; Chicago 0. St. Loulg 8.
No other gamea acheduled.
American League New York II,
Detroit 5: Chicago 5, Philadelphia 4;
Waahlngton 7. St.. Loula 8. .
Piclf e Coast,
Portland" ....
Vernon . . .
Oakland .... r...
San Franctaco ...
Sacramento .... ,
Loa Angelea . ... .
Vancouver . ..
Tacoma , . , ,
Seattle .... .
Spokane ....
Portland ....
Paganlant, '
Tbeodoalui tbe Oreat laaued an edict
In 801 wblcb ahollalird ngaulm
tbruuKhout the Jtnumu vtvtMrf.
The surrounding country hag had
aoine rain we hear which haa cooled
off Stafford delightfully.
Tbe harvesters are being secured
ana tne thresher will soon be heard
aa aoine few bave atatke.l grain when
not auntt-lently cured and are afraid
of It beating and Injuring tbe Jleroel.
Mr. AernJ and wife and little daugh
ter atarted Sunday morning early to
drive to Bethany to aee tbe wife's
mother, driving one of tbelr farm
horaea. When near tbe corner by
Mr. Davla' at Tualatin ahe ran away,
got one foot In a barb wire fence,
tore thj ahoe off, overturned tbe bug
gy, throwing all three out, broke the
buggy to plecea, got loose and when
they picked theiuselvea up she was
out of sight. Fortunately tbey found
wltb the exception of varloua brulaea,
they were unhurt and Mr. Aernl atari
ed after the borae, but took the wrong
road an 1 hunted for mllea then turned
toward home, tired out and disheart
ened. In the meantime men had found
tba horae In a ditch about a mile away
unhurt except a few acratcheg but
still frightened. They caught her and
a good Samaritan brought the wife
and little girl back home, leading tbe
borae and on hla way back to Tuala
tin met Mr. Aernl and turned about
and brought blm home. Tbey have
no Idea what frightened tbe hore
Two or three families had a plena
ant picnic dlurwr In Nuasbaum'a
woods laat Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Schatx attended
church at Frog Pond last 8unday and
beard the new minister and liked hla
aermon very much.
The trustees laid out the ground
for tbe new church on laat Saturday
upon the land donated by Mra. Brink
for that purpose, and expect to build
In the near future. . -
Mr. Gage a granddaughter. Mlaa
Alice Sweek, of Eaatern Oregon, who
baa bn attending tbe aummer nor
mal at Corvallla, lg now vlaltlng rela
tlvea at Stafford and Tualatin.
Mlaa Harriet Huyee, daughter of
Judge Hayea. of Oregon City, la atlll
with her aunt, Mra. Mllem on the old
Hayea ranch where her father played
when a boy. Miss Harriet la a very
pleaaant young lady.
Mr. Mllem'g aon, with hla wife and
baby, are alao ataylng till the harvest
Is over.
Some one tried to play a practical
joke or else got tbe mistaken notion
tbat our esteemed fellow-townaman,
Fred Moaer, might be an easy mark,
ao atuck a typewritten letter Into hla
barn door where he found It laat Tuea
day morning, threatening dire disas
ter ir he didn't put $1500 In tbe cor
ner of tbe grave yard at 11 o'clock
Friday night, and to aay nothing to
nobody The letter la a wonderfully
expressed composition, showing deep
thought aa to tbe beat and moat forci
ble way to Impresa the fact upon hla
mind that the autbora must have the
money, but beyond frightening an In
valid wife almost Into uervoua pros
tration It had but little effect. Fred
aaya It can be seen at the Sheriff a
office If any one wishes to read H,
but whether It wag done for a Joke
or otherwlae la the question. It la
not a aafe game to play and all hope
the authora will be found out.
Hope are looking pretty good and
according to the papera prlcea ' are
soaring high.
Mra. Zack Ellegaen, who went to
Long Beach on the first for her
health, la Improving and enjoying her
aojourn there very much.
Mra. Marlon Toung and party re
turned from their camping trip Moo
day, having had a very eooyable time
Mra. Wm. Brobet entertained a few
friends on Tueaday afternoon In honor
of Maa Wharton.
Mlag Hay man, of Clackamas, haa
been the gueat of her slater, Mra.
