Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 11, 1911, Image 2

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: oRZGoai cm, oregoh
L JL BROOIK, tdltae and Pwbllshee,
mtt a, mi. at tb Boat at
CY aat U Act at
two sr suscti rmu,
On Year, by Mil
BIS MoatKe. by
roar btnatba, by
er wiib. by caiilai
Amirenc urn
nrst Paa. ear m nm taaTtina..wU
rwt Paga. Ba kirk ilM til i iHl ss..lSe
fnhfTM BoattMa bay pa-, per
first hwlln lie
Pierwvae poaittce u Bar, par ImH
aAdwd haaarUona UM
In ma alkar tbaa ftrat Ba-, Bar tea
nrvt I Ttlom 1
Sua paper o(Imi than fire pace, par kkaa
Ueeala 10a aw Ume
tiears Vr Itaa.
Waata. Fr Sato. Ta Raai. ana
seat a arorS flrat meertlea; oaa-bajf aaat
Mtrh additional.
Rataa tar aoertletaa; to ate Weafcty
Catarprtae will be to mum aa b tba
allr. for adrarttacaaeata art aaaacwJty
Par tha waakry. Ware tba aavarUbaataal
to traaafrrrad Iroat tba sally t tba araak
f. without cata. tba rata will ba ft
aa toeb far raa W the pap at, aa4 I be aa
todk for special paatUoav
party to uakaewa
tba atonrartoa.
LaaJ aaVartlata- at khxml admltotoa
Clreua iTWtMaf aa4 aatolal tvaasUal
'wvertlbtns at He la o aa took, aaeora
mm ta apactai coadttloaa pwaitoi tba
Elliott A Park hava received an
other Interesting letter from Roberta
Schuebel. who with bar pa rani. Mr.
and Mre. C Schuebel la louring
California, la an automobile. Tha let
tar follows:
Wednesday, July 2d. 1911.
We left Woodland at 11:30 a. m..
coin through Wlutere and Cacavllle
where we atopped for lunch.
I M u aa vary hot. but aa we got far
1 J? I ther aouth It organ to get cooler. Wa
-- - I . T. - t 1 Aft ........ . A m m
mciai ovuivia m muvm v.av i
where we crossed tha hay on a
It kapt getting ooular all tha ttraa
and hy tha time wa reached Oakland
wa felt tha naad of warm wrnpe. Wa
reached Oakland at about t p. m. and
remained thera all atght.
Thuraday. July IT. 1911.
Wa decided to remain tn Oakland
all day and at 1:30 p. m. we took tha
ferry for San Francisco. After view
ing tha City Hall and a few other
ruins of tha earthquake we vlatted
Golden Gate Park where we aaw
many beautiful aighta and then re
turned to Oakland aa it waa quite
r" --: Friday, July JS. l011.
We left Oakland at 3: SO p. nv.
passing through San Lorenso, Irving
ton. Warm Sprtnga and Mllpltaa.
Wa saw many apricot orcharda and
near San Jose w stopped and got
some, picking them off tha tree our
We reached San Jose at 5: SO p. m.
and remained thera all night.
Saturday, July 39. 1U.
We left San Josa at 6 a. m. and
atopped at Morgan Hill tor breakfast.
Wa found It quite cold ta the morn
ing but by afternoon It waa very
warm. '
We passed through San Martin.
Gilroy, San Juan and a number of
amaller towns. -reaching Sallnaa at
10:30 a. m. .
Just after we left Salinas wa passed
some people In a Ford car who had
atopped at tha side of the road See
ing that they had an Oregon number
on their machine we hailed them and
found that It waa Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Busby and little boy. They had
purchased their car while In Oregon
City and had started for Loa Angelea
on the same day that wa did. He had
had some trouble with his machine
aa he did not know how to manage' It
very wel' and so we atarted out to
gether. We reached Soledad at 13:30
where wa had lunch.
After we left Soledad wa passed
through only one town until we
reached Jolon at about 5 p. m., where
we took supper.
We left Jolon at C p. m. and started
for Bradley. We reached thera at
8:45 p. m. and remained all night
Sunday. 3u1t 30. 1911-
We left Bradley at 9 a. m. and
stopped at the San Miguel Mission.
It haa a high adobe wall around It
land waa built In 17T3. but la very
. ' well preserved.
and Santa Marquerita and reached
San Lola Obispo at about 3:30 p. m..
The recent coronation of a new . where we remained until 3 o'clock.
British King brings again into prom-' It was very warm but aa soon as
lneace the Intimate connection of theilr1lrt San Laia Obispo there was a
, . . . , cool ocean breexe.
English ruling classes with sgrk-uV .... uon reached El Plrmo hearh
-Ftra aai.- aaj Bankrupt Bala'
waaaaaai ate lack Mrst toaaitlaa: aa
jaaal toaarUaaa aaaaa Batar toe toab
Nawa Itaan ana wall wftttaa artfoias
af an lit, wltk lataraat to local raaAara.
win be cladty accapb. Bayata4 aaaaa-
ilpta aa-var raturaaa aabi
We ay atvoa ta prepay
-Aug.-11 In American History. -
1807 Robert Fnltoaa boat the Cler
mont, steamed to Albany.
18QS Tfcaddeoa Stereos, amtesmaa.
died ta Waahlngtoa: bora 1TSX.
18n-Dtacovery of Mars' two aateUltaa
by Hail of United Statea Naval
ISM-Americaa attack an 8aa Jmaa,
Porto Rico, repulsed.
1910 Robert Treat Payne, philanthro
pist and president of the Ameri
can Pear society, died: born ISM.
(From aooa today to noon tomorrow.)
Sua aets 7. riaea 6.08: moon rises 8.19
p. m.; planet Mercury visible setting
after the ana. 1989 tba nest total
eclipse of tba sma that will ba vtolbie
tn Parte.
WANTED Collectora to aee my col
lection of all aorta of curloa, an
tlquea. and Indian trlnketa; stamps
for atamp collectors; coins for
numismatist, arrow heads for arch
aologista, etc. I buy and eell all
aorta of curloa: also all klnda of
secondhand furniture and tools.
George Young, Main, near Fifth
y ivt:-.ii sdvartlaemaata for
thla eoluma. pneaa vary raaaoa
abla. Sew rata at haad of reAnma,
Read tha Mors Tug enterprise.
WANTED You to know that tha En
terprise Job printing department la
tha moat com pi a la ta tha 8tat,
' outside Portland. Try It for your
aaxt printing.
WANTED Glrla at Oregon City
laundry. Call fox foreman.
FOR 8 ALB Space la thla column
8eU that old plow or harrow; you
. doat ase It since you purchased
your aaw ooa
FOR SALE Good Casottna launch,
cbeap for cash. Inquire 1304 Bev
enta Street. Oregon City.
tracts, garden and fruit land, level,
fine view, one-halt mile to carltna
at Gladstone, sold on Installments
or terms to auit. Inquire 1003 Main
atreet. H. a Clyde, agant. For
bargalna tn - houses. lota- and land,
see H. & Clyde. 1003 Main street.
Oregon City.
FOR RENT The Walden homo oa
tha bluff at Oregon City. "Phone
Portland Main SIM.
FARM LOANS Dlmlck .ft Dlmlck,
Lawyers, Oregon City, Or.
rare and especially . with the livestock
Industry. Tha royalty of Europe are
great patrons of tha fairs and all oth
er livestock affairs, says tha Oregon
Agriculturist. The former King was
a moat enthusiastic breeder of var
ious lines of fine stock, notably Shire
horses. Southdown sheep and Short
horn cattle, and waa a strong competi
tor for the highest honors In the
show ring. While tba royal flocks
and herds may not have bees of the
greateat Influence tn themselvea the
patronage of royalty has doubtless
done much to give British agriculture
where we got our first glimpse of the
ocean. We remained there for a short
time and then atarted for Santa
Maria which we reached at 8:45 p.
m. and where we remained all night
Monday. July 31. 1911.