Norrla Toting for the paat week.
A good many people have been driv
ing out to Aabrey Wood a farm lately
to aee the oil derrick and make sure
that people are really drilling for oil
Mr. Bet Mine returned to hla home at
Lenta Saturday.
Boats are loaded with freight lately,
passing our village, aa people are anx
ious to make the best use of river
landings before the boat a atop run
ning. Stella Seely Is apendlng her vaca
tion with her brother, Sherman, on
hla beautiful farm near Wllaonvllle.
Mrs. Halley hag been elected teach
er of the White Oate school near
The entertainment given by Ocean
Jolly and Helen Campbell Jeaelson
laat Friday evening at the A. O. W.
W. hatl waa a great treat to all who
Mra. Hlllman. formerly a resident
near Wllaonvllle. but later of Sher
wood, died at her home In Sherwood
Friday, and waa burled in Pleaaant
Hill cemetery on Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mra. Alison Baker. Mr. and
Mra. Reed Graham. Mr. and Mra. Ed.
Baker and other old nelghbora from
here attended the funeral.
The baling machines of Peters A
Aden, and Norrlg Young and others
are all going at fall blast, aa nearly
all the farmera have lota of hay thla
Mra. Halley and her mother went
to LaGrande on Saturday evening, be
ing called there to attend the funeral
of Mra. Orandy, who died auddenly of
pneumonia. Mra. Orandy waa an aunt
of Mra. Halley 'a. who apent the aum
mer vlaltlng her at their home near
Wllaonvllle. '
Three of the Seely children were
operated upon for adenoid g by Dr.
Mount, of Oregon City, and are get
ting along splendidly.
Mra. Cora Haaaelbrlnk'e many
frlenda are glad to learn that ahe la
growing stronger after undergoing an
operation for appendlcltla In a Port
land hospital.
Miss Wharton, who haa been vlalt
Ing at the home of her cousin, Marlon
Young, returned east on Wednesday
after apendlng her vacation here. 8he
wag the honored gueat at aeveral func
tlons while In Wllaonvllle.
If yon have not renewed your yearly
subscription to the Morning Enter
prise look over the Itajj of names and
see If you can assist some of your
friends to win In the Eplerprlae con
test, which la being carried on at
Rev. Exon waa In Oregon City late
ly, and received a goodly number of
subscriptions to the new church here,
ag tbe Oregon City residents are ever
ready to help the county at large.
Wliafg the matter with a free ferry
at Wllaonvllle, or even a bridge now
that the auto road la to be good on
both aides of the river. We have the
best location, and are right on the
beat road between Oregon City and
The campmeetlpg and conventions
Horses Show Their Intelligence
And Enjoyment In Cavalry Drill
1 'SJr'
0 qtfJ
Pbotoe copyright by American Press Association, lilt.
WHEN tbe veterans who took part la Ibe battle of BuU Run recently
aesembled on the historic battlefield to celebrate tbe fiftieth anniver
sary of that conflict there were many soldiers present wbo might
. bave been the grandchildren or even the great grandchildren of the
men wbo met to fight again tbe battle that really opened tbe civil war. Twe
troops of cavalry from Fort Myer went to the battlefield to aerve aa an eK.-ri
for President Tuft, who made tbe trip by automobile. These cavalrymen gave
aeveral exhibition tbat Interested and aroused tbe veteran. Tby made tbelr
horses lie down and remain aa If dead, tbey formed In order and made a daab
lng charge against an Imaginary enemy, and later tbey did "rough riding"
trlcka that elicited wild applause. These exploits are abown In the picture.
of the Evangelical Association of Ore
gon held on the conference camp
grounda at thla place, closed Thurs
day when on that evening Rev. F.
C. Bergatleaser, the Y. P. A. mission
ary, gave aa gddreaa. The officers
for the enanlng year being Rev. G.
W. Plumber, of Salem, preaident;
Rev. 8. M. Fisher, of Salem, first vice
preaident; Rev. H. E. Hornachub, sec
ond vice president; Rev. F. B. Culver,
eecretary: F. Blrkemelr, treasurer.
Most of the lots on the camp ground
have been disposed of.