We left Santa Maria at about 11
a. m., passing through Gsrey. Los
OUvos. and Santa Ynex. We decided
to go through San Marco's pass and
Just before we reached Can Marco
we came to a river which We had to
ford, aa the bridge had beea washed
away. The sand waa very deep and
the other machine got stuck, though
we pulled them through.
After working with It for a abort
time It waa discovered that something
hail beea burned out. bo thar a-ot
the dignity and popularity which It j some horse to pull the machine np
now enjoys.
A' sew patent erase, now working
aoceessfully on a barge going np
from New Orleaaa, la said to promise
the eariy release of the roustabout
If river traffic can diaplace. with ma
chinery, labor which can not be de- j down over the mountains and then
pended upon, there will not remain rrom tD tOD tn nat mountain
anj doubt of its growth, under caps- w" T14 wa and th moon
v. .. . shining oa the ocean.
onto the bank. After working with
It for a few minutes longer wa de
cided to go oa to Santa Barbara and
send someone from the garage to help
It got dark aooa after we atarted:
there were many sharp rams, and the
road waa rough and rocky. For about
thirty miles we traveled np and
ing on the ocean
We soon reached Santa Barbara
and remained there all aight.
Tuesday. August 1. 1J1L
We left Santa Barbara at a. m.,
passing through Caaitaa Pass, Ven
tura and Cahuenga Pass. The roads
It will now be recalled that Hoke
Smith, elected sensror from Georgia,
resigned from the Cleveland cabin '
to sop port Bryan in his first cam- wre very good but It was hot. and
paiga for the Immortal ratio. The M ff M 7 cuM .?wytWB
, . . . ' was dry and dusty. We did not pass
dutiful son la making a strong fight through any other towaa and re
n ine urmocrauc parry againat toe reached Los Angeles at a p.
prodigals gettag any of the veaL
e.i -ii
Several moonshine brandy and
whisky stiila have been discovered In
New York and Brooklyn. While rev
enue agents have beea keeping eyes
on the mountains, the metropolia has
long been flooding the market with
poor qualitiea of whisky. All,(rauds
lead to New York.
tha Knew.
"And yea allowed that young aaaa
ta Use youT
That wae very ladisrreet."
-Not at aa 1 had looked at hie
naaacial standing." New York Journal
pleasant thoughts
"The greatest art in tfe is to
have as many pit ant thou4its as
possible" is a wise saying, which
does not in the least neaa that
each aSoughti caa be maaWarJurrcl
dreaaWy out of one s BaiadV To
have paratant thoughts ltaiua!y
aaearn thai a aaaa aaaat Eva aa kmd.
pure, aaweaUi reJaboa with those
about ham. that he bmbI have ka
aad high ideal, that al law acta
avaat be kind aad rtgfa. If yoa
have aot these rjarassot thoawjas,
axriuire them.
There la a big' slump tn tha chick
en market. Fryers have dropped In
prlco from 17 1-J to 14 and hena ara
down to 10c. The decrease la due
to tha big supply, and raisers, desir
ing a better price, should wait until
tha atock oa hand la somewhat de
pleted. That early crop potatoes will ba
going to tha Eastern marketa In car
load quantities before the aad of this
month waa tha ataiemeat wade by
the manager of a local commlsioa
house Thursday.
-It la of course Impossible at thla
time to make a definite statement re
garding the extent of the. business we
expect to do wtth the East thla year."
ha said, "but there la an urgent de
mand for new potatoes now In Chi
cago and other great marketa of tha
Middle West, where tha hot weather
of tha past six weeks haa reduced tha
local output to email proportions.'
HIDES ( Buying Green hides, Sa
to 6c; aaltera. (He to 4c; dry hides,
12c 40 14c. Shiep pelts, ile to 7Se
DRIED FRUIT Local prices are
firm at from Kc to 10c oa applea aad
prunes, peachea ara Ifc
SALT Selling 50c to 90c for Sao.
SO lb. sack, half ground 40c; 7S for
100 lb, sack
Portland Vegetable Markets.
$1-23911.50 per sack; parsnips, ll.JJ
611.50: turn! pa, $1.35011.50; beets,
$1.50. .
VEGETABLES Afparaxus. 90cO
$L75 Per crate; cabbage, aew, $3 par
hundredweight; cauliflower, ILrtO
$1.75 per dosen; celery. California, 75c
3 90c per doaen;' cucumbers, t La 0(9
$3.35 per down; eggplant. 15c per lb.;
garlic. 10c 9 13c per pound : lettuce,
50c per dosen; hothouse, lettuce, $1.50
0$3 per box; peas, 9c 11c par
pound: peppers. 30c 035c Pr pound:
radishes, i5a per dosen; rhubarb. 34e
(33c per pound; aprouta, 9c; tomatoes,
$20 $3.35.
ONIONS Jobbing prtcee: Oregon
$2.75 per 100: Australian. $3.50 per
100; Texas. $125 per crate: CaUfor
ala, $3 per crate
Oregon City Stock Quotatleaa.
HOGS Hogs ara quoted He lower.
From 135 Iba. to ISO lbs. $ He. rrom
150 Iba. to 200 Iba. me.
BACON. LARD aad HAM. are lim
VEAL CALVES Veal caJvea Bring
from 8c to lue according to grade.
BEEF STEERS Beel clears for
tha local markets ara fetching me to
(Vc lire weight.
SHEEP an arm at c to 5c. live
Ouotaraana ear Oregon CRy.
POTATOES Beat, Buying 1 cents
Fl-OUR AND FEED -Flow la
ataady, sailing from $5 to $5-50; vary
little of cheaper grades.
OATS (Buyng) Gray, $23 to $24.
white, from $25 to $36.
BHTTSR (Buying? Ordinary
orantry brings from 15e to 30c,
fancy dairy from 2 Or to 13c. eraaaa
ery 33e to lac
EGGS Beat grade 35 coots.
POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit
tie good atock offered. Good boas ara
bringing 12c Old roosters are la poor
demand, broilers bring from Itc to lSe
with good demand.
WOOL (Buyuigl-Toot prices ara
ranging from 14 to 17 cents.
FEED Shorts $29 to $30; rolled
barley. 321.50 to S3 3. 59; process bar
ley. $33.00; whole corn. $39.00;
cracked com, $40.00; wheat $3100
to $33; oil meat $53; 8hady Brook
dairy feed, 11.25 par hundred pounds
HAT (Buying.) Timothy $1( to
$17; clover $9 to $10: oat hay, beat,
$12; mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to
Sleeping Car Bertha.
Moat porters make ap bertha as that
ooe'e bead la toward tba engine. "Ex
perience baa taught me." say a a writer
ta Good Housekeeping, -that la eaaa
of a collision or even a common quick
atop this may naeaa a bruised bead or
a wrenched neck. Bo I always aak
to have my berth made op with my
feet toward tba engine. In a recent
collision I was the only person la a
crowded car who escaped mora or leas
serious Injury, and I believe that I
owe thla aer-mingty providential ea-
mm ta an MMtilA m t
Ihmn rlikih. m.t .k. I i I renuiuuon wuin "J aai
. - r. jwim rnnnrll fn 1V). H o( Jnlr Ittl I
nftuini, mm t V. vai HI lawfl. WDUf
other raisaengera were tbrowa bead
fore moat.
In Fifteen Years
SmoRinit In
Public Will Be A
By Dr. HARVEY. W. WILEY, food Expert tTuoaT"
,TTk C
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Mattoaa naaar Ibaaa atoaaUlad haaAtoaa
wU be taeeMae al aaa eaa a ware, nrat
laaantiia. hall a aaat aaAitloaaJ aaaar
Itoaa. viae toab ear. M bar aaaalb. baS
toab aare. ( neaej ti par aaunib.
Caab aue aaruaipaay erSar snlrae S"
baa aa eera aeeouat wl tba paper. Me
n..i lor arrara; wban
arrars aaear fraa awrraalad aotloa wt
nrtoted tar aatraa. aUaHaumi enarse
O-. D EBT, Attomay-at-Iaw. Money
loaaod. abstract i furntohad. lead
titles examines, estatea settled, gwav
mw hoalaaai Over
rj-RKN 5V 8CHTJEBEL, Attoraeyaat
Law, Dan tacher advakat. will pra
Oco la all courts, make collections
aad anttlamenta. Offlea In Batar
prise Bids. Omawa City. Oteg-em.