Much Interest Is shown here of the
eaat aide auto road leading from Port
land to Salem and P. D. Newell, J.
Roberta and Ed. Webb were a com
mittee from the Jennings Lodge Com
munity Club to attend the meeting In
Oregon City on Tuesday. A commit
tee of three from thla Community
Club wiU bo-, appointed to aaalat tbe
Capital Highway Commission.
Mrs. Carl Win tier, who baa visited
here many tiroes, ia quite ill at her
home In Vancouver, Waah.
Lloyd Rice, of Portland, was a
Lodge vlaltor laat week.
Sergeant Laagdon H. 8pooner left
Saturday morning for Fort Perry, O
being cne of the Oregon team of
sharpshcoterg who will attend tbe an
nual rifle tournament of the National
Guardsmen and regular army. The
shoot to take place on Aug. 21. Mr.
Spooner,. In company with the other
members, lert over the O. R. A N.
In a special car and they expect to
be absent a month.
David Clark Invited the residents
and campers along the river to a
melon party at hla camp on Cedar
Island Saturday evening. Seventy
five responded to the lnvltatlona, go
ing over In launches and by boat The
evening waa apent with aongs and
gamea. Huge bonfires and atlcka were
provided for the toasting of tbe
marahmallowa. Mr. Clark proved a
genial boat.
Some of tbe younger get of the T.
M. C. A., of Portland, are enjoying an
outing on Cedar Island.
"The ITmba" la tbe name of the
summer home of Mr. and Mra. W.
M. I'mbdenstock and family who
built this spring on the Willamette at
this place. Mr. TJmbdenstock arrived
In Portland last year from Chicago
and la Interested In real estate in Port
land, being one of the promoters of
Joneamore. On account of the natural
scenery and cool breexea from the
Willamette many .summer homes are
being built along tbe river bank.
Judge and Mr. Bronangh have de
cided - to call their country place
Sargeant Lloyd Spooner left' for
Camp Summer at Columbia (Beach
with Co. B to apend a week.
A card from Mlaa Bronte Jennings
told of a most delightful time In Par
le. Mlaa Jennings haa visited in Lon
don an J on her return to New York
the latter part of tbe month will visit
In New Jersey and British Columbia,
and a Wo In Tacoma before returning
home. '
Mra. Vivian Tlbbettg and little
daughter, Wllla Marie and Mlaa Fern
Hart will leave thla week for Sea
aide. Mra. Will Flnley and children are
enpoylng an outing at Seaside.
Mlaa Margaret Reyney, of Seattle,
will apend the month of August with
ber aunt, Mra. Horace Cuahlng.
Mr. Hendrlcka, of Oregon City, and
Charlea Mayne, of Portland, and
George Bewail, of Ibanon, were din
ner guests at tbe Emmons home on
.Mr. and Mra. Arnold have taken up
a homestead near Blaine. Ore., and
will leave soon for the above place.
Mlaa Dorothy Woodhama, of Arleta,
visited Mrs. Stetnhaug laat week.
Mra. Hammond, of Tacoma, and
Mra. Weaterfleld. of Jones Mill,
an toed to tbe Lodge on Tuesday and
spent the day with frlenda.
, Mra. Bliss entertained a Jolly party
of friends one evening this week In
honor of Mr. Bllaa birthday anniver
sary. A banquet waa spread on the
porch and later a 'bonfire and the
toasting of marahmallowa followed on
the river bank.
Mr. and Mra. Horace Cuahlng en
tertained Mr. and Mra. J. C. Coatelle.
of Portland, and Mlag Beatrice Con
way and Jerald Conway, of Seattle,
alao A. Andemon, who recently re
turned from Honolulu, at their home
at Rnena Vista, on Sunday. . Mr. An
derson's trip to the Hawaiian Ialanda
waa one of especial Interest and alao
a moat enjoyable one.
George 8ewall drove down from
hla ranch near Lebanon and la renew
ing old acquaintance at thla place.
, Mlaa Wlnchell. of Hood River, was
a week-end vlaltor at tbe home of her
former schoolmates. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Boardman, of Gladstone, and
Sunday spent the day with G. D.
Boardman and wife of thla place.
Mra. Harry Chlldera. of Portland,
is apendlng a few daya at the homt
of Mra. H. H. Eramona.