HARRY JONES Builder aad General
. Contractor. Estimates cheerful
gives oa all classes of building
work, concrete walks aaa reinforced
Res. Psoas Mala 111.
L H- COOPER. Fo Fire faeuraner
aad Real Estate. Let aa handle
roar pro parti aa we bay. sail aad
exchange. Office la Ratarprtee
Rldg Oregoai City. Oregon-
ORDINANCE for making an Im
provement of Monroe atreet, Oregon
City. Oregon, from the south aide of
Third atreet to tha aouth aide of
Fourteenth street.
Oregon City does ordain aa fol
Section 1. The proposed Improve
ment of Mos roe atreet. Oregon City
Oregon, from tha aouth aide of
Third atreet to the aouth aide of
Fourteenth street, shall be made
according to the plana and apeclcav
tloaa on file la the office of the City
Recorder, of aald Oregon City and
approved by ordinance adopted by
tbo City Council. July 5th. 191k
which said plana and apeclficatlons
are hereby referred to and made a
part of thla ordinance.
The improvement aball be con
structed aa follows: The atreet
shsli be brought to the sub-grade
tbo full width thereof.
Oa the roadbed macadam ahall
he placed not less than 9 Inches
thick at the center of atreet, and
CT Inches tatek at the curbs, and
when completed the roadbed ahall
be brought to grade specified in
Waarad Detaila.
"It waa like thK said the private
dthteu. "Just aa the three burglars
crawled In at the kitchen window the
dock struck 1 anT-
" Excuse me." aald the great detec
tive, -bat which one of the three did
the lock striker
Said atreet ahall be properly pro
vided with drains, catch basins and
gutters neceaary to preserve the
grade, embankment and surface of
the street, and to provide all prop
er drainage. . Sidewalks ahall be
made of concrete, except where
upon application to the Council
owners are permitted to have wood
walks laid. All aide walks ahall be
ala feet wide and laid to the prop
erty line. Curba ahall be laid on
both aides of the macadamized por
tion of the street, 20 feet from the
Tbe crusade again, the ase of tobacco In public ha s
double prorpo that of 'PURTFTTNG the air and (or
. , the RELIEF of persons who do Dot oa the- weod and whose nostrils
axw OUTRAGED by tobacco gnwke. ' , .
I do not object to man smoking his head off IT HE CARES
TO provided be does H St home or la the wood or oadowa, but not
.where other httmaa beince are liable to be. IT IS NOT FAIR.'
Thla coupok wheo neatly clipped and properly filled tn wtth the
name of the candidate 70a wish to vote for, win be counted aa one
vote. .
Name of candidate
. Address 4
Thls coupon Is void after Aaguat 19.
Cut on Usee. Doat rolL Bend In flat
" r
Nominated by e
Address S..i.
Thla aoaainatloa hlaak. who properly filled In aad brought or
mailed to Contest Department of The Enterprise will const for
votes. Only one ot those Masks will be credited to each can- w
dldate. . v ' 4
I wlah to Nominate Miss .'. .
Address v.
center Una of the atreet where the
roadbed Is forty feet wide. Curba
shall be of concrete and aat verti
cally to aulHtrade of the alreel.
Crosswalks aball be of wood four
(41 feet wide and not lesa than
three luchea thick and all tha aald
Improvement ahall be made accord
ing to the plana and specifications
filed July 19th. 1911. and approved
Section I. The Improvement ahull
be cltssed aa "Macadam" and snail
be maintained by Oregon City f'"
the full period of ten yesra from
the data of acceptance by the
Section 3. Tha City Recorder la
hereby directed to advertise for
and receive proMsala for aald im
provement, but the cjty reaervee
the right to reject any and all bids
therefor, and Ihe Mayor and Ke
corder shall enter Into a contract
or coutracta with each person, firm
or corporation to whom Ihe con
tract or contracte are let by the
City Council of Oregon City for the
Improvement or parte thereof as
specified In thla ordinance.
8ectlon 4. Each contract shall
contain a stipulation o the effect
that the person, firm or corpora
tion to whom aald contract or con
tract a are let. ahal look for pay
ment only to the aum aaaeased up
on the property liable to pay for
auch Improvement and collected
and paid Into the City Treasury for
auch purpose and they will not
Oregon City by any legal process
or otherwise to paid the said sum
out of any other fund.
8ectlon 5. Whereas, the condi
tion of aald atreet la and waa dan
gerous to the health and safety of
the public and Its Immediate Im
provement la necessary for the Im
mediate preservation of the health
and safety of the public. In the
Judgment of the Council of Oregon
City. Oregon, an emergency exleta;
therefore thla ordinance shall take
effect and be tn force Immediately
upon Its approval by the Mayor.
Read flrat time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
" City Council, held on the pth day
or August. 1911.
L, STIPP. Recorder,
AN ORDINANCE reducing the width
of the Alley In block (US. Oregon
City. Oregon, from 18 feet to 10
v feet wide.
Oregon City does ordain as fol-
Section 1. There Is hereby va
cated a atrip of land eight feet wide
off of and from both sides of the
Alley tn block 6. Oregon City,
Oregon, and the full length of auch
Alley in aald block, and the alley
through aald block Is hereby reduc
ed In width rrom 2S feet to 10 feet
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of, Ihe
City Council held on the 9tb day of
August. 1911.
L STIPP, Recorder.
AN ORDINANCE appropriating mbney
to construct Public Toilets at Mr-
Loughlln Park and at lower Seventh
atreet at the Suspension Bridge.
Oregon City does ordain aa fol
lows: Section 1. There la hereby ap
propriated out of the general fund
of Oregon City. Oregon, the sum
of one thousand dollars, or so much
aa may be neceasary to pay for the
construction of two Public Toilets,
one to be constructed on the
grounds of McLoughlln Park, and
the other to be constructed under
the east end of the suspension
Bridge oa lower Seventh atreet
Oregoa City, Oregon. Said toilets
to be constructed according to the
plana and specifications made by
the City Engineer and now on file
In the office of the City Recorder.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
City Council of Oregoa City, Oregon,
held August 9th. 1911.
L, STIPP, Recorder.
Resolution and Notice for Sewer Dis
trict No. 9. Oregon City, Oregon.
WHEREAS, Pursusnt to an order of
the City Council, of Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, hereto
fore msde. the City Engineer of said
city, has filed tn the office of the
Recorder, plsns and specifications
for an appropriate sewer located on
Twelfth street. Taylor atreet west
erly to Jackson street. Oregon City.
Clackamas County. Oregon, and the
boundaries of this district are as
follows :
Commencing at the northeest cor
ner of block 1. Beatle s Addition to
Oregon City, on the north boundarv
of district No. 6, thence westerly to
ine nortoesst corner or lot t, block
1. Beatle a Addition to Oregon City,
thence southerly along the wester
. ly boundary of district No. 6 to the
southeast corner of lot 5. block 1
Beatlej-ddlilnn 10 Oron CU y4
thence westerly along the north
boundary of district No. 6 to the
east boundary of district No. 3 at
the southeast corner of block 1(59,
thence northerly to the northeast
corner of lot 4. block 170, thence
easterly 81 feet to west line of
Taylor street, thence southerly 121
feet to the point of beginning.
The plans, specifications and esti
mates hereby approved and the
boundary of said district benefited
-and to be assessed for such sewer
as follows:
By laying a sewer along Twelfth
street from Taylor to Jackson
streets with vitrified terra cotta
pipe having an Interior diameter of
Inches and all necessary lateral
sewera draining said part of said
blocks above described, and said
sewer shall have all. the necessary
manholes, lampholes. . lateral. .nH
connections. It shall be laid and
connected acordlng to the plans and
apeclficatlons adopted and approved
by this resolution.
The probable whole cost of this
aewer is IS50.00.
T.b Rcora' Is required to
have this resolution and notice pub.
iisaed aa by charter provided
' L8TIPP, Recorder.
Vau have noticed tost those who pet ahead In tha
generally those who are food managers rhe have lut.
care of their Ineemee.