Mr. and Mra. Gua Warner and fami
ly were Portland visitor during tbe
Mra. Bevlna, of Oregon City, wag a
caller at the Harry Palnton home on
Mlaa Ethel Hart and Dorfg Palnton
left for Seaside on Thursday of laat
week. Mlsa Ethel will be the gueat of
Mra. John Jenninga and Doris will vis
it with her grandparents
Mrs. Frank Eavy, or fTlghland. was
a vlaltor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Bond last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Stover, of Latourelle
Falla. have purchased the Heatbman
It Son grocery store and will take
possession Monday. Aug. 7. Mr. Heath
of Seattle, will assist In the buslnesa.
Mr. and Mr. Bo til In have sold their
neat and cosy little home and Mr.
and Mra Cards are very pleasantly
boated In this place.
Mrs, Wlckline and children left for
Seattle laat week where they will Join
Mr. Wlckline who preceded them a
few weeka ago.
If. H. Emmons has returned from
a business trip to Walla Walla, Wn.
Ed. Johnson and Jamie Spauldlng,
of Portland, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Roberts Saturday.
Dr. Wilbur S. Eddy waa a profes
sional caller at Oak Grove and tbla
place Monday.
Master Willie Staley spent last
week with Donald MacFarlane. re
turning Sunday evening to hla home In
Mike Walah and Mary Benolken
have returned from Wllholt where
they camped two weeka.
Leo Johnson and Bart Tscharner
went with the militia to Fort
Columbia to camp for two . weeka.
Leo Johnson lg First Sergeant.
Mlaa Alpha Hegeland of Dakota
paid a vlalt to Mr. A. L. Bolsted last
Friday. They had not met for 12
The work on main street Is held op
on account of tbe contractor being
slow In putting In the cross walka
The Council ordered him to start
right away, or they, would relet, the
The City Council ordered resolu
tions for Mllwaukle and Sandy road
at the meeting Tuesday evening.
Frits Gosser died at the home of
G. Beechlen at 3 P. M. Tuesday. He
wag 65 years old and leavea a large
number of relatlvea and frlenda.
The Portland Label company moved
Into the new Loueling Block.
W.. E. Thresher and family moved
to their new home In Portland Tues
day. Rev. E. Radebaugh will leave Sat
urday for a ten days vacation.
W. H. Edwards and family return
ed home from Net arts Bay.
The Mllwaukle grange will hold a
three days fair at CryRtal Lake Park
beginning Thursday evening Septem
ber 21. An attractive program will
be arranged for each day. Any one
can contribute to the fair exhibits.
The school board haa accepted the
resignation of M. 8. Lovelace, ho
was elected principal of tbe school
laat May, and hag elected Professor
Robert Ooeti, of New burg. Professor
Goeta la a University man and cornea
highly recommended and la a. well
known Clackamag county teacher, hav
ing taught In one of the Oregon City
schools, and since then was mathe
matics teacher In the Newburg high
school. The school will open Sep
tember 6. The aame staff of teachers
will teach with the exception of Miss
Armstrong, and Mlas Koeller.
Mrs. Jennie Davla who returned
from Aberdeen, Wash., Is 111 with the
measles. 0 f
Mr. Monroe sold his blacksmith
shop and will rest for awhile.
The ladleg of the Cat hollo church
will hold a picnic at Crystal Lake
Park Sunday, Auguat 30. The pro
ceeds will go to the building fund.
The Artlaana held a aoctal meeting
Tueaday evening. A fine program wag
given and refreshments served.
Returns from the' Rural Carriers'
examlnatlona held at Oregon City on
July 16. have been received. John P.
Townley got 78 and 75 per cent.
Rev. E. Radebaugh and wife went
to Portland on buslnesa Wednesday.
Astoria CLWTEifllAL Pate: .
August 1 0th to Sept. 9th IacL
$150,000 Spedecular, Historical Jubilee comnurn
orating the First White Settlement in the Pa
cific Northwest by the Astor Party
Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon Cities Day
A Few of the things
you will see:
Flights by the wonderful Curtiss
Hydro-Aeroplane traveling by air,
land and aea.
Indian Villages Yakima and Ntz
Perce Indians.