It la eonceded the world ever that the heat way ta tau ,
ene'a Income and have a growing balance la te hasp a hank ai
There are Just aa many raa tone why YOU should . ,
count at thla bank aa there are why any ef our hundraa, '
ntd depositors should.
Come In and let we tell them to yau.
The Bank of Oregon City
O l.ATOl'RISTTE Praaldaal
r. j kUTc.
1 eeete a e'el alng weineee.
Open frvfti t A
along the west boundary of lot 11.
block 6. to Ihe nrthst corner of
hit 4. block 5. thence along the weet
boundary of lot 4. block S to the
southwest corner of lot 4. block S.
thence along the aoulh boundary of
blocks 5 and 4 to the southeast cor
ner of block 4. thence along easterly
boundary of block 4. J snd 1, 19
point of beginning, and
The plana, speclficatloni and sell,
mates hereby approved and the
boundary of Ihe dlaltirt benefited
and to be aaaeased for such aewer
as follows; to-alt:
By laying a sewer along Eigh
teenth street with vitrified lerra
cotta pipe having an Interior di
ameter of 11 Inches and an I Inch
lateral sewer draining blocks 2. S. 4.
5, 7 and sVwIth the eceptlon of lot
5. block 5, and lota 15. 14. 13 and
12. of block 6, and said aewer ahall
have all the necesaary manholes.
lampholes, Istersls and connectlona. j
It shall be laid anu ronnecieu ac
cording to the plans and specifics
tlons sdopted and approved by thla
The probsble whole cost of aald
sewer Is $J.00.00.
The City Recorder Is required to
hae this resolution published aa
required by-the Charter of Oregon
L STIPP. Recorder.
(CDUnu4 from 1.)
D-isl..e a . .. .
.I' . n "once r Sower Die-
V.... or,0" City, Oreaon.
WHEREAS. Pursuant to an order'i,'rCOUnfn f
e7 We,?.?1 En,nr Mid
Recorder plana and specifications
-Hi-ropnate eewer. located In
Green Point territory. Oregon City
J. rtf"n- bonndarie. of this
district are aa follows:
ner C'rf " th "Wln-ast Cor-
ncr of block 1 Green Tolnt pl.t
Uience w,.,.rfy ,Ion
boundarle. of block. 1 aT 7
Tth7r,;:t:r'r,hof b,ork t-
of hutw J "5 ,h WMt boundary
of blocks 7 and i. to the aouth wait
pedltlon were subjects of !reat Itrit
aln. t'slng this for sn eiruae, they
aolS out the post at Fort Astoria In
IRIS, to representatives of tba North
west Company, who brought tha newa
of tha-outbreak of war between the
I'nlted Statea and Great Britain In
Fort Is Established.
Coder the name Fort George, the
fort established by A at or and known
aa Kurt Astoria, remained under Brit
ish rule for several years, until at the
instigation of Astor. the I'nlted
States, undrr a clause of the treaty
of Chent, In ahkh both nations
agreed to surrender all territory cap
tured during tbo war of 1112. demand
ed the return of Port Astoria.
England's repreaentatlvee on the
Joint commiaaion In London admitted
the bona fide settlement of Astoria
with the Intent to colonise, and ceded
sovereignty of the fort la ISIS, but
Insisted upon recognition of the valid
Ity of the sale of the real property
by Astor s partners to tha Northwest
Company. Astor waa thua cheated
out of his property, but the I'nlted
Statea had secured practical recogni
tion of a powerful argument for uae
In the permanent settlement of the
Oregon controversy la 1840.
In that controversy. Ureal Britain,
aa the result of exploration and alleg
ed bona fide settlement of Fort Van
couver In 1821, claimed the territory
aa far aouth aa the present Oregon
Washington boundary, the London
Commission having tentatively fixed
the boundary line along the 59th par
allel only so fsr west aa the Rocky
Again the I'nlted States brought
forth Its argument that Astor'a expe
dition Intended, prior to 1821, to colo
nize the entire Columbia River water
shed, and this argument, supported
by discovery of the Columbia In 1792
by Captain Gray, and exploration by
Lewis and Clark In 1805. secured the
acknowledgment of sovereignty to
practically all the territory drained
by the Columbia, save a considerable
area In the Okanogan country.
Almost Causes War.
The Called Statea did not yield up
the Kraser Klver watershed and the
greater part of the Okanogan country
gracefully, polk, with many other
eminent Americana. aa convinced
that out title waa perfect aa far north
as 54 degrees 40 minutes, and he and
the Democratic party made their
campaign In 1844 on the famous alo
gan. "Klfty-four-forty or fight.- The
steps taken In line with this policy
by Congress all but Involved ua In
war with Great Britain, who flatly
refused to consider any proposal for
a boundary further north than the
4th parallel. The backdown of Con
greaa, which was followed within a
few weeks by - the convention wllh
Enland etttablishing that parallel aa
the permanent boundary, waa termed
"a disgraceful surrender."
The territory, secured to tha iti.
ed Statea. however, waa a vest one,
comprising H iif tha .. ....
of Washington, (ir.n.n i.k. .-j
parte of Montana and Wyoming.
The principal historical structure
In connection with th iitnri.
tennlal celebration . rrpca of the
original port Astoria. Thla waa a
stockade euclOHure. about 100 feet
wilk?' d,,f'nd'H, b 'ur Iron cannon.
Within are reprodurtlona of the log
Z 'ZJ? . c" A,or expedition!
ttii k ii, " 'he "barn- Int
which the "ne trW . .. I
machine shop, the ammunition maga
ilne and the storehouse. The atock
oe Is made of ali.tnoh .
kit,!, .-.a L -.-a III iee I
i.ib d h-rpened at Ihe top. with I
,w" " of the four cor-
Cer. Vaughn and Twenty
va. j
-v portlan:
wguat t f. 10, 11,
Oamee tegln Weekdays
Sundays, 1:90 P.
Boys Udef 1 pree to
ICran waat altbrra Vlbrallnf
tkaeUIuraittaleTfcM! K'l
Itowtas Marblor wm4
Til IIW (Ball tiwiii macsc;
Oranae, M
Maa atvlae bmc ( a mi
eaabar. bat aa Hew at aaaa a 4
Oat saanaw aM
atoM hy aw taiertaM SWaM
SM M err lean St P
Boy a Home
While Paying!
- 100 down aad tit I
takes this comfortable j
house aad lot. House I
for electricity. Lot 2xf
Soaee frwlt on place. I
cated oa Madtsna 81 1
A snap at I
E. P. Elliott anf
-. by l
7th Sad Mala Bts..
eloo Bridge.
110 REWARD j
For the arreet an of
of any parson or peref
unlawfully remove copls
Morning Enterprise pr
premises of subscribes
paper has bees placed I
carrier. J
Is oa sale at the followtaj
every dav: 1
lluatlav Bros DrC
Mala Street I
i. W. McAnulty
Seventh and Mas
Secreat -43onfectlar
Mala near Blxti
M. B. Duna Cor.feetf
. Next door to P.
0y Drug 8 tt
rJectrlc Hotel
Bchoenbora Confetti
Seventh ard .Q-i
av av a aV a e
t"b'AJ: "TATe .TrtANsriRs.
,. iaom to James if. W Will.
ann Int. . . . . .. . will-
Addl.ron-.".0' . "Nob Hill
ulJt nd. Emm" A P-eraon and
a?., A- White.
y: 1. tiachamaa coun-
8 - Lowry to H. H. Cronlae. .67 acre
Michael anil c-tl. n
John n wm".. "V"" o
. in. nnavon. li.uo
5 acres
W. R.
.range 1 west: 1750.
Hauaer to
Shenard a .Vl . L
Korrcct Ch:.
Ucto Hens L:
Oyetee Sheila. acrsU '
Grit Meat Meal, " '
Oat Orosts, Cracks
Cracked Wheat, eta.
CoCaUissioii 1
'" OrsfenCly-
Ara vna a mhswrtber 1
Ing EnterprtaeT If aot r
end let a pot your a""
crlptrnaj Rat tmniedla'