U. 8. Battleahipe.
Indian War Dances and Sham Bat.
Manufacturer' Exhibite.
Mammoth Military and Naval Par
ades. C-"igon Department of Fisheries
Live Fish Exhibit.
Vivid destruction of the "Ship Ton
quln." Clatsop County Exhibit.
Wonderful Kite-flying Contest.
8pectacular Historical Parades.
Sail and Motor Boat Races. t
Roducod Rafoa
SALEM, Scpicmbor 11-16, 1911
Mrs. Lncile Over, of Ohio, Is visit
ing E. Radebaugh, during the Rev.
E. Radebaugh'a absence.
Charles Thomas Joined the navy
and left on the Baltimore Wedneaday
NEW YORK. Aug. 10. Wilbur
Wright, on his latest tour of Europe,
has Increased hlg disgust at the dare
devil tactica of tbe European aviators.
The "sensational flights" are hurting
the science, be declared, on blsar
rival here. '
"They do not work toward main
taining a healthy Interest in aeronau
tics, or help in practical development
of the machines," he continued.
"Take the recent International Cir
cuit Aviation Race, for example. That
was, la no sense, a test of what tbe
machines or the pilots could do. It
waa merely a reckless sporting event.
In which the men bet their lives
against a certain amount of money.
It was a gamble with death.
"Beaumont, tbe winner, narrowely
escaped being killed. His motor stop
ped at one time when he wa In a
position where he could not have
landed without courting almost sure
death. By some freak his motor
started when he waa within a few
feet of the ground and saved him
from being dashed to death. lie
might have had a funeral Instead of
the t0,000 prise.
"This Aa the sort of thing to be
discouraged. Such sensational events
are exploited to - the detriment of
. "What the average man not the
daredevil or the simpleton can do
with an aeroplane Is tbe problem we
are concerned with." -
A Financier.
"1 hear Upeodlt baa not paid for bis
yacht yt" "No; he regards It as a
floating debt." .
The Mai haw's Cam pass.
Tbe mariner's compass waaknown
to the Chinese 11 IB B. C. It waa taken
to Italy by' Marco Polo In I2nt) A. D
Ellery's Royal Italian Band.
Elaborate and wonderful lllumlnev
Oregon National Guard and U. SV
Marine Band.
Special Features te follow every
August I7---PR0GRAM
2:30 p. nv Concert by Ellery'a
Indian War Dances at 8tadium.
4:00 p. m. Wonderful KKe-flylnfl
contests at Centennial Grounds.
8:00 p. m. Concert, by. EMery"
i Indian War Dances at 8tadlum.
on Ait Linoo
Oregon's Popular Beach Resort
An ideal retreat for outdoor pas
times of all klnda. Hunting, Fishing,
Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Auto
lng. Canoeing, . Dancing and Roller
Skating. Where pretty water agates,
moss agatea, moonstones, caraeiaaa
can be found on the beach, pare
mountain water and the best of food
at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crab
and oysters, with abundance of vege
tables of all klnda dally.
Camping Grounda Convenient and At
tractive. wth strict sanitary regulations
from all points in Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho on sale dally.
from Southern Pacific points Port
land to Cottage Grove; also from all
C. A E. stations Albany and weet
Good going Saturday or Sunday and
for return Sunday or Monday.
Call on any S. P. or C A E. Agent
for full particulars as to fares, trains,
schedules, etc.; alao for copy of our
Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Ore
gon," or write to .
Wm. HcHurray
Portland Oregon,
Hotel Arrlvala
The following are those reglatered
at the Electric Hotel: A, H. Wllaon,
San Francleco; C B. Bell, Tacoma;
Ora Frank. Louise Handera. Port
land; E. Bird. Dr. Hedgea. Mcatlnn
vllle; Sam Lento, ; Barry IJbmkty,
Thomas Hill. P. H. Wat aon. MUwaav
kle; J. H. Rayner, W. 8. Bagiey. B.
H. Tlaon. nstacada; R. W. Ward. L"
ter Baldwin, F. HoOma, C. A. E ;
Wllholt: Oeorgg H. Gregory. MoLt
Mr. and Mra. Habon, Portia; J
w4iy. .. .
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